What is Loshadka party? Party horse - what is it? Dmitry Estrin: “No one will touch the “horse” - and this is not a question of “serious friends” About how Loshadka PRTY turned from a small party into a big event.

Dima, tell us, what special will happen at the nearest “Horse”?

“The Horse” will take place in a place suitable for it - on the site of the Q club. When the interior and the audience come together, you will get a real grotesqueness, inherent in the essence of the format.

Does this format have an expiration date?

Our event has always existed, since the days Ancient Rome. There will always be people who want to shake their butts properly. We have long occupied the niche of the city semaphore - when it lights up, it means “you can”. The “Horse” brand has become a symbol of the justification of what is prohibited in other places, but is allowed here. It was necessary to gain authority, create a truly safe event: complex work was carried out, which, perhaps, is not visible to everyone. And I’m talking not only about the security service, but also about the a priori agreements inherent in the concept so that no one is “tied up” before, after and during the party. This way people have an understanding of what they will get...

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What could be better than a lively house party? open air in the last warm days of the passing summer?

Only a costume party right on the Black Sea coast with the best DJs of Ukraine and an eminent guest from Boston!

On August 19 in Odessa, Boom Boom Beach will host the legendary Loshadka Party, which has been blowing people's minds in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kyiv for seven years in a row with its outrageousness and recklessness.

Update has selected for you three main reasons to attend this event, which you will remember for a long time, and which you will definitely want to attend again.

Loshadka Party is a cult event with a unique atmosphere

Over the seven years of existence of the Loshadka Party brand, not a single freak party from this series could be called boring or hackneyed.

Every event held under this brand, regardless of its location, is a unique experience, bright people...

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A loud party of the Loshadka Party series took place at the coastal club Portofino on August 18. Thus, the shocking creators began celebrating their 3-year anniversary. However, visitors did not receive the promised cake and cream.

After the guests dressed according to the dress code and went through strict face control, they were entertained by Kyiv and Odessa DJs and shown special shows with a climax - the performance of Richard Horn with his Conceptual Show.

It is noteworthy that many partygoers came to the party from other cities, including the capital. After the event they write to in social networks that the first Odessa Loshadka was worse than the capital one - less sex, people in suits and liberation.

However, clubbers note that the costumes of Odessa residents are sexier than those of Kyiv freaks. "In general, it was good for the first time. But there wasn’t that atmosphere of debauchery that was in Kyiv. Many girls were shackled and came in pairs. It was fun to watch people when they saw ours...

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Last weekend, the Lookin Rooms club hosted the most scandalous party from the late 2000s - “Loshadka”, at which singer Shura sang for half-naked people, covered from head to toe in glitter. “Afisha Nightly” photographed the guests and asked what morals they follow at work and at home.

The Loshadka parties began in St. Petersburg in 2009 as intimate entertainment for a group of hairdressers and home-grown perverts. However, they instantly became a symbol of the early 2010s - at the intersection of dying glamor and the era of rolled-up pants. Legends about a gathering of assorted perverts, a real pony on the dance floor and rumors of sexual violence against him - such stories have long been passed from mouth to mouth in connection with the Moscow “Loshadka”, which took place on New Year’s Eve 2010 in Solyanka. After a pause of six years, the artiodactyls from St. Petersburg returned to Moscow - at least two thousand people attended the current party.

The audience of the first Moscow “Horse” in several years is equally...

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Hot interview: dj Olya Slovo

The organizer and resident of the scandalous and outrageous parties LOSHADKA PARTY - dj Olya Slovo, decorated the Friday May night of RedBar with an exclusive DJ set, and also told the editors of Geometria.ru about the sexual energy of the dance floor, about Kyiv girls and plans for the future.

Olya, as a resident of LOSHADKA PARTY, tell us more about these parties. How it all began?

Initially, the “horse party” was a kind of community. There is very interesting story these parties. The creator of the “horse” was a photographer who took photographs of unusually brightly and beautifully dressed people. And one day, looking through the photographs, he thought: how great it would be to bring together these shocking, contrasting, but completely incompatible people in one get-together. Something like “Studio 54” (author’s note - “Studio 54” is a New York cult nightclub that existed in the 70s, a world famous disco,...

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Organizer Loshadka PRTY

About how Loshadka PRTY
turned from a small party
to a big event

When you make a good project, sooner or later it becomes widespread. It's like a movie. If someone made a very good art-house film, then in six months everyone will be watching it. We did not make this event for some narrow circle of people whom someone considers the real audience of the party. At first she gathered friends, and then other people began to pay attention to her.

We have a very broad cultural component - good visual style and a lot of imports

About the fact that Loshadka PRTY may be banned

No, we don't worry about that and never have. It has long been clear to everyone that we are not limited only to issues of sexual minorities and interests below the belt. In addition, we have a very broad cultural component - a good visual style and a lot of imports that we did first. This event differs from some narrow parties that engage in local propaganda.

About,how was it going?
Loshadka PRTY at the very beginning

When a product is really good, there is no need to promote it. Word of mouth just works, and people themselves pay attention to it. That's why we put our energy not into promoting the party, but into the party itself. Other organizers, sorry, take the picture from the Internet. And we prepare a bunch of visual content - before and after the event. Even if a person doesn’t understand it, he begins to read that there will be something interesting here.

“Horse” is a frenzy, but not debauchery.
I have never seen an orgy there,
which are mentioned so often


I was on three “Horses”: the second, the third and about the sixth. It was very atmospheric at my first “Horse”. Everyone - transvestites, dwarfs, creative people in unusual costumes - were in one impulse. You can’t even name individual bright moments – the whole “Horse” was bright.

Naturally, I'm preparing a suit. The fact that with each “Horse” there are fewer and fewer cool outfits can’t help but upset. When boys put on women's shoes and glue on their eyelashes, that's not a look. On one of the horses, my costume consisted of an apron and swimming trunks. When a friend pulled down my swimming trunks, I had to move around the club with my bare ass, and everyone who was not too lazy was slapping me on it. It was funny.

If I don't come up with a cool costume, I won't go. And I advise others to do the same.

“Horse” is a frenzy, yes, but not debauchery. In my opinion, there is simply a relaxed public there. In three “Horses” I have never encountered orgies and debauchery, which are so often mentioned. Maybe I'm just unlucky. Of course, like many “old people,” I will not pass up the opportunity to grumble and say that “Horse” is no longer the same and that “it used to be wow.” The party has its own audience, but, alas, it is transforming from an elite creative trash party into a pop event with pretensions.

The “alpha” hand smoothly descends
to the panties of a “stranger” -
I will remember his face for the rest of my life


“The Horse” is one big, depraved, shocking, wild event. It is impossible to single out individual bright moments.

“The Horse” changes people. I have a friend, they call them “alpha” - a true heterosexual and alpha male in every sense of the word. We went to the “Horse” with him and the company. We drank, went in different directions, and after some time I saw this “alpha” in a passionate kiss with a stranger. I was happy for him, but noticed that this “stranger” had hairy arms. After watching this picture for several minutes, I noticed how the “alpha”’s hand smoothly descended towards the “stranger’s” panties. Of course, it was a well-dressed man. I will remember my friend's face for the rest of my life. (laughs). I know my friend well - in normal life he would have hit me for this. But on the “Horse” he took it quite adequately: he became sad and went in search of new adventures.

Previously, the audience was “narrow-profile”: gays, lesbians, trans, androgynes, young people looking for themselves and, of course, those who want debauchery. Now the public is “motley”: a hodgepodge of different sexual orientations, views, cultures, subcultures and more.

My suit? I'll be a modern incubus. This is a lecherous demon from medieval legends. Horns, makeup and more. It should be cool.

I’m preparing a mix suit, almost without clothes...
Almost no women's clothing.
And with various phallic symbols

Requested to remain anonymous

I'm not a regular, but I've been to several Horse Shows. Yes, this is a very depraved place - the main thing is to know where and with whom. And if you don’t know, then consider throwing half of the event in the trash. At the last or the year before “Horse” I met two girls. A few minutes later we shared a triple kiss. Then another guy joined us - I still didn’t understand whose acquaintance it was. It’s a pity that then everyone ran away and the two of us had to “end” the night.

This time I would like to try something new. I want some interesting person. For this I am preparing an interesting costume. It will be a mix, almost without clothes - almost without women's clothing, and with different [phallic] symbols.

