Quatrains for Victory Day. Short poems for Victory Day (May 9) Quatrains about May 9

Victory Day! Victory Day!
There are festive fireworks in the sky.
Celebrate this holiday
Everything is around - both here and there.

I wish everyone in the world
Peace, happiness and warmth.
Without war, under a peaceful sky,
May we always live!

On Victory Day, veterans
They wear orders,
To them “Thank you for the Victory!”
The country speaks loudly.

The sun gilds the medals
And the eternal fire burns,
Every year there are fewer and fewer of them
Standing here at the parade.

I'll go up to the veteran
He is a hero and my idol,
And I will tell him: “Thank you
For you, grandfather, for peace!”

Congratulations on Victory Day,
I wish peace to the whole country,
The sky is clear, kind,
Always be united!

I'll grow up a little
And I will become a soldier,
I will protect everyone
And protect peace!

Happy Victory Day, veterans,
Happy Victory Day, the whole country,
The feat of great-grandfathers and grandfathers
We will always remember.

Peace and understanding to all,
Laughter and happy days,
Clear sky above us
Faithful, devoted friends.

Great holiday Victory Day
The whole country celebrates.
Victory day, victory day,
Loudly we shout hurray!

Let the great-grandfathers wear
Military orders.
Let him be proud of their beauty
The whole mighty country!

Fireworks and salutes,
Joy, happiness on this day.
We will give veterans
Fragrant lilac!

Congratulations on Victory Day,
I wish you a peaceful sky,
So that the country does not know troubles,
Health and goodness to everyone!

We live in love and peace
No bombing, no war.
Our grandfathers deserved
Respect from the entire country.

Congratulations to the veterans,
We say thank you to them.
Memory of the glorious Victory
Let's keep it in our hearts!

Don't forget Victory Day
We will remember, we will honor.
This is my homeland
You can't help but be proud of her.
The exploits of our native country,
We will glorify for centuries.

With dad, with mom on Victory Day
We're going to the parade.
I carry a portrait of my great-grandfather,
I'm very proud, very happy.

Let everyone who gets it
This is a sky without war
In memory of our heroes
They will be forever faithful!

Victory Day is a glorious holiday,
We cherish the memory,
Congratulations to the veterans,
To them - “Thank you!” we talk.

Every inhabitant of our land
Let him always live in love,
The sky will be the clearest
There will be joyful days.

Congratulations on Victory Day,
I wish peace to everyone.
May the sky be clear
The family will be happy.

Thank you to all the veterans,
We all remember your feat,
Low bow to you today
For reality and dreams.

Happy May Victory Day
Congratulations to our grandfathers.
“Thank you!” to them! we'll say
For the peace of our country,
That we have a warm home
And no one cries in it.
We wish veterans
Stay with us longer!

Happy Victory Day!
Memory, you are alive.
Happy Victory Day!
Peace to everyone, good.

All people are happy today -
Joy shines in the eyes!
Victory Day is a holiday of glory,
A holiday of memory in the hearts!

Cheers cheers! Happy Victory Day everyone!
Let them pass by the troubles
All people live happily
And they bring only good into our world.

I offer you a selection of poems about Victory Day for children. You can simply read them to talk about the holiday and awaken patriotic feelings. Or you can learn short poems by May 9th for festive concert and meetings with veterans.

If the child is 3-4 years old, choose verses so that he understands the meaning.

Victory Day

May holiday - Victory Day
The whole country celebrates.
Our grandfathers put on
Military orders.

The road calls them in the morning
To the ceremonial parade.
And thoughtfully from the threshold
The grandmothers look after them.
(T. Belozerov)

Thank you for the Victory, grandfather,
For our lives, for the world, for the sky,
Your feat will live for many years,
Thank you for living and believing!


There are obelisks in Russia,
They have the names of soldiers...
My boys the same age
They lie under the obelisks.
And to them, silent in sadness,
Flowers come from the field
The girls who were waiting for them so much
Now they are completely gray.
(A. Ternovsky)

Old photo

Photograph on the wall -
There are memories of the war in the house.
Dimkin's grandfather
On this photo:
With a machine gun near the pillbox,
Hand bandaged
Smiles slightly...

Here for just ten years
Older than Dimka
Dimkin's grandfather.
(S. Pivovarov)

On the radio

Letter I tried
Write without blots:
"Please do
A gift for grandfather..."
Been on the road for a long time
Musical hello.
But here he comes
And my grandfather hugged me -
Came to see him on holiday
9th May
His favorite song
(S. Pivovarov)

What kind of holiday?

There are festive fireworks in the sky,
Fireworks here and there.
The whole country congratulates
Glorious veterans.
And the blooming spring
Gives them tulips
Gives white lilac.
What a glorious May day?
(N. Ivanova)

Let children not know war

I haven't seen the war, but I know
How difficult it was for the people
And hunger, and cold, and horror -
They got to experience everything.

Let them live peacefully on the planet,
Let children not know war,
Let the bright sun shine!
We should be a friendly family!

Dead and alive

To the dead -
Be constantly on duty
They live in street names and epics.
Their exploits are holy beauty
Artists will display it in paintings.
Alive -
To honor heroes, not to forget,
Keep their names in immortal lists,
Remind everyone of their courage
And lay flowers at the foot of the obelisks!

No one is forgotten

“No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten” -
Burning inscription on a block of granite.
The wind plays with faded leaves
And the wreaths are covered with cold snow.
But, like fire, at the foot there is a carnation.
No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten.
(A. Shamarin)

Salute to Victory

Salute and glory to the anniversary
Forever a memorable day!
Salute to Victory in Berlin
The power of fire has been trampled by fire!

Salute to her big and small
To the creators who followed the same path,
To her soldiers and generals,
To the heroes fallen and alive,

Let there be peace

May the sky be blue
Let there be no smoke in the sky,
Let the menacing guns be silent
And the machine guns don’t fire,
So that people and cities can live...
Peace is always needed on earth!
(N. Naydenova)

Remember it forever! (excerpt)

Wherever you go or go,
But stop here
To the grave this way
Bow with all your heart.
Whoever you are -
Fisherman, miner,
Scientist or shepherd, -
Remember forever: here lies
Your very best friend.
For both you and me
He did everything he could:
He didn’t spare himself in battle
And saved the Motherland.
(M. Isakovsky)

There are so few holidays left,
When the past is remembered.
And in memory of the great victory
All veterans are congratulated.

Tulips and lilacs are blooming,
For eternal unforgotten glory.
And on this peaceful May day,
We present laurels to the dead

Tears of happiness, red carnations
Gratitude from grandchildren and children,
There are sun reflections on the medals
Brave, heroic people.

The date has become a symbol of freedom
Victory Day, but still bitter.
Military glory will not fade,
The feat will last for centuries!

Do you remember on May 9th
All those who once fought
So that you can live without knowing war,
So that peace on earth does not end!

It’s not for nothing that they call you heroes -
Your contribution to the destiny of the country is invaluable!
You exposed yourself to life's bullets.
Thank you for the victory!
Your descendants will remember you and glorify you!
We honor your courage and courage!
May there never be sadness.
We want peace, happiness, joy!

The ninth of May, a special date,
The country celebrates it with all its heart,
My great-grandfather was a soldier, I know, once upon a time,
I am very proud of my great-grandfather, friends!

Glory to our generals
And to ordinary soldiers.
Glory to the fallen and the living,
Thank you to them from the bottom of my heart!
Let's not forget those heroes
What lies in the damp ground,
Giving my life on the battlefield
For the people, for you and me!
(S. Mikhalkov)

Military orders

The dawns sparkle in the order's rays,
No you can not,
So that in desks
The Light of Victory was locked for a year.
The country is not for your personal glory
She gave out awards without sparing:
Take out the cup of the order,
The world becomes brighter from them.
(L. Sorokin)

We are not here because of the date,
Like an evil fragment, the memory burns in the chest.
To the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
You can come on weekdays.
he protected you on the battlefield,
He fell without taking a step back,
And this hero has a name -
The Great Army is a simple soldier.
(M. Isakovsky)

The country was blooming. But the enemy is around the corner
He carried out a raid and went to war against us.
At that terrible hour,
Becoming a wall of steel,
All the youth took up arms,
To defend our native Fatherland.
(A. Bezymensky)

Forgive us

Spring is all around.
The war died down long ago.
How many of you lie in your graves,
Forever young soldiers,
Overshadowing the whole world with themselves.
We are all in the bustle of the earth
We remember you so rarely.
Forgive us...

Happy Victory Day

The years are passing. And more than half a century
It has already passed since that great war.
The fighting has subsided. In a man's thoughts
Now we are just waiting for spring.

