Protein-carbohydrate cocktails for weight gain. Protein-carbohydrate cocktail at home for good health Carbohydrate cocktail at home

People involved in strength sports require higher amounts of protein and carbohydrates than the average person. Those. people engaged in physical labor (for example, bodybuilding) require 2-3 grams of protein and 7 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight.

So, what am I talking about? As you already know from previous articles, the basics of human nutrition are proteins (building materials), carbohydrates (energy), and fats and water. So, a protein-carbohydrate cocktail contains both proteins and carbohydrates, hence the name - protein-carbohydrate cocktail! Fats can be obtained from regular foods, with water, I think everything is clear.

CONCLUSION: A protein-carbohydrate cocktail contains the necessary nutrients for people who are engaged in intense physical labor, and in order for muscle growth to occur, you need to gain the NORMAL OF PROTEINS AND CARBOHYDRATES, in our case, if you do not have the opportunity or desire to eat regular foods, then you can easily drink a protein-carbohydrate cocktail, charging the body with the required proportions. In addition to the above, the combination of regular food + sports supplements = accelerated muscle growth! So think about it.

In general, I recommend purchasing this supplement. It is very effective and also very convenient both in terms of absorption and storage. You can take it with you anywhere, to study, to work, on vacation, it’s easy to prepare and you can happily drink it (that is, they are very tasty). I wrote more about this, where you can also find the answer to the popular question: is sports nutrition beneficial or harmful?

Those. sports nutrition sales system this moment highly developed, it will not be difficult to find and acquire it. Usually sold in stores that sell sports. goods or in themselves gyms(they also provide this opportunity) or just place an order online!

Who, when and how should consume a carbohydrate-protein cocktail?

In addition to the fact that a carbohydrate-protein cocktail should be taken at the stage of gaining muscle mass, it can also be used by people who have health problems, those who simply want to gain body weight.

I recommend taking a carbohydrate-protein shake 20 minutes after finishing your workout. Those. By drinking a cocktail, firstly, you will replenish the energy that was spent during training, and secondly, you will start the process of muscle growth.

Why exactly 20 minutes after training, and not immediately?

Well, first of all, I want to explain why it is advisable to take it after finishing a workout, and not before a workout. After training, the so-called protein-carbohydrate window occurs, it is at this time that our body needs building materials and energy in order to suppress catabolism and restore energy in the body that was caused (catabolism) and spent (energy) by training. Secondly, after finishing the workout, 20 minutes later, but not immediately. Why not right away? After all, many bodybuilding gurus advise this, including sports nutrition manufacturers.

I EXPLAIN: After physical activity the digestive system is not yet ready to absorb nutrients, it takes time for the digestive system to recover and, accordingly, it becomes possible to absorb nutrients, which is why drinking a protein-carbohydrate shake after a workout is NOT CORRECT, because whole protein takes time to get into the blood, that's why you should drink it only 20 minutes after finishing your workout.

Recipes for protein-carbohydrate cocktails

Especially for those who do not want to buy in sports stores, do not trust, feel doubts or something else like that, we will provide you with a ready-made cocktail recipe that you can create at home. There is no need to invent a huge number of recipes (all sorts of gurus on the Internet have come up with a bunch of malas without even trying them ourselves, we have provided the very one that is not to eat best recipe, which is guaranteed to be effective, tasty and healthy).

My favorite recipe for gaining muscle mass (can’t help but like it + very effective)

  • 1/2 cup oatmeal
  • 100 grams of cottage cheese
  • 200 grams of milk
  • 1 banana
  • 1 spoon peanut butter


Add 1/2 cup of plain oatmeal and 100 grams of cottage cheese, then pour it all with a glass of milk (200 grams), then cut 1 large banana into pieces, then add 1 tablespoon of peanut butter and mix all this stuff in a blender and with drink with great pleasure.

Best regards, administrator.

If you want to lose weight, carb shakes will be one of the... best methods quick, low-calorie hunger satisfaction. You can choose the ingredients according to your taste to prepare smoothies rich in complex carbohydrates and other healthy elements, depending on your desire and mood. Such drinks will be a good alternative to high-calorie desserts and can replace a full afternoon snack.

To get the maximum benefit from the shake, you should drink it in the morning as breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A good breakfast kickstarts your metabolism and helps your body burn more calories throughout the day. Many people make the mistake of eating breakfast with foods high in simple (fast) carbohydrates. This leads to feelings of hunger and snacking early in the day.

