Bizet from proteins recipe. Meringue - the best recipes

Crispy on the outside, chewy on the inside

Greetings to all! I’m in touch, Natalie Lissi, author of a culinary site.

I dedicate this recipe, or rather an entire article, to a very tasty delicacy - merengue. I studied a lot about how to make meringues at home, experimented so many times, spoiled the products several times, but in the end I learned how to cook meringue amazingly tasty and amazingly correctly. Through trial and error, following advice and detailed instructions, I gained very good experience in making meringue. I now share my experience with my readers. And if you have anything to add to this recipe, then don’t hesitate to write in the comments. I will hone my skills in making meringue at home.

Meringue can be turned into a crispy cake with a viscous, tasty center, used as an air layer for a fluffy sponge cake, baked into cake layers from meringue, or as a base for mousse with cream and a slide of fruit - there are many ways to use this delicate meringue. Preparing meringue is very, very simple, but you need to know some of the nuances of preparing this wonderful sweet.

Meringues are a universal and quite simple recipe. According to the cooking technology, there are three types of meringues (meringues) - Italian, French and Swiss.

French meringue is made by beating egg whites and sugar or powdered sugar. This meringue is added to biscuit dough, creams, baked (rather, dried in the oven) cakes or baked cake layers.

Italian meringue is obtained by brewing whipped egg whites with boiling sugar syrup. We call it simpler - custard protein cream. Italian meringue is used mainly for filling baskets, profiteroles, and layering cakes, but it is not entirely suitable for baking.

The most versatile is Swiss meringue. It is prepared by beating the whites with sugar in a water bath. Universal because it is suitable for both baking and creams.

This recipe will tell you how to prepare French meringue and get delicious cakes as a result.

French meringue - ingredients I use:

  • Proteins – 3 pcs (110 g)
  • Sugar – 175 gr

1. For 1 protein, experienced confectioners recommend taking 50 grams of sugar. But this is only a conditional figure. The more sugar you add to the whites, the denser the meringue structure will be and vice versa. The denser the meringue, the better it stores. My recipe contains my usual amount of protein and sugar.

2. Sugar should be fine, but it is best to use powdered sugar. If you only have coarse sugar on hand, grind it in a blender or coffee grinder. When you beat the whites, the sugar seems to enhance the action of the whisk, and the more grains, the fluffier the meringue will be. In addition, sugar must be completely dissolved in proteins and the finer it is, the better it dissolves. You can mix fine sugar with powdered sugar in equal proportions. It is best not to use store-bought powdered sugar, since in addition to starch, it may contain various other additives. And if starch can have a beneficial effect on the structure of the meringue, since it binds water, then other additional components can ruin everything.

3. I usually use eggs that are about 10-14 days old, not ones that have just come out from under a laying hen. Based on my experience, I can say that the protein in such eggs is stronger and easier to work with. The eggs should be washed thoroughly with a sponge with soda or detergent, then rinsed thoroughly and wiped dry. After this procedure, hands should be washed with soap and wiped dry.

4. You can beat the whites with anything: a mixer, a hand or electric whisk, a dough mixer with a whisk attachment, in the simplest manual chopper bowl with plastic blade attachments.

5. Important! The mixing bowl must be completely dry and free of grease! A drop of fat or water will ruin all your hard work. To be safe, wipe thoroughly washed dishes with a slice of lemon and dry. The white will whip up one way or another, the quality of the meringue may suffer - separation into white and water during baking and storage.

6. Still important! You should very carefully separate the whites from the yolks. It is best to separate chilled eggs: in this case, the surface of the yolk is denser and does not break as easily than when the eggs are warm - a life experience. I do it simply: carefully break the egg so as not to damage the yolk and pour it into my palm. I pass the white through my fingers and transfer the yolk to a separate bowl. Not a drop of yolk or piece of shell should get into the whites, this is important. Do not perform this procedure over a bowl of egg whites that you will be whipping. In addition to the yolk or shell, you may get a rotten egg, which will ruin everything.

7. Now about the protein temperature. In many recipes that involve whipped whites, it is recommended to use chilled egg whites - they whip better and faster. One day I came across a recipe in which the author highly recommended whipping egg whites for meringue at home at about room temperature (22-25 degrees). What happened? Indeed, whipped warm whites are much fluffier and more voluminous, they hold their shape better - they are more saturated with air due to the fact that they are more elastic - but they take longer to whip. Meringues, accordingly, turn out much airier. Cold proteins have a denser structure. But! This does not really affect the taste of the finished cakes or cream. Even cold whites make very tasty meringues if you beat them correctly.

