Aphorisms and quotes about actions. Bad and good, evil and good deeds of people from the position of pragmatism (personal gain) Bad and good deeds of a person

Amvrosievskaya comprehensive boarding school I - III steps No. 4

Ministry of Education and Science of Donetsk People's Republic

Game - conversation

« Goodand badactions»

Conducted by teacher: Nikiforova V.N.

Game - conversation« Goodand badactions»


Clarify, generalize and expand children's knowledge about good and bad deeds.

Instill in children the desire to do only good deeds.

Foster a culture of communication, friendly relationships, the desire to support friends, family and loved ones, and take care of them.

Learn to independently evaluate the actions of other people.

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, productive,


    Generalize and expand children's knowledge about good and bad deeds.

    Repeat and reinforce with children forms of polite treatment of people.

    Draw children's attention to the fact that kind words must be combined with kind deeds.

    Foster a culture of communication, friendly relationships, the desire to support friends, and take care of them.

Planned results: can repeat forms of polite address, distinguish between good and bad deeds. Shows friendly relationships and a desire to support friends.

Equipment: flower Tsvetik-Semitsvetik, made of colored paper, cards with good and bad deeds, pencils, paints, felt-tip pens, sheets of paper.

    Organizing time

Educator: Good morning, guys. Today we will talk on the topic: “What is good and what is bad.” Let's talk about the good and bad deeds of people, and we will also have exciting tasks that are written on the petals of the flower Tsvetika-Semitsvetika. I will tear off one petal after another, where we will be offered some kind of task or game. Ready?Educator: At firstguys, I suggest you listen to the poem:

WHERE WAS “THANK YOU”? Overnight, snowdrifts grew in the park, in the yard, in the garden. I'm barely making my way along the street. And I look to the left, And I look to the right: - Who is shoveling the snow there? - I’ll ask myself. This is my neighbor's grandmother. We need to help grandma! I take a shovel from her, I’m always willing to help! Cleaned everything up! My face is burning from work. The old lady smiled at me and “Thank you!” speaks. I’m pleased to hear this, After all, I’m pretty tired... So it turned out that “thank you” I dug up under the snow!

R. Timershin

Now let's get back to the FLOWER - SEVEN-FLOWER

red petal I tear it off and suggest playing a game of polite words.

Word game “Polite words”.

Educator: Tell me how you can greet adults and children?

Children: Hello, Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, hello.

Educator: How can you thank? (Thank you, thank you very much, thank you).

Educator: How can you wish something pleasant? (All the best, all the best, be healthy, Good night, bon appetit, bon voyage).

Educator: What words help you apologize? (Sorry, sorry, please , , ).

Educator: And when we need to ask for something, how do we do it? What words can help? (Please, be kind, be kind, I beg you; help, please).

Educator: And finally, tell me all the ways to say goodbye. (Goodbye, see you soon, goodbye, bye).

Educator: Well done! All the polite words were remembered. Now let’s play another game called “Guess by Voice.”

One presenter is selected and blindfolded. Children take turns calling polite words, the leader must guess the children who named polite words. After two or three words the leader changes.

Educator: orange petal , I tear it off, now I propose to answer the questions. Tell it to be a good man, is it enough to just know polite words? How many of you can explain what it means to be good?

( This means being attentive to people; take care of people close to you; give way when going to a meeting; give way to girls and adults; thank you for your help; don't be rude; try to please, and also speak polite words).

Educator: That's right, guys. Being a good person means not only saying polite words, but also trying to do nice things for other people, helping friends in difficult times, being kind and fair. Now let's play the game “Say it the other way around.”

Word game “Say the opposite”.

Are you sad guys? (We are funny guys).

Are you bad guys? (We are polite guys).

Are you lazy guys? (We are hardworking guys).

Are you unfriendly guys? (We are friendly guys). Are you evil guys? (We are good guys). Are you rude guys? (We are polite guys). Are you greedy guys? (We are generous guys).

Educator:Listen to the poem by Vladimir Mayakovsky “What is good and what is bad.”

Educator: yellow petal I tear it off, now I’ll read the task to you: I suggest you remember the proverbs about goodness and kindness.

    Speak boldly about a good deed.

    Life is given for good deeds.

    A quarrel will not lead to good things.

    A good word heals, but an evil word cripples.

    It is not clothes that make a man, but his good deeds.

    Kind words are more valuable than wealth.

    Don't look for beauty, look for kindness.

    Managed to do something wrong, and managed to obey.

    Do not boast about silver, but about good things.

  • Do good and expect good.

  • A kind person takes someone else's illness to heart.

  • The evil one cries from envy, and the good one from joy.

  • Peace builds, but war destroys.

  • No evil leads to good.

  • Life is given for good deeds.

  • There is no good without a silver lining.

Educator: green petal I tear it off, now I’ll read the task to you: I suggest you find cards with good deeds.

The teacher hangs up illustrations of good and bad deeds. Children take turns coming up, choosing a picture with a good deed, explaining their choice and sitting down. The remaining pictures are also reviewed and discussed.

Poem: Vladimir Novikov “Forgot”

    The birds are silent on the branches.

Winter. And there is no food.

But it lasts a very long time

At Tolik's: lunch.

They stroke out the window:

There on the edge of the table

Tolya left crumbs,

But I remembered about business.

He did all his homework

He learned a rhyme

And in the street traffic

I rushed to the skating rink.

He is brave and courageous

He had a hockey stick.

But about something important

He still: forgot!

Guys, what did Tolik forget to do? (Feed the birds)

What did Tolik do without feeding the birds outside the window? (Badly)

What should Tolik have done to be told that he did well? (I fed the birds and then sat down to do my homework)

    Three youths board the train

"Wow, there are so many people here!

Take your seats, guys.

Otherwise the grandmothers will take over!”

How did the guys do? (Badly)

What is their bad behavior? (disrespect for elders)

    Petya deftly catches fish,

Can deftly tinker,

Just "Hello" and "Thank you"

Can't speak.

    Kolya quarrels with friends,

The entrance lets out fists.

The bully has under his eyes

Bruises do not go away.

    The lazy mother says:

Make your bed!

