How to measure the pH of water. How to find out the pH of water at home

Seas and oceans located outside the territory of countries are also called the “high seas”. Vessels that sail in international waters are subject to the laws of the country whose flag is installed on them. If a ship is involved in criminal activity, such as piracy, then any country can intervene and exercise jurisdiction.

Where did the concept of “neutral waters” come from?

From a legal point of view, the concept of “neutral waters” owes its appearance to the Dutch lawyer Grotius. In 1609 his work entitled The Free Sea was published. When, in the early 17th century, several countries, including Portugal and Spain, began to claim complete control over all seas and oceans, the Dutch were outraged, since this would cut off their ability to trade with many foreign ports.

Grotius, a pioneer in international law, defended the right of navigation on the high seas. He insisted that the seas should be free for all, and that ships could sail freely from one port to another.

In his statements, Grotius relied on Roman law and customs of maritime navigation in Asia and Africa.

Limits of the high seas

The idea that freedom of movement on the seas should extend to the coastline never materialized. The question of how far inland waters should extend has caused much debate. The danger of smuggling and military attacks has prompted countries bordering the shores of seas and oceans to demand the right to the waters located off their shores.

At the beginning of the 18th century, a distance of three miles was considered to be the country's inland waters. This was the distance of a cannonball.

In 1982, the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea was adopted - a document approving the current state of affairs. According to this convention, each country itself determines the width of its internal waters. Most countries have extended this area to 12 miles (22.2 km). It is commonly called the “adjacent zone”. About 30 states retained the previous width of 3 miles.

The Convention also provides for the possibility of the right to an exclusive economic zone. It is a maritime area 200 miles (370.4 km) wide within which the coastal state can conduct research and has access to exploit marine resources. At the same time, ships of other states can navigate freely within such territory. Not all countries claim an exclusive economic zone.

There is also the concept of “adjacent zone”. It is 24 miles (44.4 km) wide. Within this zone, the state has the right to stop the ship and arrange an inspection, as well as exercise jurisdiction if necessary, that is, if the laws of this country are violated. The areas of water that lie outside all of the above boundaries are considered the "high seas". They are also called “neutral waters”.

Litmus indicator paper provides a quick and economical way to measure the pH (hydrogen value) of any required liquid and mixtures of liquids (urine, saliva, feces, semen, vaginal acidity, breast milk, solutions, water, drinks, etc.).

Litmus paper— necessary both in the family and for a specialist conducting research on the patient, applicable in chemical laboratories, and used for research activities.

In chemistry, there are substances that have the ability to change their color in the presence of acids and alkalis. These substances are called indicators and are used to determine the reaction medium. The environment can be acidic, alkaline and neutral. Filter paper is impregnated with these substances.

Litmus is a coloring substance extracted from certain types of lichen. Its composition is complex. Litmus is a weak acid that is used to soak paper.

How to use indicator paper:

It is necessary to dip a narrow strip of paper into the required solution for two to three seconds. Compare with the supplied color chart and calculate the values.

In a neutral solution at 25°C, pH = 7. In acidic solutions, pH 7, the greater the alkalinity of the solution, the greater its value. Conclusion: the lower the pH, the greater the concentration of H+ ions, i.e., the higher the acidity of the environment, and vice versa, the higher the pH, the lower the concentration of H+ ions, i.e., the higher the alkalinity of the environment.

Indicator paper parameters: pH measurement from 1 to 14. Indicator paper can be in the form of strips, rolls, in boxes, in tubes, pencil cases, or tear-off. Universal indicator paper is used only for approximate determination of pH values ​​over a wide range with an accuracy of about one pH unit or tenth.


To accurately identify the value of this indicator, a pH meter is used in routine methods. The use of indicators to determine the exact value is not practiced due to the subjective determination of color or the low accuracy of the indicator itself. However, the advantage of indicators is their low cost, clarity of analysis, and speed.

Psh meters have various characteristics, on the basis of which its cost is formed, namely PH measurement range: 0.00 - 14.00, operating temperature, division value: 0.1 pH, accuracy: 0.1 pH. The cost ranges from 15 to 100 dollars.

For soap and cream making, in principle, the cheapest one will do. It has the following characteristics: PH measurement range: 0.00 - 14.00, operating temperature: 0 - 50°C, division value: 0.1 pH, accuracy: 0.1 pH. The PN meter must be calibrated.

If the PN meter is uncalibrated and shows incorrect values, then it needs to be calibrated.
An example of calibrating a ph meter 009. However, other models are calibrated using the same principle!

What is needed for calibration? Actually, a psh meter, a slotted screwdriver (included in the kit), a calibration solution and, of course, straight hands, where would we be without them - not a single task can be done without them. I believe that it is enough to calibrate the budget ph meter 009 at one point, having a solution of ph 4.00 or ph 6.8. The solution must be at room temperature! If it is stored in the refrigerator, take it out in advance and shake it well just before calibration.

Place the switched on PN meter into the calibration solution. Wait a minute. There is a screw on the back of the meter; it must be turned clockwise or counterclockwise, depending on the indicator on the display. You must match the values ​​on the display with the pH of your solution! That's actually the whole technological process!


Typically, instructions are included with the device.

Below is an example of instructions for the Miniature pH-meter-tester pH-PAL

  • remove the protective cap at the bottom of the housing;
  • turn on the device by sliding the top switch to the right;
  • immerse the device in the test solution up to the grooved mark;
  • stir vigorously for 5-6 seconds. Read the readings after they have stabilized;
  • if the electrode was dry, wait a little longer, which will allow the device to carry out temperature compensation;
  • After each measurement, thoroughly rinse the electrode with distilled water;
  • After completing the measurements, turn off the device and put on the protective cap.


Solutions and liquids with respect to their acidity are considered:

  • neutral at pH = 7
  • acidic at pH 7

Acidity of urine

If the urine pH level fluctuates between 6.0 - 6.4 in the mornings and 6.4 - 7.0 in the evenings, then the body functions normally. The most optimal level is slightly sour, within 6.4 - 6.5. A urine pH value below 5.0 indicates that it is strongly acidified, and above 7.5 indicates that it is strongly alkaline.

The reaction of urine determines the possibility of stone formation: urate - in an acidic environment, oxalate - in a neutral-acidic environment, phosphate - in a more alkaline environment. For example, uric acid stones virtually never occur when the urine pH is greater than 5.5, and phosphate stones never form unless the urine is alkaline. Best time to determine the pH level - 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals.

Check the pH level twice a week 2-3 times a day.

Using indicator litmus paper pH test, you can easily, quickly and accurately monitor the response of urine to changes in the type of diet, the use of medications or dietary supplements. Positive pH dynamics can serve as a criterion for the correctness of the chosen diet or treatment.

