Diablo 3 how to play together on ps4. How to play together on PS4

In the early 2000s, we often exchanged discs and cartridges from game consoles with our friends. Then everything was cheaper and easier. True, some discs were never returned to their owners, but that's another story.

With the release of PS4 the situation seems to be has changed dramatically: games have become more expensive, digital copies cannot be transferred, accounts, online stores, etc. have appeared.

About, Is it possible to change games on PS4, we’ll tell you how to play together on one console or each at home - we’ll tell you right now.

How to play games together on one PS4

The first method is the most banal. To make everything possible, you need:

  1. Attachment (1 pc.);
  2. Controller (2 pcs.);
  3. Friend (1 pc.).

To play on PS4 with two joysticks, you need to configure them first. This is done very simply, although most new users find this procedure difficult.

Every the controller is tied to one specific account. That is, both you and your friend must have their own profile in order to play together on PS4. If just before starting the game it turns out that your friend does not have a personal profile, create a new one or open a guest one.

Guest account does not save player achievements and trophies. After leaving your profile, all information is erased.

Let's move from theory to practice:

  1. Turn on the console and log in using the first joystick;
  2. On the second gamepad, press the button PS. The login screen will appear;
  3. Log in to your profile or create a guest account.

By the way, you can play not only together. PlayStation 4 supports up to 4 controllers simultaneously.

Exchange discs for PS4

One of the options for obtaining games for the console is purchasing discs. The main advantage is the possibility of further transfer (resale) of the game to another user. So you can share games on PS4.

Convenience is as follows: you buy two discs for two, that is, you “throw away”. For example, you have The Rise of the Tombrider and Horizon: Zero Dawn in your hands. While one helps the tomb raider Lara Croft find all the treasures and confront the Order of the Trinity, the second tries to survive in a world that has survived the cataclysm and fights against mysterious machines.

When both games are completed, simply exchange discs.

However, you can buy one disc for two. True, one of you will have to wait, because to start the game you must insert the disc into the drive.

How to remotely play PS4 with a friend

If it so happens that your friend or acquaintance lives in another city or even in another country, you can still exchange games.

Share Play

With the release of PS4, Sony introduced one interesting feature - Share Play. It turns on with a button Share on the joystick. This mode allows play together on PS4 as if you were sitting in the same room, and it doesn’t matter how many kilometers between you actually are.

One session lasts 60 minutes. During this time, you can show your friend your screen or give him control. In addition, you can invite a second player to play in the local lobby via the Internet.

Every 60 minutes you need to start the session again.

The beauty of this feature is that the second user no need to buy the game.

The only thing is that in order to give the visitor “his” controller, the organizer must buy a PlayStation Plus subscription. And to play together, both must have a subscription.

Remote Play

Initially, the Remote Play application on PS4 was intended to broadcast images from the console to a computer monitor, laptop, tablet or even phone. The special thing is that you can control everything that happens from any device from anywhere in the world. This allows you to play your friend's PS4 games.

If your friend doesn't have a PS4, but has a computer, albeit a weak one, he can play all your games. It is enough to configure the connection between the set-top box and the PC. It would be better if he had a DualShock 4 controller so that he could control the game no worse than directly on the console.

It's most convenient if a friend has a PS Vita. He will be able to turn on the console (if the function is active in the settings) even when you're not at home and make full use of all its capabilities. In this case, there is no need to turn on the TV or any additional equipment.

Internet connection speed should be approximately 2 Mb/s so that the picture does not freeze and there is no delay when pressing buttons.

Let's simulate a situation: you are going to visit a friend who lives on the other side of the city. He has a not very powerful PC, on which new games will no longer run. It’s not very convenient to carry your console, so it’s easier to take just the joysticks. You are coming, enable Remote Play, connect the controllers to the PC, set up the connection and play.

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Using the "Open Games" button you can play Diablo III together with other players. However, it is not necessary that they be on your friends list. Please note that you can only join if you have already at least once received a task performed by the player who created the game, regardless of the progress of other participants.

When you click "Join", you will be placed in a group of players who are performing the same task and at approximately the same level as you. In co-op play, you can team up with up to 3 players (that is, up to 4 in total, including you).

Search for rivals

When you create or join a public game, you can choose what type of game you are interested in: monster slaying, freestyle combat, key hunting, and portals. If, when entering an open game, you selected, for example, the “Fights without rules” option, then you will be included in the group of players who also prefer fights without rules.

