The author's attitude to Tatyana's love. "Eugene Onegin" Introduction to the novel

Where the whole novel is simply permeated with the theme of love. This topic is close to everyone, which is why the work is read with ease and pleasure. Pushkin’s work introduces such heroes as Evgeny Onegin and Tatyana Larina. It is their love story that is shown to readers and we enjoy following this complex relationship. But today let's talk not about the love of heroes, but let's give brief description this wonderful girl main character, whom the author called Tatyana.

Tatyana Larina - dear, kind girl from the province, which, although it grew up on a fairly spacious estate, was not arrogant and did not have a sense of complacency. Tatyana is very attached to the nanny, the same woman who told different stories and fairy tales.

To give full description Tatyana, let's turn to the quotes used in the novel. They will reveal to us the image of the girl who was in love with Onegin.

Tatyana Larina characterization of the hero with quotes

So, Tanya is a little wild, more often sad and silent than cheerful. She tries to be away from the company of people, is withdrawn and prefers to be alone. Tatyana likes to be outdoors in the forest, where she likes to talk with trees, like with friends. If we continue to talk about Larina and characterize her image, then it is worth saying that Tatyana is a girl with a truly Russian nature. She has a Russian soul, she loves the Russian winter, although at the same time, like many representatives of the noble class, Tatyana does not know Russian well, but speaks it well French. She believes in fortune telling and legends, she is worried about omens.

As a child, the girl does not play with dolls and games like other children, but she is well-read, educated and smart. At the same time, she really likes to read romance novels, where the heroes comprehend fiery love. This is just such a hero from her novel that Tatyana saw in Onegin. The girl falls in love with Evgeniy and even decides to write a letter. But here we do not see frivolity in the act; on the contrary, we see the simplicity of her soul and the courage of the girl.

Like we said, she's a sweet girl. The author does not give her the image of a beauty, in which her sister Olga is shown to us. Nevertheless, Tatyana, with her sincerity, kindness of soul, and her qualities, is much more interesting than her sister. But Evgeny was immediately unable to appreciate Tatyana, wounding her with his refusal.

Time passes. Now we see Tatyana not as a timid girl, but married woman who no longer believes in fairy tales, knows how to behave in society, she behaves majestically and inaccessibly. Here

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In the novel “Eugene Onegin,” Pushkin portrayed his contemporary, Tatyana Larina, who lived in Russia in the first half of the 19th century and belonged to secular society. He painted a portrait of a woman whom he himself could love. Reading Pushkin’s lines today, at the beginning of the third millennium, I think that in many ways Tatyana remains our contemporary.

Pushkin tells us nothing about the appearance of his heroine, emphasizing the ordinariness of her appearance, modesty and reserved character:

She did not know how to caress her father or her mother; The child herself, in a crowd of children, did not want to play and jump, and often sat alone all day silently by the window.

And now in almost every class there is such a wild, thoughtful girl who, during boring lessons, secretly reads a book, holding it under her desk with her knee. Usually such girls, outdated and serious, fall out of class life a little: they don’t go to discos, don’t play computer games, don’t like trendy music. But they have their own established opinion about everything, value it and are calm about their own loneliness. They usually don't have many friends. But everyone knows that this girl is a reliable person, you can always rely on her in everything.

Tatyana was always more mature than her age: she was not interested in dolls and children's games. The thoughtful and dreamy girl liked mysterious stories, and then romance novels, where the main characters certainly suffer and overcome various obstacles. She subtly felt the calm charm of Russian nature, she herself was a part of it, just as harmonious and dim. And Tatyana’s superstition, which Pushkin (who himself believed in omens) sympathized with with a smile - reverse side her connections with nature, with the spirits of the earth, water, forest. Also in this, as in his affection for the old nanny, he was undoubtedly Russian, folk character, which the poet liked so much.

I am attracted by Tatyana's direct and open character, completely devoid of feminine sly coquetry. No wonder Pushkin, tired of love games, admires her determination:

Who inspired her with this tenderness and words of kind carelessness? Who inspired her with touching nonsense, crazy-hearted conversation, both fascinating and firm?