The acidity of urine varies greatly depending on the food intake, e.g. Eating plant foods increases the alkaline reaction of urine. The acidity of urine increases if a person’s diet is dominated by meat foods rich in proteins.

Heavy physical work increases the acidity of urine.

Increased acidity of urine is observed with increased acidity of the stomach. Reduced acidity of gastric juice does not affect the acidity of urine.

The acidity of urine changes in many diseases or conditions of the body, so determining its acidity is an important diagnostic factor.

Saliva acidity:

The acidity of saliva depends on the rate of salivation. Typically, the acidity of mixed human saliva is 6.8–7.4 pH, but with high salivation rates it reaches 7.8 pH. The acidity of the saliva of the parotid glands is 5.81 pH, of the submandibular glands - 6.39 pH. In children, the average acidity of mixed saliva is 7.32 pH.

Optimal measurement from 10 to 12 hours. It is better to measure it on an empty stomach, two hours before or two hours after a meal. Salivation decreases in the evening and at night.

To increase salivation, in order to increase the pH of saliva, it is good if there is a piece of lemon on the plate, he even with visual perception increases salivation. Food should look appetizing, served on beautiful dishes, appetizingly decorated with herbs and/or vegetables, it should, as they say, please the eye! Not only the saliva flows, but also the juices in the body, preparing for the process of digesting food. This is the mental phase of digestive secretion.

Acid gastroesophageal and pharyngolaryngeal refluxes reaching the oral cavity play a leading role in the occurrence of oral pathology. As a result of the ingress of hydrochloric acid, the acidity of mixed saliva decreases below 7.0 pH. Saliva, which normally has alkaline properties, at low pH, especially at values ​​of 6.2–6.0, leads to focal demineralization of tooth enamel with the appearance of erosions of hard dental tissues and the formation of cavities in them - caries.

The amount of mucus on the mucous membrane increases, the gums become swollen and inflamed.

When the acidity in the oral cavity decreases, the acidity of dental plaque decreases, which causes the development of caries.

Bacteria in the mouth thrive in the absence of air. Saliva, rich in oxygen, actively prevents their reproduction. Bad breath occurs when the flow of saliva slows down, for example during sleep. Excitement, hunger, pronouncing a long monologue, breathing through the mouth (for example, with a runny nose), stress - dry out the oral cavity, leading to a decrease in the pH of saliva. A decrease in saliva flow inevitably occurs with age. You can use a slightly alkaline mouth rinse with water with the addition of soda and also take it orally between meals, proposed by Professor A.T. Ogulov. – slightly alkaline pH 7.4-8. Rinsing the mouth with soda water occurs for various inflammatory diseases of the gums and teeth and

with general acidification of the body.

You can set the desired pH of water for rinsing or ingestion using litmus indicator paper. There cannot be recipes with the required proportions, because... Each region has its own water, with its own pH. Therefore, it is necessary to have indicator paper on hand.

Vaginal acidity

The normal acidity of a woman's vagina ranges from 3.8 to 4.4 pH and averages 4.0 to 4.2 pH.

  • Vaginal acidity in various diseases:
  • cytolytic vaginosis: acidity less than 4.0 pH
  • normal microflora: acidity from 4.0 to 4.5 pH
  • candidal vaginitis: acidity from 4.0 to 4.5 pH
  • Trichomonas colpitis: acidity from 5.0 to 6.0 pH
  • bacterial vaginosis: acidity greater than 4.5 pH
  • atrophic vaginitis: acidity greater than 6.0 pH

They are responsible for maintaining an acidic environment and suppressing the growth of opportunistic microorganisms in the vagina. lactobacilli (lactobacillus) and, to a lesser extent, other representatives of normal microflora. In the treatment of many gynecological diseases, restoration of the lactobacilli population and normal acidity comes to the fore.

Sperm acidity

The normal acidity level of sperm is between 7.2 and 8.0 pH. Deviations from these values, in and of themselves, are not considered pathology. At the same time, in combination with other deviations, it may indicate the presence of a disease.

An increase in the pH level of sperm occurs when infectious process. A sharply alkaline reaction of sperm (acidity approximately 9.0–10.0 pH) indicates prostate pathology.

When the excretory ducts of both seminal vesicles are blocked, an acidic reaction of the sperm is observed (acidity 6.0–6.8 pH). The fertilizing ability of such sperm is reduced. In an acidic environment, sperm lose motility and die. If the acidity of the seminal fluid becomes less than 6.0 pH, the sperm completely lose their motility and die.

The acidity of tears is normal - from 7.3 to 7.5 pH.

Acidity in the stomach.

  • The minimum theoretically possible acidity in the stomach is 0.86 pH.
  • The maximum theoretically possible acidity in the stomach is 8.3 pH.
  • Normal acidity in the lumen of the body of the stomach on an empty stomach is 1.5–2.0 pH.
  • The acidity on the surface of the epithelial layer facing the lumen of the stomach is 1.5–2.0 pH.
  • The acidity in the depths of the epithelial layer of the stomach is about 7.0 pH. Normal acidity in the antrum of the stomach is 1.3–7.4 pH.

The cause of many diseases of the digestive tract is imbalance in the processes of acid production and acid neutralization. Long-term hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid or lack of acid neutralization, and, as a consequence, increased acidity in the stomach and/or duodenum, causes so-called acid-dependent diseases. Currently, these include: peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), erosive and ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum while taking aspirin or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, gastritis and gastroduodenitis with high acidity and others.

Low acidity is observed with anacid or hypoacid gastritis or gastroduodenitis, as well as with stomach cancer.

Gastritis (gastroduodenitis) is called anacid or gastritis (gastroduodenitis) with low acidity if the acidity in the body of the stomach is approximately 5 or more pH units. The cause of low acidity is often atrophy of parietal cells in the mucous membrane or disturbances in their functions.

  • Acidity in the intestines:
  • Normal acidity in the duodenal bulb is 5.6–7.9 pH.
  • The acidity in the jejunum and ileum is neutral or slightly alkaline and ranges from 7 to 8 pH.
  • The acidity of small intestine juice is 7.2–7.5 pH. With increased secretion it reaches 8.6 pH.
  • The acidity of the secretion of the duodenal glands is from pH 7 to 8 pH.
  • The acidity of pancreatic juice is from 7.5 to 9 pH.

The acidity of colon juice is 8.5–9.0 pH.

  • In the lower parts of the colon, pH values ​​of acidity gradually increase, reaching a maximum pH value in the region of the rectosigmoid junction.
  • The acidity of feces is normally from 6.0 to 8.0 pH.
  • The acidity of meconium (original feces of newborns) is about 6 pH.

