Further education of Oblomov and Stolz table.


Annex 1







Irrelevant connections

Significant connections


Appendix 2

Worksheet #1

Annex 1



Appearance (when they appeared before the reader)

"...about thirty-two-

three years old, of average height, pleasant appearance, with dark gray eyes, but with the absence of any definite idea, ... an even light of carelessness glowed throughout his face."

the same age as Oblomov, “thin, he has almost no cheeks at all, ... his complexion is even, dark and no blush; although his eyes

a little greenish, but expressive"

Origin from rich noble family

with patriarchal traditions. His parents, like grandfathers, did nothing: serfs worked for thema native of the philistine class (his father left Germany, traveled around Switzerland and settled in Russia, becoming the manager of an estate). Sh. graduates from the university with flying colors, successfully serves, retires to take care of his own business; makes a house and money. He is a member of a trading company that ships goods abroad; as an agent of the company, Sh. travels to Belgium, England, and throughout Russia. Sh.'s image is built on the basis of the idea of ​​balance, harmonious correspondence between the physical and spiritual, mind and feeling, suffering and pleasure. The ideal of Sh. is measure and harmony in work, life, rest, love.(

or... from a poor family: the father (Russified German) was the manager of a rich estate, the mother was an impoverished Russian noblewoman


His parents wanted to present Ilyusha with all the benefits “somehow cheaper, with various tricks.” His parents taught him to be idle and quiet (they didn’t let him pick up a dropped item, get dressed, or pour water for himself). the stigma of slavery. There was a cult of food in the family, and after eating there was a deep sleep.

his father gave him the education he received from his father: he taught him all the practical sciences, forced him to work early and sent away his son, who had graduated from the university. his father taught him that the main things in life are money, rigor and accuracy

were released onto the street. “What about servants?” Soon Ilya himself realized that it was calmer and more convenient to give orders. The dexterous, active child is constantly stopped by his parents and nanny for fear that the boy will “fall, hurt himself” or catch a cold; he was cherished like a hothouse flower. “Those seeking manifestations of power turned inward and sank, withering away.”

"Tearing himself away from the pointer, he ran to destroy the birds

nests with boys"


They studied in a small boarding school located five miles from Oblomovka, in the village of Verkhleve.

Both graduated from university in Moscow

From the age of eight, he sat with his father at the geographical map, sorted through the warehouses of Herder, Wieland, biblical verses and summed up the illiterate accounts of peasants, townspeople and factory workers, and with his mother he read sacred history, learned Krylov’s fables and sorted through the warehouses of Telemachus

Embedded program

Dream. Vegetation and sleep - the passive principle found solace in his favorite “conciliatory and soothing” words “maybe”, “maybe” and “somehow” and protected himself with them from misfortunes. He was ready to shift the matter to anyone, without caring about its outcome or the integrity of the chosen person (this is how he trusted the scammers who robbed his estate)

Stolz was afraid to dream, his happiness was in constancy, energy and vigorous activity were an active beginning


“For Ilya Ilych, lying down was neither a necessity, like that of a sick person or like a person who wants to sleep, nor an accident, like that of someone who is tired, nor a pleasure, like that of a lazy person: it was his normal state.”

“He is constantly on the move: if society needs to send an agent to Belgium or England, they send him; some project needs to be written or adapted new idea to the point - they choose him. Meanwhile, he goes out into the world and reads."

Outlook on life

“Life: life is good!” says Oblomov, “What is there to look for? The interests of the mind, the heart? Look where the center around which all this revolves: it’s not there, there’s nothing deep that touches the living. All these are dead people, sleeping people, worse than me, these members of the world and society!... Don’t they sleep all their lives sitting up? Why am I more guilty than them, lying at home and not infecting their heads with threes and jacks?

Stolz experiences life and asks her: “What to do? Where to go next?” And it goes! Without Oblomov...

