Aurika Rotaru: biography, creativity, career, personal life. Aurika Rotaru celebrates her anniversary: ​​the life path of the youngest of a talented family The beginning of a creative career

Exclusive. How much gold does the Rotaru family have?

Aurika Rotaru considers herself a happy woman. Her happiness is a large family, daughter, granddaughter, song, inspiration and, of course, love...

"Gold" and favorites

The full name of the singer and native (and well, maybe the most slightly less “starry”!) sister of Sofia Rotaru is Aurelia (in Moldavian Aureira). People familiar with Mendeleev’s periodic table of elements will immediately draw a parallel with the Latin “aurum” - “gold”. And they will hit the mark! Aurelia is precisely interpreted as “golden”. In Bukovina this is a very common name, and the girl was named that way because she was youngest child in family. That is, golden. However, “golden” and beloved in big family Rotaru had all six children. The elder sister Zinaida now lives in Chisinau, Lydia - in Chernivtsi, brothers Evgeniy and Anatoly - in their native village of Marshintsy, and Sofia and Aurika - in Kyiv.

Everyone has their own destiny. Zinaida, having suffered from typhus in childhood, lost her sight, but managed to survive all the hardships and find herself among millions. Lydia has become a “businesswoman”: she has her own restaurant. Living in parental home, Evgeniy is engaged in viticulture. Anatoly is also a businessman. On stage today there are only Sofia and Aurika. But Ukraine believes: the time will come, and one day the entire singing Rotaru family will gather on the main stage of the country!

We remember "Cheremosh"

Aurika and Lydia sang together for quite a long time in the Cheremosh ensemble of the Chernivtsi Philharmonic. In the 1980s, as part of a group with a fast-moving “river” name, they came to Nikopol! Involvement in the “star” surname forced the sisters, whose duet was quite popular in the USSR, to sing with full dedication. They tried, looked for their songs, their authors. But over time, circumstances changed: Lydia went into business, and Aurika continued her creative activity in the Vinnitsa and then the Crimean Philharmonic. She toured a lot with her now solo program. It’s not in vain - Rotaru! (This surname is Romanian and means “wheel driver” from the word “rotar” - wheel.) So he travels around the planet singing!

Life without shocking

There are always scandals and affairs surrounding the personal lives of celebrities, intertwined with juicy details. But to any “rule” there is an exception, which is the Rotaru family. So Aurika is clearly not a “socialite”: she lives without pathos and scandals, does not hang around in social gatherings and does not advertise her personal life. And problems, even if they arise, never become the property of the “yellow” press.

The singer does not like large and noisy companies or nightclubs. He does not strive to appear on television, believing that it is more important to be remembered by the audience with a good song and manner of performance.

The house my husband and I dreamed of

She recently moved to her country house, built near Boryspil. She had long wanted to live in nature.

– After all, I am a rural person. I love the land and clean air, which is always lacking in the city,” the celebrity confesses to me.

Aurika Mikhailovna lives alone in the house. Her husband Vladimir Pigach died in 2005, and she had never met such a caring, loving and generous man in her life. The singer’s only daughter Anastasia lives separately - Aurika Mikhailovna left her Kyiv apartment to her daughter. Nastya is married and has already given her mother a granddaughter, who was also named Aurika. It seems that this name brings good luck to the family!

Cucumbers and tomatoes

“I love working on the land,” continues Aurika Rotaru. – Even in my Kyiv apartment, I grew tomatoes in pots on the balcony. It is such a pleasure to sow or plant and then watch it grow! But now I have a garden and grow cucumbers, parsley and celery myself. She has grown a garden in which there are pears, apples, cherries, apricots, peaches, dogwoods, and quinces. I look after my household myself and get tremendous pleasure from it!

For us, our parents were an example of devotion to the land, hard work, decency and respectful attitude towards people. Mom, for example, taught: a man came into the house - first feed him, and only then talk. And my father always said that he would wear a sweatshirt, but would not leave the black earth Ukraine...


In her free time from busy work, she embroiders with cross stitch, satin stitch, beads and “gold”. He likes to do this at night, when there is silence around. He also collects cow figurines!

– I already have more than five hundred of them. In a country house I will set aside a whole room for them. The cow in the village is the nurse. As a child, we also had a cow.

