8 reasons for Jennifer Lawrence's perfect figure. Jennifer Lawrence's trainer spoke about the star's nutritional rules and workouts

You are not the only one who meticulously examines your face and figure in front of the mirror. Celebrity beauties do it too! And they often remain dissatisfied with what they see... Our material only confirms that all complexes are in vain, because its heroines are beautiful!

Scarlett Johansson: legs

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Scarlett Johansson has always been unhappy with her legs: according to the actress, they are too short and full. “Everyone in Hollywood is so skinny, I always felt chubby, especially because of my legs!” — Scarlett admitted in an interview. However, the actress immediately added that over time she learned to accept this “flaw.”

Jennifer Lawrence: figure


In a recent interview with Harper's Bazaar magazine, Jennifer Lawrence said that she dreams of a “normal body”! Jennifer considers herself too fat... The actress said: “I would really like to have a normal body. I don't have that. So I do Pilates every day and watch my diet to become more “normal.” But at least I don’t consider myself the fattest in the world, that’s good.”

Cameron Diaz: small breasts

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Cameron Diaz still with adolescence has a complex about her small breasts. With her characteristic sense of humor, the actress says: “I periodically feel my breasts, checking to see if they have grown a little? But no, she’s not growing...” But we are glad that this complex did not prompt Cameron to insert ball implants!

Lily Allen: curvy hips

Singer Lily Allen believes that her curvy hips should be hidden from prying eyes. But in vain! The star once admitted: “All jeans are designed for girls with slender legs and graceful hips. With my hips, I can only afford dresses and skirts...” Lily, why limit your wardrobe so much because of an imaginary problem?

Victoria Beckham: smile

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Vicky doesn’t smile not because she is such a pretentious “Princess Nesmeyana.” Just one day the star looked at her numerous photos with a smile and thought: “This is terrible!” Victoria considers her smile to look like a grin and is sure that it does not suit her at all. So you have to be a serious lady!

Penelope Cruz: small butt

While some girls dream of reducing the size of their hips and butts, Penelope Cruz, on the contrary, is unhappy with her “butt” - it’s too small! “As a child, I did ballet, so my butt is now too graceful, it would be better if it were bigger...” admits Cruz. The actress also said that during the filming of the film “The Return” by Pedro Almodóvar, she wore a false butt under her skirt to make the image more realistic. “I felt wonderful with her!” - said the star.

Shakira: figure

It's surprising, but Shakira has a complex about her figure! It seems to us that everything is fine with the star, but Shakira herself once said: “In some of my videos I look very relaxed and confident. In fact, I don’t like my body, the most I can expose is my stomach.”

Nicole Kidman: lack of feminine curves

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The slender owner of long legs, Nicole Kidman, also found something to complain about. She, you see, would like to have a more feminine figure! The actress says: “I constantly think about the fact that I have a boy’s physique. I would prefer to have steeper curves, they make the figure more desirable ... "

Cindy Crawford: "sad" breasts

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Surprisingly, such a hot beauty like Cindy also has complexes! “I always didn’t like my breasts,” Crawford shared, “in my youth they seemed too small to me, and now, after two births, they are a little saggy. For this reason, I try not to wear a neckline - it will look ugly.” It seems to us that Cindy definitely has nothing to worry about, because she - real example for imitation.

Kate Upton: big breasts

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Breasts were in first place on the list of girls' complexes! Sometimes small, sometimes “sad,” sometimes big... Model Kate Upton would like to have a more modest size, despite the fact that men admire her bust. “I dream of small breasts every day of my life! I want to wear tops with thin straps and not wear a bra underneath. Life is much easier with size 1 breasts!” says Upton.

Jennifer Lawrence, despite her young age, has already become a real movie star. The Hunger Games trilogy, where she played main role(the third part will tentatively be released at the end of 2014, beginning of 2015) made it super popular, just as Twilight made it world famous in its time.