Carbohydrate cocktail for breakfast will allow for a long time do not feel hungry by providing the body with a sufficient amount of fats, proteins, fiber and carbohydrates.

Fiber from fruits and long-term carbohydrates form the basis of a proper breakfast. Fiber, increasing in size when it enters the stomach, promotes a prolonged feeling of fullness and limits the consumption of excess calories. Long-lasting carbohydrates, in turn, due to slow breakdown (about 4 hours), feed the body with energy throughout the first half of the day.

Following the same principle, unhealthy snacks during the day can be replaced with a carbohydrate cocktail and thereby provide the body with enough energy due to fewer calories.

How to cook

The first rule of making a carbohydrate shake is that it must be thick. If you want to lose weight, the main goal of your diet will be to consume fewer calories. But although you will have to eat less, this does not mean that you should constantly feel hungry, in which case sooner or later your willpower will give way and you will resort to unhealthy snacks in a hurry.

Cocktails with a thicker consistency satisfy hunger much better than liquid cocktails with the same number of calories.

The scientists who conducted this study found that the experiment participants who drank cocktails with a thicker consistency remained full twice as long as those who drank thinner ones, although they had exactly the same.

Main ingredients:

  • Liquid foundation: Skim or 1% milk as a liquid base is an excellent option as it is rich in calcium. Other good options are soy or coconut water, or as a last resort, the most common, but always cold, or better yet icy.
  • Foods high in fiber and complex carbohydrates: Any fruit is great, but raspberries and blue berries are preferable and contain the least amount of sugar. When it comes to vegetables, spinach and cucumber are the most common options. This also includes legumes and other food groups high in starch, glycogen, and other complex carbohydrates.
  • Healthy fats: The fats in such a cocktail are necessary for obtaining energy, absorbing a number of vitamins, and controlling appetite during the day. Add up to two tablespoons of a product that has healthy monounsaturated fats - such as avocados, various seeds, peanuts, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts, etc.

Try not to overuse sweeteners; if possible, use only fruit, but in exceptional cases you can add no a large number of honey or natural syrups. You can experiment with the taste of cocktails without increasing calorie content with the help of spices and herbs.

It may be helpful to add natural ingredients that stimulate weight loss, such as green tea, cinnamon and ginger.

Easy-to-prepare drinks will help you not only lose weight, but also feel a surge of strength and energy for a long time. These cocktails are perfect for breakfast, lunch or snack.

  • We recommend reading about: and



  • Low-fat Greek yogurt – 170 grams;
  • Spinach leaves – 2 cups;
  • Ripe pears (chopped, peeled) – 1 piece;
  • Green or red grapes - 1/2 tbsp;
  • Ripe avocado – 2 tablespoons;
  • Freshly squeezed lime juice – 1-2 tablespoons.

Shake Nutrition Facts: 316 calories, 21 g protein, 52 g carbohydrates, 6 g fat (0.9 g saturated), 9 g fiber, 115 mg. sodium

Oatmeal with cinnamon


  • Ripe – 1 piece;
  • Cereals– 50 g;
  • Low-fat kefir – 300 g;
  • Cinnamon (for decoration).

Mix kefir, oatmeal and banana in a blender until smooth, pour into a tall glass, sprinkle with cinnamon. Nutritional value: 16 g protein, 70 g carbohydrates, 6 g fat.



  • Mango (pieces) – 1/4 cup;
  • Mashed ripe avocado (monounsaturated fatty acids) – 1 piece;
  • Low-fat vanilla yogurt - 1/4 cup;
  • Mango juice (natural) – 1/2 cup;
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice – 2 tbsp. l;
  • Honey – 1 teaspoon (optional: thanks to the mango, the cocktail will be quite sweet).

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Nutritional Information: 298 calories, 5 g protein, 55 g carbohydrates, 5 g fiber, 9 g fat, 1.5 g saturated fat, 54 mg. sodium

How to drink a cocktail

First, you need to decide what exactly you want to achieve. If it is important for you to lose a couple of extra pounds as soon as possible, arrange fasting days and a minimum of calories, drink several cocktails during the day and do not allow acute feeling hunger.

If your weight loss program is designed for a longer period, then drink a cocktail for breakfast and dinner, but lunch should consist mainly of protein (meat or steamed fish); a salad of fresh vegetables is also allowed. Finally, if you just want to maintain a healthy, balanced diet, drink the shake 30 minutes before meals and in between as a healthy snack.


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Any athlete who wants to achieve the highest possible results in their training must monitor their nutrition. Muscle volume is also work that involves training and special protein nutrition.

