Aurelia Rotaru. Aurika Rotaru celebrates her anniversary: ​​the life path of the youngest of a talented family

Novoselitsky district, Chernivtsi region.

After graduating from school, he enters the conducting and choral department of the Chernivtsi Music College named after. Vorobkevich and continues to take part in amateur performances. The first ensemble in which Aurika performs is the Novoselytsia amateur performance ensemble “Scarlet Poppies”.

During this period, the Cheremosh ensemble was created at the Chernivtsi Philharmonic, in which one of the older sisters, Lydia Rotaru, performed. Aurika comes to her sister’s concert and one of the leaders of Cheremosh, Leonid Zatulovsky, has the idea to listen to the sisters together. The joint performance of the song “Primevara” exceeds all expectations and at the same concert they already perform together - this is how the duet of the Rotaru sisters was created. And Aurika starts professional concert activities.

Continuing to study at the music school, she works at the Chernivtsi Philharmonic - she begins selecting the repertoire and preparing concert costumes.

The duo's first well-deserved success came at the Komsomol Song competition, which took place in the Khmelnitsky region. At the competition, the sisters were awarded first place. After that, they took first place in another competition - “Young Voices” in Chernivtsi.

After graduating from college, Aurika continues professional education and enters the Odessa Pedagogical Institute. K.D. Ushinsky.

The duet of the Rotaru sisters as part of the Cheremosh ensemble is extremely popular and the sisters tour a lot - throughout Ukraine and Soviet Union, giving 3-4 concerts a day, constantly participate in filming television programs, record songs that are included in collections released by the All-Union Recording Studio "Melodiya". Their repertoire includes many folk songs– Ukrainian and Moldavian, as well as songs by the Teodorovich brothers, Pavel Dvorsky, Petra brothers, Jan Raiburg, Mihai Dolgan, Anatoly Kiryak, Gamma Skupinsky and many others. Popular songs and the calling card of the duet of the Rotaru sisters are the songs “Primevara”, “You are the sun in the sky”, “Yakscho lyubish, kohai”.

Personal life

In 1987, she married Vladimir Pigach and gave birth to a daughter, Anastasia.


In 1997 she received the title “Honored Artist of Ukraine”. Order "Holy Princess Olga", Ukraine


Singing activity Aurika Mikhailovna started at the Chernivtsi Philharmonic, where she was a soloist with her sister Lydia in the Cheremosh ensemble, and toured throughout Ukraine.

She continued her creative activity in Vinnitsa, then in the Crimean Philharmonic. She toured with her sister Sofia Rotaru. Participated in festivals: “Crimean Dawns” (Yalta), “Kiev Spring” (Kyiv), “White Nights” (St. Petersburg), “Wider Circle”, “Song of the Year” (Moscow, Kyiv). She performed the song “New Year’s Toys” with Arkady Khoralov.


  • 1994 - Album of Streltsy songs
  • 1995 - Collection “Primevara”
  • 1998 - Album “I can’t live without you”
  • 2000 - Collection “Day by Day”
  • 2003 - Collection “I can’t live without loving”
  • 2006 - Album “Happiness is a free bird”, JRC

Video clips

  • "For love"
  • "Happiness is a free bird"
  • "I can not live without you"
  • "Letter"
  • “I’ll never know you”
  • "Tell me a fortune"
  • "I'm leaving"


