“Gypsies” as a romantic poem (type of hero, environment, conflict). Problems of the poem

  1. When was the poem "Gypsies" created?
  2. The poem began in 1823 and was completed in 1824 in southern exile.

  3. What is the conflict in the poem "Gypsies"?
  4. The main conflict of the poem “Gypsies” lies in the confrontation between ideas about the life of two worlds - the world of the city, civilization and the world of nomadic primitiveness, not burdened by difficult conditions of survival. Civilization gives a person a certain stability and external diversity of life, but to a significant extent reduces the original freedom of a person with complex rules - not only written laws, but also rituals, the limits of which are also practically impossible to go beyond.

    The life of the gypsies in the poem is simple and unstressful; the number of events in it per unit of time is significantly less. A simple nomadic life in the lap of nature with minimal effort spent on survival (there are civilized neighbors around, ready to pay for gypsy exoticism) places minimal demands on the responsibility of each member of such a community.

  5. What is the motive for Aleko's escape from the city and coming to the gypsies?
  6. Aleko flees the city because his ardent heart with powerful passions cannot bear life in artificial restrictions, where everything is imbued with falsehood and hypocrisy and where the essence of a person is hidden and draped by many conventions. He understands that with his sincerity he is doomed to misunderstanding and persecution in a world full of deception and luxury, which at all times has been synonymous with spiritual emptiness. To put it very briefly, Aleko chooses content, despising form.

  7. Role lyrical digression about the moon
  8. When Pushkin wrote about the moon, “set in the fog” and the “unfaithful light” of the slightly fading stars, he wanted to show by this the cloudy state of the Soul of the awakened Aleko, its darkness. The description of nature here acts as an indirect description of what is happening inside the hero.

  9. What is the author's position in the poem?
  10. Pushkin harshly criticizes his contemporary society and creates a thought experiment, plunging a person from this society into an environment of wild freedom. And he answers: in the freedom of the gypsies there is also no true happiness. Therefore, striving for a non-binding nomadic lifestyle is also pointless. Material from the site

  11. What is the artistic meaning of the final scene? The role of the epilogue?
  12. The final scene is a symbolic demonstration of how alone Aleko remained with his duality - like an abandoned cart in the middle of the steppe. Not a home, but a barren place - that’s what’s in this man’s soul.

    The epilogue anchors the story in a real time and place. People can live completely differently. Mighty Russia crushed the Turks, the gypsies roamed peacefully across the steppe. The meanings of their existence were completely different, although they were realized simultaneously. These two were connected so much different worlds only that both there and there there is no salvation from fate and fatal passions.

I will begin my work on the poem “Gypsies” and its analysis, perhaps, with the history of writing the poem “Gypsies” by Pushkin. The author began writing his work in 1821. The idea of ​​origin of this essay became the Chisinau exile, during which Pushkin had to travel with the gypsies and observe their life. Their behavior and way of life impressed the author so much that, under the impression, Pushkin took up the pen from which this work appeared. The writer completed his work in 1824.

Conflict of the poem Gypsies

The conflict in the poem “Gypsies” is built on the contradiction of the passions of the hero himself. Here we see how two different worlds are intertwined: the world of city people and people of will and freedom. The peculiarity of the conflict in the poem “Gypsies” is that Aleko - main character, was able to break free from the power of the city, joined the gypsies with whom he wanted to live a free life, but he never truly managed to become a man of will, so he heard his sentence: “Leave us, proud man.”

The motive of Aleko's escape from the city and coming to the gypsies

What was the motive for Aleko’s flight from the city and why did he decide to join the gypsies? Everything is very simple. The hero of the poem is a freedom-loving person, a rebel of his own kind, who is tired of the framework and wants to become free. Aleko became disillusioned with the blessings of civilization, for him city life began to turn into hell, and then there was the crime committed by the hero, which the author does not tell us about. He feels good among the gypsies; he quickly joins the life of the gypsies, accepting a primitive way of life.

Freedom of the gypsies. Unfreedom of man in a civilized society

Continuing the analysis of the work, we will dwell on civilized society and the lack of human freedom in it, as well as on the freedom of the gypsies, which the writer depicted in his work. So, the author criticizes the life of people in the midst of civilization, where there are all the benefits, where there is everything to live freely, but people here are like in a cage. Here people lose themselves, live by written rules, are constrained by laws. But life outside civilization, where there are no established laws, is full of freedom of action, but having chosen freedom, you need to be prepared for a poor existence, where you have to earn your living by singing and dancing.

The role of a lyrical digression about the moon

The theme of love is touched upon in Pushkin’s poem “The Gypsies,” which means that romanticism is also present in the poem “The Gypsies.”
Love in itself is a complex feeling; it is impossible to command the heart to love or not, and it is impossible to predict the outcome of events. So Zemfira, the heroine of the poem “Gypsies,” fell in love with another, without hesitation she committed treason, causing pain to Aleko, the hero of the poem “Gypsies,” and in order to convey the state of the hero’s soul, the author resorts to a natural picture, using a digression about the moon. And here she “Went into the Mists.” In addition, the author used the moon for a reason; apparently, he wanted to show how changeable a woman can be and ordering a woman to love one is just as impossible as making the moon stand still.

