PC assembly calculator with compatibility check. Meijin brand

A competent user who needs not just a simple computer offered by city showrooms, but a powerful, excellent unit can take advantage of the virtual computer designer function. This option offered by the online store allows users to independently determine the functions of the future computer, select programs, C++, mark them, and resource specialists will assemble all the components and the user will receive the computer of their dreams, which does not need to be assembled themselves. Of course, if the user is experienced and knows how to assemble the unit himself, then he can simply order the components and assemble his own computer from them at home. But if the user does not particularly understand the numerous components that are installed in the case, then it is better to leave the assembly to specialists.

How to use the virtual designer?

In principle, the virtual construction set is somewhat reminiscent of a simple Lego construction set that children love to play with. The user selects the models that the service presents, gets acquainted with their characteristics and orders the appropriate ones. When all the equipment has been selected, a specialist quickly assembles the machine and it is delivered to the user.
You must select components based on your own needs and the characteristics of the components themselves. So, for example, if a computer is assembled for gaming purposes, then it is better to select components with powerful characteristics which are indicated in the description. Naturally, they will be a little more expensive, but the user cares about the quality and reliability of the purchased PC, and not so much its cost.
If the user needs a simpler computer, for work purposes, or for a child, then you can choose the components a little cheaper, and the purchase will also be profitable. If the user is selecting components for the first time, then the resource managers will definitely help you figure it out and tell you exactly which components are needed to assemble a PC and which ones should be preferred.

Hi all! The other day, one of my clients asked me to help with choosing a ready-made system unit in a digital supermarket. No matter how I tried to dissuade him, explaining that the assembled computers are almost always incorrectly selected, and the prices for such products are greatly inflated, he remained standing his ground, and only after I calculated for him in detail the cost of the system unit, as if we were assembling it ourselves, and compared the resulting price with the price tag of an already assembled PC, my client agreed with me.

Friends, the whole point is that I know this “cuisine” from the inside. Almost always, a finished system unit is assembled from horribly matched components that could not be sold at retail, for example, along with a low-performance processor, such a computer can have a powerful video card installed (it is because of this that the PC will be called a gaming one), but this video card will never perform at full capacity due to a defective processor. As for the quality of components, the story is similar. In particular, you will not be able to determine the manufacturer of the RAM and video card, and the processor cooling system will be factory-made and very noisy, the SSD solid-state drive will be from an unknown Chinese “Fast Disk”, and the power supply will have no name at all; you will not find it on a small microATX motherboard the PCI connector you need, and on the front panel of the ugly case of USB 3.0 ports, instead of two case fans you get one and you can hear it humming a mile away. And most importantly, the price of this monster will be around 50 thousand rubles! You will be surprised, but if you assemble the system unit yourself, it will cost 10 thousand rubles less and is undoubtedly of better quality. Yes, I agree that in some cases you can find a decent ready-made computer with normal components, but its price will always be more expensive than if you assembled it yourself.

Selection of computer components

First, let's decide on the assembly sequence. In most cases, the components of a future computer need to be selected in this order: Processor->Motherboard->Video card->Power supply->Cooler->RAM->Storage devices->Case. A lot of links can be included in this chain (external devices, additional PCI cards, additional coolers, and so on)


Let's get started! The very first one in line is . We start with the computer heart because components such as a video card, motherboard and cooler are selected for it, and not vice versa, but first things first. The modern computer market is teeming with a huge variety of processors from which you will have to choose. Personally, I chose the i5 6400 because it is powerful and inexpensive (11 thousand rubles), moreover, it is very easy to overclock (overclock) and operates at frequencies above 4.3 GHz.

So, after you have settled on a certain model, you basically need two things: remember the socket of this processor (a socket is a connector where the processor is inserted) and decide whether the processor will be overclocked ( ).

If you decide that you will overclock, then you will need a specific motherboard with a z170, z270 chipset (a chipset is a set of chips that coordinates the joint operation of all components).


