Bartenders Association of Russia. International Bartenders Association IBA A bartender is not allowed in the workplace

Here you and I had a detailed conversation about the most popular cocktails, such as “ ”, “ ”, “ ”, “ ”, “ ”, “ ”, “ ”, “ ” and others. And they mentioned that all these popular alcoholic cocktails are included in the official list, known to every bartender - at least, this should be so - and not just known, but easily reproduced by him (the bartender) for the dear clients of his establishment. What kind of list is this and who compiled it? This is what we will talk about today.

Bartenders Association - history

On February 24, back in 1951, representatives of the bartending community from seven countries gathered in the English Torkus at the famous “Grand Hotel”. This meeting was attended by professionals from the host country, France, Sweden, Holland, Italy, Denmark and Switzerland. The British Association of Restaurant Professionals provided enormous support and sponsorship. The result of the meetings was the creation of IBA (International Bartenders Association) - the International Bartenders Association (IBA). And the first president of the newborn education was W.J. Tarling, who held this position for three years, like all subsequent presidents: this is precisely the period established by the organization’s charter for the performance of the most important presidential functions. The IBA's headquarters is located in Singapore.

Since its creation, the bartenders association has attracted many new members from various countries, which entailed certain changes in its charter. So, in 1975, at a meeting in the Italian city of St. Vincent, in connection with the increase in the number of members of the organization, it was necessary to introduce the positions of three vice-presidents, each of whom was responsible for his own region - for Europe, for America and for Asian countries. Two years later, the fourth vice-president of the International Bartenders Association appeared in Rio de Janeiro, his task was to attract participants from Latin American countries.

To date, the number of members of this organization has exceeded fifty - 55 countries have expressed a desire to represent their highly specific interests through membership in the IBA. The procedure for joining it, by the way, is not very simple: first, the charter of the national specialized association of bartenders and the list of all members of its council must be submitted for consideration to the presidents of all national associations already included in the IBA. And only after they have become acquainted with these documents can an official application be submitted with a request for admission to the organization. Such an application is submitted directly at a meeting of the International Bartenders Association. Every year a general congress is held, which is attended by representatives of all member countries of the Bartenders Association and representatives of partners. This annual congress also coincides with such interesting events as the World Championship of Professional Bartenders, the WCC (World Cocktail Competition) and the WFC (World Flairtending Competition). We’ve already talked about it once, but we’ll definitely come back to flaring. Now let’s try to figure out what the goals and objectives of the International Bartenders Association are.

Objectives of the Bartenders Association

Initially, the main goal of the bartenders' association and the goal of uniting professionals in this field was to establish connections between organizations in different countries and increase the prestige of the bartender profession. Gradually, no less important tasks emerged to improve the culture of maintenance and functioning of bars; improving the quality of services offered in these establishments, for which, in fact, various competitions are held; creating professional training programs for bartending and conducting special trainings.

Of course, business issues are also being resolved, so to speak - the relationship between alcohol producers, its suppliers to drinking establishments and the owners of these establishments.

No less important for the International Bartenders Association was the task of standardizing the existing numerous recipes for alcoholic cocktails: after all, it is right that in any corner of the world a visitor, ordering his favorite cocktail by its name in the bar card, can be sure of what is in the glass it will be exactly what he wants, and not some innovation appearing under a name known to him. That is why the already repeatedly mentioned official list of alcoholic cocktails of the International Bartenders Association appeared.

To summarize, we can say that the main goal of the IBA is the culture and quality of drinking. And in this, the goals of such a prestigious organization and our website “Everyone can drink a little…” completely coincide. 🙂

And we will return to this list at our next meeting.

The Bartender Association of Russia (B.A.R. - registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, certificate No. 3659 dated February 12, 1999) was founded in 1992. This is an all-Russian public organization registered with the Ministry of Justice since 1998. He is a full member of the International Bartenders Association. In 1997, at the annual meeting of I.B.A. members. during the World Championship among bartenders “International Cocktail Competition” (ICC-97) in Karlovy Vary, the Association was accepted as a full member of the I.B.A.


According to the Basic Law of the I.B.A., one country can have only one representative. Thus, B.A.R. is the only organization representing the interests of the global community of Russian bartenders.


Kolbeev Sergey Nikolaevich - President of the Bartenders Association of Russia


Post-release World Cocktail Championships 2018

67th World Bartending Championships World Cocktail Championships 2018

On October 3-4, the 67th World Bartending Championships World Cocktail Championships 2018 took place in Tallinn.

This year, participants in the “Classics” category had to make 5 copies of their cocktail in 7 minutes. Each country had its own draft.