What did it mean for a young lady, brought up in strict rules of decency, to be the first to confess her love to a young man! This is blatant indecency. I note that even in our time a young man would decide that they were simply “hanging him around his neck.” But Tatyana had that calm dignity of a self-confident woman, which is given from birth and is capable of stopping any boor. And she chose a worthy subject - Onegin did not take advantage of her youthful gullibility. Although Tatyana never forgave him for this insult. But what can you do, such people are monogamous, they are not given the choice. Is it easy to know that your loved one is a murderer and still continue to love him? After all, Vladimir Lensky was also her childhood friend, Tatyana mourned him longer than the sweet, but narrow-minded and frivolous Olga.

Tatyana dutifully married an unloved man. She could not have another loved one. Therefore, the others came up - it was all the same. And she became a good wife. Moreover, I have not lost inner strength, dignity, purity and integrity. And these qualities, oddly enough, were valued even in secular society:

She was unhurried, Not cold, not talkative, Without an insolent look for everyone, Without pretensions to success, Without these little antics, Without imitative tricks... Everything was quiet, it was just in her...

Everyone around understood what she was:

The ladies moved closer to her; The old women smiled at her; The men bowed lower, Catching the gaze of her eyes; The girls walked more quietly in front of her through the hall...

And Onegin was conquered by the new, and at the same time, the old, Tatyana. He finally found what he was looking for. But it's too late. His sincere, excited letter could not change anything in the fate of his beloved woman. Moreover, he did not offer her to leave her husband and leave with him. And a vulgar affair was unthinkable for Tatyana, who respected herself, Onegin, and her unloved husband. Tatyana answers Onegin as directly and simply as she did several years ago:

I know: in your heart there is both pride and direct honor. I love you (why lie?), But I am given to another; I will be faithful to him forever.

Tatyana is a strong-willed, strong, reliable and unhappy person. Pushkin managed to create not an abstract ideal of a woman, but a visible, earthly, beautiful image, rich and varied, which continues to attract more and more generations of readers.

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Tatyana Larina's passionate monologue about feelings for a young rake is part of the obligatory school curriculum. Memorizing lines about first love and impulses of the soul, it is easy to grasp the courage and openness that is so uncharacteristic of the young ladies of the century before last. This is what distinguishes Tatyana from the majority literary images- naturalness and loyalty to ideals.

History of creation

The poetic novel, which was considered a feat, was first published in 1833. But readers have been following the life and love affairs of the young reveler since 1825. Initially, “Eugene Onegin” was published in literary almanacs one chapter at a time - a sort of 19th-century series.

In addition to the main character, Tatyana Larina, a rejected lover, attracted attention. The writer did not hide the fact that the female character in the novel was based on a real woman, but the name of the prototype is not mentioned anywhere.

Researchers put forward several theories about the alleged muse of Alexander Sergeevich. First of all, Anna Petrovna Kern is mentioned. But the writer had a carnal interest in the woman, which differs from the author’s attitude towards sweet Tatyana Larina. Pushkin considered the girl from the novel to be a beautiful and gentle creature, but not an object of passionate desire.

The heroine of the novel has common features with Elizaveta Vorontsova. Historians believe that the portrait of Onegin was painted by an admirer of Countess Raevsky. Therefore, the role of literary lover went to Elizabeth. Another weighty argument is that Vorontsova’s mother, like Larina’s mother, married someone she didn’t love and suffered for a long time from such injustice.

Twice the wife of the Decembrist, Natalya Fonvizina, claimed that she was the prototype of Tatyana. Pushkin was friends with Natalya’s husband and often communicated with the woman, but there is no other evidence to support this theory. The poet’s school friend believed that the writer put into Tatyana a piece of his own hidden traits and feelings.

