What destroys subcutaneous fat is heat or cold. An effective way to lose weight

Ten minutes of shivering in the cold burns more energy than an hour on an exercise bike. This conclusion was reached by researchers from the Australian Garvan Institute of Medical Research (Sydney), who studied the role of so-called “brown” fat in the human body.

It is known that there are two types of fat in our body - white and brown, or brown. The first stores “extra” energy, which can be useful in emergency circumstances, for example, if hunger or cold sets in.

The second, on the contrary, releases this energy to ensure a constant level of body temperature. Every 50 grams of white fat stores approximately 300 kcal, and every 50 grams of brown fat burns these 300 kcal. The majority of brown fat is in the body of newborns - it provides them with temperature balance while the thermoregulation systems are not yet fully formed. Adults have much less of it, but still have it.

Scientists have long been looking for ways to increase the amount of brown fat in the body of adults, thereby hoping to “turn on” the natural mechanisms of combating obesity and its associated diseases - diabetes, infertility, cardiovascular disorders, etc. Previous studies have already shown that exercise helps convert some white fat to brown fat. But those who have tried to do this know how difficult it is - you need hours of training on exercise machines or a treadmill to lose at least a couple of kilograms of weight.

Australian scientists have shown that staying in the cold for 10-15 minutes costs more energy than an hour's exercise on an exercise bike. To do this, they placed lightly dressed volunteer testers in a room with a gradually decreasing temperature from 18 to 12 degrees Fahrenheit (that's about minus 11 to minus 8 Celsius). Already at 16 degrees (in our opinion, about minus 9), their muscles began to tremble from the cold, struggling with heat loss. Special sensors on their body recorded the trembling and its intensity.

Scientists decided to find out how this process occurs by studying the hormones that are involved in the process of burning calories. In the trembling muscles, they discovered the hormone irisin, discovered at the same institute in 2012, and brown fat released the hormone FGF21.

In laboratory experiments, we were convinced that both of these hormones caused white fat cells to release heat, that is, burn accumulated calories, thereby fulfilling the role of brown fat,” says group leader Dr. Paul Lee.

But scientists didn’t stop there and decided to find out why muscles also burn energy during exercise. The same volunteers were put on exercise bikes. It turned out that during training, the hormone irisin is also formed in the muscles, as well as when they tremble from the cold. True, the hormone reached the same level only after an hour-long workout. This allowed us to hypothesize that exercise imitates the processes occurring in the body during cold stress. The transformation of stored white fat into brown fat also protects animals from obesity, diabetes and fatty liver disease, researchers say. They hope that the discovered patterns will lead to new ways to treat obesity.

Well, for those who want to lose weight on their own, this information is also interesting. True, it’s hardly worth chatting your teeth in the cold - you can catch a cold. But we are quite capable of combining outdoor activities with sub-zero temperatures - it’s not for nothing that the song says “our Russian blood burns in the cold.”

Our ancestors didn’t know anything about irozin, but come on - after the steam room they rolled around in the snow, plunged into an ice hole and generally loved winter. Well, for those who are very advanced in losing weight, there are now cryosaunas - that’s where you can shiver to your heart’s content.

Today I want to touch on the topic losing weight and consider what factors positively influence burning subcutaneous fat And weight loss, Namely, in this article I will look at the positive effects of cold on weight loss. Many already know that this is very an effective way to lose weight. Let's take a closer look at how such different concepts as cold and weight loss

Scientists have long known the positive effects of cold on fat burning. Swimming in cool water is also beneficial influences weight loss, this has been proven by numerous studies conducted by both foreign and Russian scientists. NASA expert Ray Kronis conducted research on the effect of temperature on metabolism in astronauts and confirmed that cool baths speed up metabolism.

You've probably noticed when you're freezing, for example, you're in a cold room where there's no heating, you've noticed that your skin seems to become elastic and covered in goosebumps, as if your skin is stretching. At this time, a signal “beware of the cold” goes to the brain and the brain, in turn, sends strong nerve impulses to the muscles.

In the process of evolution, the body has become accustomed to adapting to cold, and the excess fat that is deposited in the body is also designed to “warm” our body.