Mom, I would clean it up

Only I'm still small.

I'm wondering what other good and bad things people can do?

Educator: Blue petal I take it off and suggest you write a story about yourself.

Children are asked to write stories about their good deeds. (Children's stories).

What good did you do today?

Educator: blue petal I tear it off and suggest playing the game “Tender Word.”. I've heard a lot of good things you do, and now we'll play a game. I will tell you a word, and you will have to call this word affectionately.

Friend - ... "buddy",

Sun - ... “sun”,

Child - ... “baby”,

Cat - ... “kitty”,

Mom - ... “mommy”,

Bird - ... “birdie”,

Sister - ... “little sister”.

Educator: purple petal I tear it off, now I’ll read the assignment to you: I suggest you draw a picture about a friend, “My good, kind friend.”

Educator: Guys, what color do you think good deeds are? Why? (Children's answers). Can good deeds be black? Why? (Children's answers).

Educator: Look at our petals, they are also all bright, colorful, beautiful. Now stand in a circle, hold hands and smile at each other. Our journey has come to an end. Let's build a "Pyramid of Friendship".

Children lay hands on each other.

What did we talk about today?

What more actions should we try to do?

Do you want to tell your parents about today's conversation?


Thanks everyone for participating in the conversation?

Professor of business ethics at the Rotterdam School of Management Muel Kaptein tried to understand this issue and highlighted several key points as to why good people can turn into violators and criminals:

"Tunnel Vision"

Setting and achieving goals is very important, both in life and in your career. However, stubbornly pursuing the same goal, you may not notice the loss. moral guidelines.

A person in pursuit of results can become blind to everything else.

The power of names

When some concepts are replaced by others (bribery - “speed up the process”, financial fraud - “financial engineering”), then scams and offenses can be viewed in a more positive light. Also, anonymity and the use of euphemisms (substitute words) generate a certain freedom of action and free a person from responsibility for committing illegal actions.

Social bond theory

In large organizations, employees may feel like cogs in one big machine rather than individuals. When people feel disconnected from production goals and management, they become more likely to cheat.

When employees feel abandoned—as if they have stopped moving in the same direction as the company itself—their selfish interests come to the fore.

Galatea effect

Self-esteem determines our behavior. People who consider themselves strong personalities, are less likely to commit unseemly acts.

In addition, people for whom everything is decided by their environment most often break the rules because they feel less responsible for what is happening.


Kaptein argues that when a manager cannot control the time available to his subordinates, he puts considerable psychological pressure on employees, demanding that tasks be completed as quickly as possible. An example of this is an experiment conducted among a group of theology students who were read the parable of the Good Samaritan, which told about selfless help to a person in trouble from a complete stranger to him.

According to the conditions of the experiment, each of the students had to walk from one building to another. On his way he met a man begging for help.

If a sufficient amount of time was given for the transition from one knowledge to another, then, as a rule, everyone helped the victim. When time was deliberately shortened, then only 63 % of students provided assistance. When students were advised to get to a place as quickly as possible, then 90 % of them ignored the pleas of the sufferer.

Top managers must understand that there is no relationship between the number of hours a person spends in the workplace and the results of his work.

Ignoring petty theft

In any job you can find many small temptations. Stationery, sugar packets, and toilet paper often migrate from the office to employees’ homes.

As a rule, such petty thefts go unnoticed. But the line that an unscrupulous employee can cross is easily erased, and larger thefts are taken for granted by him.

Self-centered prejudices

Few people want to admit that they are a mediocre worker; many people believe that they are better and smarter than others. This is why sometimes there is a feeling of protest.

For example, someone else's promotion is perceived by colleagues as a big misunderstanding that is not related to the professional merits of the employee. Bias and a sense of injustice force people to resort to all sorts of tricks and deception.

Pygmalion effect

A certain attitude towards people influences their behavior. When a boss distrusts employees and suspects them of potential theft, they are more likely to behave like thieves.

This effect occurs even among those employees who have never thought about anything like this.

Environmental influence

Employees are a reflection of their environment. If corruption prevails at work, then corruption and corruption are taken for granted.

Research conducted among workers different countries, showed that people who come from countries with high level corruption, were more willing to take and give bribes.

Reactance theory

As we know, the rules were designed to prevent unethical behavior. However, when rules are seen as unfair or excessive, they can backfire.

If a person feels in them a threat to his freedom, he will, on principle, begin to break laws, neglecting these rules.


The subordination of subordinate employees to superiors is the basis on which any working relationship is built. If the boss asks you to do something (even if it does not fit into the law), it is sometimes extremely difficult to refuse him.

It's easy to justify bad behavior, and if people act as tools to fulfill someone else's desires, they feel less responsible for what happens.

The blind effect of power

As people gain power and influence, they begin to make higher demands not on themselves, but on others. By setting rules, they demand their unquestioning implementation from subordinates, but they themselves neglect them. This is why bosses often acquire a sense of permissiveness and impunity.

Broken windows theory

This theory was once popularized by New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani during his efforts to reduce crime. Her idea was to tightly control petty crimes and create some semblance of order in the city, thereby preventing the emergence of new, more serious offenses.

The unrest taking place before people's eyes causes a “chain reaction”, provoking further lawlessness. In other words, if glass in a building is broken and a new one is not installed, then sooner or later all the other windows in it will be broken.

Free rider effect

When everything around is generally good, some people begin to think that one small offense will not change anything.

"...If no one steals at the workplace, then the company is unlikely to notice a small loss..."

- they think. Positive behavior can sometimes backfire and people start to take liberties if the total amount of damage is limited.

"Winner Takes All"

In situations where there is a clearly defined winner and loser, people are more likely to cheat and deceive because they desperately want to avoid financial and reputational losses. A competitive environment with the best and the worst encourages employees to play unfairly.

The reason is that victories and defeats hurt people's ego. Kapteyn argues that an organizational culture that encourages selfishness breeds jealousy, envy, and vindictiveness among employees who strive to maintain acquired status and honors.

Moreover, people who are closest to the goal are more likely to cheat than those who are still far from the goal.

The problematic nature of punishment

The use of fines and other economic sanctions in response to foul play and unethical behavior may have undesirable effects. The very concept of a “good deed” is devalued.

