Why is sailing in a dhow necessary? Sailing in a dhow

Adopted at the meeting I approve:

pedagogical council head of the preschool educational institution

Protocol No._____ “Kindergarten compensating

"_____"__________2013, type No. 000"


instructor for physical culture(swimming)

MDOU "Kindergarten compensatory type No. 000"

Immunology" href="/text/category/immunologiya/" rel="bookmark">immunological properties, improves adaptation to various environmental conditions; instills self-care skills; improves circulatory and respiratory organs, improves cardiac activity, chest mobility, breathing rhythm, increases the vital capacity of the lungs; strengthens the musculoskeletal system, develops good posture, prevents the development of flat feet; harmoniously develops strength, speed, agility, flexibility, coordination of movements, improves movement; increases the overall tone of the body, strengthens the nervous system, sleep becomes stronger, and appetite improves.

The ability to swim is a skill needed by a person in a wide variety of situations.

The enormous impact of swimming on a child’s body is universally recognized, so teaching a child to float on the water means instilling in him a vital skill.


Pedagogical feasibility This educational program is due to the fact that swimming is one of the most important links in raising a child-contributes to versatile, physical development, stimulates the activities of the nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and significantly expands the capabilities of the musculoskeletal system. It is one of the best means hardening and formation of correct posture of the child.

Relevance This program is that swimming lessons have great educational value. They create conditions for instilling courage, discipline, and balance in children, and contribute to the development of the ability to act in a team and help each other.

Target : teaching children preschool age swimming, hardening and strengthening the child’s body, ensuring comprehensive physical development.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks:


To form theoretical and practical foundations for the development of water space;

Master the technical elements of swimming;

Teach the basic crawl method of swimming;

Introduce children to the basic rules of safe behavior on water (in open water, in the pool).


Develop children's motor activity;

Promote the development of personal hygiene skills;

Promote the development of the musculoskeletal corset;

Develop coordination capabilities, the ability to control your body in an unusual environment;

Develop an understanding of water sports.


To cultivate moral and volitional qualities;

Foster independence and organization;

Cultivate a caring attitude towards your health and the habit of hardening;

Cultivate interest in physical education classes;

Children's swimming lessons in pools are of great importance for physical development. In the process of swimming, children are enriched not only with motor experience, but also with aesthetic, emotional, volitional, moral, sports, strengthen communication skills, which builds their confidence in their abilities, and serves as the basis for successful mastery of the curriculum.

Swimming helps improve the functionality of the nervous system, its autonomic functions, and increases the mobility of nervous processes. It is especially useful for overly excited children. The water temperature and monotonous cyclic movements have a calming effect on the nervous system, make the child calmer, and ensure sound sleep. Swimming lessons - best workout respiratory system. Swimming strengthens the child's body, increases its resistance to temperature fluctuations and immunity to colds. Water has both mechanical and thermal effects on the skin.

For a child, swimming is a means for comprehensive physical development and a guarantee of safety. Training helps children develop the skills to consciously and safely stay in the water.

In the process of consolidating skills and abilities, it is proposed to vary the timing for completing a particular task. Exercises are used in order of gradually increasing load.

Program structure:

The program is designed for junior preschool age (from 3 to 5 years) and senior preschool age (from 6 to 7 years).

The program includes:

Introducing the child to water;

Mastering the skill of sliding by children;

Teaching swimmers in certain ways;

Improving swimming techniques in different ways;

Prevention of various diseases;

Instilling cultural and hygienic skills;

Conversations about the importance of swimming for the health and development of the body.

The swimming work program is based on:

- “Education and training programs in kindergarten" edited by, . Moscow: “Mosaic – Synthesis” 2012

- “Program for teaching children to swim in kindergarten.” St. Petersburg: “Childhood – Press” 2010


Our kindergarten has a swimming pool. The water temperature is maintained within the range - 30-32 degrees, air temperature: 28 - 30 degrees.

To practice in the pool, each child must have:

Long sleeve terry robe with hood;


Rubber cap;

Soap and washcloth.

Children learn swimming from the age of 3. The leading form of classes is: group. Classes are held in the junior and middle groups - once a week, in the senior and preparatory groups - 2 times a week. Groups are divided into subgroups from 6-8 to 10-12 people.

Installed for all age groups duration stay V water:

Junior group - 15 minutes;

Medium group - 20 minutes;

Senior group – minutes;

Preparatory group - 30 minutes.

The load varies depending on the age of the children, their physical development and their assimilation of the material covered.

Swimming lessons are divided into three stages: preparatory, main and final.

Preparatory stage carried out on land. It includes several general developmental exercises for warming up, warming up and simulating preparatory and lead-in exercises that promote better assimilation of swimming technique in the water.

Main stage carried out on the water. Exercises are performed to master swimming techniques, the lessons learned are repeated, and games are played to improve the learned movements.

The final stage- this is independent, free swimming (free swimming).

If for some reason swimming is not carried out (quarantine, technical malfunction, etc.), then it is replaced by an activity on land in a playful way, but with the proper load. The set of “dry swimming” exercises must meet the requirements of the program and prepare children for exercises on the water. All classes must include elements of play.

A game is the main form of education in preschool age. The transformation of a gaming situation into a learning one is facilitated by a consistent transition from simple movement along the bottom (getting used to the water) to learning certain swimming movements. The pedagogical principle of the transition from simple to complex acts as a condition for mastering more complex swimming techniques, their technique and teaching the child to independently perform exercises at an ever greater depth (waist-deep, chest-deep, as tall as the child).

However, physical activity when preschoolers play in water exceeds that on land, and experience shows that children involuntarily regulate it independently. The child’s body, even under conditions of systematic training, does not acquire the economization of functions that is observed in adults. This allows us to talk about the low “efficiency factor” of the child’s body. The child tolerates extensive loads more easily than intensive ones, since the latter are given to him with great strain on his vegetative functions. Therefore, you should not practice individual swimming movements for a long time - this may negatively affect the mastery of swimming techniques in full coordination. To develop sufficiently deep skills in performing individual elements, it is useful to learn them in classes in various combinations. It should be especially noted that a child is often frightened not by the water itself, but by its abundance. In water, children's attention is scattered, as a result they do not perceive unfamiliar material well. Therefore, it seems more appropriate to familiarize yourself with the new material in the locker room before the start of classes on the water, where the results are summed up and homework is given.

The whole range of new sensations in the aquatic environment - the state of "half-gravity", lightness, buoyancy, looseness of muscles and joints, uniformity of pressure on the entire surface of the body immersed in water, increased depth of breathing, the massaging effect of water on the skin - in itself has a powerful effect on the psyche and the child's body. The task of an adult (teacher-instructor, parent) is to skillfully give these impressions a positive connotation and wisely use them in further education.