The acidity of human breast milk is 6.9-7.5 pH

Blood acidity: The acidity of human arterial blood plasma ranges from 7.37 to 7.43 pH, averaging 7.4 pH. The acid-base balance in human blood is one of the most stable parameters, maintaining acidic and alkaline components in a certain balance within very narrow limits.

Even a small shift from these limits can lead to severe pathology.

When shifting to the acidic side, a condition called acidosis occurs, and to the alkaline side, alkolosis occurs. A change in blood acidity above 7.8 pH or below 6.8 pH is incompatible with life. The acidity of red blood cells is 7.28–7.29 pH. Normal blood revitalizes lymph cells that can destroy tumor cells. There are many lymphatic cells (eg NK cells, LAK cells) in the human body. Their uniqueness lies in the fact that they are able to distinguish normal cells from diseased and damaged ones, and destroy the latter. This is the function of the human body's immunity. WITH

By consuming foods that have an alkalizing effect, you can adjust the pH balance within 0.5 units, creating a favorable environment for the action of lymphocytes and the destruction of affected or abnormally constructed cells.

Cancerous tissue has increased acidity, unlike normal tissue, and the body protects it with a fibrous membrane whose pH is alkaline. If you continue to eat an acidic diet, the membrane dissolves and the cancer cells are released.


1. Check the pH value - the reaction of saliva and urine on a scale of colored indicator (litmus) paper. If saliva and urine are within the pH range of 5.0-5.7, there is a predisposition to cancer, but this does not mean that the person will get sick. If saliva and urine are within the pH range of 7.0-7.4, you are protected from cancer.
2. You can do bioimpedance analysis (diagnosis of body composition). By the amount of water in a bound state, you will determine whether you have a shift in the acid-base balance. If an excess of such water is definitely an acidic environment, a deficiency is alkaline.


Nowadays, this is observed very often in connection with poor nutrition and attitude towards one’s body.
Acidification of the body is primarily caused by:

  • the predominance in the diet of such products as sugar, meat, chicken, fish, sweets, pasteurized dairy products, flour products and cereals;
  • the second factor is the consumption of incompatible foods, for example, proteins with carbohydrates;
  • Many preservatives and food additives that modern products are so rich in, especially those with a long shelf life, are also oxidizing agents;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • coffee, tea, chocolate, tobacco.

To alkalize the blood, the body uses minerals - calcium, sodium, potassium, iron, magnesium. And this leads to physical weakness, fatigue, decreased mental activity and insomnia, irritability and depression. The leaching of calcium from bone tissue causes a serious disease - osteoporosis.

What to do if the body is acidified:

The daily diet of a healthy person should include at least 75-85% alkalizing foods, and in the diet of a person suffering from any disease, their share should be increased to 90%. Alkalinizing foods include vegetables and fruits. And it is in this sequence, and not vice versa, since there is an unspoken rule: the closer a vegetable or fruit is to the soil surface, the higher its content of alkalizing macroelements (for example, potassium). Potassium, found in peeled potatoes, basil, dried apricots, and many other vegetables and fruits, helps fight acidification (latent acidosis) and create favorable conditions for the absorption of nutrients and medications. The most useful in this sense are fresh tomatoes, beets, dried apricots, and melons. Freshly prepared vegetable or fruit juices alkalize the blood more effectively. The healthiest ones are carrot, celery and watermelon.
Alkaline valences dominate in vegetables and fruits, so their consumption eliminates acidosis.

To your menu must be included grated raw beets and carrots, finely chopped cabbage, dill, celery, onion and garlic. It is very useful to eat young green shoots of plants, honey, herbal teas, soy sauce, seaweed, and wheat sprouts.

Once a week, it is advisable to arrange fasting days for yourself, eating only raw vegetables and fruits or even on one of these days, drink only juices and purees.

Most legumes and cereals, with the exception of buckwheat and millet, increase blood acidity during normal preparation. However, after soaking or sprouting, they acquire an alkalizing effect. Raw nuts and seeds should be soaked half an hour before meals, cereals - 0.5-2 hours before cooking, legumes - overnight.

When the acid-base balance shifts to the alkaline side ( As a rule, this can be observed in vegetarians) There is a lack of water in the tissues, the skin becomes dry and dehydrated. There must be a measure for everything.

Physical work and sports slightly shift the body's reaction to the alkaline side.

A person’s mood is of no small importance. A good cheerful mood normalizes the acid-base balance.

Once a week, when the body is acidified, it is advisable to arrange healing days for yourself, eating only vegetables (1.5 kg of vegetables, divided throughout the day), boiled and sometimes raw in the summer, only heat-treated in the autumn-winter) and Be sure to have clean hot water.

If you are sick, you must give up any meat food and broths.

If you are going to have surgery, you need to do it in an alkaline mode of the body, and follow a plant-based diet after the operation.

Please note - alkalizing foods (for example, fruits) consumed with sugar (a strong acidifier) ​​- acidify the body (blood).


The degree of their action will be noted by the number of advantages:

Some foods that acidify the body: sugar! (+++), game (++++), oysters (++++), crayfish (++++), veal (+++), eggs (+++), chickens (+++) , fish (++), mussels (+++), coffee (+++), jam (+++), baked beans (+++), beef liver (+++), lean pork (++) , skinny bacon (++), ham (++), pickled plums (++), green bananas (++), dried peas (++), white flour (++), barley (++), hominy and corn flakes (++), starch (++), peanuts (++), hard cheese (++), white bread (++), boiled lamb (++), stewed lamb (+), black bread ( +), dried beans (+), soft cheese (+), cream (+), beef (+), full-fat bacon (+).

Some foods that alkalize the body: figs (++++), fresh beets (++++), celery (++++), berries (++++), grapefruit (++++), lettuce (++++), champignons (++++), fresh tomatoes (++++), dried apricots (++++), fresh apricots (+++), pears (+++), sea buckthorn (+++), lemon ( if it is consumed without sugar) (+++), orange (+++), watermelon (+++), melon (+++), prunes (+++), pepper (+++), fresh beans ( +++), currants (+++), cabbage (all types) (+++), pistachios (+++), cucumbers (+++), dandelion (leaves) (+++) , parsnips (+++), plums (+++), peaches (+++), whole milk (+++), koumiss (+++), whey (+++), ripe bananas (++ ), apples (++), grapes (.++), cherries (++), raisins (++), dates (++), onions (++), green peas (++), radishes (++ ), almonds (++), carrots (++), potatoes with skin (++), cranberries (+), asparagus (+), lard (+). published

Find out if your body is acidified

Acid-base balance (pH) is one of the indicators by which we can judge the functioning of our body and its health.

Maintaining acid-base balance in the body is very important for the normal functioning of all internal human systems. The pH level determines the optimal activity of all enzymes involved in metabolism.