It turns out that any offense has its own “price”, which the offender calculates for himself as “profitable” or not.

Induction mechanism

People tend to compare their present experiences with their past. In other words, as soon as a person crosses the line of what is permitted, he no longer considers his act reprehensible.

And when repeated immoral acts become the norm, it is only a matter of time before more serious crime occurs.

Compensation effect

Sometimes people who long years behaved honestly and did the right thing, suddenly they began to indulge in all serious things. That is, the accumulated so-called “credit of trust” allowed them to justify their misdeeds in the future.


Nobody likes to cause inconvenience and be considered the “black sheep” in the team. In order to fit into it, people try to behave in accordance with the principles and rules that prevail in this group.

Therefore, for the sake of preserving established norms and order, newcomers prefer to ignore certain “abuses” of authority and the adoption of “dubious” decisions.

We discussed in detail different types karma. Now we need to figure out what it is vikarma. Vikarma. - it is an activity done for selfish reasons, not in accordance with the instructions of the scriptures. As a result of such activities, a person accumulates his sins and is first under the influence of the mode of passion, and then gradually comes under the influence of the mode of ignorance. Some people, born on Earth, behave completely immorally from childhood. The Vedas say that if a child is conceived:

In a drunken delirium;

In case of rape;

While engaging in debauchery;

With secret or obvious hatred between spouses;

Just after sunset;

With signs of sadism,

“It is obvious that the soul that fell into the womb of this unlucky mother came from the lower worlds. The arrival of such a soul does not happen by chance, it is attracted by the taste of hatred and cruelty that the parents cultivate in themselves. Veda describe the signs of a person who came from the lower world. For example, in "Markendeya Purana" Some signs of a person who has come from the lower world or hell are indicated:

- tendency to indulge in harmful criticism;

- lack of gratitude;

- discovery of other people's secrets;

- cruelty and rudeness;

- tendency to adultery;

- tendency to extortion and fraud;

- uncleanness;

- condemnation of holy and spiritual life;

- deceit and deceit;

- stinginess;

- ability to kill.

The great sage Chanakya Pandit said that:

“The following qualities of the inhabitants of hell can characterize people on earth: strong anger, rude speech, enmity with relatives, company with a scoundrel and serving people of low aspirations.”

If speak about vikarma then everyone is it negative qualities character and all human actions contrary to the scriptures. If the person committing vikarma If no other vital interests appear other than the cultivation of ignorance, then he will inevitably come to the complete degradation of consciousness. Just so that we remember that vikarma - This is not what brings happiness, fate makes it so that this entire terrible path is constantly accompanied by painful suffering.

For the convenience of analyzing a person’s bad actions vikarma divided according to different categories of society as:

1) anti-parental;

2) anti-family;

3) antisocial;

4) anti-human.

Anti-parental vikarma

This is the view vikarmas, in which a newborn child will cause suffering to its parents. It turns out that:

If we owe someone large sums of money in past lives;

For a long time illegally used someone else's labor;

For a long time, someone has been badly influenced mentally, then if these people hate us, as a result, in the next life, perhaps they will be born as our children and cause us all kinds of suffering. These issues are well covered in "Padma Purana" and we can give here its conclusions:

“People who lent us something in a past life and did not receive their property back become our relatives in this life.”

“Some of the relatives may even be people whose property we took illegally.”

“Spouses, parents, brothers and sisters, even servants are all born as a result of (mental or physical) debts accumulated from past lives.”

“Every person is born in certain conditions in accordance with the motive (desires, taste for happiness) that prevailed in him at the time of death. In his present birth, he satisfies this motivation and, after experiencing all the sufferings and joys associated with this, leaves the body he received.”

“One who in a past life lost his property as a result of deception, is born in this life as a beautiful, well-bred son of his debtors, and then, having caused unbearable pain to his parents, leaves them (possibly dies).”

“He who borrows money from others and dies without paying it back becomes in his next birth a father, a brother, a wife, a friend, etc. in the creditor's family. He behaves badly, treats everyone badly, speaks rudely and enjoys his life. someone else's account. Such a person wastes family well-being.”

In the latter case, bad karma accumulates even more and in the next life such a person will most likely be born as a child in the family of those whom he bullied. However, this time he will be bullied.

Anti-family vikarma

At this sight vikarmas a person commits many sinful acts against his family. If family members have not forgiven him, then his family life with those whom he terrorized will continue in the next life. But now he himself will be the object of suffering. IN "Srimad Bhagavatam" 3.31.41 it is written that if a husband was strongly attached to his wife, then in the next life he will be born a woman:

“A living being who was attached to a woman in a previous life gets a woman’s body in his next life.”

QUESTION: How is affection combined with hatred?

ANSWER: The attachment referred to here is the egoistic perception of another person. It comes in two types:

Affection with a plus sign and

Affection with a minus sign.

In the first case, a feeling of love arises, in the second - hatred. This way and that way is attachment, and the result will be the same - in the next life a man is born as a woman, and a woman as a man. If they hated each other in a past life, in the next they will have to hate each other again, but with the roles switched.

If a man hated and beat his wife, then, having become very offended by him, she is born a man, and he becomes a woman who endures similar beatings.

If a husband drank and disturbed his wife, then, holding a grudge against him, she would do the same to him in her next life.

If a wife constantly cheated on her husband and he was very upset by this, then in the next life everything will be the other way around.

If a wife did not put her husband down and constantly grumbled at him, then if he was offended, in the next life they change roles. In all such cases, both relatives accumulate anti-family karma and in the next life they will suffer from this.

QUESTION: It is not clear why the victim will suffer? Why should a woman be born with someone who has already tormented her with his drunkenness?

ANSWER: It is necessary to understand the fact that there are no accidents. It turns out that this woman who suffers from a drunken husband obviously had a drunken husband in a past life. Thus, in order to get rid of the family vikarmas, You should always forgive your offender. . QUESTION: What can I do to stop my husband from drinking? ANSWER: In general, this is very difficult to achieve, but if a woman understands that her husband drinks only because he cannot otherwise receive the energy of love that every person needs, then by changing her attitude towards him, she will rid him of the bottle. A person always drinks for only one reason - he does not feel enough warmth and love either at work, or with friends, or at home. He, of course, receives such a state by karma, however, if you change your attitude towards him, then the person is able to begin to improve. It is very difficult for a woman to treat her drunkard husband with love, but it is not possible to change him in any other way. That's the bad part about it karma.

