What do the words before death mean? Last words of dying celebrities

I came across a “collection” of the last words of dying people on the Internet. They were collected by an unknown intensive care worker.
I remembered my cases. Our neurosurgical patients are silent. But over the years I have accumulated such a “collection”.
Here are some of these last words.

Tom's nurse came running into the resident's room and screamed.
- P.K.!!! Delbakovsky doesn’t want to go there for surgery!
This Delbakovsky is a forty-year-old engineer with a tumor in the right frontal lobe of the brain the size of a large tangerine. The sweetest person, somewhat inadequate, but good-natured and gentle. What's wrong with him? Yesterday we had such a good conversation, we discussed everything. And this morning, on his rounds, he was calm and cheerful.
I went to the ward.
Denlbakovsky lay naked on a torn cot. He was breathing heavily and rolling his huge Jewish eyes ferociously.
He doesn't react to me. There is zero attention to my words. I touched his shoulder - the muscles were tense. There are beads of sweat on the face and chest.
I quietly asked the nurse:
-Have you already done premedication?
- Yes, everything that the anesthesiologist prescribed was administered.
- For a long time?
- Five minutes ago.
- Let it lie there for another ten minutes. Keep an eye on him.
I went to the operating room.
There, the anesthesiologist Kazansky immediately attacked me:
- P.K! What the heck!? How long can a patient wait?
Explained the situation.
Kazansky started up:
- It’s always like that with yours! I'll go to the cardiac intensive care unit as a duty attendant!
Kazansky called his faithful anesthetist Svetochka and the whole company went to Delbakovsky’s room.
The picture is still the same. Sweaty Delbakovsky wrinkles the sheet under him, breathes heavily, looks madly and - not a word: silent, like a partisan.
Kazansky commanded Svetochka:
- Let's! Take ten oxybutyrate and in another syringe - 4.0 relanium.
But Delbakovsky was against it and began to actively resist Svetochka’s attempts to inject him with these drugs intravenously.
All attempts to immobilize his arm for IV injection were unsuccessful.
What to do?
Nurse Tom says:
- His wife is sitting there in the hall. Maybe call her? Let him somehow persuade him to give an injection.
Delbakovsky's wife came. Such a slender woman in a black dress.
I thought: “Why is she already in mourning, what a fool?!”
The woman sat down on the edge of the patient’s bed and spoke quietly to him.
At her very first words, Delbakovsky sank, his crazy eyes went out. His wife looked up at us with her tear-stained eyes, said: “Kolite,” and left the room.
Svetochka threw a tourniquet over Delbakovsky’s shoulder, treated the elbow with alcohol, punctured the vein and began to attach the syringe to the needle cannula.
Delbakovsky’s eyes suddenly cleared up, his gaze found me and said loudly, with anguish:
- Oh, P.K! Oh you!
These were his last words.
Before the operation he said nothing more, but after the operation he fell into a coma and after three days died in intensive care.

An old woman in intensive care after a car accident. According to our “brain” issues, it is completely compensated: conscious, no paresis, no pathological foot problems.
But I don’t like my stomach for some reason.
“Nadezhda Kuzminichna!” I say. “Let me look at your belly.”
There is horror in the old lady’s clear blue eyes. Whispers loudly:
- Your hands are cold!
And while I knead her stomach, she dies.

A good friend of mine was operated on for advanced stomach cancer.
Then there are complications. All the doctors' efforts are in vain. It became clear that he was dying.
I came to visit him in intensive care
The face is gray. Lips are dry and purple. The eyes shine feverishly.
The first thing he said when he saw me:
-Have the green leaves on the trees hatched yet?
And without waiting for an answer, he hurried:
- Such a sign. The first leaf hatches, which means the trout have entered the streams. Can you let me go fishing for a couple of days?
I am not his boss or his attending physician, but I say:
- Certainly! If only you take me with you.
The patient smiles happily and, it seems to me, falls asleep.
But before I had time to move away from his bed, the monitoring equipment gives out “Achtung!”: a straight line with rare fibrillations is written on its screen and zeros in the pressure line.
The resuscitator arrives, looks at the screen, then doesn’t look at me and throws up his hands with an apologetic gesture. No resuscitation measures are carried out.