Congratulations on the ninth of May
Both veterans and their descendants.
May the joy of victories never leave you,
Giving you a reason for the exploits of others!
(Olga Teplyakova)


Today, as once in forty-five,
The words “victory”, “peace” and “May” are heard
And the brave soldiers march,
Without being distracted even by chance.

The bride cherry blossoms again,
Welcoming the fighters like for the first time...
And the veterans don’t find a place,
Stealthily wiping tears from my eyes.
(Olga Teplyakova)

Victory Day

The war is over. The overcoat is gathering dust
In the farthest corner there is a dressing table.
Let the war never happen again,
The sad letter will not come.

Your youth in these battles
It's been a long time since he lost his young grandfather.
He will greet Victory Day with trepidation,
After all, there were no more important victories!
(Olga Teplyakova)


Frontline songs,
Military awards,
Red tulips,
Veterans' meetings
And fireworks in half the sky,
Huge as Victory.

Happy Victory Day! Let your heart be proud of the exploits of your grandparents, let your memory not erase the great events of the difficult path to Victory! I wish you to live under a peaceful sky, appreciate the time and happiness of every day, take care of your Motherland, protect your loved ones and every time greet the joyful Victory Day with bright fireworks and loud applause!

Congratulations on Victory Day and I sincerely wish that there will always be a clear blue sky above our heads, that this world will give us all bright dreams and bright hopes, that our loved ones will never know what the word “war” means. May your heart always be proud of the great Victory, and may your soul sincerely thank the heroes of that time for the gift of peace and the opportunity to live happily.

I sincerely congratulate you on Victory Day and want to wish you to live happily on this planet, keeping pride and gratitude for peace and tranquility in your heart. Let there be no place for war in this world, let every dawn bring only joy and love.

We congratulate you on the glorious day that proclaimed the triumph of peace, on Victory Day. May this great holiday be peaceful and calm in your soul and heart, may your loved ones be healthy and happy. Take care of peace and harmony, value life, sacredly honor the feat of your people.

Happy Victory Day! I wish there is peace and tranquility on our planet, and hope and joy in our hearts. And the great exploits of our grandfathers will not be forgotten, let our history continue to develop only on the pages of peacetime. I wish you health, love, happiness and bright colors of life!

We congratulate you on a bright, great and solemn holiday for our entire country. May the sky above your heads always be peaceful, may nothing disturb good sleep our children. Be healthy and grateful to those who defended the peace and independence of our people in terrible times.

Today is a legendary and great day - Victory Day! On this day, I would like to wish that peace and goodness flourish in every home, that every person protects their loved ones, that veterans are always welcome and given the attention they deserve, and that every day brings us only happiness! May war never enter our lives again, and may the sky above our heads always be bright and clear!

Happy Victory Day! Let there always be harmony, peace and tranquility in your homes. Low bow to our veterans who brought Victory closer with their strength and perseverance. There are very few of them left and they deserve decent and happy days and attention.

We always greet this great memorable day with a bit of sadness - Victory Day! Today we thank our grandfathers for heroism and courage, for the peaceful sky and the smiles of children - this is priceless. I would like to wish everyone more kindness, health, calm days, true friendship and boundless faith in themselves and in the best in the world. I wish you love, undisguised joy, happiness and harmony in your family. Take care of your family, their love and always support - this is the main thing.

Happy Victory Day, the holiday that gave us all this peace and joy, the holiday for which our grandfathers performed heroic deeds! I wish you to live under a clear sky, walk around your native mother earth and be an incredibly happy person who will never forget great history of old times.

Website “Mom can do anything!” I collected the most interesting poems for May 9 for preschoolers. On the eve of Victory Day, kindergartens hold concerts and meetings with veterans. These verses will be very helpful. Their children will be able to tell veterans and congratulate their great-grandparents. And with their help, adults will be able to tell children about the great Victory Day, why May 9 is so important for us.

Victory Day

I’ll sit on my grandfather’s lap and quietly whisper:
- Tell me, dear grandfather, and I’ll keep quiet!
I will listen to everything you want to tell me,
And I won’t turn around and interrupt!
I want to hear about the war, how you fought,
How did you save the banner in such a distant battle!
Tell me about your military friends, grandfather
And show the yellowed photo in the album!
He smiled at his grandfather’s grandson and pressed him to his chest:
– I’ll tell you about everything, of course, since I promised!
How we survived the war, how we went to death,
How many miles we traveled in mud and dust!
Like we fought an enemy from our native land
And they didn’t give an inch - they survived, they made it!
And now we celebrate Victory Day with you,
Only in the festive parade on the command: “Get in line!”

