What do you sow for the old New Year? When, what and how to sow for the Old New Year? What you need to prepare for sowing

On the night of January 14, Russia celebrates the Old New Year, which is also called the Generous Evening. On this day it is customary to exchange gifts and also to be generous. Traditionally, only girls do this, and on the morning of January 14 they go to sow.

On January 13, the Old New Year begins, which is also called Generous Evening. On this day, it is customary to set a rich table and the main dish is generous kutia. Pies, pancakes, dumplings and gifts for the generous are prepared for the table.

Why do they give generously on January 13th? It is believed that after sunset he begins to play pranks devilry, therefore, schedrovki become a kind of protection for the house and owners from evil spirits. Boys and girls go around being generous - they are greeted in their homes with delicacies and souvenirs.

On the morning of January 14, men and young boys come to sow to bring wealth and prosperity into the house for the year. The sowers' grain cannot be swept out before sunset. A man should be the first to come home on Old New Year - then there will be a good harvest, healthy livestock, and harmony in the house. It is customary to give money to all sowers.

Sowing for the Old New Year is an old ritual that our ancestors performed to increase the harvest next year. Now sowers pursue other goals, but traditions remain traditions.

Sowing begins exclusively in the morning of January 14th. And boys, boys and men can do this. Early in the morning, having united in groups, they go to neighboring houses and ask permission to sow. Sowers must have bags with them of any grain, for example, wheat, barley, buckwheat or rice.

Wishing the owners all the best, the guys scatter grain around the rooms and read bright sowing poems. As gratitude, good fellows are given sweet pastries, candies, fruits or some money. And after they leave, the grain cannot be swept until sunset.

How to sow correctly:

  • It is necessary to prepare the grain in advance; most often, sowers used wheat, rye, barley or buckwheat.
  • You cannot sow with bare hands; according to tradition, sowers must wear warm gloves.
  • The sower enters the house with two bags: one for grain, the second for treats.
  • The sooner the first sower comes, the more happiness, luck and prosperity he will bring to the house.
  • The grain that the sowers have scattered cannot be swept up before sunset, otherwise the entire effect of sowing will go away.

The sowers had to not only enter the house and scatter the grain, but with the help of special poems and songs wish the owners a generous harvest, wealth and health. It is believed that if a sower does not cope well with wishes, he can be kicked out with a broom, since such people take away good luck and prosperity from the house.

Few people know that under no circumstances should you give money to sowers, so as not to sit without finances all year. Their generous wishes should be thanked with sweets and treats.

The tradition of sowing came to us from pre-Christian times, when the New Year was celebrated in the spring, and grain had a special sacred meaning for people. In the establishment of Orthodoxy, the night from January 13 to 14 is called the meeting of Melanka and Vasily, two saints who patronized farmers.

Boys, guys and men go sowing. Women are prohibited from doing this. Early in the morning of January 14, they knock on their neighbors' doors and ask permission to sow. Next, according to tradition, the guys enter the upper room. This means that in modern apartments you need to sow not in the corridor or hallway, but in the room.

Children, who were called “sowers,” pretended to sow grain, or sprinkled the owners, the room, and the red corner (the place where the icons stood). To do this, they put on mittens and hid “arable land” (rye, wheat or barley) in them. Sometimes, instead of mittens, they took the torn edge of an old shirt. Some sowers used two sleeves: one for grain, and the second for gifts from their owners.

When the sowers entered the house, the housewives asked them to take off their shoes and sit on the threshold. Meanwhile, the owner went to the barn and chased the chickens off the roost so that they would lay eggs better.

In ancient times, housewives caught grain with aprons. They believed that if they then gave it to the chickens, they would lay eggs better. When the children left, the grain was collected in a sieve. It was given to poultry so that birds would not run away into other people's yards.

During the “sowing”, one must read sentences and spells in the form of verses, at the end of which they usually ask for a treat for the sowers. First they say: “I sow, weed, I sow, Happy New Year!”, and then they read the verdict.

Ilya goes to see Vasil,
Carrying a poisonous puga,
It will wave here and wave there,
There is a cannonball in the field, and there is good in the house,
There is a spikelet in the field, and there is a pie in the house
God, give birth to wheat,
All arable land!
Happy New Year and Happy Vasily!