The artistic role of the image of Mariula, the wife of the Old Gypsy, in the conflict and composition of the poem

Mariula is Zemfira’s mother, who left her husband and child for the sake of new love. And it is no coincidence that the author tells us about Mariula, thereby showing that her daughter also followed the same path, only their lovers act differently. And, if the free old gypsy let his wife go, because he knows that love cannot be commanded, then Aleko, who lived among the rules, lived in a world where there are boundaries, could not forgive and let go, so he took such a step as murder .

Author's position in the poem

When you read Pushkin’s work “The Gypsies,” we see that the author does not choose one side or the other, he does not come to the defense of Aleko or the gypsies, but simply sympathizes with the old man and has a positive attitude towards the main character, however, his action when the hero decides to kill , does not approve, so with the words of the old man, he drove Aleko out of the camp.

The time of creation of the poem “Gypsies”

The poem began in 1823 and was completed in 1824 in southern exile.

The conflict of the poem “Gypsies”

The main conflict of the poem “Gypsies” lies in the opposition of ideas about the life of two worlds - the world of the city, civilization and the world of nomadic primitiveness, not burdened by difficult conditions of survival. Civilization gives a person a certain stability and external diversity of life, but significantly reduces the original freedom of a person with complex rules - not only written laws,

but also rituals, the limits of which are also practically impossible to go beyond.

The life of the gypsies in the poem is simple and unstressful; the number of events in it per unit of time is significantly less. A simple nomadic life in the lap of nature with minimal effort spent on survival (there are civilized neighbors around, ready to pay for gypsy exoticism) places minimal demands on the responsibility of each member of such a community.

The motive of Aleko's escape from the city and coming to the gypsies

Aleko flees the city because his ardent heart with powerful passions cannot bear life in artificial restrictions, where everything is permeated with falsehood and hypocrisy and where the essence of a person is hidden and draped by many conventions. He understands that with his sincerity he is doomed to misunderstanding and persecution in a world full of deception and luxury, which at all times has been synonymous with spiritual emptiness. To put it very briefly, Aleko chooses content, despising form.

Freedom of the gypsies. Unfreedom of man in a civilized society

The freedom of the gypsies is ensured by the fact that they are in demand by their civilized neighbors. Gypsies earn their living by singing, dancing and playing games, which is why these aspects of life are so well developed among them. Otherwise, they would have to seriously engage in cattle breeding and carefully protect themselves from attacks by similar neighbors, which would require the creation of a military organization and strict discipline, which in fact distinguished all nomadic peoples.

Pushkin, of course, spoke somewhat differently. He used the exotic gypsies in Russia at that time in order to express the idea that one cannot look for harmony and the dream of a Golden Age in the past. Despite the apparent lack of conflict and simplicity of morals, that life was also full of disappointments, and the desired will of one became the cause of drama for another.

Pushkin criticized the civilized society of his time even more. He understood well that people in it, for imaginary external benefits, even give up the freedom to pour out their feelings and generally lose themselves, being forced to surround almost every manifestation of them with complex rituals. This is an anticipation of Gogol's masks, tightly fused with a person.

He also understood that the luxury of the civilized world inevitably carries chains in which a person chains himself, and gypsy freedom just as inevitably implies poverty.

Gypsies are much more integral, because their simple desires are not constrained by rules and laws, but are realized immediately. The disadvantage can be considered the low level of consciousness of such people, which does not allow them to control their desires, as a result of which they are primitive and fraught with conflicts. That is, the point is the lack of conscious social discipline among the Roma. Civilized peoples have such discipline, but only externally - in the form of laws. It would be ideal to combine internal discipline of feelings with external freedom.

The role of a lyrical digression about the moon

When Pushkin wrote about the moon “set into the fogs” and the “incorrect light” of the slightly fading stars, he wanted to show by this the cloudy state of the Soul of the awakened Aleko, its darkness. The description of nature here acts as an indirect description of what is happening inside the hero.

The artistic role of the image of Mariula, the wife of the Old Gypsy, in the conflict and composition of the poem

The image of Mariula, of course, was not created by chance. The appearance of this character in the Old Man’s story sets a certain chronological depth, a vector for the narrative, shows the non-randomness of what is happening to the main characters, and typifies a specific event. And at the same time he shows Pushkin as an expert human souls, because he actually makes us understand that Zemfira is fulfilling the birth program laid down by her mother.

It should be noted that the Old Man’s decision - not to take revenge - shows a path to solve the problem that is diametrically opposite to Aleko’s chosen one, that is, this inserted plot has great importance to better define the difference between the rules of the civilized and wild world. And it clearly shows at the same time that the relations within this wild world are also far from perfect, and the freedom of the gypsies has its downside.

Pushkin harshly criticizes his contemporary society and performs a thought experiment, plunging a person from this society into an environment of wild freedom. And he answers: in the freedom of the gypsies there is also no true happiness. Therefore, striving for a non-binding nomadic lifestyle is also pointless.