Aurika Rotaru was born and raised in Bukovina - in the village of Marshintsy, Novoselitsky district, Chernivtsi region. Parents: Alexandra Ivanovna and Mikhail Fedorovich Rotaru. In addition to Aurika, the family had five children: two brothers - Evgeniy and Anatoly and three sisters - Zinaida, Sofia and Lydia. Aurika is the youngest daughter in the family. The Rotaru family has always been melodious, and Aurika grew up loving music and singing from childhood. Little Aurika begins to sing at the age of 4. Later he participates in the school choir, performs in amateur performances, dances, and constantly takes part in competitions and festivals. After graduating from school, he enters the conducting and choral department of the Chernivtsi Music College named after. Vorobkevich and continues to take part in amateur performances. The first ensemble in which Aurika performs is the Novoselytsia amateur performance ensemble “Scarlet Poppies”. During this period, the Cheremosh ensemble was created at the Chernivtsi Philharmonic, in which one of the older sisters, Lydia Rotaru, performed. Aurika comes to her sister’s concert and one of the leaders of Cheremosh, Leonid Zatulovsky, has the idea to listen to the sisters together. The joint performance of the song “Primevara” exceeds all expectations and at the same concert they already perform together - this is how the duet of the Rotaru sisters was created. And Aurika begins professional concert activity. Continuing to study at the music school, she works at the Chernivtsi Philharmonic - she begins selecting the repertoire and preparing concert costumes. The duo's first well-deserved success came at the Komsomol Song competition, which took place in the Khmelnitsky region. At the competition, the sisters were awarded first place. After that, they took first place in another competition - “Young Voices” in Chernivtsi. After graduating from college, Aurika continues her professional training and enters the Odessa Pedagogical Institute. K.D. Ushinsky. The duet of the Rotaru sisters as part of the Cheremosh ensemble is extremely popular and the sisters tour a lot - throughout Ukraine and the Soviet Union, giving 3-4 concerts a day, constantly participate in the filming of television programs, record songs that are included in collections produced by the All-Union Studio "Melody" record. Their repertoire includes many folk songs - Ukrainian and Moldavian, as well as songs by the Teodorovich brothers, Pavel Dvorsky, the Petra brothers, Jan Raiburg, Mihai Dolgan, Anatoly Kiryak, Gamma Skupinsky and many others. Popular songs and the calling card of the duet of the Rotaru sisters are the songs “Primevara”, “You are the sun in the sky”, “Yakscho lyubish, kohai”. Aurika Rotaru has been performing as part of the duo for 10 years. In 1986, Aurika met her future husband Vladimir Pigach and moved to Kyiv. In 1987, a daughter, Anastasia, was born into the family of Aurika and Vladimir. Aurika Rotaru returns to the stage immediately after the birth of her daughter and begins a solo career. Later he continues his creative activity at the Vinnitsa Philharmonic, where he performs in the new ensemble “Winter Garden”, led by Alexander Tishchenko. After 2 years, Aurika creates her own group “Contact”, with which she has been successfully performing for 3 years. Some changes occur in Aurica’s repertoire, she begins to work with other authors, but still, as in a duet with her sister, she continues to perform Moldovan and Bukovinian songs, which enjoy constant success. The singer’s popularity comes from participation in the festivals “Wider Circle”, “Song of the Year” in Moscow, “Song of the Year” in Kyiv, as well as in the festivals “Crimean Dawns” in Yalta, “Kiev Spring” in Kyiv, “White Nights” in St. Petersburg. Aurika is invited to the Crimean Philharmonic, where her older sister, People's Artist of Ukraine, USSR and Moldova, Sofia Rotaru, has been working for a long time. Aurika begins to tour with Sofia Rotaru, and also continues her solo career. In 1996, Aurika Rotaru was awarded the honorary title “Honored Artist of Ukraine.” In 1997, Aurika Rotaru represented Ukraine at the Slavic Bazaar festival in Vitebsk, Belarus. Later, he regularly takes part in the festivals “Crimean Dawns” in Yalta, “Sea of ​​Friends”, in the All-Ukrainian festival of modern song “Song Vernissage”, in the song festival “Melody of Two Hearts” in Kyiv, the festival “Motherland”, dedicated to memory Nazariy Yaremchuk in Kyiv, International festival Ukrainian song dedicated to the memory of V. Ivasyuk in Chernivtsi, the festival of Ukrainian romance “Autumn Rendezvous” in Mirgorod. Repeatedly takes part in the “Shlyager Rock” festival, where he is awarded diplomas for the best performance of the songs “Dolenka”, “Two Doves”, “Sopilka”, “Remember Me”. All these years, Aurika Rotaru has been actively touring and performing in the cities of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tatarstan, Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. At the invitation of the Ukrainian diaspora, he tours the cities of Austria, Germany, Canada, the USA, and Israel. Today, Aurika Rotaru actively continues her creative activities: touring, recording new songs, and starring in television programs. Participates in joint tours with Sofia Rotaru. In the anniversary year of Sofia Rotaru in 2007, they performed together several times, including at the Anniversary Concert of Sofia Rotaru and in the New Year’s version of the “Two Stars” program. The solo repertoire of the Honored Artist of Ukraine includes songs by Vladimir Matetsky, Yuri Martynov, Oleg Kharitonov, Alexander Tishchenko, Arkady Khoralov, Ruslan Kvinta, Oleg Green, the Teodorovich brothers, Alexander Zlotnik. Performs in duets with Sofia Rotaru, Arkady Khoralov, Alexander Tishchenko, Mikhail Mikhailov, Yuri Martynov. Now Aurika Rotaru’s concerts are handled by her concert agency, which is headed by Natalya Goncharova. In her solo program, Aurika performs with her show ballet “Aura”, with which she has been working for 6 years. Aurika is actively engaged charitable activities. He repeatedly gives concerts for orphanages in Chernivtsi, Vinnitsa, Kirovograd, takes part in concert programs for disabled children, and performs for Afghan soldiers in Zhitomir, Kyiv and Kharkov. She constantly provides charitable assistance to the Transfiguration Church in Kyiv, which was built with the financial participation of her family. Awarded the Order of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine, 2nd degree.