A patient with a hemispheric hemorrhagic stroke was transferred from neurology to our neurosurgery department. We removed the resulting intracerebral hematoma. The patient recovered unexpectedly quickly: he regained consciousness, became more active, and we began to think about further examination of him in order to find the source of bleeding (usually arterial aneurysms).
But it was not there! An even more massive hemorrhage occurred in the brain. All our medical tricks did not lead to success. It became clear that the patient was dying.
We all felt incredibly sorry for him.
The fact is that he worked in our hospital as a traumatologist.
Somehow it turns out that traumatologists are usually rude and loud guys.
And this one is the direct opposite: always calm, correct.
Not that no one had ever heard a harsh word from him.
But even the most aggressive, drunken traumatists, as if by magic, calmed down as soon as he quietly said: “Excuse me, but why are you making so much noise? There are other patients here besides you. I’m ashamed of you, honestly.”
As always, I examined it in the morning.
Sluggish, sunken eyes, dry, flabby skin. Pulse is rapid, shortness of breath. The pressure is low. They quickly called the intensive care unit and began preparing the patient to go on a ventilator and other joys of intensive care.
I sat down next to him.
Silent. I began to explain that we would now transfer his intensive care unit, that everything was going according to plan, that it should be the way it should be, humps, and that on December 31 he would meet New Year Houses.
The patient listened to me silently for about three minutes.
And then he parted his dry lips and said loudly and hoarsely:
- Fuck you, son of a bitch.
Then he closed his eyes and died. Resuscitation was unsuccessful.

There are other “last words”, but there is no time. Sorry.

Julius Caesar

In 44 BC, the Republicans, not wanting Caesar to turn the Roman Republic into a monarchy, conspired. Gaius Julius Caesar was stabbed to death. Seeing his friend among the conspirators, the wounded Caesar stopped resisting and said: "And you Brute!" According to another version, the phrase was different and contained more regret than indignation: “Even you, my child, Brutus? “The most common version of the phrase is used in the play “Julius Caesar” written by William Shakespeare. Today this popular expression pronounced when they want to point out the betrayal of a friend.

On January 27, 1837, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was mortally wounded in a duel with Dantes. After being wounded, Pushkin lived for another 2 days, experiencing severe pain. The poet was dying at home. Next to him was I. T. Spassky and Vladimir Ivanovich Dal, who kept a medical history diary. Thanks to this diary, Pushkin’s last words are known:

The pulse began to drop and soon disappeared completely, and the hands began to get cold. It struck two o'clock in the afternoon, January 29, and there was only three quarters of an hour of life left in Pushkin. The cheerful spirit still retained its power; occasionally only half-asleep, oblivion for a few seconds clouded my thoughts and soul. Then the dying man several times gave me his hand, squeezed it and said: “Well, lift me up, let’s go, higher, higher, well, let’s go.” Having come to his senses, he told me: “I dreamed that I was climbing high on these books and shelves with you and my head was spinning.” Once or twice he looked closely at me and asked: “Who is this, you?” "I am, my friend." “What is it,” he continued, “I couldn’t recognize you.” A little later, he again, without opening his eyes, began to look for my hand and, holding it out, said: “Well, let’s go, please, together!” I approached V.A. Zhukovsky and gr. Vielgorsky and said: he’s leaving! Pushkin opened his eyes and asked for pickled cloudberries; when they brought her, he said clearly: “Call your wife, let her feed me.” Natalia Nikolaevna knelt down at the head of the dying man, brought him a spoon, then another, and pressed her face to her husband’s forehead. Pushkin stroked her head and said: “Well, nothing, thank God, everything is fine.”

Friends and neighbors silently surrounded the head of the departed; I, at his request, took him under the arms and lifted him higher. He suddenly seemed to wake up, quickly opened his eyes, his face cleared up, and he said: “Life is over!” I didn’t hear enough and asked quietly: “What’s over?” “Life is over,” he answered clearly and positively. “It’s hard to breathe, it’s crushing,” were his last words. All the local calm spread throughout the body; the hands were cold up to the shoulders, the toes, feet and knees as well; the jerky, rapid breathing changed more and more into slow, quiet, drawn-out breathing; one more weak, barely noticeable sigh and an immense, immeasurable abyss separated the living from the dead. He died so quietly that those present did not notice his death.


Today, the name of this doctor, astrologer and predictor of the 15th century has become a household name. He predicted the death of Henry II at the tournament. They wanted to burn him for this. However, he was saved by Catherine de' Medici, Queen of France. Catherine has always been attracted by an interest in the occult and everything unusual. The queen had seven children. Nostradamus predicted that four of them would die, and so it happened.

After the incident at the tournament, Nostradamus began to further confuse his predictions in poetry, so as not to incur the wrath of people.

He predicted the coming of three antichrists, the first was Napoleon, the second was Hitler, and the third was yet to appear in the future.

They say that when predicting events in the very distant future, he had to use the words that he knew. So instead of a submarine, he used the word iron fish, the flame of fire with long sparks in the sky was, apparently, a rocket.

In 1566, at the age of 63, he died due to complications of gout. They say that his last words were: “Tomorrow I won’t be here anymore”

It is a nickname. Real name William Sydney Porter. He worked for some time in a bank, which later discovered a shortage. To avoid prison he was forced to flee the city to Honduras. But having learned that his wife was seriously ill, he went to see her in the city of Austin, knowing that he would be arrested.

After the death of his wife, he was arrested for 5 years, but later released early for good behavior. In prison he had the opportunity to write, and there the pseudonym O. Henry arose.

In the last years of his life, the writer abused alcohol; he was later diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver and diabetes. Before his death on the night of June 5, 1910, while in a hospital ward O. Henry said: "Turn on the light. I don't want to go home in the dark."

Marie Antoinette

Being a native of Austria, she married Louis Augustus to try on Austria and France. The Queen lived in her own “luxurious” world, not seeing what was happening in real France. Hunger and Poverty surrounded the people, while the queen bought herself expensive jewelry, dresses, villas and castles.

For a long time, the Queen was interested in entertainment, and then raising children. Politics and numbers were boring, and therefore they trusted the king completely. However, the king could not cope with his task, and did not say anything to his wife, because he did not want to upset her. When Marie Antoinette realized this, it was already too late, the people had completely rebelled after many years of famine, and soon a revolution began.

Now the Queen was forced to face those whom she did not know and did not want to know - the people.

The new legislative body of France was supposed to finally put an end to the monarchy, and therefore to the king. At first, the death sentence was imposed on King Louis 16, and he was soon executed. Marie Antoinette was imprisoned and her children were taken away by force. Afterwards he was accused of treason, connections with enemies and embezzlement of the state treasury. At all trials, the queen defended herself intelligently and decisively. But slander is a surefire way to kill. A few hours after the trial, Marie Antoinette learned of the verdict. The tribunal was to execute her at dawn.

And so the former queen left the hall without uttering a word and without showing a single drop of weakness on her face. The next morning the Queen walked proudly to the scaffold. Her face showed no emotion. Having accidentally stepped on the executioner's foot, the queen followed the rules of etiquette, which she always considered boring , apologized and said“Please excuse me, monsieur. I didn’t do it on purpose.” These were her last words.

Leonardo da Vinci

The painting was painted by François-Guillaume Menagot. Death of Leonardo da Vinci in the hands of Francis I.

At the end of the 15th and beginning of the 16th centuries, Leonardo da Vinci lived; he was an inventor, artist, and alchemist. His discoveries were ahead of their time. Secret signs and secrets are found in each of his paintings. And the most famous portrait of Mona Lisa still amazes the minds of many people.

Leonardo's last days show how much he has achieved in life. The illegitimate son was far from the poor village in which he was born. He was surrounded by rich and powerful people who admired him. A few days before his death, Leonardo called a notary to draw up a will and give instructions for his own funeral. Among his demands were even the number and weight of candles that were to be lit during the mass on the day of his burial. It seems as if death was the last secret he wanted to comprehend.

At the time of his death, three paintings were with the artist: St. John the Baptist, St. Anne and the famous portrait of a smiling woman, the Mona Lisa. It is believed that this choice was not accidental. They say that during a confession to a priest, Leonardo asked for forgiveness for paintings that contradict tradition. Leonardo da Vinci's last great words were: “I offended God and people, because in my works I did not reach the heights to which I aspired.”

Rafael Santi

Painting by Henry Nelson O'Neill "The Last Moments of Raphael" The dying artist looks and points to his last masterpiece - "The Transfiguration", which many researchers consider the pinnacle of Raphael's work.

As an artist, he lived around the same time as Leonardo da Vinci. Despite his short life, he worked a lot, painted many paintings, the most famous of which is the “Sistine Madonna” (Italian: Madonna Sistina). The chambers of the Vatican Palace were also painted by Raphael. The artist's lifetime fame was so great that he was called happy. Raphael lived in luxury and was universally revered. He was the ideal courtier. Ideal appearance, refined manners, ability to maintain learned conversations.

Being spoiled by female attention, he chose a simple girl, a baker's daughter with an angelic appearance. Some believe that Psyche and the Sistine Madonna are endowed with her appearance.

Raphael died unexpectedly, after a short illness, on his 37th birthday, April 6, 1520. They say that before his death Rafael said a short"Happy".

Benjamin Franklin

The father of the founder of American politics, Benjamin Franklin. Opened America's first public library. He devoted a lot of time to physics, politics and social activities. So he introduced the charge notation + and –, which we still use today. Everyday life(batteries).

In history, he remained the only politician who signed all three documents that marked the formation of the American state. The Treaty of Paris, as well as the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. IN last years During his life, Franklin fought for human rights, for the abolition of slavery, and instructed young people to follow 13 moral values ​​that he himself formulated:

  • Temperance
  • Silence
  • Love of order
  • Determination
  • Thrift
  • Hard work
  • Sincerity
  • Justice
  • Moderation
  • Cleanliness
  • Calm
  • Chastity
  • Meekness

The great scientist and politician died at the age of 84. When his daughter asked the 84-year-old seriously ill Franklin to lie down differently so that he could breathe easier, the old man, sensing an imminent end, said grumpily: “Nothing comes easy to a dying person.”

