Detail of the highway project. Moscow Automobile and Highway State Technical University (MADI)

» Department of “Research and design of roads” | Guidelines for the diploma

Department of "Research and design of roads" | Guidelines for the diploma

Recommendations for completing a diploma project at the Department of Surveys and Road Design

The completion of the diploma project consists of the design of a highway or its section, as well as the detailed development of one of the complex elements of the road or artificial structure.

Directions for diploma design

  1. Design of a motorway of categories I-V;
  2. Design of reconstruction of a motorway of categories II-V
  3. Design of an access road of categories I-V to a populated area, station, production facility, etc.
  4. Design of an on-farm (industrial) highway;
  5. Design of a quarry road;
  6. Urban highway design
  7. Design of reconstruction of a city highway
  8. Design of racing tracks, testing grounds, etc.;
  9. Design of a bridge crossing with approaches.

Explanatory note to the diploma project

The explanatory note is drawn up on A4 sheets and presented in bound form. It must contain the rationale for all technical decisions made, calculations performed and technical and economic indicators of the object. The explanatory note is accompanied by a list of used literature, compiled in accordance with the requirements for a bibliographic description.

The volume of the explanatory note must be at least 60 sheets of typewritten text. It is allowed to submit in the form of a legibly written manuscript with a volume of at least 80 pages. Information is placed only on one (right) side of the sheet. Text can be printed in black, blue or purple.

When stitching an explanatory note, the first sheet is the title page, followed by the task for completing the diploma project, then the table of contents. The title page and table of contents are not included in the page numbering.

The title page must contain the following signatures:

  • graduate student;
  • all consultants;
  • chief consultant;
  • decision on admission to the defense of the head of the department or his deputy.

All drawings and statements attached to the explanatory note must be outlined in ink (gel pen) and folded to A4 format.


Natural and climatic conditions of the design area

Characteristics of the existing highway (when designing road reconstruction)3.

Technical standards and transport and operational indicators

Route plan design

Design and calculation of road pavement

Technical and economic comparison of road pavement design options

Road construction materials

Calculation of small culverts

Design of longitudinal profiles

Design of cross sections

Calculation of excavation volumes

Calculation of movement speeds

Traffic safety assessment

Comparison of route options

Project detail

16.1 General provisions

16.2 Variants and scope

16.3 Designs and comparison of options

16.4 Operating principle

16.5 Calculation part

16.6 Required volumes

Construction organization project

Life safety and environmental protection

Estimate - financial calculation

Calculation of economic efficiency of capital investments


Graphic material

Graphic material consists of posters made on whatman paper in A1 and A0 formats. Posters can be made using a computer or manually. When making posters by hand, they must be decorated with ink (gel pen). The design of longitudinal profiles is allowed on graph paper with subsequent outlining in appropriate colors.

The volume of graphic material must be at least 10 sheets of A1 format.

The presented posters contain all the necessary drawings, inscriptions and numbers.

Demonstration posters must have a title that reflects their content. A stamp of the established type is placed in the lower right corner. The design of drawings within the framework of one graduation project must be of the same type.

Posters should be designed in such a way that they are clearly visible to members of the commission from a distance of 3-4 m.

Route plan.

The route plan is designed on a map at a scale of 1:10000 or 1:25000. In the first case, the length of the route should be 6-7 km, in the second - 12-14 km. The map scale of 1:10000 allows you to design the route in more detail and clearly; at a scale of 1:25000 it is possible to use the tracing capabilities to a greater extent

When designing a new highway, the number of route options must be at least 2. When designing a reconstruction, 1 option with sub-options is allowed. Also, as part of the reconstruction, it is recommended to consider a new construction site along some distance (bypassing a small settlement, significant straightening, etc.).

The designed route must have a logical beginning and end. This may be a junction with existing roads, access to a populated area or industrial enterprise, etc. It is recommended to consider a section of a new or reconstructed highway as part of the development of a given direction.

The route plan drawing must be properly formatted. It indicates:

  • the beginning and end of the route;
  • the length of each option;
  • vertices of rotation angles;
  • chainage value the beginning and end of each curve;
  • pickets;
  • kilometer signs;
  • artificial structures (culverts, bridges, overpasses, traffic intersections, installation sites for retaining walls, noise barriers, etc.).