Jennifer’s figure is “unstable” and constantly changes its shape - the actress either gets better or loses weight. For example, at photo shoots she looks very sexy:

Sexy and slim Jennifer Lawrence.

But the photos from the beach, which were not processed with Photoshop, although they look very appetizing (of course, Jennifer has breast size 3!), show fat on the sides of the actress, as well as quite noticeable cellulite:

Jennifer Lawrence on a Hawaiian beach.

In this photo, it’s hard not to notice the cellulite on Jennifer’s butt.

Jennifer Lawrence Diet

Many fans of the actress are interested in whether their idol is on a diet? As you probably guessed, no, he’s not sitting. Jennifer Lawrence's diet is nothing more than a myth. The actress is categorically against diets, has never used them and, according to her, does not intend to.

When she needs to get in shape before filming, Jennifer begins to exercise. For example, during the filming of The Hunger Games, she ran a lot, did rock climbing and learned archery. But again, Lawrence herself doesn’t really like sports and does all of the above “under pressure.”

Jennifer's eating habits can be shocking - the actress loves to snack, loves cheesecakes and hamburgers. But she doesn't care. The main thing is to love your body and accept it for what it is, the actress believes.

0 March 2, 2016, 2:45 pm

Jennifer Lawrence with her trainer Dalton Wong

How does the creator of a sandwich made from spaghetti, chili and pizza manage to pamper herself with high-calorie and delicious food and at the same time look luxurious in open dresses? The star's friend and coach Dalton Wong spoke about the Oscar winner's secrets.

London-based fitness guru Dalton Wong began working with the actress in 2010. Then Jen, together with her trainer, worked on her figure for the filming of the film “X-Men: First Class”. The actress continues to follow Dalton's recommendations to this day.

Lawrence, 25, gave a flattering comment about the coach's work, which Wong published in his book:

We spent 10-12 hours together every day between filming X-Men for three months. He changed my body and taught me skills that changed me.

Jennifer Lawrence in X-Men: First Class

Dalton says the secret to success is simple: healthy habits and a fitness plan without any indulgences. Lawrence explains:

I never diet. Dalton taught me that I should eat, move and live deliciously, but healthy life. We're great friends. When I'm in London I like to train with him in the gym. True, then Dalton and I go eat burgers and fries with his family. It's all about balance.

Wong admitted to reporters that working with Jen influenced his career:

I met Jen when she was 20 years old. Even though I had been doing fitness training for a long time, she helped me learn how to make a 20-year-old girl look amazing without depriving her of the joys of youth. I tell her, "Okay, Jen, we'll do it this way: you need to work out at the gym, you need to eat right, but on Friday you can go to a party - and, yes, you can go to the candy store."

Wong also taught Jennifer to eat the right amount of fat, protein and carbohydrates. Proper nutrition, according to the trainer, includes snacks. For example, turkey, hummus with vegetables, yeast-free bread, some avocado and even dark chocolate.

“I’m always quite liberal with her diet, but I control the portions,” Jen’s coach explained and admitted that he draws up a nutrition plan for the star so that she has enough strength for filming and training.

Dalton says that due to her busy schedule, the actress has to find any free time to work on her body:

Between filming, we can do a 15-minute set of exercises that are easy to do without special equipment: squats, lunges. Such 15-minute workouts are not just intense exercise, they are a step towards change.

Wong, who has also worked with Keith Harrington, shares other secrets in his new book. For example, he advises not to drink alcohol on an empty stomach, but to combine it with healthy snacks (the best thing, according to the author, is popcorn without additives). Also at parties, Wong advises to pay attention to champagne, as it is usually served in glasses and it’s easier to control yourself. It is better to combine this drink with fatty foods to stimulate digestion.

I tell my clients that they can eat or drink carbohydrates, but they should eat in moderation. For example, if you want wine, then refuse dessert,

Dalton Wong explains the rules developed.