Mainly for “Horse”
sexual minorities come.
Well, and people with increased
sexual desire

Fashion designer

I’m hardly a typical visitor to “The Horse,” but rather a rare guest. Last time I was there in 2011, so I don’t remember much now. On this “Horse” I want, first of all, to get good mood, no matter how standard it may sound. This is what I'm missing right now. Well, I really want to see the images that people will prepare.

For the party I prepared an “outfit” that I don’t want to talk about before going out. I can say that I will be two meters tall, plus horns... Monster (laughs). This is the hard-earned child of my sick fantasy, because by profession I am a clothing designer.

Frenzy and debauchery? I believe this seems to be true. And I support this - this is the highlight of the event. It seems to me that mostly sexual minorities come to “Horse”. Well, and people with increased sexual desire. At least among my friends there are more of these kind of comrades. The rest - extraordinary personalities who want to express themselves.

I decided to mark it
your last birthday

DJ LUKZ, promoter

I hadn't been to previous parties, so I decided to go for the first time. I want everything to go at a decent level, so that my guests and I have fun memories and photographs. Guests - because I decided to celebrate my last birthday there.

“The Horse,” of course, has its own audience. First of all, these are people who have a well-developed imagination for an excellent bow. People who like to come up with unusual outfits. I don't know where this came from. Probably because “The Horse” used to take place at the “Central Station” (St. Petersburg gay club - Ed.).

I'm going to the "Horse" because of the people
in interesting costumes, to put it simply, freaks

for nail extensions

I went to the last one. To be honest, the topic of nudity is not particularly interesting to me. I go there because people come to the “Horse” in interesting costumes, in other words, freaks. Nothing special: dance, chat. It is interesting and comfortable to be among these people.

Yes, I'll dress up a little - I won't look like a nun (laughs).

Frenzy and debauchery? Yes, perhaps this is the correct expression. It’s just that everyone comes there with their own goals. For example, sexual minorities and creative people they just want to open up spiritually and be who they really are.

When: March 28 at 23:00
Where: Q Club (Sadovaya Street, 12)
What is the price: 500 rubles

There is a dress code and face control at the entrance. More detailed information about them can be found

Dima, tell us, what special will happen at the nearest “Horse”?

“The Horse” will take place in a place suitable for it - on the site of the Q club. When the interior and the audience come together, you will get a real grotesqueness, inherent in the essence of the format.

Does this format have an expiration date?

Our event has always existed, since the times of Ancient Rome. There will always be people who want to shake their butts properly. We have long occupied the niche of the city semaphore - when it lights up, it means “you can”. The “Horse” brand has become a symbol of the justification of what is prohibited in other places, but is allowed here. It was necessary to gain authority, create a truly safe event: complex work was carried out, which, perhaps, is not visible to everyone. And I’m talking not only about the security service, but also about the a priori agreements inherent in the concept so that no one is “tied up” before, after and during the party. Thus, people have an understanding of what they will get when they come to us. We proved to the public the difference between us and everything else happening in the city's nightlife.

It is incorrect to classify the party as a “gay party”. “Loshadka” is the only gay-friendly party in Russia. This means that gays are friendly to everyone around them and vice versa. These are just people who perceive certain things differently. “The Horse,” in principle, is an event for those who feel the world differently. We have many subcultures represented: for some it is based on sexual orientation, for others it is based on the love of motorcycles, for example. This is our sociocultural mission. I know many people who have attended our shows who have subsequently had a soul-searching experience. Not a single person who had a good time with us will then go out into the street to punch gays in the face. They all have something in common: dress code, music, love for performances. I would define our guests as introverts, prone to outbursts of expression. In normal times, they are most often closed as individuals and have a calm disposition. But they dress up diligently for our party, and the next day they go to university. To many different people good together. This is the Gospel.

Gays and lesbians feel comfortable at your parties. Are they the target audience or is it just by-effect concepts?

I never worry about accusations of gay propaganda. We are in a situation where, in addition to the “below the belt” theme, the concept implies a lot more. “The Horse” has become a kind of St. Petersburg landmark, even for people sitting on the Culture Committee. We did various events: at one time we supported Vladimir Vladimirovich, Putin’s face was on the “Power of Beauty” poster. No one will ever touch the “horse” - and this is not a matter of phone calls or “serious friends”. Everyone simply perceives us correctly. It’s a pity that Kyiv is now in limbo. For three years we have been creating stunning events for the Ukrainian capital, including a grandiose openair at the Green Theater. I recently spoke with our Kyiv colleagues: now it is completely unclear to them what the organizers from Russia mean.

