Be as much a as possible. Killing as many Russians as possible is the dream and constant goal of true democrats

adverbial expression

Does not require punctuation.

He climbed into the swamp again, trying as less as possible splashing in the water, and in one place he fell through the window so much that he almost disappeared completely, head first. V. Bykov, Wolf Pack. “But we will need a lot of new dresses,” she noted, “and therefore Ivan Matveich needs to send As soon as possible And as much salary as possible...» F. Dostoevsky, Crocodile. The king then got up from his chair and left the hall in the same order, first ordering the minister to treat Alyosha as best as possible. A. Pogorelsky, Black Chicken, or Underground Inhabitants.

  • - an expression that is integral in meaning. Between the parts of the expression “” in the meaning “exactly; none other than; nothing more than “no punctuation marks...

    Dictionary-reference book on punctuation

  • - ...

    Spelling dictionary-reference book

  • - no more no less Neism. Exactly, exactly; exactly as much as is named. = Neither more nor less. Usually with numbers: how many? than like>...

    Educational phraseological dictionary

  • - As a joke: a promise to stop drinking...

    Dictionary of folk phraseology

  • - A half-joking phrase addressed to those who for some reason leave the company, for example, refuse to continue the party...

    Dictionary of folk phraseology

  • - about the attitude of men to women and women to men...

    Live speech. Dictionary of colloquial expressions

  • - ...

    Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

  • - no more, no less...

    Together. Apart. Hyphenated. Dictionary-reference book

  • - ...

    Dictionary Ozhegova

  • - neither more nor less adv. quality-circumstances decomposition That's exactly how much...

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

  • - neither b"more nor m"less, but: not b"more and not m"...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - Razg. Express Exactly, without exaggeration. She always said what really happened. . And unlike him, she didn’t lie, even to save herself...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

  • - Razg. 1. Exactly as much as named is indicated. 2. Just like that, exactly like that. FSRYA, 42...

    Big dictionary Russian sayings

  • - adverb, number of synonyms: 4 exactly no more and no less, nothing more than...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - exactly, tick-for-tick, like in a pharmacy, penny for penny, exactly, exactly, tick-for-tick, exactly, neck-to-neck, just, exactly, in...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adverb, number of synonyms: 15 exactly exactly like in a pharmacy like one penny just a penny for a penny exactly exactly exactly tick-by-tick exactly precision like...

    Synonym dictionary

"as much / less / better as possible..." in books


More about the benefits of sex, or Less is more

From the book Evolution [Classical ideas in the light of new discoveries] author Markov Alexander Vladimirovich

More about the benefits of sex, or Better less, but better Let's consider an example that shows that the gain from sex in dioecious organisms still outweighs the double losses in the number of descendants. Such an example must be selected especially carefully, because you need a good

As little routine as possible, as much fun as possible

From the book The Most Spicy Stories and Fantasies of Celebrities. Part 1 by Amills Roser

As little routine as possible, as much pleasure as possible Not all fantasies are erotic, but eroticism always tends towards fantasy, because it is directly related to fiction and play. I ask you to read this book without prejudice or guilt, because, as Buñuel said,

16. Less is better

From the book Muzprosvet author Gorokhov Andrey

The more, the less

From the book About Love and Pain author Copernicus Alexander

More is less. The more I run, the more obvious it is that I can run. If I ran a hundred meters once, it’s still not clear whether I was just lucky. If ten times a week, it’s more likely that I’ll be able to run. If I run all my life, then there are doubts

Less is MORE

From the book Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go. Employee development in practice author Giulioni Julia

Less is MORE Don't approach the conversation as an interaction limited by time. There is no reward for the duration. On the contrary, they are rewarded for stimulating thinking. Which would you prefer? Note: Do the math for yourself. It turns out that the same 120 minutes

Less is better

From the book Kanban and “just in time” at Toyota. Management starts at the workplace author Team of authors

Less is more When implementing Kanban, it is important not to overdo it. In other words, the fewer Kanban cards you have, the better. One of the functions of kanban is to convey information to the previous process about what it needs. If Kanban cards are too