I also love to cook. Volodya, for example, ate only at home - no restaurants and, God forbid, fast food. And in general, I try to make my family feel warm and comfortable with me.

He gave her a whole world filled with spring

Aurika Rotaru is a believer. He does charity work, builds churches, and when he goes on stage, he always crosses himself. She did not change the tradition, even climbing onto an improvised platform in the village of Chkalovo, where the celebration of the 90th anniversary of the Nikopol region took place.

Aurika Mikhailovna was married to her husband. This decision was made after fifteen years of marriage, when the couple became convinced that there was a strong spiritual connection between them. And they had love at first sight: future husband Proposed to Aurika on the first day we met! The woman felt in her heart that this was her man! And I was not mistaken.

“There is nothing accidental in this life,” says the singer, recalling those days. – Everything was planned from above.

First ruble

Now Aurika Rotaru has her own name and pride in Ukrainian show business. Although at first, he admits, a special magic was felt in the name of the older sister. But she managed to find her image, which was easily accepted by the viewer. Even in the difficult 1990s, when it was not easy for artists to “find themselves,” she had no downtime: the singer traveled to the Far East, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan with concerts.

And if you look back, Aurika has been on stage since she was four years old. The leader of the rural amateur performance group personally came to Rotaru’s house to listen to the “little one.” That's when she started performing on stage. They placed a stool for her, an accordion player sat next to her, and Aurika sang. And when the little one was asked what you would be, she answered without hesitation: “A singer!”

Once she performed at a rural club, and the audience collected her first “fee” - a ruble in small change. The little girl spent it on candy.

Flowers, like songs, have a beginning, but no end.

After school, there was no question of a profession for Aurelia: she entered the conducting and choral department of the Chernivtsi Music College. She studied and at the same time sang in “Cheremosh”. It happened unexpectedly. The leader of the ensemble, Leonid Zatulovsky, invited the sisters to sing together. They sang “Primavara” (“Spring” in Moldavian) - the song later became the calling card of the Rotaru sisters. As soon as the duet appeared, Aurika and Lydia were invited by the then chief director of festivals and cultural programs of Ukrkoncert, Boris Sharvarko, to a government concert in Kyiv. This was their debut at the Ukraine Palace.

Since those times, a lot has changed in Aurika Mikhailovna’s life, but her devotion to the song, the audience and her family have remained unchanged.

Now the singer tours a lot in the cities of the former Union. At the invitation of the Ukrainian diaspora, it enters Austria, Germany, Canada, the USA, and Israel. Her solo repertoire includes songs by Vladimir Matetsky, Yuri Martynov, Oleg Kharitonov, Alexander Tishchenko, Arkady Khoralov, Ruslan Kvinta, Oleg Green, and the Teodorovich brothers.

The singer draws crowded halls, and fans continue to give her roses, chrysanthemums and lilies, and it seems that this flow of flowers, like the songs, has no end...

Aurika Rotaru has released six solo discs and shot seven videos. In 1997 she became an Honored Artist of Ukraine.


Aurika Rotaru considers herself a happy woman.

– I have a daughter, a granddaughter, all my sisters and brothers are alive. I have a favorite job. I built my house. What more could you dream of?! It’s a pity, of course, that Volodya passed away so early; his parents are no longer there. But the Almighty ordered it this way. For the rest - all glory to God! - the star guest says to me goodbye.

Happy anniversary, Aurika Mikhailovna!

On October 22, Aurika Rotaru celebrated her anniversary birthday. Life gave her two A's! The Prospekt team congratulates this sunny woman and sends her the most sincere wishes for health, goodness and creative longevity!

The surname Rotaru is involuntarily associated with famous singer, a “dark-skinned girl” who was at the peak of popularity in the 90s. The talented Sofia has a sister. She also sings and shines on stage. Let's get acquainted with the biography of Aurika Rotaru, her creative career. What interesting facts does she share in the interview?


The biography of Aurica Rotaru begins in the small Moldavian village of Marshintsy in western Ukraine. The singer's date of birth was October 22, 1958. She became the youngest child in the family. Her parents were ordinary villagers. They worked on a plot of one hectare and kept a small farm. Each child in the family had their own responsibilities and worries around the house. Has Aurika ever dreamed of becoming a singer? Of course yes! The children inherited their talent for singing from their father. He also wanted to become an artist, but war and famine prevented this.

