Business conversation on the phone in English. Telephone conversation in English

Today we will get acquainted with other nuances of using numbers in English language. Let's start with phone numbers.

Phone Numbers

Remember the band's song Aquarium Two-twelve eighty-five-zero six? This is roughly how we dictate phone numbers in Russian. In this case, however, there is a risk of confusing “fifty” and “sixty” by ear, so professional signalmen always say “half a hundred” instead of “fifty”: “half a hundred five”, “half a hundred six”, etc.

In English, the situation with two-digit numbers is even worse: in addition to the pair thirty thirty-forty easy to get confused too thirty thirty-thirteen, forty-fourteen, fifty-fifteen etc., therefore, to avoid mistakes, Anglophones dictate such numbers simply one digit at a time. For example, the phone number that sunk into the soul of Boris Grebenshchikov 212-8506 in English we would say it like this:

Two one two eight five zero/oh six- Two one two eight five zero six.

I once had to spend a long time rescuing a parcel from the bowels of Canadian Post after an online store sent it to an address with a non-existent house number 30 instead of 40. At the same time, I myself, naturally, filled out the form on the website correctly, which is confirmed in the form of a receipt, and the error occurred at the stage of oral communication between the company’s services.

Other numbers

Other sequences of numbers are spoken in a similar way: numbers credit cards, product codes, product serial numbers, order numbers, invoice and receipt numbers, etc. Some codes follow a specific format and may contain special characters such as:

. dot(dot)

/ slash(fraction)

- dash(dash)

, comma(comma)

: colon(colon)

; semicolon(semicolon)


However, for the sake of completeness, it should be noted that in the case of short, three to four-digit numbers, they are usually dictated using two-digit numbers:

536 five thirty-six;

2708 twenty-seven oh eight.


If we're talking about about the amount in words in an official document, then the canonical form of writing the number is used. For example:

$2,364.57 two thousand three hundred sixty-four dollars fifty-seven cents.

Please note that according to the rules of English spelling, the fractional part of a number is separated by a decimal point, and a comma serves as a separator for groups of three digits. The dollar sign is placed in front of the entire number.

In everyday life, however, people usually use a simplified representation. Thus, three-digit sums are often announced this way:

$475 four seventy-five bucks (buck, as you know, is the colloquial name for the dollar, or, roughly speaking, just our dollar).

Amounts take on an interesting form when it comes to non-round thousands. Where we say "two hundred pieces", an Englishman will pronounce it as twelve hundred(twelve hundred), and nothing else. In a more general case, a value in hundreds is supplemented with a two-digit remainder:

$2,499 twenty-four hundred ninety-nine bucks(twenty-four hundred ninety-nine bucks).

For round thousands, however, there is a separate form, grand(piece, piece, ton). It is characteristic that, like other category names ( hundred, thousand, million, etc.), English “things” when voicing amounts are used strictly in the singular:

$5,000 five grand;

$36,000 thirty-six grand.

For particularly large values ​​of thousands, the notation is sometimes used K(pronounced ) - from the word "kilobucks":

I paid for my house four hundred K(400K) - I paid 400 kilo bucks for the house.

Decimal Fractions

With decimal fractions everything is simple: first the whole part of the number is pronounced (in the general case in canonical form), then the word point(decimal point), and then the fractional part one digit at a time:

The value of PI is three point one four one five nine— The number pi is 3.14159.


In general, simple fractions are not often used in everyday life, but there is an exception: since the imperial system of measures operates on fractions of units, such as an inch, many standard construction dimensions look like 11/16", 5/8", etc. It is pronounced like this: first the numerator as an ordinary number, and then the denominator as an ordinal number with s at the end for plurality: eleven sixteenth s , five eighth s . Example:

Take a three eighth s wrench and unscrew the top four bolts- Take a 3/8" wrench and remove the top four bolts.

Instead of a conclusion

This concludes the topic of numerals in English. I hope the information provided here will serve you well in situations of communication with English-speaking partners. If, after all that has been said, you still have questions, feel free to ask in the comments.

And finally, a short video about phone numbers. There is almost no coherent text there, so we will not transcribe it this time.

Good luck in your studies, and see you next time!

Even if you speak English well, you may feel unsure when dealing with numerals.

Today we will look at how to correctly say phone numbers and account numbers, how to talk about dates and prices in English to avoid mistakes.