The kind, lazy person is most concerned about his own peace. For him, happiness is complete peace and good food. he spends his life on the sofa without taking off his comfortable robe. does nothing, is not interested in anything, loves to withdraw into himself and live in the world of dreams and dreams he created, the amazing childlike purity of his soul and introspection, the embodiment of gentleness and meekness worthy of a philosopher

strong and smart, he is in constant activity and does not disdain the most menial work. Through his hard work, willpower, patience and enterprise, he became rich and famous person. a real “iron” character was formed. But in some ways he resembles a machine, a robot, a rather dry rationalist

Test of love

“Life is poetry. People are free to distort it!” I was afraid that I was unworthy of love. He needs not equal love, but maternal love (the kind that Agafya Pshenitsyna gave him)

he needs a woman equal in views and strength (Olga Ilyinskaya). I’m glad that I met her abroad, I’m glad that she listens to him and doesn’t even notice that sometimes she doesn’t understand Olga’s sadness

"Two Faces" by Oblomov

Honesty, conscientiousness, kindness, meekness, striving for ideals, dreaminess, “heart of gold”

Infantility, lack of will, inability to act, apathy, slowness, “Russian laziness”

Significant connections

Appendix 3

Worksheet #2



the purpose of life



to a woman






“I’m a master, and I don’t know how to do anything.”

Oblomovka is the ideal of life. Love and affection of relatives.

"the poetic ideal of life;" the goal was -

“all life is thought and work”; Now: “What is my goal? I don’t have one.”

There is no high goal.

Drawing up a plan for the reconstruction of the estate; "volcanic work of an ardent head"; "not used to movement."

"was not their slave,

worshiped from afar"; "recognized her

power and rights";

woman mother and


wife, children, kind friends

sadly, chores around the house are in dreams; "he has nowhere else to go, nothing to look for, the ideal of his life has come true, although

without poetry" - life with Pshenitsyna.

"...the soul is not torn, the mind sleeps peacefully."


“labor, practical education”;

“no one to bless”; opportunity

Determine your own path in life.

“work is the goal of life”;

Stolz's life with

Oblomov's point of view: "daily

empty shuffle


There is no high goal.

"He doesn't have any extra movements.

was"; "I went to sit on Oblomov's wide sofa and take away and calm an alarmed or tired soul..." empty vanity, in the end - "as if I was living a second time."

“Life and work itself are the goal of life, not a woman”; "he doesn't want-

bodies of impetuous passion, as Oblomov did not want it”; “he dreamed of a creative mother”; “he was not a slave, did not experience fiery joys.”

"there was silence,

the impulses have subsided";

"everything as I dreamed and


"We are not titans...

we won't go to

daring fight

with rebellious questions, we will not accept their challenge, we will bow our heads and

Let us humbly endure this difficult moment."




Double in pain

Shay degree.




Answer to

problematic question.

“Stolz, at a high stage of his active life, turned out to be the same Oblomov...”

(Ya.I. Kuleshov.)

Significant connections

Lesson-research summary

"Oblomov and Stolz (based on the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov")"

(2 hours)


1. Educational:check and evaluate implementation homework; analyze the image of Oblomov; analyze the image of Stolz; select criteria for comparing characters; draw conclusions and formulate them in a short written work.

2. Developmental: develop skills in working with literary text; develop character analysis skills work of art; improve steam room skills and independent work; improve students' logical and creative thinking; create a psychologically comfortable environment in the classroom.

3. Educational:continue to instill a sense of respect for Russian literature of the 19th century; to cultivate a caring attitude towards the creative heritage of Russian literature; develop the ability to listen and hear each other.

Form of work: lesson-research, conversation, analysis of literary text.

Teaching methods:heuristic, explanatory and illustrative.

Lesson type: combined.

Literary concepts: main character, character, portrait, speech, interior, comparative characteristics.

Interdisciplinary connections:history, music.

Equipment: portrait of I.A. Goncharov, illustrations for the novel "Oblomov", projector, screen, handouts, presentation in MS.ppt format.

During the classes:

1. Greeting. Goal setting.

Teacher's word: Our lesson today will be dedicated to two characters from the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" is Ilya Ilyich himself and his childhood friend Andrei Stolts. Let's think together and decide what we will explore during today's lesson. After all, it is stated as a lesson-research.

Student answers:We must analyze the images of Oblomov and Stolz, select criteria for comparing them, and draw a conclusion.

Teacher's word: Well done! In addition, at the end of our lesson, we will write down the resulting conclusions and try to supplement them ourselves as part of a little independent work.

2. Motivation.

Teacher's word: One of the characteristics literary hero are his relationships with other characters, which helps in many ways to understand this hero. We have already studied in previous lessons the characterization of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, briefly touching on the image of another character - Andrei Stolts. To continue working on compiling a profile of Oblomov, you and I must match the names characters novel with the philosophical concepts of “interconnection”, “essential connections”, “non-essential connections”. ( Annex 1. ) To do this, first let’s remember what these concepts mean.