When the balance of acids and alkalis is disturbed, the activity of enzymes decreases, metabolism is disrupted, which is why toxins begin to accumulate in the body. That's why The first step in cleansing the body of toxins is restoring the pH balance.

The lifestyle of a modern person often leads to disturbances in the acid-base balance in the body. Most often, people suffer from high levels of acidity - acidosis. This is caused by modern lifestyle.

An increase in the acidity of the body is caused by a lack of diet and a decrease in physical activity, stress, strict diets, alcohol abuse and smoking.

Acidosis is now much more common than excess alkali - alkalosis.

How to measure pH at home

How can you quickly and easily determine the pH values ​​of our body fluids at home? The simplest and also fairly accurate method for measuring pH is the litmus paper method. Litmus paper is a narrow strip of paper soaked in litmus, a dye with a complex chemical composition.

Litmus paper is highly sensitive. Therefore, manufacturers place it in special small containers, usually made of plastic, which protect it from moisture penetration. For ease of use, litmus paper is most often found in these containers in the form of a small roll (or cut into strips). By pulling the tip located in the so-called dispenser, you can tear off the required amount of litmus paper. This must be done with dry hands so that the paper does not react to the moisture of the hands.

To obtain the result, you need to moisten the paper with saliva, placing it on the tongue for 2-3 seconds, or lower it into a jar of urine, and then compare it with the attached indicator scale, which is usually placed on the body of the litmus paper.

What indicators can we measure at home? First of all, indicators of your biological fluids - saliva, tears and urine. It is better to do this in the morning, once after waking up. Please note that checking the pH of saliva and tears should be done before washing and brushing your teeth or rinsing your mouth. Water procedures will immediately make adjustments to the pH value, and it will not correspond to the actual acid-base level.

Next, we can measure the pH of all the drinks we drink, the pH of tap water and bottled water if you drink it regularly. You can measure the pH of soups, tea, juices - freshly squeezed and from tetra packs, fruits, vegetables. You can measure the pH of all products that have a liquid component. We did this because it was interesting to know what foods and foods we consume, and what drinks get into our bodies. We didn’t just measure, we recorded the data in a notebook in order to have, firstly, our own database. And secondly, see the picture of pH changes over time. As it turned out, pH can change when the product is exposed to temperature and under some other circumstances. We have approached pH measurement with such interest and attention because it provides information about our acid-base balance. It also informs you about how food affects its level.

To make a conclusion about the state of the internal environment of the body, one measurement is not enough. The pH value may change throughout the day depending on the activity of the body, food taken, physical activity, stress, etc. For the readings to be objective, you need to take them several times a day for 4-5 days in a row.

Enter the results obtained into a table, and then a complete picture of urine pH will appear.

Rules for measuring urine pH

The first one froze. We do not measure the first morning urine because it contains more acid than other urine collections. It contains all the acids filtered and stored by the kidneys overnight. The first test is done during the second urination in the morning.

Second measurement made before lunch.

Third before dinner.

It is important to test before meals because the pH changes quickly depending on the foods consumed.

We record events that could affect the pH in the note. For example, too much lunch, dinner at a restaurant, drinking alcohol, working overtime, playing sports, severe stress and other overloads.

pH below 7 (pH acidic)

Urine is oxidized. The internal environment of the body is also oxidized. The lower the pH, the higher the oxidation of the environment. For example, at a urine pH of 6 to 6.5, the internal environment is slightly oxidized, and at a pH of 5 to 4.5, it is highly oxidized.

The acidic environment of the body is the cause of all diseases caused by oxidation. We advise you to immediately take measures to deoxidize the body.

pH between 7 and 7.5 (pH neutral)

We are talking about the normal pH value in a person with good health. We need to strive for this value. This is true, but with one condition: if the first morning urine is oxidized (the one we did not measure). If the first collection is also neutral, this is not acceptable for a healthy person. The first urine collection in the morning removes the acids filtered out overnight and must be acidic.

If this is not the case, then the kidneys do not remove acids well, and the pH remains unchanged all day. Acids that are not removed from the body remain inside, and the internal environment becomes oxidized.

pH above 7.5 (pH alkaline)

There are three options:

The internal environment of the body is in acid-base balance or slightly alkaline. This most often occurs when the diet consists only of alkaline foods. This may occur in vegetarians who eat few grains and dairy products. Also, people who daily consume a complex of mineral substances, which they either do not need, or the need for them is not great, can have an alkaline pH. But these are special cases; alkaline pH is not a serious disorder or disease.

People who consistently have a urine pH above 7.5 have poor glands (the adrenal glands or parathyroid glands) or other rare diseases. Usually these people are aware of their illnesses, know that they are caused by such an imbalance, and are under the supervision of doctors.

The third group is the most common. These are people whose urine contains a lot of alkali, and the internal environment of the body, on the contrary, is oxidized. The alkaline pH of urine in these people is not caused by excessive consumption of bases (which the body would try to get rid of, as is the case with excess acids), but by too much withdrawal of bases from organic tissues to neutralize the highly oxidized internal environment of the body.

This often occurs in people suffering from acid metabolism disorders. Insufficiently oxidized acids do not leave the body through the respiratory tract. The kidneys come to the aid of the body; they take on double duty. But if the kidneys are weak, acids accumulate in quantities dangerous to the body.

It is very important to pay attention to changes in pH levels in time and, if necessary, take urgent measures.



The level of acidity varies between body fluids. What does it mean? The normal pH level for urine is 6.4-6.5, for saliva - 6.8-7.5. The indicators change constantly throughout the day. Fluctuations in urine pH from 6 (in the morning) to 7 (in the evening) are considered acceptable. Gastric juice is more acidic, on an empty stomach - 1.5-2.

The acid-base balance of the blood is more stable. Ideally, its pH does not fall below 7.36 and does not rise above 7.42. A sharp change in blood composition leads to serious consequences! It is not for nothing that in emergency situations, saline solution is administered first.

What happens when the pH level goes beyond safe limits?


If the levels drop, problems begin with the absorption of minerals. Potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium are completely eliminated from the body. Research was conducted at the University of California. It turned out that when bones become acidic, they become brittle. At first, the relationship could not be officially explained. Later, scientists confirmed that due to acid, calcium is poorly absorbed, and our body is forced to use reserve reserves.

What else is going on inside us? Oxygen is transferred to tissues less actively. In the future, this leads to the development of hypoxia - oxygen starvation. Cells stop receiving enough energy. The sources are there, but the oxidation reaction cannot occur. Because of this, weight increases. The disease is accompanied constant feeling weakness and depression. Slowly but surely the internal organs are changing. The cardiovascular system suffers more.

