What to use to tan. How to tan quickly in the sun: useful tips

The summer sun is deceptive - it warms softly, but burns strongly.

Contraindications for tanning

Before you decide to sunbathe, make sure you are under bright rays will not harm your health.

Contraindications for tanning:

  1. People of the Celtic phototype– blondes and red-haired people with fair skin. The skin of such people produces little melanin (the pigment responsible for tanning). The main task of melanin is to protect the deep layers of the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. A small amount of it provokes the development of melanoma (skin cancer).
  2. Children under 5 years of age and adults over 60 years of age, pregnant and lactating women. Don't completely exclude the sun. It is enough to limit your exposure to direct sunlight to reduce the risks of heat and sunstroke. Pregnant women should not sunbathe in the early and late stages, as an increase in body temperature can cause miscarriage or premature birth.
  3. People with individual contraindications for medical reasons. These include malignant and benign tumors, female diseases (fibroids, erosions), acute tuberculosis, hypertension, skin diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis), thyroid disorders, diabetes mellitus, infectious diseases (mononucleosis, chicken pox, hepatitis), psychoneurological diseases, fever.

By ignoring the above diagnoses, you risk worsening your health condition.

When tuberculosis is in the active phase, the risk of spreading the infection increases.

After suffering from mononucleosis, it is better to abstain from ultraviolet rays for 8 months.

After chickenpox, age spots appear.

How to avoid getting sunburned

  • Before your first exposure to the sun, prepare your skin for ultraviolet radiation by visiting the solarium several times.
  • Control your time in the open sun. Limit this period to 6-10 minutes. Change your position often. Do not stay in the open sun for more than an hour.
  • Protect your eyes and hair from UV rays with glasses and a hat.
  • Do not use deodorants or perfumes on the beach. The substances in them cause photodermatosis and increase skin sensitivity to the sun.
  • Drink more water! When tanning, a person loses a lot of moisture.
  • Dry yourself with a towel after swimming. Water droplets focus the sun's rays and can cause burns.
  • Use sunscreens and lotions.

By following these rules, you will get a golden and even tan while maintaining good health.

Face protection before and after tanning

Pay special attention to your face before and after tanning. Apply a protective cream before going out, and when you return, rinse it off and apply a layer of moisturizing milk or lotion. Don't get carried away with tanning the skin on your face. In this place she is more susceptible to burns.

How to choose a sunscreen

Sunscreens are labeled with an SPF factor. It is marked with points from 2 to 50. The number shows the degree of protection against ultraviolet radiation - the higher, the better the protection.

On average, a person with white skin can stay in the sun for 15 minutes without getting burned, and the SPF index shows how many times longer you can stay in the open sun without redness of the skin. For example, by applying a product with SPF10 you can enjoy the sun 10 times more.

To protect people of the Celtic type from the sun, they will need products with SPF50+, Nordic - SPF from 35 to 50, dark European - SPF from 25 to 35, Mediterranean - SPF from 15 to 25, Indonesian and African-American types can do without them altogether.

All people tan differently. For some, 5 minutes is enough, and for others, even a 1.5-hour stay in the sun will not cause damage. You can get an even tan by following the recommendations for your skin type. There are 6 main phototypes in total:

  • Celtic type. These are people with blond or red hair. They have pale skin, rich in freckles and moles, and light eyes. They should not sunbathe in direct sunlight. 5 minutes and instead of a tan, red skin with blisters appears. If you consider yourself to be this type, stay sunbathing in the shade. Use sunscreens with a high level of protection.
  • Nordic type. These are people with fair skin, few moles, freckles occasionally, light or brown eyes, light brown or brown hair. They burn easily in the sun, but over time the skin acquires a golden hue. Tanning with fair skin should be done with caution. In the first days, use products with a high degree of ultraviolet protection. With them, the skin will get used to it and acquire an even tan. Limit sun exposure to 10-15 minutes.
  • Dark European type. People with fair skin, brown or light eyes, brown or dark hair. They tan easily, but can get burned. Do not stay in the active sun for more than half an hour.
  • Mediterranean type. People with olive skin, dark eyes and dark hair. These tans go on smoothly and beautifully, and they don’t burn. They can stay in the sun for up to 2 hours.
  • Indonesian type. Dark brown skin dark hair and eyes. There is no restriction on exposure to the sun.
  • African American type. People with dark skin, hair and eyes. Representatives of the Negroid race have deeply pigmented skin and do not need additional protection.

