Quotes for a student's portfolio. Best Wishes for Graduation Album

How to fill out portfolio pages for a schoolchild

1 page - title page
Photo - choose together with your child

Page 2 - Autobiography -
In this section you can place photographs of different ages of the child and sign them.
Or write an autobiography with your child:
1) The autobiography begins with a submission - indicating the full name, date and place of birth. For example: “I, Sergey Pavlovich Mikhailov, was born on March 19, 2000 in the city of Chekhov, Moscow region.”
2) After this, write your residential address (actual and registered).
In a student’s autobiography, you can write about graduation kindergarten(name and year of issue).
3) It is also necessary to indicate the name, school number, year of admission, class profile. 4) It is advisable to write about the main achievements at school: participation in sports competitions, Olympiads, diplomas, awards.
5) In addition, in the student’s autobiography you can talk about the main interests, hobbies, PC skills, and knowledge of foreign languages.


I, Sergey Maksimovich Kulagin, was born on April 12, 2001 in the city of Chekhov, Moscow region. I live at the address: Moscow, Lenin Ave., 45, apt. 49.

From 2003 to 2007 he attended kindergarten “Zvezdochka” No. 5 in the city of Chekhov. From 2007 to 2009 he studied at school No. 3 in the city of Chekhov. In 2009, due to my family moving to Moscow, I moved to school No. 19 named after V.G. Belinsky, where I am currently studying in the 8th grade.

In 2011 and 2012, he was awarded a diploma for academic success. At the regional mathematics Olympiad in 2012, he took 3rd place.

I am interested in sports - I attend the school basketball section, take part in school and regional competitions.

Page 3 - My family.
Here you can talk about family members, or write a story about your family
To fill out the template, write down the composition of the family, you can take one general photo + a general story about the family
or a family tree + a photo of each on a separate page + a short story about each family member (we write together with the child - for example, dad goes fishing with me, mom cooks delicious food and does homework with me, sister plays)

EXAMPLE 1: with one general photo:

Family is important for every person. To all family members
we need to show warmth to each other, respect our relatives and
loved ones. You need to learn to live with loved ones - you will
live in peace and with other people. No wonder it's Russian
The proverb says: “The best treasure is when there is harmony in the family.”
My dad is Kulagin Maxim Ivanovich, a mathematics teacher at school No. 19 named after V.G. Belinsky, born in 1975.
My mother is Kulagina Larisa Sergeevna, accountant at Khlebodar LLC, born in 1976.

There is a grandmother in my family - Ekaterina Vladimirova
Our family has favorite holidays - this is a meeting
New Year, Easter, birthdays of our family members.
I like to make dumplings with my mother and do the cleaning.
I love fishing and swimming with my dad, but most of all
I like to help him in the yard.
Is our favorite dish triangles and

EXAMPLE 2: each family member with his own photo -
Family composition:
Father - Kulagin Maxim Ivanovich, mathematics teacher at school No. 19 named after V.G. Belinsky, born in 1975.
Mother - Kulagina Larisa Sergeevna, accountant at Khlebodar LLC, born in 1976.
Sister - Kulagina Inna Maksimovna, 10th grade student at school No. 19 named after V.G. Belinsky, born in 1997.

Page 4 - the meaning of my name.
It may be named after a relative, this can be indicated.
You can find the meaning of the name on the Internet.
For example:
A name is the personal name a person is given at birth. Each name has its own interpretation. This is what my name means:
Mark comes from Greek name Marcos, which in turn comes from the Latin word “marcus” - hammer. There is also a second version of the origin of this name, that it comes from the god of war Mars. Shortened versions: Markusha, Marik, Markusya, Masya.

The patronymic name did not appear in Rus' right away; only people who deserved the tsar’s trust were allowed to have it. Now everyone has a middle name and it is given according to the personal name of the father.
My patronymic is Andreevich

Surnames for a long time were the privilege of people with position, and for ordinary people the surname was an “unaffordable luxury.” A person's surname is an inherited family name.
My last name----

Page 5 - My friends -
photos of friends, information about their interests and hobbies.
A photo shared with friends or each individual with a story.

This is Kolya. I became friends with him when I went to the pool. He recently moved to our street. We play with him and are friends.

This is Alyosha. I became friends with him when I went to kindergarten. He lives on the next street. He and I are very good friends.

This is Misha. I've been friends with him since childhood. He comes to his grandmother and we play there.

This is Andrey. I've been friends with him for a very long time. We love to play football.

Page 6 - My city (or my little homeland - for a private home)
A photo of the city and write a few lines with your child about what is remarkable about your city.