Unkind reviews and criticism of the novel did not affect the image of the main character. On the contrary, most literary scholars and researchers note the integrity of the character. calls Larina “the apotheosis of the Russian woman”, speaks of Tatyana as “a genius nature, unaware of her genius.”

Of course, “Eugene Onegin” shows Pushkin’s female ideal. Before us is an image that does not leave anyone indifferent, delights with its inner beauty and illuminates the bright feelings of a young, innocent young lady.


Tatyana Dmitrievna was born into a military family, a nobleman who, after serving, moved to the countryside. The girl's father died several years before the events described. Tatyana was left in the care of her mother and old nanny.

The girl's exact height and weight are not mentioned in the novel, but the author hints that Tatyana was not attractive:

“So, she was called Tatyana.
Not your sister's beauty,
Nor the freshness of her ruddy
She wouldn’t attract the eyes.”

Pushkin does not mention the heroine’s age, but, according to literary scholars, Tanya recently turned 17 years old. This is confirmed by the poet’s letter to a close friend, in which Alexander Sergeevich shares his thoughts about the girl’s emotional impulse:

“...if, however, the meaning is not entirely accurate, then all the more so is the truth in the letter; a letter from a woman, 17 years old at that, and in love!”

Tatyana spends her free time talking with her nanny and reading books. Due to her age, the girl takes to heart everything that the authors of romance novels write about. The heroine lives in anticipation of pure and strong feeling.

Tatyana is far from the girly games of her younger sister; she does not like the chatter and noise of frivolous girlfriends. general characteristics The main character is a balanced, dreamy, extraordinary girl. Relatives and friends get the impression that Tanya is a cold and overly sensible young lady:

"She's in her own family
The girl seemed like a stranger.
She didn't know how to caress
To your father, not to your mother."

Everything changes when Evgeny Onegin comes to the neighboring estate. The new resident of the village is not at all like Tatyana’s few previous acquaintances. The girl loses her head and after the first meeting writes a letter to Onegin, where she confesses her feelings.

But instead of the stormy showdown for which the girl’s favorite novels are so famous, Larina listens to a sermon from Onegin. They say that such behavior will lead the young lady in the wrong direction. In addition, Evgeniy is not at all created for family life. Tatyana is embarrassed and confused.

The next meeting between the heroine in love and the selfish rich man takes place in winter. Although Tatyana knows that Onegin does not respond to her feelings, the girl cannot cope with the excitement of the meeting. Tanya’s own name day turns into torture. Evgeny, who noticed Tatiana’s yearning, devotes time exclusively to the younger Larina.

This behavior has consequences. The younger sister's fiance was shot in a duel, she quickly married someone else, Onegin left the village, and Tatyana was again left alone with her dreams. The girl’s mother is worried - it’s time for her daughter to marry, but dear Tanya refuses all suitors for her hand and heart.

Two and a half years have passed since last meeting Tatiana and Evgeniy. Larina's life has changed noticeably. The girl is no longer sure whether she loved the young rake so much. Perhaps it was an illusion?

At the insistence of her mother, Tatyana married General N, left the village where she had lived all her life, and settled with her husband in St. Petersburg. An unplanned date at a ball awakens forgotten feelings in old acquaintances.

And if Onegin is overwhelmed with love for a once unnecessary girl, then Tatyana remains cold. The charming general's wife does not show affection for Eugene and ignores the man's attempts to get closer.

Only for a brief moment does the heroine, who withstands the onslaught of Onegin in love, take off her mask of indifference. Tatyana still loves Evgeniy, but she will never betray her husband or discredit her own honor:

“I love you (why lie?),
But I was given to another;
I will be faithful to him forever.”

Film adaptations

The love drama from the novel "Eugene Onegin" is a popular plot for musical works and film adaptations. The premiere of the first film of the same name took place on March 1, 1911. The black and white silent film touches on the main moments of history. The role of Tatyana was played by actress Lyubov Varyagina.

In 1958, the opera film told the Soviet audience about the feelings of Onegin and Larina. She embodied the image of the girl and performed the vocal part behind the scenes.