From the book The Secret of Woland author Buzinovsky Sergey Borisovich

Less is better

From the book Mysteries of the Kulikov Field author Zvyagin Yuri Yurievich

Better is less. All of the above is directly related to the question of the possible number of troops of the warring parties. It is clear that there is no need to talk about any 300, much less 900 thousand. There is simply nowhere to get them, neither Muscovites nor Horde. They noticed this long ago

Less is better, yes... less

From the Photoshop CS4 book author Zhvalevsky Andrey Valentinovich

Less is better, yes... less First of all, think about why you are sending the image or posting it on the site. The maximum size and quality should not always be used. There are three typical situations: The image must be printed. In this case

KOZLOVSKY’S VEGETABLE: Heavy metal, or Better less, but better

From the book Computerra Magazine No. 9 dated March 6, 2007 author Computerra magazine

KOZLOVSKY’S VEGETABLE: Heavy metal, or Better less, but better Author: Kozlovsky EvgeniyNa New Year, among other things, we got a brand new camera from Casio: EX S770. The latest and certainly the best model at that time! Perfect in its own way. So the vague dream is always

Less is better

From the book Secrets of Great Speakers. Talk like Churchill, act like Lincoln by Humes James

Less is more “Less is more” - this aphorism is always associated with architecture and fashion. But it also applies to the style of oratory that presidents and preachers use when they want their words to be remembered. The first thing Ronald did

Less is better

From the author's book

The less the better Again I couldn't stand it! I wrote to Putin again! But I know that it is useless. But judge for yourself, reader: on the one hand, the example of the great Leo Tolstoy, whom, of course, you want to follow, and a hundred years ago he wrote either to the Tsar or to Stolypin; with another -


From the book Crazy! The dancing in the Kremlin continues author Bushin Vladimir Sergeevich

THE LESS IS THE BETTER Again I couldn't stand it! I wrote to Putin again! But I know that it is useless. But judge for yourself, reader: on the one hand, the example of the great Leo Tolstoy, whom, of course, you want to follow, and a hundred years ago he wrote either to the Tsar or to Stolypin; with another -

Less is better

From the book Christian Parables author author unknown

The less, the better. The wife is going to town for shopping. The architect husband, carried away by the work taken for the house, hands her his wallet. The wife at the door asks her husband: “Should I leave you something from this money, dear?” “The less, the better,” without looking up from the drawings,

Adverbial expression Does not require punctuation. He again climbed into the swamp, trying to splash in the water as little as possible, and in one place he fell through the window so much that he almost disappeared completely, head first. V. Bykov, Wolf Pack. “But you just have to... ... Dictionary-reference book on punctuation

As much as possible, as much as possible, as much as possible Dictionary of Russian synonyms. as many adverbs as possible, number of synonyms: 3 as many as possible (3) ... Synonym dictionary

How can- Express. Combined with comparative adverbs. It means the highest degree of manifestation of any quality. Hello, grandma! I said as friendly as possible (Kuprin. Olesya). Finally, I decided to go to bed as early as possible and have dinner as... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

I. pronoun. adv. 1. How. How do I find out your new address? How did it happen? How are you? Here's how to do it. / (in question sentence). in function tale What is (your, your) name? What is (your, your) last name? 2. To what extent, how much... encyclopedic Dictionary

As Told By Ginger Type ... Wikipedia

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

HOW. 1. adv. interrogative Denotes a question about circumstances, image, method of action, meaning: how? How did you get here? How to get to Myasnitskaya? How did you find us in the crowd? || Indicates a question about the quality of an action or state,... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

HOW. 1. adv. interrogative Denotes a question about circumstances, image, method of action, meaning: how? How did you get here? How to get to Myasnitskaya? How did you find us in the crowd? || Indicates a question about the quality of an action or state,... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

As Ginger says As Told By Ginger Type Animated series Creator Emelie Kapnek Country ... Wikipedia


  • Speed ​​reading. How to remember more by reading 8 times faster, Kamp Peter. About the book This book is a self-instruction manual for increasing your reading speed and level of understanding of texts. It differs from other manuals in that it allows you to: immediately use your material - your...
  • "Destroy as many as possible...". Latvian collaborationist formations on the territory of Belarus, 1942-1944. , . The collection of documents presented to the reader's attention contains a lot of evidence of the chilling horrors committed by Latvian collaborators in Belarus. The collection contains...