If you ignore what is happening, diabetes becomes the next step. Similar symptoms can occur with hormonal imbalance; we write about how to determine it here. Problems with joints and bones appear. The latter are also covered with abnormal growths. Excess acid accumulates in the muscles, causing pain. An advanced acid-base balance disorder with a downward shift has its own name - acidosis.


The reverse situation is no less dangerous. The second “name” of alkalization is alkalosis. If with acidosis food is digested too quickly, then with alkalosis it is digested slowly. Food begins to rot, releasing toxins. Correcting such an imbalance is more difficult, but it is also extremely rare. In a special group are patients with ulcers taking medications.

Alkalosis manifests itself as poor appetite and weakness. Sometimes the skin starts to itch. Calcium is deposited in the kidney tubules. In later stages, this can lead to kidney failure. An aversion to dairy products may occur. The picture is complicated by the fact that chronic diseases are getting worse. This takes attention away from the real culprit. Increased susceptibility to allergens. Constipation is often a concern.

How to check the acid-base balance of your body?

Of course, if you suspect that the acid-base balance has been “neglected”, an analysis is simply necessary. Serious symptoms are a reason to consult a doctor. Under normal conditions, you can and should control your condition yourself. It is easier to work with saliva and urine. It is recommended to carry out the test 1 hour before a meal or 2 hours after.


I already told you about the spread. For this reason, acid-base balance test strips should be used regularly. It is difficult to draw any conclusions based on one test. The result depends on:

  • the presence of pathologies of the kidneys and bladder, as well as diseases affecting acidity
  • pH level of gastric juice
  • metabolism
  • time of last meal, food quality
  • volume of fluid consumed.

It is logical to assume that with a water shortage, the concentration of substances will in any case be higher. I don't want to scare you, but pH is directly related to kidney stones. When the indicator is below 5.5, urates are formed, from 5.5 to 6 - oxalates, above 7 - phosphates. If the pH is 9, there was an error in the analysis or testing. This often happens when the sample was not stored correctly.

Determining the acid-base balance will give a reliable result if the material was collected no more than 2 hours ago. You should not take diuretics before the test as this will affect the composition. You will have to temporarily give up beets and carrots.

It's easy to test yourself. Simply take a strip, dip it in the liquid you are testing, then look for the appropriate color on the packaging or instructions.


How to find out the acid-base balance of saliva? The optimal time is 10-12 hours, on an empty stomach. In the evening and at night, less fluid is released. If there is not enough moisture to measure, you can use a little trick. Do you have lemon at home? Cut a slice and place a saucer with citrus in front of you. You don't need to eat the treat, just watch.

Low pH (less than 6.2) is ideal for pathogen development. The gums become inflamed and swollen, and tooth enamel is destroyed. Cavities form - caries. What is the first thing you usually do if your teeth start to hurt? Rinse with baking soda. In this situation, we can advise the same. You already know about the healing power of soda, I’ll just add that they try to bring the pH of the solution to 7.4-8. There cannot be a single recipe, since the acid-base balance of water in each region is different. You will have to constantly use litmus paper.


Stripes will indicate delicate problems. Of course, paper will not replace treatment, but it will give a signal or calm you down. What do the results indicate?

1. 3,8-4,4 - the norm. Microflora is fine.

2. Below 3.8. Indicates inflammation. This may be due to a chronic or venereal disease. Low pH also prevents you from getting pregnant. Spermatozoa die before reaching their goal.

3. About 6. The environment is conditionally neutral. Most likely, there are no pathologies, but urgent restoration of the acid-base balance of the vagina is necessary! The microflora at this pH is simply not able to repel most attacks.

4. Above 7. Usually indicates thrush, colpitis or vaginosis. You should visit a doctor.

Gastric juice

It is almost impossible to check the acid-base balance of the body in this category directly and without procedures. At home, disturbances in the acid-base balance of the stomach are identified by symptoms.

Signs of elevated pH:

Signs of low pH:

heartburn, especially after sour and spicy foods belching with a putrid odor
when thinking about lemons, apples, pickles, etc. there is a copper taste in the mouth fermentation in the stomach
belching heartburn
there is a pulling, aching, dull pain in the stomach, more often in the morning and when hungry pain near the navel, appears after eating
bloating and heaviness strong gas formation
digestive disorders stool disorders
Nausea or stomach pain after taking anti-inflammatory drugs

As you can see, the manifestations are largely similar, but it is not difficult to notice the deviation. In the latter case, sometimes the skin becomes dry and flaky, nails peel, grow slowly, and hair breaks. Acne may appear.


The pH value is interesting from a cosmetic point of view. Ideas about the normal acid-base balance of the skin vary, so let's take the widest range - from 4 to 6. I have never seen a wider range. A low pH is characteristic of dry skin, a high pH is characteristic of oily skin. To have an active effect, cosmetics must be aggressive, that is, acidic. Otherwise, it only dries and destroys the natural protective shell. This will not help even with acne, since the activity of the sebaceous glands will increase.

The cosmetic product is applied to the test strip and tested in the same way as any liquid. There are no general recommendations, just determine your individual norm. Next time you will know in advance which cream or shampoo will suit you and which will not. I will only say that the most effective (for example, anti-aging) agents simply must be aggressive. Look for a balance between benefit and harm.

Preventive measures

How to normalize the acid-base balance of the body and maintain it?

1. Drink plenty of water! The optimal amount is 30 ml per kg of weight.

2. Replenish your enzyme supply. They regulate food digestion and promote mineral absorption. Flower pollen contains not only enzymes, but also many vitamins, natural hormones, etc.

3. Introduce minerals into your diet. Calcium is especially important.

4. To maintain the acid-base balance of the body, the food table should bounce off the teeth! Intuition will not always help. For example, tomatoes and citruses do not acidify, but alkalize. The main “enemies” are soda and fast food. You can read more about nutrition in the article Acidification of the body: symptoms, consequences, avoidance

Are you checking your body? Our text on how to check the acid-base balance of the body will allow you to notice deviations in time. Litmus strips are cheap and easy to use, taking 1-3 seconds.

Good health to you!

If the indicators differ greatly, there is a high probability that the fish will not be able to live long in such conditions. To prevent this, it is necessary to check the pH level in the aquarium water. Let's try to figure out how to measure the pH level of aquarium water.

What are the ways to measure pH levels?

All the aquarist’s actions should be aimed at the comfort of his favorite fish so that they can feel very good. He needs to know in what environment a particular type of fish feels normal and, if necessary, be able to change it.

pH measuring tool.

The enemy of a neutral water reaction or an acidic reaction is the night, which is when algae actively produce CO2. You can achieve exactly the same result if you place the aquarium near a window where the sun's rays will directly penetrate it.

