Distance learning Teacher - psychologist. Distance course "educational psychology" Educational psychology courses

Together with leading teachers in the field preschool education, from whose publications the whole country learns, our students constantly improve their professional level, develop in creativity and implement new psychological and pedagogical approaches in the preschool education system.
Additional professional retraining program for a new type of professional activity “Educational work with children”

Feedback from listeners:

Good afternoon I am studying under the professional retraining program
“Educational and educational work with children” at Moscow State Pedagogical University. I absolutely love studying!
I have never regretted this choice, because the profession of a teacher, in my opinion, is very worthy!
The teachers make the classes very interesting. I especially want to highlight Lisina Valeria Rudolfovna.
Teacher from God. The classes flew by in one breath, he explains clearly and clearly, sometimes it was so dry,
that I forgot to take notes on what was said. Overall, I really like the training system. Everything is clear, clear, intelligible
and structured. If you decide to come here to study, then I advise
namely the Faculty of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology of Moscow State Pedagogical University! Good luck!
11/15/2015 Yulia Meshkova
For a very long time I was looking for an option for myself to study and obtain a diploma in the specialty of educator - teacher.
I considered many universities and settled on MPGU. During my studies I never regretted my choice.
Wonderful teachers, true masters of their craft! Lectures and practical classes pass in one breath.
It is very interesting to listen to Valeria Rudolfovna Lisina and Elena Lvovna Lebedeva. With Fadeeva Elena Rufovna very
I didn't want to say goodbye handmade made artists out of us! It was especially interesting for me to listen and work
with Avdulova Tatyana Pavlovna and Izotova Elena Ivanovna. Thanks to them, I decided to continue my studies.
in master's degree! Thank you all so much!
Suglobova Ekaterina

I would like to express my gratitude to the teaching staff of the Faculty of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology.
These are teachers with a capital T, who are dedicated to their work and live by their profession.
Listening to lectures, you understand the full extent of the teacher’s responsibility and his influence on the future society.
Thanks to the highest professionalism of teachers E.I. Izotova, T.P. Avdulova, E.L. Lebedeva, V.R. Lisina,
Fadeeva E.R., the necessary knowledge and skills are acquired to master a new specialty in the shortest possible time.
Training takes place in a good working environment. The courses bring together people who are interested in receiving
knowledge that is pleasant and fun to learn.
I recommend to everyone! Come study at MPGU!
Olga Barskaya

The psychological and pedagogical direction has remained invariably popular and in demand for many decades. This work will always be needed. The work of teachers and psychologists has a high social value and is actively encouraged at the state level - new jobs, increased pay, popularization of psychological and pedagogical activities. Therefore, many decide to retrain in this direction. A distance professional retraining program is designed to help you implement your decision: relevant, intensive, well-thought-out.

Main objectives of the program:

  • Train psychological and pedagogical workers for the purpose of professional and documented compliance with the position held;
  • Provide students with new knowledge: real, complete, applicable;
  • To form competent, competitive psychological and pedagogical specialists.

Program description

The distance learning program is implemented in several successive stages: enrollment, training, graduation. You can apply remotely by providing the standard package of documents listed below. After enrollment, you will have access to the educational portal, where you will find all the necessary information. The lesson on pedagogy and educational psychology is structured in such a way as to be useful without being overloaded, it new format learning within comfort.

Teaching methods

Distance learning- not just independent reading of textbooks, it is much more interesting! The process also includes classes in a virtual classroom, video conferences and webinars, and master classes. The sources of information are varied and you can choose what is most interesting to you. Knowledge is tested through online testing.

Learning outcome:

  • You receive official permission to conduct psychological and pedagogical activities, and those who successfully complete the program are issued a diploma;
  • You improve your category;
  • You gain unique experience and expand your portfolio;
  • New perspectives open up for you.