A necessary condition for success in working with preschoolers is maintaining a positive attitude of children towards classes at all stages of learning. The instructor-teacher should strive to ensure that exercises and games in the water bring pleasure and joy to the children, encourage them to be independent and strive to swim well. Often it is praise that leads to a noticeable improvement in the result, contributes to the growth of self-confidence and the development of the child’s strong-willed qualities.








Methodical day

Methodical day


1 year of study


1) Help reduce the period of adaptation to water.

2) Teach how to lower your face into the water.

3) Train various types movement in water.

4) Contribute to the formation of personal hygiene skills.

5) Contribute to the development of moral and volitional qualities (courage,

perseverance, determination).

Expected Result:

1) Be able to move in the water along the bottom of the pool in various ways.

2) Be able to put your face in the water.

3) Be able to exhale into the water.

4) Immerse yourself in water with support and without support with your head.

2nd year of study


1) teach how to lie on your chest and back.

2) teach to exhale into the water, lowering your lips (face).

3) teach the ability to open eyes in water.

4) teach leg movements as when swimming in the crawl style on the front and back.

5) promote the formation of correct posture.

6) contribute to the development of courage and determination.

Expected Result:

1) be able to lie on your chest and on your back for 2-4 seconds.

2) be able to exhale into the water, lowering your face.

3) be able to perform movements with the legs as when swimming in the crawl style on the chest at the handrail (with a movable support).

3rd year of study


1) teach how to perform repeated exhalations into the water.

2) teach sliding on the chest and on the back.

3) improve the movement of the legs as when swimming in the crawl style on the front and back.

4) teach coordinated work of arms and legs when swimming using lightweight methods.

5) promote the formation of correct posture.

6) promote the development of coordination abilities.

Expected Result:

1) be able to perform repeated exhalations into the water - 3 - 4 times in a row.

2) be able to perform alternating movements with your hands as when swimming

a lightweight front crawl (without taking your hands out of the water).

3) be able to swim in an easy way on the chest or on the back

7-9 meters.

4th year of study - school preparatory group (6-7 years old)


1) Teach coordinated work of arms, legs and breathing when swimming in lightweight ways on the chest and back.

2) Improve your swimming technique using the chosen method.

3) Contribute to the hardening of children’s bodies.

4) Promote the formation of correct posture.

5) Contribute to the development of determination and perseverance.

Expected Result:

1) Be able to perform repeated exhalations into the water 6-8 times in a row.

2) Be able to swim 10-15 meters in an easy way on your chest or on your back.

3) Be able to dive a short distance underwater - 1.5-2 meters.


SYSTEMATICITY. Swimming lessons should be carried out regularly, in a certain system. In a preschool setting, depending on the number of students, classes can be held from 2 to 4 times a week. It should be borne in mind that regular exercises give an incomparably greater effect than occasional exercises. Numerous studies have shown that frequent and relatively short sessions have greater benefits than longer, less frequent sessions.

AVAILABILITY. The explanation and demonstration of exercises by the swimming instructor, their implementation and physical activity should be accessible to children. When conducting training sessions, one should be guided by the principles: “from simple to complex”, “from easy to difficult”, “from known to unknown”, “from main to secondary”.

ACTIVITY. It is known that the main form of activity of preschool children is a game. Based on this, it is necessary to use as many games and gaming exercises as possible. This will diversify activities, increase children's activity and make the process of learning to swim interesting.

VISUALITY. In order for the training to be successful, any explanation is accompanied by a demonstration of exercises. We should not forget that children perceive a visual image of an action, movement or exercise better than their verbal description. Visual aids are useful in learning - drawings, posters, etc.

CONSISTENCY and GRADUALITY. When teaching children to swim, simple and easy exercises should precede more complex and difficult ones. You should not force yourself to learn a large number of new movements.

They can be started only after good mastery and correct and confident execution of the previous ones.


To monitor the effectiveness of their work with children in the pool, the correct use of means and methods of physical education, constant medical and pedagogical control is carried out. Testing and assessing the mastery of motor skills is the most important part of the educational process; it helps to make timely adjustments to the content of classes and change the nature of pedagogical influences. This is used to diagnose the swimming readiness of children.

Target– determination of levels of swimming ability, the degree of formation of swimming skills.


Identification of children's swimming abilities, skills and abilities;

Determination of strategic objectives for teaching swimming for the academic year;

Planning individual work with children to master and develop swimming skills;

Analysis of the dynamics of the level of mastering swimming skills.

1. Dates:

Initial - October;

The final one is May.

2. One attempt is given to complete each exercise. A second attempt can only be given if the first one is clearly unsuccessful.

3. Based on the diagnostic results, readiness groups are determined:

“Ready” - the child has fulfilled all the standards or has not fulfilled one;

“Conditionally ready” - the child did not meet 2-3 standards;

“Not ready” - the child has not met 4 or more standards.

After the initial diagnosis, the swimming instructor plans his lessons, draws up a correction plan for the 1st half of the year so that the learning of the material goes better, and then for the 2nd half of the year. At the end of the year, a final diagnostic is carried out, where the results at the beginning and at the end of the school year are compared. Then the percentage is displayed.

The instructor’s task is to promptly identify children with low performance in order to help them master swimming skills using an individually differentiated approach.


1. Swimming boards.

2. Sinking toys.

3. Inflatable rings of different sizes.

4. Armbands.

5. Balls of different sizes.

6. Dividing path.


1., “Teaching swimming in kindergarten” Moscow “Enlightenment” 1991.

2. “Swimming training program in kindergarten” St. Petersburg “CHILDHOOD-PRESS” 2003.

3. M. Rybak, G. Glushkova, G. Potashova “One, two, three, swim...” Toolkit for preschool educational institutions. Moscow, HOOP, 2010.

4., “Figure swimming in kindergarten” Methodological manual. Creative Center SPHERE. Moscow 2009

5. “Swimming and baby’s health” Rostov-on-Don PHOENIX 2007

6. “Swimming” Techniques for teaching children from an early age. "Publishing house FAIR" Moscow 2008

7. “Physical story-based activities with children 5-6 years old.” Creative Center SPHERE Moscow 2012

8. Scientific and practical journal “Physical education instructor of a preschool educational institution” SPHERE”, No. 2,3,4 2010; No. 1,2,3,4 2011

9. “Swimming: treatment and sport” Series “Panacea”, Rostov-on-Don, PHOENIX, 2001.







Familiarize children with the rules of behavior in the pool and the premises (locker room, shower, etc.)

Excursion to the swimming pool. Conversation with children.

(use a doll as an example)

Attending classes in older groups.

“Let’s get the doll ready for classes in the pool.”

