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Essays for the collection “Unified State Examination – 2018. Tsybulko. 36 options"

Essay on the topic: “The main educator of any person is his life experience” (OPTION 1)

The text by Evgeny Yevtushenko raises the problem of the role of books in human life. The author in his work discusses the enormous influence the book had on the formation of the character and talent of Maxim Gorky. The poet also argues that a literature lover does not read in order to quickly glean information - he enjoys the word, as Yevtushenko puts it, “absorbs it with all his nerve cells.”

I agree with the author. Indeed, none of us can visit all the countries of the world, cannot get into the deep past or distant future, cannot experience everything that has ever befallen us. different people. But, thanks to literature, we can realize and feel all this. Thus, the book helps us gain unlimited life experience and learn to truly understand people well.

I remember an episode from the novel in verse by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”. One of the episodes of this work talks about how Tatyana, after Eugene’s departure, went to his house and read his books. The girl tried to understand what kind of person her lover was. She came to a strange conclusion: “Isn’t he a parody?” And although this is also not entirely accurate, she nevertheless began to understand Onegin much better than at the beginning of the novel.

However, as Yevgeny Yevtushenko correctly noted, it is not enough to just glean some information from books by reading. In order for the reading to go well, you need to let the author’s thoughts and feelings pass through yourself, comprehend, maybe re-read what seemed interesting or, conversely, controversial. If this is not done, then books will not be able to teach anything at all. I would like to confirm my thought with an episode from Tatyana Tolstoy’s novel “Kys”. This work depicts scary picture people's lives after a nuclear explosion. Main character Benedict loves to read works. He simply devours books, but does not take anything out of them except the general outline of events. The books taught him neither honor, nor conscience, nor kindness, nor love for his neighbor. On the contrary, he is ready to kill and rob, just to get more and more information from books. It seems to me that this proves that it is not enough just to read a work - we need to understand what the author wants to teach us. That is, it also requires work of the soul and mind. And then, reading good books, the person will really become better.

Essay on the topic: “In an inconspicuous forest village near a large Belarusian river lives an old woman” (OPTION 2)

The text by Vasil Bykov poses the problem of memory of the war and our history in general. The author argues that a person’s memory often cannot retain what is necessary. The writer is worried that he, a participant in the war, himself began to forget the different realities of his combat biography. He also believes that everyone who has something to tell about the war should definitely do so. And first of all, this responsibility is assigned to writers who can tell future generations about what happened during the war: both about the suffering of the people and about their heroism.

The author is confident that people must remember their history, because, as the author puts it, “it taught history and humanity a number of lessons for the future, which to ignore would be unforgivable indifference.”

I agree with the writer. Indeed, we must not forget about our history, because, as they say, if you forget about warriors, then they repeat themselves. The war left deep scars in the history of our country. Many cities and villages were destroyed, millions of people died, and the lives of many were distorted. But now some people forget about this. We can increasingly learn about fascist youth organizations; on the Internet and on television we often hear about how history is being rewritten, changed, distorted historical events. This is especially true of the Great Patriotic War.

Quite recently there was a sad story about how a schoolboy expressed sympathy for the “innocently killed German corporal.” Perhaps he expressed himself poorly, but it’s still scary that in our country they talk about innocence fascist invaders! A person must remember his history.

The work of Anatoly Aleksin “Remember His Face” comes to mind. His hero was still a little boy when the war happened. He saw the death of many people, and his mother told him about these dead: “Remember his face.” It’s not for nothing that they say that the death of a person is a tragedy, and the death of a thousand people is a statistic. The boy remembered the people he saw, remembered them by sight. Therefore, he realized that war is a tragedy, not politics.

There is an episode in Boris Vasiliev’s story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet...”. Sergeant Major Vaskov brings Rita Osyanina’s son to the place of his mother’s death. They come here every year because the memory of the people who gave their lives for victory is sacred to them.

It seems to me that we should always remember those people who died so that we could live.