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Sentences with the phrase “as much as possible”

  • First of all, what should be in a film essay How Can less fish and How Can more of people.
  • He would like to keep up more read, better understand others and himself, he would like to do How Can more in God's allotted time.
  • First of all, we had to How-to fit into those same twenty-five lines, so we tried to fit into them How Can more words
  • Officially Can it was 1 hour for lunch, but everyone tried How Can more have time to complete the work and reduce lunch to a minimum.
  • He strives with all his might How Can hurry up How Can more steps on the long and difficult captain's ladder.
  • However, he taught me not only How save your own life, but also How destroy How Can more enemies.
  • I needed a beer How Can more beer, but about that Can it was only a dream.
  • Of course I tried How Can more hanging around with my parents, but they worked at home and I perceived being there How a real holiday.
  • You have to grab her by the collar and worry How Can more events and meet with How Can a large number of people.
  • Everyone tried not to “rip off” us How Can more , but help us so that there is How Can cheaper.
  • How anyway, he advised him to draw How Can more and bought two drawings from him.
  • He wanted to save How Can more what else Can was to save the German people in this state of affairs.
  • No, really, I try: I watch films, read books, try to communicate How Can more , more learn, be curious.
  • Need to call How Can more And How Can more often.
  • Comb, comb How Can more public, cut down How Can more some money.
  • Every person tries to take away How Can more from another and How Can more make someone else work for you.
  • You more you will benefit from reading How Can more the lives of those saints who pay special attention to repentance.
  • The task of this group How time was to collect How Can more information about you and our family.
  • He wanted it to be dumped on Germany How Can more bombs and How Can more often.
  • The essence pedagogical method Makarenko: “ How Can more requirements for a person and How Can more respect for him."
  • The lectures were long, so How students wanted to get their money's worth How Can more knowledge.
  • For example, he suggested that we call How Can more hairstyles, and those of us who called more, won a coin.
  • In order not to accidentally give away my English, I tried How Can talk less, but How Can more dance.
  • I jumped into a ditch and tried to throw myself out of it How Can more snow to Can it was possible to fit a dead soldier there.
  • I lived in Belarus for about seven years and How every person who found himself in another state was eager to teach How Can more about him.
  • How collector, he wanted to see How Can more spectators of their treasures.
  • When leaving their homeland, the Australians tried to take with them for the sake of Phar Lap How Can more Australian, How Can more from your land.
  • On the contrary, we try to prolong all his moments in order to take from him everything that we can. Can And How Can more .
  • Everyone is trying to make money How Can more , work How Can less, and How Can more save.
  • You need to do it in your room How Can more , So How During the day he is replaced by a neighbor who finds it difficult to cope with two rooms.
  • Do you know that I loved my Alfred? more husband, more life (here the lady squealed hysterically), and How Can was it not to adore him?
  • And what more one was afraid of the other, so more they needed each other because more they were frightened by the rising wave more vizma.
  • He saw How his brother was getting closer and closer to Hitler's company, and heard How his speech is everything more And more filled with hatred.
  • He loves Florence more everything in the world more loved ones, more life.
  • After all, what more the person received, therefore more must give than more given to him, so more must develop.
  • We doctors must more know and more don't think about it How treat and How warn.
  • Subsequent reading all more And more opened the door a crack, and that was it more light penetrated into the previously completely dark room of doubt.
  • She will have more of people, more goods, more wealth, but nothing will change qualitatively.
  • The lighter the backpack, the faster Can go, the less tension in the hike and the more food Can take it with you.
  • By themselves they have no more strength, no more wisdom, not more abilities than other people.
  • His Can touch, with him Can stand in line at the cash register, Can listen, How he had his hair cut How some hairdresser.