There are tests that can be used to measure the acidity of water. You can also purchase special electronic pH meters. All this can be found in aquarium stores. The tests are very easy to use and not expensive. As for pH meters, they are not cheap, although they can give very fast and accurate results. Given the indicator, it is necessary to draw certain conclusions and take measures.

The importance of acidity levels

What is pH? This is the acidity level, indicating the amount of CO2 present in the water. Depending on the decrease or increase in the concentration of a given substance in water, you can determine whether the water is acidic (when the pH is greater than 7) or alkaline (when the pH is less than 7).

In an aquarium, carbon dioxide is produced by both fish and algae. In addition, other chemical reactions occurring in the aquarium can also provoke a deviation in the pH level.

If there is a sharp decrease or increase in acidity, it will be difficult for the fish to tolerate it. This is explained by the fact that each type of fish in nature had certain conditions in which they lived and reproduced. That is, they had water of a specific composition, and when a sudden change occurs, the fish, of course, do not like it. It is necessary to constantly monitor the pH level of the water in the aquarium and try to maintain it at a safe level.

A device for measuring water hardness.

Reducing the hardness of aquarium water

It is also very important to control the hardness of the water in the aquarium. If it is too harsh, then you will have to take a number of measures to soften it. What can be done for this?

  • You can dilute the source water with a small amount of distilled water. It is much softer, which will help soften the harshness.
  • Application of ion exchange resins.
  • Use of osmotic filters. Thus, you can try to make softened water yourself, but this is a very time-consuming task.
  • You can also reduce the hardness of aquarium water by using special substances with chemical composition. They are sold in all zoological stores. Their use reduces rigidity.
  • Use of acrylic resins in crystalline form. They are poured into bags and lowered into the aquarium or mixed in a filter.
  • Aquarium plants such as aegropyla, elodea, chara plants and hornwort can also be used as water softeners.

Increasing the hardness of aquarium water

If the aquarium water has a sufficiently low hardness, then measures must also be taken. How to increase water hardness in an aquarium? This can be done with the use of magnesium or calcium. You can also simply add water that is harder in consistency.

You can also increase the hardness level by using baking soda. 0.3-05 g of this substance is enough for one liter. On store shelves you can find specially prescribed substances, with the use of which you can increase the level of hardness.

How to measure water hardness at home

To measure the total hardness of aquarium water at home, you need to remember a very simple method that involves using a soap solution. It is necessary to take calcium oxide (in an amount of 10 mg) and neutralize it in one liter of water with pure soap (0.1 g). You need to use laundry soap, it will help determine the hardness. Crushed soap (1 g) should be thrown into distilled water, preheated.

Half a liter of aquarium water should be poured into the flask and gradually add the prepared mixture there. Shake it all up. When bubbles are visible, this is a sign that the solution should no longer be added.

Hardness can be determined as follows: the soap solution in ml, which was needed for the fill, is multiplied by 2. If the experiment is carried out correctly, then only a small error can be made.

Read also

An accurate way to determine water temperature
Softening water at home
Will a sip of water affect the accuracy of a blood test?
How to measure the water level in a tank

Water hardness and pH are interconnected and influence each other, therefore the methods for determining and changing the dGH and pH values ​​are largely similar, in addition, when changing one of the parameters, the other will be adjusted.

How to determine water hardness?

At home, the easiest way is to use special test kits (reagents and color scales), purchased at pet stores or online. However, their price sometimes bites, and the accuracy leaves much to be desired. These tests are based on a chemical reaction between a reagent and aquarium water, which in the process turns a certain color. It is this that is compared with the color scale that comes with the kit.

Test kit for determining water hardness

The test kit consists of a reagent for mixing with water and a color indicator

These tests have important feature, which affects the accuracy of the measurement, they determine the hardness of water not directly, but indirectly. Let us recall that hardness depends on the amount of Ca+ and Mg+ cations, the constant companions of which are various anions SO4-, Cl-, HCO3-, etc. (these are all the results of the dissociation of salts). Drip tests, litmus tests and other similar kits do not react with calcium and magnesium cations, but only with hydrocarbonate anions - HCO3. Since the number of the latter is often disproportionate, the readings will be averaged.
An overestimation or underestimation of the measured stiffness parameters may differ from reality by a quarter or more. When keeping unpretentious species, such inaccuracies do not matter.

The use of a TDS meter seems more optimal, although it also does not directly determine water hardness, but unlike the previous method it gives a smaller error. A TDS meter measures the electrical conductivity of water, which depends on the amount of salts dissolved in it. The more there are, the higher the electrical conductivity. Since tap water mainly contains Ca and Mg salts, measurements can be used to determine water hardness quite accurately.

Examples of TDS meter models

There are many portable models on sale in a variety of shapes and sizes. The price of the simplest meters fluctuates around 1000 rubles at the time of writing. Most TDS meters give measurement results in units of electrical conductivity µS (micro-Siemens) and in American degrees ppm, so you will have to convert to German degrees yourself (1dGH = 17.847 ppm). You can use a convenient online converter.

Based on the features of measuring hardness with a TDS meter, its shortcomings become clear. If some substances are used in the aquarium to correct the pH (for example, pH+ and pH- reagents) or table salt is added, then the measurement readings will begin to diverge significantly from reality.

There are a number of other methods, more accurate, for determining water hardness, but they are labor-intensive and require considerable skill and experience, so they are only relevant for professionals or aquarium fish store owners. At home, a test kit or TDS meter is enough.

How to determine the pH of water?

Test kit for determining pH value

The pH test kit consists of a reagent for mixing with water and a color indicator

By analogy with the definition of rigidity. The pH of aquarium water is determined using the same indicators, test kits purchased in pet stores, or using an electronic meter (pH meter), in online stores the cost starts from 1000 rubles. Externally they are identical to TDS meters.

It is worth noting that the measurement errors in this case are much lower, so the readings can be completely trusted.

Methods for changing water hardness

To know in which direction to make changes (increase or decrease), determine the hardness of the tap water and the needs of your fish; perhaps no correction will be required at all.

Reduced overall hardness dGH

Method number 1. Boiling water - since in this case only carbonate hardness is removed, the overall values ​​do not change much. Depending on the composition of the water in your region, fluctuations can range from a couple of percent to 50% or more. Focus on the needs of the fish; perhaps reducing the hardness by simply boiling will be enough.
Method number 2. Freezing - this method is relevant in Russia with its long winter. Water is poured into a container and placed in the cold (for example, on a loggia). The water freezes starting from the walls. There are practically no dissolved salts in the resulting ice; they are concentrated in the remaining liquid water, therefore, when the ice takes up 2/3 of the total volume, the remaining water is drained and the ice is melted. As a result, the hardness is reduced to 1-30dGH.
Method number 3. Pass the water through a filter with reverse osmosis - after this treatment, the water is purified of all impurities and becomes practically distilled. Before using in an aquarium, the water obtained in this way should be diluted with ordinary water.
Method number 4. Pass water through ion exchange columns - special resins react with calcium and magnesium salts, thereby making the water soft.