Give children an idea of ​​how to prepare for visiting the pool, tell them how they should undress, fold their clothes, wash in the shower before and after visiting the pool, dry themselves, and get dressed.

Visit to changing rooms and showers, demonstration of self-service techniques.

“Let’s get the bunny into the pool.”

Show basic movements in the water, create a general idea of ​​swimming.

Watch how older children play in the water, swim, dive, enter and exit the pool, go to the shower.

Try to repeat the movements of the older guys on land.

"Do as I do"


Teach how to go down a ladder into the water and get out of it, holding the teacher’s hands, and try to plunge into the water.

Teach where and how to put your things, how to use soap and a washcloth.

Go into the water with a teacher;

Plunge into the water;

Free swimming;

"Catch a Fish"

Teach how to get into and out of the water, holding onto the railing of the stairs. Arouse interest in the activity.

Enter the water holding onto the staircase railing with the help of a teacher.

Walk and run along the bottom of the pool;

Plunge while holding the hands of the teacher;

Free swimming;

“Let’s all go with me,” “Let’s run to the crossing.”


Encourage independent, active movement of children in the water in a certain direction; give them a feeling of joy from activities in the water.

Enter the water on your own and complete tasks.

Exercise “Everyone, everyone come to me”;

“Bring a fish, a ball, a hoop, a Kinder, etc.

To teach children to move independently in water in different directions.

Enter the water and immediately plunge into everyone.

Clap your hands on the water;

Throw the ball and catch it;

Bring the ball to the teacher;

Free play in the water;

“Let’s Make It Rain”, “Round Dance”, “Boats”.


Teach children not to be afraid of water, to move in a group, holding hands.

Enter the water and walk holding hands, sit down holding hands.

Go to the opposite edge of the pool, take a toy and bring it to the teacher;

Free work;

“Let's jump like bunnies”, “Fish, go home”, “Run for the ball”.

Continue to teach how to move independently along the bottom of the pool in different directions, develop coordination.

Complete tasks in the water.

Exercise “Fountains”;

Free games with objects;

Squat walk “Duck and ducklings”;

"Small and big legs", "Catch up with me"



The beneficial effects of swimming on children's bodies are generally recognized. In the medical and physiological aspect, this is the strengthening of various functional systems of the child’s body (cardiovascular, respiratory, musculoskeletal, etc.), in the psychological aspect, it is the formation of voluntary regulation of movements and actions; in the pedagogical aspect, this is not only training junior school student complexly organized actions, but also a way to develop self-regulation skills.
The basic swimming training program adopted by teachers of most kindergartens can be considered the method of T.I. Osokina. In this methodology, much attention is paid to younger and middle ages, but the issues of teaching swimming to children of older and preparatory groups are not sufficiently covered. Meanwhile, swimming instructors (not swimming experts) experience significant difficulties in teaching children of older preschool age.


It is best to teach preschool children to swim in specially designated areas. In kindergartens - in swimming pools, and when children are allowed to swim in natural bodies of water, they must adhere to the following rules:
1. When choosing a place for swimming, the teacher must check the depth, carefully examine the bottom to make sure that it does not contain holes.
2. The water level should not exceed 80 cm, the bottom should not be rocky, and the current should not be fast.
3. The bottom should be flat, the water should be running, the shore should be dry and not polluted.
4. The area allocated for bathing children must be marked with clearly visible colored floats, flags, fences, etc.
5. A teacher teaching children to swim must first of all be able to swim well, know the rules of providing assistance, and be able to immediately provide first aid. It is good if one of the medical staff or other kindergarten workers is present at swimming lessons.
6. Bathing and preparation for swimming should be combined with sunbathing and organized daily during a walk or after a nap.
First, children are allowed to be in the water for 5-10 minutes, provided that its temperature is 20-24°C and the air temperature is 24-28°C. Having noticed that the children are getting at least a little cold (and this can be guessed by their pale face), you need to demand an immediate exit from the water, make sure that the children wipe their face, neck, head, back, stomach and others as best as possible with a towel. parts of the body, it would be good to clean the ears.
Staying in water causes heat transfer, and it will be greater, the lower the water temperature. With a prolonged stay in water, body temperature decreases. Hypothermia is unacceptable. With systematic swimming lessons, the vascular system of a preschooler quickly adapts to changes in water temperature and resistance to cold arises, which is important when hardening the body.
At 5-6 years old, a child masters and performs various movements quite well, but he is still somewhat unprepared to perform complex motor actions due to the slow concentration of inhibition. In this regard, the movements of preschoolers enhance the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
The main goal of teaching swimming to preschoolers is to promote their health, hardening, provide comprehensive physical fitness, to involve them in physical education and sports at an early age, and, in addition, swimming is the same necessary skill as the ability to run and jump etc.
A necessary condition for success in working with preschoolers is maintaining a positive attitude of children towards classes at all stages of learning. The instructor-teacher should strive to ensure that exercises and games in the water bring pleasure and joy to the children, encourage them to be independent and strive to swim well. Often it is praise that leads to a noticeable improvement in the result, contributes to the growth of self-confidence and the development of the child’s strong-willed qualities.
The main work with preschool children is determined by the general objectives of the initial stage of learning to swim: to teach children to confidently and fearlessly float on the water, as well as to swim technically correctly and economically. Particular attention is paid to pedagogical techniques that allow the child to quickly learn to control his body in the water, which leads to an increase in his self-confidence. And this, in turn, becomes the basis for the principle of child independence in pedagogical activity teacher-instructor.
It is proposed to conduct classes at least 1-2 times a week during the academic year. Depending on the age and preparedness of the children, the duration of children's stay in the water can range from 10 to 25 minutes.
Age groups are divided into subgroups. The number of children's groups in a lesson should not exceed 10-12 people.
When drawing up approximate lesson plans, formulating tasks and selecting specific exercises, it is very important to take into account the age differences of children. So, when starting classes with older preschoolers, the instructor-teacher must remember that they get used to the water much faster than younger children. Therefore, the initial period of learning (getting used to water) in children of senior preschool age is much shorter, but the sequence of performing exercises for initial learning is maintained when working with children of all age groups.
Swimming training is combined with various exercises in water - hydroaerobics: walking and running waist-deep in water; walking, running backwards; bouncing, jumping; general developmental exercises: holding the handrail of a bicycle side, stretching exercises, etc.
The child is taught to perform traditional exercises: dolphin, crocodile, etc.; conduct outdoor games, game exercises, round dances, relay races, etc. The skills acquired by the child culminate in sports events.
The effectiveness of the method of teaching special motor skills in the aquatic environment to preschool children is determined by the degree of motor freedom of the child in this environment. It is advisable to teach swimming in two stages - in shallow water and in deep water.