56 countries participated. There were 5 categories: Short Drink, After Dinner Cocktail, Bartender Choice, Sparkling and Long Drink. Our country received the Long Drink category by lot. The winners of each category advanced to the Grand Final, they were joined by the winner in the “Flairing” category and competed among themselves for the title of the best bartender on the planet.

In the Grand Final, the participants not only made 5 copies of their cocktail, but also simultaneously answered questions from the jury and had to maintain a conversation throughout the entire performance, that is, they worked like in a real bar, but only on stage. They were given a little more time for this - 10 minutes. Ease of communication, professionalism, technique and style - this format of the competition did not leave a single guest indifferent.

22nd Golden Cup International Cocktail Competition

The tournament was held in 2 categories: classic - Bartender Choice Cocktail Competition and flairing - Flairtending Competition.

23 countries took part in the classic category, and 9 countries took part in the flairing category.

Russia in the classics was represented by a bartender from St. Petersburg (Social Club) Fatkullin Artem, who previously took 2nd place at the WCC 2018 national finals in Moscow. At this tournament he took 21st place, and received a work contract in a Hong Kong bar.

Championship Baltic Bartenders Challenge 2018

In St. Petersburg, at the Expoforum Congress Center, as part of the BALTIC CONVENT exhibition, the first championship among bartenders “Baltic Bartenders Challenge 2018” was held in the BAR STYLE category, with a prize fund of 5,000 euros.

The Russian Bartenders Association and the St. Petersburg Bartenders Association held a spectacular event with special rules and wonderful prizes.

The best bartenders from St. Petersburg, Moscow, Petrozavodsk, Samara, Orenburg, Severomorsk took part in the championship.

Taste Moscow 2018

At the same time, the Taste Moscow 2018 festival and the World Cocktail Championship 2018 were held in Luzhniki.

Four days that brought together the best chefs, sommeliers and bartenders in Russia became the largest gastronomic event of the summer. From July 26 to 29, the sixth Taste of Moscow 2018 festival was held in Luzhniki. 30 restaurants, 150 companies, 180 chefs, 300 bartenders, more than 40 thousand guests - combining these numbers gave a mind-blowing result.

Young bartender of Siberia-2018

Young bartenders from the Siberian region arrived at the Tantsuki nightclub.

The best young bartender in Siberia was the barbek of the Novosibirsk bar “Sparrow” Valery Knyazev, who prepared the “Friday After Swimming” cocktail from rum, honey, ginger and cloves.

The International Bartenders Association (IBA) was officially founded at a meeting at the Grand Hotel, Torkus, England, on February 24, 1951. The meeting was attended by representatives of professional bartenders from seven countries: England, Denmark, France, Holland, Italy, Sweden and Switzerland.

The success of this meeting was ensured by the valuable support provided by the British Association, which led to the formal creation of the International Bartenders' Association, of which W.J. Tarling.

Around the table, from left to right: Mr. P. Melin (Sweden); Mr. J. Londahl (Denmark); Mr G. Sievi (Switserland); Mr.A. Combettes (France); Mr. Th. Rijken (Holland); Mr. A. Zola (Italy). Center front, left to right: first MBA President Mr WJ Tarling (Gr.Britain); Mr H. Roberts (Gr.Britain) Gen.Secretary

Since then, the Association has continued to grow, attracting new members from many countries. The entry procedure involves sending a copy of the national association's charter and a list of council members to the presidents of all associations included in the Association, after which an official application for entry is submitted to the Association meeting. After the change of the statutes during the 1975 meeting in St. Vincent, Italy, three vice-presidents were appointed respectively: for Europe, Asia and America, the number was then increased to four, this happened at the meeting in Rio de Janeiro in 1977 and was aimed at appointing a vice president for Latin America and attracting Spanish-speaking countries of the continent.

The IBA President holds office for three years. Since 2006, the President of the Association has been Mr. Derrick Lee.

The creation of the Training Center, which was decided on in 1985 in St. Vincent, Italy, was the most important and significant initiative supported by all members of the Association in the interests of young bartenders. The center is called MAB Training Courses.

At a meeting in Rome in 1987, IBA President Michel Bigot proposed the creation of a committee that would organize international courses that would attract all participants from European and other countries and that would unite workers in this field. The proposal was supported, and an Educational Development Committee was created, which included representatives from England, Italy, France, Portugal and Ireland, with Brian Page, England, becoming the chairman of the committee.

At the moment, the International Bartenders Association unites 52 countries; the IAB also includes the Bartenders Association of Russia.