The artistic meaning of the final scene. The role of the epilogue

The final scene is a symbolic demonstration of how alone Aleko remained with his duality - like an abandoned cart in the middle of the steppe. Not a home, but a barren place - that’s what’s in this man’s soul.

The epilogue anchors the story in a real time and place. People can live completely differently. Powerful Russia crushed the Turks, the gypsies roamed peacefully across the steppe. The meanings of their existence were completely different, although they were realized simultaneously. The only thing that connected these two very different worlds was that in both there was no salvation from fate and fatal passions.


    • What is the motivation for Aleko’s escape from the city and coming to the gypsies?
    • gypsy poem
    • what is the conflict of the poem gypsy
    • essay on the poem gypsies
    • the history of the creation of the poem Gypsies

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The main conflict of the poem “Gypsies” lies in the confrontation between ideas about the life of two worlds - the world of the city, civilization and the world of nomadic primitiveness, not burdened by difficult conditions of survival. Civilization gives a person a certain stability and external diversity of life, but to a significant extent reduces the original freedom of a person with complex rules - not only written laws, but also rituals, the limits of which are also practically impossible to go beyond. The life of the gypsies in the poem is simple and unstressful; the number of events in it per unit of time is significantly less. A simple nomadic life in the lap of nature with minimal effort spent on survival (there are civilized neighbors around, ready to pay for gypsy exoticism) places minimal demands on the responsibility of each member of such a community. The motive of Aleko's flight from the city and coming to the gypsies Aleko flees from the city because for his ardent heart with powerful passions, life in artificial restrictions is intolerable, where everything is imbued with falsehood and hypocrisy and where the essence of a person is hidden, draped by many conventions. He understands that with his sincerity he is doomed to misunderstanding and persecution in a world full of deception and luxury, which at all times has been synonymous with spiritual emptiness. To put it very briefly, Aleko chooses content, despising form. Freedom of the gypsies. Unfreedom of man in a civilized society The freedom of the gypsies is ensured by the fact that they are in demand by their civilized neighbors. Gypsies earn their living by singing, dancing and playing games, which is why these aspects of life are so well developed among them. Otherwise, they would have to seriously engage in cattle breeding and carefully protect themselves from attacks by similar neighbors, which would require the creation of a military organization and strict discipline, which in fact distinguished all nomadic peoples. Pushkin, of course, spoke somewhat differently. He used the exotic gypsies in Russia at that time in order to express the idea that one cannot look for harmony and the dream of a Golden Age in the past. Despite the apparent lack of conflict and simplicity of morals, that life was also full of disappointments, and the desired will of one became the cause of drama for another. Pushkin criticized the civilized society of his time even more. He understood well that people in it, for imaginary external benefits, even give up the freedom to pour out their feelings and generally lose themselves, being forced to surround almost every manifestation of them with complex rituals. This is an anticipation of Gogol's masks, tightly fused with a person. He also understood that the luxury of the civilized world inevitably carries chains into which a person chains himself, and gypsy freedom just as inevitably implies poverty. Gypsies are much more integral, because their simple desires are not constrained by rules and laws, but are realized immediately. The disadvantage can be considered the low level of consciousness of such people, which does not allow them to control their desires, as a result of which they are primitive and fraught with conflicts. That is, the point is the lack of conscious social discipline among the Roma. Among civilized peoples such discipline is present, but only externally - in the form of laws. It would be ideal to combine internal discipline of feelings with external freedom.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is the author large quantity famous works. Acquaintance with his work begins from a very young age and until old age it is pleasant to re-read his poems “I remember a wonderful moment”, “Flower”, “I remember another time”, as well as his immortal poems - “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, “Caucasian captive", "Gypsies", " Bronze Horseman" and others.

Each creation of A.S. Pushkin, imbued with a reverent plot and deep meaning. There is nothing superfluous in the works, and each character carries a message for its reader. Each individual creation deserves individual personal attention.

The poem “Gypsies” is the final one in the romantic cycle of works by A.S. Pushkin. It was written in 1824, in Chisinau. The author was in exile at that moment and spent most of his time observing the Gypsy ethnic group. Having penetrated into the existence of this people, Pushkin creates the poem “The Gypsies,” which is a kind of response to the previously written poem “Prisoner of the Caucasus.” The author was amazed and fascinated by the philosophy of a free people - the gypsies and freedom in the relationship between a man and a woman.

The work itself is presented in a composition according to all the rules of romanticism. True, he is presented in a more critical form, since Pushkin himself continues his conflict with Byron. In his opinion, a return to the natural environment is not the development of the individual’s creativity, but its inhibition and stagnation.

There is a main conflict in the poem - a collision of two worlds: modern and primitive. In the first there are laws, rights and order, and in the second there are rituals, customs and canons. There is also a love story that occurs between Aleko and Zemfira. The latter is the daughter of an old gypsy and lives a free life in a camp. It is she who brings Aleko to the camp and introduces him to local customs.

Aleko is the main character of the poem. He runs away from the city, because he is unable to put up with the injustice, falsehood and hypocrisy of those around him. Aleko's soul is personified by the image of the Moon. After all, in a dream, the Moon was darkened, just like state of mind main character.

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