Junior group. In the younger group, learning to swim begins with familiarizing the child with water and its properties: density, viscosity, transparency. The duration of the introductory period is determined by the child’s ability to fearlessly and confidently, with the help of an adult, or independently move along the bottom, perform simple actions, and play.
According to T.I. Osokina, by the end of the school year, children of the younger group in the water should be able to: get a toy from the bottom, plunging into water with with open eyes; exhale into the water (5-6 times); slide on the chest (2-3 times); perform the “float” exercise (2 times); with the help of an adult, lie on your back (2 times).
With this approach, already in the junior group, the swimming requirements of the “Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten” are met.
Middle group. In classes in the middle group, children learn to float on the surface of the water (float, lie, slide) at least for a short time, thereby gaining an understanding of the buoyant and supporting force of water. In addition, children must learn to independently inhale and exhale into the water several times.
The composition of exercises in the middle group is determined based on the following premises:
1) You should not start teaching the movements of the legs or arms until the child has achieved perfect gliding.
2) It is not recommended to perform this exercise at a support, since when working with the legs, the child will not be able to feel movement forward.
3) It is also not recommended to use supporting objects, since this disrupts the horizontal position of the body, which, in turn, leads to gross errors in footwork.
The main task of organizing swimming lessons in the middle group is to teach the child the ability to lie freely on his chest and on his back. To do this, you need to teach him to submerge, dive and open his eyes in the water, without rubbing them with his hands after that. The ability to open your eyes helps you maintain the desired direction of movement and makes it easier to navigate underwater. If the child is able to hold his breath, you can teach him to get various objects (toys, washers, shells) from the bottom.
It is very important to draw the child’s attention to the fact that under the action of the buoyant force he floats to the surface of the water.
Children also need to learn that they cannot dive if their lungs are full of air. To convince them of this, you can offer to sit under the water after a deep breath and after a vigorous exhalation (exercises “Blow up the balloon”, “Burst the balloon”).
To get an idea of ​​the buoyancy of the body and the effect of lifting force T.I. Osokina suggests using the “Float” exercise: “while standing, take a breath, sit down deeper, clasp your legs with your hands just below your knees, lower your face to your knees and group.”
How can you let your child know that the water is holding him? You can use the “Crocodile” exercise for this. In the program T.I. Osokina describes it as follows: “lie down, leaning on your hands, holding your head above the water and stretching your legs back... try lying down, push off the bottom with your hands and move both hands to your hips at once, relax and lie down a little in this position.” As you perform the exercise, you need to achieve proper breathing - alternating a short inhalation and a slow exhalation.
After mastering lying on your chest, you can move on to learning to lie on your back, also in shallow water. To do this, the child, sitting on the bottom and lightly leaning on it with his elbows, tries to lie on his back, then relax and lie quietly, without throwing his head back and without pressing his chin to his chest (nose and tummy up).
At first, it is necessary to help the child get rid of excess tension: the instructor, standing behind him, confidently supports the child’s head with soft hands and, choosing the right words, achieves the goal.
When the child learns to lie in shallow water without the help of an adult, you can move on to performing this exercise at great depths (waist-deep - chest-deep). In the manual by T.I. Osokina offers the following option: “standing with your arms down, take a breath, hold your breath and lie calmly on your back. The chin should be lowered and pressed to the chest, and the stomach should be pulled to the surface of the water. It is advisable that when children fall back into the water, they see a teacher standing next to them.” It will be easier for the child to keep his chest and stomach on the surface of the water if some flat object such as a mold is placed on top. At the initial stage, it is necessary to support the child under the back of the head or chin, while his head should lie freely on the water (you can use a hoop or a net).
Children should not be secured under their back (or under their stomach when swimming on their chest), since by subsequently removing their hand, the instructor immediately deprives the child of any support, and he immediately stops performing the exercise.
It is very important to teach children to stand up from a supine position. T.I. Osokina describes this technique as follows: children “extend their arms along the body and vigorously press them down on the water; the legs are pulled towards the body (the child seems to sit down). The body assumes a vertical position; After this, the legs stretch out and stand on the bottom.”
In order for the child to feel progress in the water, you can use traditional exercises with towing (holding hands, a hoop, a net, etc.), as well as diving into vertical hoops (this can be a series of hoops of different diameters).
Exercise “Hello!” is performed as follows: jumping into a hoop, the child responds to the teacher with a handshake, which, in turn, gives the child’s body acceleration. Then the sliding is performed independently. At first, children immediately fall to the bottom, and this is natural. It is necessary to achieve a long glide until it comes to a complete stop.
When performing a slide, a technically correct and strong push plays an important role. Therefore, significant attention should be paid to jumping, which gives the activity an emotional overtones, helping the child overcome uncertainty, develop determination and courage.
The formation of this skill depends on the objective capabilities of the pool. You can also jump from a ladder, but it is more convenient and safer to jump from a removable pedestal with steps attached to the ladder, the height of which corresponds to the water level. When learning to jump, basic didactic principles must be observed, since these exercises can cause a feeling of fear that will jeopardize the entire learning process. You cannot force a child to jump; under no circumstances should you push a child if he is afraid. To avoid injury, the teacher should stand on the bedside table while jumping and make sure that the place where the child will jump is clear.
It’s better to start with basic jumps with your feet down. Children perform the following exercises with pleasure: into a hoop of different diameters lying on the surface of the water (“Into the well - from the well”); “Into a deep well” (a jump involving immersion in water and emerging from a hoop under water); through a stretched horizontal rope; with boards, inflatable pillows, etc. (“Who takes the longest” and “Ride the horse”).
After mastering these jumps, they move on to mastering jumps head first (surface jump). At first, children “plop” into the water, spreading their arms and legs to the sides. It is necessary to teach the child to push off well, jump as far as possible, and then lie down as long as possible (until a complete stop). Timid children can be offered a jump on an inflatable mattress, a foam mat, with a board in their hands - this gives confidence, which means the child will master this skill faster. The flight range will noticeably improve if you jump into a vertically standing hoop held by an instructor. The distance between the bedside table and the hoop gradually increases for each child individually (“Like an arrow”, “Tiger jump into a burning ring”). For more prepared children, we suggest doing acrobatic exercises(roll forward, backward, etc.) on a foam mat.
Sliding can be practiced and controlled only when children, jumping head first, make a good push. Children should be able to slide equally well on their chest and on their back. During the learning process, it is necessary to modify and complicate tasks (for example, perform a slide followed by exhalation into the water, different positions of the hands, etc.).
You should also constantly create game situations (for example, “Who will slide the furthest”), and give the exercises an entertaining flavor (“Like an Arrow,” “Torpedo,” and others).
T.I. Osokina points out some mistakes that occur when learning to slide: “the child’s body is excessively immersed in the water, the back is strongly arched, the stomach sags, the head is raised too high up or down, the muscles of the torso are tense, the eyes are tightly closed, the lips are pursed.”
Such gross mistakes do not occur when lying freely on the water if the sequence of preparatory exercises is followed. Errors occur most often in children who miss classes, which, in turn, require the close attention of the instructor-teacher, and additional classes are conducted with them during free swimming.
Thus, the main task of learning to swim in shallow water is to create pedagogical conditions that contribute to the child’s self-confidence and the feeling that the water loves and holds him. And the skills and abilities acquired in shallow water are subsequently improved in deep water.