A British-American version of the novel appeared in 1999. The film was directed by Martha Fiennes. main role played. The actress was awarded the Golden Aries for her portrayal of Tatyana.

  • Pushkin chose a unique name for the heroine, which was considered simple and tasteless at that time. In the drafts, Larina is referred to as Natasha. By the way, the meaning of the name Tatyana is organizer, founder.
  • According to scientists, Larina’s year of birth is 1803 according to the old style.
  • The girl speaks and writes Russian poorly. Tatyana prefers to express her thoughts in French.


And happiness was so possible, so close!..
But my fate is already decided.
I am writing to you - what more?
What more can I say?
I can’t sleep, nanny: it’s so stuffy here!
Open the window and sit with me.
He is not here. They don't know me...
I'll look at the house, at this garden.

Essay "Tatyana Larina" (essay on the topic "Tatyana Larina").

IN early XIX century, the great Russian writer A. S. Pushkin created one of his most striking works - the novel in verse “Eugene Onegin”. One of his key images is Tatyana Larina. For the novel, this character is no less important than the image of Eugene Onegin himself.

In the image of Tatyana Larina, the author tried to embody the type of an ordinary, provincial Russian girl who does not shine with dazzling beauty, but at the same time is very attractive, gentle and romantic: “No one could call her beautiful.” However, even sitting hand in hand with noble ladies, famous beauties of St. Petersburg, Tatyana was in no way inferior to them. Apparently, all her charm is not in her external gloss, but in her spiritual qualities: nobility, intelligence, spiritual wealth, simplicity. It is these qualities that make Tatyana attractive in the eyes of others, and with these qualities she has won my respect. As we can see, A.S. Pushkin chose such a common common name for his heroine for a reason.

Tatyana grows up in a full-fledged family, but despite this, she is a loner. She spends most of her time immersed in herself, her experiences, avoiding the company of her friends. At the same time, Tatyana is very inquisitive; she tries to find answers to many questions that interest her. She wants to understand those around her and, above all, herself, but her immediate environment does not give her answers to any questions. The elders - mother, father, nanny - are all busy with their own affairs, so Tatyana is trying to learn about life through books. Since childhood, she had been accustomed to unconditionally trust these only friends of hers. She drew all her thoughts about life and love from books, and projected all her experiences onto the plots of novels.

Life among the village landowners did not make Tatyana happy, because in books she saw a more saturated, rich life and completely different people. In the depths of her soul, Tatyana believed that someday she would meet such people and begin to live differently. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that when Tatiana saw Onegin, she immediately fell in love. She saw in him the hero of her novel, because he was so different from everyone she knew! In response to her naive declaration of love, Tatyana receives a sharp refusal, so reality with all its vicissitudes appears before her. Her only friends - novels - no longer help her understand her lover.

When Tatiana gets into Evgeniy’s office, a completely different world opens up to her. In Onegin's books there is not even a hint of sentimentality; there she sees completely different heroes - cold, gloomy, disappointed in life. Here Tatyana makes hasty conclusions about her beloved, considering him unworthy of her love, and decisively refuses him. Even believing in Onegin’s love, she still marries another, unloved man, promising to be his faithful wife.

Tatiana's integrity of character, her heightened sense of duty, her simplicity and inability to deceive make her very attractive in my eyes. Perhaps she does not always see her moral duty correctly. She may have made a mistake, having so ambiguously decided her fate and the fate of Onegin, but her choice cannot be called undignified, it deserves respect.

called “Eugene Onegin” “an encyclopedia of Russian life,” since it reflected, like a mirror, the entire life of the Russian nobility of that era. The poet’s focus is on life, everyday life, morals, and actions. young man Evgenia Onegin. Evgenia Onegin is the first literary hero, opening a gallery of the so-called " extra people"He is educated, smart, noble, honest, but social life in St. Petersburg killed all his feelings, aspirations, desires. He “matured before his time,” became a young old man. He is not interested in life. In this image, Pushkin showed the disease of the century - " blues." Onegin is truly seriously ill with the social disease of his time. Even sincere feeling and love are not able to resurrect his soul.

