Border Guard Day: history and traditions of the holiday. Border Guard Day

Date in 2019: May, 28th, Tuesday.

If someone wants to congratulate the border guard on his day, then this must be done on May 28. On this date, every year ceremonial reviews of personnel are held, a festive table is set, and the exploits of heroes are remembered. Those who have served in the army put on uniform caps and meet with friends. For many centuries, sentinels guarded the borders of the state. The holiday was officially established back in 1918.

The image of a border guard warrior in Russia is quite highly revered. Soldiers in green caps serve around the clock at the borders of the state. They are always ready to repel an enemy attack and identify violations of border crossing rules. It is noteworthy that our smaller brothers – dogs – serve at the outposts along with the border guards. Four-legged servicemen are ready to catch up with the violator or look for prohibited substances at the border control. On what day is Border Guard Day celebrated, and what traditions do the “green brotherhood” have? More on that later.

Several historical facts about the border service

The first information about the border service is found in the chronicles of medieval Rus'. In those days, the state was attacked by steppe nomads. Therefore, princes built cities with watchtowers. On the approaches to large settlements there were heroic outposts with guard detachments. Mounted observers, similar to modern border guards, regularly went on duty.

In 1571, they decided to legalize the guards of Rus'. A regulation for the conduct of the border service was created, which was called the “Code on the Village Service”. Three years later, a decree appeared on the appointment of a single military commander of the border service and the creation of a separate border guard corps. And by 1754, against the backdrop of growing trade turnover between states, the rulers of Rus' ordered the creation of border customs houses.

With numerous reforms, the border service existed until 1914. At this time, the Russian Federation entered the First world war. After the end of the war, the guard troops were disbanded, and a revolution took place in the country. On May 28, 1918, the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars issued a decree that established the Border Guard of the state borders of the RSFSR. Since then, May 28 has been an unofficial holiday, Border Guard Day, which is celebrated in our country every year.

*According to the internal rules of the border troops, a new day begins at 20:00. It was at this time that military units were transferred to service facilities. Therefore, you can congratulate border guards after 8 pm on May 27.

Border troops today

IN this moment The Russian Federation has a border length of over 61,000 km. Almost 2/3 of them pass through water areas. The border service has a clear task - to ensure the territorial integrity of the state on land, water and underwater shelves.

During the Soviet era, the border department belonged to the KGB group of troops. At this time, this is a division of the FSB, which is referred to as the Federal Border Service (FPS). Now the FPS has over 80 garrison detachments on its balance sheet, which own about 1,000 outposts. Every day more than 11,000 squads of 2-3 people go on duty. These fighters are accompanied by trained dogs, usually German and European shepherds.

Video 1. One day in the life of Astrakhan border guards:

Border service branches are located in several neighboring countries, such as Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. All units are armed with the most modern weapons. For example, some sections of the border are already equipped with an electronic trace strip. The innovation allows remote monitoring of the integrity of border sections.

Who celebrates Border Guard Day in the Russian Federation

The structure of the Federal Border Service is quite diverse. On May 28, on the streets of cities you can see young people and veterans with blue, light blue and black bands of green caps. Because Border Guard Day is celebrated:

  • demobilized soldiers of garrison military units;
  • special forces of border troops (assault brigades trained for hot spots);
  • maritime border guard (sailors and sailors of the coastal service still celebrate Navy Day);
  • Border Troops Aviation (pilots and engineers; Air Force Day is also celebrated).

In 2019, the Federal Border Service will celebrate 101 days of its official existence. All military units will hold a festive review of personnel and a parade. In most cities, veterans and discharged soldiers will meet to remember the joys and hardships of military service. As a rule, meetings take place at the mass graves of WWII soldiers or monuments to veterans of hot spots.

For the population, a demonstration of the combat readiness of active servicemen is carried out in the form of hand-to-hand combat and the elimination of terrorist groups. Along with FPS fighters, service dogs always take part in performances. They demonstrate the detention of an intruder and the detection of explosive or narcotic compounds. An inspection and parade of ships takes place at the locations where the maritime border service is deployed. IN Orthodox churches On this day, solemn prayers are held.