What I can advise you is to experiment and then do it the way you like best. To reheat the whites, leave them at room temperature for a while or place the bowl of whites in a bowl of warm water while they warm up.

8. It is important not to overdo it with beating the whites. If you overdo it, you will ruin the meringue and it will no longer be suitable for baking. Beating should be completed when the mass is ready and protein peaks of the desired stiffness are formed.

9. You can add a little salt or acid to better bind protein and water (chicken protein components). Salt is added at the beginning of whipping, acid at the end. This is no longer personal experience, but scientifically proven facts. You can’t argue with chemistry =) Add salt and acid at the tip of a knife or drop by drop. They are needed not for taste, but for structure.

Perhaps these are the main points that you should pay special attention to.

Now let's move on to the process of preparing meringue. The recipe is detailed, and I will give you some more tips in the description.

How to prepare meringues:

We measure out the required amount of fine sugar or powdered sugar and protein.

While whipping, you will need to add sugar in a thin stream. For convenience, you can pour the sugar onto thick paper, bend the paper slightly and add it to the protein this way.

We begin to beat the egg whites without sugar at low speed. Now it is important to break down the structure of the protein and allow it to be saturated with air bubbles as much as possible. If you immediately start beating quickly, your egg whites may subsequently settle quickly.

Beat the egg white until it begins to increase in volume slightly. You can now begin to gradually increase your speed.

As soon as the white begins to turn white and gain air, we begin to gradually add sugar. With the mixer running, add sugar in a thin stream and continue beating. The step-by-step process looks something like this:

As a result, when you add all the sugar, you should get a dense white mass with a slight pearlescent texture that takes any shape and does not fall off. Soft, stable, sharp peaks of whipped egg whites hold their shape well.

You should not taste a grain of sugar; it should be completely dissolved in the proteins.

Remember that the more sugar you add, within reasonable limits, of course, the denser the protein mass will be.

I would also like to note the degree of whipping of the whites.

Different cooking technologies are suitable for different types of products. To bake sponge cakes you need soft meringue: if you lift the whisk, peaks will not form, but a small top will form.

Such proteins must be carefully introduced into the dough in a circular motion so as not to damage the structure of the meringue.

Medium soft meringue is suitable for the cream. That is, peaks are formed, but not with sharp ends. If you lift a whisk of whipped whites, the peak first stretches upward behind it and then becomes rounded.

To bake cakes, you need thick and well-whipped meringue, as in the photo below.

The peaks are sharp, do not fall off or become rounded.

Preheat the oven in advance. Line a baking tray with baking paper. Using a pastry bag or spoon, place the meringues on a baking sheet. If you don’t have a bag with tips, use a regular food bag and cut off a small corner.

Homemade meringue recipe – baking:

Baking is not entirely true. Meringues are dried in the oven. And the drying method depends on what you want to get as a result.

We bake crispy meringue with a sticky center

Preheat the oven to 150-160 degrees, place a baking sheet with meringues and after 1-2 minutes reduce the temperature to 50-60 degrees. Dry for about 15 - 20 minutes. You can open the door if it is not possible to lower the temperature this way. It’s best not to time it, but to look at the products. If you see cracks starting to appear, immediately turn off the oven and leave the meringues in it until they cool completely with the door open. Cracks indicate that the top of the meringue has set, but inside it is viscous.

We bake completely crispy snow-white meringue

Preheat the oven to 50 degrees, place a baking sheet with meringues and dry until ready (at least 1-1.5 hours or more), then leave in the oven with the door open until it cools completely.

Depending on your oven, you may need more or less time. In general, it is better for you to experiment with your oven and recipes yourself, and just use the given numbers of ingredients and baked goods as a guide. Try making meringue a couple of times and you will probably know how best to get what you want. This has been verified by my own experience =)

Check the readiness of the meringue only when the product is chilled. The hot meringue may still be sticky.

Swiss meringue - recipe in a water bath:

Swiss meringue is good because the proteins undergo heat treatment during the preparation of the meringue, which means you can safely use cream made from raw proteins in cakes, pastries, for decorating desserts and sweet products. Swiss meringue in a water bath has a denser and stronger structure than French meringue. Making Swiss meringue is very simple. Also prepare a bowl of cold water in advance.

1. Pre-boil the water and reduce the heat. Pour the egg whites into the second pan and add all the sugar. Place the pan with the whites in a water bath and begin stirring continuously until the sugar dissolves. There is no need to whisk at this stage. The pan with squirrels should not touch the water.