From the age of four, Aurika Rotaru was already performing on stage. In Marshintsy there was an amateur art club, which she attended with her brothers and sisters. The girl sang Moldovan folk songs, which she knew well.

Aurika Rotaru graduated from a rural school and entered the music school named after. Vorobkevich (conducting and choral department) in Chernivtsi. In 1985, she also graduated from the Odessa Pedagogical Institute. K.D. Ushinsky.


Aurika Rotaru's professional singing biography began at the Chernivtsi Philharmonic. It was then that, together with her sister Lydia, she began to successfully solo and tour around Ukraine as part of the Cheremosh ensemble. After leaving, Aurika’s place was taken by brother Evgeniy. The group began to work in the direction of Italian pop music. But she didn’t achieve success.

By the 90s, Aurika moved to Vinnytsia, and then to At this time she participated in tours older sister Sofia, serving as a backing vocalist. Young Aurika also successfully performed at festivals around Soviet Union: in “Crimean Dawns” (Yalta), “White Nights” (St. Petersburg), “Song of the Year” (Moscow) and in “Kyiv Spring”.


Currently creative biography Auriki Rotaru has six albums. The last one was recorded in 2006. Her husband Vladimir helped the singer work on her repertoire.

In addition, seven video clips were shot for Aurika’s songs, two of them in Ukrainian.


The singer has three significant awards. They are all connected with her creative activity. This is the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine, which Aurika received in 1996. The singer was also awarded the Order of the Holy Princess Olga (Ukraine) and the Holy Great Martyr Catherine of the second degree (Russia) for her active participation and contribution to the development of the cultural life of the state.


The Rotaru family is quite large. Parents Mikhail Fedorovich (died in 2004) and Alexandra Ivanovna (died in 1997) had six children born in their marriage: two sons and four daughters. They were proud of everyone without exception. Currently, only Sofia and Aurika remain in the profession of artists.

Their brothers - Anatoly and Evgeniy - were once singers and bass players in the VIA "Orizont" in Chisinau. But in the early 2000s they returned to their parents' house.

Sisters Zinaida and Lydia once followed the path of singers. The second even received special education. And for 10 years she performed in the same group with Aurika. However, each had her own family and new worries. And life scattered the sisters across different cities.

Aurika Rotaru's personal biography began in 1986, when she met her future husband, Vladimir Pigach. A year later they got married and moved to Kyiv. Soon their daughter Anastasia was born. Today Aurika Rotaru is already a happy grandmother. She has two granddaughters. The eldest's name is Aurelia.

By her own admission, Aurika Rotaru’s creative biography and personal life were successful. She is doing what she loves, her siblings are alive. The singer finally completed the construction and arrangement of the country house into which she moved, leaving the Kyiv apartment to her daughter. There is only no spouse nearby. He died in 2005 from a massive stroke.

  • As children, four sisters slept in the same bed. Aurika herself told the Ukrainian magazine “Facts” about this. The family lived very modestly. But this only brought the relatives together.
  • At the beginning of their creative career, the Rotaru sisters had a problem with the correct spelling and pronunciation of their last name. After all, according to their passports they went as “Rotar”. The fact is that the village in which the family lived originally belonged to Romania. And after the war, the territory went to Ukraine. Father Mikhail Fedorovich was summoned to the military registration and enlistment office about this and asked to change Romanian surname to Ukrainian. It was then that a soft sign appeared instead of “y” at the end of the word. The correct sound returned only after the collapse of the USSR. The name of the singer Aurelia is of pure Moldavian origin.
  • She received her first fee of one ruble at the age of four, performing on the stage of a rural club. The girl's singing touched the audience so much that they threw the hat around the hall to raise money.

  • Aurika Rotaru’s biography included a lot of traveling with concerts. However, she always dreamed of visiting Brazil, the vibrant and dancing city of Rio de Janeiro. For now, an amazing trip remains only in plans. After all, the singer has a busy touring schedule.
  • The famous Rotaru sisters are already over 50, but even today they look young and fresh. And it’s not all about plastic surgery and secret elixirs and creams. The main thing is the right lifestyle. Despite being busy, you need to get good sleep and exclude “fried potatoes, desserts and meat dishes” from your diet. But it’s even more important to do what you love, take care of your family and look for happiness in every day. This is what the biography of Aurika Rotaru demonstrates. Photos of the family, large and friendly, are a source of pride. Rotaru celebrates every holiday and even minor event together. Sofia especially pampers them, arranging joint trips to Florence, Venice, or Paris.