The design of a city highway is carried out on a map of scale 1:500, 1:1000, 1:2000 and 1:5000. The length of the route can be 2-6 km.

The length of the kilometer indicator is taken to be about 3 cm. The diameter of the circle is 1 cm. The height of the text must be at least 7 mm.

The accepted (best) route option is shown in red.


For each route option, one culvert and one small bridge are calculated. It is recommended to select structures with minimum and maximum costs. Structural drawings linking the given structure to specific conditions are attached to the calculation of structures in an explanatory note or on posters. The dimensions of other artificial structures are taken structurally.

Travel clothing

The thesis project must calculate at least 3 design options for flexible road pavement. When carrying out a reconstruction project, the strengthening of the existing road pavement is calculated. Also, as part of the reconstruction, it is necessary to calculate structures in areas of widening the road surface and changing the route plan (straightening, detours, etc.). Each option is calculated manually according to all indicators and criteria. On a category I highway, in addition to non-rigid structures, it is necessary to calculate rigid road pavement.

All considered structures are shown on road pavement posters, showing structural and technological layers and thicknesses. It is necessary to indicate the cost of 1 m 2 of each option. In the explanatory note and on the drawings, it is necessary to draw the structure of the road pavement on the side of the road (strengthening the side of the road). The posters also show the calculated characteristics of the road construction materials used. The section “Road pavement” is coordinated with the consultant at the Department of Road Construction Materials.

Longitudinal profile

The longitudinal profile is drawn in the following scales: horizontal 1:5000, vertical 1:500, geological (vertical) 1:100. When designing a route plan on a scale of 1:10000, longitudinal profiles are drawn in full for each option. If the plan scale is 1:25000, then longitudinal profiles are drawn for characteristic sections of at least 6-7 km in length each. When making a longitudinal profile, the requirements for constructing the design line and drawing up the drawing must be taken into account.

It is necessary to fill in all columns of the longitudinal profile drawing (including design of ditches, types of transverse profile, etc.).

Cross profiles

Transverse profiles are drawn in relation to a specific chainage indicating the working elevation. The scale of the transverse profile should be no less than 1:100. The drawings must indicate the dimensions and parameters of all elements:

  • lane width;
  • width of the reinforced shoulder strip;
  • width of shoulder reinforcement;
  • total width of the shoulder;
  • width of the roadway;
  • width of the subgrade;
  • cross slopes;
  • laying the slopes of the roadbed;
  • laying external slopes;
  • thickness of the vegetation layer on slopes;
  • dimensions of ditches and upland ditches.

On a category I highway, the width and design of the dividing strip and the width of the reinforced strip are also indicated.

When installing a metal barrier road fence, you must indicate its brand.

Project detail

The topic and object of detailed design are assigned by the manager. The project details must be presented on at least three sheets of A1 format. The scale of the drawings is determined by the graduate student in agreement with the supervisor. It is recommended to display the design diagram, calculation methodology, adopted design and its elements on the posters.

Technology and organization of construction

A separate poster must contain a technological diagram of the construction of any element of the highway (for example, the construction of a base or pavement surface, the construction of a subgrade, the installation of a road fence, etc.). For the given technological scheme, it is necessary to calculate the need for machines, mechanisms, the length of the grip, etc.

Separate posters must present the organization of construction and a calendar schedule reflecting all operations for the construction (reconstruction) of the highway.

Economic part

The economic part should be presented on the final poster, on which the graduate provides a summary estimate and the effectiveness of capital investments.

Admission to defend a diploma project

To be allowed to defend a diploma project, a student must successfully pass all tests organized by the department. After completing the thesis project, the student signs it. Consultants must review and sign off on portions of the project that apply to them. Next, the drawings prepared and prepared for defense and the explanatory note are signed by the manager. After final approval and signing of the thesis project by the supervisor, the project is presented to the head of the department or his deputy for preliminary defense. During its implementation, the inspector has the right to indicate the need to make amendments and adjustments to the diploma project. In addition to this, the student must correctly answer all questions asked by the assessor. If all the requirements of the head of the department or his deputy are fulfilled, he signs the diploma project. If the inspector's requirements are not met, the student will not be allowed to defend his thesis project.

Defense of the diploma project

During the defense process, the thesis student tells and clearly demonstrates the purpose and sequence of the project, the main technical solutions and features of the project, the details of the project, the technology and organization of construction, and the economic part. Particular attention should be paid to the most original, interesting moments that required creative and engineering work.