Aurika Rotaru was born on October 22, 1958 in the small Moldavian village of Marshintsi, pleasantly located in Western Ukraine. Her parents worked on the land and were the most ordinary villagers. There were six children in the family - three sisters and three brothers. Aurika was the youngest child, but this did not mean that she was spoiled more than others.

Everyone in the family had their own responsibilities that had to be done around the house. Some were responsible for cleaning, others for livestock, and others for cooking. Every person was busy. They lived very modestly. And there were times when you could only dream of comfort. Aurika still remembers how she and her four sisters slept in the same bed. But despite everything, they lived quite amicably. Everyone in the family spoke Moldovan. Aurika’s mother didn’t even understand Russian. The children were still taught Russian at school, which greatly helped them in the future.

The girl's father loved to sing; he naturally had a good, strong voice. But because of the war, Mikhail Fedorovich was unable to realize his talent, so he dreamed that his children would follow creative path. And indeed, everyone in the family sang - both boys and girls. The genes, apparently, were making themselves felt. Did the girls, like Chekhov’s “Three Sisters,” dream of escaping from the outback to Moscow? Of course we dreamed! And if you want it badly, then your dreams have no choice but to come true.

First fee

While still just a baby, Aurika already performed on stage with her sisters. They chanted Moldavian songs that they knew by heart from dad. Aurika still remembers her first fee with a smile on her face. Its size was a whole 1 ruble. At the age of about three or four years old, she once performed at a village club and so touched the audience with a heartfelt song that people passed the hat around, collecting the first honestly earned money for the baby.

The beginning of a creative career

After graduating from school, Aurika decided to enter a music school, while also graduating from a pedagogical institute. Then the singer joined the Chernivtsi Philharmonic and began to actively tour with it throughout Western Ukraine. Soon she left the ensemble, and her older brother Evgeniy took her place. But the Cheremosh ensemble never achieved outstanding success, and after some time the group broke up.

In the 90s, Aurika joined first the Vinnitsa and then the Crimean Philharmonic. Along the way, she toured Russia with her older sister. In Sofia Rotaru's group, Aurika was a backing vocalist. They often performed as a duet on holiday concerts and New Year's shows.

Aurika's track record includes six albums. The last one was released in 2006.

Personal life

Her husband, Vladimir Pigach, a famous businessman at that time, helped Aurika work on the albums. They met in 1986. Aurika fell in love with him without looking back. After a short romance, the couple decided to get married.