2. Start beating at low speed and increase the speed when the white begins to become cloudy. Beat until a soft meringue forms: when you lift the whisk, soft, weak peaks form and settle slightly.

3. Remove from heat and place the pan with the whites in a bowl of cold water. Continue beating until the whites cool completely for a few minutes.

4. Bake in the same way as the French meringue described above.

Calorie content of meringue (cake) according to my proportions per 100 grams = 418.8 kcal

  • Proteins – 7.1 g
  • Fats – 0 g
  • Carbohydrates – 102.7 g

What mistakes can you make when preparing meringue at home:

  • If you add sugar to the protein too quickly, the meringues may fall off after baking, lose their shape, or shrink. There is no need for haste in this matter.
  • The same thing can happen if you take the meringues out of the oven too early. The brownies need to cool completely in the oven first.
  • The quality of meringues is also affected by air humidity. As a result, they will turn out wet and sticky. It is difficult to fight natural phenomena, but it is possible: dry the meringues in the oven for some more time.
  • Meringues are afraid of moisture, so a perfectly crispy cake can become viscous in a humid room or refrigerator. The solution is simple - dry it in the oven again.
  • Peeling of sugar syrup during baking can occur for the following reasons: too little sugar or overbeaten (well, somehow) the whites.

It seems that's all! Ufff =) I wish you successful culinary experiments.

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Sincerely yours, Natalie Lissi

These airy crispy cookies captivate from the first try. But it’s difficult to make beautiful meringues at home without experience. How to make them tasty and airy, well baked without drying them out. We recommend repeating the classic recipe in your kitchen, and then, having learned, begin to fantasize, adding new ingredients.

How to make meringue fluffy

Not every cook manages to prepare real meringue at home the first time. For some, the flatbread spreads over the baking sheet immediately after laying it out, or during thermal cooking it falls off, losing its original airiness. Some people, having tried it, do not feel the crispy base and are disappointed in the taste. If the cakes don't turn out well, it means mistakes were made during cooking. This dessert is very capricious. You may have to repeat the recipe several times to understand all the technology and come up with your most successful recipe.
How to make meringue at home has its own subtleties and tricks:
To make cakes, you should very carefully separate the white from the egg yolk. If a barely noticeable small and insignificant drop of yolk ends up with the whites, it will not be possible to cook the mixture in the oven with the desired consistency. Tip: work with each egg separately, and, if successfully separated, then combine with the already separated whites.

It is best to beat with a mixer. A blender (if it does not have a whisk) will not bring the mixture to the desired state. Beating the meringue mixture by hand is labor-intensive, time-consuming, and the results are worse. Although, to prepare meringue in the microwave, chefs recommend bringing the whites to a consistency manually using a fork or whisk.
You should prepare fresh, squeezed lemon juice in advance. It is used to lubricate pre-skimmed dishes and mixer whisks. Lemon juice is added to the whipped mixture to prevent the protein from settling.
You can use sugar or sweet powder. As those who repeated the recipe advise, it is important to add this product gradually, in small portions.
Be sure to preheat the oven. Some chefs, when sharing their recipe, recommend putting the cakes in the oven hot, and then turning the temperature down and leaving them to cool. This technique does not always work and does not work for everyone. Yes, as the temperature in the oven cools, the meringue will gradually reach the desired state, but often the high pyramid sinks, turning into a flat cake. As an experiment, try baking the cakes for 6-10 minutes at 170 degrees, and then reduce the temperature by 10 degrees every 30 seconds. This way the meringues will cook faster, won’t lose their shape, and will be baked well inside.

Classic meringues

For anyone who is interested in how to make meringue, we recommend preparing it first according to the classic recipe. Having understood the principle and technology, you can begin experimenting. It is important that after whipping at home the mass turns out thick and fluffy.


egg whites – 4 pcs.;
sugar or powder – 220 g;
lemon juice – 50 ml;
salt - a pinch.