Clans and Communities (PC)

The system of clans and communities makes it easy to find friends with similar interests and communicate with them. From the main menu, press Shift + O or click on the chat icon to go to the clans and communities menu. In this menu you can create a new clan or community or join existing ones. You will be able to interact with your clan or community members regardless of which character you are currently playing.


Players belonging to the same clan will have access to a special chat channel where they can communicate and receive information about the recent activities of their comrades. For example, if one of your clan members recognizes a legendary item, you will know about it from the chat window. Each player can only belong to one clan. The player who created the clan is its head and is generally responsible for its leadership. In the clan menu you will have several tabs.
  • News: This tab shows the total number of players in the clan, the current message of the day, news and general information published by clan leaders.
  • List: it contains detailed information about clan members, their ranks, achievements and recent actions. At the bottom of the list there will be information about what characters clan members are currently playing (this data will be updated automatically).
  • Settings: This tab is visible to all clan members, but only management representatives can make changes to it. This tab displays the language of communication, a list of opportunities available to clan members depending on rank, as well as information about whether the this moment recruiting new players.

There are no restrictions on the number of participants in communities.


The community system is similar to the clan system, but with two fundamental differences. First, communities are dedicated to the different interests of players. Secondly, a player can be a member of several communities at the same time. As a rule, players form communities to find worthy opponents for PvP, get items together, discuss various aspects of the game, or talk about topics not related to the game. Like clans, communities have their own News, List, and Settings tabs. Communities are governed by a leader.

Communication menu

Friends list (PC)

You can invite friends to the game and exchange messages with them through the communication menu.

Communication window, indicated by a small “person” in the lower right corner of the screen, will help you communicate with other players. Initially, it displays the number of your friends online.

When you open this window (default is the “O” key), you will see a list of friends in the center. You can add other players to this list by entering their BattleTag or address Email. By adding a friend there, you will later be able to see his network status (online or not) and employment (free or busy). You can send a message to a friend by clicking on their name and clicking the Chat button. In addition, in the same window you can invite a friend to join the game by clicking “Invite to group”.

In the drop-down menu in the upper left corner of the window, you can set your own status to inform other players whether you can be invited to a joint playthrough or if it’s better not to bother you.

Inviting friends

If you're playing alone and want other players to join you, it's easy to arrange. Once you start a game, you can make it open (by opening the game menu with the “Esc” key and selecting “Make game open”), which will allow other players to connect to it.

In the game, you can ask players you know to join you on a mission. Open the communication menu, select the friend you want to invite to the game, and click the “Invite to Group” button next to the name. If the selected player is currently playing Diablo III, they will receive an invitation from you and, upon accepting, will be able to be transported to your game.

Players near you

On the Xbox 360 and Xbox One versions of Diablo III and PlayStation®3 and PlayStation®4, the list of online friends is located in the upper right corner of the main menu. To view this list, you must be connected to Xbox LIVE or PlayStation® Network.

You can play Diablo III on your console with friends: either online via Xbox LIVE or PlayStation® Network, connecting multiple consoles to one network (using the Xbox 360 to Xbox One console link or PSN LAN feature), or locally, on one console.

To invite friends to a created game, press the "START" button (this will pause the game) and see if your friends are online. From the same menu you can invite them to your game.

Communication (PC)

Chat window with received and sent messages.

If you play on PC, then by joining a group you will have means of communication at your disposal. Arrows and a small conversation window in the lower left corner of the screen are elements of the chat window. This window will remain transparent until you hover your mouse over it. It displays all your in-game communications.

Here you can see the messages that you receive and that you write to other players. To send a message to a player, select his name in the communication window and click the "Chat" button, or send a message directly to him. After pressing the Enter key, a text field for entering a message will appear in the chat window.

If you click on the gear icon in chat, you can enter into a private conversation with one or more (up to 99) players. However, it is not necessary that everyone plays the same game.

Co-op details

Heroes in action.

Playing together offers several significant benefits, but it also has a noticeable impact on gameplay.

You can see the health level and condition of your party mates next to their images on the screen. If you want to jump straight into battle, you have the ability to instantly move to the group by highlighting one of the suitable banners in the city. With your group mates you can also exchange objects. On PC and Mac, to do this, you need to right-click on the image of the desired character and select “Exchange” from the menu that appears. On consoles, you can exchange items with other players through the party menu (on Xbox 360 and Xbox One - “BACK”, on PlayStation®3 and PlayStation®4 - “SELECT”, then select “Party”).

Trophies in groups are generated individually for each player - all players receive their personal items from the corpses of enemies or from chests. It is impossible to “steal” someone else’s loot in a group.

