Radar observation data from hydrometeorological center. Meteorological dictionary glossary of meteorological terms

Animated map of events over the last 3 hours.

    Click on the map above. Opens in a new window, latest release, you can increase the scale to 1500x1100 px.
  • Daily updated map of weather phenomena based on data from radar systems of the observation network of Roshydromet, Ukraine and Belarus. Animation (animated map) current data radar observations for ETR → weather phenomena for the last 3 hours (see almost in real time). If the map does not load here, then “click” on the link
    » animated map of weather phenomena for the last 3 hours
  • Another “MORE VISUAL” animated map of all weather phenomena in the European territory of Russia (ETR) in real time
    » animated map of DMRL weather phenomena for the last 3 hours

Above was, so to speak, a “global” map of weather phenomena, including the entire European territory of Russia.
Now go to the map at another URL » DMRL map

There will be areas highlighted on this map gray color and, when hovered over, the cursor should change.
If the location you are interested in falls into such places on the map, then you can get acquainted with it in more detail. current weather phenomena in this region (the date and time of the image will be at the top).
On the “DMRL map”, set the “cursor” to the desired city or any selected place, click on it with the left mouse button (see the figure on the left).
For clarity, below is a screenshot of the map, i.e. what image you will receive.
In the picture you will find all the symbols of weather phenomena, etc.

The radar interferometry method is indispensable for the timely detection of shifts earth's surface over areas of underground mining, mapping deformations of the sides and benches of quarries, as well as for monitoring natural and man-made displacements and deformations of structures.

Radar interferometry detects the slightest displacements - down to a few millimeters, minimizes the risk of emergency situations and significantly reduces their possible consequences.

The main advantage of radar interferometry is the independent remote assessment of changes over the entire area of ​​the image. For the calculation, an array of satellite radar data obtained at intervals of up to 8 times a month is used.

Radar monitoring of displacements and deformations takes place in two stages:

1. Planning and ordering target multi-pass radar space survey.

At this stage, it is necessary to obtain an initial dataset of radar observations - 30 radar surveys for 30 different dates.

Radar data can be collected over 5–6 months (for monitoring intense displacements of up to 1 meter per year, the period from April to October is ideal) or over several years (suitable for monitoring in cities where displacements are not too intense).

2. Interferometric processing of multi-pass radar space survey data.

At this stage, maps of displacements and deformations of the earth's surface and structures are calculated from the array of initial radar observation data.

As a result, the customer receives maps recording changes in the earth's surface and structures as of each survey date in vector and raster formats, accompanied by technical reports. Additionally, maps of vertical and horizontal displacements can be calculated, and area data processing can be performed using the SBas method, resulting in raster displacement files and displacement isolines.

Successful projects of the Sovzond company using the radar interferometry method:

    The first radars supplied to meteorologists after the war could only detect hazardous cumulonimbus clouds. It took several decades to modernize them and develop measurement circuits that could extract information not only from the height of the radio echo, but also from the results of signals reflected from clouds. The ability to observe the occurrence of dangerous phenomena, calculate their speed and direction of movement for a long time allowed MRL to take a leading position in storm warning.

    For 60 years now, weather radar has been an indispensable device for detecting phenomena that accompany convective clouds - thunderstorms, hail, showers, squalls.

    Meteorological incoherent radars determine HH (hazardous phenomena) by indirect signs - measurements of the height of the upper limit of the radio echo and the reflectivity of cumulonimbus clouds, and make decisions using radar hazard criteria.

    Radar Minsk-2. Minsk, Belarus

    Radar Gomel, Belarus

    MRL Doppler. Wavelength 5.5 cm. Viewing radius 200 km. The observation mode is automatic, once every 10 minutes.

    Receiving and processing radar information - .

    Radar Vitebsk, Belarus

    DMRL-S - Doppler weather radar. Wavelength 5.3 cm. Viewing radius 200 km. The observation mode is automatic, once every 10 minutes.

    Receiving and processing radar information - Meteocell software.

    Radar Boryspil. Kyiv, Ukraine

    MRL Doppler. Wavelength 5.5 cm. Viewing radius 200 km. The observation mode is automatic, once every 10 minutes.

    Receiving and processing radar information - .

    Radar Zaporozhye international.

    Zaporozhye, Ukraine

    Receiving and processing radar information - .

    MRL-5 is incoherent. Wavelength 3.2 cm. Viewing radius 200 km. The observation period when working with OY is 30 minutes.

    Coordinates of MRL Zaporozhye on the Google map. Weather radar position at Zaporozhye airfield: We are pleased to announce that the Kirov Center for Hydrometeorology and Monitoring environment Since April 1, 2016, a new generation meteorological instrument has been introduced and is successfully operating.

    Doppler weather radar (DMRL-S).

    Today, remote Doppler weather radars with polarization signal processing are a unique means of meteorological observations for the operational services of Roshydromet and aviation forecasters, because allow real-time monitoring of information about the location and movement of mesoscale cloud formations, the occurrence of zones of intense precipitation, recording zones of hazardous phenomena, including thunderstorms, hail, squalls, and monitoring their development and movement. Modern DMRL-S have a viewing radius of 250-300 km and allow for cyclic observations with a frequency of 3 to 15 minutes in a 24-hour automated mode, providing data with high spatial resolution (0.5-1 km) over an area of ​​up to 200 thousand km2.

    The radar information of the DMRL-S radars well complements the data of meteorological satellites, which use passive methods to sound the atmosphere, but unlike them, software specially developed for the DMRL-S radar (VOI GIMET-2010 software) makes it possible to process and interpret radar information. In addition, it allows you to correlate weather phenomena on the DMRL-S map with the synoptic situation.

    "GIMET-2010" builds a three-dimensional model of cloud parameters, the mathematical processing of which ensures the construction of the following radar maps and meteorological characteristics:

    1) maximum reflectivity in a layer above 1 km,

    2) HVGO - heights of the cloud top;

    3) meteorological phenomena;

    4) dangerous meteorological phenomena;

    5) precipitation intensity;

    6) accumulated precipitation amounts;

    7) integral water content of clouds, VIL;

    8) NNGO - heights of the lower cloud limit;

    9) vertical and horizontal wind shears;

    10) turbulence;

    11) visibility in precipitation;

    12) contours of hazardous phenomena;

    14) vertical wind profile VW;

    15) plotting horizontal wind vectors HW on any r/l map.

    Access to digital maps of observations of meteorological locators in the system for displaying a single radar field of the DMRL-S network of Roshydromet is already provided on the Internet on the website meteorad.ru, but the information on it is presented with a delay of 24 hours.

    For local consumers of DMRL-S information, provision is made for the transfer of secondary r/l products to remote Subscriber Points (AP) via a local network in real time on a contractual basis.

    Figure 1 Automated workplace"Client DMRL-S"

    The most visual and, as practice shows, the most popular product of DMRL-S are weather maps, which will be of interest, first of all, to services whose activities are related to making operational decisions: the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Internal Affairs Directorate, the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, municipal and transport departments, agricultural, energy and construction industries, industries whose individual technological processes depend on weather conditions.

    Meteorological radar information will allow high probability identify areas of occurrence of hazardous phenomena for the industry, carry out planning and adjustments of work, and ensure its safety. Reducing damage from hazardous weather events will thereby allow you to receive additional profits.

    There is experience in using DMRL-S information in other regions.

    For organizations interested in receiving specialized DMRL-S information on-line, the Kirov CGMS organizes, on a contractual basis, automated data transfer, both in digital form for subsequent processing, and in the form of a screenshot (picture).