Kolyada walks around the huts,
Wears a life scarf.
Wherever it flies, life grows there,
Where he doesn't wave, he doesn't exist.
I sow, I sow, I sow,
Happy New Year!
Holy Kolyada kneaded deju,
She baked pies for both the horned and the rich.
The second Kolyada is the middle of winter.

Let the Old New Year
It will bring you wealth
Good luck, joy, inspiration
And a golden mood.

New Year, although Old,
But he brings you gifts.
And snowflake crystals
They dance in a round dance again.

I wish you a long life,
Know no trouble!
May there be a lot of prosperity
The joy cannot be counted!

On the Old New Year I wish everyone,
Don't get sick or have problems,
Achieve everything your soul wants,
And be on top in every task!

To want to live and dream,
And it’s nice to relax at the resorts,
To have enough money and love,
And may the golden days come!

I sow, I winnow, I sow,
Happy New Year!
For the New Year, for new happiness -
Be born wheat,
Peas, lentils!
On the field - in heaps,
There are pies on the table!
Happy New Year,

We sow, we sow, we sow,
Happy New Year!
Give me a ruble or a nickel -
Let's not leave here like this.

We sow, we weed, we sow,
Happy New Year!
Even though it’s an “old” New Year -
It still brings good things!
We wish the old fashioned way
Fertility - to the cattle,
A warm booth for a little dog,
Saucers of milk for a kitten,
A handful of wheat for a cockerel,
Red girl - friend,
Small children - mom and dad,
Grandmother - small grandchildren!
We sow, we weed, we sow,
Happy New Year!
Open the chest
Get out the piglet!

I sow, I sow,
Happy New Year!
Let rye and wheat be born,
Let happiness settle in the house!

I sow, I winnow, I sow,
Happy New Year!
For the New Year, for new happiness
Be born wheat,
Peas, lentils!
On the field - in heaps,
There are pies on the table!
Happy New Year,
With new happiness, master, hostess!

I sow, I sow, I sow, I wish you happiness and joy.
The owner is coming, carrying his belongings!
The first possession is a measure of life,
A measure of life will keep the goat full.
Another belonging is a measure of buckwheat,
A measure of buckwheat - for dumplings.
The third possession is an oat sieve,
Oat sieve, sausage on top.
Be healthy! Happy Saints!
Happy holiday, owners!

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Sowing for the Old New Year is a long-standing ritual that our ancestors performed to increase the harvest next year. Now sowers are pursuing other goals, but traditions remain traditions. Sowers go from house to house, wishing the owners all the best. About how to sow correctly and what traditions should be followed.

What should sowers have with them?

Firstly, good mood and good thoughts. Secondly, mittens that are filled with grain. It doesn't have to be wheat; you can take barley, rye and even rice. Instead of mittens, you can use fabric bags.


How does sowing occur?

A group of good fellows (and only boys and men go to sow) ask permission to sow. If the owners agree, the guys begin to sow - scatter grain around the room and sing or tell the sowers. The grain that is sown cannot be swept out before sunset.

It is generally accepted that the first sower brings happiness and prosperity to the house, so they began to sow from their own home, for which the parents presented their beloved child with money. Then they went to relatives, neighbors, and fellow villagers.


Usually the sowers are treated to pastries, sweets, fruits, and sometimes given money.

Several sowings for the Old New Year:

We sow, we weed, we sow,
Happy New Year!
Even though it’s the Old New Year -
It still brings good things!
We wish the old fashioned way
Fertility - to the cattle,
A warm dog house,
Saucers of milk for a kitten,
A handful of wheat for a cockerel,
Red girl - friend,
Small children - mom and dad,
Grandmother - small grandchildren!
We sow, we weed, we sow,
Happy New Year!
Open the chest
Get out the piglet!

The sowing ceremony is one of the main traditions of celebrating the Old New Year, which Ukrainians celebrate on the night of January 13-14. In our material we will tell you when, what and how to sow for the Old New Year 2020. In addition, here you will find interesting poems for sowing, with which you can safely go to visit your neighbors, family and friends.