Aurika Rotaru was born on October 22, 1958 in the small Moldavian village of Marshintsi, pleasantly located in Western Ukraine. Her parents worked on the land and were the most ordinary villagers. There were six children in the family - three sisters and three brothers. Aurika was the youngest child, but this did not mean that she was spoiled more than others.

Everyone in the family had their own responsibilities that had to be done around the house. Some were responsible for cleaning, others for livestock, and others for cooking. Every person was busy. They lived very modestly. And there were times when you could only dream of comfort. Aurika still remembers how she and her four sisters slept in the same bed. But despite everything, they lived quite amicably. Everyone in the family spoke Moldovan. Aurika’s mother didn’t even understand Russian. The children were still taught Russian at school, which greatly helped them in the future.

The girl's father loved to sing; he naturally had a good, strong voice. But because of the war, Mikhail Fedorovich was unable to realize his talent, so he dreamed that his children would follow a creative path. And indeed, everyone in the family sang - both boys and girls. The genes, apparently, were making themselves felt. Did the girls, like Chekhov’s “Three Sisters,” dream of escaping from the outback to Moscow? Of course we dreamed! And if you want it badly, then your dreams have no choice but to come true.

First fee

While still just a baby, Aurika already performed on stage with her sisters. They chanted Moldavian songs that they knew by heart from dad. Aurika still remembers her first fee with a smile on her face. Its size was a whole 1 ruble. At the age of about three or four years old, she once performed at a village club and so touched the audience with a heartfelt song that people passed the hat around, collecting the first honestly earned money for the baby.

The beginning of a creative career

After graduating from school, Aurika decided to enter a music school, while also graduating from a pedagogical institute. Then the singer joined the Chernivtsi Philharmonic and began to actively tour with it throughout Western Ukraine. Soon she left the ensemble, and her older brother Evgeniy took her place. But the Cheremosh ensemble never achieved outstanding success, and after some time the group broke up.

In the 90s, Aurika joined first the Vinnitsa and then the Crimean Philharmonic. Along the way, she toured Russia with her older sister. In Sofia Rotaru's group, Aurika was a backing vocalist. They often performed as a duet on holiday concerts and New Year's shows.

Aurika's track record includes six albums. The last one was released in 2006.

Personal life

Her husband, Vladimir Pigach, a famous businessman at that time, helped Aurika work on the albums. They met in 1986. Aurika fell in love with him without looking back. After a short romance, the couple decided to get married.

The marriage produced a daughter, whom the couple named Nastya. The year 2005 prepared difficult trials for Aurika. Her husband Vladimir died of a massive stroke; they did not have time to save him. It happened at home, in the bathroom. If the rescuers had managed to quickly break down the door, then perhaps the tragedy would not have happened. But everything happened as if in slow motion. For the woman, this shock was a real blow. Her husband was everything to her. Aurika went to his grave every day, brought flowers, and talked.

Her loved ones supported her and did not let her fall into despair. Sofia regularly tried to visit her sister so that Aurika knew that she was not alone in the world. But the world did not stand still, it was necessary to move on. Aurika stopped throwing ashes on her head, pulled herself together and continued to live a full creative life.

Now Rotaru Jr. has two lovely granddaughters. They settled with their older sister Sofia in the same house so that they could see each other more often. They are both well over 60 years old, but they are still young. And it’s not even about plastic surgery and miracle creams, but about your attitude to life.

Aurika says that the key to her beauty and health is that she always treats everyone well. She strives to help her family, friends and people around her.

Beauty secret

Of course, in addition to inner world Aurika also pays attention to the external component. In her daily diet she follows the principles healthy eating. The singer has long given up sweet, fatty and fried foods. Fried potatoes fell into particular disfavor among women; a strict taboo was placed on them. Aurika says that such a diet helps her feel cheerful and energetic and has the most favorable effect on her appearance.