  1. Start by preparing the dishes. Degrease the mixer whisks and the bowl in which the egg whites will be beaten. They should be greased with a slice of lemon or lemon juice. The dishes are ready, you can start preparing these fluffy cookies.
  2. It is better to use pre-chilled eggs. Carefully break the shell and separate the whites. Work with each egg separately. Mix the whites in one bowl only if the separation is successful. Add a pinch of salt, beat lightly, and then pour in a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice.
  3. Now start whipping. Add sugar one spoon at a time in a thin stream and beat, continuously using the mixer. It is important not to stop the work of the kitchen assistant. When all the sugar required in the recipe (you can use sweet powder) has been added, continue beating until a very thick snow-white foam appears. If you think that the cookie mixture is ready, you can proceed to baking. But we recommend checking it out anyway. It is worth turning the container with the protein mass upside down. If it does not flow out and remains as if glued to the bottom, everything is done correctly. If you are afraid to turn the bowl over for fear of pouring out the incompletely whipped mixture, you can just check it with a spoon.
  4. The oven is on and preheating. The baking sheet should be covered with parchment for preparing culinary cookies. You can add meringue. It is convenient to do this with a large pastry syringe. Squeezing out the mass little by little, lay out a spiral pyramid. If there is none, you can place a small amount of the mass on a baking sheet using a spoon (the meringues will turn out in the form of droplets).
  5. First, bake the airy cookies in the oven for 10 minutes at 170 degrees, then gradually reduce the temperature. Cooking time depends on the size of the meringues. When the cakes have hardened, turn off the temperature and leave them to finish in the oven.
  6. Carefully remove the meringue from the parchment with a spatula. Cookies can be served. They are delicious with tea, coffee or compote.

How to cook meringue in the microwave

You can prepare these cookies in the microwave in just a few minutes. True, it will taste slightly different from what was baked in the oven.


egg white – 2 pcs.;
powdered sugar – 2/3 cup:
coconut shavings - 1 tablespoon;
salt - a pinch.


  1. Combine the whites separated from the yolks with salt and then with sifted powdered sugar. Beat with a fork, hand whisk or mixer until fluffy and thick.
  2. Line a turntable in the microwave with a sheet of parchment. Place the cakes at a short distance from each other (they will expand as they bake) using a syringe or spoon. Do not place the meringue in the center of the dish, only around the circumference. Sprinkle coconut flakes on top.
  3. Set to 750 W. Cook for 1.5 minutes. After 5-10 minutes, leave the cookies in the microwave without opening the door. Done, you can try it.

How to serve meringue in an original way

Having learned how to cook meringue in the oven according to the usual recipe, you can begin culinary experiments. There are a lot of options on how to make and serve meringue in an original way. It will be interesting if you put the protein mass on wafer cakes and fill edible baskets with it. If you grease two meringue cakes on one side with jam or condensed milk, and then mold them, you will get an original cookie at home. You can put it on a pineapple or orange ring. After cooking small flatbreads in the oven, try making a small cake for dessert. You just have to whip up the delicious cream for this. It’s also worth imagining with the taste of cookies. For example, add candied fruits, chocolate, nuts, fresh berries.


A wonderful dessert with a French name that translates as “kiss”... Melting on the lips, sweet, tender... Of course, it’s meringue or meringue! Want to learn how to cook it at home? It is not difficult:)

A lot of yolks go into the Easter dough, but the whites remain “out of use.” Do you also have a lot of egg whites left after preparing the pasochki? Now we will find a use for them! And very tasty: let’s make real meringue at home! Light, airy, with a crispy thin crust and a crumbly center.

I usually used the leftover egg whites to make an omelette or chiffon cake. But at the same time, I have long dreamed of learning how to make homemade meringue. I even tried to bake cakes for the Kyiv cake once, but due to non-compliance with the temperature conditions, the result was not a white light meringue, but a golden sweet toffee. But the second time I finally learned! And I learned all the nuances, which I will now share with you, so that the meringue succeeds the first time!

The main thing for success: beat the whites correctly - once, and maintain the baking mode - twice. I cook in a gas oven, but I think the recipe would be suitable for an electric one - you just may need to adjust the baking time.


For 45-50 pieces:

  • 3 egg whites (total weight about 100 g);
  • 150 g sugar;
  • A pinch of salt;
  • A pinch of citric acid.


Meringue secret #1 - Fresh eggs!

The first thing we need is fresh eggs. The most recent! Because it is the freshest whites that whip better: they are denser, more elastic, and the foam from them holds its shape well. And from old proteins the foam is not so stable. How can you tell if an egg is fresh? Carefully break it onto a saucer and look: the old white is spreading; for fresh ones, lie around the yolk in an elastic oval.

Trick number 2 - how to separate the whites from the yolks

Previously, I poured from one half of the shell to the other - the white poured down into the bowl, and the yolk remained in the shell. But this method is not the best, since sometimes the sharp edge of the shell can damage the yolk, and if even a little gets into the whites, they will not whip up properly. Therefore, it is much more convenient to pour the egg into your hand: the yolk remains intact in the palm, and the white is poured into the bowl through your fingers.