In addition to Russian border guards, many men celebrate May 28 in post-Soviet states: Ukraine, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and the Republic of Tajikistan. Once upon a time we all lived in the same country, the USSR, which we served by oath.

Video 2. Border Guard Day 2017:

In Moscow, a favorite meeting place for border guards is Gorky Park. In May days it is quite warm, and some of the hot “fighters” do not hesitate to swim in the fountains. For May 28, militarized online stores offer various souvenirs: border troops flags, exclusive T-shirts, green vests, commemorative badges, passport stamps and various identification cards with the FPS logo, and much more.

Interesting facts about the border service and congratulations

In their mature youth, many served on the border famous people. For example, Leonid Agutin, who served in Karelia on the border with Finland. In the late 90s, he wrote the well-known song “Border,” which he performed with the group “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.” The following people can also boast of serving in the PV:

  • Lukashenko A.G., President of Belarus;
  • Saakashvili M.N., ex-president Georgia;
  • Kolokoltsev V.A., Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
  • Budyonny S.M., red commander;
  • Astakhov P.A., former Commissioner for Children's Rights;
  • Tinkov O.Yu, entrepreneur, banker.

Also serving in the PV were: Vladimir Shakhrin, leader of the Chaif ​​group, actor Boris Galkin and many others. Perhaps someone would like to watch feature films about the border, here are the “green brotherhood’s” favorites:

  • Border dog Scarlet;
  • Shooting Mountains;
  • Quiet Outpost;
  • Caravan of Death;
  • State border.

Video 3. Leonid Agutin and the Inveterate Fraudsters “border”:

Congratulations on the holiday - Border Guard Day,

I wish the PV employees peacetime and fewer violators.

Be happy, border guard warriors.

Our border is guarded

You guard her steadfastly,

And even on your wonderful holiday

You are watching the cordon, dear.

On the day of the border guard I wish

You have health, strength, goodness,

So that the service brings joy,

So that it is not dangerous.

I wish you happiness in your personal life,

High titles and victories.

I wish you, border guard,

I have many bright, glorious years.

Happy Border Guard Day today

Everyone who guards the border both day and night.

We wish you peace and goodness,

And know that we respect you very much.

May the sky be peacefully blue

May you not know the cruelty of the enemy.

Even though you are always armed with combat weapons,

Let it never shoot.

Being a border guard is a worthy cause,

We must serve honestly, faithfully and courageously,

It is worthy to always protect borders,

Never let the enemy on your doorstep!

We always wish you worthy service,

Be faithful to the oath, never be timid,

Good luck in all your good deeds,

Tenderness is only, always only, in words!

Oleg Khromov, Border Guard:

Please accept our sincere congratulations on Border Guard Day, true and courageous warrior. And, of course, heartfelt wishes for peace and tranquility. May your service never encounter unusual or dangerous situations, and may all training tasks never turn into combat ones. Carry out your service with dignity, and your relatives will cover your rear.

Border guard is pride

This is courage and firmness.

He protects his homeland

Doesn't know sleep or peace.

We wish him in his personal life,

Lots of happiness and an excellent wife,

And also super-excellent incomes,

And there's more cash in your wallet.

The enemy will definitely not pass here,

The border is under reliable control,

Reward and honor from us,

We'll let you give it to you.

We congratulate you on the holiday,

The whole country is looking at you,

And we hope that we will meet together,

An important holiday, as always.

Larisa, April 27, 2017.

From the first mention of the zashechnaya guard to the protection of the borders of the Fatherland today - the long and glorious history of the Russian Border Service, which has a special day today. On May 28 every year, Russian border guards and Soviet service veterans celebrate professional holiday- a holiday of green caps and berets, as it is often called after one of the most recognizable attributes of the troops of the Border Service of the FSB of the Russian Federation.