Today we will share some recipes for protein shakes that you can actually make at home from products available to everyone.

What are protein drinks for weight gain made from?

Athletes need a lot of protein. For this purpose and protein concentrates were developed in the form of protein shakes. You can buy them ready-made, or you can prepare them yourself at home.

Homemade protein shakes are based on kefir or milk. Other ingredients in this drink may include:

  • key protein ingredients – cottage cheese or eggs;
  • jam and honey enhance the taste;
  • berries and fruits include natural sugar, vitamins and microelements;
  • banana is a source of carbohydrates and calories.

Protein shake for gaining muscle mass: tasks and rules for taking it

The key task of a protein drink is help maintain adequate levels of protein in the body for permanent muscle gain.

It is recommended to drink them about 40 minutes before training and then half an hour after it. The maximum cocktail volume is 300 ml, the optimal drink temperature is 37 degrees. You can drink it in the mornings and evenings.

According to scientists, to gain muscle mass and weight you need 1.5 g of protein per kilogram. With food, a person receives about 70 g of protein. With a weight of 70 g, 100 g of protein is required per day. In addition to food, you need about 30 grams of protein to gain weight, and this is contained in the shake.

Protein Shake Recipes for Weight Gain

Protein shake recipes to increase muscle mass there are a large number. Making them at home is not difficult; all you need is the necessary ingredients and a blender.

We present to your attention the most simple recipes cocktails for weight gain for athletes:

  • mix 100 grams of cottage cheese, a banana, a glass of milk, a couple of spoons of oatmeal and one spoon of honey in a blender bowl and beat everything with a blender;
  • beat 0.5 liters of milk, 100 grams of ice cream without additives, a couple of bananas, vanilla and cinnamon in a blender;
  • mix together an egg, a large spoonful of honey and the same amount of chopped nuts, a glass of kefir;
  • Using a blender or mixer, beat egg powder diluted with milk (60 g ready-made), 200 grams of cottage cheese, 5 eggs, 50 grams of honey and the same amount of berries, a spoonful of sour cream.

Protein powder cocktail recipe

At home, you can prepare a protein shake with special ingredients that help with weight gain and muscle mass. We offer you the recipe based on whey protein. This cocktail improves the athlete’s endurance by almost 70 percent, and his strength indicators by more than 40 percent.

To prepare a cocktail this recipe we will need:

  • 0.5 ml milk;
  • 50 g protein in dry form;
  • 100 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • egg;
  • fruit syrup.

The cocktail is prepared like this:

  • Pour milk into a blender bowl, add a couple of spoons of dry protein powder and beat them;
  • add cottage cheese and beat again;
  • add enough protein to the mixture to make about 05.0 liters of liquid;
  • pour in syrup or replace it with frozen berries for antioxidant effect;
  • Whisk everything again.

Recipe for making a protein-carbohydrate cocktail

If athletes of both sexes are very thin, then they need to think not only about gaining muscle mass, but also about gaining weight in general. For this It is recommended to drink protein-carbohydrate cocktails. For example, a cocktail Good morning", the recipe for which you will see below, has the following value:

  • 399 kcal;
  • 74 g carbohydrates;
  • 25 grams of protein and only 2 grams of fat.

You will need:

  • a glass of apple juice;
  • children's applesauce without sugar – 120 g;
  • fried wheat sprouts – 2 large spoons;
  • vanilla yogurt – 50 g;
  • dry low-fat milk – 40 g;
  • dry protein – 10 g.

First, mix the juice, puree and yogurt in a blender. Then add everything else to them and beat again until smooth.

If weight gain is an urgent matter, then better try another cocktail, which contains 135 kcal, but also contains 60 g of protein, 50 g of carbohydrates and 9 g of fat.

To prepare it, take:

  • 300 grams of cottage cheese;
  • a couple of glasses of kefir or yogurt;
  • cocoa powder – 1.5 tsp;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • vanillin packaging;
  • 100 ml of clean water.

Mix cocoa and sugar in water, bring to a boil and let simmer for about a minute. By consistency the drink should resemble hot chocolate. Pour everything into a blender, add everything else and blend. Drink chilled.

There are also recipes for those athletes who have a good metabolism and cannot gain weight without problems. The characteristics of their body are such that their weight grows slowly and they need more fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

In this case, this recipe may be suitable. You will need:

  • 1 tbsp. l. with a mountain of protein powder;
  • 200 ml strong coffee;
  • 100 ml yogurt with chocolate;
  • 2 tbsp. l. cream substitute;
  • 5 ice cubes;
  • a little cocoa powder.