About 20,000 people attended his funeral, despite the city's population being about 33,000. Since 1914, Franklin has been featured on all US $100 bills.

Winston Churchill

Premier mi nister and politician of Great Britain. He went down in the history of the twentieth century as a man who created the history of Britain and the peoples of Europe. He was one of the first to realize the danger Hitler's fascism posed to Europe, called on the British to wage an active war against Nazi Germany and supported the Soviet people in this fight.

Churchill was philosophical about death. He said: "I'm not afraid of death, but I'm going to do it the best way” and also “I am ready to meet the Creator, but I don’t know if the Creator is ready for such a difficult test as meeting me!”

The politician died at the age of 90 from another stroke, in a beautiful estate, next to him was his wife, with whom he lived for no less than 57 years. For his services, Churchill was honored with a state funeral, which turned into a large-scale event in the city, the script for which was written by Winston himself. Until recently, Churchill did not give up bad habits, still smoked a lot of cigars and did not deny himself delicious food. They say his last words were: “I’m so tired of all this.”

Steve Jobs

Billionaire, one of the founders of Apple. A short interview or words spoken by him in the hospital room before his death have appeared online. It is not known whether these were his true words, but this speech touched many.

“I have reached the pinnacle of success in the business world. In the eyes of others, my life is the epitome of success.

However, outside of work, I have little joy. After all, wealth is just a fact of life that I'm used to.

On this moment As I lie in my hospital bed and look back on my entire life, I realize that all the recognition and wealth that I was so proud of have lost meaning in the face of impending death.

In the dark, when I look at the green light from the life support machine and hear the repeating mechanical sound, I feel the breath of God and the approach of death. Now that we have accumulated enough wealth, it’s time to think about completely different issues in life that are not related to wealth...

There must be something more important: perhaps relationships, perhaps art, perhaps childhood dreams...

The relentless pursuit of wealth turns a person into a puppet, which is what happened to me. God gave us feelings to convey his love to every heart, and not illusions about wealth.

The wealth that I have accumulated in my life, I cannot take with me. All I can take away are the memories made by love. This is the true wealth that should follow you, accompany you, give you strength and light to move on.

Love can travel a thousand miles. Life has no limit. Go where you want to go. Reach the heights you want to reach. It's all in your heart and in your hands.

You can hire someone to drive you, someone to earn money for you, but no one will bear your illnesses for you.

The material things we lose can still be found. But there is one thing that you will never find if you have lost it, and that is life.

No matter what stage of life we ​​are in right now, there is a day waiting for everyone when the curtain comes down.

Your treasures are your love for your family, your lover, your friends...

The last words of great people spoken before death

What famous/great people said just before their death

“And now don’t believe everything I said, because I am the Buddha, but test everything from your own experience. Be your own guiding light” - the last words of the Buddha

"It is finished" - Jesus

At the beginning of the 19th century, the granddaughter of the famous Japanese warrior Shingen, one of the most beautiful girls Japan, a subtle poetess, the favorite of the Empress, wanted to study Zen. Several famous masters refused her because of her beauty. Master Hakou said, "Your beauty will be the source of all problems." Then she burned her face with a hot iron and became Hakou's student. She took the name Rionen, which means "clearly understand."

Just before her death, she wrote a short poem:

Sixty-six times these eyes
We could admire the autumn.
Don't ask anything.
Listen to the hum of the pine trees in complete calm

Winston Churchill was very tired of life towards the end, and his last words were: “How tired I am of all this.”

Oscar Wilde died in a room with tacky wallpaper. Approaching death did not change his attitude towards life. After saying: “Killer colors! One of us will have to leave here,” he left

Alexandre Dumas: “So I won’t know how it all ends”

James Joyce: "Is there a single soul here who can understand me?"

Alexander Blok: “Russia ate me like a stupid pig of its own piglet”

Francois Rabelais: "I'm going to look for the great "Perhaps"

Ernst Herter. Dying Achilles

Somerset Maugham: “Dying is a boring and joyless thing. My advice to you is never do it.”

Anton Chekhov died in the German resort town of Badenweiler. The German doctor treated him to champagne (according to the old German medical tradition, a doctor who has given his colleague a fatal diagnosis treats the dying person to champagne). Chekhov said “Ich sterbe”, drank his glass to the bottom, and said: “I haven’t drunk champagne for a long time.”

Henry James: "Well, finally, I got it"

American novelist and playwright William Saroyan: “Everyone is destined to die, but I always thought that they would make an exception for me. So what?”

Heinrich Heine: "God will forgive me. This is his job"

Last words Johann Goethe is widely known: “Open the shutters wider, more light!” But not everyone knows that before this he asked the doctor how much time he had left, and when the doctor replied that there was one hour left, Goethe sighed with relief: “Thank God, only an hour.”