From your point of view, how are things going with the club industry in St. Petersburg?

There is no club industry in the city, perhaps there never was. Any promoter in the city is a “spotlight person” in some area. We have few permanent sites. And those archaic clubs that everyone loves to remember have not yet grown into a global, coherent mechanism.

St. Petersburg was once called the “club capital”!

The club capital is Berlin or London. These are cities that exist thanks to a properly created infrastructure, where establishments can exist for 10-15 years. We've never had anything like this. The industry is not just about spilling alcohol, it is about many factors. In our country, everything is organized according to the model of housing and communal services. In fact, the club is a night reality. But she has to live by the laws of the day: economics, rent, soundproofing. And here the philosophical discrepancy between day and night appears. Perhaps creating an entire club district, like the attempt at Ligovsky 50, was a good idea: whole structure, living by its own laws, when day and night do not argue. It’s easier to open a nail salon because it’s open seven days a week, not two nights. Nobody wants to adapt to the club. Conditions must be created for a different reality. This is the fate of St. Petersburg: everything exists in doses. Those whose “grass was greener” also had nowhere else to go except “Mom” and the “Planetarium”. We are snobs and traitors. We quickly get bored with everything, we don’t want to support anything, we don’t want to pay for admission, we wait for someone to invite us and bring a cardboard to our house. It has always been this way. Collectively, we are the most ungrateful audience in the country. Maybe it's time to start with yourself?

What is the reason for the failure of nightlife in the city?

For many years, our nightlife was supported by alcohol and tobacco companies. Who are these people? These are merchandisers who recently installed shelves with chocolates, then they began to install shelves with cigarettes, and then they became brand managers of tobacco companies. It is these people who decide who comes to our city and who does not. Thus, merchandisers influenced the formation of musical taste among several generations of St. Petersburg residents. And such absurdity is only possible here. All over the world, a local circle of people with a mohawk on their heads and the smell of fumes decides the fate of the industry. But it’s in the wrong heads that the process begins. It is in this paradox that the collision of day and night manifests itself. Restaurants, beauty salons and other service sectors can exist according to a simple scheme: person - money - goods. They are understandable, but in the club’s history everything is much more complex, contradictory and unpredictable. Business is not interested in the club mechanism, it does not understand how to work with it, does not trust it, and does not want to invest. Most often, nightlife establishments are run by specific people who are not always right in the head.

Text: Natalya Nagovitsyna
Photo: Stanislav Raikov

    Loshadka party is a series of parties that are held in the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg. Young people come to these parties in provocative costumes, with incredible hairstyles and war paint. All sorts of frivolity is allowed.

    Horse parties are parties that are mainly chosen to be held by different clubs in cities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg.

    The horse party is held in a rather frank style; extraordinary approaches to creating images and costumes are encouraged.

    A horse is a party where golden youth come and have a blast. They dress brightly and have outrageous hairstyles. Permissiveness reigns at such parties. You understand... if there was already a case when riot police burst into one of the clubs where a similar party was being held.

    Loshadka party (Horse Party) is a closed party of informals. People gather in a nightclub, dance, communicate, get to know each other, some even very closely. At such events it is not uncommon to meet stars and children of wealthy parents. Only the use of drugs is prohibited.

    Loshadka party - a party, get-together, party, event where golden youth gather in rather revealing outfits and just have fun, hang out, have fun. In order to better understand what the Party Horse is, it is best to look at the slogan of this event - we are against drugs, but not against sex (something like that).

    Loshadka party means a fun party or, as it is more commonly said, a get-together. At such parties, the so-called golden youth are in full swing. This kind of event involves rather free behavior, and young people dress accordingly - in the most provocative way.

    Loshadka party is a famous party for advanced wealthy youth. Such parties are very bright and noisy, where the guys can do anything - any outfit, all kinds of images and not very good behavior. Very often, law enforcement agencies become guests of such events.

    A party horse is the name given to a party where the golden youth, in all its senses, or, simply put, the children of very rich parents, gather and have a blast. At the Horse Party there is complete chaos and permissiveness that sometimes you have to call the riot police.

    To be honest, I wouldn’t want to be at such a party, somehow even the whole thing is creepy.

