English dialogues by heart. Is it necessary to memorize texts and dialogues in English: opening up new learning opportunities

Everyone knows that you can learn English for different purposes. Someone needs to master business correspondence, someone wants to read books written in English in the original, someone wants to understand by ear the famous songs of their favorite groups, sometimes skills in translating specialized literature are required. In all these cases, direct communication skills may not be needed. But a huge number of people learn English precisely in order to communicate in it with friends, partners or with people on tourist trips abroad. In this case, the most important means for developing communication skills is a variety of dialogues in English language.

As one respected university English teacher used to say when he had his students repeat the same phrases over and over again, “Unprepared speech is well-prepared speech.” This phrase, paradoxical at first glance, actually has a certain practical meaning. If you are not a native speaker, in any situation of spontaneous communication it is important for you to have in your memory a set of well-learned clichés in different topics. In this case, you will not think about composing each sentence, but all your attention will focus on the meaning of what you are talking about. That is why, when practicing communication skills, the teacher gives the task not only to read and translate dialogues on various topics, but also to memorize them.

Examples of dialogues on various topics

As a rule, dialogues are composed on certain topics. Typically, dialogues in English for beginners are an introduction dialogue, a conversation about the weather (a universal means of maintaining a conversation), a conversation in a cafe, a dialogue in a store, a conversation about plans for the weekend, etc.

In any case, it is important to remember that dialogue is not just a set of phrases like “question and answer”, but also a reaction to the information of the interlocutor, and an emotional component of one degree or another. Therefore, when learning dialogues in English, audio accompaniment plays a very important role. Listening to dialogues, you not only remember phrases, but also copy the intonation pattern, which is especially important in dialogical speech.

Today we will present to your attention dialogues in English with translation, the full versions of which you can see. In this case, the dialogues will be accompanied by exercises, a detailed dictionary and grammatical explanations.

Dialogue on the topic "acquaintance"

So, any communication begins with a relationship.

Hello, how are you?

Fine, thanks. And you?

Great! My name is Lima.

I am Emily. It's nice to meet you.

It's nice to meet you, too.

Are you from New York?

Yes, I am. Where are you from?

I am from here, from Bedford.

Oh, great. Can we be friends?

Hi, how are you?

OK, thank you! And you?

Amazing! My name is Lima.

I'm Emily. Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you too.

Are you from New York?

Yes. Where are you from?

I'm from here, from Bedford.

ABOUT! Wonderful. Can we be friends?


Dialogue about the weather

As you know, if you need to start a conversation with a stranger, the topic of weather will be a win-win option. This topic is international, politically correct and universal for any circle. This topic is especially popular among residents of the UK. And this is not surprising, because this country is known for its changeable weather. Therefore, a few phrases about the weather that acquaintances exchange when meeting are often just a form of greeting, and not at all a way to get some information.

Hello, Martin, lovely day, isn't it?

Absolutely wonderful - warm and clear. What's the weather forecast for tomorrow? Do you know?

Yes, it says it will be a bit cloudy in the morning. But the day will be bright and sunny.

How nice. A perfect day for an outing. I promised my family a barbecue, you know.

Great! I hope you'll enjoy it.

Hi Tom

Hello Martin, beautiful day, isn't it?

Absolutely wonderful - warm and clear. What's the forecast for tomorrow? Do not you know?

Yes, I know, they say it will be a little cloudy in the morning. But the day will be clear and sunny.

How good. A great day for a country walk. I promised my family a barbecue, you know.

Great! I hope you will enjoy.

Dialogue in a restaurant

Dialogues in a cafe or restaurant are often used in educational materials and phrase books. Having learned the basic phrases from such a dialogue, you will be able to apply this knowledge on a trip abroad. In addition, some structures and so-called politeness phrases will be useful to you in other speech situations.

Jerry: Let's go for a walk.

Lima: Have you got any ideas where we can go?

Jerry: Yes, I have. Let's go to the restaurant.

Lima: Ok. Let's go.

Waiter: Good evening. What can I do for you? What would you like to order?

Jerry: Have you got mashed potatoes?

Waiter: Yes, we have.

Jerry: Have you got any juice?

Waiter: Apple juice, tomato juice and orange juice.

Jerry: Give us orange juice, please. Have you got any ice-cream?

Waiter: Yes, we have vanilla ice-cream, chocolate ice-cream and ice-cream with topping.

Jerry: Give us one vanilla ice-cream and one chocolate ice-cream.