We need to know the socket type of the processor for . Now we have smoothly arrived at the second step. In general, the motherboard offers the buyer the largest and most diverse set of functions and characteristics relative to other components. Everyone decides for himself how many slots for RAM he needs, the number and variety of ports on the panel, SATA connectors, etc., etc. That is why you should approach its choice very carefully and prudently. I decided that I would drive the percentage. Accordingly, I need a motherboard on a z170 chipset (or z270) and with 1151 sockets. I set my sights on Asrock z170m pro 4s (price 7 thousand rubles).

If you don’t plan to overclock, then take any motherboard you like with the functionality and socket that suits you. Also, don’t forget to look in the “supported processors” column, in my case the i5 processor is on this list, everything is fine. Next, if you plan to install two or more video cards, make sure that the motherboard supports SLI/CrossFire mode and It had the required number of PCI-Express x16 slots.

The next thing you need to pay attention to is the type of RAM supported (DDR 2, 3, 4), the number of RAM slots and its maximum possible volume. This information will be useful to us directly when choosing the memory itself.

Now look at the parameters “Main power connector” and “Power connector for the processor”.

The main connectors are of two types: 20 pin and 24 pin. The processor power connector is 4pin, but 8pin is better.

Another characteristic we need is the form factor of the motherboard. There are four main types in total (not taking into account various modifications): mini-ITX, microATX, ATX, XL-ATX. Their main difference is their sizes. When selecting a case, for the most part we will be based on this parameter.

In my case, a MicroATX motherboard, when choosing it, I was guided by the fact that they are usually cheaper and it had everything I needed, why overpay for additional slots and connectors that I will never use (for example, I don’t need PCI slots).

Video card

Now let's move on to dessert - the video card!

When selecting components, let me again remind you that it is when matching each other, and not choosing, that the main parameters are the dimensions of the card, the recommended power of the power supply and additional power connectors. We will need to know the dimensions later when selecting a case, and the rest of the information will be needed when selecting a power supply unit, which is next in our line. By the way, the video card should be selected, as I wrote above, for the processor, because it is the processor that reveals the full potential of the video card, and not vice versa.

In my case, the GeForce GTX 1060 3GB is ideal for the i5 6400.

power unit

So, . The main criteria for selection are power, types and number of power connectors. The recommended power of the power supply is indicated in the specifications for any video card on the manufacturer’s website, plus, if you are going to overclock the equipment, you need to buy an even more powerful unit. And there should always be a small reserve, because later it is possible to upgrade the system or purchase additional devices that also require energy, albeit small.

As for the connectors, everything is simple. Let's look at the motherboard specifications, which we talked about just above. Main power connector and power supply for the processor. We select a block in accordance with these criteria. In general, the most universal power supply, regarding the type of connectors, is considered to be a unit with 24pin main power and 8pin processor power.

Also, do not forget about additional power supply to the video card, it can be 4, 6, 8, 12pin. Not all cards need it, but there are more and more of them now. Again, look above, in the specifications for the video card, everything is written there. Based on all these parameters, I chose a modest Aerocool KCAS 600W.

CPU cooler

Now we have reached. Here, we look at the socket that must match the motherboard socket, compatibility, dimensions, and connector type.

In my case, the DEEPCOOL GAMMAXX 400 tower cooler has socket 1151 and is compatible with an i5 processor.

Of course, there are universal coolers that fit any socket, but still don’t forget to look at this parameter when choosing. Next are the sizes. We are mostly interested in the height, because if the cooler is too high, there is a chance that the side wall of the case will not be able to close, be careful. In general, there are two types of coolers - tower and box. Tower coolers have better system cooling and are installed mainly on overclocked hardware. The vast majority of boxed ones are installed either on office or weak gaming computers. So, if you choose a box cooler, then you don’t have to worry about the size, but if you choose a tower cooler, then be sure to pay attention to its dimensions. Well, the last thing is the type of connector (GPU FAN), with the help of which the cooler receives the necessary energy from the power supply through the motherboard. They come in 3pin and 4pin. Now many will say that you can put a 3pin connector into a 4pin connector, and with the right skill and desire, vice versa. But I advise you to take a cooler with a connector in accordance with the connector on the motherboard.