Every year the Association holds a congress of representatives of all countries and associative partners. The annual world championship among bartenders, the World Cocktail Competition (WCC), is held as part of the convention.

International Bartenders Association (IBA)

The International Bartender Association (IBA) was officially founded at a meeting at the Grand Hotel in Torquay, England, on February 24, 1951. The meeting was attended by representatives of professional bartending associations from seven countries: W. J. Tarling (UKBG, England), J. Londhol (DBL, Denmark), A. Combette (ABF, France), T. Rijkeb (NBC, Holland), A. Zola and L. Parenti (AIBES, Italy), P. Melin (SBG, Sweden), G. Sievi (SBU, Switzerland).

The success of this meeting was due to the valuable support provided by the British Association, with the result that the International Bartenders' Association was officially founded. Its President is Mr. W. J. Tarling and its Secretary is Mr. H. W. Roberts. The second meeting of the IBA took place in Venice on October 9, 1953, and the third on October 22, 1954, at the Hotel de Hooge Vuursche, Laren, Holland.

IBA is constantly growing, attracting new countries to its activities. To join the IBA, it is necessary to send a copy of the national association's charter, information about the composition of its directorate and the number of members to all Presidents of the associations that are members of the IBA, plus a formal application for admission to the IBA, which must be presented at the meeting. According to an amendment to the charter at the 1975 meeting in San Vincente, Italy, three Vice-Presidents were appointed (four since 1977) for Europe, Asia, America, and South America.

The presidency of the IBA lasts three years and is transferred to any association, in accordance with the statutes adopted in Venice in 1980, and the national association itself must appoint the person who will occupy the presidency. The current president of the IBA is Mr. Derrick Lee (Taiwan).

Bartenders Association of Russia (B.A.R.)

The Bartenders Association of Russia (B.A.R.) was founded in 1992 and is the only internationally registered organization in Russia that unites bartenders and waiters. Today B.A.R. unites over 7,500 specialists working in the restaurant business. BAR. has its representative offices in 54 cities of Russia. Every month, about 190 people (in Moscow only) from among assistant bartenders-waiters who get jobs in restaurants and bars in Moscow with the assistance of the Bartender Association of Russia become B.A.R. observers.

In 1996, at the annual meeting of members of the International Bartenders Association (IBA), during the World Championship among bartenders "International Cocktail Competition" (ICC-96) in Tokyo, President B.A.R. Sergey Viktorovich Tsyro was accepted as a full member of the IBA.

IBA, founded in 1951, today unites relevant associations from 55 countries. Every year, national associations hold a qualifying round for the World Bartender Championship in their country, and every fall the World Cocktail Competition (WCC) takes place. On November 24, 1997, the B.A.R. was adopted in Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic). in IBA.

The Russian Bartenders Association regularly receives information about innovations in the bar business, as well as about all events organized by the IBA. Becoming a member of the IBA allowed Russia to take part in all IBA events (including the World Bartender Championship) and in all international training programs.

The educational center Bar Service

The educational center Bar Service has been training and retraining specialists in the restaurant business since 2005. During this time Bar Service has trained over a thousand competent specialists, most of whom work in the best institutions of Tyumen and the Tyumen region. The graduates prove their perfect skills through their work, the best of whom have been working as bar managers and managers of bars and restaurants for a long time.

Team Bar Service- these are, first of all, professionals in their field, with extensive work experience, without whose help not a single worthy establishment has been opened in the past two years. It is important to understand that these are active and authoritative specialists, not theorists, but practitioners.

Main goal Bar Service is to transfer enormous experience and knowledge to young professionals, improve the quality of work of staff in the restaurant industry and increase the prestige of this profession.

Introduction Barware Bar tools and equipment Stationary equipment Methods for preparing cocktails Proportions. Metrics Order acceptance rules Order execution process Conflict situation, how to avoid it Theories Methods for removing leftovers Strong alcoholic drinks Tinctures, aperitifs, bitters Liqueurs Wine Mixed drinks Classification of mixed drinks Syrups in the bar Additives to cocktails Combination of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks Table "SHOTDRINK" Table " LONG DRINK" Groups of hot and cold cocktails Layered cocktails Aperitifs, digestifs, tonic cocktails The theory of cocktails and long drinks Drawing up a bar map Classic and popular cocktails according to IBA standards Popular cocktails Non-alcoholic cocktails Some phrases in English A brief dictionary of professional terms


Basic definitions:

Bar (“bar”)– comes from the English word “barrier” or, in other words, the counter of a traditional American tavern-bar. Originally built simply to provide a place to rest a glass of drink or rest one's hands, the barrier later came to mark the bartender's work area and then the entire establishment.