Essay on the topic: “Between the forests and the Oka River, water meadows stretch in a wide belt” (OPTION 3)

In his text, Konstantin Paustovsky poses the problem of the impact of nature on the human soul. The author lovingly describes the days he spends on Prorva. We read a description of how he lives on the river for many days every autumn. “I already have my favorite corners,” writes Paustovsky.

The description of nature is so vivid, done with such love that we immediately understand how dear this place is to the writer. Paustovsky refers to the opinion of Chekhov, who wrote that “along with fresh air, you will breathe in serenity of thought, meekness of feeling, condescension towards others and even towards yourself.” The author is sure that nature has a huge impact on the human soul, and this is a very good, beneficial effect. A person becomes happier when he communicates with nature.

It is impossible to disagree with the author's opinion. Indeed, when we communicate with the nature around us, we receive not only fresh air and aesthetic pleasure. We feel our deep connection with our native side. I remember Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”. The poet's favorite heroine, Tatyana, loves nature very much; She enjoys long walks in the forest, and every morning she greets the dawn on the balcony. And later, when she became a princess and settled in the city, she experiences a longing for her favorite places.

Sergei Yesenin dedicated touching drains to Russian nature. You can recall his poems “Go away, my dear Rus'...”, “White birch”, “The golden grove dissuaded...” and many others. You can hear in them deep love the author to his native fields and forests.

The human soul feels its kinship with its native spaces. We just need to not lose this connection.

Essay on the topic: “I remember how in the mid-twenties, having got into conversation, we approached the monument to Pushkin...” (OPTION 4)

This text examines the problem of architectural monuments and their influence on humans.

The author describes how sad he is that there is no longer a monument to Pushkin or the Strastnoy Monastery on Tverskoy Boulevard. The writer experiences a feeling of emptiness. And in sentences 23 to 33, he talks about the sadness he felt after Vodopyany Lane disappeared along with all the houses that made it up. It was an unpleasant feeling, like in a dream, when you don’t understand where your home is.

The author believes that architectural monuments are part of our history, part of human culture, and the loss of even the least important of them is still very painful. After all, this is the loss of part of our history, of what constitutes the concept of home.

It's hard to disagree with the author. Unfortunately, for Lately Many unique monuments were destroyed, destroyed, especially in Soviet times. But memory lives not only in the hearts and minds of people - memory also lives in material culture. Some phenomena of material culture specifically exist for reminder purposes. Examples of such things are monuments and, of course, cemeteries. The tombstones on them specifically exist to remind of some people who once lived. They may have long been forgotten, but the memory embodied in stone will be a reminder for many generations.

That is why in Valentin Rasputin’s story “Farewell to Matera” the women reacted with such horror to the destruction of the cemetery. They understood that soon the entire island would be flooded with water, but the destruction of the cemetery was perceived by them as something completely special - as an attempt to destroy the memory of people.

A person ceases to be himself when he loses his memory. I remember the legend about the Mankurts, which Chingiz Aitmatov tells in his novel “And the day lasts longer than a century...” The Mankurts’ memory was destroyed with the help of special torture; they forgot their name, the names of their parents. Mankurts were ideal slaves: a person who has no memory does not need freedom, he only needs food, water, rest. There are no other thoughts in it, because personality is largely formed by memory. Unfortunately, in Soviet times, many architectural monuments, especially church architecture, were destroyed. Some of them were completely razed to the ground, like the same Passion Monastery mentioned in Kataev’s text, others suffered greatly because they were not restored, they were used for other purposes, for example, they were used as a warehouse or hostel.

It’s good that now many architectural monuments are being restored. It restores historical memory us all.

Essay on the topic: “In years of peace, a person is content and happy, like a bird bathing in the sky, can fly far from its nest” (OPTION 5)

In his text, Alexey Tolstoy raises the problem of the role of the Motherland in human life. The author, to illustrate his point, gives an example ancient man and calls the homeland and land from ottich and dedich. He wants to show in this way that the concept of the Motherland was characteristic of people even in ancient times. It’s just that back then the boundaries of the homeland were defined differently. To show a person's pride in their country and its influence on world culture, the writer cites as an example the great inventions of our famous scientists that our country gave to the world. The author believes that the Motherland is the place where you were born, and all those lands where they speak your native language, where people of the same nationality, bearers of the same culture. And each of us, according to the author, is responsible for this country, which he calls the Motherland.