Student answers:Interrelation is the mutual connection of objects, phenomena, etc. with each other, their dependence on each other.

Essential connections are those connections that are the most significant in the relationship between someone or something.

Non-essential connections are those connections that do not play any role in revealing the character's character.

Teacher's word: Next you will need to determine what connections between the characters in the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov", will be significant and which will not. We draw a diagram in our notebooks. The work is in pairs. When answering, you will need to justify your opinion.

(Students work with the diagram, as a result they come to the conclusion that among the characters presented, only Olga and Andrei have a significant connection with Oblomov, since it was Ilyinskaya and Stolz who could change Oblomov’s lifestyle.)

Teacher's word: Do you think Oblomov himself is ready to change his life? Prove it with text.

Student response: Yes, since the text contains a quote: “Give me your will and mind and lead me wherever you want. Maybe I’ll follow you...”

Teacher's word: In the lesson we must analyze the relationship between Oblomov and Stolz. Let's formulate the problematic questions of the lesson.

Student answers : 1) Why didn’t Andrei Stolts manage to change Ilya Oblomov’s lifestyle?

2) Andrei Stolts - the antipode or double of Ilya Oblomov?

If students formulate only the first (problem) question, the teacher helps with the formulation of the second question: this research question is more specific and helps answer the problem question of the lesson. Students write down the topic and questions of the lesson in their notebooks.

3. Studying new material. Study. Work in groups.

Teacher's word: To answer the question “Is Andrei Stolts the antipode or double of Ilya Oblomov?” we need to formulate the criteria by which we will compare or contrast the characters, and give the meaning of the words “antipode” and “double”. Let's start by defining the terms. (Implementation of homework.)

Students' words: Antipode – (Greek antipodes - feet facing feet). 1. plural only Inhabitants of two opposite points of the earth, two opposite ends of one of the diameters globe(geographical). 2. to someone or something. A person of opposite properties, tastes or beliefs (book). He is the perfect antipode of him or he is the perfect antipode of him.

A double is a person who has complete similarities with another (both a man and a woman).

Teacher's word: OK, thank you. Now let's turn to the criteria by which the writer characterizes Stolz and Oblomov, which you were able to identify while reading the text.

Student answers:Appearance (when they appeared before the reader), origin, upbringing, education, laid down program, outlook on life, characteristics of the author, test of love.

Teacher's word: It is by these criteria that we will characterize and compare the characters. Plus, I propose adding one more criterion to the table - “Two faces of Oblomov.”

4. Work in groups (3 groups).

In accordance with these criteria for comparing heroes, students are given a research task:

1) each group choose 2 criteria for comparing heroes (if the guys cannot do this themselves, then the teacher distributes the tasks himself);

3) find material for comparison by this criterion(write out quotes);

4) give an answer to the research question “Andrei Stolts – an antipode or double of Ilya Oblomov?”;

5) formulate an answer to the problematic question of the lesson “Why didn’t Andrei Stolts manage to change Ilya Oblomov’s lifestyle?”;

6) create a worksheet.

5. Exchange of information.

After the research, the guys exchange information using worksheets (Appendix 2, Appendix 3.)

6. Summing up.

Teacher's word: We see that Andrei Stolts is Ilya Oblomov’s double by most criteria. This will also be the reason why Andrei could not change the life of Ilya Oblomov.

7. Reflection. Assessment.

8. Homework assignment.

A written answer to the question “Why did Olga choose Stolz over Oblomy?”

In the novel “Oblomov,” Alexander Goncharov touches on the theme of friendship between people who are completely different in character and views.

Comparative characteristics The images of Oblomov and Stolz will help the reader figure out whether it is capable of changing a person for the better.

Childhood and education

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov grew up as a spoiled child. The parents were too protective of their son and did not give him the opportunity to prove himself. Didn't like to study. He believed that science was sent to people as punishment for their sins. As a thirteen-year-old boy, he was enrolled in a boarding school. He often asked his mother for permission to stay at home and not go to school. I did not receive sufficient knowledge at the university due to my own laziness.