That's it with the coolers, let's move on to the RAM. It must be selected based on such parameters as: memory type, speed indicators and frequency. Everything is simple with the type and frequency of memory. Motherboard specifications always indicate these two characteristics, which we have already highlighted above.

Based on this, I selected two AMD Radeon R7 Performance Series sticks of 8GB each.

Now about the speed indicator. Let's return to the processor for a moment. The specifications for it always indicate its throughput.

Ideally, the total speed of RAM should be equal to the maximum possible throughput of the processor. In my case, the memory has a speed of 17000 MB/s.

Since I have two sticks, we multiply 17,000 by 2 and we get 34,000 MB/s.

I hope I didn't explain it too complicated and you understood me. If something is not clear, I will be glad to answer you in the comments. Also, do not forget about the maximum possible amount of memory supported by the motherboard. Although in current realities, few people may need more than 64GB of memory. Oh, I almost forgot about the two-channel mode. If, for example, you need 8GB of RAM, take two sticks of 4GB each. In dual-channel mode, the speed of processing and transmitting information is faster.


The simplest choice, in my opinion. If you have a modern motherboard, buy the latest ones with a SATA III interface (up to 6 Gbps). Personally, I always buy my clients a 120-240 GB SSD for installing the operating system and a regular 1 TB hard drive for personal files.


Based on the form factor of the motherboard, we select a case, preferably with the same form factor.

Although no one is stopping you from putting a Micro-ATX motherboard into an ATX case (in my case that’s exactly what happened), it’s up to you, the main thing is that it fits.

Well, I think everything is clear here, nothing needs to be explained. This concludes our selection. Finally, I want to say that selecting components is a very painstaking and tedious task, but in my opinion it is worth it. Be careful, do not rush, and you will be happy in the form of saved finances and a powerful computer.

Most people know that the minimum composition of a completely ordinary system unit includes a processor, motherboard, video card, RAM, hard drive, case with power supply and other less significant components. And most likely, no one needs to explain how important the correct selection of components for a PC is.

When and why you need to build a new computer

All these components interact with each other and work stably until something fails. As can be seen from practice, most computer hardware (hardware - computer components) is designed to last for a long time. As a result, the need to build a new PC arises not because of any breakdown, but because the internal components of the system unit inevitably become outdated and can no longer cope with modern tasks.

If you take a working system unit from 10 years ago, it will still perform its functions today, but you will immediately feel a huge difference between the old one and the fresh replacement. It’s not a matter of physical aging of components, it’s all to do with technical progress, because almost every year more productive components appear.

There is no point in constantly updating computer system, due to quite significant cash costs. In this regard, as a rule, an assembly intended for games is carried out with a view to several years in advance, and if the purpose of assembling a computer is to perform office tasks, then the period of its use should increase even more. long term services, but there is no way to do without the right choice computer components. Information on how to choose a computer will also be very useful, and in some ways even similar.

Current selection of PC components for today

Choosing a processor for a future computer

The processor is the initial link, what you should start from when assembling a new computer in the first place, regardless of the further purpose of the computer. Only after a specific processor has been selected can you continue to solve the issue with components: the motherboard and RAM, etc.

Taking a look at the processor range, two competitors, Intel and AMD, will immediately catch your eye. If we take a quick look at the tests and reviews of the choice between these brands, we can come to a small conclusion: Intel processors are good in terms of performance, and AMD is better in the price segment.

Selecting an AMD processor

If we take two processors from different manufacturers that are identical in frequency and number of cores, then Intel is more likely to emerge victorious. After all, they have a well-implemented CPU structure that took years to develop. AMD is less productive as it may seem at first glance, but if we compare them a little differently, namely in terms of price and performance, then AMD in the mid-price segment is usually more productive.