The amount of time spent on conducting classes in shallow water makes it possible to conduct classes in deep water only starting from the end middle group.
Of great importance in training in deep water is the demonstration of the exercise as a whole and its individual elements. It is best to demonstrate the exercise immediately before the children perform it. Involving assistants in the demonstration also makes the explanation much easier. Demonstration of movements should be accompanied by a clear and intelligible explanation of the details, which helps prevent misunderstanding.
At the stage of teaching individual movements, the instructor-teacher’s speech can be figurative, but at the same time it should not have a hint of entertainment. Children must be focused while doing exercises.
The main indicator of a child’s ability to perform swimming movements is the full performance of sliding. A correctly performed slide is determined by the following indicators: a) the initial position before repulsion, b) the force of the push, c) the position of the body during the slide. When learning to swim, 80% of the time spent should be devoted to gliding, and only after it has been performed for a long time can one begin to learn movements.
What kind of movement program and in what sequence needs to be created and brought to automatism so that a preschooler with his unstable nervous system and insufficient coordination skills can master such a complex sport as swimming?
Breast crawl is the fastest way of swimming. Subject to the general law of mechanics - the economy and efficiency of rowing movements, it turned out to be the most acceptable in teaching swimming to preschoolers.
First, children are shown the general method of swimming, while their attention is drawn to the movement of their arms (as when walking and running). Then alternating hand movements (accompanied by the explanation: “up to the foot - to the ceiling - to the ear”) are practiced on land and reinforced at home.
When swimming front crawl, the child lies freely on the surface of the water, with the head between the arms. The stroke is performed with a straight hand; at the end of the stroke, the thumb needs to touch the thigh (conditionally). If executed successfully, the hand easily flies through the air and plunges back into the water. Children should not be required to move their arms in complex trajectories above and under water (as is recommended in methodological literature), the main thing at this stage of training is uniform progress in a straight line while maintaining a horizontal body position.
The principle of economical swimming presupposes a reasonable distribution of the swimmer’s forces over the distance. Therefore, it is necessary to teach children to swim slowly, maintaining continuity of movements (without influx). At first, preschoolers reflexively perform hand movements very quickly, resulting in short strokes. It is necessary to immediately achieve a long stroke. The competitive spirit of learning gives dynamism to the exercises and keeps children highly active throughout the lesson.
There is a saying in swimming: “Only those who control the breath can swim.” It is much easier for a child to master breathing by swimming slowly and using only his hands. Considering the child’s level of training, it is better to choose short distances, but perform the exercise repeatedly (so as not to impair coordination). Gradually mastering the front crawl in the described sequence, children quickly manage to adapt the movements of their legs to the movements of their arms. Based on physical capabilities and individual characteristics, the child himself selects the rhythm of his leg movements.
The “back crawl” method differs in the structure of movements from the front crawl only in the position of the body on the water and the change in the leading limbs - the basis for coordinating movements is the work of the legs. The technique of performing this method is entirely determined by the coordination capabilities of the child, as well as the ability to create power traction with the legs.
Mastering the back crawl is carried out in shallow and calm water. Not all children manage to move well enough using their legs - this is due to the motor capabilities of the foot, which, in turn, are determined by the mobility of the ankle joint and the area of ​​the dorsum of the foot (flippers). Therefore, first on land and then in water, alternating up-and-down kick movements are practiced, which are performed only with the toes (the toes are pulled out and concave - “like a bear’s”). To control the bending of the legs at the knees, it is suggested to hold a board or hand over the child’s knees (if the movement is performed correctly, there is no touching).
Backward circular rotations with the arms are first learned on land, and in the water a “backward mill” is performed, which is accompanied by an explanation, as in the front crawl: “to the leg - to the ear.” Because the backstroke is performed from the side, it causes excessive movement of the legs. Only a high tempo of hand movement allows you to maintain straight forward movement.
The maximum effect is achieved when performing the task from the start on the back. The high rhythm of leg movements allows the child to maintain accuracy and unity only over short distances, which are usually swam while holding the breath. The start on the back is performed as follows: grab the handrail (side, ladder) with your hands; rest your feet against the wall with your knees bent (toes in the water).
At the initial stage, children are encouraged to swim slowly. At the same time, they have the opportunity to voluntarily coordinate their own movements, moving mainly with the help of their legs (hips and shins in the water) and performing strokes with their arms, stopping at the hip (breathing is voluntary).
Further work on improving swimming skills is aimed at the widespread use of contrasting exercises in training, which helps the child understand the difference between economical and uneconomical swimming. The child will be able to quickly get rid of individual mistakes if you invite him to aggravate them: if he is “threshing” strongly with his hands, offer to do this even more often; raises his head high when sliding - raise his head even higher, etc.
When sequentially solving problems in deep water: a) teach how to lie freely and for a long time on the water, b) glide as far as possible, c) correctly perform movements with arms and legs - children of senior preschool age do not develop gross errors in swimming technique, and minor errors are easy corrected in the process of further training.
Each lesson is devoted to a specific topic, although during its implementation several tasks are solved at once (material from different sections is used). The tasks and content of the classes are arranged in order of increasing complexity and taking into account a gradual increase in load. It is recommended to move on to a new topic only when the majority of children in the group have mastered all the tasks of the previous topic. Until this point, the material must be repeated in full and in part, achieving successful learning for each child.
When repeating, it is better to change the content of classes, using tasks and games of the same type. The instructor-teacher must remember that children cannot be expected to have the same level of swimming skills for different durations of training.


The practical importance of swimming is enormous. It comprehensively develops and hardens the body (especially the respiratory system), since it is immediately affected by water, sun and air. It is easier for a child to float on water than for an adult, since the subcutaneous fat layer in children is thicker. Having already reached 7-9 months, the child can (should!) be able to independently stay on the surface of the water for 8-10 minutes. However, this can only be achieved with systematic and varied training on the water.
An important role when learning to swim is played by introducing the child to the best swimmers, forming and nurturing his interest and love for sports.
A prerequisite for teaching a child to swim is close contact with parents.