And also, break each egg over a separate bowl: if you suddenly get a stale one, you don’t need to replace all the whites.

Know-how No. 3 - proportions and composition

Now let's figure out how much sugar we need. For 1 white of a medium egg, take 50-60 g of sugar. For 3 proteins - respectively, 150-180 g.

For an excellent meringue, in addition to proteins and sugar, you will need a few more grains of citric acid and a pinch of salt: these additives improve whipping, add stability to the foam, and the acid slightly brightens.

Point No. 4 - dishes

Please note: the result depends not only on the correctly selected products, but also on the condition of the dishes. Both the container in which you beat and the whisks should be clean, dry and not greasy. Therefore, wash them thoroughly, wipe with a lemon wedge and wipe dry. And you can start!

Important point No. 5 - egg temperature

There is an opinion that it is necessary to beat chilled egg whites. This is not entirely true. When chilled they whip up faster, but when warm they whip up better! From the physics course we know that when cold, substances compress, and when warm, they expand. So, in cold proteins, the bonds between molecules are less extensible, so they cannot accommodate many air bubbles that form foam. They whipped it up quickly and that was it. And then they settled down just as quickly. And although warm whites need to be whipped a little longer, the molecular bonds in them are more elastic and can hold much more air, and are more stable. Therefore, we take the whites out of the refrigerator half an hour beforehand so that they warm up to room temperature.

Making homemade meringue:

Add a pinch of salt to the whites and beat at low speed for 2 minutes. At first, the mass will be translucent, foamy, with bubbles, as if in champagne; then it will gradually turn white and thicken - and now you have a light, but quite thick foam, on which traces of the whisks remain. It's time to slowly add sugar.

But we don’t drink all at once! Add sugar 1-2 teaspoons at a time, whisking constantly. Along with the first spoon of sugar, add a few citric acid crystals.

I add sugar 1-2 spoons every 15-10 seconds. It takes 6-7 minutes to introduce all the sugar. Gradually increase the beating speed from low to medium and then to maximum. After adding all the sugar, beat for another 1.5-2 minutes at high speed. The foam is getting thicker.

It is enough to beat when it reaches the condition of “hard peaks”: take out the mixer and look at the “snowy peaks” - do they rise proudly and do not bend? Great! Control check: turn the bowl over :) A well-beaten mass will not only not fall out, it will not even move!

Cover the baking sheet with parchment, grease with butter or vegetable oil - a little. Place the mixture in a pastry bag with a nozzle or simply cut off a corner and place it on a sheet of benzene. You can put it out with a spoon dipped in water, but with an attachment the cakes come out with a more beautiful shape. Place them 3-4 cm from each other - in the process the meringue spreads a little and becomes larger. You can make many small cakes or one large cake layer.

If you have a culinary syringe with attachments, use it to form the meringues. It turns out beautiful!

Place the meringue in the oven, preheated to 110C, in the middle, and bake. By the way, it is more correct to call the raw protein mass meringue, but when baked it is already meringues.

At what temperature should you bake meringues in the oven?

In order for the meringue to turn out as desired - dry and light - you need a fairly low temperature. In fact, it is not baked, but dried. Therefore, the temperature in the oven can fluctuate between 100 - 120C.

You should not exceed the threshold of 120C, since the high temperature melts the sugar in the meringue, forming that same caramel toffee of a golden-amber hue. This meringue stretches and sticks to your teeth like chewing gum :)

So the optimal temperature would be 110C.

How long to bake meringue in the oven

At this temperature, the meringue dried in my oven for 2 hours. For different ovens and depending on the size of the bezes, the time can vary from 1.5 to 2 or a little more hours.

How to check if meringue is ready?

First, touch gently: the surface of the finished meringue is not sticky or soft, it is dry and does not leave marks on it. Tap the meringue with your finger: if it is dry enough, you will hear a dull rustling sound. The color changes from white to light beige. You can break one piece and see if the middle is dry or still wet.

Leave the finished meringues in the switched off oven until they cool completely. Then remove and place on a wire rack. Or on a platter. (22 votes, average: 4.4 out of 5)

How to make meringue at home? You can prepare a classic meringue recipe at home using one of the methods listed below. The main differences are not in the choice of ingredients (the classic pairing is eggs and sugar), but in the features of the cooking technology - in the oven, microwave, water bath, multicooker.