Andrey Ivanovich Stolts was a smart boy. He absorbed knowledge like a sponge. His father raised him strictly. Mother did not encourage “labor education”. When the father sent his son to university, he did not take him to the city. I said goodbye at the gate without unnecessary emotions, put on his cap, and pushed him so hard that he knocked him off his feet.”


Ilya It has excess weight. His “plump arms and soft shoulders” gave his appearance a certain delicacy. “His complexion was not ruddy or dark, he seemed positively pale.” There were always certain thoughts in the gray eyes that quickly disappeared before they had time to settle in their heads.

Andrey he is thin, has no cheeks at all, and has dark skin. “He was made of bones, nerves and muscles, like an English horse.” His face had expressive green eyes. It exudes masculinity and health.

Aspirations and wealth

Ilya Oblomov at thirty-two years old, he had acquired absolutely nothing on his own. He left the service because of a stupid mistake he made, sending important documents to the wrong address. He couldn't complete a simple assignment. Lives in rented apartments. The property inherited from parents suffers losses and does not bring adequate prosperity. Ilya Ilyich knows nothing about financial matters.

Doesn't try to keep up with anything and create something in life. He lies on the sofa, constantly in a sleepy state.

Penkin“I served, after resigning, I went into business on my own and made a house and money. He is involved in some company that ships goods overseas.” Does not make mistakes in work. He achieved respect in society and material wealth through his own efforts. “He is constantly on the move: if society needs to send an agent to England or Belgium, they send him. If you need to create a new project or explore a new idea, they choose Stolz.”

Love for a woman

Andrey treats the opposite sex with respect. In his relationship with Olga Ilyinskaya, he proves himself to be a true gentleman, capable of solving all the concerns of his beloved and making her happy. He achieved his goal - he married the one he loves.

Ilya always tactful in dealing with women. He loved Olga Ilyinskaya, but could not overcome his laziness and reluctance to change. I was afraid of the ordinariness of marriage. He caused his beloved a lot of trouble; she often cried because of his caustic speeches. He married the widow Pshenitsyna, from whom he rented a room. She demanded absolutely nothing from him. Such relationships suited Oblomov.

Attitude to life

Andrey Stolts, full of health, wishes to live many more years. Although he is a realist, phrases are often heard from his lips that he wants to “live two hundred, three hundred years.” Adheres to the goal that everything should be accomplished based on clearly defined tasks. The dream had no place in his soul.

Ilya Oblomov calls himself an “old caftan.” Sometimes he voices thoughts that he would lie down and fall asleep forever. Likes to dream. His imagination often paints imaginary pictures. The images of the future wife and children are especially clearly highlighted.

Annex 1

Comparative characteristics of Oblomov and Stolz

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov

Andrey Ivanovich Stolts



“a man of average height, pleasant appearance, softness reigned in his face, his soul shone openly and clearly in his eyes”, “flabby beyond his years”

“all made up of bones, muscles and nerves, like a blooded English horse”, thin, “even complexion”, expressive eyes


“Stolz is only half German, according to his father: his mother was Russian”


The upbringing was of a patriarchal nature, moving “from hugs to hugs of relatives and friends.”

My father raised me harshly, teaching me to work, “my mother didn’t quite like this laborious, practical upbringing.”

Attitude to study

He studied “out of necessity”, “serious reading tired him”, “but the poets touched... a nerve”

“he studied well, and his father made him an assistant at his boarding school”

Further education

Spent up to 20 years in Oblomovka

Stolz graduated from university


“Ilya Ilyich’s lying down was a normal state”

“he is involved in some company that ships goods abroad”, “he is constantly on the move”


Didn’t do business in the village, received little income and lived on credit

“lived on a budget”, constantly monitoring my expenses

Life aspirations

“prepared for the field”, thought about his role in society, about family happiness, then he excluded social activities from his dreams, his ideal became a carefree life in unity with nature, family, friends

Having chosen an active beginning in his youth, he did not change his desires, “work is the image, content, element and purpose of life”

Views on society

All “members of society are dead, sleeping people”; they are characterized by insincerity, envy, and the desire to “get a high-profile rank” by any means necessary.