1. Osokina T.I. Teach children to swim. - M.: Education, 1985.
2. Osokina T.I., Timofeeva E.A., Bogina T.L. Swimming training in kindergarten for kindergarten teachers and teachers. - M.: Education, 1991.
3. Stepanenkova E. Ya. Physical education in kindergarten. Program and methodological recommendations. – M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2006. – 96 p.
4. Stepanenkova E.Ya. Theory and methods of physical education and child development: Textbook. aid for students higher ped. textbook establishments. - M., Ed. Center "Academy", 2001. - 368 p.
5. Firsov 3. P. Swimming for everyone. - M.: Education, 1983.
6. Firsov Z.P. Swim before walking // FiS. - 1987. - No. 6.

Tyurina Oksana Nikolaevna, physical education instructor at MBDOU No. 54 “Iskorka”, Naberezhnye Chelny

Purpose of swimming lessons- creating the necessary conditions for preserving and strengthening the physical and mental health of children through the formation and development of motor skills and abilities in the water.

Main tasks swimming lessons are:

Promoting health promotion, comprehensive and optimal development of children’s physical abilities;

Prevention and elimination of functional abnormalities in individual organs and systems of the body. Developing the habit of taking care of your health on a daily basis, strengthening the body.

Learning to swim includes children performing a variety of exercises that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system and breathing.

While swimming, water makes the child's body light. The pressure on the supporting apparatus of the skeleton, especially on the spine, is reduced. Soft movements of the legs provide a versatile load on the lower limbs, thus creating conditions for the formation and strengthening of solid support for the legs.

When swimming, large dynamic leg work in an unsupported position has a strengthening effect on the foot and prevents flat feet. In addition, swimming develops coordination and rhythm of movements. Exercises in swimming lessons are performed mainly in a horizontal position, i.e. in the position of maximum unloading of the spine, which has a beneficial effect on its condition, reducing its curvature if there is a violation of the child’s posture.

During exercise in water, the muscles of the limbs tense and relax rhythmically. With any method of swimming, the hands take an active part in the movement. This is especially true for freestyle and backstroke. These swimming methods, due to the active alternating movement of the arms in and above the water, affect the flexibility of the spine.

Children who regularly engage in swimming have developed respiratory muscles and respiratory organs, and there is good coordination of breathing with movements. When swimming, a person breathes clean, dust-free and sufficiently humidified air. When inhaling while swimming, the respiratory muscles bear additional load due to the need to overcome the resistance of the water; the necessary effort is also made when exhaling into the water. Due to increased activity, the respiratory muscles are strengthened and developed, the mobility of the chest improves, and the vital capacity of the lungs increases.

Swimming is effective means hardening the children's body. Almost all systems that regulate life processes participate in the hardening process. In this case, an important role in thermoregulation is played by the skin, on which the water temperature has a specific irritant effect. As a result of the influence of cold water, the blood vessels of the skin narrow. With systematic swimming and swimming, the vascular system acquires the ability to quickly adapt to changes in water temperature. The child gets used to being in an environment with a lower temperature for a long time. The temperature of the skin and body in water decreases less and is quickly restored after swimming. A persistent adaptation to cold occurs, i.e. the child becomes more hardened to adverse environmental influences.

A swimming lesson can include a variety of health-improving techniques or their elements that help strengthen the child’s health, and in any part of the lesson.

Exercise No. 2 Ha-breathing.

It is advisable to warm up on land on massage mats.

The main part of the lesson will include active activities of the student associated with physical activity. To reduce a child’s increased excitability after exercise, you can also include various health-improving techniques such as eye gymnastics. (gymnastics with butterfly), self-massage BAT, massage using Su-Jok massage balls.

An example is the self-massage of the BAT “Crocodile” for the prevention of colds.

Strings Movements

The crocodile is waiting for guests

Mouth full of his nails

I asked the crocodile

“Didn’t a sheep pass here?”

And the villain lies at the bottom

And winks at me!

For younger children, you can use finger exercises or self-massage of the ears. (we sculpt ears for Cheburashka, stroking the auricles, sculpt the ears from the outside, inside along the grooves, rub them behind the ears - “smear clay so that the ears don’t come off”).



After classes, it is very good to set up a herbal bar, that is, give the children warm herbal tea using medicinal herbs. In the locker rooms where children change clothes, you can install aroma lamps and also use aromatherapy using a variety of aromatic oils.

Wellness technologies in the pool

The water part of the lesson can include breathing exercises with a tonic effect, i.e., prepare the child’s body for the upcoming load.

Exercise No. 1. Mobilizing breathing.

IP - standing or sitting, back straight. Exhale the air from the lungs, then inhale, hold your breath for 2 seconds, exhale for the same duration as inhalation. Then increase the inhalation phase.

Exercise No. 2 Ha-breathing.

IP - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. Take a deep breath, raise your arm and through your sides up above your head. Holding your breath. Exhale: sharply tilt the body forward, arms down in front of you, sharp release of air with the sound “ha”.

Self-massage BAT “Crocodile” for the prevention of colds (in the main part of the lesson during the break as a rest)

Children, sitting, massage biologically active zones. Counting can be replaced with lines from poems for children.

Strings Movements

The crocodile is waiting for guests

Stroking the neck with the palms in the direction from the cervical spine forward to the jugular fossa

Mouth full of his nails

Gently stroke your neck (under the jaw) with your thumbs

I asked the crocodile

Clench your fingers into fists and quickly rub the wings of your nose with your thumbs

“Didn’t a sheep pass here?”

Place your palms with edges to your forehead and rub it with sideways movements towards the center

And the villain lies at the bottom

Strongly spread your index and middle fingers, place them in front of and behind your ears and rub the skin with force.

And winks at me!

Rubbing your palms, wink with one eye.

During the main part of the lesson as a rest after active exercises can be done with children gymnastics for the eyes “Frog catches a butterfly.”

The instructor hands out butterflies to the children and tells the children that they are “frogs” and must catch the butterfly. And in order to catch it, you need to be quiet and follow it with your eyes, without turning your head.

The little animal is jumping,

Not a mouth, but a trap.

Will fall into a trap

Both a mosquito and a fly.

Children follow the “butterfly” by pointing it to the right, left, up, down.

In the final part of the lesson, you can also introduce healing techniques aimed at relaxation - breathing exercises that promote relaxation and restoration of all body systems after stress.


For 3 minutes, breathe slowly, calmly and deeply, you can close your eyes while lying in the “Star” position.


All children stand in the water in a circle. The presenter invites the children to inflate imaginary balloons: “Inhale, bring the balloon to your lips and slowly inflate your cheeks through parted lips. Watch how your ball becomes bigger and bigger, how the patterns on it increase. Blow carefully so that your balloon does not burst. Now show the balls to each other.”

Swimming lessons for children

Consultation for parents.