QUESTION: Why should a woman be the first to change a relationship? Why not meet him halfway?

ANSWER: It turns out that if a person wants to help his loved one improve, then he should not blame him and constantly scold him. Behavior should be absolutely opposite in direction. It is necessary to understand why, for what sins I got such a husband, and try to change my feelings towards him. regarding sewing Every day she must mentally ask him for forgiveness, wish him happiness and also forgive him for all insults. If a woman is reasonable and capable of doing all this, after a while her husband will feel repentance and begin to change his life. In this case, the woman is completely freed from family vikarmas.

QUESTION: Approximately how long should we wait for changes?

ANSWER: This question is difficult to answer. Maybe a month, or maybe several years. Everything depends on the accumulated mutual family vikarmas. I know of one case when a woman, after such advice, wished happiness to her husband for six months, completely freed him from alcoholism.

Now this is a happy family, he loves her very much.

Antisocial vikarma

If a person, occupying a high position in society, does not fulfill his duties, but, on the contrary, causes a lot of trouble to his subordinates, then this type vikarmas called antisocial vikarma and entails great suffering. For example, a ruler who misuses the taxes he collects will be poor for exactly the same number of lives as the number of people he deprived of wealth. In general, the amount of money he stole from the people is the amount he will have to beg. Also, if a ruler inflicted terror and persecution on his citizens, then exactly how many citizens suffered, so much he will have to suffer. It is not necessary for such a negligent official to suffer in a human body. For example, "Garuda Purana" defines for such people long-term begging or a hellish existence:

“He who, having become a ruler, does not give land (the opportunity to support himself) to religious, holy people, a plot for a temple, then he will be born many times as a beggar, without any possibility of having any housing. A ruler who, out of pride or politics, does not donate land (does not finance, does not provide support) to worthy people will live in hell as long as the Sun and Moon shine in this Universe.”

We are not just talking about very high-ranking people. Antisocial vikarma can be obtained by any person who should take care of his subordinates or employees, but does not do so. Let us cite two more excerpts from Puran.

“Officials, officers who oppress their subordinates, employees, their workers, forcing them to work extra hours and unreasonably fining them, get chronic headaches, high blood pressure, pressure drops with dizziness.”

“Capitalists who exploit workers, forcing them to work forcedly, paying them very low wages, suffer from asthma, asthma, brain tumors with unbearable pain, as well as gout, rheumatism, radiculitis, back and spine diseases.”

QUESTION: What if the leader does not know about his plight and has no one to tell about it? Will he be forgiven in this case?

ANSWER: There will be no forgiveness, that’s why vikarma, to be responsible for all your actions. However, to make our lives easier, Veda gave humanity a coherent system of managing society, which is called varnashrama. System varnasramas determines all the activities necessary for the proper organization of social life. According to this system, the ruler, before doing anything, must consult with a worthy saint. This saint must be qualified to give such advice. His main qualities are a deep knowledge of the scriptures, sinlessness and, above all, he should not have the slightest desire to have at least some benefit from his activities. In this case, the ruler, consulting with him, will not make much mistakes in his activities, and all his minor mistakes will be neutralized by his numerous pious deeds. QUESTION: Is such neutralization possible?

ANSWER: This always happens. All our pious and sinful actions at the moment of death are analyzed, and as a result, something outweighs. It turns out that we are destined for either lower planets and suffering, or higher planets and pleasures, or we will remain in the middle and end up again, for example, on Earth.

Anti-human vikarma

This is the view vikarmas, when the whole of humanity suffers from someone’s action. A striking example of such vikarmas is the invention of the nuclear bomb. It turns out that the inventors will have to answer for the deaths of everyone who suffers from it. Of course, both those who authorized the use of such weapons and those who used them will suffer. Everyone will have their share of suffering. IN Vedas according to There are also statements about this. For example, Puranas They say:

“Scientists who invent destructive weapons and those who throw them on innocent people will receive various dangerous incurable diseases and inauspicious births. For example, they can be born repeatedly in the bodies of wood insects, which are burned along with firewood during the fire.”

We see that all kinds vikarmas lead only to suffering, and the reason for this is the unwillingness to understand how to live correctly, so as not to suffer later. There are a huge number of both bad deeds and the suffering that results from them. Sometimes a person suffers in the same way as the one whom he made to suffer, and sometimes in some other way. As they say in "Bhagavad-gita" 4.16, even great sages sometimes become entangled in intricacies karma."

“Even intelligent people reach a dead end when trying to determine what action (karma) means and what inaction (akarma) means. Now I will tell you what action (karma) is and with this knowledge, you will be freed from suffering forever.”

What are the consequences of bad deeds?

To understand a little what suffering is like, Vedas citing t some information about our possible future problems. IN Puranas, for example, it describes which actions will cause which types of suffering a person will experience. Let's try to classify vikarma bad character traits and trace them based on Ved, what kind of suffering a person will receive for what he has done

Lust, lust, debauchery

IN Puranas about this it says:

“Whoever indulges his lust with prostitutes, commits adultery and leads an unclean life, gets leprosy (collagenosis).”

“Whoever casts lustful glances at women gets eye diseases.”

“Those who visit prostitutes get eye diseases.”

"Garuda Purana" indicates the following births of lustful people:

"Whoever makes love to minors becomes a snake."

“He who longs for his teacher’s wife becomes a chameleon.”

“He who corrupts the wife of his teacher or mentor is born with a skin disease.”

“Whoever engages in debauchery and defames women becomes

a eunuch."

“Whoever molests the wife of a leader or ruler is born with a very bad, vile character.”

"He who has sex with his friend's wife becomes an ass "

“He who is very passionate becomes a lustful horse.”

Chanakya Pandit:

“There is no disease as destructive as lust.” “There is no disease equal to greed, and no virtue equal to mercy.”