Future of graduates

Psychological and pedagogical specialists work in educational institutions of all types - from kindergartens to universities. Ways professional fulfillment there are many, and all of them are somehow related to education and development. By completing an online course on pedagogy and educational psychology, you will learn to help solve psychological problems of students, in adaptation, conflict situations, and will work for the psychological well-being of your students. You will also be taught how to conduct trainings and classes, diagnostics and correctional work, provide pedagogical influence on psychological aspects, conduct educational activities and all the necessary documentation.

Requirements for Listeners

Educational requirements for students:

The following are allowed to master additional professional programs:

  • Persons with secondary vocational and (or) higher education
  • Persons receiving secondary vocational and (or) higher education

Documents required for enrollment:

  • Diploma with an application (secondary professional education or higher education) or certificate of study (for students)
  • Document proving identity and citizenship (passport, identity card, etc.)
  • Certificate of change of surname, name, patronymic (if necessary)
  • Photo 3x4

Still have questions? Fill out the form below, and specialists from the Admissions Committee will advise you.

Course Description:

Psychology and pedagogy are the most important areas human activity, allowing for social adaptation of representatives of the younger generation, providing them with psychological development, as well as correct destructive behavior if its signs appear. Despite the many elements that unite them, the subject, object and methods of these sciences are different. If psychology studies the functioning of the psyche as a special form of life activity, then the field of study of pedagogy is the training and education of a person. The integrated application of these sciences in practice makes it possible to ensure the education of an individual that complies with generally accepted moral standards.

The solution to these problems is assigned to the educational psychologist. Focusing on the individual characteristics of students, in accordance with educational standards, he develops educational, correctional and socializing programs, monitors the individual characteristics of students, carries out psychological examinations, advises, gives recommendations and helps improve the competencies of all students and employees of the organization. In specialized educational institutions they also participate in the correction of mental development deficiencies, socialization and adaptation disorders.

The main places of work of a teacher-psychologist are preschool and school educational organizations. Here he provides psychological and pedagogical support for the educational process, carries out prevention and psychological correction of negative social manifestations of individuals. Also, educational psychologists are in demand in social services and law enforcement agencies, if they have the appropriate training. According to the professional standard, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated July 24, 2015 No. 514n, and qualification characteristics, he must have a higher education in the field of pedagogy or psychology. If you have another specialty, professional retraining is required.


Formation of related professional competence according to the standards of pedagogy and psychology.


  • Study the basics of pedagogy and psychology, key operating methods;
  • >Study the features of socio-psychological assistance for children of different age categories;
  • Master the specifics of working within an educational institution, taking into account its focus.

Contents of the educational program of professional retraining for educational psychologists

Professional retraining for educational psychologists meets the qualification requirements and takes into account the content of educational standards of higher education in psychological and pedagogical education.

Course content includes learning the basics general pedagogy and psychology, psychological and pedagogical foundations of education in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, psychological foundations educational activities regulating the activities of regulatory legal acts, obtaining skills in planning and organizing educational activities, conducting psychodiagnostics and psychological and pedagogical correction, analyzing typical errors and solving emerging problems.

Advantages of distance professional retraining courses at CHTA

The professional retraining course for educational psychologists is conducted remotely. The student can successfully combine the acquisition of a new specialty and professional activity. Educational and teaching materials posted on educational portal academies are available around the clock, their development can take place on a schedule convenient for the student.


Received documents:

Important! The diploma does not indicate the form of study (full-time/correspondence).

Admission conditions:

Studying in the direction of “Psychology and Pedagogy” provides the opportunity to receive a retraining diploma.

Also, for certain areas and specialties, provision is made for the issuance of additional documents if they are required by departmental regulations: certificates, books, etc.

  • In order to become a student at the academy, you must meet several requirements and complete certain actions: Have a secondary vocational diploma or higher education
  • by specialty
    Submit an application for training in a professional retraining or advanced training program in the direction of “Psychology and Pedagogy” in electronic format: - By,
    - using the feedback form on the website,
  • - or call the toll-free 24-hour phone number;
  • Provide documents confirming your identity and level of education;
  • After signing the contract, complete the distance learning course;