Automatic interpretation of general urine analysis. General urine test: how to decipher it yourself? Groups of indicators of general urine analysis

Deciphering a general urine test in adults requires the necessary qualifications, so doctors do not recommend interpreting the results on your own. This laboratory test is highly informative and easy to carry out and is one of the most frequently prescribed.

Urine, or urine, is a biological fluid that is produced by the kidneys in the process of filtering the blood flowing through them. It consists of 95-96% water and 4-5% products of protein metabolism (creatinine, uric acid, urea), mineral salts and other substances.

A good urine test result does not always indicate the absence of pathology; it must be correlated with blood tests and the general condition of the patient.

The diagnostic value of a general urine test is explained by the following factors:

  • collecting material for research is simple and does not cause discomfort to the patient;
  • speed and technical simplicity of implementation;
  • urine test indicators correlate with blood test indicators, complementing each other;
  • a complete general urine test allows you to assess the functioning of many body systems;
  • The results obtained in some cases allow the doctor to make a preliminary diagnosis.

Indications for prescribing a general urine test

A general urine test is prescribed to all adults and children during clinical observation; it is also included in the complex of basic examination of patients with a variety of diseases. It is most informative for the following pathologies:

  • inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract;
  • neoplasms of the genitourinary system;
  • acute and chronic renal failure;
  • diseases of the liver and biliary tract (hepatitis, cholangitis, cholelithiasis);
  • poisoning with hemolytic poisons;
  • condition after a streptococcal infection.

It is advisable that every healthy person take a urine test once a year, as it provides enough information about the state of the body and allows you to diagnose some diseases at a latent stage, in the absence of any symptoms.

How to prepare for research

A general urine test not only identifies possible diseases of the genitourinary system, but also determines the condition of many other systems, for example, the digestive and cardiovascular. However, in order for the parameters it determines to be reliable, it is necessary to prepare properly.

Deviation of certain indicators from the norm or, conversely, obtaining a normal result in the presence of clinical symptoms serves as a reason for an in-depth examination of the patient.

One day before the test, you must stop eating foods that can affect the composition of your urine. First of all, these are brightly colored products (beets, carrots, caramel, lemonade), marinades, smoked meats, and alcohol. In addition, you should stop taking any dietary supplements and vitamins, as well as diuretics (after consulting your doctor).

Ketone bodies

Appears in decompensated diabetes mellitus,

An increase in the number of transitional epithelial cells is associated with urolithiasis, tumors of the urinary tract, intoxication, acute inflammatory processes in the renal pelvis or bladder.

The appearance of renal epithelial cells in the urine is observed with circulatory failure, intoxication, and nephritis. Very large numbers of renal epithelial cells are present in the urine of patients with nephrotic necrosis caused by poisoning with dichloroethane, antifreeze, and sublimate.

In case of urgent need, a general urine test can be taken at any time of the day. If the result is required as soon as possible, then on the referral to the laboratory it is written in Latin “Cito!”, which means “urgent”.


What are cylinders? These are formations that are casts of the renal tubules and are formed by various components of urine coagulated in an acidic environment. Casts do not form in alkaline urine.

Depending on the composition, there are several types of cylinders:

  • hyaline– appear in certain kidney diseases, heart failure and hyperthermia;
  • grainy– a sign of kidney pathology (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, diabetic nephropathy), viral infections, lead poisoning;
  • wax– for amyloidosis, chronic renal failure, nephrotic syndrome;
  • erythrocyte– characteristic of glomerulonephritis, renal vein thrombosis, renal infarction.


The appearance of bacteria in the urine (bacteriuria) is associated with an infectious inflammatory process in the organs of the genitourinary system or a violation of the rules for preparing and taking the test.


Their detection indicates a fungal infection. They often appear in the urine of people who have received a long course of antibacterial therapy or who suffer from immunodeficiency of various origins.


The appearance of salts in the urine may be associated with disorders of mineral metabolism, inflammation in the pyelocaliceal system, urolithiasis, gout, as well as dietary habits.

Is it possible to decipher a urine test yourself?

At first glance, it may seem that reading the result of a general urine test is not difficult if you have a decoding of the main indicators at hand. However, in practice everything is much more complicated. It happens that existing deviations from the norm are not associated with pathology. For example, a decrease in the density of urine may be due to drinking a lot shortly before the test, and a change in the color of urine may be due to eating beetroot dishes or taking medications (Furadonin, Furazolidone, vitamins).

A decrease in the amount of urine is observed with dehydration, acute and chronic renal failure. With a large volume of urine, diabetes mellitus or diabetes insipidus can be suspected.