You can invite up to three players to your group (that is, the group size is no more than four people), but you cannot take companions into it, no matter how many players there are in the group.

The open game state is the same for all players in the group. For example, if you killed the Skeleton King, but after that you joined a game whose goal is precisely to defeat him, then for you he will be alive, and all game objects associated with his death (new open areas, some non-player characters, etc.) .d.) will not be available to you.

The most important feature The idea of ​​a cooperative game is this: the more players there are, the stronger the enemies. With each new member of the group, the legions of the underground army will gain strength. Be careful - although there are other heroes fighting on your side now, the enemies you previously easily defeated may turn out to be much stronger in a cooperative game.

Battle notifications

When you engage a party or a greedy goblin in combat, a notification appears for your party. If you're playing on PC, an icon will appear on the mini-map so nearby allies know where to go to help. A similar icon appears on your banner, so that friends in the city will immediately understand how to quickly join the battle.

Bonuses in co-op play

With each new member in the enemy group, the enemies become stronger. But heroes also receive more rewards if they fight together! Your search rates for gold and magic items increase; In addition, you gain additional experience. The experience bonus is tied to the strength of the monsters, so if you fight together against stronger monsters, the reward will be higher.
  • Two-player game: 10% to finding gold, finding magic items and experience.
  • Threesome game: 20% to gold search, magic item search and experience.
  • Four-player game: 30% to finding gold, finding magic items and experience.


Sometimes it happens that while playing together with friends, you end up with items that are of no value to you, but would be very useful to your comrades. Common, rare, and magic items can be freely traded, but legendary items and items that are part of sets will be tied to your account. You will have enough time (2 hours from the moment you receive the item) to exchange it with party mates who were nearby when the item was found. After two hours, the item will no longer be exchangeable.

Emotions and commands

Emotes and commands can only be used in the PC version of Diablo III.

Emotions is a set of text abbreviations with which you can quickly convey the necessary information to other group members. Using emotions, the character sends important message other players in the group (for example, follow him or run away). Teams are text messages that allow you to switch between chat channels or use other Diablo III interface features.

You can use emotes or enter a command by pressing "/" (slash) and entering one of the text options below. You can assign emotions (and some commands) to various keys by selecting Hotkeys in the Settings menu.

  • /Behind me(/Follow or default key NUMPAD 1)
  • /give(/Give or default key NUMPAD 2)
  • /Thank you(/Thanks or default key NUMPAD 3)
  • /sorry(/Sorry or default key NUMPAD 4)
  • /Bye(/Bye or default key NUMPAD 5)
  • /die(/Die or default key NUMPAD 6)
  • /run(/Run or default key NUMPAD 7)
  • /wait(/Wait or default key NUMPAD 8)
  • /forward(/Go or default key NUMPAD 9)
  • /for help(/Help or default key NUMPAD 0)

Emotions not tied to keys:

  • Stay here
  • Attack!
  • Retreat
  • Hold
  • Hit the target
  • /? - reference Information about chat commands
  • /send, /s, /say, /sh, /whisper<Имя> <Текст сообщения> - send a message to another player
  • /o, /answer- reply to the last personal message
  • /login, /channel, /kan<название канала> - join the channel
  • /exit, /exit, /exit- leave the chat channel
  • /k, /say- send a message to the channel
  • /hlist- list of channel participants
  • /Who- list of channel participants
  • /g, /group- send a message to your group
  • shift + [click on item or achievement]- send a link to the chat to the item or achievement you clicked on

Achievements and challenges

The rewards for certain tasks in Diablo III are not limited to gold, treasure, or the pleasure of seeing the blood of your enemies spilled. They also give you achievements - unique milestones of your game progress.

Achievements are usually given for completing important, unique or particularly difficult tasks such as achieving a global game goal, killing an enemy in a special way, completing an act, or completing the entire game on an increased difficulty level. Major challenges you complete either give you a certain amount of points or are treated as challenges that don't give you points (but are still worth bragging about). On consoles, points correspond to Xbox LIVE Achievements and PSN Trophies; on PC, your points are shown on Battle.net.

Full list achievements can be viewed in a special game menu - both those already received and those that can still be obtained. Achievements count for all your characters.

For some achievements you will receive new emblems and patterns for banner- your personal battle standard, on which you can mark your exploits for other players to see.


Creation of a banner.

Those who cut their way through the armies of evil have no shame in boasting of their valor. To show everyone your achievements (and artistic taste), you can decorate the banner in a special way with various patterns, signs, colors to display your exploits.