It is impossible to disagree with the author's opinion. Indeed, the concept of the Motherland includes the idea of ​​both that corner of the earth where we spent our childhood, and about a huge country called Russian Federation, and about our native Russian language, which is spoken by all our compatriots, and about the great contribution to science and culture that is associated with our country.

First of all, the Motherland is the place where you were born and where your ancestors, parents, grandparents lived. In Valentin Rasputin’s story “Farewell to Matera,” the author speaks of just such a homeland - about a piece of Earth, an island on the Angara, where the heroes were born. In the work, it is no coincidence that the name of the island is derived from the word “mother” - this place, indeed, became the mother, the homeland for all the heroes. The author shows an argument between Daria and her grandson Andrei. Strictly speaking, this is not really a dispute. Daria does not object to her grandson, but only chuckles condescendingly. Andrey believes that it is necessary to think statewide, on a national scale. But Daria understands that a country cannot become a homeland for someone who has not learned to love the place where he was born - his small homeland.

Series “Unified State Exam. FIPI - school" was prepared by test developers measuring materials(KIM) unified state exam.
The collection contains:
36 standard exam options, compiled in accordance with the draft demo version of the KIM Unified State Exam in the Russian language 2018;
instructions for completing the examination work;
answers to all tasks;
evaluation criteria.
Completing the tasks of standard exam options provides students with the opportunity to independently prepare for the state final certification in the form of the Unified State Exam, as well as to objectively assess the level of their preparation for the exam.
Teachers can use standard exam options to organize monitoring of student learning results educational programs secondary general education and intensive preparation of students for the Unified State Exam.

Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.
1) The sparkling waves laughed mysteriously and ran onto the shore and crashed loudly against the stones.
2) Be silent, hide and hide your feelings and dreams.
3) The whirlwind raged for about an hour or an hour and a half and then suddenly died down.
4) Childhood memory turned out to be tenacious and the first meeting with the theater remained in it forever.
5) In his work, M. Voloshin tried not only to comprehend Russia’s past but also to predict its future.

Which of the following statements are true? Please provide answer numbers.
1) Sentence 2 is contrasted in content to sentence 3.
2) Sentences 10-11 contain a narrative.
3) Proposition 20 explains, reveals the content of sentence 19.
4) Sentences 21-23 provide a description.
5) Sentences 24-27 present the reasoning.

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Unified State Examination 2018, Russian language, Model exam options, 36 options, Tsybulko I.P. -, fast and free download.

  • Unified State Exam 2020, Russian language, grade 11, Methodological recommendations, Tsybulko I.P., 2019
  • Unified State Exam 2019, Russian language, grade 11, Methodological recommendations, Tsybulko I.P., Aleksandrov V.N., Arutyunova E.V.
  • Methodological recommendations for teachers, prepared on the basis of an analysis of typical mistakes of participants in the 2018 Unified State Examination in the Russian language, Tsybulko I.P.
  • Unified State Exam-2018, Russian language, Recommendations for assessing tasks, Tsybulko I.P., Ateksandrov V.N., Arutyunova E.V., 2018

The following textbooks and books:

  • Unified State Exam 2018, Thematic simulator, Russian language, Part 1 tasks, Egoraeva G.T., Nazarova T.N., Politova I.N., Skripka E.N.

For now, Russian language and mathematics are mandatory exams that must be passed in order to receive a certificate. And then try yourself at a university, or, with a clear conscience, go into the army.