Anger, irritability, insults

IN Puranas about this it says:

“Those who insult others while communicating with them, for example, constantly interrupt the interlocutor, cause them disappointment, shame them in public, deprive them of property, get a sensitive mind, headaches.”

“The one who is a hypocrite and, under the guise of a perfect and worthy person, constantly torments and tyrannizes other people, the one who constantly communicates poorly with everyone, beats everyone and treats small children badly, gets itching and skin diseases.”

“Those who gossip and listen to insults towards others encourage bad behavior towards others, develop tinnitus and hear buzzing sounds in the ears.”

“Gossips, those who betray and unreliable people suffer from burns on the head and shoulders, abscesses in the internal organs, eczema.”

"Garuda Puranas according to says about this:

“He who threatens and spits on his teacher or intimidates a priest will be born as a terrible criminal.”

"He who does not give to the priest according to his promises becomes a jackal"

“A woman who treats her mother-in-law (mother-in-law) and father-in-law (father-in-law) poorly and starts constant quarrels becomes a leech.” “Whose character is unrestrained becomes an elephant in a deserted forest.”


IN Puranas about this it says:

“He who walls up rats or snakes in their holes, he who catches fish and makes them die by suffocation, he who strangles the life of any living creature... will suffer from asthma, chronic bronchitis, lung disease, pneumonia.”

“He who poisons others with spicy and irritating foods suffers from intestinal colic and gastritis "

“Whoever sets fire to houses and causes the death of others suffers from boils, burns and epilepsy.”

“Cruel doctors, who mistreat patients, give useless medicines, give excessive doses of medicines, those who give water instead of medicine and charge for it, are born women and have diseases of the uterus. Their conception and raising of children will be accompanied by serious complications, pain and, most importantly, will end in abortion.”

"He who is proud of his physical strength and misuses his power (power) in oppressing and fighting others, suffers from epilepsy.”

“Those who beat innocent animals (cows, bulls), deprive dumb animals of food and drink, get ulcers, lose teeth, and suffer from purulent sore throats and tonsillitis.”

“Those who torture people in prisons will be born crippled and paralytic, and will suffer from chronic nerve pain and rheumatic diseases.”

“Bandits and marauders, as well as all those who deprive people of their property, kill and maim them, will be victims of epidemics, severe infectious diseases and they will have to suffer from serious complications.”

“Parents who tyrannize and harass their children turn them away from spiritual practice and force them to lead worldly life, suffer from acute diseases of the respiratory system, diphtheria, pleurisy, pneumonia, etc.”

“Husbands who beat their wives and parents who beat their children without understanding suffer from coronary heart disease, chronic dental disease and neuritis.”

“Whoever kills or injures others with poisonous means suffers the sting of snakes or scorpions.”

"Garuda Purana" about this he says:

“He who kicks a cow or a saint is born lame and distorted.”

"The guardian becomes insane."

“He who hates mother, father and teacher (mentor), he who quarrels with sister and brother will be destroyed while in his mother’s womb, up to a thousand births.”

Greed, envy

IN Puranas about this it says:

“He who is a miser and a usurer, he who destroys, impoverishes and leads his debtors to starvation through fines and inflated percent, suffers from tuberculosis.”

“Whoever refuses to give to a hungry person who comes to his home suffers from blood poisoning and stomach ulcers.”

“Speculators and black traders suffer from incurable obesity, elephantiasis and tumors in the abdomen.”

“Those who envy other people's wealth get eye diseases.”

“Sannyasis who pose falsely to the public and deceive people will be born impotent, suffer from terrible disappointments and strong desires to enjoy pleasures "

"He who deceives the masses through counterfeit goods , gets chronic diarrhea and indigestion, liver disease with anemia and malnutrition.”

“Whoever sells stale vegetables and fruits, spoiled wheat and rice at a high price, passing them off as fresh, will receive baldness, leukoderma, dental caries and bleeding.”

“Whoever mixes minerals into grains and sells it in public places, whoever adds water to milk and sells it for the same price as pure milk, suffers from intestinal colic and gastritis.”

"Officials and employees, government dignitaries who misuse public money and produce

false calculations, suffer from edema, even cerebral edema, various fevers.”

“Employees, those who pretend to be working and thus deceive their superiors, suffer from paralysis and cramps of the limbs.”

“Pseudo-saints who deceive people in holy places of pilgrimage and temples, demanding money, clothing and food, while hiding behind God, suffer from diseases that cause severe nausea, vomiting, chronic diarrhea, blindness.”.

"Garuda Purana "

"Whoever brings a false witness becomes deaf." "That,“Whoever, by cunning or force, takes away a piece of land that was not intended for him and thus condemns someone to hunger, will be born for sixty thousand years, like a worm in excrement.”

“He who deceives a friend becomes a vulture.” “He who cheats in sales becomes an owl.” “Those who tell lies become stutterers.” “He who listens to lies becomes deaf” .


"Garuda Purina";

“The killer of a priest is born with tuberculosis.” “The killer of a cow will be hunchbacked and abnormal.” "The murderer of a virgin becomes a leper." “He who lives by violence, who robs caravans on the road and who loves to hunt, becomes a goat in the butcher’s house.”

Chanakya Pandit also shows us who is moving fastest towards destruction or degradation:

“Trees on the banks of a river, a woman in another man’s house, and kings without advisers are, no doubt, headed for rapid destruction.”

“Whoever befriends a person whose behavior is capricious, whose mind is unclean, and who is known to be a swindler, will quickly perish.”

“A woman who wanders will inevitably perish.”

“Unsatisfied Brahmins, satisfied kings, bashful prostitutes and shameless housewives perish.”

“The thoughtless embezzler, the homeless boy, the scolding merchant, and the man who neglects his wife and is careless in his actions will all soon come to their destruction.”


“Whoever covets someone else’s property gets eye diseases.”

"Garuda Purana":

“He who steals precious stones is born into a family of degenerates.”

“Whoever steals gold gets nail diseases.”

“Whoever steals any metal becomes poor.”

“Whoever steals food becomes a rat.”

“Whoever steals grain becomes a locust.”

“He who steals water becomes a bird.”

"He who steals the poison becomes a scorpion."