The banner can be changed on the hero selection screen directly after entering the game or during the game when your hero is in the city. To change the parameters of a banner, you need to select it.

From this menu, you can color your banner, choose a shape, and decorate it with different emblems and patterns using decorative elements from the right side of the screen, or randomize it by selecting “Random.” Each game achievement corresponds to certain emblems and shapes, and the more achievements you get, the more varied you can decorate the banner.

In co-op games, your banner will be visible to other players. It will remain in the city while you fight evil, and any member of your group, by highlighting the banner, will be able to instantly be transported to you. Decorate the banner so that you don’t have to blush for it!

Nemesis System (Ultimate Evil Edition)

Avenge your friends - defeat your sworn enemy!

In Diablo III - Reaper of Souls: Ultimate Evil Edition, you and your friends will face a dangerous opponent: your nemesis. When you play as a level 10 or higher hero, any monster (except elites and bosses) can turn into a nemesis, obsessed with one single thought: destroying someone on your friends list. At least they don’t attack characters under level 10 and never appear in heroic mode.

When the nemesis has chosen a victim, he will appear next to this character at all times, except in situations when he is in the city, watching an in-game cinematic, or fighting a boss. Every time a player is killed by a nemesis, he becomes stronger and moves to someone else on his friends list (up to 5 times).

If you manage to destroy your sworn enemy, powerful rewards await you and perhaps your friend.

Apprentice Mode (Ultimate Evil Edition)

Find an ally who is 4 or more levels ahead of you, and he can take you on as his apprentice. This will increase your durability and ability to deal damage: in these indicators you will be equal to him. This way, you will be able to deal significant damage to enemies and withstand considerable damage. If there are three or more players in a game, then anyone who is 4 or more levels below the others becomes the player's apprentice. high level. Characters playing in Heroic mode cannot become anyone's apprentice.

In-game mail (Ultimate Evil Edition)

In Diablo III - Reaper of Souls: Ultimate Evil Edition, you can send items and gold to players on your friends list via .

Gifts from players (Ultimate Evil Edition)

When you find a Legendary or Set item in Ultimate Evil Edition, there's a chance that another Legendary item will immediately drop as a gift to one of your friends on Xbox Live or Sony Entertainment Network. And you can forward it via .

PUBLISHER: Blizzard Entertainment
DEVELOPER: Blizzard Entertainment
PLATFORMS: gaming computer system PlayStation®3

Diablo 3 review on consoles:

The eternal battle between Heaven and Hell in Blizzard Entertainment's epic action-RPG Diablo 3 moves to a new battlefield on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360! Armed with a controller and interface designed specifically for consoles, players can take on the role of one of five classes - barbarian, sorcerer, sorcerer, monk or demon hunter - and take on the task of saving Sanctuary from ancient demonic hordes. Heroes will be able to go all the way from a besieged town called New Tristram to the Diamond Gates and Heaven itself, fight hordes of demons and incredibly powerful bosses, gain experience and gain new abilities, and also get hold of items of incredible power.

On May 15, 2012, Blizzard Entertainment released Diablo 3 for Windows and Macintosh PC. In its first 24 hours, it became the fastest-selling game in history. As of December 31, 2012, Diablo 3 had sold over 12 million copies worldwide.

Features of playing Diablo 3 on consoles:

  • Five colorful character classes: barbarian, sorcerer, sorcerer, monk and demon hunter
  • Direct character control and console-centric changes to skills and combat mechanics will throw PS3™ and Xbox 360 ® owners into the thick of battle
  • Four-player co-op over LAN or Internet
  • Four different modes - normal, Nightmare, Hell and Inferno - and eight difficulty levels with gradual improvement in the quality of armor and weapons players receive and access to new skills
  • If the only thing that tickles your nerves is the feeling of constant danger, then heroic mode is for you. Character death in this mode is irreversible
  • Updated loot collection and offline play systems have been designed specifically to match the fast-paced gameplay on console systems
  • Completely redesigned interface and new dynamic camera designed specifically for console systems
  • An interactive environment full of dangerous traps, obstacles and destructible elements
  • Randomized dungeons, events and trophies for fast-paced, never-ending play
  • A huge variety of monsters with a unique set of abilities and behavior changed for consoles
  • The upgrade system, infernal devices and all-out combat keep the game interesting for repeated playthroughs
  • PS3™ Exclusive Items, inspired by PlayStation games such as Journey and Uncharted
  • Invite friends to the game and communicate with them in voice chat using PlayStation® Network or online entertainment service Xbox LIVE® from Microsoft

Video review of Diablo 3 multiplayer mode on PlayStation 3

Questions and answers

What kind of game is this - Diablo 3 in the console version?