There is a greedy person in each of us. It is she, sitting in the depths of her soul in an embrace with a frog, who whispers to us every summer that a luxurious chocolate tan need not be bought in a solarium. All you have to do is go outside in June, spread your arms to the sky, and say in the voice of Thumbelina: “Hello, Swallow, hello, Sunshine!” And here it is - a miracle.

A golden, velvety, perfectly even tan will cover our pale, bluish bodies in just a couple of hours, and all that’s left to do is wait for the handsome prince. And not for long at all - he is a prince, and not a fool to miss such beauty.

This may not be the case, of course. Maybe some other considerations push us to the beach in the midday sun every summer with manic persistence. It's a short vacation, and we usually have only a week allotted for a seaside resort, rarely two.

Therefore, we simply have to make the most of the minimum and take from the sun what we are rightfully entitled to: warmth, a bucket of vitamin D and a luxurious tan.

Do you know what? It's really possible! Here, the main thing is to approach the issue in an organized and responsible manner, otherwise, as experience shows, instead of a prince on a white horse, the three horsemen of the apocalypse will gallop towards you: burns, fever, chills.

Therefore, read and remember how to tan as quickly as possible and, most importantly, correctly.

To begin with, we should honestly admit that our instructions will help, alas, not every girl.

If you are lucky enough to be born a natural blonde or redhead blue eyes and milky white skin (that is, with the so-called first type), you can close this article - there will be no useful information for you here.

You just can't sunbathe. A-priory. Don’t anger God, you are already beautiful, why would you need a tan!

If you go to the beach without SPF 40+ protective cream, the punishment for this sin will be skin burns, blisters and swelling. Do you need it?

If you are a representative of the fourth type - that is, from birth dark-skinned, black-haired and brown-eyed, then you can also do something more useful than reading these recommendations. Much to our envy, the sun is not dangerous to you at all.

Your means of protection are moisturizing sprays and oils with a protection level of SPF 2-10. Rather, to give a certain shade to an already delightful skin color.

But if you are a representative of type 2-3 (with hair color from light brown to dark brown), quickly take out a pencil and write down the instructions. We are running out of time, September is just around the corner.

Beach visiting mode

1. Take your time

Very important point: Don't use any external tan enhancers on your first day or even two at the beach. Let your skin get used to the new temperature and ultraviolet exposure.

She herself must tune in to the production of melanin (the very substance that makes us darker). Hurry up - you'll make the dermatologist laugh. Remember, right? - burn, fever, chills.

2. Keep an eye on the clock

Important point number two: no matter how much I wanted to speed up the process of turning myself into Naomi Campbell, but as soon as the clock struck 11 am (or better yet, ten, because the sun in the south is more aggressive every year) - they put on crystal slippers, sat down in the pumpkin - and march home from the ball. You'll be back on the beach at about five o'clock. You will have at least three more hours to get your coveted item.

Tanning accelerators

Now let's list the products that will speed up tanning.

1. Self-tanning

We can't help but mention him. If you can’t get out to the sea, sprays and self-tanning creams will help. It is better, of course, to contact a specialist at a tanning center, but you can also use home dyeing products.

In addition, self-tanning will help you feel more comfortable on the beach if you are embarrassed about your whiteness. Gradually it will be washed off, and the natural one, on the contrary, will appear. When choosing a product, pay attention to the composition. It’s good if it contains vitamin E.