The marriage produced a daughter, whom the couple named Nastya. The year 2005 prepared difficult trials for Aurika. Her husband Vladimir died of a massive stroke; they did not have time to save him. It happened at home, in the bathroom. If the rescuers had managed to quickly break down the door, then perhaps the tragedy would not have happened. But everything happened as if in slow motion. For the woman, this shock was a real blow. Her husband was everything to her. Aurika went to his grave every day, brought flowers, and talked.

Her loved ones supported her and did not let her fall into despair. Sofia regularly tried to visit her sister so that Aurika knew that she was not alone in the world. But the world did not stand still, it was necessary to move on. Aurika stopped throwing ashes on her head, pulled herself together and continued to live a full creative life.

Now Rotaru Jr. has two lovely granddaughters. They settled with their older sister Sofia in the same house so that they could see each other more often. They are both well over 60 years old, but they are still young. And it’s not even about plastic surgery and miracle creams, but about your attitude to life.

Aurika says that the key to her beauty and health is that she always treats everyone well. She strives to help her family, friends and people around her.

Beauty secret

Of course, in addition to inner world Aurika also pays attention to the external component. In her daily diet she follows the principles healthy eating. The singer has long given up sweet, fatty and fried foods. Fried potatoes fell into particular disfavor among women; a strict taboo was imposed on them. Aurika says that such a diet helps her feel cheerful and energetic and has the most favorable effect on her appearance.

Aurelia Mikhailovna Rotaru (Mold. Aurelia Rotaru). Born on October 22, 1958 in the village of Marshintsy, Novoselitsky district, Chernivtsi region, Ukrainian SSR. Soviet and Ukrainian singer. Honored Artist of Ukraine (1996). Younger sister of Sofia Rotaru.

Aurika (Aurelia) Rotaru was born on October 22, 1958 in Ukraine in the village of Marshintsy, Novoselitsky district, Chernivtsi region, into a Moldavian family.

Father - Mikhail Fedorovich Rotar (1918-2004), a war veteran, reached Berlin as a machine gunner, worked as a foreman of winegrowers.

Mother - Alexandra Ivanovna Rotar (1920-1997).

Brothers - Anatoly Mikhailovich Rotar and Evgeniy Mikhailovich Rotar (bass players and singers), worked in the Chisinau VIA "Orizont".

Older sisters - Zinaida Mikhailovna Rotar, .

Regarding the surname, she explained: “Rotaru was originally our surname. It’s not even Moldavian, but Romanian. “Rota” is a wheel, and “Rotaru” is a wheelwright. When Bessarabia, which was part of Romania, was annexed to Ukraine, the inhabitants were rewritten. Dad ours became Rotar Mikhail Fedorovich. And then we changed our surname back."

My father sang well and dreamed of becoming a singer himself, but the war got in the way. He grew grapes and made wonderful wine. Now the brothers continue this tradition.

The family spoke only Moldovan, as did other village residents. In Marshyntsi there was only a Moldavian school, where Ukrainian was not taught at all. Mother Alexandra Ivanovna did not understand Ukrainian or Russian at all.

IN school years Aurika did acrobatics.

In 1980 she graduated from the Vorobkevich Chernivtsi Music College, conducting and choral department. And in 1985 - Odessa Pedagogical Institute named after. K. D. Ushinsky.

She began performing while studying at the Chernivtsi College of Music (she studied with the same teacher as her sister Sofia Rotaru). She lived with her sister Lida, who by that time was already singing with Leonid Zatulovsky in the Cheremosh ensemble. One day she went with Lydia just to listen to a concert. She recalled: “Before the concert there was a time, Leonid Borisovich sat down at the piano and said: “Well, girls, sing something together.” We sang “Primavera.” At the same concert they found me some kind of blouse, skirt, and we performed as a duet. So I stayed in Cheremosh - they took me to the Chernivtsi Philharmonic."

As a duet with his sister Lydia, they performed as a soloist in the Cheremosh ensemble and toured throughout Ukraine.

Later she continued her creative activity in Vinnitsa, then in the Crimean Philharmonic.

She also toured with her star sister Sofia Rotaru.