Blizzard Entertainment's epic action role-playing game, Diablo III, takes the age-old rivalry between Heaven and Hell in a new direction. In the console version, this war is transferred to a new site. The game interface has been specially redesigned for consoles, with a controller instead of a mouse. You have to control a character of a certain race (your choice: barbarian, demon hunter, monk, sorcerer or sorcerer) and, following a path full of dangers, save humanity from the ancient demonic forces that have now broken through on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Many things await your hero adventures in different lands with bizarre landscapes. He will have to fight hordes of demons and formidable bosses. But the further he goes, the more experience and skills he will gain and will collect many powerful artifacts... Blizzard also plans to eventually release Diablo III on PlayStation 4 (probably in 2014).

How is the console game different from the PC version?

The PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of Diablo 3 have been updated to adapt the game to the console format. Exciting game, without leaving the sofa - a special genre! The intensity of action that defines Diablo is completely preserved, but now your excitement can be shared by several people - your friends, in your home, on the same screen. You can form a party of up to four players locally or online (or even a mix). Not to mention that the local game is also played on a single, common screen.

What are the main new features of the console version compared to the PC version?

  • New user interface and dynamic camera.

  • Direct character control using a controller.

  • Network and local multiplayer modes (up to 4 people).

  • PSN and Xbox Live support.

  • Movements used in combat (such as dodging) and quick equipping are performed with a single press of the corresponding button.
  • Is there an Auction on the console version?

    There will be no auction for real money or in-game gold in Diablo 3 on console. But in the game it will be possible, as usual, to exchange items with other players and acquire more powerful items made by companions.

    Can I bring my character with me if I'm not playing at home?

    Yes! If you go over to play with friends, you can bring your character with you on USB or put it in cloud storage, depending on the platform.

    Do I need to have a Battle.net account to play on console?

    No, the console version of Diablo 3 does not require a Battle.net account.

    Can I play a Battle.net character on PlayStation Network or Xbox Live?

    No. There are currently no plans to establish any connection between Battle.net and PlayStation Network or Xbox LIVE. But you can use your console list of friends, voice chat and network mode through the own network of a particular platform.

    When will Diablo 3 release on consoles?

    In the USA, Canada, Europe, Russia and the CIS, Spanish-speaking countries of Latin America, Australia and New Zealand, the version of Diablo 3 for PS3 and Xbox 360 will go on sale on September 3, 2013. About when the game will be released in other regions (South Korea, Taiwan , Hong Kong and Southeast Asia), and other details will be announced later.

    What languages ​​will the console version be translated into?

    Both console versions of Diablo 3 will be fully translated into German, French, Russian, Spanish (Castilian and Latin American), Italian, Polish and Brazilian Portuguese.

    When will Diablo 3 be released on PlayStation 4?

    We expect to release this version later in 2014.

    How will the PS4 version differ from the PS3 version?

    We'll be able to tell you more about the PlayStation 4 version later, closer to the game's release in 2014.

    Will Diablo 3 be released on Xbox One?

    Diablo 3 is coming to PS3, PS4 and Xbox 360. We cannot make official announcements about a version for any other platforms at this time.

    Are there plans to offer a demo or beta testing?

    There is no information about this yet.

    Are there any benefits for pre-ordering?

    Necessarily! Anyone who pre-orders the console version of Diablo III will receive an exclusive item as a gift - the Helmet of the Underworld. It can be worn starting from level 1, and it increases the amount of experience gained. Those who purchase Diablo III on PS3 will also receive 5 additional in-game items specifically for PS3 (including the Heroic Journey shoulder pads and Drake's Amulet) - references to Sony's popular Journey and Uncharted games. Read more about these gifts on the official blog.

    Will there be a Collector's Edition for the console version?

    There are no plans to release a collector's edition of the console version of Diablo 3 yet.

    Will they be transferred to the console version? Latest updates from the PC version?

    Yes - some features of the PC version that appeared in the game before the version 1.0.8 update: improvement levels, monster strength (in a special console version), infernal device and fights without rules.

    What language versions will be included on the Diablo 3 disc for consoles, which will be sold in stores in Europe, Russia and the CIS?

    The disc that will be sold in Europe will include, in addition to the German, French, Spanish or Italian, the English version of the game for PS3 or Xbox 360. The disc sold in Russia and the CIS will include only the Russian version; for a disc sold in Poland - only Polish.