2. Creams and lotions

When purchasing tanning product, read the label carefully. It should not be tanning cream for a solarium. On the beach, such a cream will not protect you, and you can get very sunburned.

What is the difference between tanning accelerators? Because they contain components that help the skin increase melanin production. You should select the level of SPF (Sun Protection Factor) protection with an index from 2 to 20, depending on your skin phototype and degree of tanning.

You must understand that you cannot get a good result with one bottle for the entire holiday. Therefore, gradually reduce the SPF index. But only gradually. The first time you apply the product at home, before going to the beach.

The cream should not be applied in a greasy layer. This will increase the heating of the skin. Rub in with massage movements until completely absorbed. Repeat the procedure once every half hour.

3. Vitamins

If you are planning your vacation in advance, you should start taking medications that enhance melanin production. Start taking selenium, lycopene, B vitamins, especially AT 10, as well as vitamin complexes containing vitamins AND ALL no later than two weeks before the trip.

4. Natural oil

Using natural oil will help you get an even, beautiful tan. Wild carrot oil and cold-pressed sunflower oil are the best options. In addition, there are ready-made combined options for cosmetic oils, which include coconut, avocado, wheat and vitamin oils.

True, using oil on a sandy beach will not be very convenient. As you can imagine, skin coated with oil will become oily and the grains of sand will stick strongly. Don't forget to reapply it after water treatments.

There are also synthetic oils, but be careful with them - they can cause an allergic reaction. Before applying, test on a small area of ​​skin, such as your wrist.

5. Diet

Is there a diet for tanning? Our answer is yes. Eating foods containing beta-carotene can enhance your tan. Eat more red and orange fruits and vegetables to increase your melanin production.

Pumpkin, watermelon, pear, carrots and apricots are your best friends on vacation.

Also get into the habit of drinking natural juices on the beach. Of course, a glass of cold beer with bubbles is great refreshing in the heat, but you and I are not just lying there, we have an important mission - to get a tan.

In addition, treat yourself on vacation to dishes made from liver, red fish, tuna, avocado and almonds. They contain amino acid tyrosine, which will help us with the production of melanin.

6. Creams with tingle effect

These are creams that increase blood circulation in the skin, as a result of which the blood is supplied with oxygen faster and the tan lies better.

They are mainly used in solariums, but for our purposes they are also suitable. With this cream we fix the intensity of the tan.

Never apply it to untanned skin and never use it on your face. Also, test it on your wrist first. Because the likelihood of allergies is also high.

7. Tanning

Well, last but not least on the list.

Remember that a chocolate tan is not the healthiest thing that can happen to your skin. If beauty still requires sacrifices, we try to reduce them to a reasonable minimum.

Keep your skin moisturized constantly. After the beach, take a shower and wash off the salt from your skin. And then immediately apply after tanning products. Gel, cream, milk - it doesn’t matter, but the packaging should indicate that this product is AFTER tanning.

The main thing is that the skin is moisturized and regularly receives healthy vitamins and oils.

Then our shining, delicate, velvety, milky chocolate color will cause a storm of admiration in the eyes of our prince, and an ocean of envy in the eyes of our pale-faced friends. That's what you and I were trying to achieve.

Have a great holiday and may the tan be with you!

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Summer has come and you can tan naturally. However, in order for the tan to be beautiful and even, you need to know how to tan correctly. And our tips will help you with this!

The content of the article:

The long-awaited summer of vacations, adventures and a bronze tan has long arrived. Relaxing in nature, in a country house, on the banks of a river or sea, every representative of the fairer sex will not deny herself the pleasure of sunbathing to decorate her body with a chocolate tan. At the same time, many people know that the sun's rays are fraught with many dangers that can harm their health. Therefore, it is important not only to get a bronze skin tone, but also to protect yourself from harm to the body.