Meringue (meringue) is an incredibly delicious dessert originally from France with a romantic name. Prepared on the basis of egg whites and sugar. Various ingredients are added to taste, including vanilla, powdered sugar, lemon juice, and coconut.

Types of meringues

Culinary experts distinguish 3 main types of delicate delicacies.


Bake for a long time (50-60 minutes) at low temperature. Meringue is served as a separate dish (dessert).


Meringue is prepared using boiling sugar syrup. Often used for filling cakes.


The peculiarity of the “Alpine” meringue lies in the unique technology of beating egg whites. To prepare the protein base, a water bath is used.

How many calories are in meringue

Meringue is a sweet treat, not a dietary product. Meringue contains 250-300 kcal per 100 g, which is a high indicator for an airy and light dessert. The bulk of the kilocalories comes from carbohydrates (69 g/100 g) due to the large amount of sugar. Meringue contains virtually no fat.

The energy value increases when meringue is used as an ingredient for cakes and pastries. Fatty pastry creams, whipped cream and other high-calorie foods increase the overall nutritional value of dessert with meringue up to 400-450 kcal/100 g.

Helpful tips before cooking

  1. Beat the egg whites in a thoroughly washed bowl that has been wiped dry.
  2. Use glass or metal bowls for whisking.
  3. Mixing sugar with egg whites before whipping is strictly prohibited.
  4. For faster dissolution, use powdered sugar instead of sand.
  5. To make the dessert more stable and dense, refrigerate the egg whites before cooking.

Meringue - a classic recipe


  • Egg white – 4 pieces,
  • Sugar – 240 g.


  1. I separate the whites from the yolks. I pour it into a separate bowl. I beat and gradually add sugar.
  2. Mix the meringue ingredients thoroughly. I pour it into a bowl and place it in a water bath (a pan of boiling water). Gently beat the sugar-egg mixture at high speed.
  3. I get a homogeneous white mass. For convenience, I transfer it to a cooking bag.
  4. I cover the baking sheet with parchment paper. I carefully squeeze beautiful cakes out of the bag. I put it in the oven at 100 degrees. I cook the meringue for 80-120 minutes.

Video recipe

Eat for your health!

Homemade apple meringue


  • Apples – 3 pieces,
  • Lemon juice – 1 large spoon,
  • Sugar – 4 tablespoons,
  • Powdered sugar – 160 g,
  • Chicken egg - 3 pieces,
  • Water – 1 large spoon.


  1. I wash my eggs with a sponge. I break it into dishes. I use a separator to separate the yolks. I send the whites to the refrigerator. I leave one yolk.
  2. Wash the apples. I carefully peel the skin, remove the stem and seeds. I cut into thin pieces. Place the apples in a deep saucepan and add sugar. I add a tablespoon of citric acid. I send it to the stove. I simmer and stir from time to time. I'm trying to soften the fruit. I taste it, checking the amount of granulated sugar.
  3. Let the apple mixture cool. After natural cooling, pour the beaten yolk over the apples. I put it in a baking dish.
  4. I beat the egg whites from the refrigerator using a mixer. Without turning off the kitchen appliance, I add powdered sugar. Beat until smooth and foamy.
  5. I turn on the oven and heat it to 180 degrees. Place the egg mixture on top of the apple layer. Spread evenly over the meringue (adjust if desired).
  6. I put it in the oven for 15 minutes. Before serving the delicious meringue with apple filling, wait 20-30 minutes, allowing the dessert to cool.

Apple pie with meringue

Recipe for fresh baked goods with meringues. Incredibly tasty and easy to prepare. Dear housewives, take note.


For the test

  • Sugar - half a glass,
  • Wheat flour - one and a half cups,
  • Butter – 70 g,
  • Yolks – 3 pieces,
  • Baking powder – 1 sachet.

For filling and meringue

  • Apples – 5 pieces,
  • Cinnamon – 1 small spoon,
  • Butter – 10 g,
  • Proteins – 3 pieces,
  • Granulated sugar – 150 g,
  • Citric acid - to taste.


  1. I follow the standard procedure for separating the whites from the yolks. Beat the yolks in a separate bowl until foamy. I put the whites in the refrigerator for 30-60 minutes.
  2. I add a large amount of sugar to the beaten yolks. Stir until the mixture thickens.
  3. Add the melted butter to the yolks and sugar. I'm whipping it up.
  4. I sift the flour. I add baking powder.

Helpful advice. To prevent the base of the apple pie with meringue from becoming tough and hard, I do not recommend using a large amount of flour. It’s better to take 1.5 cups and get a tender and crumbly cake.