  • How more we can do this than more we know about this, so more we are surprised that we cannot change states arbitrarily.
  • Moreover, than more knowledge accumulated by these sciences than more received incentives more the scope of their application was emerging.
  • Can salty, Can pickled, and Can both and, of course, fresh cucumber.
  • When you study at the institute, Can live on campus Can rent a house yourself, and Can live in a family.
  • How more I forbade her, so more she allowed herself that more I was angry.
  • And not only do I not calm down towards you, but with every minute everything more I love everything more I'm getting attached, that's it more I appreciate it.
  • And here Can type something, print it, and Can look on the Internet to see what newspapers write there, and Can communicate, have email.
  • I'm everything more And more imbued with respect for them, everything more I believed that my “adult children” would understand everything, even the most serious statements.
  • I loved, love and will love Osya more than brother more than her husband more than my son.
  • More territories, more slaves, more wealth
  • Leva shared with them, How he struggled with doubts How everything is evil more And more penetrated his heart, and at the same time the Lord called him.
  • Lens Can push forward, and then the screen appears more And more until its edges begin to completely blur.
  • It was urgently needed How Can get to the shore faster How Can quickly get yourself in order on the shore and How-protect yourself.
  • His Can characterize more How an album with its own atmosphere than How a means of advancing discs by 45 revolutions.
  • Can take the whole chicken Can legs, for a completely dietary diet, breasts are suitable, Can skeleton left from the neck.
  • To me Can reprimand with me Can talk so ugly that I was forced to declare that I was working more I won't.
  • But more tea and more cats, more She loved Galya with everything in the world.
  • In Russia Can live, live Can only in it, in it you need to live and Can be printed.
  • How more he sees her, so more he wants to see her and so more he is alienated from you.
  • Pushkin Can admire Pushkin Can enjoy, Pushkin Can revel in, but cannot be complacent about Pushkin.
  • So How I have more free time more then I became more spending time at home, began more pay attention to your family.
  • Fight with the one who has the hands more 50 cm, legs more 70-80 cm, and chest more I don’t really want 120 cm in volume.
  • I felt that every day everything more And more Vladimir began to treat me differently How to a party comrade, and How to a woman.
  • How more started business than more people were arrested, so more incentives, rewards and other benefits.
  • They more read, more traveled and more thought.
  • The one who wins the war, he noted, is the one who more reserves, more sources of strength more excerpts in the folk mass.
  • He claimed that making acquaintance Can only with those who have something Can learn or whom Can teach something.
  • I'm everything more And more loved Bet il-Sahel because here they gave us much more will than in Bet-il-Mtoni.
  • The fact is that Can continue the existing trend into the future: than more US influence, the more chaos.
  • More that when you see that everything is at the same time, then you start to do it all more And more resist.
  • They calculated that what more I will win then more I'll lose and the sooner I burn to the ground, the more they will get it.
  • Therefore, in comparison with other coaches of that time, she felt more education, more understanding of life, more taste.
  • Forty years have passed, and Charlie and I have fallen asleep more, how Can convey in words, and even, probably, more than we ourselves realize.
  • Can was to write a diary on the computer, Can find out news in writing by phone, Can it just is.
  • And what more people know how, and how more they know that more they become more silent and do not jerk at every occasion in order to change something.
  • We curse them from the stage, but everything comes to us more And more, on occasion Can show off in conversation.
  • And the farther than more The count indulged in his philosophies, the more this pride grew in him more And more.
  • More dating, more conversations, more situations requiring choice and decisions.
  • Getting carried away by everything more And more, he started talking about How Chaliapin is homesick away from his homeland, How it’s hard for him in a foreign land, How dreams of returning.

Source – introductory fragments of books from liters.