“He who steals vegetables and leaves becomes a carnivore.”

“He who steals perfume becomes a muskrat.” -

“He who steals honey becomes a gadfly.”

“Whoever steals meat becomes a vulture.”

^He who steals salt becomes an ant.”

“Whoever steals drugs, fruits, flowers becomes a monkey.”

“Whoever steals shoes, grass and cotton will be born in the womb of a sheep.”

“He who steals valuable books is born blind.”

Pride, vanity, disrespect for elders


“Whoever oppresses others, keeping them in constant slavery through excessive vanity and pride, gets elephantiasis.”

“Sons who disobey their fathers and drag them to court suffer leucoderma and loss of vision.”

"Garuda Purana"

“Whoever, out of pride, insults his teacher or mentor becomes an epileptic.”

Insults to God, scriptures and holy people

“Whoever blasphemes the Supreme God, speaks ill of saints and scriptures, will get cancer of the tongue and become deaf.”

“He who burns sacred scriptures and destroys spiritual literature teaches stomach ulcers and cancer.”

"Garuda Purana"

“Whoever despises the Vedas and sacred scriptures suffers from jaundice.”

Chanakya Pandit:

“One who blasphemes Vedic wisdom, who rejects the mode of life recommended in the sastras, and who disturbs peace-loving people, will inevitably live in trouble.”

Improper performance of one's duty (religious duty)

"Garuda Purana"

“Whoever misjudges marriage compatibility becomes lipless.”

“A priest, he who, out of greed, eats what should not be eaten, is born with a fat belly.”

“The saints who do not offer food to God (do not sanctify) and eat all ignorant foods without hesitation or understanding of things will become wild tigers in the desert forest.”

“The priest who does not repeat the Names of God, the one who does not reflect in the twilight on self-realization, the one who is evil inside while outwardly pious, becomes a crane.”

“A priest who does not fulfill his duties, serves someone for profit, performs rituals incorrectly, becomes a dog, and if he does not think about God, becomes a crow.”

“A priest who makes proposals to a fictitious God (idol) instead of God will be born a hen.”

“The wretch among the saints who serves and worships God for the sake of wealth becomes a bird.”

Bad behavior

Puran s:

“Whoever listens to obscene songs and dances develops inflammation in the ears and has a buzzing sound in the ears.”

"Padma Purana", "Brahma Kanda" 5.16

“Who in a previous life did not give shelter to those people who came to visit or asked for a place to sleep, and if he was definitely angry with them, in the next life such a person will be dumb.”

"Garuda Purana":

“He who is inhospitable becomes an irritable and scandalous person.”

"The instigator goes bald."

“He who associates with degraded people and does not adhere to religious rules will be born a dove.” “He who renounces his high culture from birth, defames a woman of his family, becomes a hyena, a porcupine or a bear.”

“Whoever marries a woman from a very ignorant family becomes an ox.”

Poor nutrition

"Garuda Purana "

“He who eats meat is born very angry.” “He who consumes toxins is born with bad teeth.” “He who eats sweets and does not give to others is born with a thick neck.” “Whoever offers unclean food to deceased relatives is born with leprosy.”

“He who eats food separately from his company becomes one-eyed.” “Whoever sells meat, fish, eggs becomes a loser” “He who eats meat, fish, eggs becomes sickly”

“He who overeats too much becomes a pig” “He who eats what is offered to his dead relatives will be born a dog”

Living in ignorance and committing suicide

"Garuda Purana" :

“Those who live an animal life in a human body (think only about food, sex, arrangement, sleep) will be born as trees, returning from hell. Then they will be born again in a human body, but of very low origin among sinful people and will be very unhappy. Such people can be born either male or female, but with serious illnesses such as leprosy, blindness. They will be sad and constantly prone to commit sins."

“Whoever kills himself by drinking poison becomes a snake.”

Chanakya Pandit even advises a jackal trying to eat the meat of such a person not to become defiled and to move away:

“Jackal, move away from the body of this man, whose hands never gave alms, whose ears did not listen to the voice of the knower, whose eyes did not notice the pure devotee of the Lord, whose feet did not step on Holy place, whose belly was filled with things obtained in devious ways, and whose head was held high with vanity. Do not eat it, O jackal, otherwise you will become defiled.”

Thus, we have a lot of evidence from the scriptures about what actions we will have to hurt and suffer for.

QUESTION: Will a person always receive a certain type of punishment for a certain act?

ANSWER: The fact is that all actions, even seemingly similar, are actually very different. Therefore the law karma much more complicated than the criminal code. In general, we cannot know exactly for what act we will suffer and how. The only thing we can know for sure is that we will receive the same amount of suffering in quantity and quality as we caused it to other living beings.

QUESTION: Once on the lower planets, does a person realize well enough that he needs to start living differently or not?

ANSWER: All people perceive this differently. Besides, the fact that he went to hell once is bad karma Maybe more will not end and he will have to go there again from Earth. This is confirmed in "Srimad Bhagavatam" 3.31.32:

“Therefore, if a person again takes the path of vice, falling under the influence of those who are obsessed with the desire for sensual pleasures, seeking love pleasures or indulging the whims of the tongue, he again finds himself in hell.”

QUESTION: How can one determine that a person will again end up on the lower planets?

ANSWER: This is literally stated in the next verse. "Srimad Bhagavatam" 3.31.33. This kind of person:

“He loses truthfulness and purity, deprives of mercy, concentration, spiritual intelligence, modesty, asceticism, glory, tolerance and ability to control the mind and feelings, luck and all other virtues.”

QUESTION: What makes a person degrade so much?

ANSWER: Basically, debauchery. This is also mentioned in"Srimad Bhagavatam" 3.31.35;

“No other attachment is so capable of blinding and subjugating a person as (excessive) attachment to a woman or to communication with people who are not indifferent to women (engaged in debauchery).”

Each of us is a member of a society in which there is traditionally a certain model of behavior that is considered normal. It is enshrined in the concept of universal human values. And most importantly, it does not violate ethics and does not harm others. However, there are people who do not follow it. On the contrary, they, neglecting moral principles, commit immoral acts that harm other members of society. Such people are called deviants, and their behavior is unacceptable.