Increasing overall dGH hardness

Water hardness is increased quite simply, for example by adding pieces of limestone to the aquarium or using filters with marble chips as a filter material, or using chemical reagents:
- calcium chloride (CaCl2), sold in pharmacies without a prescription, is a medicine, and is also registered as a food additive E509;
- magnesium sulfate (MgSO4), sold in pharmacies without a prescription, is a medicine.

Methods for changing/correcting pH

Due to the instability of pH, it is preferable to set the reaction direction - acidic or alkaline. Quick changes with the help of reagents give short results; after some time, the pH value will return to the previous level characteristic of the existing biosystem.
Method number 1. Maintaining a pH around 7.0 and above can be achieved by using limestone or marble in the design, as well as a filter with marble chips as part of the filter material. Leads to increased water hardness!
Method number 2. Adding baking soda ensures a rapid deviation of the pH value towards the alkaline side, the effect is quite long-lasting.
Method number 3. A decrease in pH below 7.0 is ensured by installing a filter in the aquarium, where peat-based filler is used as a filter material.
Method number 4. Use of special pH+ and pH- reagents. Sometimes it's not the best way out of a situation.

The water parameters in the aquarium play a very important role. As you might guess, every aquarium owner should try to create comfortable and pleasant living conditions for their fish. This becomes possible only if the pH of the water corresponds to the true needs of the inhabitants of the water body.

What is pH?

Before you create comfortable conditions for fish, you need to understand what ph is. This unit allows you to measure the activity of hydrogen ions in any substance, and acidity is expressed quantitatively.

The term appeared in Europe, in Denmark, at the beginning of the 20th century. The concept began to actively spread thanks to the Danish chemist Soren Peter Laurits Sorensen, despite the fact that his predecessors tried to consider the existing issue from the correct point of view. The pH indicator is actively used for simplicity and convenience, since it represents the quantitative ratio of two types of ions: H+ - OH-. Measurements are always carried out on a 14-point scale.

It is important to note that the water will have an alkaline reaction if the indicator is greater than 7. At the same time, an acidic reaction requires an indicator of less than 7. At the same time, a neutral water parameter in the aquarium is allowed with an equal ratio of H+ and OH-. If a neutral indicator is noted, the number will be 7.

Any chemical that can be dissolved in water changes the balance between H+ and also OH- ions. Acidity can change up or down:

  • acid leads to an increase in hydrogen ions;
  • alkali leads to a decrease in the concentration of hydroxide ions.

As a result, pH allows you to determine what degree of acidity the water may have. This characteristic has been recognized from the very beginning as one of the most important, since it determines the presence or absence of acid-base balance and the characteristics of the course of chemical and biological processes. In each case, pH determines human health, so it is not surprising that fish that live in aquariums also depend on this parameter.

Soft and hard water

Scientists note that water can be soft and hard. What is the difference?

Soft water

Low pH is less than six and a half. In this case, the water may be soft, but it also turns out to be dangerous.

In most cases, ions of the following metals penetrate into its composition:

  • manganese;
  • lead;
  • copper;
  • zinc.

These ions usually penetrate from low-quality plumbing fixtures, which indicates their danger.

Water with a low pH is inherently dangerous. The following manifestation of its undesirable composition is expected:

  • the presence of various metals that are toxic;
  • premature damage to metal structures;
  • the presence of an unpleasant aftertaste, allowing one to guess an acidic tint;
  • dyeing of linen;
  • the appearance of a blue-green tint near the sink and drains.

It is not surprising that soft water turns out to be dangerous for the inhabitants of any aquarium. To increase the indicator, chemical soda ash is usually used, since it allows you to increase the sodium content in the shortest possible time.

Hard water

In this case, the pH level exceeds eight and a half. Despite the absence of danger, aesthetic problems arise. What are they?

  • the appearance of an unpleasant sediment on the surface;
  • scale;
  • difficulties when operating electrical appliances;
  • alkaline, bitter taste of water.

As you might guess, the acidity of the water in the aquarium should be less than eight and a half points. The best option is to soften the liquid with mandatory monitoring of the indicator.

pH determination

Every aquarium owner should know how to determine the current pH. Nowadays, various effective methods are proposed for this, so the task at hand still becomes possible for its implementation.

Test strips

These test strips are pieces of litmus paper that react by changing color to different pH fluctuations. The strips are sold in pet stores as they are often used for aquariums. It has now been proven that an acidic or alkaline indicator can lead to the death of many fish. It is assumed that contact with water can lead to a change in the color of the strips, and the error will be minimal. In order to find out the exact indicator, you should use the special instructions that complement the box of papers.


Another interesting option is Rottinger litmus paper. This litmus paper is produced by a German company, and it initially gives a minimal error. The package contains an indicator divided into 14 lines. The box contains 80 strips that can be used for a long time. Rottinger strips allow you to successfully measure the pH of water. The cost of products does not exceed 250 - 350 rubles.

pH meter

The acidity of a liquid can be determined with a pH meter. In this case, you need to take 20 - 30 milliliters of water into a small plastic or glass glass, and then take a measurement. The control sensor should be rinsed with distilled water and then immersed in the desired solution. The instrument scale will immediately determine the pH of the liquid. In order to obtain accurate and correct information, it is necessary to regularly calibrate the device. It is important to note that a pH meter is expensive, but its use allows you to easily and quickly determine the desired characteristics of water.

How to change the indicator?

So, every fish owner should know how to lower the pH in the aquarium or increase this indicator. In fact, nothing complicated is noted.

Principles of reduction

In this case, the main task is to increase acidity. To do this you need to use acids:

  • phosphorus;
  • sulfuric;
  • salt.

In this case, you should act with the utmost caution, since a sharp change in pH can lead to the death of the fish. For successful results, only dilute acids should be used.

The safest way involves using natural remedies:

  • infusion or decoction of peat;
  • infusions of alder cones.

The simplest option is to use pH- (minus) preparations.

In any case, it is necessary to act with the utmost caution, since the life and health of the fish depends on it.

Principles of promotion

Knowing how to lower the pH of water, you need to know the principles of increasing the pH. It is assumed that salts with an alkaline reaction will be used.

For example, baking soda will do. At a time, you can add half a teaspoon for every 50 liters of water. If this is not enough, you can repeat the procedure after an hour.

Another option is to use a pH+ (plus) drug.

Important nuances

Determining acidity is an important step. Even when measures are taken to change the pH value, it is necessary to proceed with the utmost caution. It will be safe to change the parameter by no more than 0.2 units within one hour.