At a time when the body is freezing, all processes in the body begin to work faster and metabolism accelerates, which in turn leads to accelerated burning of subcutaneous fat.

For normal functioning of the body, the body temperature is maintained at around 36.6 degrees. When the body suddenly finds itself in a cold environment, the body still strives for balance and in order to reach the desired temperature, the body actively burns subcutaneous fat.

But there is one thing, the body must suddenly go from heat to cold (5-10 degrees Celsius) and not stay there for too long, otherwise if it stays in the cold for a long time, the body will gradually begin to slow down metabolism and fat burning in order to save energy.

You don’t need to go out into the cold, just a temperature of 5-10 degrees Celsius and stay at this temperature for no more than 15 minutes 3 times a day.

Also, keep your home at a cool temperature at all times. Don’t make it too hot at home; 20-23 degrees Celsius will be enough for the body to work in a slightly increased fat burning mode.

Conduct your workouts in a cool room.

Take a cool shower at least once a day. Don’t be afraid to freeze when, for example, changing clothes, fat is also burned at this time.

I believe that the “thermodiet” is effective way to lose weight, noticed on myself. But also do not forget that nutrition is the most important factor in losing weight.

You can leave your questions in the comments.

Warm-blooded animals have two ways to quickly warm up on their own, without wrapping up, drinking or snacking. First of all, they begin to tremble, and as a result of the work of the subcutaneous muscles, heat is released. But if you no longer have the strength to tremble, but it’s still cold, the second warming mechanism turns on. Cells brown fat intensively burn calories and release heat, which at first glance is not associated with muscle contractions.

It turns out that shivering is a necessary step for chemical warming up.

As specialists from several departments led by Dr. Francesco Celi have established, the subcutaneous muscles that contract during trembling secrete a hormone irisin, signaling fat cells that it’s time to speed up metabolism and release heat. Researchers' work published in the journal Cell Metabolism .

Irisin is known as a hormone that muscles produce when physical activity. As experiments on rodents have shown, it stimulates the release of heat in the cells of normal white fat, intended primarily for storing excess lipids. These data led Francesco Celi and his colleagues to believe that irisin may stimulate metabolic processes in brown fat cells and that there is a connection between the two heat production systems.

To test their hypothesis, the researchers invited ten volunteers of 27 ± 5 years of normal build. All experiments were carried out in the morning on an empty stomach, the interval between experiments was at least three days. The subjects' serum irisin levels were measured. After an hour of intense physical exercise, it increased threefold or more. Having established this, the researchers laid the participants, dressed in minimal clothing, on a bed, covered them with water blankets and gradually cooled them from 27 to 12 degrees. The skin of young people became cold, but the temperature deep in the body remained the same. Not everyone shivers from the cold.

In those who trembled, the contractile activity of the subcutaneous muscles increased by 88%, in the rest - by about 13%.

The researchers took samples of thermogenic fat from volunteers. There is almost no brown fat in the adult human body, and practically the only accessible place where it is preserved is the neck area. The cells were treated with irisin, which activated the genes responsible for heat production and increased energy consumption. Moreover, irisin made white fat cells look like brown ones: under its action, they also activate the breakdown of lipids and release energy.

Thus, when irisin is released, the body has an additional heat resource.

The researchers suggested that the original function of irisin was precisely that of a warming agent. It was produced in the subcutaneous muscles when they contracted from the cold, and signaled brown fat cells that it was time to warm up the body. Obviously, over time, irisin began to be synthesized in any working muscles and affect the activity of the adjacent adipose tissue, so we overheat during intense physical activity, which often causes inconvenience. But in cold weather you can warm up not only by wearing a fur coat and shivering, but also by running, jumping or chopping wood.

IN modern world The problem of cold weather is not as pressing as the obesity epidemic. Most people find it easy to dress warmly and warm up the house, but losing weight is a challenge. Researchers believe that irisin could eventually become a therapeutic agent for weight control and improved metabolism.

Warning: The materials in this article are for informational purposes and should in no way be used as medical advice for the diagnosis, treatment or prevention of any disease. Any type of physical or other activity described here may be too strenuous or even dangerous for some people. The reader should consult with their physician before using them. The publisher and authors are not responsible for damage or injury that may occur in case of incorrect application of the recommendations set out in the article.