Lydia, Aurika and Sofia Rotaru

Participated in festivals: “Crimean Dawns” (Yalta), “Kiev Spring” (Kyiv), “White Nights” (St. Petersburg), “Wider Circle”, “Song of the Year” (Moscow, Kyiv).

She performed the song “New Year’s Toys” with Arkady Khoralov.

In 1996 she received the title “Honored Artist of Ukraine”.

Sofia, Lydia and Aurika Rotaru - Spring

Personal life of Aurika Rotaru:

She was married twice.

The second husband, Vladimir Pigach, was engaged in business, incl. banking. They got married in 1987.

The marriage gave birth to a daughter, Anastasia Vladimirovna Rotaru (born 1987), graduated from Kiev University international relations majoring in International Economics.

The husband died at the age of 45 in 2005 from a massive stroke. Vladimir went to take a bath, where he felt ill. Unfortunately, he was unable to get help quickly because the door was locked from the inside. While it was being hacked, he died.

Has two granddaughters. The eldest - Aurelia Andreevna Knyazeva - was born on January 15, 2013. On March 14, 2017, the singer’s second granddaughter was born.

The Rotaru sisters live on different floors of the same house in the center of Kyiv, Sofia Mikhailovna on the second, and Aurika on the third. Lydia lives in Chernivtsi, Zinaida lives in Chisinau, brothers Evgeniy and Anatoly live in their native village of Marshyntsi in Bukovina.

Discography of Aurika Rotaru:

1994 - Album of Streltsy songs
1995 - “Primevara” (collection)
1998 - “I can’t live without you”
2000 - “Day by Day” (collection)
2003 - “I can’t live without loving” (collection)
2006 - “Happiness is a free bird”

Video clips of Aurika Rotaru:

"For love"
"Happiness is a free bird"
"I can not live without you"
“I’ll never know you”
"Tell me a fortune"
"I'm leaving"