Bartender(from bar - bar, man - person; literally “the person behind the bar”) - the main bar specialist who serves drinks in their pure form, prepares various cocktails, mixed drinks, and knows all the intricacies of service. The bartender greets, informs, gives advice to visitors, takes and fulfills their orders.

Mixology– the art or skill of preparing mixed drinks.

Mixologist– a person who mixes and invents cocktail drinks. All mixologists are bartenders, but not all bartenders are mixologists!

Barbecue- assistant bartender.

Barista – A highly qualified specialist in the preparation of coffee and other drinks where coffee is the dominant component. Translated from Italian, the word Barista means bartender.

The word Barista does not bend!

Sommelier(sommelier) is a word of French origin, which has no analogue in the Russian language. According to the definition proposed by the President of the Union of Sommeliers of France, Georges Perthuisé, a sommelier is “a person responsible for serving drinks in a restaurant, giving advice on the selection of wines and drinks, serving them or supervising their serving to the client until the moment he leaves the room.”

Cavist is a sommelier who works in a wine cellar (or wine and gastronomic boutique). A professional cavist has the knowledge and training level of a professional sommelier. The name cavist comes from the French word "cave" - ​​"cellar".

Fumelier – This is a cigar specialist (taster). He is also called a cigar sommelier. The term "fumelier" is formed from two words: from the derivative "sommelier" and the Spanish word "fumo", which means to smoke. Just like a sommelier, a fummelier is a restaurant worker who is well versed in both wines and cigars.

Qualities a bartender should have:

1. The bartender must have a good knowledge of the entire range of products sold, know the rules for serving drinks and handling bar stock and equipment. He needs to know all the classic cocktails, their proportions and variations, as well as the establishment’s popular and signature cocktails.

2. Neatness - the bartender must have a neat appearance (hair, nails, clothes). Work in such a way as to expend as little effort as possible to maintain order at the workplace.

3. The ability to work quickly, properly organizing your work and avoiding fuss.

4. Observation - it is necessary to keep the entire counter and the hall in sight, noticing every little thing; this will allow you to act, anticipating and getting ahead of events.

5. Memory - it is necessary not only to remember the order in all details, but also try to remember the habits and tastes of regular visitors.

6. Execution

7. The ability to listen and maintain a conversation while maintaining distance.

8. Strive for constant progress in work; taking care of the profitability of the bar and the pleasure of the guests.

Three basics in the work of a bartender:

Hospitality– the friendly state of the person meeting you. The difference between a client and a guest coming to a bar. Why no difference? Understanding that guests are coming to us. Clients come to P. (A dear guest unexpectedly came to your home) Sincerity is very important for guests, it is always felt. A person is worthy of your communication, he can become your friend, husband, lover, etc. This cannot be determined in advance. You can't tell by appearance either. These open, sincere and positive emotions must be transferred to a stranger. At the genetic level, people feel each other (Smile, it annoys everyone).

Service– the technical side of hospitality. How exactly do you greet a guest? The following reasons for the service: convenience and quality. Hospitality without service can be a disadvantage, so they must be inseparable. Proper serving of a glass, straw, etc. Rule of service: the guest is always squeamish, the bartender is always a pedant.

Sales. You must be able to earn money. Salary is an investment in a bartender to make a profit. You can sell anything if you know the golden rule of selling (Everyone wants to eat, but there is no way... and you have a snack and you describe it in an image). Guests come to the Bar with the specific purpose of drinking. The bartender's job is to give the guest what they want. In order to learn how to sell, you need to know: product information

The product must be presented figuratively (emotional attachment to each product: method of drinking, interesting facts, gossip, legends).

The bartender must:

1.Know your bar, location of bottles, equipment, dishes.

2. Warn management in advance about a possible delay or absence from work.

When talking with a guest, remember that a smile, being a universal means of communication, creates a favorable atmosphere for service and helps to significantly increase sales.

A bartender in the workplace is prohibited from:

It is forbidden- eat, drink, smoke, chew gum.

It is forbidden- use cologne and perfume with a strong smell.

It is forbidden- give all your attention to one of the visitors, to the detriment of other guests.

It is forbidden- be sad and despondent. All personal problems remain at home.

It is forbidden- wear jewelry (chains, earrings, rings, etc.).

It is forbidden- count visitors. Always give change.

It is forbidden- talk loudly with colleagues and especially not use slang and obscene expressions in conversation.

It is forbidden- discuss your work problems with guests; it is unacceptable to complain about employees.

It is forbidden- say no. If you do not have the drink you ordered, be prepared to offer a drink that is similar in taste.