Gaining or losing weight is based on certain biological principles. All modern diets manipulate two main tools: 1) reducing calories consumed and 2) reducing carbohydrates consumed. This has certain meaning. In a calorie deficit, your body receives less energy than it uses, and therefore is forced to obtain it by burning its own fats. Reducing carbohydrates does the same thing. Moreover, a carbohydrate deficiency minimizes the inhibitory effects of insulin on fat burning.

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You can completely get rid of fat deposits by spending a lot of time, effort and nerves. This problem is equally relevant for both women and men, and the dream of a beautiful figure without operations and complications would have remained a dream if not for the methods of hardware cosmetology. One of these safe and quite effective procedures is cryolipolysis or fat removal using low temperatures.

What is the cryolipolysis procedure based on and how is it performed?

Cryolipolysis is the latest method of dosed and selective exposure to cold, with the help of which figure correction is achieved and excess fat is removed. Using this method, you can target individual problem areas and areas of fat accumulation - buttocks, abdomen, forearms and thighs.

The history of the discovery of this technique belongs to American scientists and doctors, and the method itself is considered non-invasive and effective, which allows it to be successfully used in.

The cryolipolysis procedure is based on the ability of fat to melt already at a temperature of 17-20 C. With the help of special applicators, areas of the body are gradually cooled to a temperature of -5 C, causing fat deposits to crystallize. During crystallization, lipid inclusions become solid, and cell membranes are damaged and die.

The mechanism of action of cryolipolysis uses the ability of damaged cells to self-destruct, a process called apoptosis. This is the body’s natural defense against “trash” and decay products that form in tissues. Non-working and damaged cells, undergoing apoptosis, are eliminated by the lymphatic system, which serves as a sewer system in our body.

The advantages of the method are obvious, since, in addition to safety, it is comfortable, does not require pain relief and does not affect other tissues and cells of the body. During the procedure, the patient feels a slight cold, which you can quickly get used to after 10 minutes. After the session, marks on the skin disappear in a short period of time (after about 2-3 hours).

Also in the section: – procedure for extra pounds and cellulite

A cryolipolysis session lasts 40-60 minutes, and the number of procedures is determined during the first examination by a cosmetologist. For small fat deposits, 1 or 2 sessions are required, and for large volumes - no more than 4 procedures, which are carried out at intervals no more than once a month. Such a break is necessary for the body for the natural mechanism of removing dead cells and decay products.

It has been proven that in one session 6-8 cm in volume is lost, and the amount of adipose tissue is reduced by 25-30%. The technique differs from other procedures in that the result becomes more noticeable over time, since the process of cell death extends for 60-80 days or more. The first results may appear within 2 weeks, and the maximum effect will be noticeable only after 2 months.

Before cryolipolysis sessions, a cosmetologist assesses your body type and its features during an individual consultation, measures your body mass index and weight, determines the percentage of excess fat and the number of necessary procedures. It should be taken into account that for patients with grade 2-3 obesity, this method of losing weight is contraindicated, since it creates a large load on internal organs, including the liver and lymphatic system.

Indications and contraindications for cryolipolysis

The procedure is indicated in cases where there are fat folds and deposits in the area of ​​the shoulders and forearms, abdomen, hips, breeches, and waist. In addition, the method is used in patients for weight loss, since an extra 5-10 kg can be removed in one procedure. The procedure is known for its ability to effectively remove fat from the front and sides of the abdomen, areas where, due to genetic predisposition, fat removal is most difficult.

However, this method also has contraindications that you need to be aware of. Contraindications to cryolipolysis are determined by a cosmetologist and are as follows:

  • Individual increased sensitivity of the skin to the effects of cold.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the skin in the treated area.
  • Obesity.
  • The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Open wounds and loss of skin integrity at the site of exposure.
  • Mental disorders and epilepsy.
  • Presence of cardiac stimulators and metal implants.
  • Infectious diseases and the presence of a chronic focus of infection.
  • Abdominal hernia (umbilical).
  • Violation of the blood clotting process.
  • Kidney diseases (renal failure).
  • Diseases of the liver and gall bladder.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Taking certain medications (hormone therapy).

Photos before and after cryolipolysis: