Battle of psychics Sasha and Merlin. Star couple of psychics: the relationship between Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps

Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps are a unique pair of two practicing magicians and. The couple lives happily together, but little is known about their personal life.

In the article:

Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps - dating story

The romance between and began during the filming of the 14th season of the “Battle of Psychics” project. Many believed that this was just a PR stunt, but the romance of the bright couple continued even after the end of the project.

Kerro and Sheps together

As Alexander Sheps said in January 2014, it all started with common interests and friendship. After their friendly relationship grew into a whirlwind romance, even the competition for winning the show could not hinder the feelings of a couple of psychics.

Alexander considered Marilyn his main competitor, and the psychic practically did not speak Russian, but this did not interfere with the romance.

As Marilyn Kerro stated in an interview, the clairvoyant separates work and personal relationships and was not worried that competition could affect her relationship with Alexander.

Thanks to participation in the “Battle of Psychics” project, two kindred spirits managed to find each other. Already in the winter of 2014, their joint video greeting for the New Year was recorded, which finally dotted the i’s regarding the fact that the participants in the “Battle of Psychics” Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps were dating. For some time, the couple claimed that there was only professional interest and friendship between them.

Before participating in the “Battle of Psychics,” Marilyn’s relationships with men did not work out. Despite her chic appearance, modeling career and extraordinary psychic abilities, the woman has always been hampered by excessive modesty and shyness. The attempted rape that happened to Mary at a young age also had a serious impact. The future witch was almost unharmed - the would-be rapist left only bruises and contusions as a “memento”.

Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro - wedding

Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro, fan painting

There are rumors on the Internet that Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro got married in secret. Given the couple's penchant for keeping their personal lives private, this is likely. There were even several photographs of Marilyn in white wedding dresses that appeared on the Internet.

There was no official confirmation of the marriage. The relationship between the participants in the “Battle of Psychics” has been going on for more than a year, but there has been no talk of a wedding yet. Some viewers believe that the rumors that Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps got married are needed so that the public does not forget about clairvoyants after the end of the 14th season of the “Battle of Psychics.”

The couple has not yet officially announced their intention to seal the relationship by marriage. There are only rumors, but Marilyn and Alexander did not contact the registry office. Many assume that such strong relationships have every chance of developing into a family relationship. According to statements during the interview, the young couple plans to get married someday, but so far no specific date has been announced.

Marilyn was partially able to predict how the “Battle of Psychics” project ended for her personally. But then the psychic did not know who the man was, because of whom Kerro would not be able to take first place, but would not be upset at all. Marilyn only knew that her man would be a psychic, not from Moscow, but she was sure that she should not have known more at that time.

Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro - latest news

On this moment Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro are in a civil marriage. The couple lives in the center of Moscow in the same apartment. It is not known who owns the living space, but Marilyn furnished the apartment. The psychic chose a classic European style, which Sheps also liked. The apartment is quite large. There is also a children's room, which makes you think about a quick marriage and that Sheps and Kerro are expecting a child.

The couple used one of the rooms in their shared apartment as an office. The lovers are receiving clients indoors. There are a lot of flowers in the house, which Marilyn tends to because she can’t stand artificial ones. The psychic is used to living closer to nature, but in Moscow this is impossible.

There are rumors that Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro broke up, but this is not so. The rumors are refuted by photographs on social networks that lovers periodically post on their personal pages. These are not only photo sessions, but also vacation pictures. The couple often travels abroad; for example, in the summer of 2014, psychics visited America and posted many bright and positive photographs. Later Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro participated together in a rally in support of polar bears, taking several photographs with the largest poster. Not long ago, Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro became couple of the year according to the results of the TNT Respect award.

In 2014, Marilyn met Alexander’s parents, which became proof of the seriousness of their relationship. It is known that future relatives really liked Marilyn.

There is no talk about family and children yet. Alexander traveled to Estonia and was very impressed with Marilyn’s house. In an interview, the medium said that the building looked like a witch's house on the edge of the forest, straight out of the pages of a book.

Now, judging by the photos on social networks, Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps are happy together. Apart from photographs and rumors, nothing more is known about the personal life of a couple of psychics. Lovers are not too fond of answering personal questions. During one of the interviews, Sheps said that he did not want to talk about what he had not done yet, since plans told to someone never come true.

Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro broke up - truth or rumor

Shortly before the start of filming the 16th season of the show “Battle of Psychics,” information appeared on the Internet that Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro had broken up. According to rumors, the medium preferred another girl to Marilyn.

Information about the couple’s disagreement did not appear on social networks. The lovers continue to post photos together. Fans who closely observe the lives of Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro believe that the couple did not break up, and rumors of a quarrel are just gossip.

Judging by the photographs that the couple periodically posts on the Internet, there really was no quarrel. This is just a rumor, the purpose of which is to stir up interest in the couple in anticipation of Marilyn’s participation in the new season of the show “Battle of Psychics.”

At the moment, the couple is going through a serious crisis in their relationship. After Mary returned to the “Battle of Psychics” in season 17, Kerro said that Alexander packed his things and left somewhere. In issue 11, the clairvoyant stated that there is love between them and will not go away. Problems arose in the relationship between psychics.

Marilyn dreams of a family that she will have to create alone - Sheps’s plans differ from Mary’s vision of a joint future. IN Lately The psychic sometimes jokes that he is going to go to the cabbage patch and find a child there. The witch reacts to problems in relationships more calmly than at the very beginning of the unpleasant period. The psychic tries to control himself, not paying attention to difficulties.

According to the Estonian witch, if she had a child, she would stay at home with her family. Perhaps returning to the “Battle of Psychics” was only a way to distract from the problems in the relationship with Sheps.

Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro are one of the most unconventional and unusual love stories, widely covered in the press and on television. One has only to wish the magicians to continue to live in love and harmony.

In contact with

The end of the 14th season of the “Battle of Psychics” was rapidly approaching, and the main intrigue was only growing - are Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro really together or is this just speculation from regular viewers of the TV show? Moreover, fans of the show were probably more concerned about this question than the name of the future winner of the season.

The love story of Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro

TV viewers noticed that the Samara magician and the Estonian witch became friends from the first days of filming the project and were constantly nearby. Indeed, on the program the couple clearly had a warm relationship, but it was not completely clear whether this was ordinary friendship or something more. And even when the host of the program, Marat Basharov, asked Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro a question about their relationship, they were both embarrassed and evasively answered that it was too early to draw conclusions. Rumors of an affair were confirmed when Alexander proposed to Marilyn in the final episode of the program, giving her a beautiful ring.

After the marriage proposal, fans of Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro expected a speedy wedding, followed by the birth of a child, but months passed without any desired news from the famous couple. Because of this, rumors even spread that the lovers had broken up long ago and did not want to admit it. But numerous photos of the happy couple on social networks said only that they were doing well.

When asked by journalists about the wedding, Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro answer briefly that they are not yet ready to officially register their relationship, but this does not interfere with their happiness. Now they live in a spacious Moscow apartment, which Marilyn decorated in, and receive clients there, having equipped a separate room for this.

And it seems that everything is really serious with the couple, because Alexander has already introduced his betrothed to his family living in Samara (by the way, Alexander’s mother Lyudmila is a well-known psychic in her city), and Sasha’s relatives really liked her future daughter-in-law. Soon after the trip to Samara, the couple went to Estonia to meet Marilyn’s relatives.

The romance of Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro, their many fans can only track through photographs on social networks, because they do not like to talk about their personal lives. The couple posts photos from travel, holidays and just from Everyday life. But suddenly pictures began to appear in which Marilyn in.

Are Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps married?

The Internet quickly spread the news that Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps got married in secret from everyone. Some fans even claimed that they captured the Estonian witch with a rounded tummy in children's store, in the stroller department. And after the photo of Marilyn with a baby in her arms appeared, news about the long-awaited first-born swept through the forums. Some were happy for the couple, while others thought it was just a PR stunt to maintain their fame after the show.

After briefly pissing off her fans, Marilyn admitted that in the photo she was not with her child, but with her newborn niece. And until Marilyn Kerro married Alexander Sheps, most likely you can’t count on a baby. After all, according to the Estonian witch herself, her upbringing does not allow her to give birth to a child out of wedlock.

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Whether Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro got married remained a mystery for a long time, since suspicions were great, but reliable facts not enough. The magical couple answers questions from journalists modestly: “Soon, very soon.”

Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro shared sad news in episode 2 of season 17: their relationship with the medium Alexander Sheps is now not at its best. We analyzed the situation of lovers from the point of view of their compatibility according to the Horoscope.

Many fans of the show “Battle of Psychics” are very fond of the couple Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps. Moreover, they were struck by the latest events that occurred in the second episode of the 17th season of the show. The Estonian witch appeared on the project for the third time, with the obvious intention of trying her luck again. It is quite natural that the presenter asked how her young man, Alexander Sheps, reacts to this. And then the most joyful details from the life of this couple became clear. Marilyn admitted that they had separated and had not seen each other for quite some time.

Horoscope of incompatibility between Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps

Perhaps, to understand the problems in the relationship of this amazing couple of psychics, it is worth turning to Astrology. Stars endow people with certain energy and character traits. Naturally, it is on the basis of different worldviews that people may one day realize that they are not ready to live with each other forever.