On the other hand, a good result of a urine test also does not always indicate the absence of pathology; it must be correlated with blood tests and the general condition of the patient. In this regard, it is impossible to make a diagnosis based only on the results of one study in most cases. As a rule, deviation of certain indicators from the norm or, conversely, obtaining a normal result in the presence of clinical symptoms serves as a reason for an in-depth examination of the patient. The diagnosis is made based on an assessment of the results of all studies taking into account the clinical picture.

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A general urine test (UCA) is one of the most common tests that helps detect abnormalities in the functioning of the kidneys and urinary system. A general urine test includes the study of physical properties (amount of urine, color, transparency, reaction (pH), specific gravity (relative density), chemical properties (protein, glucose, ketone bodies, bile pigments in urine), as well as sediment microscopy (hemoglobin, erythrocytes, leukocytes, epithelial cells, casts). Regular urine testing during pregnancy helps to detect possible problems during pregnancy.

To obtain reliable results of a urine test, it is necessary to prepare well for the analysis and correctly collect the material. It is advisable to purchase a special sterile container for urine analysis and thoroughly clean the external genitalia before collecting urine. It is especially important to prepare for a urine test during pregnancy.

Decoding a urine test online will help you decipher your analysis before visiting a doctor, understand the indicators of a urine test, and also obtain information on each indicator of the analysis. When deciphering a urine test during pregnancy, the results are described taking into account pregnancy, and the results are also adjusted depending on age, that is, when deciphering a child’s urine test, a special result is given for children. The norms for urine analysis must be looked at on the form of the laboratory where the analysis was done, because in the urine analysis.

A person often has to take tests to diagnose his body, but he often does not understand what is hidden under the medical concepts of BLD in a urine test. What information do red blood cells provide, and why are they dangerous to humans? What is this - physiology or pathology? All details are below.

What does urine analysis include?

Extrarenal - its appearance is possible during inflammatory processes in the genitourinary area, and is a consequence of diseases such as urethritis, prostatitis and cystitis.

If red blood cells are detected in a urine test (BLD trace), the attending physician usually prescribes an additional examination for the patient. If the result of the secondary analysis is positive, there will be no doubt about the pathological transformations of the urinary tract and kidneys. The most common disease is hematuria, which is particularly common. The most dangerous form of all of the above is considered macrohematuria, which is accompanied by such pathologies as:

Malignant tumors of the renal pelvis;

Kidney cancer;

Malignant formations in the bladder and ureter;

Renal tuberculosis.

If a person is healthy, then there are no red blood cells in his urine. If they are detected in the urine, it is necessary to conduct repeated tests to refute or confirm the diagnosis.

Decoding BLD in urine analysis

A person comes to the clinic when something in his condition causes concern. The doctor should immediately write him a referral for tests. The most informative and common is a general urine test, which immediately reflects all the malfunctions in the body. However, an ignorant person is unlikely to be able to understand the terms.

Each indicator has its own standards, BLD in urine analysis is no exception, and if all of them are within these limits, then the patient does not need to worry, since there are no pathologies. But if any value is exceeded, we can talk about some kind of inflammation.

So, there should be no BLD in urine, and if the results are positive after repeated tests, you should sound the alarm and start treatment immediately.

What is the reason for the increase in red blood cells?

If, after a general analysis of urine for red blood cells, a positive result was obtained, then this indicates a number of factors. In this case, pathological transformations in the genitourinary system and kidneys can be observed. In addition, the result may be false positive, which is determined by the physiological specifics of the human body.

Often, red blood cells are detected as a result of dehydration, a lack of fluid in the body. Water deficiency is caused by vomiting and stomach upset.

During physical activity, athletes lose large amounts of fluid, which can also cause BLD to appear in urine. After restoring the water balance in the body, red blood cells disappear.

The physiological factors that cause the appearance of BLD SA in urine analysis (we examined the norm) are:

The temporary nature of the manifestation of red blood cells in urine, for example, after a person is in a hot workshop or in a hot bath, which causes overheating of the body;

Increased physical and mental stress;

Due to the increased content of glucocorticosteroids in the blood, which can often be associated with stress experienced by a person;

When in mountainous areas where there is a lack of oxygen;

Poisons and toxins that people often encounter;

Consumption of alcoholic beverages, which causes a risk of vascular spasm, which causes the appearance of red blood cells in urine after drinking alcohol;

A large number of spices in food.