Phone numbers

Probably most often we have to deal with a situation where we need to dictate a number. Telephone numbers in English are read completely differently than in Russian. In Russian, we can pronounce the city code or operator code by numbers, but in the number itself we very rarely pronounce each digit, but combine the numbers into tens and hundreds:

098 629 550 441 - Zero ninety-eight, six hundred twenty-nine, five hundred fifty, four hundred forty-one.

In English, all digits of the number are pronounced separately, and most often it is read as oh /oʊ/. Identical numbers next to each other are united by a word double:

33 - double three NOT thirty three
88 — double eight NOT eighty eight
00 - double oh

All digits of the number are pronounced in groups of three. The intonation rises after each group of numbers (as when listing), and at the end a falling tone is used:

098 629 550 441 - oh nine eight, six two nine, double five oh, double four one

If a three-digit combination has two zeros at the end, then you can say this:

500 - five hundred
100 - one hundred

Bank accounts and passport details

When reading bank and credit card numbers and similar number series, the numbers are read in groups of four with a rising intonation, with each number called individually (as in telephone numbers):

2047 5290 5402 9327 - two oh four seven, five two nine oh, five four oh two, nine three two seven.

In passport data, where both numbers and letters are present, the letters are called by their alphabetical names, and the numbers are called each separately.


In prices, the currency icon appears before the price itself, and is pronounced at the end in the singular or plural (if the amount is round):

€ 1 – one Euro
£30 – thirty pounds
$100 — one hundred dollars

If the amount is represented as a decimal fraction, then you can indicate the currency after the whole number. When reading, the same rules are followed as when reading decimal fractions, but the word point is not pronounced. If the integer is plural, then the noun denoting currency is also plural:

$1.75 – one (dollar) seventy five
€ 5.55 – five (Euros) fifty five
£7.39 – seven (pounds) thirty nine
$89.99 – eighty nine (dollars) ninety nine


When reading dates, the definite article is used, the month is preceded by the preposition of:

May 1—the first of May
July 22—the twenty-second of July
December 4 — the fourth of December

In American English (AmE), the month is read and written first, not the number, and the definite article is not used.

Having a business conversation on the phone in English is one of the most difficult tasks that employees of international companies have to perform. The point here is both the language barrier and the fear of not understanding the interlocutor. Therefore, we will tell you what phrases can be used in a telephone conversation in English in different cases, and we will give general tips on how to properly communicate on the phone with native speakers in order to understand everything and be understood.

We have written a simple phrasebook for travelers, in which you will find dialogues, phrases and vocabulary on 25 essential topics. Go on a journey with the main character and improve your English. You can download the book for free at.

Useful phrases for talking on the phone


The theater begins with a hanger, and a telephone conversation in English begins with a greeting. In addition to the usual Good morning/afternoon/evening, you need to introduce yourself. According to the rules of etiquette, you need to immediately tell your interlocutor who is bothering him. At the same time, it is advisable to name not only your full name, but also the company you represent.

Welcome phrases in English on the phone:

This is Ostap Bender calling.It's Ostap Bender who worries.
It's Ostap Bender here.This is Ostap Bender.
It’s Ostap Bender from “Horns and hoofs” here.
This is Ostap Bender from “Horns and hoofs”.This is Ostap Bender from Horns and Hooves.

And after the person greets you, be sure to ask a simple but very important question:

Is it convenient for you to talk at the moment?Are you comfortable talking now?

If the person is busy, immediately clarify when you can talk to him. Take into account the following phrases:

Can I call you back?Can I call you back?
I'll call back later.I'll call you back later.
Could you tell me when the best time to call is?Please tell me when is the best time to call you back?

It may also happen that you dial the wrong number. In this case, you can use the following phrases:

How to respond to a greeting

Now let’s imagine the opposite situation - they called you and introduced themselves. How to answer your interlocutor correctly?

First, be sure to say hello with the usual words Good morning/afternoon/evening, then, depending on your position and the specifics of cooperation with foreign partners and clients, you can use the following phrases when talking on the phone in English:

“Horns and hoofs.” How can I help you?"Horns and hooves". How can I help you?
Thank you for calling “Horns and hoofs”. Ostap Bender speaking. How can I help you?Thanks for calling Horns and Hooves. Ostap Bender is on the phone. How can I help you?
“Horns and hoofs”, Ostap Bender speaking. How may I be of help?“Horns and Hooves”, Ostap Bender on the phone. How can I help you?
“Horns and hoofs”, Ostap Bender speaking. Is there anything I can do for you?“Horns and Hooves”, Ostap Bender on the phone. Can I help you?