The duration of the report should not exceed 15 minutes.

After his report, the student must correctly answer all questions asked by the committee members.

The evaluation of the diploma project consists of the following main, most significant points:

  1. Compliance of the diploma project with the given assignment;
  2. Correctness and depth of development of design solutions;
  3. Preparation of explanatory notes and posters;
  4. The content of the report and its story;
  5. Correctness, accuracy and depth of answers to the questions posed.

Questions for the entrance exam to the master's program in the discipline "Survey and road design" in 2016.

Regulations on the procedure for checking final qualifying works for the amount of borrowing and their placement in the electronic library of the department « Road surveys and design »


9.1 Part rationale

The highway and the adjacent right-of-way must be landscaped, i.e. have a look that meets the requirements of aesthetics and landscape architecture. This is necessary to make driving on the road comfortable and aesthetically pleasing.

It is advisable to build car pavilions according to individual or standard designs, developed taking into account local conditions, traditions of folk architecture and the stylistic unity of a certain section of the road.

Small architectural forms include a large number of elements of improvement and equipment of streets, roads, squares, boulevards, courtyards - that is, the entire intermediate zone that is located between objects of “volumetric” architecture. As a rule, the interpretation of these elements as small architecture is quite broad: their nomenclature includes objects ranging from drinking fountains and benches to entrance arches or pavilions with enclosed spaces.

All these elements, forming part of the “intermediate zone,” serve strictly utilitarian purposes and at the same time are compositional details of the environment, constituting a “connecting element” in the large-scale comparison of people and buildings. In the road environment, objects of small architectural forms are: equipment of rest areas; bus stop equipment; free-standing small architectural forms. Bus stops can be equipped with: benches, canopies, pavilions for waiting for vehicles of various types and capacities, garbage bins, and toilets. Small forms can also be arranged on road sections in the form of separate objects that play a compositional role. Unlike urban ones, small architectural forms in the road environment are not an intermediate link between people and buildings. Here, as a rule, they are located in a natural landscape situation. The problem is to ensure the best fulfillment of functional requirements, to link these objects with the landscape, to give them a “landscape” character. This can be achieved by design and planning solutions and the use of natural building materials. In general, considering small architectural forms near roads as a unique architectural genre, two stylistic directions can be distinguished. One direction is the use of rich folklore national traditions in their architecture. As a rule, constructive and artistic techniques of rural architecture are used. Such elements easily fit into the surrounding landscape, are made from local materials and are warmly received by those passing along the road. The disadvantage of “folklore objects” is the need for their individual production using traditional construction techniques. The use of modern building materials (reinforced concrete, steel, aluminum, plastic) and prefabricated design principles require appropriate artistic interpretation. A completely special stylistic design solution emerges, which leaves its mark on the surroundings of the highway. Interestingly, such objects fit better into an urbanized or partially urbanized environment. The architecture of bus pavilions presents a special challenge. This small structure is very important in the architectural appearance of the road. Firstly, this structure, as a rule, is not visually isolated from the road. On the contrary, when placed on a widened roadway, its very appearance informs about the presence of a bus stop. Secondly, even along a medium-length road there are dozens of pavilions. Here quantity turns into quality. The repeated visual accents of the bus pavilions create the aesthetic atmosphere of the road. Thirdly, for a small village near the road, the bus pavilion itself is an important architectural object that influences the “internal” environment of the village. A small architectural object, built thousands of times on our roads, is certainly an aesthetic problem in its own right. Bus pavilions are differentiated by capacity and layout. There are different types based on capacity: 5-10 people. (small capacity); 10-20 people (medium capacity); over 20 people (large capacity).

Based on their layout characteristics, pavilions are divided into: open type (without enclosing walls); semi-closed type (with walls, without enclosed space); closed view with a cash register and (closed room - classroom); closed type with a cash desk and a waiting room. An enclosed pavilion with a ticket office and a waiting room with a capacity of over 20 people. Can be considered as a bus station. The need for such differentiation is caused by the different needs for pavilions depending on the number of passengers served simultaneously. To establish this number, calculations are made of the daily number of passengers using a given bus stop, the average number of buses passing per day and the average number of passengers per trip. The practical capacity of the pavilions will largely be determined by the choice of options for their layout. For bus stops with a minimum number of passengers, the pavilion can generally be replaced with a light canopy with a bench. A large number of passengers requires the construction of a semi-closed pavilion, and, if necessary, a ticket office. The general approach to choosing sites for the construction of bus pavilions should be based on the requirements of the road transport service, as well as landscape design principles. The pavilion is an active visual accent in the road environment, so it is necessary to consciously reveal its architecture while driving along the road. Standards recommend a minimum distance from the edge of the stopping area to the nearest edge of the pavilion of 3 m. A greater distance is preferable (5-10 m), which creates additional depth of perspective and facilitates the perception of the spatial form. In practice, various structural materials are used in the construction of bus pavilions.

The use of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures represents an industrial trend that allows the construction of a large number of small architectural forms in a limited time. The most important task in the construction of bus pavilions from prefabricated reinforced concrete structures with a limited range of constituent elements is to create objects with different planning solutions. Of great importance are such qualities of prefabricated elements as geometric accuracy, cleanliness of finish, uniformity of texture, which are especially acute in small architectural forms. Monolithic reinforced concrete is highly labor-intensive; it is used when it is necessary to build individual objects. It is most advisable to construct bus pavilions from thin-walled “shell”-type structures that allow for greater compositional possibilities. However, this type of construction is most acceptable in the southern, dry regions of our country.

Bus pavilions made from metal structures can be relatively inexpensive. They consist of a steel frame with a corrugated aluminum enclosing structure and a corrugated fiberglass covering. The lightness and simplicity of these structures and modern architectural forms turned out to be very acceptable, especially for an urbanized road environment.

Timber structures are especially recommended for local roads in areas where timber is available. At a low cost (1.5 - 2.5 thousand rubles), wooden bus pavilions fit well into the natural landscape. The disadvantage is the relative fragility of the wood without careful treatment of the wood: impregnation with antiseptics, coating with a protective layer, etc. In practice, in different parts of our country, pavilions are built from various materials: brick, wood, metal, reinforced concrete, rubble stone, shell rock, etc. Pavilions are built both for standard and individual projects (Fig. 4.28). Some general practical recommendations can be given for the layout of this structure, which, however, may vary depending on the specific architectural solution. The mark of the bottom of the ceiling (roof), as a rule, is set at a height of 2.5 to 3 m, which ensures internal comfort and maintains the scale of the entire structure. Windproof walls in semi-closed pavilions are made with a minimum height of 2.2 m. It is also necessary to take into account the ventilation conditions of the structure.

Hence the need to place walls on three sides of the pavilion. At the same time, it must be remembered that it is desirable to provide a visual view from inside the pavilion towards the bus entrance. The compositional design of the pavilion should be concise and clear. The general features of compositional constructions of volumetric architecture near roads also apply to the architecture of bus pavilions. An abundance of decorative and artistic elements is undesirable: mosaics, embossing, forged elements, etc. Such elements should not be independent monumental forms, but rather have the character of architectural details. Practice shows that the pretentious use of the walls of this structure for “monumental” forms reduces the aesthetic impact of both the pavilion and the artistic element. The pavilions are equipped with benches and trash cans. In practice, for small buildings without closed waiting rooms, there is no need to differentiate the internal and external decoration of the walls. At the same time, individual elements can emphasize the internal character of the room (even semi-closed), creating the necessary coziness. A natural part of the interior can be benches with backs and headrests, bus schedule displays mounted on the walls, and architectural and decorative details. A single style solution for the architecture of bus pavilions should extend to the entire route of the highway. At the same time, layout options are desirable, which will vary depending on the landscape situation and capacity. In many ways, the architecture of bus pavilions is influenced by national and local architectural traditions of republics, territories, and regions. Pavilions, as part of the natural landscape, village or suburb, should be akin to this region, its unique cultural and historical traditions, local construction techniques and materials. The overall layout of bus stops, their landscaping and landscaping also play an important role. In fact, a kind of rest and waiting area is also being formed at the bus stop, no longer designed for drivers, but for passengers. Above is the general nomenclature of the stop improvement facility. In addition to them, landscaping may include various types of paving, retaining walls, and flower beds. Landscaping is done in small groups of trees and shrubs. Landscape compositions using natural or artificial elevation differences and the creation of microrelief can have a positive effect.

Along the highway on the reconstructed section of km 80-90, the project provides for the construction of one auto pavilion, ensuring normal operational qualities of the road and improving the working conditions of drivers, road service units and traffic police.

Car pavilions are designed to shelter people from wind, rain and sun while waiting for public transport. The project adopted a reinforced concrete pavilion.

At landing sites for passengers, the pavement is made of single-layer asphalt concrete 40 mm thick on a crushed stone base 150 mm thick.

Strengthening the subgrade in flooded areas

The section of the reconstructed road PK31+00 - PK55+00 is located in the floodplain zone of the Khara-Sheber River. In the floodplain of a permanent watercourse, the roadbed is subject to periodic flooding during flood periods. Flooding leads to erosional destruction and waterlogging of the subgrade soil, which reduces the strength characteristics of the subgrade and poses a danger to vehicle traffic on the road.

In flooded areas with the possibility of intense erosion (for example, on approaches to bridges, on floodplains of rivers, near lakes, seas and large reservoirs, etc.), a durable, non-eroded lining is created on the slopes from ready-made prefabricated elements - concrete and reinforced concrete slabs, monolithic reinforced concrete. The use of these methods of strengthening is possible with a slope steepness of no more than 1:2.

Concrete slabs with a plan size of 100×100 cm and a thickness of 16...20 cm (Fig. 1) are recommended to be laid on slopes with a possible water flow speed of up to 3 m/s and a wave height of no more than 0.7 m. The slabs are laid in horizontal rows from bottom to top along the slope with ligation of the seams. A concrete stop made of prefabricated elements with a cross-section of 40–50 cm is installed at the bottom of the slope. A gravel or crushed stone layer 10–20 cm thick is installed under the slabs.

Drawing. 1.

1 - concrete slabs; 2 - a layer of crushed stone or gravel 10...20 cm thick; 3 - concrete stop; 4 - rock fill; 5 - strengthening with gravel, crushed stone or grass seeding

In sections of the route with a lower probability of flooding and low water flow speed, slabs of smaller sizes in terms of 40?40...60?60 cm, 8...10 cm thick are used to strengthen the slopes.

To strengthen the slopes of constantly or periodically flooded embankments at wave heights of up to 1.0...1.5 m, prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs with a plan size of 3.0×2.5 m and a thickness of 15...20 cm, reinforced with steel mesh, are used. The slabs are laid on a return filter consisting of three layers: sand (10 cm); fine crushed stone or gravel (10 cm) and coarse gravel or crushed stone (15 cm). A persistent stone prism is installed at the bottom of the slope. The slabs are connected with steel clamps, placed one on each side of the slab, on hooks bent at the outlets of the reinforcement, or by welding these outlets.

At higher wave heights (up to 3 m), the slopes are reinforced with prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs, monolithic along the contour using reinforced concrete linings and steel embedded parts, or monolithic reinforced concrete slabs with plan dimensions of 5.0?5.0 to 10.0?10.0 m and thickness from 15 to 30 cm.

Monolithic slabs are laid on a preparation of gravel or crushed stone 15 cm thick. A stone or concrete stop is placed at the bottom of the slope. The slabs are reinforced with meshes. Concreting is carried out from top to bottom in horizontal rows. The concrete mixture is supplied to the laying site by a truck crane in buckets with unloading gates. Vibratory screeds, surface and deep vibrators are used to compact concrete. In areas where local cheap stone materials are available, flooded slopes can be protected from erosion by riprap. This method of strengthening slopes is widespread due to its simplicity and the possibility of complete mechanization of stone extraction in quarries, its transportation and placement. The riprap is placed on a preparation made from local sand and gravel materials.

The size of the stone, the thickness of the fill and the preparation for it are provided for by the project, depending on the speed of the water flow and the height of the water.

The method of strengthening flooded slopes by paving with stones is currently of limited use due to its labor intensity. This method is used mainly when performing small-scale repair work. Stones (usually 15...20 cm in size) are placed from bottom to top along the slope in horizontal rows on a layer of moss, straw or sand 5...10 cm thick. At the bottom of the slope, a persistent berm with a width of at least 1.0 m made of larger stone is installed . The paving should be so dense that individual stones cannot be pulled out by hand.

As can be seen from the above, the designs for strengthening flooded slopes are very diverse. In modern conditions, they mainly use those whose parts can be manufactured using an industrial method and laid using machines.