Every year the tasks are simplified, so the number of hundred-point papers is only growing. To write everything well, it’s enough to get good at it by going through a dozen or two options. General theoretical knowledge will come to mind by itself. Someone will say that there is also an essay (task 25), but there, too, everything comes down to basic things. Complete clichés, from literary examples “War and Peace”. There are a lot of similar essays in the bank of verified works. Study the best ones, see how to build a reasoning. Nothing complicated. Again, it just takes a little practice and you'll get it right.


Part 1: consists of 24 tasks with a short answer consisting of numbers or a word (phrase). The maximum you can get is 58 points.

Part 2: consists of one task where you need to write the already mentioned essay in the recommended volume of 200 words. Maximum 42 points.

3.5 hours are allotted to complete all tasks.

Explanations for grading assignments

For correct completion of each task in Part 1 (except for tasks 1, 7, 15 and 24), the examinee receives 1 point. For an incorrect answer or lack thereof, 0 points are given.

For completing tasks 1 and 15, you can score from 0 to 2 points. The answer that contains all the numbers from the standard and no other numbers is considered correct. 1 point is given if: one of the numbers indicated in the answer does not correspond to the standard; one of the numbers specified in the answer standard is missing.

In all other cases, 0 points are given. The order in which the numbers are written in the answer does not matter. For completing task 7, you can score from 0 to 5 points. For each correctly indicated digit corresponding to a number from the list, the examinee receives 1 point (5 points: no errors; 4 points: 1 error made; 3 points: 2 errors made; 2 points: 2 digits indicated correctly; 1 point: correctly indicated only one digit; 0 points: completely incorrect answer, i.e. the order of numbers in the answer is incorrect.

Unified State Exam dates in Russian

The final dates for the Unified State Examination will be known only in January. But today specialists from Rosobrnadzor are ready to announce the approximate time periods during which testing will take place:

  • the early stage of the Unified State Examination will take place from mid-March to mid-April 2018 (start date – 03/22/2018);
  • The main stage of the Unified State Examination will begin at the end of May and will last until the beginning of June 2018. Rosobrnadzor tentatively names the start date as 05/28/2018;
  • an additional period (taking the Unified State Exam by students who received unsatisfactory grades or missed the main exam due to illness and other valid reasons, documented) is scheduled for the first half of September 2018. So far, the starting date is September 4, 2018.

Let us remind you that the following people can write an application to take the exam early:

  • schoolchildren who received secondary education before the 2017/2018 academic year;
  • students who graduated from school with a certificate instead of a certificate;
  • evening school graduates;
  • individuals who go to study outside of Russia;
  • graduates of the current year who completed the curriculum ahead of schedule;
  • children leaving for sports competitions, competitions, Olympiads and other events of national or international significance;
  • schoolchildren in need of treatment or rehabilitation on the dates of the main exam.

Statistics for passing the Unified State Exam in the Russian language

The students’ opinion that with good preparation for the Unified State Exam, the Russian language is quite easy to pass is confirmed by official statistical calculations. Thus, in 2017, 617 thousand schoolchildren took part in the examination, of which only 1.6% were unable to overcome the minimum threshold (i.e., score 36 passing points required for admission to a university).

In 2016, there were 2.5% of such students. In turn, only 0.5% of examinees did not achieve the minimum scores required to obtain a matriculation certificate, i.e. half as much as in 2016. According to Sergei Kravtsov, head of Rosobrnadzor, this trend indicates the effectiveness of the “I will pass the Unified State Exam” project, in which lagging students from Chechnya, Dagestan and Tuva took part before testing.

According to statistics, the percentage of schoolchildren who fail the Unified State Exam is gradually decreasing

Rules for the Unified State Exam 2018 in the Russian language

The testing procedure remains the same - students will have 3.5 hours (210 minutes) to complete the tasks. According to the regulations, before entering the examination hall, the student must empty his pockets of any foreign objects, which include cheat sheets, smartphones, cameras, headphones, tablets, smart watches and any other equipment.

When writing a test in the Russian language, the use of any other reference and auxiliary materials is not provided. Schoolchildren are prohibited from changing seats, talking with neighbors, turning their heads in the hope of spying on the answer, and also leaving the classroom without permission and accompaniment of a member of the supervisory commission.