Sowing for the Old New Year is an old ritual that our ancestors performed to increase the harvest next year. Now sowers pursue other goals, but traditions remain traditions.

When to sow for the Old New Year

Sowing begins exclusively in the morning of January 14th. And boys, boys and men can do this. Early in the morning, having united in groups, they go to neighboring houses and ask permission to sow. Sowers must have bags with them of any grain, for example, wheat, barley, buckwheat or rice. Wishing the owners all the best, the guys scatter grain around the rooms and read bright sowing poems. As gratitude, good fellows are given sweet pastries, candies, fruits or some money. And after they leave, the grain cannot be swept until sunset.

How to sow correctly:

  • It is necessary to prepare the grain in advance; most often, sowers used wheat, rye, barley or buckwheat.
  • You cannot sow with bare hands; according to tradition, sowers must wear warm gloves.
  • The sower enters the house with two bags: one for grain, the other- for treats.
  • The sooner the first sower comes, the more happiness, luck and prosperity he will bring to the house.
  • The grain that the sowers have scattered cannot be swept up before sunset, otherwise the entire effect of sowing will go away.

Sowing for the Old New Year 2020

We sow, we sow, we sow,

Happy New Year.

Give me a hryvnia or five -

Let's not leave here like this.

We sow, we weed, we sow,

Happy New Year!

Even though it’s an “old” New Year -

It still brings good things!

We wish the old fashioned way

Fertility - to the cattle,

Warm booth for the dog,

Saucers of milk for a kitten,

A handful of wheat for a cockerel,

Red girl - friend,

Small children - mom and dad,

Grandmother - small grandchildren!

We sow, we weed, we sow,

Happy New Year!

Open the chest -

Get out the piglet!

Shchedrivochka was generous,

I spent the night under the window,

Chi ram, chi sheep,

Serve the pancake,

Don't bite, don't break,

But in general, let's do it!

Generous evening, Good evening!

I sow, I sow, I sow, I wish you happiness and joy.

The owner is coming, carrying his belongings!

The first possession is a measure of life,

A measure of life will keep the goat full.

Another belonging is a measure of buckwheat,

Buckwheat measure - for dumplings.

The third possession is an oat sieve,

Oat sieve, sausage on top.

Be healthy! Happy Saints!

Happy holiday, owners!

The Old New Year is a rare historical phenomenon, an unofficial holiday that is celebrated only by residents of the post-Soviet space and is completely incomprehensible to foreigners. This is a remnant of an ancient, probably pre-Christian custom. According to the Christian calendar, this is the day of St. Melania. IN folk tradition both holidays have merged, and now we have the Generous Evening or Melanka holiday.

How the Old New Year was celebrated and what was prepared

If before Christmas they prepared a rich dinner, mainly consisting of twelve dishes, then on January 13 - a generous one. She didn't have that large quantity dishes, but it was very savory: sausages, fried meat, roast, noodles and, of course, pancakes - a symbol of the Sun. By the way, in Polesie, they cooked the second kutya, seasoning it with lard.

That's why the dinner was called generous, and hence the name - Generous Evening. This is spoken about in many generous songs and carols: Generous evening, good evening, Good people to your health!

According to the Christian calendar, January 13 is the day of the Venerable Melania the Roman, who died in 439, so it is called Melanca, and the next day is Basil. In ancient times, Malanka, Vasily and Epiphany were associated with the New Year's cycle of the so-called “Solar Circle”.

The daybozke considered the largest holiday of the “Generous God” (it later removed the name “Malanok” or “Generous Evening”, which ended the “Holy Evenings”). During the week from Christmas, people did not work, but only celebrated.

A roasted two-week-old pig was placed in the center of the table. Because of its fertility, the pig was considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity.

It was also believed that New Year's table in its abundance it should be equal to the Christmas one, but it should not contain poultry, game birds or a hare, so that happiness does not fly away or gallop away from the house.

Among Belarusians, Russians, Ukrainians, and Moldovans, the ritual New Year's dish was sweet porridge-kutia, which was cooked from whole grains of wheat or from several types of cereals, and pancakes.

And the next day, at dawn, they go to sow grain. The grain is taken in a mitten or in a bag. First they go to godfathers and other relatives and friends. Entering the house, the sower sows grain and greets everyone with a Happy New Year.