IN this moment you're busy? Politely ask the person to call you back later.

The person has the wrong number? Let him know about this using one of the following phrases.

What number are you calling?What number are you calling?
What number did you dial?What number did you dial?
I’m sorry, but we don’t have Mr. Koreako here.Unfortunately, Mr. Koreiko does not work for us / we do not have an employee with that last name.
Sorry, you must have the wrong number.Sorry, you must have the wrong number.
Sorry, you’ve got the wrong number.I'm sorry, you have the wrong number.
You must have misdialed.You must have dialed the wrong number.

There are situations when a person has the wrong number, but his call is unpleasant to you, for example, if he intrusively offers you unnecessary goods or services. How to politely answer an unwanted call?

I"m sorry, I"m not interested.Unfortunately, I'm not interested.
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment.I'm sorry, I'm busy right now.
We have no interest in your services.We are not interested in your services.
Please, accept that I do not want any more telephone calls.Please note that I do not want you to call me.

How to clarify caller information

Let's imagine that they called you, but did not introduce themselves. In this case, you need to avoid pauses in the conversation and immediately clarify who is calling and for what purpose. In this situation, use the following phrases:

Who is calling, please?Please, introduce yourself.
Could I ask who's calling?May I know who is calling?
May I ask who's calling?May I ask who is calling?
Can I take your name, please?May I know your name please?
Where are you calling from?Where are you calling from?
Could you tell me what it's about?Could you please tell me the purpose of the call?
Who are you calling?Who are you calling?
Who do you want to speak to?Who would you like to talk to?
The name of the person you are calling, please?Please state the name of the person you are calling.
What company are you calling from?Which company are you calling from?

How to ask to be connected to the right person

You call the company, but end up with a secretary or the general telephone number of a large department. In this case, you need to ask the employee to call the person you need on the phone. You can also ask to be connected to the internal telephone number of a specific employee. Use these phrases:

Can I speak to Mr. Koreiko?Can I speak to Mr. Koreiko?
Can I get Mr. Koreiko, please?
May I speak with Mr. Koreiko, please?Can I speak to Mr. Koreiko please?
Could I speak to Mr. Koreiko, please?Can I speak to Mr. Koreiko please?
I'd like to speak to Mr. Koreiko, please.I'd like to speak to Mr. Koreiko, please.
Is Mr. Koreiko there, please?Tell me, please, is Mr. Koreiko there?
Could you put me through to Mr. Koreiko, please?Could you put me through to Mr. Koreiko, please?
Could I have extension number 635?Could you connect me to number 635?

How to ask to wait to connect with the right person

And again the opposite situation - they call your company, and you understand that the interlocutor needs another employee. In this case, you need to ask the person not to hang up and wait for the connection. When speaking on the phone in English, depending on the specifics of your activity, the following phrases are used:

I"ll put him on.I will connect you with him.
I'll put you through.I'll connect you.
Hold the line, please.Please stay on the line.
One moment please.One minute please.
Please hold and I"ll put you through to his office.Please wait and I will connect you to his office.
One moment, please. I'll see if Mr. Koreiko is available.One minute please. I'll see if Mr. Koreiko can answer the phone.
Do you know what extension he"s on?Do you know what line he is on (internal telephone)?

What to do if the connection is bad

Interference on the line is the main phobia of any person who needs to conduct a conversation on the phone in English. However, do not be discouraged, a few simple phrases will help you cope with this situation. These phrases will help you out if technical problems arise:

Can you hear me?You hear me?
I can't hear you.I can not hear you.
It's a bad line.Bad connection.
This line is so poor.Very bad connection.
Could you please speak up a little?Could you speak a little louder please?
Could you please speak a little slower? My English isn't very strong.Could you speak a little slower please. I don't speak English very well.
Could you speak a bit louder, please?Could you speak a little louder please?
Sorry, I didn’t quite understand that.Sorry, I didn't quite understand what you told me.
Sorry, I didn't catch you.I'm sorry, I did not catch you.
Could you please repeat that?Could you repeat that?
I’m sorry, I didn’t get that. Could you say it again, please?Sorry, I didn't understand what you said. Could you repeat it please?
Could you repeat your last phrase, please?Could you repeat your last sentence please?
I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Could you repeat that, please?Sorry, I can't understand. Could you repeat this again please?
Could you repeat, please, what did you say?Could you repeat what you said?
Did you say Saturday 9 a.m.?Did you say Saturday 9am?
You said his name was Ostap, right?You said his name is Ostap, right?
Would you mind spelling that for me?Please spell it. / Would it be difficult for you to spell it?
How do you spell that?Please spell it out.
Could you please call me back? I think we have a bad connection.Could you call me back? I think we have communication problems.
Let me read this back to you.Let me read what I wrote down from your words (to make sure it is correct).
Let me repeat that just to make sure.Let me repeat to make sure I understand everything correctly.

Sometimes it’s not a bad connection, but a call on the other line prevents you from talking. If a call on the second line is more important than a call on the first, you can apologize to the interlocutor and ask him to put himself in your position. Use these phrases:

How to make an appointment

If you are calling a person to set up a meeting with them, use the phrase templates below. They sound polite and will help you quickly reach an agreement with your interlocutor. Use the following phrases to make an appointment:

I'd like to arrange an appointment.I would like to make an appointment.
When is it convenient for you?When is it convenient for you?
Would next Friday be okay?Is next Friday convenient for you?
I could make it after five.I can meet you after five o'clock.
I wonder if you would mind if I visited your office next week?I was wondering if you would mind if I visit your office next week?
Shall we say 5:20 next Friday, in “Horns and hoofs’s” office?So at 5:20 on Friday at the Horns and Hooves office?

How to politely interrupt someone

When having a telephone conversation with a foreign partner or client, it is better not to interrupt the interlocutor, but there are times when this is necessary. You can do this politely using the following phrases:

And you will find even more similar phrases in the article “How to skillfully interrupt your interlocutor? Dealing with interruptions."

How to ask someone to tell you that you called

Have you called your foreign partners, but the person you need is not there? Ask to inform him about your call and do not forget to leave your contact information. You can politely ask for a call in the following ways:

Could you please tell him Ostap Bender from “Horns and hoofs” called?Could you please tell him that Ostap Bender from “Horns and Hooves” called?
Could you ask him to call Ostap Bender from “Horns and hoofs” when he gets in?Could you tell him to call Ostap Bender from Horns and Hooves when he arrives?
Tell him I will call tomorrow, please.Please tell him that I will call you tomorrow.
Please, tell him Ostap Bender telephoned and I’ll call again at half past five.Please tell him that Ostap Bender called. I'll call you back at 17:30.
Do you have a pen handy? I don't think he has my number.Do you have a pen on hand? I don't think he has my number.
Thanks! My number is 777-5555, extension 13.Thank you! My number is 777-5555, extension 13.
Could you ask him to call me back?Could you ask him to call me back?
He can reach me at 777-5555.He can reach me at 777-5555.

If you would rather call the person back yourself, say the following:

When will he be in?When will he be there?
That's okay. I'll call back later.Everything is fine. I'll call you back later.

How to take a message for someone

You received a call and asked to pass the phone to a colleague, but he was not there or he was busy? In this case, you need to politely inform that the person cannot answer the phone and offer to leave a message. At the same time, do not forget to specify the name of the caller, as well as his contact phone number. Learn these phrases:

I"ll let him know you called.I'll tell him you called.
Can I take your number?May I know your phone number?
What is your number?What's your phone number?
Can I take your message?May I receive your message?
Is there any message?Anything to tell him?
I'll pass on your message.I will pass on your message to him.
I"m afraid he"s out. Would you like to leave a message?I'm afraid he's out. Would you like to leave a message?
I"m sorry, Ostap"s not in at the moment. Can I ask who's calling?Unfortunately, Ostap is not there. May I know who is calling?
He"s on meeting right now. Who"s calling please?He's in a meeting now. Please tell me who is calling?
He's busy right now. Could you please call again later?He's busy at the moment. Could you call back later?
I’m sorry, he’s not available at the moment.Unfortunately, he can't answer the phone right now.
I’m sorry, he is not in the office at the moment.Unfortunately, he is not in the office right now.
I’m sorry, he’s on another call.Unfortunately, he is now speaking on a different line.
Don’t be back in 20 minutes.He'll be back in 20 minutes.
Can I take a message or shall I ask him to call you back?Can I give him a message or ask him to call you back?
What message would you like to leave?What would you like to convey to him?
I"ll make sure he gets the message.I will definitely pass on your message to him.

You can also ask the other person to call you back later using these phrases for talking on the phone in English:

How to leave a message on an answering machine

If you only get through to the answering machine, do not rush to hang up. Leave a message so that the person can call you back as soon as they are free. You can leave a simple message like this:

What message should you record for your answering machine?

Do not neglect the answering machine function in your own phone, because this option will allow you not to miss a single important call. Take 5 minutes and write down a simple text for the caller. The text might look like this.

Hello, this is Ostap Bender. I"m sorry I"m not available to take your call at this time. Please, leave me a message and I"ll get back to you as soon as I can.Hello, this is Ostap Bender. I'm sorry, but I can't answer your call right now. Please leave me a message and I will call you back as soon as I can.
Thank you for calling. There’s no one here to take your call at the moment. Please, leave the message after the tone, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.Thank you for calling. There is no one near the phone who could answer your call. Please leave a message after the beep and I will call you back as soon as I can.
Thank you for calling “Horns and hoofs’s” office. Our hours are 9 a.m. - 9 p.m., Monday-Sunday. Please, call back during these hours, or leave the message after the tone.Thank you for contacting the Horns and Hooves office. We work from 9 am to 9 pm from Monday to Sunday. Please call us back at work time or leave a message after the beep.


Have you successfully talked on the phone and resolved all your issues? Then the time has come to say goodbye, and this must also be done correctly: without sentimentality and politely. You can say goodbye to your interlocutor like this:

It's been nice to talk to you.It was a pleasure talking with you.
I hope to have been of help to you.I hope I was able to help you.
Have a nice day.All the best.
Thanks for calling. Bye for now.Thank you for your call. Goodbye.
Thanks for calling. Goodbye.Thank you for calling. Goodbye.
Bye, Mr. Koreiko.Goodbye, Mr. Koreiko.
Goodbye, Mr. Koreiko.Goodbye, Mr. Koreiko.

To see and hear what a telephone conversation in English looks like in practice, we recommend watching the following video:

Successful conversation on the phone in English: general tips

1. Write a conversation plan in advance

If you are going to call your partner or client abroad, your task is simplified, because you can think in advance about what you will talk about, what words and phrases to use. Don’t be lazy to write down a brief outline of your conversation on paper, this way you will kill not two, but three birds with one stone: study the phrases while writing them, draw up the most accurate and complete conversation plan and save yourself nerves, because during the conversation you will know what to say and when.

2. Try rehearsing the dialogue

To sound confident, try speaking the dialogue several times in front of a mirror or on the phone with a friend. This will help you remember phrases faster, and you won’t have to refer to your plan during a conversation.

And if you're learning a language online, try studying with your teacher without a camera. This will be a complete simulation of a telephone conversation. Try acting out a dialogue with your teacher using your plan. If you practice this way at least a few times, then when communicating on the phone it will be easier for you to understand the person on the other end of the line.

3. Don't worry

Anxiety affects understanding in the same way as poor communication: if you listen to the interference (or the inner voice that says you won’t understand anything), it will interfere with you, and if you don’t pay attention to it, you will be able to understand the interlocutor . The more relaxed you are about speaking on the phone in English, the easier it will be for both you and the person on the other end of the line.

4. Maintain a formal communication style

The formal style of communication differs from the usual conversational style. We communicate with business partners politely, avoiding slang, word abbreviations, etc. You can read more about the features of the formal style of English.

5. Be as polite as possible.

The concept of “politeness” in our country and abroad is quite different. Pay attention to the phrase templates we have proposed: almost every one of them contains the construction “Could you please”, every sentence contains the word “please”. Moreover, when translated into Russian, the word “please” does not even always logically fit into the phrase. To us this sounds like obsessive politeness. In English sentences, you must use words like “please” and “thank you”, otherwise you may seem rude to your interlocutor.

6. Keep an electronic dictionary handy

Are you unable to understand some word that plays an important role in your partner's speech? Ask your partner to spell the word and look up its meaning in a dictionary. It is impossible to learn all the words in the English dictionary, so your partner will react normally to the request to repeat the word. So before every business conversation on the phone in English, turn on your computer and open one of the electronic dictionaries.

7. Ask to repeat what you didn’t understand

Remember, even when we have a telephone conversation in Russian, sometimes we do not understand the interlocutor or cannot hear some words due to a poor connection. In this case, without a shadow of embarrassment, we ask the interlocutor to repeat what was said. What prevents us from doing the same when talking on the phone in English? Your partner or client understands that you are speaking a foreign language, so they will calmly respond to your request to repeat a phrase.

8. Develop your listening skills

The more often you listen to foreign speech, the faster you will get used to it and begin to understand (if you also study grammar and new words). Therefore, listen to podcasts and audiobooks, watch videos and news in English. You can test your listening comprehension of the language and at the same time listen to samples of telephone dialogues in English on the Simple English website. Select one of the dialogues, turn on the audio recording and try to insert the missing words into the exercise under dictation. And also read our articles “” and “”.

9. Work on your pronunciation and intonation

Take care not only of yourself, but also of your interlocutor. Try to speak clearly, take your time, pronounce words and sounds correctly. Fluent speech is good in normal conversation, but not in dialogue on the phone with business partners. It would be ideal if you try to adapt to the pace of speech of your interlocutor, in which case you will be “on the same wavelength” with him. If you know that your pronunciation is not yet perfect and you may not be understood, speak at an average pace. A measured pace of speech will allow your interlocutor to understand you and give your words a confident sound. Be sure to read the article "". Watch your intonation: speak confidently, but in a calm, friendly tone.

10. Learn useful phrases for communication

The phrases that we presented in the article are excellent “blanks” for your speech. It is best to learn them by heart, so that when you call you do not have to choose words, but speak in patterns that are already familiar to you.

11. Read examples of dialogues in English on the phone

To see how the phrases you've learned work in natural conversation, study examples of telephone conversations, for example, on the official BBC website. On the pages of the resource you will see several examples of telephone dialogues on various topics and take a test on your knowledge of “telephone” vocabulary.

12. Learn professional vocabulary

To leave a positive impression of yourself after a conversation, study not only the phrases we present, but also the professional vocabulary of your field of activity. Understanding between you and your interlocutor will arise when you speak the same language both literally and figuratively.

Complete list of phrases for download

We have compiled a document for you that will make it easier for you to conduct a dialogue over the phone. You can download it from the link below.

(*.pdf, 292 Kb)

Now you know how to successfully conduct a telephone conversation in English. Practice listening, learn the phrases we suggest in English for dialogue on the phone and improve your pronunciation, then the interlocutor will understand you, and you will understand him. We wish you successful telephone conversations!

And if you want to thoroughly study business English with a competent teacher, we suggest studying in. Our teachers will help you master business style in communicating in English, teach you to understand the speech of your interlocutor and speak so that you are understood.

Hi all! Let's keep talking!

Talking on the phone in English can be very stressful. We often have to resolve various issues over the phone, be it meeting a friend or booking a table at a restaurant. The following sample dialogues will help you prepare.

  • From this dialogue you can learn take a call in English.
- Hello! Can I speak to Sarah? - Hello! Can I talk to Sarah?
- Hello! Who's asking? - Hello! Who's asking?
– It’s John, we work together. - This is John, we work together.
– Wait a second, I’ll call her. - Wait a second, I'll call her.
  • In this telephone conversation, a young man asks his colleague for his phone number mutual friend.
- Hi, John! - Hello, John!
– Hi, Sarah! How are you? - Hello, Sarah! How are you?
– Fine, thanks. You? - OK, thank you. And you?
– I’m fine too. Listen, I wanted to ask you if you know Lisa’s phone number. I wanted to ask her on a date. - I'm good too. Listen, I was wondering if you knew Lisa's number. I want to ask her out on a date.
– Lisa’s? Let me see. Yes, I think I have it. - Lisa? Let me think. Yes, I think there is.
– Could you give it to me, please? - Could you give it to me, please?
– All right, I hope she won’t mind. +44 5674889903. - Okay, I hope she won't mind. +44 5674889903.
– Thank you so much, Sarah! See you tomorrow at work. - Thank you very much, Sarah! See you at work tomorrow!
- See you! Good luck! - See you! Good luck!
  • This dialogue provides an example of a more formal telephone call. conversation between secretary and visitor.
  • Dialogue between two friends.
- Hello! Ann, is that you? - Hello! Ann, is that you?
– Mary! What's up? - Mary! What's new?
– I want to go to the cinema tomorrow evening, wanna join? — I want to go to the cinema tomorrow night, would you like to join?
– Sure! What do you want to watch? - Certainly! What do you want to see?
– There is a new romantic comedy with Taylor Lautner... — A new romantic comedy with Taylor Lautner has been released...
– Oh I love this actor! And at what time do you wanna go? - I adore this actor! And what time do you want to go?
– It starts at 7 pm. What do you think? — Starts at 7. What do you think?
– I’d love to go! Should we invite someone else? - I'll be happy to go! Shall we invite someone else?
– Maybe Kate wants to come, she likes Lautner too. “Maybe Kate will want to go, she likes Lautner too.”
– Okay, I’ll call here now and ask. “Okay, I’ll call her now and ask.”
– Great! See you tomorrow! - Great! See you tomorrow!
- See you. - See you.
  • This conversation is taking place between two classmates.
- Hello! I'd like to speak to Adam Johnson. - Hello! I'd like to talk to Adam Johnson.
- Hello! It's Cara Johnson, his sister. I'll call him now. - Hello! This is Kara Johnson, his sister. I'll call him now.
- Okay, thank you. - OK, thank you.
– Hey, this is Adam. Who's speaking? - Hello, this is Adam. Who's speaking?
– It’s Jacob, we’re in Biology class together. - This is Jacob, we go to biology class together.
– Sure I remember you, what’s up? - Of course, I remember you. How are you?
– Ms.Golden asked me to call everyone and ask if they want to go to the National Museum next Tuesday. Mrs. Golden asked me to call everyone and ask if they wanted to go to the National Museum next Tuesday.
– Instead of the lesson? — Instead of a lesson?
– Yes. Everybody present will be granted ten points. - Yes. Everyone who comes will receive 10 points.
– Okay, I'm in! - Great, I'm for it!
– Great! If there are any more details, I’ll let you know. - Wonderful! If there are any new details, I'll let you know.
– Thanks. See you. - Thank you. See you.
  • An example of how reserve a hotel room by phone.
- Hello! Is this the “Northern Hotel”? - Hello! Is this Northern Hotel?
- Hello, sir. Yes, how can I help you? - Hello, sir! Yes, how can I help you?
– I would like to book a room in your hotel. Is it possible? — I would like to reserve a room at your hotel. Is this possible?
– Of course. What date? How long are you going to stay? - Certainly. On what date? How long are you going to stay here?
– From 8th till 14th of April. — From 8 to 14 April.
– Perfect. Would you like a single or a double room? - Great. Would you like a room for one person or two?
– A double room, please. I am traveling with my wife. - Two, please. I am traveling with my wife.
– With a view on the mountains or on the sea? — With a view of the mountains or the sea?
– On the mountains, please. - To the mountains, please.
- All right. We happen to have a couple of available rooms with the view on the mountains. Could you please tell me your name and your phone number? - Fine. We just have several free rooms with mountain views. Could you tell me your name and phone number?
– Jason Lee And my number is +56 7899002319. — Jason Lee. And my phone number is +56 7899002319.
- Ok, thank you. Wait a second… Your booking number is 432568. - OK thanks. Wait a second... Your reservation number is 432568.
– Should I pay in advance? — Do I need to pay in advance?
– No, you can pay after you arrive in the hotel. Also, in case you have to cancel, it is free as well. — No, you can pay after you arrive at the hotel. Also, if necessary, cancellation of the reservation is free.
– That’s great, thank you! Good bye! - Great, thanks. Goodbye!
- Good bye. - Goodbye.
  • So it is possible book a table at a restaurant in English.
- Hello! This is “Red Dragon”. How can I help you? - Hello! This is Red Dragon. How can I help you?
- Hello! I would like to reserve a table for today at 8 pm. - Hello! I would like to reserve a table for 8pm tonight.
– I am terribly sorry, madam, but for today it is all full. — I’m very sorry, but there are no places for today.
– What about tomorrow? - And for tomorrow?
– Yes, it is possible. Tomorrow at 8 pm? - Yes it is possible. Tomorrow at 8 o'clock?
- That's right. - Right.
– Very well. Could you please tell me your full name? - Great. Could you tell me your full name?
– Karen Bennett. — Karen Bennett.
– And for how many people? — For how many people?
– For ten people. - On 10.
– Will you need a birthday cake? — Would you like a birthday cake?
– No, thank you, it’s just a business meeting. - No, thank you, this is a business meeting.
– No problem. All right, tomorrow, 10th of August a reservation at 8 pm for ten people. Please do not be late. - No problem. Okay, tomorrow August 10th there is a reservation for 8 pm for 10 people. Please don't be late.
– Thank you very much. Good bye. - Thank you very much. Goodbye.
- Good bye. - Goodbye.

After studying examples of these dialogues, you will be able to communicate on the phone in English, both in business and informal communication.

  • Hello?- Hello?
  • Lawyer's office.- Lawyer's office.
  • Thank you for calling the Browns Gift Shop. Kate speaking. How can I help you?— Thanks for calling the Browns' gift shop. Kate is listening. How can I help you?