The main conditions that determine the design of strengthening flooded embankments are the speed of water flow, as well as the strength and direction of water waves in the wind (Table 5.1).

Slope strengthening structures are selected based on a technical and economic comparison of options, taking into account natural and climatic factors, the availability of local materials and other conditions.

Table 5. Permissible average (non-erosive) water velocities for various soil reinforcements, m/s

The average flow depth on the approaches to the bridge on PK38+10 during floods is 2 m, the average flow speed is 3.8 m/s.

Taking into account the above parameters, it is customary for this area to be reinforced with riprap made of stones measuring 15-20 cm and laid according to the reverse filter principle. Strengthening with riprap is more economically feasible compared to other options; this is due to the availability of cheap stone materials and the low speed of reconstruction in the area. The fortification boundaries are taken from PK34+00 to PK42+00.

In the section PK42+00 - PK50+00, the average flow depth is 0.9 m, the average flow speed is 1 m/s. In this area, it is customary to strengthen the slope with a continuous cover of turf.

Project detail. (Fencing the work site)

Road signs

Temporary road signs used at road work sites, as well as on detours, are installed in accordance with the requirements of GOST 23457-79

"Technical means of organizing traffic. Rules of application."

The shape, colors, symbols and dimensions of temporary road signs are taken in accordance with GOST 10807-78 "Road signs. General technical conditions".

Road signs located on the right in the direction of travel must be duplicated on the left side of the road, on the dividing strip or on the roadway if traffic conditions are such that the sign may not be noticed by the driver.

Road signs previously installed on the road in use in places where road work is being carried out must be removed if their information contradicts the information of temporary road signs.

Temporary road signs are usually installed on portable supports. It is possible to install signs on fencing boards or barriers. In this case, the bottom tap of the sign must be at a height of at least 10 cm from the surface of the ground or road surface. The plane of road signs installed on portable supports must make an angle of at least 70° with the surface of the pavement.

In plan, road signs must be placed so that there is at least 0.5 m from the edge of the roadway to the edge of the sign closest to it.

The dimensions of portable supports must correspond to the dimensions of the road signs used. The support elements should not protrude beyond the side edges of the sign by more than 20 cm.

The conditions for the use of road signs, most often used during road work, are set out in paragraphs 4.8-4.24 of these Instructions.

Road signs or groups of signs must be located at a distance of at least 50 m from each other. Sign 1.23 must be installed first in the direction of travel.

“Road work” must be repeated at least 50 m before the start of the work site. In populated areas and in cramped conditions, a repeated sign 1.23 “Action zone” can be installed directly at the beginning of the work site.

Sign 1 .1 5 “Slippery road” is used when there is a possibility of increased slipperiness of the roadway compared to the previous section caused by the work being carried out (for example, as a result of priming the repaired surface with liquid bitumen or tar, removing clay and dirt from adjacent roads along which a detour is arranged).

Sign 1.17 “Gravel release” is installed when constructing or repairing gravel and crushed stone pavements, during surface treatment of the pavement and in cases where gravel and crushed stone may be released from under the wheels of a car. The sign must be installed for the duration of the work until the coating is completely formed.

Signs 1.18.1-1.18.3 “Narrowing of the road” serve to warn drivers about the narrowing of the carriageway or roadbed, regardless of the reasons that caused this narrowing.

Sign 1.19 “Two-way traffic” warns drivers about a site where two-way traffic is temporarily organized due to road work. The sign is installed in front of the road work site if there was one-way traffic on the roadway before it.

Sign 1.30 “Other hazards” is used to warn drivers of the presence of a hazard not covered by other warning signs, for example, compressor pneumatic hoses laid across the roadway, welding cables, etc.

Signs 1.31.1-1.31.3 “Direction of turn” are installed in places where there is a sharp change in the direction of vehicle movement. In this case, the signs can be placed on boards or barriers.

In cases where traffic occurs along an area under repair, the direction of avoidance of various types of obstacles located on the roadway is indicated using signs 4.2.1-4.2.3 “Detour of obstacles.” Signs 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 may be used to indicate deviation of the trajectory of vehicles from an obstacle, which must be formed by at least five signs, while the inclination of the line formed by these signs to the axis of the road must be at least 1: 10, 1: 20 and 1: 50 with a permissible speed of 40, respectively , 60 and more than 60 km/h.