A counterbalance to the image of Onegin. For the first time in Russian literature, a female character is opposed to a male one, moreover, the female character turns out to be stronger and more sublime than the male one. Pushkin paints the image of Tatyana with great warmth, embodying in her the best features of a Russian woman. In his novel, Pushkin wanted to show an ordinary Russian girl. The author emphasizes the absence of extraordinary, out-of-the-ordinary features in Tatyana. But the heroine is at the same time surprisingly poetic and attractive. It is no coincidence that Pushkin gives his heroine the common name Tatyana. By this he emphasizes the simplicity of the girl, her closeness to the people. Tatiana is brought up on an estate in the Larin family, faithful to the “habits of dear old times.” Tatiana’s character is formed under the influence of a nanny, whose prototype for the poet was the wonderful Arina Rodionovna. Tatyana grew up as a lonely, unkind girl. She did not like to play with her friends, she was immersed in her feelings and experiences. She early tried to understand the world around her, but did not find answers to her questions from her elders. And then she turned to books, which she believed completely: She liked novels early on, They replaced everything for her: She fell in love with the deceptions of both Rtardson and Rousseau. The life around her did little to satisfy her demanding soul. She saw in books interesting people people I dreamed of meeting in my life. Communicating with the courtyard girls and listening to the stories of the nanny, Tatyana becomes acquainted with folk poetry and becomes imbued with love for it. Closeness to the people, to nature develops in Tatyana moral qualities: spiritual simplicity, sincerity, artlessness. Tatyana is smart, original, original. By nature she is gifted: A rebellious imagination, A living mind and will, And a wayward head, And a fiery and tender heart. With her intelligence and unique nature, she stands out among the landowners and secular society. She understands the vulgarity, idleness, and emptiness of life in village society. She dreams of a person who would bring high content into her life, who would be like the heroes of her favorite novels. This is how Onegin seemed to her - a secular young man who came from St. Petersburg, smart and noble. Tatyana, with all sincerity and simplicity, falls in love with Onegin: "...Everything is full of him; all the sweet maiden never stops magical power repeats about him. Repeats about him with magical power." She decides to write a love confession to Onegin. Evgeniy’s sharp refusal comes as a complete surprise to the girl. Tatyana ceases to understand Onegin and his actions. Tatyana is in a hopeless situation: she cannot stop loving Onegin and at the same time she is convinced that he is not worthy of her love. Onegin did not understand the full strength of her feelings, did not unravel her nature, since he valued “freedom and peace” above all else, and was an egoist and selfish man. Love brings Tatyana nothing but suffering, her moral rules are firm and constant. In St. Petersburg she becomes a princess; gains universal respect and admiration in " high society". During this time, she changes a lot. “An indifferent princess, an unapproachable goddess of the luxurious, royal Neva,” Pushkin paints her in the last chapter. But she is still charming. Obviously, this charm was not in her external beauty, but in her spiritual nobility, simplicity, intelligence, richness of spiritual content. But even in the “high society” she is alone. And here she does not find what her exalted soul was striving for. She expresses her attitude towards secular life in words addressed to Onegin, who returned after wandering around Russia. to the capital: ...Now I’m glad to give away all this rags of a masquerade, all this glitter and noise and fumes, for a shelf of books, for a wild garden, for our poor home... In the scene. last date Tatiana and Onegin reveal her spiritual qualities even more deeply: moral impeccability, loyalty to duty, determination, truthfulness. She rejects Onegin's love, remembering that the basis of his feelings for her is selfishness, egoism. Tatiana's main character traits are a highly developed sense of duty, which takes precedence over other feelings, and spiritual nobility. This is what makes her spiritual appearance so attractive.

Tatyana Larina opens a gallery of beautiful images of a Russian woman, morally impeccable, seeking deep meaning in life. The poet himself considered the image of Tatiana to be the “ideal” positive image of a Russian woman.