Source People

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Photo DailyPicture

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Jennifer Lawrence is one of the most famous actresses today. In addition to her acting talent, the star looks amazing and has gorgeous appearance, for which she has repeatedly been included in the ratings of the most beautiful actresses in Hollywood. Many women are interested in how Jennifer Lawrence maintains her figure, because it’s so nice to attract the attention of men with her ideal forms.

Celebs always try to look good, because it's part of their job. Jennifer never appears on stage in front of the cameras looking unkempt. She is always beautiful and dazzling. And journalists with cameras still try to catch the moment when the actress is not ready to shoot. For example, they photograph her in sports casual clothes or chewing a hamburger.

However, you can’t find a photo online, for example, on the beach in a swimsuit, where folds of fat and cellulite would be visible. Agree that many world-famous stars have such “compromising evidence”. However, Jennifer Lawrence does not have such a problem, because her figure has practically no flaws.

Path to glory

As we know from Lawrence herself, she was attracted to the acting life as a child, and already, as a teenager, she visited the agency, where she amazed everyone with her talent. After graduating from school as an external student, Jennifer set off to conquer the world of cinema, but it all started with small roles.

Real fame was brought by such a picture as “Winter’s Bone”. For her role in this film, the girl was nominated for an Oscar for the first time. And although at that time 20-year-old Lawrence could not win, she was named the most promising actress. We can say that they made the right decision, because now this name is on everyone’s lips.

This was followed by leading roles in such films as “X-Men”, “The Hunger Games”, “My Boyfriend Is Crazy”, “Passengers”, “Joy”. All these films were highly praised by critics, and Jennifer received many accolades, later receiving the coveted Oscar and Golden Globe statuettes.

It's amazing how a very young actress was able to achieve great heights. All thanks to the girl’s great talent and desire to work.

Actress nutrition

As for Jennifer Lawrence's diet, she does not follow strict diets and does not consider it necessary. However, you won’t be able to eat everything you want. Therefore, the actress has a certain diet. She doesn’t eat junk food, but tries to eat healthy - this is the basis of a slim body.

It is also an important principle to maintain a balance between consumed carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Once you start eating healthy and balanced, you will be able to control your weight.

Jennifer also has several useful habits that help maintain a slim figure:

  • Water consumption in large quantities . A well-known and repeated advice that is familiar to everyone. Lawrence always follows it and recommends it to others. She prefers salt water, adding it in proportions of 1:10 or with lemon juice and coconut. In a day Hollywood star consumes up to 2 liters of water.
  • Healthy sleep . The actress always tries to get enough sleep so that her body feels invigorated. When traveling and traveling, the girl prefers to nap during the day.
  • Chocolate consumption. When a person is on a diet, he has to limit himself in many ways. However, often you crave something sweet, and Lawrence allows himself to eat a piece of dark chocolate.

Jennifer Lawrence does not strive to be thin, but she tries to maintain her figure through proper nutrition, and she succeeds without dieting.

Sports in the life of a Hollywood star

Plays a big role in maintaining and shaping a girl’s figure. exercise stress. For films, Jennifer began to exercise regularly. So, before filming The Hunger Games, she learned archery, ran a lot and loaded herself with physical activity.

In order to look good and act in films, Lawrence has to endure intense training. However, intensive exercise for the sake of her figure is a joy for her. Therefore, the actress advises to engage in any sport so that you enjoy it. Let it be basketball, swimming or yoga, the main thing is to experience a surge of joy from everything. After all, then you will get the desired result faster, because you will invest more effort.

Jennifer's trainer also worked on the girl's posture. After all straight back helps you look better.

Since Jennifer Lawrence has a busy schedule and does not always have time to go to the gym, she does not forget about regular exercise. The girl performs a 15-minute complex, including squats, bends, lunges and stretching exercises. Such short exercises help keep the body and muscles in good shape.

Jennifer is an athletic girl, and combining strength training with proper nutrition, she manages to maintain a beautiful figure.