Example for \"my little homeland\" + photo of the house:
Homeland is the country in which a person
was born, with which the life of his family and the life of everything is connected
the people to which he belongs. There are two
concepts – “big” and “small” Motherland. Big Motherland -
This is our huge country with the proud name of Russia.
Small Motherland is the place where you were born, it is home,
in which you live. No wonder the Russian proverb says:
“A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song”

Page 7 - My hobbies
(in which sections or circles does he participate)
For example: photo - a child draws, plays on the computer, plays sports, assembles Legos, etc.
Photo + signature (I like to draw, play, play sports)

Page 8 - “My impressions”

Information about visiting a theater, exhibition, museum, school holiday, hike, excursion.

Page 9 - My achievements
This section may include headings:

« Creative works"(poems, drawings, fairy tales, photographs of crafts, copies of drawings that took part in competitions, etc.),
“Awards” (certificates, diplomas, letters of gratitude, etc.)

Information about participation in Olympiads and intellectual games
Information about participation in sports competitions and competitions, school and class holidays and events, etc.
Information about participation in project activities

Page 10 – Social work (Social practice)

Information about orders
- You can design this section using photographs and short messages on the topic of:
– Release of a wall newspaper
– Participation in community cleanups
– Performance at ceremonial lineup

Includes data on all types extracurricular activities(social projects, providing assistance to those in need, etc.).

Page 11 - My first teacher
Photo + together with your child, write a few sentences about your teacher (what’s their name, why we love them, strict, kind)
Page 12 - MY SCHOOL
Photo of the school + text: school number and write with your child: why he likes going to school

Statements and thoughts of great people about education!

His future, his worldview, his whole life depend on who will raise a child. Being a kindergarten teacher is a state of mind. He gives children the warmth of his heart. The work of a teacher is not just work. This is, first of all, the ability to renounce, the ability to give all of oneself, without reserve, to see the light in it.

I love reading smart, useful sayings. Raising children is a more ancient science than it might seem at first glance. Special attention was paid to instilling virtues in ancient times. Ancient philosophers spoke about education, creating aphorisms, which at that time were “pedagogical” aids and were passed on from mouth to mouth.

There are two difficult things in the world - to educate and to manage.

Immanuel Kant

If a teacher combines love for his work and for his students, he is perfect. teacher

Lev Tolstoy

Education is the acquisition of good habits.


You say: children tire me. You're right. You explain: we must descend to their concepts. Lower, bend, bend, shrink.

You are wrong. It’s not because we get tired, but because we have to rise to their feelings. Rise, stand on tiptoes, stretch. So as not to offend.

...Adults should not be angry with children, because it does not correct, but spoils.

Janusz Korczak

Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, and creativity. This world should surround the child even when we want to teach him to read and write. Yes, how a child will feel when climbing the first step of the ladder of knowledge, what he will experience, will determine his entire future path to knowledge.

When you think about a child’s brain, you imagine a delicate rose flower with a drop of dew trembling on it. What care and tenderness is needed so that when you pick a flower, you don’t let a drop drop.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Children are holy and pure... We ourselves can climb into any hole we want, but they must be enveloped in an atmosphere befitting their rank. You can’t be obscene with impunity in their presence... you can’t make them the toy of your mood: either gently kiss them, or madly stamp your feet on them...

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Only that in a person is strong and reliable that was absorbed into his nature in his first period of life.

Komensky Ya.

The art of education has the peculiarity that it seems familiar and understandable to almost everyone, and even easy to others, and the more understandable and easier it seems, the less a person is familiar with it theoretically or practically.

A game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the world around us flows into the child’s spiritual world. The game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity.

Sukhomlinsky V. A.

...Adults should not be angry with children, because it does not correct, but spoils.

A teacher without love for a child is like a singer without a voice, a musician without hearing, a painter without a sense of color. It is not for nothing that all the great teachers, dreaming of a school of joy and creating it, loved children immensely.

T. Goncharov

Children are holy and pure. You can’t make them a toy of your mood.

A. Chekhov

No one in the world feels new things more than children.

Children shudder at this smell, like a dog at the scent of a hare, and experience madness, which later, when we become adults, is called inspiration.

I. Babel

Nothing hurts more than high expectations.


By teaching I learn.

Seneca the Elder

Nine-tenths of the people we meet are what they are - good or evil, useful or useless - due to education.

D. Locke

The student who is not superior to his teacher is pitiful.

Leonardo da Vinci

Our educator is our reality.

M. Gorky

A bad teacher presents the truth, a good one teaches you to find it.

A. Diesterweg

A teacher is the person who must pass on to the new generation all the valuable accumulations of centuries and not pass on prejudices, vices and diseases.

A. V. Lunacharsky The teacher must behave in such a way that every movement educates him, and must always know what he wants in this moment

and what he doesn't want. If a teacher does not know this, who can he educate?

A.S. Makarenko

No matter how many correct ideas you create about what needs to be done, if you do not cultivate the habit of overcoming long-term difficulties, I have the right to say that you have not cultivated anything.

A.S. Makarenko

You cannot teach a person to be happy, but you can raise him so that he is happy. But will this be real happiness?