When the movement of vehicles is organized along a specially constructed detour, signs 5.32.1-5.32.3 must be installed before the start of the detour

“Detour direction”. If it is necessary to organize traffic along the adjacent road network, to indicate the traffic route before starting the detour, sign 5.31 “Detour diagram” should be installed, and at all intersections on the detour route signs 5.32.1-5.32.3 “Detour direction”.

The speed limit in front of the repaired area using the sign 3.21 “Maximum speed limit” should be in the case when vehicles are changing lanes at the beginning of the section or road workers may enter the roadway.

Prohibition of overtaking using sign 3.20 “Overtaking prohibited” should be introduced on two and three-lane roads when work is carried out on the roadway or shoulders.

On multi-lane roads, overtaking is prohibited in the direction in which, due to ongoing work, traffic is carried out in a smaller number of lanes.

Sign 2.6 “Give way to oncoming traffic” is usually installed on the side of the lane where road work is being carried out. In this case, sign 2.7 “Give way to oncoming traffic” should be installed on the opposite side.

If necessary, when, due to the conditions of road work, the passage of vehicles must be limited by weight or size, road signs 3.11 “Weight limitation”, 3.13 “Height limitation”, 3.14 “Width limitation” should be installed.

Outside the road work site, signs 3.21 “End of the no-overtaking zone”, 3.25 “End of the maximum speed limit zone” or 3.31 “End of the zone of all restrictions” are installed in the alignment of the last barrier device in the direction of travel.

Table 7.1.1 “Distance to object” must be used with warning signs if the distance from the sign to the beginning of the dangerous area outside populated areas is less than 50 m or more than 100 m.

Plates 7.1.3 and 7.1.4 “Distance to object” must be used with sign 1.23 in places of turn towards dangerous sections of the road.

Plate 7.2.1 “Area of ​​Action” must be used with a repeated warning sign 1.23 “Road works” to indicate the extent of the dangerous area. Fencing and guiding devices, other technical means.

earthen road section

Fencing equipment (portable barriers, inventory panels, racks, milestones, cones, signal flags), auxiliary equipment (cords with colored flags, signal lights, portable traffic lights) are necessary elements for organizing traffic at road work sites.

Portable fencing devices must be durable, transportable and stable.

When constructing underground passages, laying communications and performing other road work related to digging up the roadbed, inventory panels can be used as fencing devices.

Portable type fencing barriers with crossbars are installed mainly across the roadway to block traffic along the entire width or along one side of the roadway, 5-10 m in front of the work site boundary on both sides. If it is necessary to allow traffic inside the building to pass through, barriers are installed at the entry points for vehicles.

A picket barrier consists of posts, crosses and sheathing. The upper and lower parts of the barrier are painted red, the middle part white or yellow.

The guide pole consists of a shield and a metal support; the shield is painted on both sides with white and red stripes 200 mm wide at an angle of 45°.

Wooden stacks consist of a tapered lath, painted with alternating stripes of red and white, and a cross.

The guide cones can be made of sheet steel, rubber or other materials, must move easily when cars hit them, and be resistant to tipping over by the air flow created by passing vehicles. The cones are painted with alternating horizontal stripes of red and white, 150 mm wide.

The signal flag consists of a metal shield and a support. A black strip 150 mm wide is applied to the shield on both sides at an angle of 45°, on which a red reflective element measuring 40? 100 mm.

Racks, poles and guide cones are used to fence work sites and as a means of ensuring a smooth change in the direction of traffic when going around work sites, as well as when transferring traffic from one lane of the road to another.

To create good visibility of the guide line, at least eight cones or five poles must be installed on it. It is better to use cones and poles to mark guide lines on the roadway, for fencing the work site - along the road on the side of traffic with a distance between them of 10-15 m. Cones and poles must be installed so that their supporting part is the farthest from the fenced work area , was at a distance of no more than 0.5 m from him.

Signal cords used to fence work areas are secured to installed picket barriers, poles or cones. The height of the hanging cords above the road surface must be at least 80 cm.

For long periods of work, along with other means of traffic management, it is recommended to use temporary road markings. At the same time, permanent markings, if they contradict the goals of traffic management, and for the period of repair should be eliminated or painted over with gray paint, or should be. The project details are presented on sheet No. 4