Beauty standards

Jennifer Lawrence does not consider it necessary to adhere to strict diets. In her interviews, the girl says that many magazines promote excessive thinness as a standard of femininity and true beauty. On this we completely agree with the actress.

After all, every day representatives of the fair sex see how the next world star I lost weight and became more beautiful. Also, the models look very thin and these standards are not suitable for ordinary people. But watching the world of show business, girls have the wrong idea about a beautiful figure, and, as a result, many develop complexes on this basis.

It's good that they are like that famous people, like Jennifer Lawrence, say that you don't have to be too thin to feel beautiful. The actress herself admits that she is “fat for Hollywood.” However, look, the girl has become popular, and no one considers her fat.

Lawrence admitted to Harper's Bazaar magazine that she constantly has complexes about her figure and wants a “normal, ordinary body.” After all, she constantly has to watch her diet and exercise in order to look fit. And living in such a rhythm is oh so difficult.

Shape Options

Jennifer is often called a sex symbol and people talk about her beauty. Let's see what parameters of her figure she has.

Jennifer Lawrence has not lost weight and does not intend to do so, because she weighs around 59-62 kg. It happened that she weighed 64 kg. But, as the girl says, she is not the fattest in the world yet, and this calms her and makes her happy at the same time.

Jennifer Lawrence's height is 171 cm. And the star admits with a laugh that she feels extremely awkward and uncomfortable when she puts on heels, because she thinks she looks like a huge ogre.

Although the star girl is considered sexy and beautiful, she does not hold this opinion.

I would like to note one more important thing. Namely, that Lawrence’s strength lies in her easy-going character and love of life. Everyone who knows Jennifer talks about how funny she is. This is what makes the star stand out from others. She is not afraid to look stupid and always acts at ease in public.

Secrets of beautiful appearance

Thus, Jennifer is a unique actress who serves good example for other girls. Although she became famous, she has not changed herself and is not chasing model figure parameters. You can take note of how the star maintains her slim figure and start your journey to an ideal body today.

Jennifer Lawrence is known to fans from such top-rated films as “The Hunger Games”, “My Boyfriend Is Crazy”, “X-Men” and many others. IN this moment she is only 25 years old, but despite this she was able to prove to the whole world that she is worth something. Jennifer is an incredibly talented actress. With mind-blowing popularity, she has remained simple and down to earth, thanks to which she has thousands of loyal fans around the world. Many consider Jennifer Lawrence one of the sexiest American actresses, and therefore are actively interested in what type of figure she has.

Jennifer Lawrence - height, weight and body type

The American-born actress has an extraordinary appearance, as well as being beautiful and slender. She is one of the most desirable women in Hollywood. It should also be noted that Jennifer Lawrence is quite a scandalous celebrity, because from time to time her candid shots, where her figure is visible in all its glory. In addition, Lawrence often graces the covers of glossy magazines in transparent negligees and chic lingerie. Of course, it is quite logical that fans are interested in what their idol’s body parameters are.

Obviously, the girl is simply in excellent shape, but she herself has said more than once in interviews that among other actresses she is considered fat. At the same time, many directors and photographers note that Lawrence is a wonderful role model and approaches images very responsibly. She also brings a part of herself to them. That is why, as a result, all her works are to the taste of the public.

The actress believes that it is better to be in good shape and be strong than to be malnourished and flat. Jennifer Lawrence's figure parameters are as follows: height - 175 centimeters, weight - 63 kilograms. She looks simply irresistible and, despite her rather tall height, never refuses high heels. Proof of her appetizing curves is also the many pictures of Jennifer Lawrence in a swimsuit.

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By the way, in one of the interviews the girl stated that the image of a skinny girl does not suit her at all. She also said that no man has yet turned away from her appearance, despite her weight. Of course, in order to look fit on the beach, Jennifer Lawrence plays sports, runs and enjoys yoga.