Getting a job:

1. Dress appropriately for the setting and image of the establishment.

2. Try to show your best qualities. (Bring with you to the interview your diplomas, letters of recommendation, certificates, i.e. all documents confirming your professional level).

3. Try to make a good impression on the employer - show respect and show your communication skills.

4. Carry with you the documents necessary when applying for a job (passport, work book, medical certificates, etc.)


Stack. Shot. 40-60 ml For serving strong alcoholic drinks using the straight up method, that is, in their pure form without ice, and for serving small-volume cocktails that are drunk in one sip - shooter.
Old Fashioned. Rox. Whiskey glass. 100-320 ml For serving alcoholic beverages using the following methods: a) on the rocks (on the rock) – i.e. in its pure form with ice), mist (mist) - strong alcohol in its pure form on crushed ice; as well as the traditional serving of whiskey in its pure form with or without ice and mixed drinks based on whiskey.
Highball. Tumblr. Collins. Zombie. 150-300 ml For serving mixdrink (mix drink - mixed drink), longdrink (long drink) - large-volume drinks and softdrink (soft drink) - non-alcoholic drinks (juices, carbonated drinks).
Cognac glass. Brandy bottle, Snifter. 250-500 ml For serving brandy, cognac, armagnac, calvados in its pure form.
Martini glass. Cocktail glass. 90-160 ml For serving chilled cocktails without ice. For most medium-sized cocktails. Serving liqueurs using the frappe method - on crushed ice. You cannot serve any drink in it neat or with ice (including Martini vermouth).
Margarita. 200-250 ml For serving margarita cocktails, frozen drinks, frozen drinks
Goblit. (Cup) 200-300 ml They are divided into wine, beer and cocktail.
Hurricane 400-480 ml For serving large volume exotic cocktails.
Saucer (Champagne saucer) 120-200 ml For serving champagne and sparkling wines by the glass.
For serving cocktails containing cream. Champagneflute 160-180 ml
Wine glass for champagne, sparkling wines and cocktails with them. Sour 100-120 ml
For serving Sour (sour) cocktails. Puscafe 50-75 ml
Glass for layered cocktails. Liquor glass. Pony. Cordial. 25-50 ml.
For serving liqueurs in their pure form. Sherry. Madeira glass. Port voice 80-100 ml.
For serving fortified wines and vermouths. grappaglas 50-90 ml.
To serve grappa Glass for red wine. 150-300 ml.
For serving red wine. White wine glass. 150-260 ml.
For serving white wine. Beer glass. Pilsner 220-1000 ml.
For serving beer and beer cocktails. Beer mug 250-1000 ml.
For serving beer. Glass for Irish coffee. 200-250 ml.
For serving hot cocktails. Punch bowl. 100-180 ml.

For serving punch.

Rules for handling dishes

The bartender is obliged to know the volume of all the glassware available in the bar and ensure that it corresponds to the norm for dispensing drinks indicated in the price list.

The bar, as a rule, uses transparent glassware, without pictures, not tinted. Such glass allows you to evaluate the transparency of strong alcoholic beverages, which is an indicator of the purity of the water used and the distillation carried out correctly.

It is more practical to have dishes made of thick glass with a tight fit (thickening along the edge of the glass).

To serve cold cocktails, the dishes need to be cooled; for hot cocktails, they need to be heated.

To cool dishes you can use:

1. Refrigerator, having previously placed in it a supply of the most necessary dishes (shot glasses, glasses for white wine, flute, beer mugs, etc.)

2. Immediately before use, pour ice into the glasses (preferably crushed, as it has a large area of ​​contact with the glass).

You can heat dishes using:

2. 1. Special alcohol lamp

Steam from a coffee machine

3. You can fill the glass with hot water for a while (Irish coffee, Shot).

Cleanliness of dishes

1. It is more practical to wash dishes immediately after use.

2. Use special detergents that do not leave an odor after rinsing.

3. The bar must have two sinks: one of them is filled with water and detergent (here the dishes are soaked and washed with special brushes); in the second, the dishes are rinsed.

4. It is better to wipe dishes immediately after washing, because... she's hot.

5. The dishes must be clean, without chips or cracks.

6. Dishes in the bar are stored upside down, so they collect less dust and are more convenient to take.

The lower the bartender takes the glass, the higher his professional skill.

Mandatory requirements

1. Bar tools should always be clean, dry and odorless.

2. When not in use, all tools must be open for ventilation.

3. All bar tools should be located in the most convenient places to work.

4. After use it must be returned to its place.

Rules for handling equipment:

1. Store in the refrigerator drinks that are usually served chilled neat, i.e. without ice: vodka, white, rose wine, beer, sparkling and champagne wines, etc.