Of course, choosing between one manufacturer or another is more of a philosophical question, since fans always support one of these competitors. First, you need to familiarize yourself with the leading solutions from AMD.

These central processors today are made for socket AM3+, having three series of FX models with 4, 6 and 8 cores and the costs of these technical solutions are accordingly different. These processors will be an excellent budget solution for modern games. At the same time, the number of cores will influence better multitasking, which is not unimportant now. But here the factor is in favor of Intel - most of the current computer games are adapted for quad-core processors.

As a current cheap addition to upgrading your computer today there will be 4-core AMD Athlon processors with socket FM2 and with socket AM3 AMD Athlon X4. But these processors do not have an integrated graphics core, which is quite significant, because for an office computer, buying a video card will be an unnecessary waste, so it is better not to use these models for assembling a promising gaming computer. If you want integrated video, which is considered optimal for a consumer or office computer, then you should take a closer look at processors with socket FM2/FM2+.

The most inexpensive and modern solution from AMD will be the FX 4100 - 4350 series processors. FX4XXX is positioned more as a good platform for a home computer, while FX6XXX (FX6100 - 6350) will perform well as a budget gaming computer with overclocking potential. Of course, for higher performance, you can choose FX 8xxx and 9xxx series processors, whose performance is considered the best by the manufacturer.

Selecting an Intel Processor

Intel processors have a slightly simpler selection system. The processors of the latter will be the optimal solution for assembling a modern computer; they have socket 1150 and regardless of the price, all these processors are equipped with an integrated graphics core, and the final series of the model range, like processors with socket 1155, is completed here by the Intel Core i7. It has 4 cores and hyper threading technology (8 threads). The younger Intel Core i3 model (2 cores, 4 threads) has everything necessary for stable operation in fairly resource-intensive tasks.

The older model is designed for absolutely all occasions, from highly demanding games to video encoding and processing. As for Intel Core i3 - this is the entry level game version, or the minimum option for a budget gaming computer. The golden mean of a productive computer would be the Intel Core i5, nothing extra here, just 4 cores. For office computers, there are two more series of dual-core models - Pentium and Celeron. The Pentium processor is more suitable for the home, since it is a little more productive, and therefore more expensive, while the Celeron, although it is suitable for not very resource-intensive tasks such as watching movies and listening to music, web surfing and social media, but its performance will clearly, although not everywhere, be lacking.


After a long decision about the choice of such a component for a PC as a processor, the time has come to think about the motherboard. First look at the socket of the pre-selected processor, then start selecting the motherboard based on these parameters. The motherboard and CPU connectors must match. When selecting this type of component, you should pay attention to the chipset (it affects many things, for example, the maximum supported RAM frequency, the presence of SATA 3 and USB 3.0), the number of connectors (USB, SATA, PCI, DDR, DVI/VGA for integrated video) , form factor (board dimensions) and manufacturer.

The recommended manufacturers here are Gigabyte, Asus and MSI; some models of motherboards from other manufacturers can actually be even more productive and no less reliable, for example, like ASRock. These same manufacturing companies have proven themselves well in the production of video cards. But it is not at all necessary to buy the same brand of manufacturers and components for the same motherboard and video card. There are many motherboards on sale, but which one you prefer is a personal touch.

Video card

A computer needs a video card not only to display images on a monitor. She is also responsible for processing those same graphics, especially for three-dimensional entertainment. Today, in order to play comfortably at minimum settings, you need to choose a video card that is certainly no less powerful than the Nvidia GeForce 730 or AMD Radeon R7 240. The average optimal option is GeForce 760/770. If you wish for a long time enjoy high or ultra settings, get ready to fork out for a GeForce 790 or AMD Radeon R9 270 290X, and maybe even a GeForce GTX 980. Don’t lose your head here, you won’t always have the best computer and what costs $1999 today will already be there tomorrow cost $299, although the difference between the performance and functionality of the models may not even be noticeable.

