Academy of Magic of the Southern Kingdom download in full. "Southern Kingdom Magic Academy"

Nov 17, 2016

Academy of Magic of the Southern Kingdom. Selected people are not allowed to enter! Valeria Tishakova

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Title: Academy of Magic of the Southern Kingdom. Selected people are not allowed to enter!

About the book “Academy of Magic of the Southern Kingdom. Selected people are not allowed to enter!” Valeria Tishakova

An adult audience of readers is skeptical about such creations, since fantasy worlds, supernatural abilities and other features of literature of this genre are somewhat monotonous. Perhaps this would have been the case with another book, but Valeria Tishakova did everything possible to add some “zest” to her novel “Academy of Magic of the Southern Kingdom. Selected people are not allowed to enter!” and take it beyond the cliche that is familiar to many.

The book tells the story of the main character, who, having come to her senses in a parallel world, hoped to hear about her superpowers and the need to save the world. But everything didn’t turn out the way Lada would have liked. Now she works in the rector's reception and is friends with a ghost dog and a moray eel in the aquarium. But she still faces a serious task: to save... no, not the world, but her life.

“Southern Kingdom Magic Academy. Selected people are not allowed to enter!” filled with high-quality humor, so you want to read it again and again. Lada is a rather sarcastic girl, but caustic and witty, which pleasantly pleases. All her comments and remarks are really perceived very easily and pleasantly, so while reading the book, your mood rises and a smile appears on your face. Valeria Tishakova emphasized a beautiful style that combines artistic techniques and conversational style. This decision was the right one, because with its help you can completely immerse yourself in a book and forget about the world around you. Such creations are held in high esteem today, because here you won’t find a heart-warming drama that will make you depressing. Valeria Tishakova fulfilled the task she set herself 100%, because readers appreciated all the features of the story and are actively becoming fans of the talented writer.

An interesting plot, bright characters that simply surprise you with their colorfulness, caustic witticisms and other moments make up a complete, cheerful picture. Read the book “Academy of Magic of the Southern Kingdom. Selected people are not allowed to enter!” you will want to read it more than once, because even after reading the novel for the second time, you discover previously unnoticed details and the comedy of some situations.

After reading, we can say one thing: the book “Academy of Magic of the Southern Kingdom. Selected people are not allowed to enter!” It is definitely recommended for those people who are tired of strange and inadequate heroes; they want to relax and recharge themselves in a good mood. Here the heroine is a very sensible person, distinguished by self-criticism and the absence of rose-colored glasses.

On our website about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book “Academy of Magic of the Southern Kingdom. Selected people are not allowed to enter!” Valeria Tishakova in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

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A humorous fantasy with a detective touch + a romance novel... You can read it if you have absolutely nothing to do (like me).)) But without euphoria.)))
Plot: the girl Lada Tumanova suddenly became a hit. The balcony fell on her. And so - go into a fantasy world with magicians and magic academies... But without any “welcome” there, because in this world the people who come across are treated as individuals of an extremely low grade, cheap labor and cheap magical raw materials - they have blood somehow it resonates with the magic of this world. So Lada was lucky that she got a more or less dust-free position as a secretary under the rector of the magic academy. At the same time, her main responsibility is to push away visitors and everyone who wants to communicate with the rector in any way. Because the rector - for whom, it must be said, there is no place to give tests - prefers to avoid communication. The girl tries her best, which does not add to her popularity among students and teaching staff. But life goes on slowly, until fatal events, mysterious crimes, etc. begin to occur. So the magic academy attracts the close attention of the security service, and Lada herself attracts the attention of the head of this very security service, Count Evero. Count Evero is a fatal man with a pleasant appearance and an unpleasant character, a classic of the genre. Then everything develops, as it should be according to the template of romance novels, well, you understand... In the part of the romance novel, it is written quite cheerfully, and even the development of the relationships of the characters arouses slight interest... Although everything is written exclusively conventionally, without delving into the subtleties of the characters and the truth of life. Unfortunately, the author ended the whole intrigue somewhere in the middle of the book, so there was no further interest, because everything had already become clear.)) In terms of humor - well, I won’t lie, there is some kind of humor present. But no frills. Not Wodehouse, frankly speaking, and not Jerome Jerome. Quite rude, vulgar... At times this is very annoying, because it introduces dissonance. The heroine (text in the first person) most of the time expresses herself, I beg your pardon for the expression, like a habal... ((And after her, by the will of the author, other characters begin to express themselves in the same way, although they are like magicians, aristocrats, m... intellectuals...))) It is clear that if this is what we are talking about, then we cannot expect other aristocracy.
(I can’t even imagine, if the authors really want to introduce aristocrats into their works, then why don’t they get material from classic novels, for example, Jane Austen! and at least from Western romance novels. At least there this is hammered into it at a basic level - this is how one should behave, this is not how one should behave... Why are their aristocrats indistinguishable from traders, and all of them together are from schoolchildren... (((cry from the heart). In part of the detective line - everything is very bad. Complete frustration when it is not clear who, what, why... ((The author writes according to the principle of “shopping around”. I see that many domestic authors write this way. It’s sad. (((Ah! All this seemed not enough to the author , and she also began to substantiate the structure of the world. From this, confusion and confusion began. The Greek gods were suddenly genocide and the obscurantism of the churchmen.
In general, everything is very uneven.