(Natalia Maidanik)

Victory Day

May holiday -
Victory Day
The whole country celebrates.
Our grandfathers put on
Military orders.

The road calls them in the morning
To the ceremonial parade.
And thoughtfully from the threshold
The grandmothers look after them.

(Belozerov T.)

Victory Day

We celebrate Victory Day,
He comes with flowers and banners.
We are all heroes today
We call by name.
We know: it’s not at all easy
He came to us - Victory Day.
This day has been conquered
Our dads, our grandfathers.
And that's why today
They put on medals.
We, going to the holiday with them,
They sang a sonorous song.
We dedicate this song
To our dads, our grandfathers.
To our beloved Motherland
Glory, glory on Victory Day!

(Abdulhak Igebaev)

What kind of holiday?

There are festive fireworks in the sky,
Fireworks here and there.
The whole country congratulates
Glorious veterans.

And the blooming spring
Gives them tulips
Gives white lilac.
What a glorious May day?

(N. Ivanova)

At the parade

Rejoices, celebrating the Victory,
My city is in a colorful glow,
And at the parade with my grandfather
We walk hand in hand.
Grandfather remembers how, in the hard years,
He was eager to fight for his homeland.
For the sake of life and freedom
His fellow countryman died.
How the Nazis burned our villages,
They wanted to burn the cities...
And now grandfather is cheerful -
A terrible disaster has passed.
A bright star flashed
Behind her, others began to shine.
I will never forget,
How our grandfathers fought!

(Elena Ranneva)


Frontline songs,
Military awards,
Red tulips,
Veterans' meetings
And fireworks in half the sky,
Huge as Victory.


My great-grandmother is gray-haired,
So sweet, dear.
Plays with me, snuggles me,
But she doesn't like to remember
How did you fight in the war?
He will sigh and tell me:
– The most precious things are peace and children!
And on Victory Day, at dawn,
He will get his orders,
She will wipe away the tears with her hand.
Put on a festive outfit,
And we are going to the parade with her!
She walks quietly
With a stick, my back hurts.
Orders burn in the sun.
The country honors all veterans,
For defending Rus'!
I'm proud of my great-grandmother
I'm proud!

(Tatiana Petukhova)

What is Victory Day

What is Victory Day?
This is the morning parade:
Tanks and missiles are coming,
A line of soldiers is marching.

What is Victory Day?
This is a festive fireworks display:
Fireworks fly into the sky
Scattering here and there.

What is Victory Day?
These are songs at the table,
These are speeches and conversations,
This is my grandfather's album.

These are fruits and sweets,
These are the smells of spring...
What is Victory Day -
This means no war.


Hurry, hurry, get dressed!
Call the guys quickly!
In honor of Victory Day
The guns are firing.
Everything was quiet around
And suddenly - fireworks! Firework!
Rockets burst into flames in the sky
Both there and here!
Above the square
Over the rooftops
Above festive Moscow
Soaring higher and higher
The fountain of lights is alive!
To the street, to the street
Everyone is running happily
They shout “Hurrah”!
For the holiday

(Olga Vysotskaya)

Day of Remembrance

Day of Remembrance -
Victory holiday,
Carrying wreaths
Living ligature,
Warmth of bouquets
Different colors,
So as not to get lost
Connection with the past.
And the mournful slabs are warmed
Flowers with the breath of the field.
Accept it, fighter,
It's all like a gift
After all, this is necessary

Old photo

Photograph on the wall -
There are memories of the war in the house.
Dimkin's grandfather
On this photo:
With a machine gun near the pillbox,
Hand bandaged
Smiles slightly...

Here for just ten years
Older than Dimka
Dimkin's grandfather.

(S. Pivovarov)

On the radio

Letter I tried
Write without blots:
"Please do
A gift for grandfather..."

Been on the road for a long time
Musical hello.

But here he comes
And my grandfather hugged me -
Came to see him on holiday
9th May
His favorite song

At the obelisk

The spruce froze on guard,
The blue of the peaceful sky is clear.
Years go by. In an alarming hum
The war is far away.