Introducing ourselves over the phone

  • Hey Nick. It's Ann calling. ( Conversational form.) - Hello Nick. This is Anna.
  • Hello, this is Carolina Backer calling.- Hello, this is Caroline Baker.
  • Hi, it’s James from the dentist’s office here.— Hello, this is James calling from the dentist.

We invite someone to the phone

  • Is Jones there, please? ( Conversational form.) —Can I talk to Jones?
  • Is Tyler in? ( Conversational form.) - Is Tyler there?
  • May I speak with Mr. Black, please?— Can I please speak to Mr. Black?
  • Can I talk to your mother? ( Conversational form.) -Can you call your mom?

Please wait and call the person on the phone

  • One moment please. - One minute please.
  • Hang on one second. (Conversational form.) - Just a second.
  • Just a sec. I'll get him. (Conversational form.) - Just a second. I'll call him.
  • Please hold and I’ll put you through to his office.- Please wait while I connect you to his office.
  • All of our operators are busy at this time. Please hold for the next available person. — All our operators are busy at the moment. Please wait until someone is free.

Asking for something during a conversation

  • Can you speak a little slower please? My English isn't very strong.- Please speak more slowly. I don't speak English very well.
  • Could you please repeat that?- Could you repeat that?
  • Would you mind spelling that for me?- Spell it, please.
  • Could you speak up a little please? — Could you speak up please?
  • Can you please hold for a minute? I have another call.- Can you wait a minute? I have one more call.
  • Can you call me back? I think we have a bad connection.- Can you call me back? I think we have communication problems.

Message for the Absent

  • I'll make sure he gets the message. “I’ll be sure to give him a message.”
  • She's on lunch right now. Who's calling please?— She's at lunch now. Please tell me who is calling?
  • Joseph's not in. Who's this? ( Conversational form. ) - Joseph is not here now. Who is this?
  • She's busy right now. Can you call again later?— She's busy at the moment. Can you call me later?
  • I’m sorry, Alexis’s not in at the moment. Can I ask who's calling?- Sorry, but Alexis is not here right now. Can I find out who is calling?
  • I'm afraid she's stepped out. Would you like to leave a message?- Unfortunately, she left. Should I give her anything?
  • No, that's okay. I'll call back later. - No, everything is okay. I'll call you back later.
  • I’ll let him know you called.- I'll let him know you called.
  • Yes, can you tell him his wife called, please?- Yes, can you please tell him that his wife called?
  • Thanks, could you ask her to call Christopher when he gets in?- Thank you, can you ask her to call Christopher when she arrives?
  • Do you have a pen handy? I don’t think she has my number.— Do you have a pen at hand? I don't think she knows my number.
  • Thanks. My number is 12345, extension 67.- Thank you. My number is 12345, extension 67.

Clarify or confirm something

  • You said your name was Nicholas, right?“You said your name is Nicholas, right?”
  • Okay, I've got it all down. - Okay, I wrote everything down.
  • Let me repeat that just to make sure.- Let me repeat everything to check if everything is correct.
  • Did you say 55 David St.?— Did you say David Street, house 55?
  • I'll make sure he gets the message.- I will definitely tell him what you said.

Answering machine entries

  • Hello. You’ve reached 54321. Please leave a detailed message after the beep. Thank you. - Hello. You have called 54321. Please leave a detailed message after the beep. Thank you.
  • Hi, this is Kaitlyn. I’m sorry I’m not available to take your call at this time. Leave me a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. - Hello, this is Caitlin. Sorry, but I can't answer your call right now. Leave your message and I will contact you as soon as possible.
  • Hello, this is Jacob calling for Alexander. Could you please return my call as soon as possible? My number is 098765. Thank you.- Hello, this is Yakov. I need to talk to Alexander. Can you call me back as soon as possible? My number is 098765. Thank you.
  • Hey Jessica. It's Michael. Call me! ( cConversational form.) - Hi Jessica. This is Michael. Call me!

Politely end a phone conversation

  • Thanks for calling. Bye for now. - Thank you for calling. Goodbye.
  • I'll talk to you again soon. Bye. - We'll talk again soon. Bye.
  • I have to let you go now. - I have to go.
  • Well, I guess I better get going. Talk to you soon. (Conversational form.) - Well, I guess I'll go. See you later.
  • I'm afraid that's my other line.— Unfortunately, they are calling me on another line.

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