What is included in the Russian language ticket?

The Russian language exam is aimed at:

  • assessment of the ability to conduct linguistic analysis;
  • identification of practical language skills in compliance with relevant norms and rules;
  • communication skills test;
  • assessment of understanding writing through the prism of one’s own perception;
  • testing the ability to compare, analyze, synthesize, generalize, specify and find patterns.

When completing the work, the student will be faced with tasks that will test the level of his knowledge of vocabulary and phraseology, his understanding of language, spelling and punctuation norms, as well as the ability to use speech tools.

Each ticket includes 26 tasks, divided into two parts:

  • The first part of the ticket is 25 tasks that require a short answer from the student. In this part of the Unified State Exam, the answer should be given in the form of one or more numbers, a word or a phrase. For correct completion of this part of the test, you can receive 34 primary points, which is 59% of all points for the Unified State Exam. Tasks numbered 2, 3-6, 8-14, 16-24 are scored 1 point, 1 and 15 – 2 points, 7 – 5 points, 25 – 4 points;
  • the second part of the ticket is an essay on the proposed topic. It should provide a detailed and reasoned answer to the question posed. For correct completion of this part of the test, you can receive 24 primary points, which is 41% of all points for the Unified State Exam.

The entire ticket allows you to earn a maximum of 58 primary points.

Innovations in tickets 2018

Experts from FIPI report that the following changes await schoolchildren in the new Russian language tickets:

  1. One task (numbered 20) was added to the tickets, aimed at testing knowledge of the norms of vocabulary of the Russian language.
  2. The maximum primary points that can be obtained for all work have been increased - now there will be 58, not 57, as in 2017.

Will speaking be included in the exam?

Over the past few years, rumors have increasingly arisen that another part will be added to the Russian language exam - speaking. Lyudmila Verbitskaya, head of the Russian Academy of Education, stated that speaking would become an integral part of the exam back in 2016. Sergei Kravtsov, who heads Rosobrnadzor, also believed that Russian should not be taken at the basic and specialized level, but it is imperative to test the ability of modern schoolchildren to express their thoughts out loud.

The Unified State Exam 2018 will require not only knowledge of the rules, but developed speaking skills

The leadership of the main educational department of the Russian Federation explained the need for this innovation by saying that the ability to apply language norms in practice can only be revealed when a student answers questions orally. This is the only way to understand whether the student knows how to express his thoughts beautifully and cogently, or whether he has simply memorized a certain number of rules.

Speaking did not appear in the Unified State Examination 2017, but at a conference at Moscow State University dedicated to the problems of the modern Russian language, Verbitskaya expressed confidence that in 2018 this part will definitely supplement the national examination in this subject. Not long ago, information appeared on the FIPI website that department specialists discussed the issue of including speaking in the Unified State Exam, having prepared a corresponding project. Today it includes two possible options CMM improvements:

  • the first assumes that the student will have to read the text expressively, then take part in the dialogue, and at the end, argueably express his position on some issue, based on the proposed text. You will need to do it in 15 minutes;
  • the second option includes four types of tasks: expressive reading of the proposed passage, retelling the information read, a monologue on a given topic, and participation in dialogue. 15 minutes will be allotted for all tasks.

At passing the Unified State Exam audio and video recording of the student’s answers will be carried out, which will then be listened to by members of the examination committee. However, in the CMM versions presented today, there is no speaking in the demo version. It is possible that the new type of Unified State Exam will first be tested on schoolchildren from the 9th grade who will have to take the State Examination.

Firstly, it is easier for them to equip classrooms with the necessary equipment, and secondly, for high school students, errors in the calculations of specialists from FIPI can become critical, ruining the chance of entering a university. It is quite possible that the project will not have time to pass the final approval stage in 2018, but students should prepare for this type of test.

How will the Unified State Exam in Russian affect the certificate?