Boris Pasternak: "Open the window"

Victor Hugo: "I see a black light"

Mikhail Zoshchenko: “Leave me alone”

Saltykov-Shchedrin: “Is that you, fool?”

“Well, why are you crying? Did you think I was immortal?” - "Sun King" Louis XIV

Hendrik Goltzius. Dying Adonis

Countess DuBarry, the favorite of Louis XV, ascending the guillotine, said to the executioner: “Try not to hurt me!”

“Doctor, I still won’t die, but not because I’m afraid,” said the first American President George Washington

Queen Marie Antoinette, climbing the scaffold, stumbled and stepped on the executioner’s foot: “Please forgive me, monsieur, I did it by accident.”

Scottish historian Thomas Carlyle: “So this is what it is, this death!”

Composer Edvard Grieg: "Well, if this is inevitable..."

Nero: “What a great artist is dying!”

Before his death, Balzac remembered one of his literary heroes, the experienced doctor Bianchon and said: “He would have saved me.”

Leonardo da Vinci: “I insulted God and people! My works did not reach the heights to which I aspired!”

Mata Hari blew a kiss to the soldiers aiming at her and said: “I’m ready, boys.”

Philosopher Immanuel Kant: "Das ist gut"

One of the filmmaker brothers, 92-year-old Auguste Lumière: “My film is running out”

Lytton Strechey: "If this is death, I'm not happy about it"

Spanish general statesman Ramon Narvaez, when asked by the confessor if he was asking for forgiveness from his enemies, smiled wryly and replied: “I have no one to ask for forgiveness. All my enemies have been shot.”

American businessman Abrahim Hewitt tore the mask of the oxygen machine from his face and said: “Leave it alone! I’m already dead...”

The famous English surgeon Joseph Green, as a doctor, measured his pulse. “The pulse is gone,” he said

The famous English director Noel Howard, feeling that he was dying, said: " Good night, my dear. See you tomorrow"

The dying words of famous people...

Empress Elizaveta Petrovna extremely surprised the doctors when, half a minute before her death, she stood up on her pillows and, as always, threateningly, asked: “Am I still alive?!”
But before the doctors had time to get scared, everything corrected itself.

Count Tolstoy said the last thing on his deathbed: “I would like to hear the gypsies - and I don’t need anything else!”

Composer Edvard Grieg: “Well, if this is inevitable...”.

Pavlov: “Academician Pavlov is busy. He is dying.”

The famous naturalist Laceped gave orders to his son:
“Charles, write the word END in large letters at the end of my manuscript.”

Physicist Gay-Lussac: “It’s a pity to leave at such an interesting moment.”

The legendary Kaspar Bekes, who lived his entire life as a militant atheist, on his deathbed yielded to the entreaties of the devout Bathory and agreed to accept the priest.
The priest tries to console Bekesh with the fact that the latter is now leaving the vale of sorrows and will soon see a better world.
He listened and listened, then sat up on the bed and, as clearly as he could, said clearly:
"Get out. Life is wonderful." Which is what he died with.

Louis XV's daughter Louise: "Gallop to heaven! Gallop to heaven!"

Writer Gertrude Stein: “What is the question? What is the question? If there is no question, then there is no answer.”

Victor Hugo: "I see a black light...".

Eugene O'Neill, writer:
"I knew it! I knew it! Born in a hotel and... damn it... dying in a hotel."

The only thing Henry VIII managed to say before his death was: “Monks... monks... monks.”
On the last day of his life he was tormented by hallucinations.
But Henry’s heirs, just in case, persecuted all available monasteries, suspecting that the king was poisoned by one of the priests.

George Byron: "Well, I'm off to bed."

Louis XIV shouted at his household: “Why are you crying? Did you think I was immortal?”

The father of dialectics, Friedrich Hegel: “Only one person understood me throughout my entire life... But in essence... and he did not understand me!”

Vaslav Nijinsky, Anatole France, Garibaldi whispered the same word before their death: “Mother!”

"Wait a minute". Pope Alexander VI said this.
Everyone did just that, but, alas, nothing worked out, dad still died.

Euripides, who, according to rumors, was simply terrified of his imminent death, when asked what he could be afraid of in the death of such great philosopher, replied: “That I don’t know anything.”

Dying, Balzac recalled one of the characters in his stories, the experienced doctor Bianchon: “He would have saved me...”.

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky: “Hope!.. Hope! Hope!.. Damned!”

Before his execution, Mikhail Romanov gave his boots to the executioners: “Use them, guys, they are royal after all.”

Spy-dancer Mata Hari blew a kiss to the soldiers aiming at her: “I’m ready, boys.”

The philosopher Immanuel Kant said just one word before his death: “Enough.”