Immersed in the life of society, a supporter of professional activities in which he is engaged himself, supports progressive changes in society

Relation to Olga

I wanted to see a loving woman capable of creating a serene family life

Fosters an active principle in her, the ability to fight, develops her mind


He considered Stolz his only friend, capable of understanding and helping, and listened to his advice

highly appreciated moral qualities Oblomov, his “honest, faithful heart,” loved him “firmly and passionately,” saved him from the swindler Tarantiev, wanted to revive him to an active life


Constantly doubted himself, this showed his dual nature

Confident in his feelings, deeds and actions, which he subordinated to cold calculation

Character traits

Inactive, dreamy, sloppy, indecisive, lazy, apathetic, not devoid of subtle emotional experiences Oblomov And Stolz. Problem tasks Group Be able to compose comparative characteristics Oblomov And Stolz. ... Frontal, group Be able to compose comparative characteristics Oblomov and Olga, identify...

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  • In I. A. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov” one of the main techniques for revealing images is the technique of antithesis. Using contrast, the image of the Russian gentleman Ilya Ilyich Oblomov and the image of the practical German Andrei Stolz are compared. Thus, Goncharov shows the similarities and differences between these characters in the novel.

    Ilya Ilyich Oblomov - typical representative Russian nobility of the 19th century. His social status can be briefly described as follows: “Oblomov, a nobleman by birth, a collegiate secretary by rank, has been living in St. Petersburg for twelve years without a break.” By nature, Oblomov is a gentle and calm person, trying not to disturb his usual way of life. “His movements, even when he was alarmed, were also restrained by gentleness and laziness, not without a kind of grace.” Oblomov spends whole days at home, lying on his sofa and thinking about the necessary transformations in his Oblomovka estate. At the same time, his face often lacked any definite idea. “The thought walked like a free bird across the face, fluttered in the eyes, sat on half-open lips, hid in the folds of the forehead, then completely disappeared, and then an even light of carelessness glowed throughout the whole face.” Even at home, “he was lost in the rush of everyday worries and kept lying there, tossing and turning from side to side.” Oblomov shuns secular society and generally tries not to go out into the street. His serene state is disturbed only by visitors who come to Oblomov only for selfish purposes. Tarantiev, for example, simply robs Oblomov, constantly borrowing money from him and not returning it. Oblomov turns out to be a victim of his visitors, not understanding the real purpose of their visits. Oblomov is so distant from real life that light for him represents eternal vanity without any purpose. “No sincere laughter, no glimmer of sympathy... what kind of life is this?” - Oblomov exclaims, counting communication with secular society a waste of time. But suddenly the calm and measured life of Ilya Ilyich is interrupted. What happened? His friend from his youth, Stolz, arrives, with whom Oblomov pins hopes of improving his situation.

    “Stolz is the same age as Oblomov: and he is already over thirty years old. He served, retired, went about his business, and actually made a house and money.” The son of a burgher, Stolz can be considered the antipode to the idle Russian gentleman of the 19th century Oblomov. From the early childhood he was brought up in harsh conditions, gradually becoming accustomed to the difficulties and hardships of life. His father is German, his mother is Russian, but Stolz inherited practically nothing from her. His father was completely involved in his upbringing, so his son grew up to be just as practical and purposeful. “He is all made up of bones, muscles and nerves, like a blooded English horse.” Unlike Oblomov, Stolz “was afraid of every dream,” “there was no place for the mysterious, the mysterious in his soul.” If for Oblomov the normal state can be called lying down, then for Stolz it is movement. Stolz’s main task was “a simple, that is, direct, real view of life.” But what then connects Oblomov and Stolz? Childhood and school are what connected people so different in character and views for the rest of their lives. However, in his youth, Oblomov was just as active and passionate about knowledge as Stolz. They spent long hours together reading books and studying various sciences. But upbringing and a gentle character still played their role, and Oblomov soon moved away from Stolz. Subsequently, Stolz tries to bring his friend back to life, but his attempts are in vain: “Oblomovism” swallowed up Oblomov.

    Thus, the technique of antithesis is one of the main techniques in I. A. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”. Using antithesis, Goncharov compares not only the images of Oblomov and Stolz, he also compares the objects and reality surrounding them. Using the technique of antithesis, Goncharov continues the tradition of many Russian writers. For example, N.A. Ostrovsky in his work “The Thunderstorm” contrasts Kabanikha and Katerina. If for Kabanikha the ideal of life is “Domostroy”, then for Katerina love, honesty and mutual understanding are above all. A, S. Griboedov in immortal work“Woe from Wit,” using the technique of antithesis, compares Chatsky and Famusov.