W: Anything else?

Jerry: That's all. Thank you.

Jerry: Let's go for a walk.

Do you have any ideas where we can go?

Jerry: Yes. Let's go to a restaurant.

Lima: Ok. Let's go to.

Waiter: Good evening. What can I do for you? What would you like to order?

Jerry: Do you have mashed potatoes?

Waiter: Yes.

Jerry: Do you have any juice?

Waiter: Apple juice, tomato juice and orange juice.

Jerry: Give us some orange juice, please. Do you have any ice cream?

Waiter: Yes. We have vanilla ice cream, chocolate ice cream and topping ice cream.

Jerry: Give us one vanilla ice cream and one chocolate ice cream.

Waiter: Anything else?

Jerry: That's all. Thank you.

Dialogue in the store

Another popular topic for dialogues is store dialogues in English:

Emily: Hey Lima. Let's go shopping.

Lima: Hi, Em. Let's go!

Salesgirl: Good morning! Can I help you?

Emily: Good morning! What is the price of this dress?

Salesgirl: It costs one thousand dollars.

Emily: Oh, it’s a very expensive dress.

Lima: Let's go to another store.

Lima: Look at these jeans. I like them.

Salesman: Can I help you?

Lima: Can you tell me what the price of those jeans is?

Salesman: Yes. The jeans cost three hundred dollars.

Lima: Ok, I’ll take those jeans and this T-shirt.

How about a nice dress for my friend?

Salesman: This dress is very popular this season.

Emily: Ok, I'll take it. Thank you very much.

Salesman: You are welcome.

Emilia: Hello, Lima. Let's go shopping.

Lima: Hello, Em. Let's go to!

Saleswoman: Good morning! Can I help you?

Emilia Good morning! What is the price of this dress?

Saleswoman: It costs one thousand dollars.

Emilia: Oh, this is a very expensive dress.

Lima: Let's go to another store.

Lima: Look at these jeans. I like them.

Seller: Can I help you?

Lima: Can you tell me what the price of those jeans is?

Seller: Yes. Jeans cost three hundred dollars.

Lima: Okay, I'll take those jeans and that T-shirt.

How about a nice dress for my friend?

Seller: This dress is very popular this season.

Emilia: Okay, I'll take it. Thank you very much.

Seller: Please.

Dialogue of friends

Dialogue between friends in English is a very frequent guest in all teaching aids. You can discuss a wide variety of topics - school affairs, family relationships, plans for the future. Such dialogues provide a lot of scope for imagination. After all, taking some ready-made audio dialogue in English as a basis, you can always “customize” it to suit yourself. And when you talk about your own experience and emotions, the material is remembered much easier.

Lima: So, have you decided where would you like to go on next holiday?

Emily: I think that I will go to my grandparents as usual. I will help them about the house.

And what about you?

Lima: I think that I will go to the seaside with my friends. Will you go with us?

Emily: What will you do there?

Lima: If the weather is fine, we will swim all the time. And I think we will go to an aqua park and maybe we will visit some excursions.

Emily: Oh, great. I think that I will join you.

Lima: Ok, I will call you.

Lima: Well, have you decided where you would like to go for your next vacation?

Emilia: I think I'll go to my grandparents, as always. I will help them around the house. What about you?

Lima: I think I'll go to the sea with my friends. Will you come with us?

Emilia: What will you do there?

Lima: If the weather is good, we will swim all the time. And I think we'll go to the water park and maybe attend some excursions.

Emilia: Oh great. I think I'll join you.

Lima: Okay, I'll call you.

Dialogue at the hotel

We offer you a couple of colloquial phrases on one of the most common hotel topics.

I need the cheapest room in this hotel. How much is it?

We have 2 numbers. The price is 10 dollars pro night.

It`s not cheap. Sorry.

I need the cheapest room in this hotel. How much does it cost?

We have two such numbers. The price is $10.

It is not cheap. Sorry.

Business dialogue

Business topics have become a separate subtopic in English. Today there are many courses in this profile, on online platforms there are special reference materials and entire intensive courses on this profile. We offer a short conversation about business in English:

Good morning! May I talk to Mr. Johns?

Good morning! Mr. Johns is busy at the moment. Do you mind leaving the message for him, please?

No, I don"t. It is Mr.Saimon. I"m calling to confirm our meeting.

Yes, Mr. Johns asked me to confirm!

Thank you very much for information!