  1. I pour the mixture into the flour. I knead the dough.
  2. I form a big ball. I leave it in the kitchen, covered with a towel to prevent chapping. 30-40 minutes is enough.
  3. While the dough is infusing, I turn to the fruit. Peel the apples and cut them into cubes.
  4. I put butter in a frying pan and melt it. Then I lay out the chopped apples and simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes.
  5. For piquancy and aroma, I add a spoonful of cinnamon. I mix the apples.
  6. I grease the baking dish with butter. I put the finished dough into the mold. I distribute it evenly.
  7. I preheat the oven to 180 degrees. I send the baked goods for 10-15 minutes. The indicator for dough readiness is a slightly pinkish color.
  8. Gently beat the cooled egg whites. To speed up the process I use a mixer at high speed. I get thick foam.
  9. On the finished dough, evenly distribute the apple filling with cinnamon. I cover the top with a beautiful homogeneous mass based on sugar and proteins.
  10. I send the meringue pie to the oven. Cooking temperature – 140 degrees, cooking time – 15 minutes.

Video cooking

How to make meringue without sugar

A dietary recipe for meringue without sugar is a godsend for those with a sweet tooth who adore a delicate French dessert. Thanks to the use of a sweetener instead of regular granulated sugar, the number of calories per 100 g of meringue is reduced to a minimum value of 52-55 kcal.


  • Egg white – 4 pieces,
  • Lemon juice - 3 large spoons,
  • Vanilla – 1 small spoon,
  • Sweetener - to taste.


  1. I break eggs. I separate the yolks from the meringue base - the whites.
  2. Beat the whites together with lemon juice in a separate bowl.
  3. Gradually add vanilla extract and sweetener. The amount of ingredients depends on your taste. I achieve a homogeneous mass with a foamy consistency.
  4. Place baking paper on top of the baking sheet. Using a special pastry syringe with a large diameter, I make neat cakes.
  5. I cook the meringue in the oven at 100 degrees. Cooking time – 60-90 minutes.

When the cakes are ready, do not open the oven door. Leave the meringue inside for a few minutes, then open it slightly and remove it only after 10-20 minutes.

How to make meringue for a cake


  • Egg white – 4 pieces,
  • Lemon juice – 1 small spoon,
  • Sugar – 200 g,
  • Salt – 1 pinch,
  • Condensed milk – 300 g,
  • Butter – 200 g,
  • Dark chocolate – 100 g,
  • Walnut – 100 g,
  • Cow's milk of medium fat content - 50 ml.


  1. To make the meringue for the “Count's Ruins” cake, I take a deep glass bowl. Beat the egg whites at low mixer speed, gradually moving to medium. After the foam forms, pour lemon juice in portions.
  2. I turn on the mixer at high speed and beat thoroughly for 60-100 seconds. As you mix, add powder and 1 large spoon of sugar. I achieve uniform whipping and complete dissolution of the sweet meringue ingredients in the total mass.
  3. The mixture should become airy, but dense and thick.
  4. To obtain beautifully shaped pieces, I use a cooking bag. I prefer the rose attachment.
  5. I cover the baking sheet with parchment. On top, at a sufficient distance from each other, I place meringue with a diameter of 3.5-4 cm. If the mixture is whipped correctly, the meringue will retain its shape and will not spread.
  6. To ensure uniform drying (cooking) of the dessert, turn the oven on at 90 degrees. I set the timer for 1 hour. From time to time I open the door to check the condition of the cakes. The meringue should retain the natural white color characteristic of egg whites.
  7. Transfer the melted butter to a separate bowl. Beat with a mixer at high speed.
  8. Gradually add condensed milk, continuing to stir. After 3-4 minutes of beating, you will get a fluffy and homogeneous mass.
  9. I'm assembling the cake. I take a large flat plate. I spread the meringue evenly. I leave space between the cakes. I grease the bottom of each delicacy with condensed milk cream and butter.
  10. Then I again put a layer of meringue with a coated bottom. I arrange the meringues in a beautiful mound. I decorate the top with cream.
  11. Place the chocolate chopped into slices in a separate bowl. I pour hot milk on top. Stir vigorously until smooth, so that the chocolate does not curdle due to high temperature.
  12. I decorate the cake with chocolate icing on top.

Helpful advice. To prevent the meringue cake from turning out too sweet and cloying, use dark chocolate rather than milk chocolate.

How to make meringue in the microwave

An express recipe for delicious meringue in the microwave with limited time. Three ingredients and a couple of free minutes, and the delicacy is ready!