A.S. Makarenko

You cannot teach a person to be happy, but you can raise him so that he is happy. But will this be real happiness?

If you don’t demand a lot from a person, then you won’t get much from him.

It takes more intelligence to teach another than to teach yourself.

M. Montaigne

Repeating the words of the teacher does not mean being his successor.

DI. Pisarev

True education consists not so much in rules as in exercises.

J.J. Rousseau

Education should not only develop a person’s mind and give him a certain amount of information, but should ignite in him a thirst for serious work, without which his life can be neither worthy nor happy.

The main road of human education is conviction.

K.D. Ushinsky

The purpose of educating a child is to enable him to develop further without the help of a teacher.

E. Hubbard

If you want to convince a person that he lives badly, live well; but do not convince him with words. People believe what they see.

G. Thoreau

When the word does not hit, then the stick will not help.


Keep busy. This is the cheapest medicine on earth - and one of the most effective.

Dale Carnegie

He who flaunts erudition or learning has neither

Ernest Hemingway

Between the ages of 12 and 16, I was introduced to the elements of mathematics, including the basics of differential and integral calculus. At the same time, fortunately for me, I came across books in which not too much attention was paid to logical rigor, but it was well emphasized everywhere the main idea. The whole activity was truly exciting; there were ups and downs in it, the power of impression was not inferior to the “miracle”...

Albert Einstein

Those who save on schools will build prisons.


Do not offend children with ready-made formulas, formulas are empty;

enrich them with images and paintings that show connecting threads. Don't burden your children with the dead weight of facts; teach them techniques and methods that will help them comprehend them. Don't teach them that benefit is the main thing. The main thing is the education of humanity in a person.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

We are depriving children of their future if we continue to teach today the same way we taught it yesterday.

D. Dewey

Repeating the words of the teacher does not mean being his successor.

Don't kill the child's unclear mind, let it grow and develop. Don't invent childish answers for him. When he starts asking questions, it means that his mind has started working. Give him food for further work, answer as you would answer an adult.

Consider that day and that hour unhappy in which you did not learn anything new and did not add to your education.

Ya.A. Comenius

If you can, teach him to be interested in books... And give him also free time so that he can ponder the eternal mysteries: the birds in the sky, the bees in the sun and the flowers on the green hillsides. When he is in school, teach him that it is much more honorable to fail than to cheat... Try to give my son the strength not to follow the crowd when everyone is on the winning side... Teach him to listen to all people, but teach him also examine everything he hears from the angle of truth and select only the good. Teach him not to listen to the howling mob, but to stand up and fight if he thinks he is right. Handle it gently, but not with excessive tenderness, because only the test of fire gives high quality steel. Teach him to always have high faith in himself, because then he will always have high faith in humanity.

Abraham Lincoln

Every child is an artist. The difficulty is to remain an artist beyond childhood.

Pablo Picasso

To be human means not only to have knowledge, but also to do for future generations what previous ones did for us.

Georg Lichtenberg

The older the school, the more valuable it is. For a school is a collection of creative techniques, traditions, and oral traditions accumulated over centuries about deceased or living scientists, their manner of work, their views on the subject of research. These oral traditions, accumulated over centuries and not subject to printing or communication to those considered unfit for this - these oral traditions are treasures whose effectiveness is difficult to even imagine and appreciate. If we look for any parallels or comparisons, then the age of the school, its accumulation of traditions and oral traditions is nothing more than the energy of the school, in an implicit form.

N.N. Luzin

Listen - and you will forget, look - and you will remember, do - and you will understand.


Study as if you constantly feel the lack of your knowledge, and as if you are constantly afraid of losing your knowledge.


Researchers (Hayes, Bloom) have shown that to acquire expert knowledge in any broad field human activity, including playing chess, composing music, painting, playing the piano, swimming, tennis, and conducting research in neuropsychology and topology, takes approximately ten years.

Moreover, it seems that in reality this period cannot be shortened: even Mozart, who showed outstanding musical abilities at the age of 4, took another 13 years before he began to compose world-class music.

Samuel Johnson believes that it actually takes more than ten years: “Excellence in any field can only be achieved by a lifetime of hard work; it cannot be bought at a lower price.”

And even Chaucer complained: “Life is so short that there is not enough time to master the skill.”

Peter Norvig, “Learn to Program in Ten Years”

Our school has been teaching and educating badly for a long time. And it is unacceptable for the position of a class teacher to be an almost unpaid additional burden: it must be compensated by reducing the amount required from him study load. Current programs and textbooks in the humanities are all doomed, if not to be thrown away, then to be completely recycled. And the atheistic hammering must stop immediately. And we need to start not with children - but with teachers, because we have thrown them all over the edge of vegetation, into poverty; Of the men who could, they left teaching for better earnings. But school teachers should be a selected part of the nation, called to this: they are entrusted with our entire future.

A.I. Solzhenitsyn

We are largely responsible for the development of the inclination invested in us.