    • In the novel "Oblomov" the skill of Goncharov as a prose writer was fully demonstrated. Gorky, who called Goncharov “one of the giants of Russian literature,” noted his special, flexible language. Goncharov’s poetic language, his talent for figuratively reproducing life, the art of creating typical characters, compositional completeness and the enormous artistic power of the picture of Oblomovism and the image of Ilya Ilyich presented in the novel - all this contributed to the fact that the novel “Oblomov” took its rightful place among the masterpieces […]
    • There is a type of book where the reader is captivated by the story not from the first pages, but gradually. I think that “Oblomov” is just such a book. Reading the first part of the novel, I was inexpressibly bored and did not even imagine that this laziness of Oblomov would lead him to some sublime feeling. Gradually, the boredom began to go away, and the novel captured me, I was already reading with interest. I have always liked books about love, but Goncharov gave it an interpretation unknown to me. It seemed to me that boredom, monotony, laziness, [...]
    • The second wonderful Russian prose writer half of the 19th century century, Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov in the novel “Oblomov” reflected the difficult time of transition from one era of Russian life to another. Feudal relations and the estate type of economy were replaced by a bourgeois way of life. People's long-established views on life were crumbling. The fate of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov can be called an “ordinary story,” typical of landowners who lived serenely off the labor of serfs. Their environment and upbringing made them weak-willed, apathetic people, not […]
    • Despite the significant volume of the work, there are relatively few characters in the novel. This allows Goncharov to give detailed characteristics of each of them, to compose detailed psychological portraits. They were no exception female images in the novel. In addition to psychologism, the author widely uses the technique of oppositions and the system of antipodes. Such couples can be called “Oblomov and Stolz” and “Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna.” The last two images are complete opposites of each other, their […]
    • Andrei Stolts is Oblomov’s closest friend; they grew up together and carried their friendship through life. It remains a mystery how such dissimilar people, with such different views on life, could maintain deep affection. Initially, the image of Stolz was conceived as a complete antipode to Oblomov. The author wanted to combine German prudence and the breadth of the Russian soul, but this plan was not destined to come true. As the novel developed, Goncharov realized more and more clearly that in these conditions it was simply [...]
    • Introduction. Some people find Goncharov's novel “Oblomov” boring. Yes, indeed, throughout the first part Oblomov lies on the sofa, receiving guests, but here we get to know the hero. In general, the novel contains few intriguing actions and events that are so interesting to the reader. But Oblomov is “our people's type,” and it is he who is the bright representative of the Russian people. That's why the novel interested me. In the main character, I saw a piece of myself. You should not think that Oblomov is a representative only of Goncharov’s time. And now they live [...]
    • Olga Sergeevna Ilyinskaya Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna Character qualities Captivating, delightful, promising, good-natured, warm-hearted and unfeigned, special, innocent, proud. Good-natured, open, trusting, sweet and reserved, caring, thrifty, neat, independent, constant, stands her ground. Appearance Tall, fair face, delicate thin neck, gray-blue eyes, fluffy eyebrows, long braid, small compressed lips. Grey-eyed; nice face; well-fed; […]
    • The image of Oblomov in Russian literature closes the series of “superfluous” people. An inactive contemplator, incapable of active action, at first glance really seems incapable of a great and bright feeling, but is this really so? There is no place for global and cardinal changes in the life of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. Olga Ilyinskaya, extraordinary and beautiful woman, a strong and strong-willed nature undoubtedly attracts the attention of men. For Ilya Ilyich, an indecisive and timid person, Olga becomes an object [...]
    • The novel by I.A. Goncharov is permeated with various opposites. The technique of antithesis, on which the novel is built, helps to better understand the character of the characters and the author's intention. Oblomov and Stolz are two completely different similar friend on each other's personalities, but, as they say, opposites meet. They are connected by childhood and school, which you can learn about in the chapter “Oblomov’s Dream.” From it it becomes clear that everyone loved little Ilya, caressed him, and did not let him do anything on his own, although at first he was eager to do everything himself, but then they […]
    • Oblomov's personality is far from ordinary, although other characters treat him with slight disrespect. For some reason, they read him as almost inferior in comparison to them. This was precisely the task of Olga Ilyinskaya - to awaken Oblomov, to force him to show himself as an active person. The girl believed that love would push him to great achievements. But she was deeply mistaken. It is impossible to awaken in a person what he does not have. Because of this misunderstanding, people’s hearts were broken, heroes suffered and […]