Harm from tanning

  • Being under the sun's rays is harmful for people with whitish skin, blond hair, age spots and an abundance of moles on the skin (especially large ones, more than 1.5 cm). This category of people is susceptible to sunburn and ultraviolet radiation can provoke a number of serious diseases. Therefore, the best solution is self-tanning cream.
  • Excessive sunbathing can cause skin cancer. According to statistics, more than 65,000 cases of melanoma are recorded annually in all countries of the world, i.e. malignant tumor that is associated with UV radiation.
  • Cases have been recorded where the sun caused blindness. Prolonged stay under it causes the development of cataracts. Therefore, it is advisable to wear sunglasses on the beach. They will also prevent the appearance of small wrinkles.
  • Excessive exposure to UV rays can trigger the development of thyroid disease.

The benefits of tanning

Sunlight promotes the production of vitamin D, which is vital. Since the body synthesizes it independently without exposure to solar energy, only 10% of the required norm. A lack of vitamin leads to chronic diseases such as cancer, polycystic ovary syndrome, problems with the menstrual cycle, infertility, diabetes, high blood pressure, caries, infections, diseases of the nervous system, incl. schizophrenia and multiple sclerosis. Therefore, you still need to take sunbathing, but in moderation without abuse. Below are tips on how to get a chocolate tan without harming your health:
  • A couple of weeks before your planned vacation, prepare your skin for an intense tan. Visit 2 times a week for five-minute solarium sessions. They will give the skin a bronze tint and protection from aggressive ultraviolet rays.
  • During the first days of exposure to the sun, use sunscreen. Especially every half hour, lubricate the chest, shoulders, nose with cream - the most vulnerable places for burns.
  • When vacationing in hot countries (Africa, Asia, Spain, Italy), sunbathe for no more than 5 minutes during the first days in the open sun. Increase the time spent in sunbathing gradually. At the same time, do not forget that it is recommended to sunbathe for about an hour a day.
  • The sun is hottest from 12 to 15 hours, so it is better to spend this time in the shade, even despite applying sunscreen. Because at noon the sun is most active and its direct rays hit the ground at right angles. If at this time for any reason you have to be under the sun, wear clothes that will protect your skin from burns. You also need to remember about the headdress. It not only prevents sunstroke, but also saves hair from dullness and brittleness.
  • The optimal time for safe tanning for the body is before 11.00 and after 16.00. And although the sun does not burn so hot at this time, it is still advisable to use sunscreen.
  • When sunbathing, change your position every 10 minutes, alternately exposing your back and stomach to the sun.
  • After bathing, do not blot your skin with a towel, but let it dry in the sun. This will enhance your tan. But do it in the shade, because... Water droplets under the sun increase the chances of getting sunburned because they have optical lenses.
  • When going swimming, lubricate your skin with protective cream, since ultraviolet rays can penetrate water up to 1.5 m deep.
  • When sunbathing topless, be sure to cover your nipples with cotton swabs or special caps.
  • The most beautiful, even, and most importantly safe tan is in partial shade. To do this, you should use wicker umbrellas, panel canopies, which partially transmit the sun's rays, thereby protecting the skin from an excess of ultraviolet radiation.
  • After sunbathing, it is recommended to rinse the skin under a cool shower. Afterwards, dry and moisturize with special nourishing products (cream, lotion) containing panthenol and a substance that restores the water-lipid balance of the skin. Such ointments improve skin regeneration and elasticity.

Diet for a beautiful tan

A beautiful golden tan also depends on the foods you eat. The most powerful tanning activator is beta-carotene (melon, watermelon, pumpkin, red pepper, apples, pears). It increases the production of melanin pigment, giving the skin a beautiful golden hue. The amino acid tyrosine also plays an important role in the production of melanin. Large amounts of it are found in animal products (red meat, fish, liver), beans, almonds and avocados.

Auxiliary substances in the formation of melanin are lycopene, selenium, vitamin C and E. Therefore, in order to get an intense chocolate shade during your vacation, you need to take a complex with these mineral supplements a couple of weeks before the trip.