A.I. Solzhenitsyn

It is necessary to watch over the school, as over the cradle of the people's spirit, with tragic attention and spare no effort to defend its tasks.


It is necessary to call for pedagogical work, as for maritime, medical or the like, not those who seek only to ensure their lives, but those who feel a conscious calling to this work and to science and anticipate their satisfaction in it, understanding the general national need .

DI. Mendeleev

In pedagogy, elevated to the level of art, as in any other art, it is impossible to measure the actions of all figures by one standard, it is impossible to enslave them into one form; but, on the other hand, we cannot allow these actions to be completely arbitrary, incorrect and diametrically opposed.

N.I. Pirogov

Socrates made his students speak first, and then he spoke himself.


A teacher must not only have knowledge, but also lead a correct lifestyle. The second is even more important.


One of the most malicious mistakes is the judgment that pedagogy is a science about the child, and not about the person. There are no children - there are people, but with a different scale of concepts, other sources of experience, other aspirations, a different play of feelings. One hundred children - one hundred people, who will not once be there tomorrow, but already now, today they are already people.

Janusz Korczak

Truly humane pedagogy is one that is able to introduce children to the process of creating themselves.

Sh. Amonashvili

If pedagogy wants to educate a person in all respects, then it must first get to know him in all respects.

K.D. Ushinsky

When little children come to school, their eyes light up. They want to learn a lot of new and interesting things from adults. They are confident of what's ahead happy journey to knowledge. Peering into the dull and indifferent faces of high school students in many lessons, you involuntarily ask yourself the question: “Who extinguished their radiant glances? Why did the desire and desire disappear?

Sh. Amonashvili

For relaxation, I recommend playing chess and reading for a high school student. fiction. Playing chess in absolute silence, with complete concentration, is a wonderful remedy that tones the nervous system and disciplines the mind.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Without chess it is impossible to imagine the full development of mental abilities and memory. The game of chess should enter the life of primary school as one of the elements of mental culture.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Accustom the student to work, make him not only love work, but become so familiar with it that it becomes second nature to him, accustom him to the fact that it is unthinkable for him otherwise than to learn something on his own; so that he thinks independently, searches, expresses himself, develops his dormant powers, develops himself into a persistent person.

A bad teacher presents the truth, a good one teaches you to find it.

School is a workshop where the thoughts of the younger generation are formed; you must hold it tightly in your hands if you do not want to let the future out of your hands.

A. Barbusse

Each person has inclinations, talents, and talent for a certain type or several types (branches) of activity. It is precisely this individuality that must be skillfully recognized, and then the student’s life practice must be directed along such a path so that at each period of development the child reaches, figuratively speaking, his ceiling.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Science should be fun, exciting and easy. So must be scientists.

Peter Kapitsa

I believe that it is impossible to become an educated person in any educational institution. But in any well-organized educational institution, you can become a disciplined person and acquire a skill that will be useful in the future, when a person is outside the walls. educational institution will begin to form itself.

M. Bulgakov

The merits of a teacher cannot be judged by the size of the crowd that follows him.

R. Bach

A teacher must have an unusually large amount of moral energy so as not to fall asleep under the soothing murmur of a monotonous teacher's life.

K.D. Ushinsky

To recognize, identify, reveal, nurture, and nurture in each student his unique individual talent means raising his personality to the highest level. high level flourishing of human dignity.

When you think about a child’s brain, you imagine a delicate rose flower with a drop of dew trembling on it. What care and tenderness is needed so that when you pick a flower, you don’t let a drop drop.

The teacher is not the one who teaches, the teacher is the one who feels how the student learns.

V. F. Shatalov

Talent is a spark of God with which a person usually burns himself, illuminating the path for others with his own fire.


There is sun in every person. Just let it shine.


Not being able to express one's thoughts well is a disadvantage; but not having independent thoughts is even much greater; independent thoughts flow only from independently acquired knowledge.

K.D. Ushinsky

No teacher should forget that his main duty is to accustom his pupils to mental work and that this duty is more important than the transfer of the subject itself.

K.D. Ushinsky

Three paths lead to knowledge: the path of reflection is the noblest path, the path of imitation is the easiest path and the path of experience is the most bitter path.


The attitude of the state towards the teacher is a state policy that indicates either the strength of the state or its weakness.


Make the student work with his hands, tongue and head!