In addition, urine may turn red not because it contains an excess amount of red blood cells, but because the concentration of hemoglobin in its composition is increased. When hemolysis develops, the red blood cells contained in the blood are destroyed, and this is typical for defects in urine filtration in the kidneys, and it all ends in acute renal failure.

It is worth noting that the human body is unique in the sense that it can adapt to the influence of various factors, and in a number of situations, the detected red blood cells can become a normal indicator for a particular person. Pathologies that cause BLD include the following diseases:

Kidney failure: ten cells;

Vulvitis, inflammation processes in the genital area, in the uterus: up to ten cells;

Cystitis, urolithiasis: 50 r b c/u l;

Diseases of the bladder and kidneys of an oncological nature: 250 r b c/u l. BLD trace-lysed in a urine test means traces of red blood cells. Normally they shouldn't be there.

If the red blood cells increase to two hundred and fifty cells, then this poses a serious danger to human life. The patient is urgently hospitalized, additional diagnostics are performed: biopsy, ultrasound, blood biochemistry, after which a therapeutic course is prescribed.

What else does BLD show in a general urine test?

Renal type of red urine

In this case, urination simultaneously with blood is recorded in the patient against the background of such kidney pathologies as:

Autoimmune disease of the ducts and glomeruli of the kidneys with acute or chronic glomerulonephritis;

Kidney cancer;

Urolithiasis disease;

Infection with pyelonephritis;


A stab wound to the renal surface or a significant bruise - in such a situation, blood clots in the urine can take on the appearance of gross hematuria.

Postrenal type

To determine that the symptoms of hematuria in a patient are caused precisely by postrenal causes, it is necessary to conduct an examination, which may reveal inflammation in the urethra or bladder:

Due to damage to the mucous membrane of these organs by sand or stones;

Against the background of cystitis, both in women and men;

For neoplasms of an oncological nature;

During hard sexual intercourse, which damages the mucous membrane of the urethra;

Injuries to the urethra or bladder with simultaneous bleeding and vascular damage, which are accompanied by symptoms of gross hematuria.

Red blood cells in urine analysis in children

The norm for children in terms of the number of red blood cells should be no more than six in the field of vision for girls and four for boys. If their content is increased, this is called erythrocyturia. If the urine turns red due to too many red blood cells, then in this case we are talking about hematuria.

Since urine during its formation goes through a long path, starting in the kidneys and ending with the urethra, each of the sections along the way can become a source of red blood cells. What does BLD CA 25 ery/ul mean in a urine test? More on this below.

If significant defects in the formation of blood clots and the coagulation system are observed, then the red blood cells in urine are of extrarenal origin. They are detected in hemolytic anemia, low platelet count or impaired platelet activity, hemolytic-uremic syndrome and coagulopathies.

Renal red blood cells occur with glomerulonephritis, hereditary nephritis and IgA nephropathy.

If the calyces and pelvis are damaged due to vascular defects, carcinoma, kidney injuries, urolithiasis and cystic diseases, then the shape of the red blood cells during microscopy is unchanged, but their number is increased.

Since the movement of stones from the kidneys occurs along with the flow of urine, the urinary tract and its components are damaged: the bladder, ureters, urethra, as a result of which red blood cells appear in the urine.

With acute or chronic rhinitis, after catheterization of the bladder and with urethritis, red blood cells in the urine may also be increased. In a urine test, a BLD CA of 25 means that 25 red blood cells are detected per field of view.

Increased red blood cells in urine in men

In some situations, men (especially older men) may need complex therapy for hematuria in the presence of prostate pathologies.

Blood under such circumstances means:

A cancerous tumor in the prostate gland that can cause bleeding.

Inflammatory processes in the prostate, as a result of which red blood cells mix with urine. BLD - trace intact - what is this in a urine test? This means there are no red blood cells in the urine, which is good.

Increase in red blood cells in women

Women especially often suffer from excessive concentrations of red blood cells in urine if they have problems caused by pathological processes of the genitourinary system:

If blood is detected during urination, one can judge about uterine diseases that provoked bleeding;

Erosion lesions of the uterine cervix can also cause blood clots in urine.

In addition, the doctor may find in tests that not only red blood cells, but also white blood cells are elevated. This indicates the presence of inflammatory processes in the kidneys.

We examined the decoding of BLD in a general urine analysis.

In most cases, diagnosis of diseases begins with a general urine test. When a person detects signs of illness, he or she independently goes to the laboratory for testing. A doctor gives a referral for this test during an annual preventive examination. What is a urine test: decoding and norm of its meanings.

Why is a general urine test prescribed?