One of the filmmaker brothers, 92-year-old O. Lumiere: “My film is running out.”

Ibsen, after lying in silent paralysis for several years, stood up and said: “On the contrary!” - and died.

Nadezhda Mandelstam to her nurse: “Don’t be afraid.”

Somerset Maugham: "Dying is a boring activity. Never do it!"

Heinrich Heine: "God will forgive me! This is his work."

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev on his deathbed uttered a strange thing: “Farewell, my dears, my whitish ones...”.

The poet Felix Arver, hearing a nurse say to someone: “This is at the end of the KoLidora,” groaned with all his might: “Not the KoLidora, but the KoRidora” and died.

Artist Antoine Watteau: “Take this cross away from me! How could you depict Christ so poorly!”

Oscar Wilde, dying in his hotel room, looked at the tasteless wallpaper on the walls with his fading gaze and sighed:
"They're killing me. One of us will have to leave." He left.
The wallpaper remains.

But Einstein’s last words have sunk into oblivion - the nurse did not know German..

Everything made up of parts is destroyed.
The existing order of things is the internal cause of everything that happens. To stop destruction, it is necessary to eliminate the things themselves and then there will be nothing left to disappear. “No one will be born and no one will die and no one will commit suicide and no one will kill anyone.”
To exist means to create your own Non-Existence. For everything reasonable is invalid. And everything that is real is, accordingly, unreasonable. However, the mind, as a rule, does not realize this, demonstrating its own inconsistency. It is possible that Marx never succeeded in turning Hegelian philosophy on its head.
The holy book of Muslims says: “For whom death is not good, for that life is not good. For a believer, the first good is death, because after death the Almighty shows the benefits that He has prepared for him.” One wise man was asked what he would wish for his best friend. “Death,” he answered. "And besides death?" - people asked. He replied that he would like fewer children and property.
If we exist only with temporary things, then they will arise again and again. If we fuss about creating temporary values, then death will always be untimely, because there is always something else that can be done. Perhaps this is why Kierkegaard argued that the hallmark of the majority is non-committal chatter, including in the last words. But if a person lives by metaphysical interests, then as a result he can develop a feeling of completeness, which sets a certain perspective for life as a whole.
To the idle question that often arises: “How would you like to die if you were given the opportunity to choose the way of death?” deeply believers usually answer: “It doesn’t matter to me where I will be or what will happen to me. The most important thing for me is that I die in prayer addressed to God.”
Undoubtedly, the last words of dying people are very significant: not only because they contain one or another outcome of life, but also because they often have a certain moral value and can serve as an example for those temporarily surviving.
When a person shows contempt for death, his passing becomes a sacrament. It is admirable when people find the strength to say goodbye to loved ones and leave them some kind of legacy. Or just leave gracefully, slamming the door goodbye. Like Mishima cutting his own stomach while shouting “Tenno heika banzai!” or like Saddam Hussein, who died courageously listening to cowardly insults. He died, as they say, “in prayer addressed to God.” As for women, the self-sacrifice of Claretta Petachi seems ideal for them. And also the Indian ritual of Sati. However, what is the use of talking about maintaining fidelity in relation to the dying or the dead, when today it is often not observed even in relation to the living?
It is not surprising that a person who does not have spiritual needs is captured by physiological needs. And as a surrogate for spirituality, a new type of religious faith that arose during the Renaissance usually appears - faith in Reason, which today appears as faith in Science and in the Scientific Picture of the World. Nowadays, hopes are pinned on science that were previously associated with traditional beliefs, including the hope of achieving eternal life.
Almost any science is based on identifying patterns. British scientist Bernard Russell said in this regard that a chicken that receives food every day after the house has passed through the yard ultimately comes to the conclusion about the relationship between the arrival of the house and the presence of food in the feeder. But one day the poultry keeper walks through the yard and breaks the chicken's neck. As does each of us - and here, by definition, any “scientific thinking” is meaningless.
“The Prophet said: “You try to make the dying person say the words: “La ilahaa illAllah.” Whoever has these words as his last will enter Paradise. Also try to make them the first words of your children. Whoever has these words as his first and last , he will not be questioned for his deeds, even if he lives a thousand years,” taught the Islamic thinker Al-Bukhari and Muslim.
“Oh, it’s wonderful to die like this: to get a foretaste of heaven while still here on earth, to taste delicious dishes from the table of immortals, to be there in spirit while remaining here! This awaits you, this awaits me too, if we remain faithful until death, continuing our diligent service “I have already told you: if we believe in Christ, we will die in safety,” echoes Christian preacher Charles Spurgeon.
When we look up to the sky, we try to see the way back in this endless Emptiness. To ourselves. Tenno heika Nichts!

A collection of the last words of the dying from a member of the resuscitation team.

All the mournful entries of this small database - lettered, from A to Sh. E, Yu and Z - remained unoccupied - the doctor retired and began to write his own live journal. Mysterious and symbolic.