  1. “All the difficulties of upbringing arise from the fact that parents, not only not correcting their shortcomings, but also justifying them in themselves, want not to see these shortcomings in their children.” Lev Tolstoy
  2. “To educate a man intellectually without educating him morally is to raise a menace to society.” Theodore Roosevelt
  3. “Call me a barbarian in pedagogy, but from the impressions of my life I have drawn the deep conviction that a beautiful landscape has such a huge educational influence on the development of a young soul, which is difficult to compete with the influence of a teacher; that a day spent by a child in the middle of groves and fields, when his head “A kind of intoxicating fog takes possession, in the warm moisture of which his whole young heart opens up in order to carefreely and unconsciously absorb thoughts and germs of thoughts flowing in a stream from nature - that such a day is worth many weeks spent on the training bench.” K. Ushinsky
  4. “A child can always teach an adult three lessons: he is cheerful for no reason, he is always busy with something and knows how to achieve what he wants at any cost.” Mark Twain
  5. "Save your children from health-destroying music." F.Uglov
  6. "Every idle citizen is a thief." J-J. Rousseau
  7. "Teach your children to be silent. They will learn to speak themselves."
    Benjamin Franklin
  8. “A child has his own special ability to see, think and feel; there is nothing more stupid than trying to replace this ability with ours.” J.-J. Rousseau
  9. “If you successfully choose work and put your whole soul into it, then happiness will find you on its own.” K.D. Ushinsky
  10. “If a teacher is dedicated and pure, then thousands of children will become better people, and the nation will receive thousands of mature individuals, educated men and women with strong character"A.-O. Dzhumsai
  11. “The best way to instill in children love for the fatherland is for their fathers to have this love.” C. Montesquieu
  12. “You cannot educate without passing on knowledge; all knowledge has an educational effect.” L.N. Tolstoy
  13. "Education is an art, not a craft - this is the root of teaching." L.N. Tolstoy
  14. "But how is the younger generation currently being “educated”? Means mass media, free from public judgment and control, openly and continuously promote animal permissiveness and corresponding “love.” Everywhere there is one thought: take everything from life, live for pleasure. In schools, so-called valeology is taught, in “special circles” - sex “education”. The result of such “education” is obvious. They do not know and do not understand such a simple thing that real love is a readiness for self-sacrifice, self-restraint, mutual support in all aspects of life together: everyday, moral, spiritual. But if he and she already learn from their youth to live, seeking only pleasure, then when they enter into marriage, they find themselves not only morally unprepared for it, but, moreover, psychologically ready for betrayal. It is precisely this kind of “upbringing,” which not everyone is able to internally resist, that is one of the most important reasons for the colossal number of divorces today, or more precisely, outright infidelity.”
    A.I. Osipov
  15. "They say that misfortune good school. May be. But happiness is the best university."
    A.S. Pushkin
  16. “There are children with a sharp mind and inquisitiveness, but wild and stubborn. These are usually hated in schools and are almost always considered hopeless; meanwhile, they usually turn out to be great people, if only they are raised properly.”
    Jan Amos Comenius
  17. “I came to a thesis that I still profess now, no matter how paradoxical it may seem. Normal children, or children brought to a normal state, are the most difficult objects of education. They have a subtler nature, more complex needs, a deeper culture, more varied relationships. What they require from you is not a wide range of willpower or glaring emotion, but the most complex tactics."
    A.S. Makarenko
  18. “The greatest mistake in parenting is being too hasty.”
    J.-J. Rousseau
  19. “Belief cannot exist without manifesting itself in active activity.”
    V.A. Sukhomlinsky
  20. “Suppress the slightest signs of weakness of will in yourself - capriciousness, touchiness, irritability, tearfulness, painful pride.”
    V.A. Sukhomlinsky
  21. “Only personality can act on the development and definition of personality; only character can character be formed.”
    K.D. Ushinsky
  22. “Nowadays in the world there is an uncompromising struggle for the souls of people, especially for the souls of youth.”
    V.A. Sukhomlinsky
  23. "Misfortune is the best teacher. In misfortune you can learn a lot, learn the value of money, the value of people."
  24. “Many people develop an aversion to teaching because the reprimands in the mouths of some teachers resemble obvious hatred.”
  25. "Many teachers may feel a sense of trepidation, feeling that they cannot live up to the high standards expected of them. But in fact, all that is needed is a desire to improve and the humility to recognize their shortcomings."
    Art-Ong Jumsa, Teacher's Guide
  26. “The well-being of the entire people depends on the proper upbringing of children.”
    J. Locke
  27. "There is nothing insignificant in education"
    N. Pirogov
  28. “People who are spoiled in childhood retain a special imprint for the rest of their lives.”
    I.S. Turgenev
  29. “A man can become a man only through education. He is what education makes him.”
  30. “The goal of the school should always be to educate a harmonious personality, not a specialist”
    A. Einstein
  31. “Looseness of manners always entails licentiousness of principles.”
    S. Smiles
  32. “Without the rudiments of the positive and beautiful, a person cannot emerge from childhood into life; without the rudiments of the positive and beautiful, a generation cannot be set on its journey.”