Officially in Russian Federation Border Guard Day was included in the holiday calendar on May 23, 1994 on the basis of Presidential Decree No. 1011. We are talking about a decree called “On the Establishment of Border Guard Day.”

Photo by Denis Lyubimov

This year, the celebration of Border Service Representatives Day began earlier than the official deadline. On May 26, a delegation consisting of the leadership of the PS FSB of the Russian Federation, service employees and members of veteran organizations laid flowers at the memorials and graves of military personnel who once commanded the troops. Commemorative events took place at the Troyekurovskoye cemetery in the capital and other burial places of prominent representatives of the Border Service.

The day before, a solemn event dedicated to Border Guard Day took place in Moscow - the laying of wreaths and flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the Alexander Garden. The ceremony was attended by active border guards and veterans of the service for protecting the borders of the Motherland. Ceremonial events also took place at the monument to the Border Guards of the Fatherland, which is located on Yauzsky Boulevard in Moscow. We are talking about such an event as the solemn ritual of the “Combat Crew,” as reported by the press service of the PS FSB of the Russian Federation.

The history of the Russian Border Service is, in essence, the history of Russia itself. After all, it is difficult to separate one story from another, since the protection of state borders has at all times been one of the most important missions. The first mention of border service in the Russian state dates back to 1360, when Metropolitan Alexy sent a blessing to the guards and villagers, who were tasked with monitoring the movement of Horde detachments. This kind of service played a significant role in the subsequent victory of the Russian army on the Kulikovo Field.

In 1512, Vasily III approved the concept of outposts. These are boundary positions that were supposed to not only monitor the movements of armed “neighbors”, but also take measures to prevent violation of the borders of the Russian state. Another 59 years later, Russia adopted a document that is considered to be the first border regulation. This is the so-called Boyarsky verdict on stanitsa and guard service.

Already under the Romanovs, in the 18th century, border customs guards were created. The 19th century brings streamlining of the structure of the border customs guard, as it was designated in the regulation signed on behalf of Emperor Nicholas I in 1827.

However, all these codes and provisions did not make the border guard (guard) an independent combat unit. Only 8 years before the onset of the 20th century, the border guard (the name of the service at that time was 1893) became a truly independent branch of the military - the Separate Border Guard Corps.

On the formation of the Border Service after October revolution tells the wonderful Soviet film “State Border”.

This film, shot at the Belarusian Film Studio, was awarded the USSR KGB Prize in 1981 and the USSR State Prize in 1989. As you know, in addition to the first stage of the formation of border structures of young post-revolutionary Russia, the film also talked about other historical stages. In particular, “State Border” is one of the few films of the Soviet period that told (in its 6th part entitled “Beyond the Threshold of Victory”) about the confrontation between Soviet border guards and special services officers against the Bandera underground in the west of the Ukrainian SSR after the end of the Great Patriotic War . By the time this part of “The State Border” was released in domestic cinemas (1987), not all Soviet citizens were aware of what the abbreviation UPA stood for (the prototype of the Ukrainian organization, now banned by the court in the Russian Federation) and what atrocities against civilians Bandera gangs distinguished the population of Western Ukraine. The film by director Boris Stepanov and screenwriter Oleg Smirnov opened a page of history that still echoes evilly in the once prosperous republic.

59 years ago, in 1958, in the USSR, for the great services of border guards in protecting the state border, the USSR Council of Ministers decided to establish the same holiday date that all border guards celebrate today. May 28 is Border Guard Day in Russia.

Photo by Denis Lyubimov

Despite their professional holiday, Russian border guards still serve on this day to protect the borders of the Fatherland, protecting the borders from the encroachments of those for whom personal gain and destabilization of the situation in Russia are important goals and objectives. Considering the fact that Russia’s borders are the longest in the world - both by water and by land; and as the president noted with irony, “the borders of the Russian Federation do not end anywhere,” we can say with confidence that the service of Russian border guards is as difficult as it is honorable.

Border guards resist smuggling, drug trafficking, illegal fishing in Russian territorial waters, and the penetration of destructive elements into Russian territory in order to harm the interests of the country and people. Border guards carry out their difficult service from Karelian Suoyarvi to the Southern Kuril Islands, from the Murmansk section of the border with Norway to the difficult border section with an inadequate neighbor on the Crimean Peninsula.

“Military Review” congratulates border guards and service veterans on the holiday!

  • 2 Border Guard Day in 2018
    • 2.1 Border Guard Day in 2018
    • 2.2 History of the holiday
    • 2.3 History of the border troops
  • Every year on May 28, the personnel of the border troops of the Russian Federation celebrate their professional holiday - Border Guard Day.

    By decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 30, 1993, the Federal Border Service of Russia was created. The date was taken from history: On May 28, 1918, the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars established the Border Guard of the RSFSR. At the same time, the Main Directorate of Border Guard was created.

    It is interesting that, in addition to Russia, border guards of other post-Soviet countries also celebrate their holiday on this day: Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Ukraine. This is done as a sign of respect and admiration for the heroic deeds of the soldiers. Soviet Union who defended their country from invasion. By the way, Russia is the country that has the most points of contact with other countries - the Russian Federation borders on 18 countries. No other state in the world has so many borders.

    international day

    In fact, this holiday is celebrated with equal success and scope not only in Russia, but also in other countries of the former USSR. For example, on May 28, Border Guard Day will be celebrated by the eastern and western neighbors of the Russian Federation. This equally applies to Asian countries, which also inherited this holiday from the Soviet Union. Border Guard Day in Ukraine, Border Guard Day in Belarus - all these important dates have official status in their countries and are celebrated on May 28.

    history of the holiday

    If we have sorted out the question of what date Border Guard Day is celebrated in our countries, then the question of why this particular date was chosen remains open. The fact is that on May 28, 1918, the border service was officially established, then still the RSFSR. Military personnel from the Russian border guards moved to the new department in full force, founding a new entity - the border guards of the RSFSR.

    Where is the border

    In the understanding of the majority, Russian Border Guard Day is a holiday of the ground forces, such unshakable soldiers standing along the perimeter of the state border, who are not only afraid to move, but also do not blink so that the insidious enemy does not have a second head start, the Ros-Registr portal reports. . In fact, the border of our country runs not only by land, but also by sea and even by air. This is surprising, but pilots also celebrate Border Guard Day. Penetration into our territory is most likely from the air.

    Borders of ancient Rus'

    Surprisingly, our distant ancestors also celebrated Border Guards Day. Unfortunately, they did not have modern means tracking the enemy. The most reliable radar - human eye, the most reliable acoustic system is the ear, and the best signal is a loud cry. The border guards of ancient Rus' climbed higher on a tree and, putting their palm to their foreheads so that the sun would not distract them from guarding the border, day and night they tirelessly monitored the movements of the villains. The border service was called the zasechnaya guard. For a long time, historians puzzled over this term until they finally realized that this was the name of the ancient border guards.


    When the day of the border guard arrives, as a rule, the capital hosts the main festive and protocol events. One of the most important is laying flowers at the graves of the unknown soldier. Among those who died in the first days of the war, there were mainly border guards who guarded the borders of our Motherland and were the first to take the first blow of the enemy.

    Today is loud fun -
    The day of the border guard has arrived!
    Drink up your luck cocktails
    In spite of sorrows and winds.
    Don't disappear at work,
    May your life be stormy
    And in everyday life, worries
    The sun is shining with optimism!

    We served together with you,
    I hope I haven't forgotten this,
    We kept walking at the border,
    They made sure there was order,
    Past memories
    But this day is all for us,
    I want to wish you health, strength,
    And happiness is a hundred times greater,
    More prosperity and comfort,
    And may you always be lucky,
    And enchanting fireworks,
    For such a celebration!

    Happy Border Guard Day, I congratulate you,
    I know you served on the border,
    I wish you all the best from my heart,
    And you fully deserve them,
    You didn't sleep all the days, you didn't sleep at night,
    Defended the country's border,
    For this we are all very grateful,
    We want you to know about this!

    There is peace in the heart, silence on the border,
    No wonder the whole country is proud of you.
    It’s not for nothing that we trust the country to you,
    No wonder we congratulate you today!
    Be vigilant and brave, reliable and dexterous,
    And in the snow and in the rain, don’t lose your skills,
    So that the enemies, hiding in the distance, know
    That our border is always locked!

    Our border guard is brave and brave,
    Honor, congratulations and glory to you!
    Serve, brave warrior, with dignity,
    Let us remain calm beyond the borders!

    If I hadn’t protected you then,
    Our country and all the people of Russia,
    Then I wouldn’t write you a poem,
    Wouldn't make any poetic effort
    And I want to shout hurray to you,
    You deserve honor and respect
    Border Guard Day, a holiday for you,
    So let there be joy and fun,
    It’s also impossible without wishes,
    So be healthy, have courage and strength,
    Don't forget who you were then
    You are a border guard, and this title is still valid!

    Congratulations to all border guards!
    Guys, I wish you happiness!
    This work is not easy, dangerous and difficult.
    May the sun always shine brightly,
    Let your comrades not betray you.
    And at home they always love and wait!

    Read also: Why Easter is on different days

    He served on the border,
    And on this I want to congratulate you,
    Now of course you've grown up,
    You can be praised in everything,
    The man is stately, strong-willed,
    I achieved everything I wanted,
    But I wish with my soul,
    To strive for even better,
    And know the soldier you never
    You have to be a soldier in life,
    Happy Border Guard Day to you,
    Although you are a former border guard!

    Colleague, congratulations,
    Happy Border Guard Day to you,
    I never forget
    That time is in my thoughts forever,
    And I want to wish you big
    Health, nothing without it,
    Just kind, simple,
    And so that the enemy is always afraid!

    Border guard, be the first in service,
    Be lucky and loyal in friendship,
    You stand on the border like a warrior,
    That’s why our people are calm!

    You're at the border line
    You serve your Motherland and people faithfully.
    There is courage and bravery in the soul,
    May love always be in her,
    The flame that will burn
    There are all barriers on the borders of happiness!
    And the star will fall in delight,
    By making general's shoulder straps!

    Remember the glorious years
    When you served on the border,
    Yes, these are not easy times
    But the page is so important to life,
    And that's why you
    Today, I send congratulations,
    Let the holiday shine on the May day,
    Memories, oblivion,
    And I wish that you always
    You were healthy, happy and young,
    And so that army friends,
    We found a reason to meet!

    Among the numerous holidays dedicated to military affairs, one stands out in a special way - Border Guard Day, a holiday dedicated to the true defenders of the fatherland. It is celebrated by all those who devoted themselves to protecting the borders of our Motherland, all those who served and are serving in the border troops, and the border guards themselves, and their friends, and members of their families. What date is Border Guard Day in Russia, how this holiday appeared and how important the border troops are for the security of our country - you will find out in this article.

    Border Guard Day is a way to say “thank you” to everyone who protects the borders of our Motherland. To everyone who is not afraid to stand up for the peace of the country's citizens, who protects the integrity of the state day and night, to those who serve in the Russian border troops.

    Border Guard Day in Russia is celebrated annually on the same day - May 28. In 2018, this holiday falls on Monday.

    Border Guard Day in Russia in 2018 is celebrated on May 28. On this day, the holiday has been celebrated for a whole century - the historical date appeared in 1918. It was then, immediately after the emergence of the young republic - the RSFSR, which replaced Russian Empire, and border troops were created. On May 28, 1918, the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars on the establishment of the Border Guard was signed. The basis of the new type of troops was a separate corps of border guards of the former empire.

    In 1958, in order to emphasize the importance of border troops, the Border Guard Day holiday was established. It was widely celebrated throughout the country, and a few years later it became one of the most popular military holidays.