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In many families, with the arrival of autumn, the school year resumed: lessons, clubs, classes in sections. But let's not forget how important play is for our children! It is important to try to allocate time and space for her. After all, as Friedrich Schiller wrote, “ a person plays only when when he is in the full sense of the word a man, andhe is quite human, onlywhen he plays."

Feel the power that lies in these words. Here something important is said about both man and the game: these concepts are connected in the most intimate way. “Being human” seems to be equated here with “playing.” Or more precisely: human existence itself, its full development, flourishing, life itself takes place in the game. This means the following: if we want to understand what it means to be human, moreover, if it is important for us to truly be human, then we obviously need to understand the essence of the game, understand what happens to us when we play.

Is it possible that a game is another dimension of our life that we always find ourselves in when we start it? And it is precisely for this reason that we especially acutely and vividly feel alive during the game? But this would mean that the game is much more than just a pastime. This would mean that play is an opportunity to experience the alertness of your mind, experience a sense of togetherness, explore your possibilities and unleash your creativity. This would mean that every time we find ourselves in a special space where we are active, passionate and creative researchers, creators of our own possibilities. Obviously, this is exactly what Friedrich Schiller felt and realized and - as we will see later - a number of other great thinkers before him: that a person justifies his existence only when he, at least for a while, manages to overcome the limitations of everyday life and open the door from the world of the necessary and expedient into the world of the possible - a game.

What in Schiller’s time could not yet be formulated and described within the framework of a scientific approach, in our time can be concretized and supported by evidence thanks to scientific discoveries. First of all we're talking about about discoveries in the field of neurobiology that have been made over the past two decades. Now we can describe in sufficient detail what happens in the brain when we use it not only to organize everyday life, achieve any goals or pursue any benefit. When we manage to get into a space where we can feel and act freely and carefree, perceive and realize, make discoveries and explore the full range of our possibilities. In the brain of a person who plays this way, magnetic resonance imaging can measure a decrease in the amount of oxygen consumed as a result of decreased activity of nerve cells in the amygdala region. This is the part of the brain that is activated when we feel fear.

So, in the game we free ourselves from fear. At the same time, there is an increased activation of all those neural networks that are needed to cope with the challenges of a particular game. The more complex the game, the more such networks are used simultaneously. This is precisely the decisive prerequisite for creative thoughts and ideas to come to us through new connections of the knowledge embedded in these networks. In addition, with every successful move, with every successfully solved gaming problem, you can observe how certain areas in the midbrain, the so-called “reward centers,” begin to “spark” intensely.

This causes a feeling that we experience as joy, pleasure, sometimes even delight. So play enhances the joy of life.

These three major discoveries from neuroscience allow us to better answer the question of why play is so important and what happens to us when we play. Always, when we start playing, a world opens up before us, where everything that is in Everyday life prevents us from finding and unlocking the potential within us. When we play for real, we don’t feel pressure and coercion, and when nothing pressures us, fear goes away. Therefore, whenever we play, we have fun and feel free.

By nature, we are not specialists in anything - we can do a little of everything, but not particularly well. We are born extremely undifferentiated, with a plastic, learning brain, the development of which is far from complete at the time of birth. This way we can interact with everything that surrounds us. That is, we have the best prerequisites for becoming highly creative beings. However, this creative potential can truly unfold only if we are not influenced by childhood. In the case when, as long as possible after birth, we have the opportunity to playfully study how complex the world in which we happen to live is structured, and how wide the range of our possibilities for arranging this world is. This is the only way we can learn what we need in order to adapt to the environment in which we will grow up.

Some animals are born with an almost mature brain. For example, spiders are able to weave webs without prior training. They don't need to be shown how to do this, since the necessary circuits for connecting nerve cells are formed in their little brains independently, in a species-specific manner. The skills of fish and crocodiles are regulated in the same way, but already in birds - and even more so in mammals - these rigid matrices begin to open up more and more. The types of behavior they control no longer arise on their own. The offspring must study them first. Suitable examples help a lot with this, thanks to which children see the order of actions.

But the key is trying, learning through trial and error, and persistently repeating what works.