5 magical actions to make the new year rich, happy and successful

  1. Prepare a rich dinner. There must be kutya on the table, several meat dishes, pies, dumplings, pancakes, compote. After all, a generous table on this magical night will attract happiness and prosperity to the house for the next year.
  2. When the first sowers arrive, you need to seat at least one of them at the table and treat them with something. Then there will be happiness and wealth in the house, and if there are unmarried girls in the house, they will definitely find a couple in the new year.
  3. The grain after the sowing must be swept up in the morning of the Old New Year and taken out to the gate or into the yard. Build a fire there. When the fire flares up, all family members need to jump over it so that various evil spirits remain on the fire, so that New Year enter clean.
  4. Dad and the children should play hide and seek. And it happens like this: mom puts a bowl of pies on the table, dad sits down and pretends to hide behind the pies. And the children ask: “Mom, where is our dad?” To which he replies: “Don’t you see me? God grant that you don’t see me like this next year.” That is, so that next year there will be the same wealth.
  5. And the mother must go exactly at midnight and collect water from the river, then immerse the bread in it three times, saying: “It is not the bread that bathes in water, but I bathe in health and strength.” Then you need to quietly return home and touch the heads of the sleeping children with wet bread, saying: “May there be such great ones as St. Basil the Great.” Then you need to throw a coin there, and in the morning all family members should wash themselves with this water, this should bring happiness with money for the whole year.

What not to do on Old New Year

It is believed that on this day one should not say the word “thirteen” or count small coins. They say counting coins will bring tears for the whole year. Also, many people still believe that you can’t lend anything on Old New Year and Vasiliev’s Eve, otherwise you will spend the whole year in debt.

There is also a stranger sign - if you take out your dirty laundry on January 14, you will also take happiness out of your home. Superstitious people believe that on the first day of the Old New Year, a man should be the first to enter the house, which is why only boys go to sow.

Folk signs for the Old New Year

  • If the sky is clear and starry, there will be a rich harvest of berries.
  • If there is fog on Vasily, it means the harvest.
  • When there is a lot of fluffy frost on the trees on January 14, the year will be rich in honey.
  • The blizzard on Vasilyev's evening promises a large harvest of nuts.
  • If Vasiliev's night is starry, then the summer will be berry-filled.

How to give and sow

According to a long-standing custom, New Year's rounds are done after sunset, when evil spirits are walking around. Those who sow and give, like Christmas carolers, go around houses from evening to midnight.

The first guest brings happiness to the house. It was considered a good sign if he turned out to be a guy from a large family with a strong household. It was not welcomed if the first guest was a girl or woman of childbearing age. And it’s really bad if an old maid, a widow, a cripple or an old man comes to visit first. Therefore, girls most often do not sow, and if they go to give generously, they do not enter the house or come after the guys.

On the evening of January 13 (Melankin evening), girls (women) give generously. And on January 14, only boys (men) sow.
By the way, you cannot throw away grain scattered by planters - in villages, for example, grains are carefully collected, stored until spring and mixed with other seeds when sowing spring crops.

Sowing for the Old New Year for children and adults, short in verse, in Russian

I sow, sow, sow, happy new year!
For the new year - for new happiness!
Be born wheat, peas, lentils!
On the field in haystacks - on the table with pies!
Happy new year, new happiness, new health!

I sow, I sow, I sow, Happy New Year,
May you live happily and drink a glass!

I sow, I scatter
Oats, rye,
God's mercy!
For cool cottage cheese
Pie for the shepherd!”

“I sow, I winnow, I sow,
Happy New Year.
For the new year, for new happiness
Be born, little wheat,
Peas, lentils!
On the field - in heaps,
There are pies on the table!
Happy New Year,
With new happiness, master, hostess!”

“Vasily is not at home.
God knows
Where does he walk?
He walks with a plow
The Lord himself is with a bag.
Golden pen,
It sows itself.
Where does the pen kick?
The grain will fall there.
Happy New Year with a new happiness!
The wheat is growing big!”

“I sow, I sow, I sow,
Happy New Year!
With cattle, with belly,
With little kids!