Drink as much as possible while tanning clean water without gas and not very cold, so as not to get dehydrated.

Cosmetics for a beautiful tan

Tanning products that contain the Sun Protection Factor (SPF) will help protect your body from burns. They retain moisture in the skin, prevent its premature aging, and provide protection from UF rays. The SPF index in products varies from 3 to 50, so sunscreens need to be selected according to the skin phototype - the lighter and more sensitive the skin, the higher the SPF factor should be. At high solar activity (11.00–16.00), sunscreens are recommended to be used with an SPF index of 20–30, for dark skin - 10. And if there is heavy sweating, the skin should be lubricated with a protective cream more often, because sweat reduces the effectiveness of the cream.

Apply the cream with massage movements, in a thin layer, every half hour in the sun. Applying a thick layer of it will have the opposite result: the product will heat up in the sun and damage the skin.

When buying tanning products, pay attention to what is on the label, because... they may be intended for tanning beds rather than outdoor tanning. This product does not contain protective enzymes against UF rays, so you can get sunburned on the beach.

A cream with a “tingle” effect will help speed up tanning. It increases blood circulation in the skin and produces melanin faster, which makes the tan more intense. But here it should be borne in mind that after applying the Tingle cream, redness and allergies may appear on the skin. Therefore, before using a new product, it should be tested on a small area of ​​skin. However, it should not be used at all on white and untanned skin, or applied to the face.

That's all! Have a wonderful holiday, a bronze even tan and many unforgettable impressions!!!

Tips for proper tanning in this video:

  1. For a week or two before heading out into the sun, use a gentle scrub or exfoliant daily. Dead cells on the surface of the skin cause the tan to apply unevenly.
  2. Start taking vitamins A and E, in combination or separately. Vitamin A stimulates the production of melanin, and you will become chocolate faster, and vitamin E softens and moisturizes the skin, which will allow it to look great.
  3. Drink carrot juice, which is rich in beta-carotene, which is also necessary for melanin production. Remember that beta-carotene is fat-soluble, meaning it requires fat to be absorbed. Add cream or a spoonful of vegetable oil to the juice.
  4. To quickly tan, you don’t need to lie (stand) for an hour, turning one side to the sun, then the other. The tan goes on better and faster when you are on the move. Play, run, have fun, and the sun will do its job.
  5. If you remember that tanning should not only be fast, but also beautiful and healthy, stay in the sun before 11-12 pm and after 4 pm. And be sure to use sunscreen!
  6. A product with bronzers will help you tan quickly in the sun. This is not a self-tanner, but a special lotion or cream with ingredients that stimulate the production of melatonin.
  7. While sunbathing, drink! Water, of course. Increase your daily intake by a liter, your skin will thank you and be firm and smooth, despite the dehydrating effect of ultraviolet radiation.
  8. Before going to bed, be sure to apply a nourishing cream from the “After the Sun” line or any softening and soothing cream. This will allow the skin to rest and recover for the next day.
  9. When you return from the sea, your body will be like coffee grounds. Don't rub! Coffee is often recommended to be used as a scrub, and this is a really great idea, but not if you want to maintain a dark skin tone. Just lightly apply coffee grounds to your body and rinse with warm water. Coffee will enhance pigmentation.
  10. Wash your face with tea. Dried tea leaves are an excellent antiseptic, prevent inflammation and acne; tea extract tightens and refreshes the skin and helps maintain its dark complexion.
  11. Apply a light auto-bronzant once a week. You don't risk getting orange or blotchy because your skin is already tanned! Support it with self-tanning and enjoy the effect for months.
  12. Do not go to the sauna or bathhouse, do not rub your skin with a towel. Be careful, be gentle!
  13. Eat salmon! Fatty fish varieties help the skin retain dark pigment longer.
  14. Take a cool shower. By toning blood vessels and skin, you will slow down the process of exfoliation of pigmented layers.
  15. If the weather permits, you can go outdoors and sunbathe in your free time or on weekends, thereby refreshing your tan and strengthening it. Tanned skin “absorbs” the sun’s rays well, and an hour or two a week is enough.