2. Remove ice from the ice maker only with a scoop and never use glassware!!!

3. Ice should always be clean and transparent, free of foreign odors and impurities; do not store foreign objects in the ice maker.

4. The bar must have two types of ice:

Rocks - lump ice

Frappe (frappe) – crushed ice

5. If any equipment breaks down, immediately report it to the manager or person in charge. Do not under any circumstances try to fix anything yourself!!!

Workplace organization

1. While working, the bartender must strictly observe next rule:

· it is unacceptable to cross arms, i.e. the right hand should take what is on the right (tools, ice-bucket, bottles with the most commonly consumed drinks), and the left hand should take what is on the left (bar glass);

· in the central part of the workplace there should be: a napkin, a jigger in a glass of sparkling water, a tray with fruit.

2. Return all items you take from your work area.

3. The bartender must work quickly, without wasting time looking for the things he needs. Remember that a fussy bartender loses a lot in the eyes of others.

Proportions. Metrics.

Some international volume measures adopted in bars:

cl – centiliter

1 cl=10 ml 10 cl=100 ml


1 dash (dash) – 3-5 drops;

1 barspoon (barspoon) – several dashes;

Floz fluid ounce≈ 28.29=30ml

1.5 Floz (fluid ounce) = 4.2 centiliters;

2 Floz = 5.6 centiliters;

1/4 Floz = 0.7 centiliter.


splash≈ 30-50 ml refers to soda and soft drinks

float(float) – shades by color (logiland)

ontop– to the top

lauer(layer clarity)

fill– add according to taste (feeling), when to stop, ask the guest

In Russia, volume units are almost never used. Alcoholic drinks are usually measured in grams. For ease of calculation, the approximate weight of 1 liter and 4 centiliters (international measure for a bar) of basic drinks will be given below:

Vodka, cognac, brandy, tequila, gin, rum: liter – 952 grams, 4 cl – 38 grams. -* Main liqueurs: liter – 1092 grams, 4 cl – 44 grams. Creams: liter – 1252 grams, 4 cl – 50 grams.

The difference in weight of these drinks is explained by their different strengths and different sugar content. You should know that sugar, dissolving in a liquid, does not increase its volume. Alcohol added to water reduces the volume.

Rules for accepting orders.

1. Smile. Smile and show sincere joy to the guest.

2. Greetings guest 10-15 seconds after he takes his seat, with the words “Good afternoon”, “Good evening”.

3. If you are busy with another order, then it is advisable to show the guest that his arrival has been noticed. This can be done with a look, a smile, words (“Just a second, I’ll come to you now”), but not with gestures.

4. Introduce yourself to the guest, thereby you will avoid responses with unpleasant words.

5. Ask a question-sentence, i.e. Show the guest that you are ready to help him. (“What would you like?”, “What would you like to drink?”, etc.)

6. If you are busy or the guest is not ready to communicate, offer your guest a menu with the words: “Good evening, please take a look.” Thus, you will solve two problems at once. The first (important) one is that guests will have the opportunity to correlate their financial capabilities with the price level in the bar. Another (extremely important) - you will show attention to the guests. Guests should not feel discomfort from inattention on your part. At the same time, it is clear that when a line forms at the bar, the bartender should simply fulfill orders in the order they are received. In this case, payment to the guest is made immediately.

7. Find out what the guest wants to drink. Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

8. List the groups of drinks. I can offer (we have, etc.) whiskey, vodka, cognac, beer, wine, etc.

9. After selecting a group, offer brands; it is advisable to start listing from the most expensive position (Absolut, Finland, Smirnov, Russian Standard).

10.After choosing a drink, find out the quantity (you want 50 or 100)

11.Then specify the serving method (with ice, with cola or neat.)

12. Offer related products (“Will you drink juice or cola with vodka?”, “Can I offer you a wonderful cigar with cognac?”, snacks for beer, etc.)

13. Having accepted the order, you should repeat it in normal language without slang words and diminutive suffixes (vodka, poltishok, etc.)

14.Before placing an order, mark places for glasses with bonfires or napkins. This way you will know the place and won’t forget the number of glasses, and also avoid duplicating the order with your partner. The fire also absorbs moisture, and the stand will be dry.

15.After completing the order, ask the guest “maybe anything else?”, thereby you can also increase sales.

16.Name the amount, run the cash register receipt and/or invoice (if there is a computer cash register), take the money, give the guest the receipt and change.

17. Regardless of the amount of the tip, always say “thank you” - this is the most noble money left by a guest for your skill.