We sow, we weed, we sow,
Happy New Year!
Even though it’s an “old” New Year -
It still brings good things!
We wish the old fashioned way
Fertility - to the cattle,
A warm dog house,
Saucers of milk for a kitten,
A handful of wheat for a cockerel,
Red girl - friend,
Small children - mom and dad,
Grandmother - small grandchildren!
We sow, we weed, we sow,
Happy New Year!
Open the chest, take out the piglet!

See you! I'm blowing! I'm sowing!
See you! I sow, I sow!
I don't forget about my friends!
Mid January
It’s not in vain that I send my greetings!
I want to wish you freely
Bright spectacles, hospitality!
And at any time of the day -
Friendly songs, good jokes!
Your kids have an apartment!
Not married - like a banker!
Not married - according to the princess!
Those who are not capable - strength in the process!
May this coming year
Buries you from adversity!
So that the Ministry of Health stands on guard
And take care of your health!
So that you live like in Eden
And they spat on the system!
To get out of the noisy bazaar
They returned only with a load!
We sow, we weed, we sow,
Happy New Year!
Even though it’s the Old New Year -
It still brings good things!

We sow, we weed, we sow,
Happy New Year!
Open the chest
Get out the piglet!
Even a ruble, even a nickel,
Let's not leave here like this!

I sow, I sow, I sow, I congratulate you on Kolyada,
I wish you happiness and joy.
I sow, I sow, I winnow, I sprinkle barley,
So that it grows in the field, so that it doubles in the stable,
So that children grow up, so that girls are married.
I sow, I sow, I sow, I wish you happiness and joy.
Whoever gives us pie will get a barn full of cattle,
Sheep with oats, stallion with a tail.
Whoever doesn't give pie gets a chicken leg,
Pestle and shovel, hunchbacked cow.

Give me the dumpling!
a spoonful of porridge,
Top sausages.
This is not enough
Give me a piece of bacon.
Take it out quickly
Don't freeze the children!
How many aspens,
So many pigs for you;
How many Christmas trees
So many cows;
How many candles
So many sheep.
Good luck to you,
The owner and the hostess
Great health,
Happy New Year,
With all the family! "

To your new summer,
Have a great summer!
Where the horse's tail goes -
It's full of bushes there.
Where does the goat go with its horn?
There's a stack of hay there.
How many aspens,
So many pigs for you;
How many Christmas trees
So many cows;
How many candles
So many sheep.
Happiness to you, master and hostess,
Great health,
Happy New Year,
With all the family!

Words and texts of seeders in Ukrainian

Peace and happiness in your home
May you all be rich
Shchob carol lunala
I savored the meal
Pampushki buli blush
Well, you’re not even drunk anymore
Christ is born!

Swallow has arrived
Started my own Twitter
Gospodarya Wiklikati
Come on, see the Lord
Marvel at Koshara
There were sheep laying around
And the Yagnichki were born
The goods in you are all good
You will give the world pennies
If you want not a penny, then half
You have a black-browed woman

This, this, I sow,
I love you with the New Rock!
On that new river,
It would have been easier to give birth,
Nizh torik!

Come, be born,
Zhito, wheat,
All arable land:
To the Lord of the roots,
The top is spiked.
Be in holy health,
With New Rock!

This, this, I sow,
I don’t miss your house,
With the New Rock I go to the house,
May I please you:
May the children be all healthy,
The porridge is all ready,
May you find peace from them,
And we want a penny!

Video: Funny comic sowing for children for the Old New Year 2020

  • Sowing for the Old New Year. How to do it right
  • Sowing for the Old New Year

Every holiday has its own traditions and the Old New Year is no exception. This holiday arose due to discrepancies between the Gregorian calendar and the Julian calendar.

The sowing ceremony is one of the main traditions of celebrating the Old New Year, which Ukrainians celebrate on the night of January 13-14. In our material we will tell you when, what and how to sow for the Old New Year 2018. In addition, here you will find interesting poems for sowing, with which you can safely go to visit your neighbors, family and friends.

Sowing for the Old New Year is an old ritual that our ancestors performed to increase the harvest next year. Now sowers pursue other goals, but traditions remain traditions.

How did the Old New Year holiday arise and the tradition of sowing?