Good morning! Can I hear Mr. Jones?

Good morning! Mr Jones is busy this moment. Maybe you can leave him a message?

No thanks. This is Mr Simon. I'm calling to confirm our meeting.

Yes, Mr. Jones asked me to confirm!

Thank you very much for the information!

Effective ways to learn dialogues

As noted earlier, memorizing dialogues is the key to successful communication in English. The more speech clichés you learn, the easier it will be for you to formulate your thoughts in a spontaneous conversation. If you have an interlocutor or you are learning English in a group, learning and speaking the dialogue is not a problem. Moreover, teachers usually add a creative component to the task - based on the dialogue in the textbook, compose, learn and tell your own version. However, if you are learning English on your own, not having a conversation partner makes the task somewhat more difficult. But, as you know, there are no hopeless situations. Listening to English dialogues online is the most effective method of learning. As a rule, repeated listening helps to learn all the necessary phrases, and at the same time reproduce them with the correct intonation.

An online tutorial can just become a kind of lifesaver in such a situation. Texts and dialogues (dialogues in English) on the site are voiced by professional speakers. You can choose the most comfortable method of learning for yourself - relying only on the audio version, or relying on the English or Russian version of the texts.

Surely, since your school or university days, you have not liked to learn theoretical material by heart. Such hostility is justified, because cramming is not the most exciting activity. But if you want to successfully master English, you cannot do without it. Of course, the communicative method, which involves only live communication, without memorizing the material, is very effective, but practice shows that for maximum results, it is necessary to include cramming in the learning process.

Why learn dialogues in English by heart with translation and how to do it correctly?

Why is it useful to memorize texts and dialogues?

The fact that memorizing text materials has every right to exist was proven back in the 19th century by the German polyglot Heinrich Schliemann, who knew 15 languages ​​- cramming was one of his secrets of mastering foreign languages. You can learn more about them from the article “”. And we will further tell you about three undeniable advantages of this format of language learning.

Learning new vocabulary

By memorizing dialogues and texts, you automatically replenish your own vocabulary. After the fourth or fifth repetition, new vocabulary is stored in your memory, even if you do not specifically set yourself the goal of remembering certain words. When the need arises, you can remember them to use in speech.

In addition, memorizing text material is an excellent opportunity to learn:

Why is cramming useful in this matter? The point is that all of the above vocabulary needs to be taught in context, and not separately - this way you can understand when it is appropriate to use this or that phrase, and learn to build competent, logical constructions.

Improving skills

When you learn text material by heart, you definitely read it several times in a row. This process has many benefits - it helps develop your linguistic skills. So, while cramming, you remember how words are spelled correctly, in what situation you need to use this or that tense, how grammatical structures are constructed. Thanks to such regular practice, you will soon be able to independently compose a dialogue in English using the learned vocabulary.

Memory improvement

As you know, without regular training, our memory gradually deteriorates, whether we want it or not. To slow down or stop this process, you must always keep your brain in good shape. The best tool for this is memorizing text materials in foreign language. To verify the effectiveness of this option, read the article “” - this Hungarian translator began studying her 16th foreign language at the age of 90.

How to memorize dialogues and texts correctly?

First, carefully select the material that you plan to learn by heart. Its topic should correspond to your needs, interests and level of foreign language. If your knowledge is still very modest, you can start with excerpts from adapted works, which you can read about in our article “”.

Secondly, forget about rote learning - be sure to parse texts and sentences in parts to understand the main principles of their construction, and also analyze the use of this or that vocabulary.

Thirdly, do not overdo it with cramming - pay no more attention to it than to other learning formats, so as not to turn the process of mastering English into a routine.

Now you know that memorization is a fairly effective option for learning foreign languages. If you approach the matter wisely, it will undoubtedly be beneficial and open up new linguistic possibilities. So, go for it!

Most people learn English using the communicative method. It excludes memorization and is based on the “living” English language (communication, phonetics, reading). However, memorizing some rules, words, and even more so texts, can have a positive impact on your progress in English.

So, today we will learn how to quickly memorize text in English.

Benefits of Memorizing Text

New vocabulary

When you parse and learn a text, you also learn new words and phrases. And this expands your vocabulary, which is very important when learning English. Studying new vocabulary will help you answer the question of how to quickly memorize English text.