Order execution process:

1. Guest arrival:

· Demeanor

A straight posture and a raised head are a sign of a classy bartender; servility to a client does not suit him

· Sight

Imagine how humiliating it is for a guest to try to attract the bartender's attention. The look is very important for the client, it lets him know that his arrival has been noticed and he can calmly wait for service.

2. Greeting the guest:

· A climate of trust has been built

3. Order:

· The guest’s order must be accepted while always being in front of him;

· Listening skills

It is necessary to listen to the guest without interrupting him;

· Information

The bar card should be given to the guest with the side on which the basic information is placed. The ability to give the guest the necessary information about drinks is very important;

· Salesmanship

The bartender is a salesman; it depends on his professionalism whether the guest will order a drink that is profitable for the bar.

4. Repeat the guest's order:

· A necessary technique that reduces the risk of error and reassures the guest.

Prepare and serve

· You should always be in front of the guest.

· IMPORTANT! You cannot remove an empty glass until the guest has received the next drink or has left the bar. An empty glass is a signal for the bartender to offer (sell) the drink to the guest again. In addition, the guest will not feel awkward in front of other visitors (as if he is not ordering anything at all), and will not get the impression that the bar does not have enough dishes.

6. Account:

· The bill is provided upon request of the guest. It must be prepared quickly, but without fuss, and the payment must be made immediately. Remember that it is at this point that the guest decides how much to tip, and how you calculate the guest will determine whether he will return to you or not.

7. Farewell to the guest:

· When saying goodbye, as when greeting, you should look the guest in the eyes.


Triangle Theory

This theory reveals the need to balance the interests of guests, employees and the company. Managers make many decisions and must always consider the impact that their decisions can have on all three sides of the triangle - guests, employees and the company.

Some decisions may cause one side of the triangle to temporarily prosper at the expense of the other two. For example, if a company raises prices for menu items, this will lead to a significant increase in profits, however, guests are unlikely to like it and they will not want to come to us again. This will inevitably lead to the collapse of the company. Management must make decisions whose results will be evenly distributed among all three sides of the triangle, which will lead to their common prosperity. But this is only the first stage. In order for our business to continue to grow and expand, we must make decisions that benefit all three sides of the triangle.

Four Wall Theory

According to this theory, all those factors that lead to the successful or unsuccessful operation of a company exist within the company’s walls (within its four walls), and, therefore, the company’s management can control them.

By making changes and maintaining current standards, you can win the war against Success Syndrome. You must monitor those internal factors that are within your control. External factors such as competition, economic conditions and weather may also have some influence on your performance, however, the main factors such as excellent food prepared and served by friendly staff in a warm, relaxed atmosphere are internal and therefore the only factors that are within your control.

Methods for removing residues.

At the end of the shift, the bartender recounts the goods (removes the balances) and makes the appropriate entries in the goods acceptance report. Before directly removing the leftovers, the bartender spends some time arranging the goods in an order convenient for payment.

1. All unopened bottles from the bar should be taken to the warehouse.

2. The list in the goods acceptance certificate must be compiled in accordance with the location of the bottles on the shelves.

3. In order not to waste time, first the alcohol in the warehouse is counted (unopened bottles and packages of beer, juices and carbonated drinks) and only then the remaining goods are removed directly from the bar (alcohol in uncorked bottles and scattered juices and sodas).

4. Leftover beer and juices should be recorded as follows:

Beer: (10 pack x 24) + 16 = 256 bottles.

Juice: (10 packs x 12) + 6 = 126 bags + 2.5 liters

Juice in uncorked bags (2.5 liters) can be simply weighed on a flat platform scale (up to 3 kg). The same scales are useful for weighing coffee.

5. To remove the remains of draft beer, scales with a load capacity of up to 50 kg or special counters are used.

6. The amount of alcohol in uncorked bottles can be measured in 4 main ways:

Using computer programs is the most convenient, accurate and, most importantly, fastest way to remove residues;

Using bar rulers or patterns - allows you to remove residues accurately and without pouring, but requires purchasing or making patterns;

Removing residues by weighing is a quick method, but has a number of disadvantages: you need to know the weight of empty containers and the density of various drinks, which requires complex calculations;

Removing residues by pouring into measuring cups is the longest method, which also leads to partial or complete loss of taste and aromatic qualities of alcoholic beverages (especially in cases of poor washing/drying of measuring cups or carelessness).


The production of strong alcoholic beverages is carried out in three stages:




Fermentation (or fermentation) is the process of converting sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide under the influence of yeast cells.