First you need to brew the coffee and remove the grounds. Then he pour into a blender, add everything else, beat and drink chilled.

Remember that cocktails made from natural products at home, they are absorbed much better than dry ones, and they also contain many more useful components.

Rules for making protein shakes

When preparing your own protein shakes for sports nutrition, you should follow these recommendations:

  • Carbohydrates, such as honey or fruit, should be added to a protein shake for morning consumption, but not for evening protein shakes, especially if the athlete needs to lose weight. Carbohydrates taken in the evening tend to be stored as fat;
  • a single dose of the drink before training is 300 ml;
  • if an athlete does not digest lactose well, then the milk in the product recipe can be replaced with water, kefir or juice;
  • The calorie content of cocktails may vary depending on the needs of the athlete and the components of the drink.

This protein-based drink can, if necessary, be a complete replacement for meat dishes. This product is easily digestible and very good to use after workouts to replenish protein and other useful components, as well as to restore muscle mass.

Unlike a powdered protein shake, a homemade drink tastes better, is more natural and healthier. By adding certain ingredients you can choose the taste of the drink that you like the most.

Along with the problems excess weight, many people have a problem with typing it. And this is no less a problem than being overweight. People with low weight are much more likely to develop osteoporosis, and women may face problems conceiving, bearing and giving birth to a child. Quite often, the cause of weight problems is poor nutrition, that is, the body does not receive enough of the substances it needs. It also happens that in conditions modern life sometimes you have to skip meals. The problem with weight gain occurs among people who play sports and want to give their body a sporty look. Today, all problems with weight loss are successfully solved by weight gain cocktails.

It is very important to remember that the desire to gain weight should not be accompanied by eating everything in a row, and constantly. Calories should enter the body gradually and in portions. One of the most convenient and acceptable options for replenishing vitality and replenishing calories are weight loss cocktails. They are an excellent option for a light snack, as they provide the body with a supply of calories for the next 2-4 hours. Since the main cause of low weight is problems of the digestive tract, the fight must be waged against these problems. And most cocktails for weight gain contain those products that have the most beneficial effect on the digestive system. The basis of weight gain cocktails is a substance called protein, that is, protein found in dairy products. Not everyone can afford to buy expensive cocktails, but you can combat the problem if you prepare a homemade cocktail for weight gain from fairly affordable ingredients.

Cocktail recipes for weight gain Milk cocktail for weight gain

Prepare milkshake you can gain weight very easily, for which you will need these products:
Sour cream – 120 g.
Olive oil – 2 tbsp. spoons
Lemon juice from half a lemon.
Orange juice – 100g.
Fruit confiture - 25g.
Egg yolk- 1 PC.
Energy value per 100 g: 375 kcal, fat - 22.4g, protein - 7.97g, carbohydrates - 3.6g.

Place all ingredients except lemon juice and marmalade in a blender bowl and blend. Add the remaining ingredients to the mixture and mix well. It should be taken an hour before the start of training or as additional nutrition.
Homemade weight gain cocktails using dairy products can be supplemented with another recipe.

Banana smoothie for weight gain

Milk – 600 g.
Bananas – 300 g.
Nuts – 50 g.
Honey – 2-3 tbsp.
Cottage cheese – 180 g.
: 125 kcal, fat – 6g, protein – 5.14g, carbohydrates – 13.5g.

Mix everything and place it in a blender bowl, after which the banana smoothie for weight gain using dairy products is ready. It should be consumed throughout the day in two doses, between meals.

Protein cocktail

A protein shake for weight gain can also be easily prepared at home. To do this, you will need to purchase protein from a sports store.

Protein – 50 g.
Milk – 500 g.
Cottage cheese – 50-100 g.
Egg – 1 pc.
Fruit syrup to taste.
Energy value per 100g: 230 kcal, fat – 2.8g, protein – 50.5g, carbohydrates – 10.53g.

Mix all ingredients and beat with a mixer; frozen fruit can be used instead of fruit syrup. You can add 1 tbsp. coconut or flaxseed oil. You should drink it half an hour before training.

It is important to remember that protein shakes for weight gain may contain the following products: protein, chicken eggs, chocolate, nuts, banana, dried apricots, dairy products. Naturally, you can diversify the cocktail by making it differently each time.