Learning useful phrases

When studying dialogues, you will have a ready-made template for communicating in English. For example, if you analyze an introduction dialogue, then it can be applied in many situations. Modern textbooks contain a lot of similar texts that will not only improve your English, but also teach you how to communicate well.

Idioms and phrasal verbs

If you know how fast English text is, then you must understand that idioms play an important role in communication. By memorizing such constructions, you can easily use them to form your own sentences in English.

Improve spelling and grammar

Whatever one may say, the grammatical features of a word are remembered perfectly if you repeat it 5 times in a row to memorize it. In addition, grammatical structures also remain in memory.


You already know how to quickly learn dialogue in English. Just read it out loud several times in a row. Believe me, after 30-50 repetitions you will be able to reproduce even the difficult letter combination -th-.

Memory development

Learning foreign languages ​​is a real prevention of Alzheimer's. When you learn words and texts, you keep your consciousness and sanity healthy.

In other words, memorizing words helps train the brain, just like running trains the heart muscle. Of course, this is quite difficult, but thanks to this you will understand how to quickly memorize text in English.

How to easily learn English text or dialogue?

  1. Choose the right material

First of all, you need to choose the right material. This is much easier if you study with a tutor. In this case, he will provide you with all the texts himself. At self-study give preference to topics that you like.

So, if you are going to travel, then you choose texts marked “dialogue in a hotel, restaurant, cafe, etc.” When applying for a job, pay attention to business correspondence and texts about business etiquette.


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  • Chersi: 2019-03-21 04:20:15

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You can find interesting articles on this topic at agendaweb.com and englishspeak.com.

  1. Preliminary preparation.

To study the text, you should familiarize yourself with the vocabulary and listen to the pronunciation of all the words in the text. To do this, you will definitely need an audio version of the article, which can be downloaded from the appropriate resource.

  1. Learn gradually.

Break up the text and memorize it in parts every day. At the same time, do not forget to devote time to other lessons. After all, even if you know how to quickly learn an English text, this does not mean that you can skip the rest of your classes.

  1. Use different memorization techniques.

There are several various types memorizing texts and poems. Try them all and choose the best option for yourself. Then you will no longer ask how to learn a text in English.

For example, this could be classes with a tutor. You simply parse the dialogue with him and repeat it several times in a row in the process. This method differs from the classical one and is highly effective in practice.

If you approach the study of texts correctly, then this activity no longer becomes so painful. And if you still don’t know how to learn an English text, then it’s best to work with a teacher or go to group lessons. Thanks to this, you can develop your English skills and also strengthen your memory. Thematic texts will help you a lot with this.

Thematic English texts with translation

Bilingual texts will help you master English as quickly as possible - the original with parallel translation. This is a great way to overcome grammatical obstacles in an intuitive and fun way, remember as many words as possible, and learn to read fluently.

How to work with thematic text? You can first read the translation and then read the English version, or vice versa. It is possible to alternate Russian and English fragments. An English text with translation will help you overcome uncertainty when encountering unfamiliar words and will allow you to quickly increase your vocabulary.

Selecting thematic texts

Which English texts with translation are the most useful and interesting? The choice, of course, remains with the English language learner. Much depends on the purpose for which you are learning a language. If this is related to your profession or hobbies, you will be interested in texts from the relevant field.

However, there are translations of English texts that are useful to everyone. These are universal topics that are present in any exam, in any situation. The vocabulary of these materials is used everywhere.

We are talking about the following topics for beginners:

– a story about yourself, your hobbies and work, biographical information;

– everyday texts - visiting, behavior in the family, home situations;

– city life (, shops, transport, various institutions);

– business and profession;

- Sport and health;

– discussion of weather, animals, nature;

– travel, excursions;

– politics, press;

– cultural phenomena and events (books, films, exhibitions) and other topics.

Below you will find very simple tips, which will help you easily understand even the most complex texts in English.

Make a dictionary before you start reading

This approach can be called rebellious, because at school they taught to read the text first, and only then compile a dictionary. Skim the text and look for unfamiliar words that will be important for understanding it. Determining which of them belong to this group is quite simple. As a rule, such words

Repeated more than once;

Used in short sentences;

Have you met before?

Words that deserve attention fit at least one item from this list.

Don't write down all the new words

Not every new word you come across in a text is worth writing down and remembering. By writing down all the unfamiliar words, you are constantly distracted and, therefore, understand the text even worse.

Every time you encounter an unfamiliar expression, ask yourself the question: “Can I understand the sentence without it?” If the answer is “yes,” then the word probably doesn’t deserve close attention. All exceptions to the rule are described in the first paragraph.