As for integrated video, everything is much simpler here. The graphics processor is already built into the CPU by the manufacturer. It will work instead of the video card, and will use the RAM memory to perform the functions of the video card. In the BIOS settings you can independently allocate available memory for integrated video. The maximum permissible allocated volume depends on the capabilities of the motherboard (you can check it in the instructions or on the manufacturer’s official website).


For comfortable work today, the minimum amount is 4 GB of RAM. This applies to office computers and assemblies for simple tasks. It is advisable for a gaming PC to have 8 GB, or, if you really want, 16 GB, which may not be used, it’s up to you to decide. Here it is important to pay attention to the choice of RAM sticks with the required frequency. There is no need to buy RAM with the maximum frequency; you need one that is simultaneously supported by the motherboard and processor. Such companies as Corsair, Goodram, Kingston, Silicon Power, Transcend specialize well in this matter.

Another important fact is the dual-channel operating mode inherent in most, if not all modern motherboards. It increases productivity by more than 15%. How to achieve this? Very simple. Buy two identical RAM modules. For example, 2 sticks of 2 GB each (4 GB of RAM) or 4 GB (8 GB of RAM); usually, stores already sell sets equipped with memory sticks of the same batch.


Here we come close to user memory. Everyone knows the purpose of a hard drive; it is where all the information is stored. But this does not mean that the operating system can be installed only on it. Today, HDD drives remain good information storage devices, but to get more out of a computer for an OS partition, quite a lot of people are already purchasing SSDs separately, with a capacity of 120 GB or more. SSD technology has shown itself on the positive side in terms of performance. If you install all the system software on a solid-state drive, you will feel a significant difference between the most ordinary HDD and SSD. The computer will boot in a matter of seconds, all applications will open instantly, and you will forever forget about temporary freezes.

As for the hard drive, it still remains relevant in terms of data storage. It is profitable to buy a HDD with a capacity of 1 TB or more, since the cost of 1 GB of memory is cheaper. As for mechanics, the spindle speed is standard for all, 7200 rpm. It’s just not worth choosing less, unless of course the laptop is being updated, and even in them the SSD is no longer considered a novelty.

It is advisable to have a hard drive buffer size of at least 32 MB. The manufacturer is also considered an important point. Today they are almost all the same. When choosing the right PC component, such as an HDD, you should take a closer look at Western Digital and Seagate, which have been on the market for a long time; it is recommended to focus on them, although this is not a mandatory rule that should be followed; even among these manufacturers, defects may occur, although with less probability.

Case and power supply

If you take a closer look at the range of cases, you can pay attention to the presence of a power supply supplied in the kit. Such a power supply can be used only if components with low power consumption are used and then no less than 400W. This power supply is certainly suitable for assembling an office computer with an integrated video adapter, or for some computer assemblies for the home.

Do you have a gaming build with a video card? Then go to the manufacturer’s website, look at the recommended power supply for your preferred video card, add 100-150W in reserve and buy a high-quality power supply. Under no circumstances connect the power that was included in the kit, there is a risk of burning the unit itself and other components. The fact is that such power supplies do not correspond to the declared power, while their quality generally leaves much to be desired. Focus on high-quality power supply from Cooler Master or Chieftec, or at least FSP and analogues. They are not only reliable, but also optimal in terms of connectors. They have an increased number of ports for powering SATA and other devices, and the cables themselves are longer. For a more correct understanding of what we are talking about, read the article: how to choose a computer case.

These advantages are especially needed for gaming computer builds; otherwise, you can purchase cheaper models. As for the case, you can choose any one, focusing on the form factor and your taste, do not forget about good ventilation, because usually very powerful computers, especially after overclocking, heat up very well.