Turning to Spirituality

Many immoral acts are immoral not only from a human point of view, but also from a religious point of view. Take greed, for example. An unhealthy craving for material wealth often pushes people to commit terrible acts, with the help of which they manage to satisfy their self-interest.

Pride, which is one of the seven deadly sins in Catholicism, also refers to immoral qualities. Excessive arrogance and disrespect for other people do not make anyone better. Just like adultery. Adultery- this is a sin, an immoral act, betrayal and humiliation of the one to whom the oath of allegiance was given. The person who committed it is not worthy of trust, respect and good treatment.

Vanity is perceived by many as a socio-psychological personality trait, which, however, does not make people beautiful. They are often selfish, arrogant, and constantly crave conviction of their own superiority. It would seem, is it really bad to appreciate and love yourself? No it is OK. But only vanity involves putting everything listed on display, which is usually done through humiliation or neglect of other people.

Famous examples

Many of us have long ceased to notice the immoral actions of people who meet us at almost every turn. A striking example is the use of obscene expressions, observed everywhere. Foul language is speech filled with indecent expressions. They are also called obscene. Why? Because they are shameless, which means they violate public morals.

Swearing, which has long become familiar and has lost its ability to shock members of modern society, has practically ceased to fall into the category of immoral acts. In contrast to insults, which are deliberate humiliation of the dignity and honor of an individual. And such immoral acts as insults are punishable by law. All provisions relating to this are spelled out in Article 5.61 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Conflicting Behaviors

If a person commits an immoral act, then he definitely does not fit into the generally accepted moral framework. But it corresponds to certain forms of behavior that contradict the norms. There are several of them. These are drug addiction, substance abuse, prostitution, crime, alcoholism and suicide.

It is believed that a person adheres to a particular form of behavior for one of three reasons. To the first, most common in modern society, refers to inequality on the social ladder.

Everything is simple here. A person’s behavior and upbringing are influenced by his income. The smaller it is, the higher the likelihood of personality degradation. Many people try to cope with disappointment in their lives through drugs or alcohol. They cannot be blamed for the lack of an internal “core”. Poverty is truly a psychologically difficult experience.

External factors

The commission of an immoral act by a person who follows a particular form of behavior may also depend on his environment. It is no secret that the thoughts and actions of an individual are often formed under the influence of family, friends, colleagues, and classmates. Unfortunately, those people who grew up surrounded by individuals with immoral behavior and saw nothing but deviant actions, begin to consider everything like this the norm.

Environment and society are one of the fundamental reasons that shape human consciousness. Often, eradicating immoral acts requires the help of sociologists who work not with one guilty individual, but with a whole group of people.

The level of education is also important. Sometimes people do not know about such basic concepts as “morality” and “morality” due to their ignorance. Rules, norms and traditions must be passed on from generation to generation, and this is the task of parents. But some people simply forget to raise their children and instill in them an awareness of how to act and what not to do.

Attitude towards animals

It is impossible not to pay attention to the immoral actions of people regarding our smaller brothers. Cruelty to animals is not only a crime, but also a pressing moral issue. Individuals who allow themselves to mistreat our smaller brothers are not accepted by normal, modern society. They are condemned and condemned by other people.

It is a truly immoral act. It does not pose a threat to public safety. But nevertheless it is unacceptable and unacceptable from another, moral point of view.

Real cases

A variety of immoral acts take place in our lives. And you wouldn’t wish to become their victims or witnesses even to your enemy.

How many situations are known when sons got drunk to the point of insanity and threw their fists at their mothers? Or when someone’s beloved pet was subjected to cruel acts by juvenile deviants for the sake of entertainment. Often many people have witnessed suicide, which also falls into this category of behavior. And of course, none of us is immune from betrayal for the personal benefit of a trusted person.

When you realize how often these and similar cases occur, it becomes extremely clear that morality in modern society, unfortunately, is by no means in the first place in the value system.

Bad manners

When discussing moral and immoral actions, it is worth mentioning that the latter also includes behavior perceived by many as elementary uncouthness and bad manners.

And examples of this accompany us in Everyday life. In public transport, you can often see how ill-mannered individuals push those in front in the back, just to quickly leave the cabin. When leaving the premises, many do not hesitate to slam the door right in front of the noses of those who follow them, without even looking back.

But most often, perhaps, there are individuals who openly violate the rules of the community. They place garbage on the landing, smoke in the entrance without opening the windows, and violate sanitation and hygiene in other ways. These are also immoral actions. Examples surround us everywhere, but we have stopped noticing many of them because, no matter how sad it may be, they have become commonplace.

Target: developing in children benevolent behavior, skills for managing negative emotions, and a conscious attitude towards the norms of social behavior.

  • give an idea of ​​kindness;
  • teach the practical application of this virtue in everyday life;
  • teach to differentiate actions;
  • learn to analyze your own behavior and the actions of others;
  • reinforce the skills of friendly behavior in everyday life.

Lesson structure.

  1. Introduction.
  2. Working with a poem.
  3. Game “Secret Property”.
  4. Working with illustrations.
  5. Working with history.
  6. Game “Good - Bad”.
  7. Working with proverbs.
  8. Screening test.
  9. Conclusion.

Duration of the lesson: 45 minutes in the 5th grade of a special (correctional) secondary school of the VIII type or in the primary grades of a comprehensive secondary school.

Form of conduct: combined: discussion of a work of art, conversation, games, testing.

Material for the lesson.

  • Poem “Kindness” by R. Sef.
  • The story “The Old Grandfather and Granddaughters.”
  • Printable proverbs.
  • List with good and bad deeds.
  • Chips are red and black.
  • Conflict drawing.
  • Screening test.
  • Blank sheets and pens for test answers.
  • Sound recording of the song “On the Road of Goodness” by M. Minkov and Yu. Entin.

Preliminary work: reading fairy tales with descriptions of good and evil heroes.

1. Introduction

Guys, in previous classes we read stories and fairy tales, and talked about such important concepts for our lives as good and evil. Remind please give me these fairy tales. (“The Blind Horse”, “The Tale of the Good Ant”, etc.).