Use the method of deduction

Feel like a linguistic Sherlock Holmes! You have to find out the meaning of an unfamiliar word by its surroundings - context. For example, you have come across the expression “neural circuits inside our brains”. You don't know what neural circuits are, but you understand that they are something located in the brains. The word "neural" is similar to the Russian "nerve" or "neuron", and "circuits" clearly has something to do with "circle". From this we can conclude that “neural circultis” are neural networks.

Pay attention to word formation

Break down each unfamiliar word into its parts (root, prefix and suffix) - this will help you figure out its meaning without looking at the dictionary.

The root is the most important part, it contains the main meaning. For the most part, they came to English from ancient Greek or Latin. For example:

bio (“life”): biology (biology), antibiotic (antibiotics), prebiotic (prebiotics).

hydro (“water”): dehydrate (dehydration), hydration (hydration).

A prefix can change the meaning of a word to the opposite. For example

bi- (“two”): bicycle (bicycle), bilingual (bilingual).

im- (“not-”): impossible (impossible), immature (immature).

The suffix is ​​placed immediately after the root and also affects the meaning:

Ology (“the study of”): biology (biology), astrology (astrology).

Less (“without”): powerless (powerless), hopeless (hopeless).

Cost of education: From 750rub/hour

Discounts: Available with promotional codes

Training mode: Online

Free lesson: Provided

Teaching method: Cambridge Communication Method and Total Physical Response Method

Online testing: Provided

Literature: Online library

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Break sentences into parts

The previous point taught you to break words into parts - apply this skill to long sentences. Imagine that you are reading an article about Mississippi on Wikipedia and you come across the phrase:

Its riverfront areas were cleared for cotton production before the American Civil War, but after the war, the bottomlands were cleared mostly by freedmen.

Scary? Break it down into parts:

Its riverfront areas - its coastal zones

were cleared - were cleared

for cotton production - for growing cotton

before the American Civil War - before the Civil War

but after the war - but after the war

the bottomlands were cleared - the floodplains were cleared

mostly by freedmen - mostly by freedmen

Follow the thread of the story

Understanding individual sentences is a great start! Now you can learn to understand the overall meaning of the text, its main ideas and how they develop. There are two methods:

  1. Notice repeated words. Find those expressions that are related to the main idea of ​​the text and read all the sentences in which they appear.
  2. Pay attention tobold font, italics and "quotes".
  3. Summarize

You understood the words. You understand the sentences. You get the general idea. Now stop and re-read the text again to appreciate the whole picture.


Working with text is an important practice in mastering a foreign language. When done correctly, communication and reading skills grow at an unprecedented rate. In addition, the vocabulary expands significantly. The more you work with text, the more words and expressions you remember, and you also learn to recognize unfamiliar words. Read more.

Good luck!

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Is it worth it learn texts and dialogues in a foreign language by heart? I have an ambivalent attitude towards this practice, since, on the one hand, I teach within the framework of a communicative approach, which does not welcome such things. But, on the other hand, I myself often learn my favorite phrases and sentences from films, books and magazines by heart. I write them down on small sheets of thick paper or multi-colored post-it notes, hang them on a board for notes, read and repeat until I remember them. Then I often catch myself when these memorized phrases pop up in speech, and they pop up very naturally, without tension.
Therefore, it seems to me that periodically learning something by heart is certainly worth it, but at the same time be sure to follow a few rules.

  • If you want to learn a dialogue, then it must be specially selected and contain useful vocabulary and grammatical structures.
  • Before memorizing, it is necessary to practice pronunciation and intonation so as not to memorize something incorrectly.
  • If you take a text, then there is no need to memorize it in its entirety; it is enough to select the fragments that are most interesting to you.
  • Memorization should not be mechanical, that is, you must understand exactly how this or that structure is formed in the text, how it can be transformed, and what it means.
  • You should not give such a task to children, as they will most likely simply memorize the words mechanically, often without even understanding the meaning.
  • It is effective to memorize something NOT at the initial stage, but when you already have a sufficient vocabulary and are well enough versed in grammar to easily build your own sentences based on the learned ones.
  • You should not overuse cramming, as this is not a learning method, but just one of many auxiliary techniques.
  • If you learn by heart, this does not mean that you can give up the practice of free speech. These are not two mutually exclusive, but rather two complementary techniques.