Marilyn Kerro was born on September 18th. According to her zodiac sign, she is Virgo. Astrologers claim that those born under the influence of this constellation turn out to be very responsible people and even workaholics. It is sometimes said about them that Virgos cannot sit without doing anything. This Zodiac Sign is considered one of the most practical, since their native element is Earth.

Marilyn definitely has these character traits, since she returns to the project for the third time, not only striving for victory, but also keeping herself busy: she helps people. Independence and the desire not to be beholden to anyone are also clearly manifested in the red-haired Estonian witch. She showed that she achieves everything herself and is capable of much. This can be seen in her biography.

Alexander Sheps is a representative of the Sagittarius sign. In many ways he is the opposite of his lover. This is a fiery Zodiac Sign, and sometimes, as Astrologers say, Sagittarius tends to neglect little things, which can irritate a representative of such a practical Sign as Virgo. However, Sagittarians usually have a light and cheerful disposition, which often captivates people.

Despite their opposing character traits, they also have something in common. For example, representatives of the Zodiac Signs Virgo and Sagittarius will not enter someone else’s territory and will definitely leave the necessary personal space. Even though people in this union have different views on life, this will not necessarily affect their relationship negatively.

Astrologers consider the pair of Virgo woman and Sagittarius man not the most stable. Judging by the compatibility of the Zodiac Signs, that union most often ends in separation. This can be easily found out using the love compatibility test by Zodiac Sign, which you can take too. However, Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps are not exactly an ordinary couple. Their relationship began on the 14th season of the show “Battle of Psychics” and did not end completely even taking into account the fact that Marilyn came to the 16th season without finding understanding from her lover. No one knows how all this will turn out, perhaps even this very pair of psychics.

The couple Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps has become very familiar to TV viewers, so their fate worries many. Although, there are also skeptics who are absolutely sure that their relationship is nothing more than a successful PR stunt.

We wish Alexander and Marilyn to sort out their feelings and be happy. Follow the fate of the participants in the “Battle of Psychics” of season 17 and don't forget to press the buttons and

13.09.2016 02:19

There are a lot of rumors around the most striking couple of the “Battle of Psychics” - Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro. Some even...

In September 2015, the first episode of the new season of the popular TV show “Battle of Psychics” was aired. Among the participants one could see the Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro, who had previously taken part in the project. For several months, viewers watched not only the progress of the battle, during which the participants demonstrated superpowers, but also the personal life of the witch. Everyone was interested in the question of whether Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps, who won the 14th season of the project, were together. Did the couple manage to maintain their relationship?

Work and personal life

Born into a family where a mother and father dreamed of a son, she experienced a lack of attention and care from childhood. His father, addicted to drinking, abandoned the family, so Marilyn's mother had to work a lot. The girl was raised by her aunt. It was she who introduced the inquisitive red-haired girl to the world of magic. When Marilyn was +six years old, her aunt mysteriously disappeared. Her fate remains unknown today, but in memory of herself, Marilyn’s aunt left her a Bible in her native Estonian language.

Possessing a bright appearance and personality, Marilyn decided to try her hand at modeling. And she did it! The agents liked the attractive girl, and her photos increasingly began to appear in leading Estonian publications. However, complexes and low self-esteem caused Marilyn to develop anorexia at the age of fourteen. By the age of sixteen, the disease was overcome, but not for long. After recovering from anorexia, Kerro became bulimic. It took several more months to recover from the dangerous illness. These tests made the girl understand that she should say goodbye. Without thinking twice, Marilyn goes to the casting of the “Battle of Psychics”.

The girl’s relationships with guys did not work out. Obviously, they considered themselves unworthy of this red-haired beauty with a piercing gaze. Shortly before filming, she met Vitaly Gibert, but the relationship grew into a strong friendship. Then Alexey Pokhabov appeared in her life. The winner of the seventh season treated Marilyn in a completely unmanly manner, simply disappearing from her life. Kerro was saved from depression by Alexander Sheps, who became the winner of the 14th season of “Battle.” Since then, news that Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro have broken off their relationship has appeared with enviable regularity.

To spite the ill-wishers

Rumors that Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps broke up first appeared shortly before the end of filming of the project. Evil tongues claimed that the novel was nothing more than a PR stunt. Time has shown that they were wrong. The tenth episode of season 16 amazed fans of the couple with the witch’s confession about unhappy love and pain. While viewers were wondering why Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps broke up, the couple decided to live under the same roof, proving the strength of the relationship.

In December 2015, the girl posted under her photo in social network comment “That’s all... We have finished playing the roles of love.” And again, the Internet was filled with rumors that Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps had separated. Later it turned out that the girl simply liked Ani Lorak’s song “Hold My Heart”, and she quoted one line.

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Today, young people are happy, dreaming about the future and enjoying each other. They are not yet thinking about children and marriage, devoting most of their time to their professional career.