Clinical urine analysis is low cost, easy to perform, good information content, and is a popular non-invasive diagnostic method. Based on what it shows, the doctor will make a diagnosis, prescribe additional examination, and refer you for consultation to other specialists.

Thanks to this analysis, doctors can identify abnormalities in the functioning of the urinary and cardiovascular systems, detect inflammatory processes, as well as a number of other diseases that are at an early stage. This option can help prevent symptoms from occurring.

Rules for collecting urine for analysis

There are diseases, the diagnosis of which begins with determining the color of urine, and then the decoding indicates a particular pathology. Below is a table that describes various deviations in the color of urine:

Color Reasons for appearance
Colorless Diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus, renal failure, high fluid intake.
Dark yellow Dehydration, acute infections, kidney congestion, excess urochrome, concentrated urine - insufficient fluid intake.
Dark red Severe form of anemia.
Black or brown Hemoglobin in the urine, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, phenol poisoning, melanoma.
Red Urolithiasis, tumor in the urinary system, cystitis, kidney infarction.
Meat slop Infectious kidney lesions.
Beer Bilirubin and urobilinogen in the urine, development of parenchymal jaundice.
Greenish yellow Bilirubin in the urine, development of obstructive jaundice.
Milky or white Fats, pus, phosphates, chyluria.

Thus, shades of urine can show not only disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys, but also in the entire body. And also the color of the liquid shows that a person simply adheres to the wrong drinking regimen or has included colorful vegetables and fruits in his diet.

Transparency and odor of urine

Normal, but there are three degrees of transparency: complete, incomplete,. Turbidity indicates the presence of bacteria, fats, and lymph in urine analysis.

It is important to determine whether the urine is cloudy or becomes cloudy over time. If immediately after urination there is cloudiness in the urine, this indicates the presence of pus, lymph, and phosphates in it. If it becomes cloudy after some time, it means that there is a substance in the biological fluid; they precipitate when it is heated.

Regarding odor, it should be said that in a general urine analysis, a specific, but not pungent odor is considered the norm. It varies depending on several factors:


Urine examination also includes, that is, acidity, this indicator indicates the amount of hydrogen ions in the urine. Using pH, the acid-base balance of the body is assessed.

Normal values ​​are 7 units, but they can deviate to acidic (< 7) или в щелочную (>7) side. In this case, they speak of acidosis and alkalosis, respectively.

Acidosis is increased acidity of urine, which is manifested by ketonouria (acetone and ketones in urine). It can be caused by starvation and intestinal disorders. In severe cases, acidosis causes a serious hormonal disorder - a lack of insulin production. It's called diabetic ketoacidosis.

Alkalosis is highly alkaline urine that occurs against the background of a metabolic disorder when hydrogen ions are removed from the body (severe vomiting, lack of water, injury).

Organic substances in urine

It is not necessary to have a medical education to independently decipher the results of the study. Having studied the indicators that the table contains, it is easy to decipher the urine test:

Index Norm Possible cause of deviation from the norm
Protein 0.033 grams per liter > 0.033 – Acute infections, poisoning, nephritis.
Blood absent Urolithiasis, cystitis, tumors, prostate adenoma.
Glucose 200 mg/day > 200 mg/day.

Poisoning with chloroform, phosphorus, diabetes mellitus, excess steroids, acute pancreatitis.

Ketones 50 mg/day > 50 mg/day.

Infections, intoxication, diabetes, fasting, thyrotoxicosis.

Bilirubin absent Mechanical and parenchymal jaundice.
Urobilinogen 6–10 µmol/day >6–10 µmol/day.

Hemolytic jaundice, liver toxicosis.

Hemoglobin absent Sepsis, hypothermia, burns, poisoning, hemolytic anemia.
Leukocytes 0–3 in women;

0–5 in men;

in one field of view.


Inflammatory process in the body

Red blood cells Absent or single Heavy physical activity, prolonged standing or walking.



0–3 in several fields of view.

0–3 in several fields of view


Poor hygiene.

Poor hygiene.

Kidney pathology.


hyaline, granular, waxy, epithelial, leukocyte, erythrocyte


except 1–2 hyaline

Hot weather, hard physical labor, overexertion.
Phosphates none Eating salty, spicy foods.
Slime absent Pathology in the genitourinary system.

When the interpretation is normal and decoding the analysis does not cause difficulties, but there are symptoms indicating pathology, you should consult a doctor. To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to ask a specialist: “Please decipher my analysis” and report all the accompanying manifestations of the disease.

Clinical urine analysis reveals a lot about the functioning of the body, but the detection of the disease is not limited to this and the doctor, in most cases, uses additional diagnostic methods.