    F.M. Dostoevsky
  33. “The cornerstone of a pedagogical vocation is a deep belief in the possibility of successfully raising every child. Must be tolerant of children's weaknesses. It's about about the wise ability to understand and feel the subtlest motives and reasons for children's actions"
    V.A. Sukhomlinsky
  34. "History is a witness to the past, the light of truth, living memory, teacher of life, messenger of antiquity"
  35. “In the matter of education, Antisthenes considered the teacher’s personal example to be the main method. Unlike most ancient philosophers, he highly appreciated the educational role of labor, citing Hercules and his labor exploits as an example. In his opinion, a person’s benefits should be the result of his personal labor. Antisthenes highly appreciated nurturing the habit of overcoming difficulties, noting that difficulties are like dogs, they bite only those who are not accustomed to them, hence the obligatory condition of education is hardening, instilling perseverance, contempt for luxury, the ability to endure hardships, physical inconveniences.
    Piskunov A.I., "History of pedagogy and education"
  36. “The basis of the entire state is the correct education of youth”
  37. “All thinkers have come to the conclusion that it is better to start education from the cradle” N.I. Pirogov
  38. “There is nothing insignificant in education” N.I. Pirogov
  39. “A child needs your love most just when he deserves it least.” E. Bombeck
  40. "Do not make an idol out of a child; when he grows up, he will require sacrifices." P. Buast
  41. “A meaningful life without a definite worldview is not life, but a burden, a horror.” A.P. Chekhov
  42. “Deep within a man lie dormant forces - powers that can shake his imagination, the possession of which he could never even dream of, such powers that can completely transform his entire life if they are organized and harnessed to work.”
  43. "In passing, it is interesting to point out a few more Athenian rules of “good manners” for children belonging to a wealthy society. It was forbidden to speak in the presence of adults (only answers to questions were allowed), it was forbidden to speak loudly at all, when walking on the street it was forbidden to look into the faces of passers-by, and so on Further"
    Zhurakovsky "Essays on the history of ancient pedagogy"
  44. “Do you understand, Yuan Luo?” said the Teacher. “From now on, no matter who is punished, you will also be punished... True, twice as much. I want to show you what the burden of responsibility is. You must share
    share your joys with your brothers and sisters, but at the same time share their hardships."
    Jackie Chan
  45. "...Discipline is best when it comes from an internal impulse. In order for this to be possible, it is necessary that the child or youth has the ambition to achieve something difficult and the will to make efforts to achieve this goal. Such desire usually developed by someone around. Thus, even self-discipline ultimately depends on the incentives of education."
  46. "I think that a child's incredible attachment to any one person is quite often a sign that something is wrong. Such attachment can develop to one parent if the other parent is not very liked, or to a teacher if the relationship with by both parents. In general, this is a consequence of fear: the object of attachment is only the person who gives a feeling of security. But this type of attachment itself in childhood is an unhealthy phenomenon. If such attachment exists, then the death of a loved one shatters the child’s life. everything seems to be fine, every subsequent love will be experienced with a feeling of horror. The husband (or wife) and children will be surrounded by excessive care and will be perceived as heartless when they simply live their own lives. Parents, therefore, should not feel pleasure if. become the object of such affection. If the child is generally happy and has a friendly environment, he will experience the pain of any loss that may happen to him without much difficulty. The will to live and hope will be sufficient to provide normal conditions for growth and a happy life."
    B. Russell
  47. “You understand what’s the matter: children are growing up. My son was small then. Now a second one has appeared. And the boys - I have to raise them. You tell him: “Train!” - Are you lying on the sofa? Or: “Son, don’t drink!” - Do you drink? “Don’t smoke!” - Do you smoke yourself? “Don’t be rude to mom!” - and swear at her? Most of all, I want my children to understand me. There is nothing for you and everyone else. When something out of the ordinary happens and you are left alone, then you understand the big question. survival. I understand that sooner or later I will be old. I train to delay the moment. And I raise my children so that when I get really bad, someone will bring water anyway."
    Sergey Badyuk
  48. “This has been my fate since childhood. Everyone read on my face signs of bad feelings that did not exist; but they were assumed - and they were born. I was modest - I was accused of guile: I became secretive. I deeply felt good and evil; no one caressed me, everyone insulted me: I became vindictive; I was gloomy; other children were cheerful and talkative; I felt superior to them; I became envious; I was ready to love the whole world; no one understood me. : and I learned to hate. My colorless youth passed in a struggle with myself and the world; fearing ridicule, I buried it in the depths of my heart: they died there. I told the truth - they didn’t believe me: I began to deceive the world; and the springs of society, I became skilled in the science of life and saw how others were happy without art, taking advantage of the benefits that I so tirelessly sought. And then despair was born in my chest - not the despair that is treated with the barrel of a pistol, but cold, impotent despair, covered with courtesy and a good-natured smile." M. Yu. Lermontov