Not only sugary fruits and plants (fruits, berries, blue agave, sugar cane), but also grains (wheat, rye, barley, corn, rice), potatoes, and milk are used as raw materials for producing alcohol. In practice, alcohol can be obtained from any organic raw material capable of fermentation. The strength of an alcoholic beverage is the volume percentage of alcohol contained in the full volume of an alcoholic beverage.

The maximum strength of the mash is 16%, since a large amount of alcohol neutralizes the yeast, as a result of which the fermentation process stops. In order to obtain a liquid with a higher concentration of alcohol and to separate harmful impurities, distillation is carried out.

Distillation (or distillation)– the process of separating alcohol from fermented wort (mash) by evaporation in stills with subsequent condensation of the resulting vapors. The separation of alcohol from the mash is possible due to the fact that alcohol boils earlier than water, namely at +78 C.

The separated alcohol vapors cool and condense.

Some alcohols, in particular those from which cognac, whiskey, rum, tequila, etc. will be prepared, are distilled twice. In the production of high-quality (premium) vodka, the method of continuous and multiple distillation followed by rectification is used.

Unlike conventional filtration through charcoal, during rectification, raw alcohol is distilled through several columns, in one of which unpleasant-tasting impurities are removed, in the second - fusel oils, in the third - methanol, which is hazardous to health.

Aging in oak barrels. After distillation, alcoholic drinks are sent for aging in oak barrels, where they acquire color, taste, aroma and at the same time self-cleanse from impurities. Cognac, Armagnac, whiskey, Calvados, as well as most brandy and some classes of rum and tequila undergo mandatory aging. Vodka is not traditionally aged.

All of the alcoholic drinks listed above should be combined into one group and called “strong dry drinks.” The word dry means not sweet, because... the amount of sugar that gets into these drinks for technological reasons is insignificant (from 1 to 0.7 grams per liter). It is precisely because of the “dryness” that all these drinks can be used as aperitifs, that is, drinks consumed before meals to stimulate the appetite.

The last stage of production is diluting the alcohol with water to bring the alcohol in the drink to certain percentages (40% is more common). The water passes through a multi-stage purification and treatment system.

Brandy– the general name of a strong drink obtained by distillation of any fruit wine. The production process is not strictly regulated. In the production of brandy, different raw materials can be used (pure wine, wine with lees, grape pressings), different distillation conditions, aging in barrels or caramelization process, etc. Depending on the place and conditions of production, most types of brandy received a controlled designation of origin.

Cognac– high-quality brandy, the production of which is strictly regulated: double distillation, aging in oak barrels for at least 2.5 years, blending. On the international market, cognac has the right to be called brandy obtained from special varieties of white grapes grown in strictly defined territories located in the area of ​​​​the city of Cognac (France). Main brands: Hennessy, Otard, Martell, Remy Martin, Courvoisier, Camus.

Armagnac- a type of French brandy produced in a strictly defined territory of France, namely in the province of Gascony.

Some brands: Chabot, ClesdesDucs.

Grappa- a strong drink produced in Italy by double distillation of fermented grape marc left over from wine production. Most brands of grappa do not go through the aging stage.

Mark- a drink similar to grappa, produced in France.

Calvados– a strong drink produced in Normandy (France) by distilling apple cider. Aged in oak barrels for at least 2 years. Some brands: Busnel, Boulard, PereMagloire.

Pisco, Chacha, Metaxa, Kirsch– types of brandy produced in different countries.

Rum- made from sugar cane juice, which is boiled until a thick sediment is obtained - black molasses (molasses), which is fermented and distilled. Agricultural (aricole) rum is made from pure fermented sugar cane juice. Rum differs in the method of distillation (light and heavy), in aging (young and old), in color and strength.

Some brands: Havana Club, Bacardi, Captain Morgan, Mount Gay, La Mauny.

Cachasa– a strong alcoholic drink obtained by distilling sugar cane juice. Made in Brazil.

Vodka– a mixture of purified ethyl alcohol, distilled from cereals, with water. The best vodka is made from wheat alcohol, although in different countries, alcohol obtained from rye, potatoes, or a mixture of grains may be used to produce vodka. There are varieties of vodka that are flavored with lemon, mint, pepper, currants, cranberries, etc.

Some brands: “Matryoshka”, “Russian Standard”, Gray Goose, Finlandia.

Gin– a strong alcoholic drink obtained by distilling wheat alcohol and aromatic substances (cumin, coriander, angelica, orange peel, orris root, etc.), the main of which is juniper berry. Varieties of gin:

LondonDryGin is the main and highest quality class of gin, obtained by distilling alcohol along with aromatic components;

Genever "(juniper") is a juniper drink produced and consumed mainly in Holland.