Let us remind you that the scores that an eleventh grader received for the national exam influence the certificate. The maximum points for this Unified State Examination are 100. If we translate them into the regular school system of assessing knowledge, the picture looks like this:

  • students who managed to score only 0-35 points are recognized as “failing students”;
  • schoolchildren who were able to score 36-57 points for testing can qualify for the “three” mark;
  • 58-71 points guarantee the student a grade of “four”;
  • graduates who score 72 points and above receive an “excellent” grade.

To enter the budget you will need more than 73 points for Russian

The minimum points that should be scored for the Russian language are directly dependent on the goal set by the student:

  • schoolchildren who do not intend to enter a university can write an exam for 24 points - this is enough to simply receive a certificate;
  • students who plan to enter higher education educational institution, must receive a minimum of 36 points on the test. You can overcome this threshold by correctly solving at least 16 tasks from the first part of the ticket. Of course, 36 points will not allow you to qualify for a budget place and a scholarship at the university. As the practice of past years shows, for regional universities the score must be at least 73, but to get into capital universities you need to manage to write the Unified State Examination in Russian with at least 88-94 points.

How to prepare for the Unified State Exam in Russian?

Preparing for the Russian language exam involves regular classes, practicing all existing rules and regulations, memorizing exceptions, and developing punctuation skills. In addition, it is highly recommended to regularly write dictations and short essays on a variety of topics.

Experts say that you should devote most of your time to task No. 26 - the essay will require you to be able to discuss and comment on a specific topic, support your point of view with arguments, think broadly, draw analogies and correctly insert quotes from other sources into the text. To do this, you should pay attention to reading classical works, the authors of which raise themes of ideological problems.

Of course, when preparing for the exam, you cannot do without working through the demonstration CMMs developed by FIPI specialists for the new academic year. Of course, there will be no absolute match between the demo versions and the real tests, but the tasks are so similar that it will be easier for you to collect your thoughts during the exam. Only in this case you will not waste time trying to understand the structure of the ticket and its content. You can download official demo versions of CMMs in Russian at the beginning of the article.

At the Unified State Examination in Russian, you should correctly distribute the allotted time. Don't waste precious minutes lingering on difficult tests. You can return to them later, when answers to tasks that do not cause you difficulties are ready. To write an essay, you will need at least 60-70 minutes - creative tasks require time to gather your thoughts, sketch out a draft version of the work, and then carefully rewrite the essay on the answer sheet.

When preparing for the Unified State Exam, train yourself to regularly write essays and dictations.

What should you consider when writing an essay?

The essay involves writing a text in which the following components will be clearly highlighted:

  • introduction– here you should give a suitable quote, highlight the main idea of ​​the author of the work, talk a little about his worldview, give your own thoughts on this topic, and then move on to the main part;
  • main part– is divided into several structural components, each of which will be assessed by a commission. Start by formulating the problem, describing its relevance and urgency. Provide comments on the problem, briefly retelling the text in your own words. Next, you need to express the author’s main idea and retell his vision of the issue. Express your opinion on this matter, agreeing with the author or, conversely, giving counterarguments. Your own thoughts should be supported by arguments in the form of quotes from famous personalities, statistical and scientific facts, descriptions of life situations or thoughts of other writers. At least two arguments must be given, and one of them is literary;
  • conclusion and conclusions– in this part of the essay it is worth summarizing all of the above.

Remember: according to the essay evaluation criteria, the main factor that the commission members will evaluate is the ability to rely on the proposed text. Extensive conclusions and introductions are not very welcome - they should occupy no more than 25% of the entire work. The essay must consist of at least 150 words. If you can write more, correctly covering the main part, that’s good, but work of less than 70 words may not be assessed at all, giving zero points.

Just recently you came to the first bell, and very soon the last one will ring for you, just yesterday you were schoolchildren, and tomorrow you will become students, after which you will become masters of your craft, professionals in the specialty that you choose for yourself after graduation, in which Some higher educational institution in Russia, and perhaps someone abroad will allow themselves to study, receive higher or special education.