I found a few quotes from famous photographers and will gladly share them with you. I can only say that I selected only those that caught me, so there are not many of them, but each of the quotes is very important to me, because it reflects my thoughts and I completely agree with every word.
Here they are:

"Being successful in photography is a lot of work, but it is possible. You have to capture unforgettable moments, tell people their story, help people relive those moments."
"An amateur is someone who does something while in the grip of passion. In this sense, I will always be an amateur."
(c) John Sexton

“Where subjectivity appears, the opportunity arises for art to take place.”

"Photographers have pure souls, but dirty knees"

"Like in Wonderland, photographers have to constantly run to stay in place. To move forward, you have to run twice as hard and do it with purpose."

“I take photographs because I don’t know how to do it yet. If I could, I would stop.”
Joseph Sudek.

“There are three stages of development: copy, make variations on the theme of what was copied, create something new” (c) J. Gionis www.jerryghionis.com

"Photography is not a sport. It has no rules. Everything must be tried."
Bill Brandt
"A photographer's main tool is his eyes. It may seem strange, but many photographers prefer to use the eyes of other photographers, past or present, instead of their own. Such photographers are blind."
Manuel Alvarez Bravo

"Luck is the best teacher of an attentive photographer"
John Szarkowski

"If an image doesn't shock, it's nothing"
Marcel Duchamp

"With a camera in my hands, I know no fear"
Alfred Eisenstaedt

"First of all, I know that life for a photographer cannot be indifferent"
Robert Frank

“For practice, I take pictures of everything in my mind.”
Minor White

"Photography is not about removed things, but about how they look when photographed."
Garry Winogrand

==== Addition 09/24/2010 =================================

A photographer must shoot something he has never seen before. walked in a way he had never looked at it before.
Lisette Model.

Photography leaves open moments that are immediately covered by the pressure of time.
Maurice Merleau-Ponty.

Artistic matter is divided into three parts: what the author wanted to express, what the author was able to express, and what he expressed without meaning to.
S. Davlatov.

Composition should be our constant concern, but during shooting we can only feel it intuitively...
Henri Cartier-Bresson.

If a person has taken a hundred photographs in his life, he is truly a great photographer. For a photographer to leave behind one hundred photographs is a remarkable achievement.
Ara Guler.

Taking photographs means holding our breath as all our faculties unite in pursuit of an elusive reality...
Henri Cartier-Bresson.

When a photographer aims the viewfinder, the line of sight passes through his eye, head and heart.
Henri Cartier-Bresson.

Photography is a means of understanding, inseparable from other visual means of expression. This is a way to shout out, to free yourself, and not at all a proof and assertion of one’s own originality. This is a way to live.
Henri Cartier-Bresson.

==== Addition 09/30/2010 =================================

You should think before and after shooting, never during it.
Henri Cartier-Bresson

You neglect anatomy, drawing, perspective, all the mathematics of painting and color, so let me remind you that these are signs of laziness rather than genius.
Salvador Dali

Much of the complexity of photography arises from what most people want to see. the world the way he is portrayed, not the way he really is.
Yu.A. Nikitin

Not the one who is beautiful whose arm or leg is praised, but the one whose entire appearance does not allow one to admire individual features.

Lucius Anyaeus Seneca (Younger)

Creativity is when you make mistakes. art is when you know which one needs to be preserved.
Steve Adams

Looking at a masterpiece makes me ecstatic about what I can learn. It doesn’t even occur to me to be overwhelmed with emotion.
Salvador Dali

Only a few people understand a beginning artist. Famous - even less.
Pablo Picasso

The public wants to be surprised, but with something familiar.
Tristan Bernard

To be an outstanding artist, doesn't have to be original. It is enough to repeat each time differently.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Like a fisherman or a hunter, the photographer bets on an incredible chance and, oddly enough, wins more often than seems reasonable or reasonable.
Rudolf Arnheim

Real artists do not pay attention to their contemporaries. They show off before eternity.
Vincent Van Gogh

If the shot isn't good enough, you're not close enough.
Robert Cappa

Happy accidents always happen. You just need to always be ready, then it will happen by itself.
Henri Cartier-Bresson

An artist is a person who paints something that can be sold. And a good artist is a person who sells what he writes.
Pablo Picasso

One missed opportunity to take a good shot makes you want to buy two additional camera accessories.
Dowling's Law of Photography

A photographer has an unusual profession: he finds something before people have time to lose it.
Frank Carson

PS: Some are not signed, but if you know who said it, I will gladly put the name.
PPS: If you have any statements on the topic of photography that resonate with you, write them in the comments.

Title page

The portfolio begins with a title page, which contains basic information: last name, first name and patronymic, contact information and photo of the student. It is important to let your child choose the photo for the title page.

Section 1. “My World” (“Portrait”)

Here you can place any information that is interesting and important for the child.

1. “Autobiography” - In this section he can place his photographs and sign them.