  • Egg white – 3 pieces,
  • Lemon juice - half a teaspoon,
  • Powdered sugar – 1 cup.


  1. I beat the egg whites. I add powdered sugar. I beat it again.
  2. For convenience, I put the tender and airy mass in a pastry bag.
  3. I take a flat and large plate. I put pastry paper on top. I carefully squeeze out beautiful meringues at a short distance from each other.
  4. I put the fluffy dessert in the microwave. I set the power to 800 W. Cooking time – 30 seconds. If the microwave does not have high power, increase the cooking time to 60-120 seconds.
  5. After cooking is complete, do not open the microwave door for one minute. The meringues will “ripen”.

The word "meringue" comes from the French baiser, which means "kiss". There is also a second name - meringue. Some think that meringue was invented in Switzerland by the Italian chef Gasparini, while others claim that the name was already mentioned by François Massialo in a cookbook dating back to 1692.

The classic meringue recipe is simple. It only has 2 main ingredients. By preparing meringue at home, you can give it unique originality and brightness. To do this, you need to stock up on the missing ingredients and equipment.

The meringue is not baked in the oven, but dried. Therefore, the temperature for cooking should be no higher than 110 degrees. Traditionally, meringue turns out snow-white. It can be painted both at the preparation stage and already finished. To add color, not only food dyes are used, but also special gas burners.

This is a romantic French dessert in a classic design. By carefully following the recipe, you can get a simple but delicious cake. It will take a lot of time to prepare, but it's worth it. Meringue will fit into a candy bar at a children's party.

Cooking time – 3 hours.


  • 4 eggs;
  • 150 gr. powdered sugar.

You will also need:

  • mixer;
  • deep bowl;
  • baking tray;
  • culinary syringe or bag;
  • baking paper.


  1. Take chilled eggs, separate the whites and yolks. It is important that not a single gram of yolk gets into the whites, because... The egg white may not be whipped enough.
  2. Beat the whites with a mixer at maximum speed for about 5 minutes. You can add a pinch of salt or a few drops of lemon juice.
  3. Take ready-made powdered sugar or make it yourself by grinding sugar in a coffee grinder. Pour the powder into the egg whites in small portions, continuing to beat without slowing down for another 5 minutes.
  4. Use a pastry syringe or pastry bag to shape the meringue.
  5. Place parchment paper on a flat, wide baking sheet. Squeeze the cream in a spiral until a pyramid forms. The cream can be spooned out with a spoon if there are no special devices.
  6. Place the future meringue in an oven preheated to 100-110 degrees for 1.5 hours.
  7. Leave the meringue in the oven for another 90 minutes.


  • 4 eggs;
  • 370 gr. powdered sugar;
  • lemon acid;
  • 100 gr. butter;
  • 65 ml milk;
  • vanillin;
  • 20 ml cognac.


  1. Prepare meringue according to the classic recipe. Leave it to dry in the oven.
  2. To prepare the cream, take one of the yolks left over from preparing the meringue. Add milk and 90 g to the yolk. Sahara. Whisk until sugar dissolves.
  3. Pour milk and sugar into a saucepan and thicken over low heat, stirring continuously.
  4. Remove pan from heat and place in a bowl of ice water.
  5. Add vanillin to the butter using the tip of a knife and beat. Add to syrup along with cognac. Beat with a mixer until fluffy.
  6. Spread the cream on the bottom of half of the meringue, cover with the other half on top.

Cream “Wet meringue”

Capricious and complex, but incredibly tasty cream. Properly prepared, it decorates cakes, does not flow, and has the advantage of being light. It is important to have a recipe on hand, where all the steps are described step by step in order to properly prepare this cream.

It will take about 1 hour to prepare.


  • 4 eggs;
  • 150 gr. powdered sugar;
  • vanillin;
  • lemon acid.


  1. Beat the whites a little, add powdered sugar.
  2. Add a packet of vanillin and 1/4 teaspoon of citric acid.
  3. Place the saucepan over a water bath to bring the water to a boil and continue whisking for at least 10 minutes.
  4. There should be traces of the whisk on the snow-white cream. As soon as this happens, remove the saucepan from the bath and beat for another 4 minutes.
  5. Decorate the cake with cooled cream using a pastry bag or syringe.

Colored meringue

By adding colors to the classic meringue recipe, you can get a wonderful multi-colored cake. This cake can be used to decorate cakes and cupcakes. Children will enjoy the colorful delicacy, which is why it is so popular at children's parties.

Cooking time – 3 hours.