    With the collapse of the USSR, the holiday did not lose its relevance. Border Guard Day in Russia was approved on May 28, 1993. The date was chosen in honor of the appearance of the first border troops in the RSFSR, which was succeeded by the modern Russian Federation.

    The first mention of professional border protection dates back to the beginning of the 12th century. Residents of Novgorod, Pskov, Yaroslavl set up abatis on their borders - a system of defensive structures in the path of enemies. By the middle of the 13th century, abatis became more complex, turning from individual structures into multi-kilometer - or verst - abatis lines. Another century later - to XIV century- permanent posts of serf guards appeared on the serif lines, that is, soldiers charged with guarding the borders of the principality. The Zasechnaya Guard became a kind of prototype of the border troops.

    In the first quarter of the 16th century, the abattoir guard became professional - only trained, professional soldiers began to be sent to the frontiers. Ivan the Terrible became the first tsar to hold inspections of border guards and check the work of the notch guards “on the ground,” that is, on the border line of the state. To facilitate the work and supply of border guards, forts or fortresses (fortresses) were placed at the abatis, which later grew into full-fledged cities - this is how Kaluga, Murom, Kozelsk, Serpukhov appeared. At first, serf guards lived in the fortresses during their service, then “service people” and servants appeared in them - cooks, grooms, gunsmiths; Later, most of the soldiers began to live on the fence permanently and were joined by members of their families. Fortress cities grew constantly, the border of Rus' expanded, the border moved further and further, and former fortresses became large cities of the country. So, to some extent, border guards can be called the founders of many modern settlements in Russia.

    The border service was systematized and expanded. TO XVIII century Customs functions were added to the security service. Catherine II completed the unification of the border and customs services, creating a full-fledged state structure that resolved all issues. Concerning the safety of state borders.

    In one form or another, the dual function of border security and customs issues has been inherent in the border service for many years. The final division of the department occurred only in 1922, when a special corps of border troops was created under the auspices of the Cheka of the USSR. So at the beginning of the 20th century, border guards were allocated to separate troops - the border service was almost completely formed.

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    Quite a lot of people don’t know when Border Guard Day is in Russia; they remember that it’s in May or June. However, this is quite an important and significant holiday for many generations of military personnel who stood guard over the borders of their homeland. Now let’s look at when they started celebrating Border Guard Day, what date it is celebrated and how the celebration actually takes place.


    In official documents, the celebration of Border Guard Day begins in 1958. But the troops serving to protect the border Russian state, were founded in 1918 after a decree issued by the Council of People's Commissars. According to this decree, in order to improve the defense of the state, it was necessary to strengthen the borders with a new special unit of the border guard, which was called the RSFSR. The border guard had this name until 1993. Later, the President of the Russian Federation issued a Decree, according to which, from December 30, 1993, the RSFSR was now called the Federal Border Service of Russia. And in 1994, the President of Russia officially established a holiday - Border Guard Day - with the aim of popularizing and reviving the traditions of the border service troops. So that, like many years ago, current generations honor and respect military service and, of course, border troops.

    Origins of the Border Patrol

    Even in ancient Rus', the need arose to defend against nomads who carried out raids, devastating villages. The princes who ruled Russia at that time decided to create defensive outposts that were erected on the borders of their possessions. However, starting from the second half of the 14th century, Tatars began to attack Rus' from the east and southeast. Then the previous defensive outposts and villages could not withstand such powerful attacks from enemy peoples, and it was decided to create detachments of soldiers to protect the borders.

    The first decree, which described the village service, was adopted in 1971. It outlined the duties of the then border guard soldiers and the rules according to which they protected the border from uninvited guests. In connection with trade between countries, a customs house was founded in 1754, which was guarded by dragoon regiments. After Catherine II, an institute for customs guards was established. In 1827, the customs guard became subordinate to the department of foreign trade, and in 1893 it became an independent organization. During the First World War, almost all border units became military.

    How many Border Guard Days a year?

    In all countries that were part of the USSR, without exception, this solemn holiday is celebrated. However, not all of them take place on May 28th. Azerbaijani border guards celebrate the holiday in August, on the 18th. Kazakh border guards celebrate their holiday in May, but on the 18th. However, the date, which is officially regulated by state decree, clearly stipulates that Border Guard Day, the date of its solemn celebration, is May 28.

    Of course, no one forbids celebrating this day on other dates, especially since for some military personnel, under the conditions of their service, other dates could become much more significant. So you need to understand these fighters, especially if the vicissitudes of a particular date changed their whole life. And Border Guard Day, no matter what date it is, is remembered not by the date, but by the exploits that our soldiers performed. How does it go?

    Border Guard Day - celebration

    May 28 is officially Border Guard Day. Traditionally, on this date, officers who served or were in some way associated with the Border Patrol gather in certain places in their cities. From the very morning in all Russian cities, military personnel - both former and current - put on their uniforms and go out into the streets to celebrate, usually in parks and squares. They put on vests, their camouflage, green berets, tunics, many with orders, and go for a walk to pre-agreed places in the city. The first toast for border guards is traditionally considered “To those who are now on duty.” They remember their comrades in arms, those with whom they shared all the hardships of military service. They talk about the operations they carried out to protect the borders of their state.

    Festive demonstration of the power of the Russian army

    On this day, in all large and small cities of Russia, the army demonstrates its combat power. In this way, the military popularizes the service among the people, pays tribute to the fallen soldiers who fought to the last and died repelling enemy attacks on the borders of the state. On this significant day, people show respect for the exploits of the heroes with volleys and salutes and express their respect to them. On Border Guard Day, processions take place and flowers are laid at the grave of the unknown soldier. They also organize mass celebrations, where pop stars are invited. In the evening, everyone usually goes to a concert, glorifying military service on the borders of their vast homeland.

    Popularization of the army among the population

    In our time, when military service for many young people is not honorable, this heroic holiday instills love for the homeland, which is very important for modern youth both conscript and more younger age. This holiday is designed to increase the morale and fighting spirit of soldiers who serve on the borders of our country. In the difficult everyday life of war, which sometimes drags on for a very long time, such moral support is important and even necessary. Also, on this day, soldiers feel involved in a very important event in the life of your country. Awareness of this greatly enhances the military spirit and patriotism of the soldiers.

    Celebration center in the capital

    All of Moscow celebrates this holiday on Russian Border Guard Day. Poklonnaya Hill. There was even a stone laid here, symbolizing the border guards' alley. This is the most visited place on this day. All former military men are dressed in their uniform, which is how they recognize each other. The military greet and congratulate their colleagues. Even if they don’t know each other, the form reflects a lot on this day. Many generations of border guards meet here, who seem to be young again and are active officers.

    Many of the military on Border Guard Day bring their children to the celebrations so that they know that they need to be a patriot of their country, and instill this immortal tradition in the younger generation. Soldiers demonstrate the wonders of hand-to-hand combat for spectators; exhibitions are often held military equipment, as well as weapons demonstrations.

    There are a lot of people in our country who served in the border troops, because Russia is the largest state in the world by area. The length of the borders is 60 thousand kilometers. Most of them pass through water - approximately 40 thousand kilometers. Therefore, it is natural that in our country this holiday can be compared in scale with the ninth of May.

    Celebration in parts

    In units, ceremonial events are held on Border Guard Day, where military personnel are congratulated by their commanders-in-chief. Modern weapons are demonstrated, equipment, material and technical means, as well as logistical equipment and technical support, all the essentials for the needs of the border troops, are presented. Military personnel are always happy to receive new ammunition for better service and the opportunity to defend themselves and their country.

    Veterans are often invited to celebrations and talk about their service to young soldiers. On this holiday, active military personnel will be given the titles they have earned, and veterans will be given memorable gifts.

    Patriotic education of the younger generation

    Some units even invite children from schools or colleges and tell them about their upcoming military service. There are often museums on the territory of units that display exhibits of weapons used by border troops. Also here you can look at the personal belongings of soldiers who died in the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War. Also - maps of the area of ​​battles that took place a long time ago. Children are always interested in such details, and when they are told by a veteran who reflects all the events not from books, but from his own memories, it is doubly interesting.

    Congratulations to the border guards

    And you can congratulate with these words:

    Happy Border Guard Day of a huge country!

    And let it be served easily, without strain!

    And it will always be great in everything -

    And in friendship, and service, and in personal life!

    We respect you immensely

    Such a beautiful, bright day!

    Border troops, you guys

    Don't forget about that!


    Professional Border Guard Day in 2018 will be celebrated on May 28, as indeed every year, because it is celebrated on the same day regardless of the day of the week and falls on the warm end of May. Initially, Border Guard Day was a holiday of the Border Troops of the State Security Committee of the former USSR, and now - the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    Border Guard Day is not an official holiday, like any other professional holiday. However, his goal is quite important - to show and prove to everyone what a powerful superpower Russia is, and to raise the morale of the guards of our borders. Moreover, work at the hour lines is not easy: the Russian border is the longest in the world, and besides, we have more neighboring countries than anyone else - as many as eighteen.

    What date is Border Guard Day in 2018: history of the holiday

    One of the main parts of the structure of any state is its territory, the limits of which are the border. Starting back from Ancient Rus' territorial borders were under special protection and control, as there was a danger of invasion by nomads. To maintain the immobility of the borders, the Russian princes strengthened the approaches to the state with fortresses and defensive outposts. At the end of the 14th century, Tatars began to raid Rus' more and more often. The defensive fortresses could not withstand such powerful pressure, so it was decided to create detachments that would guard the borders.

    As for the history of the creation of the holiday, it is worth knowing that in 1918, it was on May 28 that the Soviet People's Commissar approved a decree on the creation of the Main Directorate of the Border Service. Already in 1958, the Russian Border Guard Administration was annexed to it. In the same year, Border Guard Day was officially adopted by the Soviet authorities. And in 1994, Border Troops Day was officially approved by the Russian government.

    This holiday in the Russian Federation is celebrated on a special scale. There is a ceremonial laying of wreaths at monuments and mass graves as a sign of recognition and gratitude to those who gave their lives for their Motherland.

    Military parades and concerts are organized and broadcast on television. Also on television you can see a number of documentaries, historical and feature films, dedicated to representatives of this difficult profession.

    Behind festive tables to the clink of glasses, the heroes of the occasion accept congratulations from family, friends and colleagues. On this day, the warmest and most sincere words are dedicated to them.

    What date is Border Guard Day in 2018: congratulations

    Let's fill our glasses to the brim now,
    Let's get some pickled cucumbers
    And let's drink to the green caps -
    For you, our dear border guards!

    They don’t dare, frowning, even if there are clouds above you
    Various troubles to walk around.
    May love always send a ray of love into your souls.
    And we wish to live in happiness without borders!

    And on holiday let the hearts rejoice
    With a glass, the sound will ring until the morning dawn!
    But watch out, otherwise the little men might
    Green spies to infiltrate us...

    The border is always under control
    The enemy will definitely not get through here.
    To the border guards today
    Special honor from everyone.

    Congratulations on your day,
    Be vigilant always
    Under your valiant protection
    The whole country sleeps peacefully.

    Congratulations to the border guards -
    Udaltsov and well done.
    I wish you strength and good luck,
    Be happier and richer.

    Endurance and prosperity,
    And the limits of containment,
    Infinite Health
    Along with fiery love.

    Eyes look beyond the horizon
    And they are our only salvation.
    You can’t forget about your debt,
    Let there be luck every day!

    A reward for the border guard,
    Home, his whole family.
    Let the enemy be afraid only of a glance,
    Colleagues will be like friends!

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