Other components

The last step is the other components of the personal computer. This includes a DVD drive, other adapters, tuners, etc. Everyone has their own preferences here. However, the optical drive still remains relevant, since Lately Blu Ray is gaining popularity, although it is not in great demand. And some people specifically buy a drive just for the sake of installing the OS and drivers, probably not knowing about the capabilities of a bootable flash drive. If you decide to buy a drive, then the best quality is likely to be Asus and Nec, the probability of failure is quite low, although in reality it depends on your luck.

Given brief information will be useful when selecting components for a future computer. However, after compiling a list of desired hardware, if you do not have sufficient experience, it is better to consult a specialist to avoid an additional trip to the store to exchange the wrong components. Such a specialist may also be located in the store. Professionals will point out the mistakes that a beginner can make. They might even recommend something more worthy.

After you are 100% convinced of the correct selection of components and their compatibility, buy them and start assembling. There are many video reviews on the Internet showing how this is done. They will help you a lot in solving this problem. Extreme case- give the hardware to a specialist, and he will assemble everything to the heap, usually assembly is included in the free bonus after purchase.

The computer configurator with compatibility check allows you to quickly assemble a system unit with the technical characteristics required by the user. Using our online designer, you can easily assemble a reliable office machine, a home multimedia system unit, or a powerful gaming setup.

How not to get confused by the variety of options?

A desktop computer can be either inexpensive office equipment or an expensive gaming machine. But from a luxury it has long turned into an affordable necessity.

The online component market offers a huge number of parts that differ not only in price, but also in characteristics. Although you don’t have to be an expert to assemble a system unit that will be optimal in price and power. We invite you to use our online designer with an intelligent system that checks components for their compatibility with each other.

  • decide on the purpose of the computer; in terms of parameters, an office machine is very different from a gaming machine;
  • an office system unit can be equipped with a built-in video card placed directly on the motherboard, which significantly reduces its total cost;
  • if you decide to assemble a gaming configuration, then you should pay special attention to the video adapter, the amount of RAM and the number of cores in the processor - these are the characteristics that are responsible for the speed of the system and its graphic power;
  • the computer case should not only be beautiful, but also spacious, this will ensure good ventilation and extend the service life of components;
  • in powerful configurations it is recommended to install water cooling (water cooling) and additional coolers;
  • do not skimp on the power supply, it should always have a power reserve of 20-30%, this will be useful during peak loads.

How to assemble a system unit using the configurator?

The configurator has automatic system checking the compatibility of components, which greatly simplifies your task and makes it accessible even to a beginner. It ensures that all components of your computer work smoothly, and inappropriate items simply will not appear in the selection list.

Benefits of the online configurator

  • quick selection possible options components for the system unit with an indication of their total cost;
  • a detailed description of each selected component, indicating all technical characteristics;
  • the opportunity to assemble and then print the resulting configuration and find out an expert’s opinion about it.

Please note that there are a number of required computer system components; for customer convenience, they are highlighted in the list with a green icon.

You create your configuration - and the specialists of the IronBook store assemble it with high quality! After assembly, the computer goes through several stages of hardware testing, so you can be sure that the system will work perfectly. With us you can buy a computer for any budget!

For those who need to have a computer that meets certain requirements, it is often more economical to order a custom PC assembly.

Our company specialists will select the appropriate configuration for you.

They will advise you in choosing components based on your specific task.

This could be a fairly powerful computer for office work, with an average amount of RAM.

  1. And if you need a computer for gaming, we will build for you a computer with two or three video cards.
  2. For those who prefer to work with graphics, for example, it is possible to install a card from the NVIDIA Quadro series, or ATi FirePRO; these types of video cards help cope with the tasks of creating graphic work and performing three-dimensional modeling.
  3. Assembling a powerful workstation for graphics is a completely doable task, and it is the assembly that allows you to implement the desired configuration with a multiprocessor system and save on price.

No powerful computer can do without large memory. At the customer's request, we install memory as a whole set or as individual modules. Working with trusted manufacturers allows us to purchase and install the entire set of one series, which has the same characteristics and is more reliable in operation.