Swimming is as natural for any person as walking, running, and jumping. It is enough to remember that even in the womb the baby is already in an aquatic environment, that is, in free swimming - in the literal sense. And therefore it is also believed that teaching the babyswimmingIt is advisable to start as early as possible, until the habit of moving in the aquatic environment is completely lost. It has been noticed that the older a person gets, the more his fear of water increases. And with age, it becomes even more difficult to learn how to stay on the water, not to mention full swimming. Moreover, it is rational to start teaching a child to swim from an early age - even before his first trip to school.

Teaching preschool children to swim will not only give the child one of the most valuable skills, which will later be useful to him more than once in life. Swimming is also a full-fledged physical education, useful physical activity, so beneficial for a growing body. Staying in and on the water, gradually learning to swim strengthens the child’s body and is an important elementhardening. Teaching preschool children to swim, and their subsequent free and independent swimming, helps strengthen the child’s muscles and has a beneficial effect on the baby’s respiratory system.

While in the water, the child’s spine is unloaded, which is important for prevention.scoliosisand formation of correct posture. During swimming, to move in the water, those muscle groups are used that have little load in everyday life. Thus, teaching preschool children to swim also helps them develop a good figure and improve muscle tone. Swimming also has a beneficial effect onemotional state of the child, has a positive effect on the nervous system. Thus, during swimming, a kind of water “massage” is provided, thereby relieving tension (both nervous and physical) and fatigue, improvingdreamand the emotional background is adjusted.

It is also important that teaching swimming to preschool children helps to normalize metabolic processes, due to which the child feels much better - his health improves, andimmunity is strengthened. Experts note that learning to swim, and then regular swimming lessons, leads to the fact that the child becomes more resistant to common childhood diseases and gets sick much less often than his peers.

A certain role in this is played by the temperature difference, air and sun baths provided during swimming training for preschool children (if training takes place outside the boundaries of the pool in an open reservoir). Moreover, teaching preschool children on a fine summer day somewhere on a lake near a summer cottage is still more “healthy” and shown than acquiring swimming skills in a pool. Moreover, in this case, parents can work with the child on their own - the baby always trusts mom and dad more than the coach. At the same time, teaching preschool children to swim in a pool with the help of a specialist also has a number of advantages: a professional always knows how the training should ideally take place, knows how to provide first aid if necessary, and the number and variety of pools makes it possible to choose the most suitable one for training a child of one age or another.

If parents are still interested in self-study When swimming a child, you should adhere to certain rules for this.

It is necessary to learn to swim in shallow water; the bottom of the reservoir must be solid, without the possible presence of holes or pools. The main thing is to overcome the child’s fear of water (if there is one, because for the most part children are not afraid of water, and even love water). To do this, you can play “war games” with water with your child, raising splashes with your hands. If the child is still wary of water, you should enter the pond slowly, holding the baby’s hands in a face-to-face position.

The child's stay in the water should be limited - starting from 5-10 minutes. In this case, it is desirable that the water temperature is at least 20-24 degrees, while the ambient temperature is 25-30 degrees. A child should not freeze in the water; at the slightest suspicion of this (the baby turns pale, his lips take on a blue tint), the child must be taken out of the water. Already while entering the water, the baby should be wiped with water - it is better if he does this on his own, passing the water through his fingers and getting used to it.

It is better if the first “session” of teaching swimming to preschool children takes place at sea for the first time: salty sea water “holds” better and it is easier for the baby to learn to move in it. But there is a downside to this type of training: you can’t really dive in salt water, because salt irritates your eyes. And the baby should learn to dive into the water and dive in the process of general swimming training.

Immersion in water in the form of diving also needs to be mastered gradually: first, the baby is immersed in water up to the neck, and over time, so that the water covers the mouth, then the nose. You can invite your child to play with “floats” by first demonstrating what the “float” looks like from the outside. To do this, the parent pulls up his knees, clasps them with his hands, holds in the air, bends his head to his chest, and thus plunges into the water. Then he offers to repeat the exercise for the baby, while slightly supporting him, thereby giving him confidence. Over time, when the baby has more or less mastered swimming skills, you can invite him to play “divers”: collect toys scattered in the water at a shallow depth. Or play “dolphins” - place a circle on the water and invite the child to dive under it.

Inflatable elements generally serve a very good purpose in the process of learning to swim. It is recommended to use a variety of elements to hold the child on the water - arm guards, circles, balls, foam boards. The child can hold on to them and at the same time practice movements with his arms or legs.

These movements need to be shown to the baby on land, for example, using a bench. Children usually happily repeat the movements of adults, therefore, there should be no problems with teaching a child to stroke with his arms and swing his legs, which he will then reproduce in the water. So, after repeating “swimming” movements on land several times, you need to ask the child to repeat them in the water. He can do this by first being in an inflatable ring. Over time, you can offer the child to give up the circle - instead, the parent will support the baby in the water. It is important that the child feels what effort he needs to make to be in the water on his own.

Swimming lessons in a swimming pool preschool children are guided by a swimming instructor.

It is divided into several stages:

  • The first stage is performing exercises on land that can imitate swimming movements. Such movements include rows with head turns, bends in the spine in a lying position, swings with straight legs from the hip without bending the knees, and many others.
  • The second stage - the child must get used to being in the water and master swimming movements, now not on land, but in the pool. First, the child learns to properly stay on the water when diving and sliding, during which the instructor supports him by the arm or leg. Swimming lessons for children also help them learn the skill of exhaling into the water slowly and gradually. At the initial stage of learning to swim, this is the most difficult task, so the exercise is performed at the instructor’s command to “exhale.” What will the child be able to do as a result of mastering the second stage? This is exhaling into the water and sliding through the water while pushing off the side of the pool with your feet.
  • The third stage is for children to master leg movements when swimming freestyle; the instructor supports the child by the hands during such classes. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that the child does not close his eyes and looks straight ahead. After acquiring these skills, learning to swim begins with the help of arm movements and breathing, turning the head while inhaling.
  • The fourth stage is complete coordination of swimming movements by holding the breath, and then by coordinating the movements with breathing.

There are also a number of requirements directly for the pool in which the initial training children's swimming:

  • Safety (as a rule, this is a splash pool, the depth of which is 90 cm);
  • Comfortable temperature from +32 to +34 degrees

Teaching children to swim in the pooltakes place in a game mode, which helps kids more easily learn basic swimming skills. For this, various water games are used, for example, “Frog” (jumping in the water) or “Dolphin” (plunging headlong into the water and then jumping out waist-deep).