Once the optimal parameter has been achieved, biological balance must be maintained. At this time, there is no need to reduce or increase the indicator. If an undesirable deviation is noted, a special check of the parameters should be carried out. If you find out that the indicator has changed in an undesirable direction, you should change the water by 30% of the volume. In this case, fresh water will change pH only if tap water is used, standing for 1 - 2 days.

Knowing what pH is and understanding what its impact can be on the inhabitants of aquariums, it is best to regularly measure the indicator and adjust it as soon as necessary. The recommended pH value for fish in an aquarium is about 7 points, which corresponds to a neutral reaction.

The presence of hardness crystals and the acidity level of water are interrelated and both affect the quality and degree of usefulness of the liquid for the human body. Depending on the concentration of one component in water, the other can change and transform. Water is an extremely important source of life and health for humans. Due to the fact that most of the body, organs and tissues in the body are composed of water, drinking the cleanest and healthiest fluid possible is a fundamental factor that affects life expectancy, health, the presence of diseases and infections, reproduction and fertility.

In order to purify water from harmful microorganisms and pathogenic impurities, checking the acidity of distilled water is not enough. It is necessary to know about the characteristics of the composition of water, the nature of its effect on the body, and the regulated limits for the concentration of certain impurities and metals. According to many microbiological studies and tests, the hardness, acidity of drinking water and the concentration of hydrogen ions in water influence each other and their relationship is considered a key factor in the process of determining the usefulness and suitability of a liquid for consumption.

How to measure the acidity of water at home?

Today's microbiological laboratories offer a large number of modern equipment and high-quality instruments to determine the acidity of water at home or for industrial purposes, to analyze water according to customer requirements, as well as the purposes of its further use. However, an indicator such as the acidity of tap water can be tested at home, provided that some chemically active materials or homemade electronic water acidity meters are used and knowledge of the basics of this kind of analytical work. The verification is carried out in stages:
  1. The first step in determining the acidity of water is the acquisition of all necessary indicator materials. These products include litmus papers, water acidity indicators, reagents and other items that are designed to test water quality. It is worth noting that by-products may be expensive and may not be available for some testing and analytical work. The set of indicators usually includes a reagent and a color scale. Litmus is dipped into water and turns the color indicated on the table, depending on the number of hydrogen ions.
  2. How to test the acidity of water at home? To test the acidity of water at home, a set of tools and devices that indicates the concentration of hardness crystals may also be suitable. Considering the fact that water hardness and measuring the acidity of water are closely interrelated, it is often sufficient to identify its hardness in order to then, using some calculations, understand how high or low the level of concentration of hydrogen ions in water is.
  3. How to reduce the acidity of water for irrigation? It is worth noting that home hardness tests may reveal some errors in calculations due to insufficiently professionally equipped testing and the use of weakly efficient instruments for determining the acidity of water and means. However, given consumer-level tests and the goals that are pursued in such cases, errors usually do not have a large impact on the final result.
  4. For a better and more effective test of water hardness and acidity, you should use a device called a TDS meter. How to measure the acidity of water? This device tests water for electrical conductivity, that is, the presence of dissolved salt crystals in the liquid. Considering that the salts in water are mainly crystallized particles of calcium and magnesium, identifying hardness and acidity is not particularly difficult. Calculation using a TDS meter for measuring water acidity allows for fewer errors and inaccuracies in the results, and can be used not only for domestic purposes, but also for small industrial checks and analytical work.

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It is worth noting that devices such as TDS meters today can be sold both as a stationary type and in the form of portable models for testing the quality and conductivity of water under different conditions. Modern models devices are able to determine how to reduce the acidity of water at home, as well as identify indicators of hardness and acidity using an international measurement table. However, it is worth remembering that most meters may not be effective if the water being tested for acidity is artificially added with salts or other enriching chemicals. Test indicators in such a liquid may deviate significantly from what water acidity is considered normal and may not give a clear result.

In addition to the simplest litmus indicators and simple instruments for measuring acidity, there is a set of more serious and complex installations that check the quality and concentration of hydrogen ions in water with minimal errors and errors: such devices help in the question of how to check the acidity of water, most efficiently. However, such analysis systems are more complex and are suitable for use only by real professionals with experience in chemical experiments and research. For domestic needs and home use, litmus indicating devices or a portable device are considered to be the most suitable and effective.

How is water purified in case of high acidity?

In order to understand how high the concentration of hydrogen ions is in water, it is worth initially carrying out the highest quality and comprehensive test of acidity and hardness. Both of these indicators can be checked simultaneously, since they are interrelated and integral concepts. How to reduce the acidity of water? As mentioned above, household analytical work with water does not require the use of modern and highly accurate equipment, since the errors of litmus indicators or portable devices are extremely small and do not affect the result of research work.

If an analysis of what is called the acidity of the water has determined that the concentration of hydrogen ions is too high and does not comply with the regulated framework and standards, the water should be purified and the excess amount of acidity in it should be removed. This can be done by the following manipulations:

  1. The first and most common way to eliminate excess acidity in water is to boil it and digest the hydrogen concentrate. It is worth remembering that in the process of heating and boiling water, a chemical reaction occurs that eliminates not only ionized hydrogen, but also hardness crystals. This method of eliminating acidity is suitable for cleaning and stabilizing water at home (water in an aquarium, swimming pool, small industrial premises).
  2. The second and radically opposite way to reduce the acidity level of water is to freeze it. This process can occur under artificial conditions, or it can be a natural phenomenon that will allow you to get rid of excess crystals and salts in water in large reservoirs or a well. As a result of freezing, water crystallizes in a certain direction: first, the water at the walls freezes, and then the rest of the thickness. As a result of this process, all hydrogen and salt ions remaining in the water remain on the surface, where they can be easily eliminated and separated from the bulk of the water being tested. This purification method is often used to purify large-scale industrial water, as well as for domestic and agricultural purposes.
  3. The third way to purify water from acidity can be the use of filtration units with osmosis. Thanks to a complex process of water purification and distillation, hydrogen ions and salt crystals are almost completely eliminated from the liquid, making it as soft and suitable for consumption as possible. It is worth noting that in some cases, water purified in this way can be further diluted with ordinary unpurified water in order to stabilize standard indicators.
  4. To purify and stabilize water parameters, special ionizing installations and devices can often be used, which react as efficiently as possible to the salts and hardness crystals contained in the water and eliminate acidity. The stronger the reaction to salts, the higher the final softness and purification from hydrogen ions.
The EcoTestExpress laboratory helps to carry out the highest quality and most modern testing of water for acidity and concentration of hardness crystals, using high-tech equipment and many years of experience in this field. You can apply using the online form below.