Carbohydrate cocktails

Carbohydrates are our energy, so to compensate for its deficiency, it is recommended to use carbohydrate cocktails for weight gain. The best time to use them is 20-30 minutes after training, which will allow you to restore spent energy and start the process of muscle growth.

Carbohydrate cocktail “Favorite”

Oatmeal – 0.5 tbsp.
Cottage cheese – 100 g.
Milk – 20 g.
Peanut butter – 1 tbsp.
Banana – 1 pc.
Energy value per 100 g: 246 kcal, fat – 12 g, protein – 10 g, carbohydrates – 28 g.

Mix the flakes with cottage cheese, peanut butter and chopped banana, then pour it all with milk and mix using a blender. We must not forget that high-calorie, carbohydrate-based weight gain cocktails should be taken half an hour after training.

In addition to the fact that nutritional shakes for weight gain help solve the problem of restoring strength after a workout and speed up the process of gaining weight, they also have a very pleasant taste and health benefits. True, you should not abuse them, so as not to have problems with excess weight.

More homemade protein shake recipes

Due to its composition and nutrient content. At home, you can independently prepare a nutritious protein or carbohydrate shake for gaining muscle mass, which is quickly absorbed and has an excellent taste. Drinks also help increase energy, speed up and strengthen the immune system.

5 best shakes for gaining muscle mass at home

1. Protein shake for muscle gain

If you don't have enough time for breakfast or a full meal after a workout, this protein shake for gaining muscle mass, which contains the right fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals, will saturate the body with nutrients until lunch. The breakfast drink contains cashews and cinnamon, which can help stabilize blood sugar levels and prevent hunger to provide sustained energy release over time. Yogurt contains protein, while pineapple and blueberries are loaded with antioxidants and other health-boosting compounds.


  • 200 g yogurt;
  • 50 g pineapple;
  • 30 g blueberries;
  • a handful of cashew nuts;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • glass of water.


  1. chop the pineapple and then add it to the blender;
  2. add remaining ingredients;
  3. add required quantity water and whisk;
  4. take in the morning on an empty stomach.

2. Pre-workout carb shake for bulking

Before training, you need to give your muscles the necessary amount of energy. This drink is best taken an hour before training. Oats provide a slow release of carbohydrates into energy. Banana provides large amounts of potassium, which helps maintain muscle function during exercise. Coconut water is rich in electrolytes for better hydration and muscle contraction.


  • 1⁄2 banana;
  • a handful of oats;
  • 1 tbsp. l. flaxseed;
  • 330 ml coconut water.


  1. chill all ingredients in the refrigerator;
  2. mix the ingredients and grind them in a blender until smooth;
  3. You can sprinkle some desiccated coconut on top;
  4. consume one hour before training.

3. Restoring fruit smoothie for post-workout bulking

After a hard workout, the body needs high-quality protein to repair damaged muscle tissue for further growth. But the body needs more than just protein to recover quickly. This citrusy and refreshing smoothie also contains vitamin A-rich carrots to support the immune system, which can be weakened by prolonged, intense exercise.


  • 1⁄2 carrots;
  • 1⁄2 orange;
  • 1⁄4 melon;
  • a handful of cashew nuts;
  • 50 ml water;
  • a handful of ice.


  1. peel and chop the carrots;
  2. peel and cut the orange and melon;
  3. add to blender with remaining ingredients and blend until smooth;
  4. The cocktail is ideal to take within 40 minutes after training.

4. Cocktail for muscle growth and increased energy

A protein-carbohydrate shake is suitable for nourishing muscles both after and before a workout, to increase energy and supply nutrients that prevent muscle breakdown.


  • 400 ml milk;
  • 2 tsp. honey;
  • 1 banana.


  1. cut banana;
  2. mix banana with milk, add honey and blend in a blender;
  3. Drink an hour before training and immediately after.

5. Berry diet shake to gain weight, improve immunity and energy

A powerful antioxidant cocktail that will help prevent illness during the cold season.


  • 300 ml milk;
  • a handful of blueberries;
  • a handful of blackberries;
  • 2 tsp honey


  1. pour milk into blender;
  2. add berries and honey;
  3. beat until smooth;
  4. Take the shake at any time (before or after training).


While a specific shake requires consumption at a specific time, each can be consumed pre- or post-workout. It is necessary to take in proteins and carbohydrates to increase energy to overcome stress and prevent muscle protein breakdown. , both proteins and carbohydrates will be completely used to restore damaged fibers, which means they will ensure muscle growth. Although all drinks have high nutritional value, shakes alone are not enough to ensure muscle growth. , filling all the needs of the training body, therefore important to use. They play a huge role, which lead to the rupture of fibers necessary for progress. Both nutrition and exercise must be accompanied by adequate nutrition.