There is no doubt that the majority of future students who graduate from the eleventh grade at school in 2018 and intend to receive higher education expect to enroll in a budget-funded education at some university of their choice, for which they make every effort - they prepare for the final examination tests called Unified State Examination (USE) to get the highest possible passing scores.

The Russian language is especially dear to our country, because we all speak it, which means we should know it like no other school subject, so it is not surprising that it is mandatory for school exams, like for ninth-grade students (OGE), and eleventh grades (USE).

Every Russian schoolchild should know Russian well or better, perfectly, and this is important. Knowledge native language an indispensable condition of every country in which it exists and is considered native. Just as in France they learn French, in Germany German, in Portugal Portuguese, and in Spain Spanish, so in Russia we learn Russian.

Russian is considered one of the main languages ​​in the world, and it is spoken and communicated freely in former countries Soviet Union, in some of them it is taught in schools. The importance of studying the Russian language is difficult to overestimate in Russia, which is why compulsory school exams in this subject are so important, which, although considered quite difficult to study, is nevertheless loved and revered all over the world.

Minimum or high scores on the Unified State Exam, why are they in 2018?

Why you need high scores on the Unified State Exam in 2018, you already know very well without us, first of all, in order to qualify for a “place in the sun,” that is, to have a good chance of taking a budget-funded place in a higher education institution, of which many of them limited quantity and may continue to decline.

It is worth noting and you should know about this that budget places There are not all institutes, universities, academies, military and theater schools where you can get higher education. Also, for information, let's say this - some universities have several hundred budget places (there are quite a few of them), while the majority have only a few dozen, two or three or four, and no more.

Therefore, the competition for a budget-funded place will be serious, in which a considerable number of applicants will participate, among whom will be, in addition to those who received high passing scores on the Unified State Exam in 2018, also gold and silver school medalists, winners and prize-winners school competitions, those who graduated from technical school and college with honors will also take part in the fight for a free place.

We must not forget about those who did not enroll in the last academic season and will try their luck this year, or who have not tried to enroll at all before, but in 2018 will decide to enroll. Those who want to get a second higher education should also be added; they also have the right, according to the new law “On Education,” to free education at the expense of government funding, if they received their first for a fee, on a commercial basis.

Unified State Examinations in Russian language 2018

For a school graduate, the Russian language exam test in 2018 is important; getting a high passing score on the Unified State Exam in the Russian language exam is imperative. Everyone will strive to get the maximum grade, because this is the key to future success in terms of building a career and entering a higher educational institution.

Even if we do not take into account the possibility of enrolling in free education, due to the high passing score in the Russian language, it is also necessary because many universities, especially the humanities, have special requirements for knowledge of the Russian language, and when a student is admitted, they pay attention to this score on the Unified State Exam.

Successfully passing the Russian language exam in 2018 and getting a high score on the Unified State Exam is in your own interests if you are planning to go to that specialty and to that institute, university, academy or school that pays special attention to this and places increased demands on this issue , including when applying to them for training, their examination tests.

Unified State Exam in Russian Tsybulko 2018 36 options

Some people are confident in their abilities and are preparing for future exam tests calmly, as they say in work mode, while others need to intensively learn, for example, the Russian language, for which, by the way, they offer options for training tasks from Tsybulko, or some then other test options, which everyone can successfully use, because they are all freely available.

Next, follow the link to familiarize yourself with 36 options for the Russian language exam from Tsybulko Unified State Examination 2018, in training mode you will learn the answers to the Russian language. These test options from Tsybulko (standard tasks) will help you prepare for future exam tests in the Russian language, which await you in one of the two main exams and which you will soon have to take at your school.

Unified State Exam in Russian Language Tsybulko 2018 below...

How many Unified State Exam points does the Russian language need to get in 2018?

As you know, goals in life are very different, so at the end of the eleventh grade, each school graduate has their own, some need maximum scores on the Unified State Exam in order to be able to enter a university for budget education, and for others, those that allow receive a certificate of completion of secondary (general) education, and then begin to prepare for admission to paid higher education.