What other fairy tales can you name that you have read, where good and evil deeds occurred? ( Bring the children's answers to the fact that in almost all fairy tales there is good and evil.)

Today, we will continue to talk about good and evil, and topic of our lesson will be called “Good and Evil Deeds” . We will read poetry, learn new proverbs, read an interesting story, etc., where our task is to learn to distinguish between good and evil deeds and try to accustom yourself to good deeds.

2. Working with a poem

So, the boy Antoshka came to visit us and asks us to help him figure out why his parents punished him. (Poem “Kindness”)

Yesterday I decided to be kind
Respect everyone and love everyone.
I gave Sveta a ball,
I gave Petya a ball,
Kolya gave the monkey,
Bear, hare and dogs.
Hat, mittens and wardrobe
I gave it to Gala...
And for my kindness
I was punished! (R. Seph)

Questions for discussion:

  • Why was Antoshka punished?
  • Did the adults do the right thing?
  • What does it mean to be kind?

After listening to the children’s answers, the adult draws their attention to the generalized content of the concept of “kindness”:

A kind person is one who helps adults, does not offend younger ones, and protects the weak.

To be kind means to take care of everything that is on earth: in relationships with people, with animals, with nature.

To be kind- means caring about people and everything around you no less than about yourself.

3. Game “Secret Property”

Children stand in a semicircle and stretch out their arms in front of them. The teacher holds in his hands a coin or a pebble, which symbolizes quality, namely kindness. The teacher places his folded hands in the hands of each of the children and says: “Slava is kind,” “Katya is kind,” etc. Each child closes his palms as if he was given something. The teacher actually leaves the item in the hands of one of the children. One of the children tries to guess who has this thing, saying: “Slava is very kind,” etc. and the child who was named opens his palms and shows. Three attempts are given.

4. Looking at the illustration

Children are asked to look carefully at the drawing and think about what happened :

  • Who hurt the little boy?
  • How did you guess that the big and strong boy offended the little boy?
  • What words and how could the offender say?
  • Who protected the little boy?
  • How can you call his action?
  • At the end of the conversation, the adult introduces the new rules of friendly communication:

    • Always help the weak.
    • It is a shame to offend the small and weak.

    5. Working with a story

    “Grandfather has become old. His legs did not walk, his eyes did not see, his ears did not hear, he had no teeth. And when he ate, it flowed backwards from his mouth. His son and daughter-in-law stopped seating him at the same table and let him dine at the stove. They brought him lunch in a cup. He wanted to move it, but he dropped it and broke it. The daughter-in-law began to scold the old man for ruining everything in their house and breaking cups, and said that now she would feed him from a pelvis (a pelvis is a small trough made of wooden planks). The old man just sighed and said nothing.

    One day, a husband and wife are sitting at home and watching - their little son is playing on the floor with a plank, making something. The father asked: “What are you doing, Misha?” And Misha says: “It’s me, father, who’s making the basin. When you and your mother are too old to feed you from this tub.” The husband and wife looked at each other and began to cry. They felt ashamed for having offended the old man so much; and from then on they began to sit him at the table and look after him.”

    Questions for discussion.

    Why did the husband and wife cry?

    Why did the grandfather “just sigh” when his daughter-in-law scolded him?

    Why did the child begin to make a pelvis and not something else?

    What proverb or famous saying is this story similar to?

    (On the board: “As it comes around, it will respond.” “Don’t do what you wouldn’t want others to do to you.”) The child learns what he sees in his home.

    6. Game “Good and bad”

    Children are asked to evaluate actions and actions from two positions: is it good or bad?

    An adult gives children chips of two colors - red and black, with which they will evaluate accordingly: good deeds - red chips; bad deeds are black chips. An adult names an act or action, and children must pick up a chip that corresponds to his moral assessment.

    An approximate list of children's actions for the game:

    7. Working with proverbs

    And now each of you will get one proverb; you need to read it and explain how you understand the meaning of this phrase.

    Who loves good deeds, life is sweet to him.
    Do good to others - you yourself will be without trouble.
    It is bad for him who does no good to anyone.
    The good die, but their deeds live.
    Remember the good and forget the evil.
    What goes around comes around.
    A good word heals, but an evil word cripples.
    The evil one does not believe that there is a good one.
    A good word is like rain in a drought.
    People need care like they need air,
    She will help everyone become kinder.
    The good are honored, and the evil are favored.

    What words are associated with the words good and evil? (Write on the board)

    “Good - tenderness, care, attention, loyalty, joy, friendship, light, love.”

    “Evil is envy, betrayal, revenge, greed, lies, selfishness.”

    Which person do you think has an easier life and why? ( An angry person eats poorly, sleeps restlessly, gets angry, is jealous, he can get sick and even die)

    How to become kind? It doesn’t happen like this: in the evening you go to bed an angry person, and in the morning you suddenly become a kind person.

    (Listen to the children's answers and bring them to the conclusion that kindness is caring for the welfare of others. To be kind means to take care of everything that is on earth. Kindness manifests itself in relationships with people, with animals, with nature. To be kind means to care about people and everything around you no less than about yourself. To do this you need to make efforts and work on yourself every day.)

    8. Screening test

    “Steps to success” (“Is a kind person who..?” - children must answer “yes” or “no”):

    a) makes bird feeders in winter;

    b) always senses who needs help;

    c) shoots birds with a slingshot;

    d) helps mother take care of her younger sister;

    e) does not provide assistance in difficult times;

    e) every day he goes shopping for his old grandmother.

    (Discuss with the children the answers to the questions posed and bring them to the conclusion of what a kind person means and what he is like.)

    9. Conclusion (to the quiet musical accompaniment of the song “On the Road of Good”)

    Sooner or later, a person thinks about which path he is following: along the road of “good” and “light” or along the path of “evil” and “darkness”. A kind person has good words and good deeds. Can both good and evil coexist in one person? No! Can not! Just as it is impossible to have sweet and bitter water in one jug at the same time. “ Each pitcher pours out what it contains”, says the proverb. If the heart is filled with goodness, then goodness will flow out, and vice versa.

    At the end of our lesson, I would like to wish and advise you to accustom yourself to good deeds.


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