2. “Essays” – compositions, essays on various topics:

– My name (information about what the name means, why the parents chose this particular name; if the child has a rare or interesting surname, you can explain what it means). (1 class)

– My family (here you can talk about family members, or write a story about your family). (2nd grade)

– My friends (photos of friends, information about their interests, hobbies). (2nd grade)

– My hobbies (you can talk about what the child is interested in, what sections or clubs he is involved in). (3rd grade)

- My small homeland(tell about your hometown, about its interesting places. Here you can also place a route map from home to school, drawn up by the child together with his parents; it is important to note dangerous places in it (road intersections, traffic lights).

Section 2 – “My Goals”

My educational plans for the year (classroom and extracurricular activities)
Information about employment in circles, sections, clubs

Section 3 – “Social practice”

Information about orders
- You can design this section using photographs and short messages on the topic:
– Release of a wall newspaper
– Participation in community cleanups
– Speech at the ceremony

Includes data on all types of social practice of students in extracurricular activities (social projects, providing assistance to those in need, etc.).

Section 4 – “My achievements”

This section may include headings:

“Creative works” (poems, drawings, fairy tales, photographs of crafts, copies of drawings that took part in competitions, etc.),

“Awards” (certificates, diplomas, letters of gratitude, etc.)

It is better to arrange the contents of this section in chronological order.

Information about participation in Olympiads and intellectual games

Information about participation in sports competitions and competitions, school and class holidays and events, etc.
Information about participation in project activities

The materials in this block allow you to build a rating of individual results, a rating of achievements, and track the dynamics of changes in learning outcomes.

Section 5 – “My impressions”

Information about visiting a theater, exhibition, museum, school holiday, hike, excursion.

Section 6 – “Working materials”

(all written work, diagnostic work)


Mathematics 1st grade

The world around us 1st grade

That's how I read. 1 class

Section 7 – “Feedback and Suggestions”

(in any form)

– Teachers

– Parents

– Additional education teachers

Nothing increases a child’s self-esteem more than a teacher’s positive assessment of his efforts. Here you can write a review or wish, perhaps recommendations, both from a teacher and a parent, both based on the results of the school year and on participation in any event.

Memo for teachers on maintaining a portfolio

1. Involving parents to help fill out sections of the portfolio (especially in 1st grade).

2. Portfolio sections should not be numbered, but arranged in random order (optional).

3. The result of the work is dated so that dynamics can be tracked; the corresponding assessment always compares the child’s current work with earlier work.

4. Do not use the portfolio to compare children with each other!!!

6. Viewing of the portfolio by teachers, parents and other students is permitted only with the knowledge and consent of the student to whom the portfolio belongs.

7. Portfolio pages should be beautifully designed, the child should understand the importance appearance document.

8. It is important that at each stage in the process of moving towards the intended goal, the student’s success is recorded, because success is the best incentive for further development.

9. At the end of the school year, you can make a presentation and determine the winner in the nominations “The most original portfolio”, “For the best design of work”, “For versatility and talent”, “For hard work”.

Interaction with parents

Most parents, being confident that a portfolio will definitely help when entering a university, are very meticulous in filling it out, and some are convinced by teachers of this, creating motivation for creating a portfolio for their children.

It is very important to make parents your allies in the difficult task of collecting a portfolio. Therefore, it is initially worth attracting active, caring parents. A system of advisory assistance is needed: consultations, seminars on designing and filling out portfolio pages.

It is important to teach how to observe, notice everything new and interesting, and be sure to record and write it down. With the help of a portfolio, parents see their child from the outside, his desires, interests.

The portfolio can also be used as additional material when studying a family - its way of life, interests, traditions. Observing children and their parents in the process of creating a portfolio, teachers noted that such events contribute to the establishment of warmer relationships in the family.

One of the main results of working on a portfolio is that parents learn to observe and notice the changes that are taking place, and systematize them. Some help can be provided by reminders and questionnaires, based on which parents will be able to identify especially bright and interesting points their child's development.

Memo for students on maintaining a portfolio

1. Start your portfolio work with a story about yourself, your family, your hobbies.

2. Compiling a portfolio is not a race for all kinds of certificates. The process of participation itself is important, although a high result, of course, pleases.

3. Fill out the portfolio pages carefully, show your imagination and creativity where necessary, because your portfolio should be different from others.

4. Learn to notice even your small successes, rejoice at them!

5. Please fill out your portfolio at good mood!

Ready-made portfolio templates for schoolchildren. Downloading is free and paid, depending on the quality and uniqueness of the portfolio. Free downloading is possible only with the condition of using it exclusively for the child’s personal purposes. Publishing archives and template sheets on other sites and blogs is not allowed!

Student portfolio in the style of the 2018 FIFA World Cup: 13 blank pages in jpg format

Student Portfolio Template nautical style from 1st to 8th grade: 13 blank pages in jpg format

Student portfolio template in Olympic style Sochi 2014: 16 blank pages in jpg format

High school student portfolio template “From Paris with Love”: 12 blank pages in jpg format

Portfolio template for a high school student in the style of the artist P. Mondrian: 12 blank pages in png format