Pushkin worked on the novel “Eugene Onegin” for many years; it was his favorite work. Belinsky in his article “Eugene Onegin” called the work “an encyclopedia of Russian life.” For the poet, the novel was, in his words, “the fruit of a mind of cold observations and a heart of sorrowful observations.” Among the many characters, in the novel the most close-up Tatyana Larina is shown, whom the author calls his “sweet ideal”. In Russian literature, women are glorified especially impressively. The beauty of a woman brightens the world, filling it with special spirituality. Pushkin singles out Tatyana from many representatives of noble society only because she is higher in development environment. The beauty of the surrounding nature, constant solitude, the habit of thinking independently, the natural mind formed inner world Tatiana, which, for all his intelligence, Onegin did not reach. She was alone in her family. Pushkin writes: “Wild, sad, silent, like a forest deer, timid, she seemed like a stranger in her own family.” Having met Onegin, in whom she felt an unusual person, Tatyana fell in love with him. Larina’s letter amazes with the power of feeling, the subtlety of her mind, and is full of modesty and beauty. Onegin did not see the main thing in Tatiana: Tatiana is one of those integral natures who can love only once. Onegin was touched by the letter, but nothing more. He says to Tatyana: “And no matter how much I love you, once I’ve gotten used to it, I’ll stop loving you immediately.” The image of Tatyana grows in its significance throughout the novel. Having found herself in the highest aristocratic society, Tatyana, deep down in her soul, remained the same Russian woman, ready to exchange the “rags of a masquerade” for rural solitude. She is tired of the unbearable nonsense that occupies a woman of her circle, she hates excitement. Tatiana's behavior and actions are contrasted with the fashionable arrogance of self-loving, indifferent ladies of high society and the cautious forethought of empty, provincial coquettes. Truthfulness and honesty are the main character traits of Tatyana. They manifest themselves in everything, both in the letter, and in the final scene of the explanation with Onegin, and in reflections alone with oneself. Tatyana belongs to those sublime natures who do not know calculations in love. They give all the strength of their hearts, and that is why they are so beautiful and unique. In a society “where it’s easy to show off your upbringing,” Tatyana stands out for her knowledge and originality. Endowed with a “wayward head,” Tatiana shows dissatisfaction with life in the noble environment. Both the district young lady and the princess, the “stately legislator of the hall,” she is burdened by the pettiness and meager interests of those around her. Pushkin writes, admiring her qualities: “Involuntarily, my dears, I am embarrassed by regret. Forgive me, I love my dear Tatyana so much.” Tatyana is beautiful both externally and internally, she has a discerning mind, because, having become a society lady, she quickly assessed the aristocratic society into which she found herself.

Her sublime soul requires an outlet. Pushkin writes: “She feels stuffy here, with a dream she strives for a life in the field.” She had the opportunity to drink the bitter cup of a young lady taken to the “bride fair”, having experienced the collapse of her ideals. She had the opportunity in Moscow and St. Petersburg salons and at balls to carefully observe people like Onegin, to better understand their originality and selfishness. Tatyana is that determined Russian woman who could follow the Decembrists to Siberia. The whole point is that Onegin is not a Decembrist. In the image of Tatyana Larina, Pushkin showed a manifestation of independent feminine character, only in the field of personal, family, social relations. Subsequently, many Russian writers - Turgenev, Chernyshevsky, Nekrasov, in their works, already raised the question of the rights of Russian women, the need for her to enter the wide arena of socio-political activity. Every writer has books where he shows his ideal woman. Tolstoy is Natasha Rostova, for Lermontov it is Vera from “A Hero of Our Time”, for Pushkin it is Tatyana Larina. In our modern reality, the appearance of “sweet femininity” has acquired a slightly different outline, the woman is more businesslike, energetic, she has to solve many problems, but the essence of the soul of a Russian woman remains the same: pride, honor, tenderness - everything that Pushkin so valued in Tatyana.