But here, at the edges of the obelisk,
Bowing my head in silence,
We hear the roar of tanks close
And a soul-tearing explosion of bombs.

We see them - Russian soldiers,
That in that distant terrible hour
They paid with their lives
For bright happiness for us...

Veteran's Tale

Guys, I'm at war
I went into battle and was on fire.
Morz in the trenches near Moscow,
But, as you can see, he’s alive.
Guys, I had no right
I'll freeze in the snow
Drowning at the crossings
Give your home to the enemy.
I should have come to my mother,
Grow bread, mow grass.
On Victory Day with you
See the blue sky.
Remember everyone who is in a bitter hour
He himself died, but saved the earth...
I'm giving a speech today
Here's what it's about, guys:
We must protect our homeland
Holy as a soldier!

No one is forgotten

“No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten” -
Burning inscription on a block of granite.

The wind plays with faded leaves
And the wreaths are covered with cold snow.

But, like fire, at the foot there is a carnation.
No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten.

(A. Shamarin)

Grandpa's friends

May... The birds are chirping with might and main,
And the parade is going on in the capital.
Grandfathers wear orders.
Happy Victory Day!

Friends come to grandpa
They come on Victory Day.
I like to listen for a long time
Their songs and conversations.

Burning gold in the sun
Military awards,
And they enter the house
To our peaceful home,
Front roads.

I sit silently next to you,
But sometimes it seems
Why am I looking through the sights?
That I'm preparing for a fight.

Friends come to grandpa
Celebrate the Victory.
There are fewer and fewer of them
But I believe:
They will come again.

Grandfather's portrait

Grandmother put on the medals
And now she’s so beautiful!
She celebrates Victory Day
Remembering the great war.
Grandma's face is sad.
There is a soldier's triangle on the table.
Grandfather's letter from the front
Even now it is very painful for her to read.
We look at grandfather's portrait
And we shake hands with my brother:
- Well, what kind of grandfather is this?
He's still just a boy!

(V. Turov)

No war

One day the children went to bed -
The windows are all darkened.
And we woke up at dawn -
There is light in the windows - and there is no war!

You don't have to say goodbye anymore
And don’t accompany him to the front -
They will return from the front,
We will wait for heroes.

The trenches will be overgrown with grass
At the sites of past battles.
Getting better every year
Hundreds of cities will stand still.

And in good moments
You will remember and I will remember,
Like from fierce enemy hordes
We cleared the edges.

Let's remember everything: how we were friends,
How we put out fires
Like our porch
They drank fresh milk
Gray with dust,
A tired fighter.

Let's not forget those heroes
What lies in the damp ground,
Giving my life on the battlefield
For the people, for you and me...

Glory to our generals,
Glory to our admirals
And to the ordinary soldiers -
On foot, swimming, horseback,
Tired, seasoned!
Glory to the fallen and the living -
Thank you to them from the bottom of my heart!

(S. Mikhalkov)

Eternal flame

Above the grave, in a quiet park
The tulips bloomed brightly.
The fire is always burning here,
A Soviet soldier is sleeping here.

We bowed low
At the foot of the obelisk,
Our wreath blossomed on it
Hot, fiery fire.

Soldiers defended the world
They gave their lives for us.
Let's keep it in our hearts
Bright memory of them!

Like a continuation of the life of a soldier
Under the stars of a peaceful power
Flowers burn on military graves
Wreaths of unfading glory.

Salute to Victory

Salute and glory to the anniversary
Forever a memorable day!
Salute to Victory in Berlin
The power of fire has been trampled by fire!
Salute to her big and small
To the creators who walked the same path,
To her soldiers and generals,
To the heroes fallen and alive,


There are obelisks in Russia,
They have the names of soldiers...
My boys the same age
They lie under the obelisks.
And to them, silent in sadness,
Flowers come from the field
The girls who were waiting for them so much
Now they are completely gray.

(A. Ternovsky)

Dead and alive

To the dead -
Be constantly on duty
They live in street names and epics.
Their exploits are holy beauty
Artists will display it in paintings.
Alive -
To honor heroes, not to forget,
Keep their names in immortal lists,
Remind everyone of their courage
And lay flowers at the foot of the obelisks!

We need peace

Everyone needs peace and friendship,
Peace is more important than anything in the world,
On a land where there is no war,
The children sleep peacefully at night.
Where the guns don't thunder,
The sun is shining brightly in the sky.
We need peace for all the guys.
We need peace on the entire planet!

Let there be peace!

Let the machine guns not fire,
And the menacing guns are silent,
Let there be no smoke in the sky,
May the sky be blue
Let the bombers run over it
They don't fly to anyone
People and cities don’t die...
Peace is always needed on earth!

Victory Day

Victory Day May 9 –
A holiday of peace in the country and spring.
On this day we remember the soldiers,
Those who did not return to their families from the war.

On this holiday we honor our grandfathers,
Defending their native country,
To those who gave Victory to the peoples
And who returned peace and spring to us!

(N. Tomilina)

Who was in the war

My daughter once turned to me:
- Dad, tell me, who was in the war?

— Grandfather Lenya is a military pilot —
There was a combat aircraft flying in the sky.

Grandfather Zhenya was a paratrooper.
He didn't like to remember the war

And he answered my questions:
— The battles were very difficult.

Grandmother Sonya worked as a doctor,
She saved the lives of soldiers under fire.

Great-grandfather Alyosha in cold winter
He fought with enemies near Moscow itself.

Great-grandfather Arkady died in the war.
Everyone served their homeland well.

Many people did not return from the war.
It's easier to answer who wasn't there.

What is Victory Day

What is Victory Day?
This is the morning parade:
Tanks and missiles are coming,
A line of soldiers is marching.

What is Victory Day?
This is a festive fireworks display:
Fireworks fly into the sky
Scattering here and there.

What is Victory Day?
These are songs at the table,
These are speeches and conversations,
This is my grandfather's album.

These are fruits and sweets,
These are the smells of spring...
What is Victory Day -
This means no war.

Congratulations grandpa
Happy Victory Day.
It's even good
That he wasn't there.

Was then as I am now,
Vertically challenged.
Although he did not see the enemy -
I just hated it!

He worked like a big man
For a handful of bread,
The day of Victory was approaching,
Even though he was not a fighter.

Steadfastly endured all hardships,
Paying with childhood
To live and grow in peace
His grandson is wonderful.

So that in abundance and love
Enjoyed life
So that I don't see the war,
My grandfather saved the Fatherland.


A veteran is a seasoned fighter,
I've seen a lot in my life.
He is brave in battle
Defended his country!

On Victory Day they sparkled
There are medals on his chest.
There are medals on his chest!
My sister and I counted them.

Let children not know war

I haven't seen the war, but I know
How difficult it was for the people
And hunger, and cold, and horror -
They got to experience everything.
Let them live peacefully on the planet,
Let children not know war,
Let the bright sun shine!
We should be a friendly family!

Let the sun shine over the Earth!

Victory Day is a holiday for the whole country!
Both adults and children celebrate.
So that there is no war in the world,
The man of the Earth is responsible for everything.
Let the sun smile at dawn
And joy will flow into every home.
Let the children on the planet have fun.
And the blue sky will be clear.
Even though we are a small people now.
We are ready to build a world on Earth.
To save the planet from adversity,
We will throw off the shackles of war from her.
To hear children's laughter in the spring,
In the blue embrace of ether,
We need to live together as one family,
Try to all the peoples of the world.

(Galina Rukosueva)

To the Heroes of Victory - thank you!

That they gave the WORLD,
Then - in forty-five!

You are blood and sweat
You were young
Now they are grandfathers.

We will never forget!
May the sun be PEACEFUL
Shines for all people!

May happiness and joy
They live on the planet!
After all, the world is very necessary -
Both adults and children!

At grandpa's

Grandpa is with me today.
He is my big Hero.
I touch the medals
and orders by hand -
That one near Kursk they gave,
And the order is near Moscow.
One risky per fight
The grandfather was noted near Pskov.
I read proudly:
“For the capture of Berlin!”...
Today is Victory Day -
I'll hug my grandfather
I'll listen to the conversations
About a terrible war.

(Anatoly Mokhorev)

Let there be peace

How tired of the wars in the world,
Soldiers and small children are dying,
The earth groans when shells explode,
Mothers cry and battalion commanders cry.

I want to shout: “People, wait,
Stop the war, live with dignity,
Nature is dying and the planet is dying,
Well, do you really like this??? »

War is pain, it is death, it is tears,
There are tulips and roses on mass graves.
It's been a rough time in the world for a while,
Where war rules, there is no peace for anyone.

I encourage you, we all need this,
Let there be peace on earth, let there be friendship,
Let the radiant sun shine on us all,
And wars NEVER happen ANYWHERE!!!

(Olga Maslova, St. Petersburg)

I'm alive! Arms and legs in place!
I eat deliciously and sleep regularly!
I am your descendant, I am one of many,
My dears, I love you!

Sometimes we are offended by our lives,
Problems, debts - an unplowed field!
None of us saw with our own eyes,
What befalls then falls to your lot!

We know books and films about victory,
Historians' words sound slurred!
Conversations with my grandfather are closer to my heart,
Piercing right through to the toes with facts!

That's where the trouble is! That's where the will of steel is!
This is the pain of loss, from edge to edge!
They shed rivers of blood for us,
Paving the way for us on a bright path!

I remember you, grandfather, even though you are not with us,
And the wound is still fresh in my heart!
I firmly believe that all of you have become angels,
Eternal memory to you! Dear veterans...

Even then we were not in the world

Even then we were not in the world,
When fireworks thundered from one end to another.
Soldiers, you gave to the planet
Great May, victorious May!

When in a military storm of fire,
Deciding the fate of future centuries,
You fought a holy battle!
Even then we were not in the world,
When you came home with Victory.
Soldiers of May, glory to you forever
From all the earth, from all the earth!
Thank you, soldiers.
For life, for childhood and spring,
For the silence
For a peaceful home,
For the world we live in!

Victory Day in the middle and in senior group DOW. Poetry


- Why are you saving your overcoat? -

I asked my dad. —

Why don't you tear it up and burn it? -

I asked my dad.

After all, she is both dirty and old,

Take a closer look,

There's a hole in the back,

Take a closer look!

“That’s why I take care of it,”

Dad answers me, -

That’s why I won’t tear it up, I won’t burn it, -

Dad answers me. —

That's why she's dear to me

What's in this overcoat

We went, my friend, against the enemy

And they defeated him!

The country was blooming. But the enemy is around the corner

He carried out a raid and went to war against us.

At that terrible hour,

Becoming a wall of steel,

All the youth took up arms,

To defend our native Fatherland.

War. Brutal war

This is not the first month...

Life is tense, like a string,

The capital is in danger.


Hurry, hurry, get dressed!

Call the guys quickly!

In honor of the big holiday

The guns are firing.

Everything was quiet around

And suddenly - fireworks! Firework!

Rockets burst into flames in the sky

Both there and here!

Above the square

Over the rooftops

Above festive Moscow

Soars higher and higher

The fountain of lights is alive!

To the street, to the street

Everyone is running happily

They shout: “Hurray!”


For the holiday

Peaceful rhyme

One two three four five!

Red, white, yellow, blue!

Copper, iron, aluminum!

Sun, air and water!

Mountains, rivers, cities!

Work, fun, sweet dreams!

And let the war come out!

Let there be peace

May the sky be blue

Let there be no smoke in the sky,

Let the menacing guns be silent

And the machine guns don’t fire,

So that people, cities live...

Peace is always needed on earth!

Remember it forever! (excerpt)

Wherever you go or go,

But stop here

To the grave this way

Bow with all your heart.

Whoever you are -

Fisherman, miner,

Scientist or shepherd, -

Remember forever: here lies

Your very best friend.

For both you and me

He did everything he could:

He didn’t spare himself in battle

And saved the Motherland.

Monument to Glory

In a clearing, close to the camp,

Where wild rosemary blooms all summer,

Looking at the road from the obelisk

Infantryman, sailor and pilot.

Imprint of a happy childhood

Preserved on the faces of the soldiers,

But they can’t escape anywhere now

From the military severity of dates.

“Here in the same green June,”

An elderly foreman told us,

She took them, cheerful and young,

And the war did not bring me home.

At dawn, holding the machine guns,

The soldiers were going to storm the heights...”

To our ageless counselors

We put flowers at our feet.


No, the word “peace” will hardly remain,

When there will be wars people will not know.

After all, what was previously called the world,

Everyone will just call it life.

And only children, experts on the past,

Having fun playing war,

Having run around, they will remember this word,

With whom they died in the old days.

Victory Day

May holiday -

Victory Day

The whole country celebrates.

Our grandfathers put on

Military orders.

The road calls them in the morning

To the ceremonial parade,

And thoughtfully from the threshold