Cocktail recipe for weight gain in video format

If you've ever been involved in strength training, then you probably understand the feelings of those who head home after training and feel a complete lack of strength. Or maybe you yourself felt weak while playing sports and did not understand what was causing it? Or maybe not only during classes? The thing is that a person needs a certain amount of nutrients every day: fats and carbohydrates. It is necessary that all health parameters be normal, by the way, read here about whether it is possible and. It is very important. You need to make sure that you get all of them at normal levels - yes, watch your diet. But anyone who is concerned about their weight and seeks to work on it (adding or losing it) should pay special attention to how much protein their body receives per day. To get enough of these elements, using a protein shake at home will help you. Let's look at what a protein shake is and how to make it at home.

Some may have been surprised to hear that you can easily make a protein shake at home yourself. Why? Because most people associate the word “protein” with inorganic chemistry, which professional strength athletes take. However, for such people, the surprise was that “protein” in translation from English means “protein”. Therefore, do not be alarmed: by making a protein shake at home, you are showing that you have control over the level of protein in your body, and that’s all. Before we talk about how to make a protein shake, let’s mention who will benefit most from this very protein shake .

Who needs a protein shake?

If, for one reason or another, you decide to limit your intake of fats and carbohydrates, then you need to make up for it with proteins so that the body has strength. A protein shake, the recipe for which will be given below, will help with this. In general, the level of protein consumption depends on how much stress and stress we are exposed to.

Strength athletes, such as powerlifters, bodybuilders, weightlifters, and those who engage in heavy physical labor, need protein the most. During exercise, the muscles of our body are damaged, but within 1-2 days they are restored, becoming larger and stronger. But where does the body get building materials? Protein is a muscle builder. In fact, muscles are made of it. Therefore, strength athletes are advised to make a protein shake so that the body has something to build up damaged muscle fibers. So, as we see, protein is needed both by those who passionately want to lose weight and by those who build muscle. Now let's talk about how you can make a protein shake at home.

How to make a protein shake at home?

Before you start mixing the ingredients, calculate how much protein you need. How to determine this? Depending on your goal and load, count from 1 to 2.5 grams per kilogram of weight. That is, if a person weighs 100 kg and does strength sports, then he needs to make a protein shake so that it contains 250 grams of protein. Drink all this not at once, of course, but throughout the day. I think this is clear.

Now for the protein shake recipe: there isn't one! It's really just a matter of knowing what ingredients to use and mixing with whatever suits your taste. Personally, I bought protein powder, mixed it with milk and a raw egg. Then I added some flavoring and it was done! You can also use other products containing protein: cottage cheese, soy milk, and so on. By mixing them, we get a wonderful protein shake that is suitable for a variety of purposes!

Recipe 1

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • cottage cheese (1 pack or 180 g)
  • milk (600 ml)
  • bananas (2 or 3)
  • nuts (50 g)
  • honey (2-3 tbsp or to taste)

Bring to a smooth consistency with a blender. Don't forget that a protein shake is a complete meal, so drink it between meals.

Recipe 2


  • milk or kefir (250 ml)
  • banana (half)
  • oatmeal (2-3 spoons)
  • cinnamon.

You can also add natural yogurt and ice cream.

Grind with a blender and drink in the morning. Also experiment with adding other products: cottage cheese, strawberries and other berries, kiwi, cocoa, natural yogurt, coconut flakes, vanilla and even coffee.

Recipe 3


  • kefir (500 ml)
  • cottage cheese (250 or 300 g)
  • cocoa powder without additives (5 tsp)
  • water (100 ml)
  • sweetener.

Dilute cocoa and sweetener with water and bring to a boil. Cook for a minute, stirring constantly, then cool. Add the chocolate mixture to the mixed mixture of cottage cheese and kefir and beat until smooth. Drink after cooling.

Recipe 4


  • milk (250 ml)
  • egg (1 pc.)
  • sugar (1 tsp)

You can beat it in a blender with a whisk attachment. As always, replace sugar with honey and milk with kefir if desired. If you want to make your protein shake more filling and healthy, add chopped walnuts.

Recipe 5


  • cottage cheese (200 g)
  • juice (100 ml)
  • kefir (100 ml)
  • persimmon (you can also use banana)

Combine, turn into a cocktail and enjoy.