    • Oblomov Stolz comes from a wealthy noble family with patriarchal traditions. his parents, like his grandfathers, did nothing: serfs from a poor family worked for them: his father (a Russified German) was the manager of a rich estate, his mother was an impoverished Russian noblewoman. pour water for yourself) labor in the oblomovka was a punishment; it was believed that it bore the mark of slavery. there was a cult of food in the family, and [...]
    • TO mid-19th V. under the influence of the realistic school of Pushkin and Gogol, a new remarkable generation of Russian writers grew up and was formed. The brilliant critic Belinsky already in the 40s noted the emergence of a whole group of talented young authors: Turgenev, Ostrovsky, Nekrasov, Herzen, Dostoevsky, Grigorovich, Ogarev, etc. Among these promising writers was Goncharov, the future author of Oblomov, the first novel which " An ordinary story"Aroused high praise from Belinsky. LIFE AND CREATIVITY I. […]
    • Created eight centuries ago by the genius of the Russian people, “The Lay” retains the significance of an unfading example for the present, for the future - both with its powerful patriotic sound, and the inexhaustible richness of content, and the unique poetry of all its elements. For Ancient Rus' The dynamic style is very characteristic. He finds himself in architecture, painting and literature. This is a style within which everything that is most significant and beautiful appears majestic. Chroniclers, authors of lives, church words […]
    • Fet's literary fate is not entirely ordinary. His poems written in the 40s. XIX century, were received very favorably; they were reprinted in anthologies, some of them were set to music and made the name Fet very popular. And indeed, the lyrical poems, imbued with spontaneity, liveliness, and sincerity, could not help but attract attention. In the early 50s. Fet was published in Sovremennik. His poems were highly appreciated by the editor of the magazine Nekrasov. He wrote about Fet: “Something strong and fresh, pure [...]
    • Sonya Marmeladova is for Dostoevsky the same as Tatyana Larina is for Pushkin. We see the author's love for his heroine everywhere. We see how he admires her, speaks to God and in some cases even protects her from misfortune, no matter how strange it sounds. Sonya is a symbol, a divine ideal, a sacrifice in the name of saving humanity. She is like a guiding thread, like a moral example, despite her occupation. Sonya Marmeladova is the antagonist of Raskolnikov. And if we divide the heroes into positive and negative, then Raskolnikov will be [...]
    • This is not an easy question. The path that must be followed to find the answer to it is painful and long. And will you find it? Sometimes it seems that this is impossible. Truth is not only a good thing, but also a stubborn thing. The further you go in search of an answer, the more questions you face. And it’s not too late, but who will turn back halfway? And there is still time, but who knows, maybe the answer is two steps away from you? The truth is tempting and many-sided, but its essence is always the same. Sometimes a person thinks that he has already found the answer, but it turns out that this is a mirage. […]
    • The theme of St. Petersburg was set in Russian literature by Pushkin. It is in his Bronze Horseman", in "The Queen of Spades" we are faced with a two-faced city: beautiful, mighty St. Petersburg, the creation of Peter, and the city of poor Eugene, a city whose very existence turns into a tragedy for little man. In the same way, Gogol’s Petersburg is two-faced: a brilliant fantastic city is sometimes hostile to a person whose fate can be broken on the streets of the northern capital. Nekrasov’s Petersburg is sad – Petersburg of ceremonial […]
    • Among best students I had the opportunity to go to Moscow. The next day after our arrival, we were taken on an excursion to the State Tretyakov Gallery. I entered a huge hall. I was surrounded by a “society” of paintings. I walked slowly through the hall, carefully looking at each work of the greats, famous artists, and suddenly stopped for some reason near what, in my opinion, was the most ordinary painting. It depicted a landscape of a Russian village. Looking at it carefully, I finally found the creator of this […]
    • In general, the history of the creation and concept of the play “The Thunderstorm” is very interesting. For some time there was speculation that this work was based on real events which occurred in the Russian city of Kostroma in 1859. “In the early morning of November 10, 1859, Kostroma bourgeois Alexandra Pavlovna Klykova disappeared from her home and either rushed into the Volga herself, or was strangled and thrown there. The investigation revealed the silent drama that played out in an unsociable family living narrowly with commercial interests: […]
    • Nekrasov’s poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” occupies a special place in Russian history classical literature, and in the creative heritage of the poet. It represents a synthesis of Nekrasov’s poetic activity, the completion of many years creative work revolutionary poet. Everything that Nekrasov developed in separate works over the course of thirty years is collected here in a single concept, grandiose in content, scope and courage. It merged all the main lines of his poetic quest, most […]