Summer is the season of relaxation, fun and a beautiful tan. Every girl dreams of getting a beautiful and even tan like on the cover of a magazine. But, in the end, tanning is not easy, without burnt skin, peeling, and pain.

Many people ask the following questions: “What needs to be done to make the skin acquire a dark, golden hue?” “How to protect your skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays?” “How to prevent accelerated skin aging?” And the main question: “How to achieve a beautiful and even tan?” There are several secrets on how to achieve this goal, I will tell you about them below.

What is tanning?

A tan- This is a change in skin color (darkening) under the influence of sunlight. The skin acquires a dark shade due to accelerated melanin production, this is a kind of protective reaction of the body to exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Melanin absorbs ultraviolet radiation and protects tissue in the deep layers of the skin from radiation.

5 golden rules for an attractive tan:

Before you start tanning, you must first prepare your body. For the very first time, before sunbathing, take a shower, Or better yet, exfoliate (exfoliate dead skin cells), this will help the tan to apply evenly.

Do not rush directly into the sun's rays, as you may get a burn or other health problems. After clothing, the skin should get used to and adapt to intense sunbathing; on the first day, start with 10 - 20 min with a gradual increase in the amount of time spent under the sun.

According to medicine, melanin is produced in the skin in about 50 minutes, i.e. Spending more time in the sun is not recommended. It is advisable to stretch adaptation from 2 weeks to a month, depending on the frequency of sunbathing.

In the process of tanning and generally being under the sun, be it commuting to work or other concerns that require your presence under the sun, it is mandatory to use sunscreen. Before going outside, apply a thick layer of sunscreen to exposed skin.

It is important when choosing a sunscreen to pay attention to the factor SPF ( Sun Protection factor ).

Its level varies from 2 to 50. Depending on the marking, you can determine the degree of protection against ultraviolet radiation. SPF marked 2 - indicates the lowest level of protection and, accordingly, SPF marked 50 - the most high level patronage.

As you know, the lighter the skin, the more protection it requires, especially for children and fair-haired people with light eyes. In this case, use a cream with SPF 50 - it will intensely protect your skin and prevent it from burning under the sun. When a tan appears, you can gradually reduce the SPF to 30, 20, etc. It should be noted that fairly tanned people also need to use sunscreen, since solar radiation is merciless to all people.

Please note that the cream must be applied every 20 minutes. Proper use of the cream will not only provide you with an even tan, but will also protect you from dry skin and premature wrinkles.

Sunbathing should be taken when the sun's rays are at an oblique angle to the ground; they are not as dangerous due to their greater scattering, in contrast to the incidence of the rays at a right angle. That is, most the right time for a soft and even tan, in the morning before 11.00 and in the evening after 16.00. In the period between 11.00 - 16.00, it is not recommended to be under the sun at its zenith; it is dangerous both for your skin and for your overall health. During this period of time, try to stay indoors or in the shade, and wear light, covering clothing to prevent your skin from getting burned.

To speed up the tanning process, you need to take into your diet special foods, the substances of which accumulate under the skin and under the sun tend to produce melanin. These include: carrots, peaches, apricots, melons, watermelon, pumpkin, grapes, mango, coconut- these products will help you quickly get a beautiful and even tan.

One of the most effective ways is to drink a glass carrot juice in front of the beach.

Tomatoes and tomato paste- these products contain an antioxidant such as lycopene, which enhances skin protection and increases the level of procolagen, which, in turn, prevents skin aging, makes it more protected from burns and stronger. Drink 50 g of tomato juice a day, along with olive oil, it will help you get a safe and gentle tan.

Vitamin C. Before the beach, consuming products with this vitamin will relieve you of excessive skin pigmentation. Great to drink before the beach green tea with lemon.