Baby animals don't need schools for this. They play - and in the game they learn what will be useful to them later in life, while automatically building the necessary neural connections in the brain. The kitten plays with its tail, trying to catch it again and again. The cubs fight and climb trees. Monkeys chase each other or provoke older members of their troop. All the animals playfully try out what and how they can do. In developmental biology, this is called exploratory behavior - and scientists note that human babies feel the same pleasure and delight when they set out to explore and shape their environment, when they play to learn how this environment works and what opportunities it gives them.

The desire to explore and create is inherent in all children from birth. They experience this desire even before birth and are born with the knowledge of how wonderful something is.

Thus, in the brain, even before birth, corresponding networks of neurons arise, which neuroscientists call pleasure centers. These “switches” located in the midbrain are activated when (in adults too) when a person manages, through his own efforts, to transform the feeling of incoherence (incoherence) that has arisen in the brain into something understandable, coherent.

This feeling of incoherence arises as a kind of irritation at a new impression that cannot be classified - neuroscientists call it arousal. If you actively deal with the phenomenon that caused irritation, then the problem that has arisen can most often be somehow solved. Then the feeling of irritation turns into joy, sometimes even delight in oneself, and in the brain everything comes together again. Everything becomes clear and coherent.

This process leads to the activation of the pleasure center in the midbrain, and the tips of the axons and dendrites of the nerve cells located there are released neurotransmitters. They act in much the same way as cocaine and heroin, and in turn stimulate other networks that cause wonderful feeling, which sometimes covers the whole body and which we call “joy” or even “delight”. At the same time, these substances (primarily catecholamines, endomorphins and other peptides) have the effect of stimulating synaptic growth. They act as a fertilizer and promote further growth of neuronal processes and the formation and fixation of new synapses. So the existing networks develop further, and everything that was used in the brain to solve a problem or gain new knowledge is laid down in the brain in the form of appropriately strengthened networks firmly and for a long time.

Young children experience daily a large number of such bouts of delight, including the subsequent “release of fertilizer” in their brains. This is the reason why they are so willing to learn so much in such a short time. Not through teaching and guidance or other “developmental activities,” but through the fact that every day in the game they learn a little more about the world, especially about their opportunities to explore and shape this world. Try what works. Find out what can be folded and what can be taken apart. To get to know yourself, your body, your feelings, your mental abilities, discover your abilities and talents, train special skills and develop them to the level of mastery - children do all this in play, without intent, aimlessly and unconsciously, on their own. Biologists call this a “self-organizing process.”

If everything goes as it should, under favorable conditions a person - not only in childhood, but also later, in adulthood - reveals the potential inherent in him completely independently.

This potential lies in the brains of all those animals that need to learn to navigate their environment. During the development of the brain in its various areas, maturing one by one, a significant excess of connections is formed between nerve cells- contacts between neurons, so-called synapses. Those connections that prove useful, that are used regularly, and that can be built into existing networks are retained and recorded. The remaining connections are destroyed.

Compared to all learning animals, our children have the largest overabundance of possible neural connections, and for them this overabundance lasts especially long.

To fully preserve this enormous potential for building connections in the brain and to allow all the talents and abilities inherent in our children to develop, we would have to give children the opportunity to indulge in the joy of exploration and creativity for as long as possible, and in as diverse an environment as possible. In other words: they should play as much as possible, as often as possible, and in as many different ways as possible. To provide them with this opportunity, it is not enough just to understand that the game serves to explore their own capabilities. It is necessary for our society to radically change previous ideas about what it means to “play”, what opportunities “play” provides and what its biological significance

. The key condition for this - as in all other areas in which change is brewing - is an increase in the number of scientific discoveries, an increase in knowledge about the background and significance of this remarkable phenomenon that we call play. Gerald Hueter,

German neuroscientist, chapter from the book “Save the Game” (Rettet das Spiel), co-authored with the philosopher Christoph Quartsch and published in 2016 (Published by Carl Hanser Verlag München, 2016).Translation from German