    The brilliant novel by Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov introduces us to two diametrically opposed images: their characterization can take pages and pages. After all, they are completely different: in their temperament, in their attitude to life and worldview. It took Goncharov ten years to write it! What do you think, dear readers, would an academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Literature “steam” for an entire decade, writing a novel in the form of a “single-layer” pie? What's easier for a corresponding member - to write a story about two friends! One is extremely lazy. The other one is amazingly efficient. But no. A novel has been written about all of us! And we will try to prove this. Oblomov and Stolz will help us in this study.

    Image of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov

    The landowner Oblomov is outwardly a plump, doughy man with dark gray eyes, who prefers a passive lifestyle, lying on the sofa, doing nothing. Carelessness is visible in his entire appearance, but his face is spiritual. And the thought is constantly present in him, it shines in the eyes, hides in the wrinkles of the forehead, bends along with the lips. However, this idea is “toothless”; it has no practical application. Comparative and Stolz are clearly not in favor of Ilya Ilyich. He is a hereditary landowner. He has 350 serf souls. A nice, solid mansion in St. Petersburg, a dacha, a village house. Oblomov has no idea how to take care of all this property that he owns. He is like a child, first he is robbed by his clerk, and then he is driven to ruin by the swindlers Mikhei Andreevich Tarantyev and Ivan Matveevich Mukhoyarov.

    He is educated but has no practical experience work. Under the influence of his first failures in the service, he developed a psychological “lazy complex”, which Ilya Ilyich was unable to overcome.

    Image of Andrey Stolts

    According to the plot of the novel, they have known each other and been friends since school: Oblomov and Stolz. Comparative characteristics indicate the proximity of their caste origin. Andrei Stolts was born into the family of a German clerk, Ivan Bogdanovich, and a simple but educated Russian woman. The relationship between his status and the status of a friend-landowner is similar to the relationship between a business owner and a top manager. From childhood, his father, through regular studies in science and accounting, instilled in him a hard work ethic. Andrey is a lean man with sunken cheeks, dark skin and greenish expressive eyes. He is hyperactive: constantly, like a shark, on the move. The writer speaks of his hero as if he consists of nothing but muscles and tendons. He knows languages ​​and is smart, which is why the trading company-employer sends him as an agent to Belgium. In addition, Stolz is able to creatively use his knowledge. Therefore, colleagues prefer to invite him to develop projects. Oblomov and Stolz have different attitudes towards money. The comparative characteristic indicates the thriftiness of the latter.

    The secret subtext of Goncharov's images?

    The fact that, by and large, the images of Stolz and Oblomov are not independent, but allegorical, the author of the novel shows in their relationship with Olga Ilyinskaya. On the one hand, she can neither win nor keep her, but she is invariably attracted by the spineless Ilya Ilyich with his romanticism and pure childish soul. On the other hand, Stolz, who became her husband, pathologically does not feel the difference between business cooperation and sincerity. On a romantic honeymoon trip to Paris, he is, to put it mildly, unconvincing.

    Why did Goncharov create these two images: Oblomov and Stolz? Is the comparative description of these images simply an instructive conclusion? Contrasting characters? Or maybe we need to look at this more broadly? After all, each of us, of course, knows how much “Stolz” is in him and how much “Oblomov” is in him. What is a dream without your feet touching the ground? A global dream, devoid of any desire to realize it. What is Stolz? This is down to earth, business acumen, a sense of partnership. So let’s ask ourselves the question: “If you create something global, is it possible to discount the dream in principle?” (As you know, Stolz avoided dreaming.) Unlikely.

    And you, dear readers, will you agree with the following conclusion? To create a truly successful personality promoting fantastic projects, you need to mix 30% of the dreamer Oblomov and 70% of the fanatic of Stolz’s work in one glass. Is this what Goncharov wanted to tell us? After all, an adopted son appeared in the Stolts family. Of course, proper education will instill in him business acumen. But what about the ability to dream? Genes after all, you know...