Some children experience increased sensitivity and other undesirable reactions when in an aquatic environment. This is usually called hydrophobia - a form of fear that is one of the negative emotions of a person. Increased sensitivity to the aquatic environment is manifested in a heightened reaction of a beginner to the unpleasant sensations of water getting on the face and especially in the eyes. Water pressure and temperature effects cause stiffness of movement, difficulty breathing. Children may also have a fear of depth.
In the learning process (especially in the very initial period), emphasis should be placed on exercises that can prevent the appearance of unwanted sensations in beginners and eliminate hypersensitivity to the aquatic environment.

There are the following adviсe for learning to swim:
1. All initial exercises in diving, ascent, lying on the water and especially sliding should be performed while inhaling deeply and holding your breath to ensure the best conditions for body buoyancy. Use exhalations into the water only after mastering gliding.
2. Immediately require each newcomer to open their eyes and not wipe their face when it is under water.
3. When performing repeated dives, asking students to open their eyes in the water and look at objects on the bottom, special attention should be paid to those who have increased sensitivity to the aquatic environment.
4. The first attempts to lie on the water on your chest are best done with outstretched arms resting on the side (or other stable object).
5. When performing chest slides, if the arms are in the “arrow” position (one hand above the other), the balance of the body along its longitudinal axis may be disrupted. To maintain balance and not lose orientation in the water, it is better to keep your arms extended, shoulder-width apart, and even spread your legs a little.
6. When learning to slide on your back, orientation on the water worsens, because the face is turned upward. Therefore, at the beginning of training, it is desirable to help support the child’s body in the horizontal plane.
7. When learning to jump into the water from the side with your feet down, first enter the water in a group (pull your knees to your stomach), with this position of the body the dive will be shallow.
All this preparation should familiarize beginners with the conditions of buoyancy and balance of their body, help them navigate in the water, and prevent possible causes of fear.


Children's swimming - fashionable in Lately trend among modern parents. When choosing a kindergarten, the decisive factor in favor of a preschool institution is the presence of a swimming pool. At the same time, neither the increased parental fee nor the child’s “dislike” for water stops parents. The main thing is the “healthy” health of the child, in the formation of which children’s swimming plays an important role.

Pool exercises have a strengthening effect on the growing child's body, promote the growth of bone tissue. The work of the lungs increases, which prevents the proliferation of harmful bacteria in the respiratory tract. Children's swimming is a kind of massage for the whole body. And, of course, the most important thing is the child’s joy from communicating with water: classes in the pool kindergarten are always accompanied by children's laughter, splashes, and fireworks of positive emotions.


To be admitted to swimming lessons in kindergarten, the following is required:

1. Written permission from parents,
2. Certificate from a pediatrician.

Contraindications for visiting may be:

    The child has open wounds or skin diseases,

    Diseases of the eyes and ENT organs,

    Infectious diseases,

    Active pulmonary tuberculosis,

    Rheumatic heart lesions in the acute stage,

    Peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum.


If you and your local pediatrician have no objections to your child learning the basics of swimming in a kindergarten pool, then you will need to prepare for swimming lessons and purchase swimwear, namely:

    Long terry robe with hood,

    Swimming trunks for boys and one-piece swimsuit for girls,

    Rubber Shoes,

    Small terry towel for feet,

    Large bath towel

  • Soap in a soap dish,

    rubber cap,


Children bring all swimwear with them to kindergarten on the day of classes. After class, the washcloth and soap are placed in a separate bag and taken back home to be washed and dried before the next swim.


Like any swimming pool, there are also rules for visiting here. The only difference is that the rules must be followed with special scrupulousness, because we're talking about about children's health.

Each preschool institution can develop its own set of rules, which only slightly supplements the general recommendations:

    Before entering the water, you must take a shower with soap.

    Loud shouting and noise is prohibited in the pool.

    Children must strictly follow all the teacher’s instructions.

    If a child is not feeling well, he is strongly advised not to attend classes in the pool.

    Classes in the pool are not carried out on a full stomach.

    There should be at least 50 minutes between a session in the pool and a walk outside.


Swimming lessons The kindergarten is taught by a physical education instructor. The “swimming instructor” position does not currently exist in kindergartens. The instructor not only conducts preliminary conversations with children, but also helps children undress and take a shower, dry their hair after class, and checks, together with the nurse, that the conditions in the pool comply with sanitary standards.

Swimming lessons begin , as a rule, from the first days of a child’s visit to kindergarten. At the beginning of the school year, the water temperature reaches 30 degrees; as training progresses, the temperature may drop slightly - up to 28 degrees. It was noticed that at a higher water temperature in the pool, children absorb the material better and learn to swim faster. A number of factors contribute to this: you don’t want to get out of warm water - children like to be in it. In addition, warm water relaxes, hyperactivity goes away, which is especially “popular” among modern children.

As a rule, swimming lessons are held in the morning - instead of walking. This is due to the fact that after visiting the pool and going out into the fresh air, the likelihood of illness and hypothermia increases, even if the hair is dry.

Duration of the pool session is clearly regulated by sanitary rules and depends on the age of the child:

    In the younger group – 15-20 minutes,

    In the average group – 20-25 minutes,

    IN senior group– 25-30 minutes,

    In the preparatory group – 25-30 minutes.

Classes begin with a minimum period of time and increase as the program progresses.

Classes in the pool are conducted in subgroups. The number of children should not exceed 12-15 people. The group is selected according to age and physical fitness. Children who for some reason do not go swimming in kindergarten can play in a group with a teacher or go for a walk at this time.

Before the start of the “swimming season,” conversations are held with children in which preschoolers are introduced to the rules of visiting the pool.

The lessons themselves consist of three parts:

    The preparatory part is carried out on land and is a physical training session,

    The main part is spent in the water, where children perform various exercises, play water games,

    The final part, as a rule, is the most beloved by children - free swimming.

Classes, following a good kindergarten tradition, are conducted in a playful way, using various water equipment: inflatable rings, toys, swimming boards, ropes, etc. The number of toys must correspond to the number of children in one educational group.

The minimum task is to familiarize children with water and get used to it, the maximum task is to master the basic types of swimming.

Thus, children from the younger group are taught, first of all, not to be afraid of water, and to enter it on their own. The first companions for children in the pool can be the frog Kwak, or the ruler of the sea himself - Neptune - it all depends on the imagination of the water instructor.

Children from the middle group can already float on the water independently for some time and glide along it.

In the older group, children learn the basics of “simple swimming”: coordination of the movements of arms and legs, correct exhalation into the water.

The culmination of training is classes in the preparatory group, when future preschool children can show the highest class - sports swimming.


The circle is easily fixed at the waist using a special belt, straps are pulled over the child’s shoulders - the baby is completely safe and easily floats on the water. Each age has its own type of Swimtrainer circle, which helps the child stay on the water correctly. You can purchase a swimming circle in the section of the educational toy store Kindergarten -