During the reign of the kings, chronology was carried out according to the Julian calendar. It was founded in ancient times in Rome by ancient Egyptian astronomers. European countries, starting from the 16th century, used the Gregorian calendar, which included new dates for religious holidays.

The Old New Year is a unique holiday that arose due to the discrepancy between two calendars - the Julian and Gregorian. Our ancestors called this holiday Generous Evening. This is due to the fact that that evening they served kutya for dinner, which, unlike the Christmas one, was flavored with fat and lard, that is, it was not lean. Generous.

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Two weeks after the New Year, each of us has the opportunity to once again plunge into the atmosphere of this fabulous holiday, because the Generous Evening is coming. Vasiliev's Day has an immutable date and the Old New Year is celebrated at the same time, namely on the night of January 13-14.

If you need to give generously before January 13, then sowing begins exclusively on the morning of January 14. Sowing on the old New Year is an old ritual that our ancestors performed to increase the harvest next year.

Basic rules for sowing for the Old New Year

Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers did it this way: at dawn on January 14, young guys went to sow grain to their godparents, close relatives, and acquaintances. By folk beliefs, on the old New Year, a man was supposed to be the first to enter the house - it was believed that this would bring happiness to the house for the whole next year. The sowers wished everyone a happy new year and wished them wealth and abundance with special sayings. In response, the owners gave them pies, candies and other sweets. It was believed that money should not be given to sowers - with it one could give away the well-being of the house.

In some villages there is still a ritual according to which on the eve of the old New Year a family burns its old clothes and immediately puts on a new one. This symbolizes the beginning of a new, better life.

To protect the house from all troubles, on January 14, with three lit candles, you need to go around all the rooms clockwise and at the same time be baptized.

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In addition, it was believed that an ax would help protect the house in the New Year, with which the owner should lightly knock on the threshold on the morning of January 14, saying “life, health, bread.”

You should not say the word “thirteen” on Old New Year’s Day.

On January 13 and 14, you should refrain from borrowing. You should not lend anything, otherwise you will spend the whole year in debt.

Eating a bird or fish on Old New Year's Eve is dangerous - happiness will fly away or swim away from home. At the same time, pork dishes festive table fortunately, the pig will “bury” happiness in the house.

Poems for sowing for the Old New Year

You need to sow saying folk words:

I sow, sow, sow, happy new year!
For the new year - for new happiness!
Be born wheat, peas, lentils!
On the field in haystacks - on the table with pies!
Happy new year, new happiness, new health!

A longer poem will impress the owners:

I sow, I sow, I sow, I wish you happiness and joy.
The owner is coming, carrying his belongings!
The first possession is a measure of life,
A measure of life will keep the goat full.
Another belonging is a measure of buckwheat,
A measure of buckwheat - for dumplings.
The third possession is an oat sieve,
Oat sieve, sausage on top.
Be healthy! Happy Saints!
Happy holiday, owners!

The short seeder is easy to learn:

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We sow, we sow, we sow,
Happy New Year.
Give me a ruble or a nickel -
Let's not leave here like this.

For original people, you can sow several types of cereals:

During sowing, the housewife should try to catch the grain that the guests scatter with her apron. The more he collects, the happier the year will be.

Sowing for the Old New Year

I sow for good luck, for health,

Happy New Year to the entire courtyard.

In the old fashioned way I wish you a lot of happiness,

Let all bad weather pass by.

Let it arrive in your pockets this year,

God's mercy saves you from troubles.

I sow, I winnow, I sow,

I will bring happiness to your home.

May the New Year bring you

A lot of joyful worries.

Let the tables be full of dishes,

Let the babies be born.

Let your wallet burst

Only prosperity brings you.

May the family be healthy

Luck will not forget the house.

Accept wishes

I'll give you a coin for your efforts.

I sow wheat for you, may luck knock on your house.

I sow barley, grain - may there be prosperity in it.

I generously sprinkle buckwheat - I wish the whole family happiness.

May millet bring you only joy this year.

God's grace and health to you too.

We sow and sow, we wish you happiness.

Good health, warm courtyard.

So that the grain is born, so that the stable doubles.

It rustled in the wallet and burst on the table.