Aurika Rotaru was born and raised in Bukovina - in the village of Marshintsy, Novoselitsky district, Chernivtsi region. Parents: Alexandra Ivanovna and Mikhail Fedorovich Rotaru. In addition to Aurika, the family had five children: two brothers - Evgeniy and Anatoly and three sisters - Zinaida, Sofia and Lydia. Aurika is the youngest daughter in the family. The Rotaru family has always been melodious, and Aurika grew up loving music and singing from childhood. Little Aurika begins to sing at the age of 4. Later he participates in the school choir, performs in amateur performances, dances, and constantly takes part in competitions and festivals. After graduating from school, he enters the conducting and choral department of the Chernivtsi Music College named after. Vorobkevich and continues to take part in amateur performances. The first ensemble in which Aurika performed was the Novoselytsia amateur artistic ensemble “Scarlet Poppies”. During this period, the ensemble “Cheremosh” was created at the Chernivtsi Philharmonic, in which one of the older sisters, Lydia Rotaru, performed. Aurika comes to her sister’s concert and one of the leaders of Cheremosh, Leonid Zatulovsky, has the idea to listen to the sisters together. The joint performance of the song “Primevara” exceeds all expectations and at the same concert they already perform together - this is how the duet of the Rotaru sisters was created. And Aurika begins professional concert activity. Continuing to study at the music school, she works at the Chernivtsi Philharmonic - she begins selecting the repertoire and preparing concert costumes. The duo's first well-deserved success came at the Komsomol Song competition, which took place in the Khmelnitsky region. At the competition, the sisters were awarded first place. After that, they took first place in another competition - “Young Voices” in Chernivtsi. After graduating from college, Aurika continued her professional training and entered the Odessa Pedagogical Institute. K.D. Ushinsky. The duet of the Rotaru sisters as part of the ensemble "Cheremosh" is extremely popular and the sisters tour a lot - throughout Ukraine and the Soviet Union, giving 3-4 concerts a day, constantly participate in the filming of television programs, record songs that are included in collections published All-Union recording studio "Melody". Their repertoire includes many folk songs - Ukrainian and Moldavian, as well as songs by the Teodorovich brothers, Pavel Dvorsky, the Petra brothers, Jan Raiburg, Mihai Dolgan, Anatoly Kiryak, Gamma Skupinsky and many others. Popular songs and the calling card of the duet of the Rotaru sisters are the songs “Primevara”, “You are the sun in the sky”, “Yakscho lyubish, kohai”. Aurika Rotaru has been performing as part of the duo for 10 years. In 1986, Aurika met her future husband Vladimir Pigach and moved to Kyiv. In 1987, a daughter, Anastasia, was born into the family of Aurika and Vladimir. Aurika Rotaru returned to the stage immediately after the birth of her daughter and began a solo career. Later he continues his creative activity at the Vinnitsa Philharmonic, where he performs in the new ensemble “Winter Garden”, led by Alexander Tishchenko. 2 years later, Aurika creates her own group “Contact”, with which she has been successfully performing for 3 years. Some changes occur in Aurika’s repertoire, she begins to work with other authors, but still, as in a duet with her sister, she continues perform Moldovan and Bukovinian songs, which enjoy constant success. The singer’s popularity brings participation in the festivals “Wider Circle”, “Song of the Year” in Moscow, “Song of the Year” in Kyiv, as well as in the festivals “Crimean Dawns” in Yalta, “Kiev Spring” in Kyiv, “White Nights” in St. Petersburg. Aurika is invited to the Crimean Philharmonic, where her older sister, People's Artist of Ukraine, USSR and Moldova, Sofia Rotaru, has been working for a long time. Aurika begins to tour with Sofia Rotaru, and also continues her solo career. In 1996, Aurika Rotaru was awarded the honorary title “Honored Artist of Ukraine.” In 1997, Aurika Rotaru represented Ukraine at the Slavic Bazaar festival in Vitebsk, Belarus. Later, he regularly takes part in the festivals “Crimean Dawns” in Yalta, “Sea of ​​Friends”, in the All-Ukrainian festival of modern song “Song Vernissage”, in the song festival “Melody of Two Hearts” in Kyiv, the festival “Motherland”, dedicated to the memory of Nazariy Yaremchuk in Kyiv , International Ukrainian Song Festival dedicated to the memory of V. Ivasyuk in Chernivtsi, Ukrainian romance festival “Autumn Rendezvous” in Mirgorod. Repeatedly takes part in the “Shlyager Rock” festival, where she is awarded diplomas for the best performance of the songs “Dolenka”, “Two Doves”, “Sopilka”, “Guess Me”. All these years Aurika Rotaru has been actively touring and performing in cities of Ukraine and Russia , Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tatarstan, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan. At the invitation of the Ukrainian diaspora, she tours the cities of Austria, Germany, Canada, the USA, and Israel. Today, Aurika Rotaru actively continues her creative activities: touring, recording new songs, and starring in television programs. Participates in joint tours with Sofia Rotaru. In the anniversary year of Sofia Rotaru in 2007, they performed together several times, including at the Anniversary Concert of Sofia Rotaru and in the New Year’s version of the “Two Stars” program. The solo repertoire of the Honored Artist of Ukraine includes songs by Vladimir Matetsky, Yuri Martynov, Oleg Kharitonov, Alexander Tishchenko, Arkady Khoralov, Ruslan Kvinta, Oleg Green, the Teodorovich brothers, Alexander Zlotnik. She performs in duets with Sofia Rotaru, Arkady Khoralov, Alexander Tishchenko, Mikhail Mikhailov , Yuri Martynov. Now Aurika Rotaru’s concerts are handled by her concert agency, which is headed by Natalya Goncharova. In her solo program, Aurika performs with her show ballet “Aura”, with which she has been working for 6 years. Aurika is actively involved in charitable activities. He repeatedly gives concerts for orphanages in Chernivtsi, Vinnitsa, Kirovograd, takes part in concert programs for disabled children, and performs for Afghan soldiers in Zhitomir, Kyiv and Kharkov. She constantly provides charitable assistance to the Transfiguration Church in Kyiv, which was built with the financial participation of her family. Awarded the Order of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine, 2nd degree.