Another hit and miss, the story of which the author apparently decided to present differently. No gingerbread for you upon arrival, no abilities for magic, again there is no prince. But alas, nothing worked out. The heroine is a hardened boor who talks like a constantly drunk plumber. Her jokes are not understood by anyone in this world, but this does not stop her from making jokes all the time - probably to make it funnier for the reader from ours. In romantic love, she got a local count, the head of the secret service, who behaves either like an artiodactyl, or like a dog, or like a bandit with the appropriate vocabulary - and this is an aristocrat. In general, to summarize, if in romantic women's fantasy there is still a chance to meet a pearl, then with humorous women's fantasy we are completely at sea. Flat, not funny, not worth the paper it's printed on.

If you asked me what book I would recommend for the evening, so that without problems in the form of old ladies, immeasurable love, and so on, then I would recommend this one.
No hassles at all. Just a fun and sarcastic book about a loser who can... be a good secretary, you know. Well, I think that being a good secretary is some kind of superpower. Few people, you know, can not LET anyone unnecessary to their boss, even if they are not very adored. Yes, and don’t mix purgen into his coffee, you also need to have self-control.
In general, it is a very smooth book, very calm and without any shocks for the reader. Just right for the evening, with tea and marshmallows. And of course, a sweet happy ending. It’s simply impossible to write anything smart here. Just read and say thank you to the author.

Valeria Tishakova



I express my deep gratitude

Olga Pashkina,

who kicked me for two years,

making it difficult to sit straight on your butt.

Thank you for believing in my strength!

Thanks also to Daria Morozova,

who helped me edit the book

and didn’t launch into me in the process

spelling dictionary.

Dasha, thank you for your patience!

Swearing could be heard from the reception room of the rector of the Magic Academy. Since I started working as the secretary of the above-mentioned rector, scandals in the reception area have become commonplace, and therefore did not cause an attack of acute curiosity among my colleagues. Well, will it come to murder? And by the way, it wasn’t that far away. Well, although I’m lying, it was further from murder than from a heart attack in a man who had been trying to get through to an appointment with the rector for forty minutes.

I am Count Evero! Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Academy of Magic of the Southern Kingdom!

The chairman is scheduled for four.

But I've come now! And I demand that I be allowed to see the rector for a confidential conversation.

If you come now, then you are not Count Evero.

Count Evero is assigned to four.

But I'm a count!

Then come to four.

I'm already here! Skip it!

I can't! You do not have an appointment.

And what's that? - a finger decorated with a blue diamond ring pointed at a line in the registration journal.

A record of the visit of Count Evero... - I calmly informed him, straightening my slipped armbands.

Finally! - the man was happy.

But his joy turned out to be premature, because my next phrase was:

For four hours!

The Count sighed resignedly, resigned to the fact that he would not see the rector today.

Won't you let me in?

If only you bring a letter certified by the royal office, which will confirm your identity. And an extract from the book of your family. A miniature portrait of you with confirmation from three of your relatives that you are in it. Their pedigree is also necessary. And a copy of the king's deed of gift for your lands.

Don't you need anything else? - a representative of an ancient family broke into a scream, amazed at my impudence. - Testimony of the doctor who delivered my mother?

No, the papers I listed are enough.

To be honest, these papers are behind my eyes. Thanks to my efforts, there is always paper for bedding in the living corner of the Academy, but the Count does not need to know about this. I was told not to let them in, which I do in every possible way.

Collecting this waste paper will take a week!

Fine. Come back in a week. How to register you?

Count Evero!

Beast? - I got ready to record.

I guessed right with the last name, the count went berserk right before my eyes.

Here you go. And you are indignant at the amount of paperwork! Now I would register you as a Beast, and in a week you would bring me papers for Evero. I wouldn't let you in again then. Agree, would it be annoying? If they had presented everything required at once, there wouldn’t have been such minor misunderstandings,” I continued to play the role of an executive fool-secretary.

The man leaned back tiredly.

What if I agree to come to the reception at four today?

I glanced at the clock behind him. Eat!

Unfortunately, it's already half past four. The rector's visiting hours are over. I'm truly sorry.