"The boomerang, no matter what its flight, must return back. If you put your hand on the pulse, you will feel the countdown starting at the moment of your birth. You will definitely die. All your life, if you are not dumb, you talk - you comment on yourself . You say words, words about words... Someday, what you say will be your last word, your last comment Below are the last words of others that I listened to during the five years of working in the hospital. I first began to write them down. in a notebook so as not to forget. Then I realized that I was remembering forever and stopped writing down everything here - just favorites... At first, when I stopped working at the hospital, I regretted that now I can hear such things extremely rarely. Then I realized that the last words can be heard from living people. You just need to listen more closely and understand that most of them won’t say anything else either.

“Wash the currants, son, they just came from the garden...”
A. 79 years old
(This was the first entry in my notebook, the first thing I heard when I was still an orderly. I went to wash the currants, and when I returned, my grandmother had already died of a heart attack with the same expression on her face with which I left her)

“Take the catheter away, it’s burning.”
B. 52 years old
(A huge miner from Donbass who did not know how to correctly pronounce half of the most common words in the Russian language. He spoke in a clipped bass voice. Until he died, the catheter was never removed.)

“But he’s still more intelligent than you...”
V. 47 years old
(An elderly, very rich Azerbaijani woman who threw a tantrum that she wanted to see her son. They were given ten minutes to talk and when I came to escort him out of the department, I heard how this was the last thing she said to him. After that, when he left, she looked at everyone quite angrily, didn’t talk to anyone, and an hour later she died as a result of cardiac arrest.)

“Get your hands off, armed gang! You swore eternal friendship to me!”
G. 44 years old
(This was some old Jew in complete insanity. On the first day after the operation, apparently after anesthesia, he confessed his love to everyone, and on the second he decided that we were “an evil gang who disguised themselves as people of a sacred profession.” He was not far from the truth He swore all day and in the evening, without ceasing to swear, he died.)

“I’ve already sprayed myself with this...it five hundred times!”
D. 66 years old
(Some mechanic died from an attack of bronchial asthma while standing in front of me. This is the only thing he managed to tell me, showing me a bottle with an inhaler that dilates the airways. After which he collapsed on the floor.)

"What, ...ate, ..yad? What, ..yad, ...ate? What, ...ate, ..yad?"
E. 47 years old
(Also, probably, a mechanic. Or a carpenter. In short, some kind of drunk with a rare disease for science. His heart stopped when he, standing naked on the marble floor, urinated on the floor. He fell, we began to transfer him to the bed, in mid-air, trying to perform a heart massage. At this time, he, gasping for breath, asked us his “last questions.”)

E. 34 years old
(Potassium was the cause of his death. The nurse did not set the speed of the drip and the lightning-fast administration of potassium caused cardiac arrest. Apparently, he felt this, because when I ran into the hall at the signal from the instruments, he raised his index finger and pointed to the empty jar and told me about about what was in it. This, by the way, was the only case of potassium overdose out of several dozen in my practice, which resulted in death.)

“How aware are you of what you are doing? Write to me on a piece of paper how aware you are of what you are doing now...”
J. 53 years old
(J. was a hydraulic engineer. He suffered from hypochondriacal delirium, asking everyone and everything about the mechanism of action of each pill and “why it itches here and pricks here.” He asked the doctors to sign his notebook for each injection. To be honest, either he died because of the nurse’s abuse, or she mixed up the cardiotonic, or his dose... I just don’t remember what he said at the end.)

“It really hurts here!”
Z. 24 years old
(This one has young man one of the “youngest” heart attacks in Moscow was registered. He constantly asked only to “p-i-t...” and said, placing his hand on the area of ​​his heart, that he was in great pain. His mother said he was very stressed. Three days later, the youngest death from myocardial infarction was recorded. He died repeating these words...)

"I want to go home"
I. 8 years old
(A girl who spoke only these two words for two weeks after liver surgery. She died on my watch.)

"There was a better state..."
K. 46 years old
(A patient who, after two unconscious months, asked to deflate the cuff on his tracheostomy, convincing everyone that he definitely needed to say something. Having croaked these two words, he lost consciousness again and never came to his senses.)

"I am a relative of Igor Langno."
L. 28 years old
(He was a blond Baltic guy with a severe heart defect named Igor Langno.)

"Larissa, Lara, Larisa..."
M. 45 years old
(M. had a repeated massive myocardial infarction. He died and agonized for three days, all the time holding the wedding ring with the fingers of his other hand and repeating the name of his wife. When he died, I took off this ring to give it to her.)