    Party horse is an event that is organized in various clubs. Parties are closed, photography is prohibited. The cream of society gather there, dress provocatively and shockingly, everything is allowed at parties except drugs.

    The horse party is a party of liberties. These parties are tailored to certain themes; guests always come in bright costumes and provocative makeup. At parties they take candid photos, meet new people and have fun.

    Of course, there were initially many versions.

    And the fact that this is a party for horse lovers, held at the hippodrome or nature: fresh air, animals,

    There was also a version that this was a party of zoophiles who really loved animals.

    Or maybe this is a party held by Ksyusha Sobchak?! 🙂

    NO! NO! AND NO!

    In fact, the Horse Party is a party like Shortbus and Party Monsters, Secret Party,

    Slogan for parties in the Horse Party style: We are against drugs, but for SEX!

    This is a party for the elite. The most shocking, scandalous party of all, where crazy, liberated young people gather. Party of free morals. It is dominated by complete freedom, sometimes reaching the point of insanity, insanity, permissiveness on the verge of a foul.

    The party owes its origin to one photographer who photographed bright, extraordinary people. And one day, while looking through the footage, he came up with the idea: What would happen if all these completely different people were gathered in one place?! And collected it. And it turned out to be a great party.

Organizer and resident of scandalous and shocking parties LOSHADKA PARTY - dj Olya Slovo, graced the Friday May night of RedBar with an exclusive DJ set, and also told the editors of Geometria.ru about the sexual energy of the dance floor, about Kyiv girls and plans for the future.

Olya, as a resident of LOSHADKA PARTY, tell us more about these parties. How it all began?

Initially, the “horse party” was a kind of community. There is a very interesting history of these parties. The creator of the “horse” was a photographer who took photographs of unusually brightly and beautifully dressed people. And one day, looking through the photographs, he thought: how great it would be to bring together these shocking, contrasting, but completely incompatible people in one get-together. Something like Studio 54 ( author's note - “Studio 54” is a New York cult nightclub that existed in the 70s, a world famous disco, famous for its legendary parties), when the public is absolutely “motley” and in one party there can be an oligarch, a beautiful model, a homosexual, a prostitute, etc. . That is, at this party there may be people with completely different stories. So, causing a lot of emotions, the horse became very popular. The “horse” has no completely indifferent people - people either love or hate the “horse”. And, as a rule, when a project evokes emotions, it is successful.

Is it true that LOSHADKA PARTY was originally organized by the “Pink Rabbit”, known in St. Petersburg as a chain of stores “for adults”?

No, it was different. The horse was organized by me four years ago. And “Pink Bunny” are our good friends who supported our last parties. “Horse Party” is a very sexy party and the horse’s slogan has always been: “we are against drugs, but for sex.” Therefore, we attracted partners who provided us with contraception, as well as various sexual attributes... They are always very unusual and funny. I remember a necklace made of condoms on a girl's neck ( laughs).

Tell us about the funniest incident during the “horse game” that you really remember.

To be honest, I’m a very shy person and that’s probably why I remember…sex so much. He was right on the dance floor!
You never know how people will behave. It's like throwing a stone into water and watching it create ripples in the water. That is, you take an action, but you cannot be responsible for the consequences, because they no longer depend on you. We have absolute freedom, and therefore people behave very liberated. Yes, they can have sex, because... they feel the sexual energy of the dance floor. When I witnessed sex right in the middle of a crowd of people, I felt a little shy.

What is the main mechanism of the “horse” today? In other words, what motivates you to introduce this culture into society?

Numerous requests from people to bring the “horse” to their hometown. So, we brought the “horse” to Perm, Samara and many other cities. We are also often asked to come to Kyiv. And even now they ask, despite the difficult situation in the country. We have a special relationship with Kiev - we visit this city very often, and we celebrate the “horse’s” birthday there. The audience in Kyiv is absolutely amazing, they are incredibly liberated. I adore Kyiv girls, they are very beautiful. And I hope that we will still bring the horse to Kyiv as soon as everything calms down.

About Kyiv girls. Your last name is Stepanchenko, and as far as I understand, you also have Ukrainian roots? Tell about yourself.

(Laughs) Of course, I'm a little Ukrainian. Many people think that I have Asian roots, but this is not true. In fact, Russian, Ukrainian and Polish blood flows in me.