"Don't stand at my cold feet."
N. 74 years old
(This grandmother told everyone that they were “strangers” to her. She said her last phrase proudly and a little angrily. She told me during a night round, refusing treatment. After that, she pointedly turned to the wall and fell asleep. In the morning, her neighbors discovered her ward, who died in this position, I really didn’t have to stand at her cold feet)

"Girls, buy me two Wheels Cars, please. Your wife will give you the money. For some tea. Thank you."
O. 57 years old
(A precocious-looking diabetic who, fearing that he had accidentally been given a glucose drip, injected himself with an “overdose” of insulin. At this time, the nurses went to the store outside and he asked them to buy him a chocolate bar to raise his sugar level. After he lost consciousness from hypoglycemia. He never came to his senses. They brought chocolates when he had already died. His wife never gave him the money.)

“You are a doctor... Therefore, it will be so, as you tell me.”
P. 44 years old
(An intelligent, gray-haired Georgian who constantly shook hands in a friendly manner with everyone who approached him, repeating that he trusted everyone and believed in everyone. He said these words after an injection of morphine, before they put an oxygen mask on him. In his sleep, he began to experience fibrillation ventricles. They shocked him thirty times. Then his heart stopped.)

“Of course, I’ve become a bit old...”
R. 62 years old
(An asthenic grandfather with a gray bald spot, who was successfully recovering from a banal coronary artery bypass surgery. He lay alone in a single room and constantly tossed and turned in bed so that the sheet “crumpled” and it had to be pulled regularly to avoid bedsores. He complained about his age, groaning, how once at this moment, rolling from side to side. He had no complications. I gave him an injection of rellanium so that he would fall asleep, apparently “of old age”).

“If I get well and my heart grows back, I can bring you real high boots from the North. You can go hunting in high boots, so you won’t know grief in Moscow. If there is no rejection, like a submariner, then you can come to me in guests go there. There are times when the sun doesn’t set over the horizon. Trynk - there, trynk - back... It will hang a centimeter from the horizon - and there I’ll take you back to the hills. So you can rest with us. in the north, that you don’t want to go south. Okay, I’ll sleep, I’ll sleep... When I sleep, it doesn’t seem so alarming... Be careful with the electrodes, otherwise I woke up in the morning, nothing was running... Well, I think that’s it... Yes, that’s what I’m going to tell you, you know everything yourself..."
S. 43 years old
(During this story, the nurse administered a sleeping pill, on which he fell asleep. This patient was a mustachioed resident of the Far North. He came to Moscow with a diagnosis of dilated cardiomyopathy, which has only one treatment option - a heart transplant, after which we and him “Submariner” was his friend from the squad, who served on a submarine all his life, who died during a crisis of rejection, a month after the operation. He had the same indications for a transplant, which he brought himself to by vowing to “fuck 100.” women", breaking down on the 76th. S. did not even survive the crisis. He died seven or eight hours later from some kind of fulminant infection. I remember that there was a big scandal with the surgeons who reproached us for not maintaining sterility. I think they even called the SES...)

"Everything?.. Yes?.. Everything?.. Everything?.. Yes?.. Everything?.. Yes?.."
T. 56 years old
(This patient died approximately like the above-mentioned E. He stood up without permission to urinate into the “duck” on his own. At that moment, ventricular fibrillation began and he fell to the floor. We, the whole shift, put him on the bed. Cardiac arrest began, someone then he began to “pump”... It’s difficult to explain, he remained conscious. For every pressing of his chest, as he exhaled, he squeezed out one of these questions. No one answered him.)

“When I was flying I saw white lights, really, drink this yourself when your daughter comes”
U. 57 years old
(In fact, it was the military pilot Belousov. A charming, handsome and very strong-willed guy. With a complication, he spent four months on artificial ventilation until he died of sepsis. These are not words - because of the tracheostomy he could not speak - this his last note, which he wrote in huge letters that resembled the scribbles of a preschooler. He tried to explain to me three times about the white lights, but, unfortunately, I still didn’t understand anything: “Drink it yourself” - about the “miraculous” corpse medicine mumiyo, with which he was conscientiously fed at the insistence of his brother, who, by the way, was also a military pilot. I was on duty with Belousov for a month and a half, fifteen shifts in a row, I really wanted him to recover at night and I was incredibly upset when I left. from work, I ran into his daughter at the door of the department. She knew me and smiled and asked: “How is he doing? I brought him baby purees, mineral water, honey...” I frowned and muttered something deliberately rudely. about fatigue after a sleepless night, and quickly ran into the elevator. They say she sat at the entrance for two hours, no one dared to tell her...)

"Come to me! I'll share the thrill with you!"
F. 19 years old
(It wasn’t me who heard this. This was heard by a friend of mine, whom I met when he worked as a salesman in a music store. These words belong to his girlfriend, who died a few minutes later from a heroin overdose. At his home, in his bed. Only later , I asked him if he remembered her last words. “Of course, I will never forget them,” he answered and shared with me.)"

Based on materials from the internet.