In order to receive a certificate of education, complete secondary school education, you also need to score at least 36 points in the Russian language in the future graduation school season. The bar of thirty-six points is the minimum for the Unified State Examination of the Russian language in 2018, so you should focus on this figure, which will allow you to graduate from school with dignity, without the need to retake the exam, more details below in the table...

Unified State Examination scores in the Russian language exam

Changes in the Unified State Exam in Russian in 2018

We are accustomed to the fact that the Unified State Examination is constantly changing, some innovations are being introduced, something is being adjusted and improved, because this is a fairly new innovation for Russia, which schoolchildren are not only not accustomed to, but apparently do not fully understand On this issue, the Ministry of Education, since they are constantly changing exams, is making changes.

As for the future academic season of 2018, or rather the one that is already underway, but the exams (Unified State Examination) will only be at its end, there is no official information on changes regarding the Russian language that are fundamental, but there are minor ones. The changes will primarily affect tasks, of which there will now be 26 instead of 25, and the primary score will also change from 57 to 58.

It is worth noting and crediting the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation that all the changes in the 2018 Unified State Exam are not of any significant nature and do not represent fundamental changes. For the most part, they only correct and clarify the wording of assignments, and also improve the assessment systems for assignments, including those in the Russian language, the topic of our article.

Where to go to study in 2018, which university?

If you have not yet chosen a profession, have not decided what specialty you will go to study at a higher educational institution, we have prepared for you a list of the best universities in Russia that you can enroll in in 2018. Almost all of them have budget places, but our task is not this, but to present to you the institutes and universities of our country, the best of them according to reviews of students and teachers.

This rating, which you will find below (at the very end), is an indicator not only of the level of knowledge you will receive at a particular university, what kind of teachers teach there, but also you will find out how valuable the diploma of each of them is, that is, how in demand the student is on the labor market after graduation, which is very important in the current difficult economic situation in Russia.

As you already know, the current economic situation in our country is quite unenviable and there is little hope that anything will soon change for the better. We see how production is declining, small and medium-sized businesses are folding, large corporations are doing worse, energy prices, our traditional export goods, are quite low and also leave much to be desired, salaries not growing, competition for workplace increases and so on.

Therefore, for each of you who graduates from school in 2018, it is extremely important to choose a profession and a university that will allow you to successfully find a job after graduation, and not be left with your just received diploma of higher education unclaimed in the labor market, which will force you look for a job outside of your specialty, which is unlikely to happen to anyone.

Make every effort to successfully pass the final exams in 2018 and get high scores on the Unified State Examination, including in the Russian language, because this will allow you to count on admission, although perhaps not to budget education, but to a more prestigious university with a diploma is more valued by employers and you have already realized how important this is for you and your future career.

Name of institution/

number of points

(on a 10-point scale)

10 the best educational

receiving institutions

vocational education







How much

in demand


upon completion




in educational



education 2018

Moscow State

university named after

M.V. Lomonosov (MSU)

average score - 9.7






education 2018

Moscow Physics and Technology


(State University)

average score - 9.4






education 2018

Nuclear University "MEPhI"

average score - 9.3






education 2018

graduate School

economics research institute

average score - 9.1






education 2018

St. Petersburg

State University

average score - 9.1






education 2018

Moscow State

Institute of International

relations (University)

Russian Foreign Ministry

average score - 9.1






education 2018

Moscow State

Technical University

them. N.E. Bauman

average score - 9.0






education 2018

National Research


politechnical University

average score - 9.0






education 2018

St. Petersburg

politechnical University

Peter the Great

average score - 8.9






education 2018

Russian Academy of Folk

economy and state

services under the President of the Russian Federation

average score - 8.7





Name of institution/

number of points

(on a 10-point scale)

places from 11th to 20th







How much

in demand


upon completion




in educational



education 2018

Ural Federal

University named after the first

President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin

average score - 8.6






education 2018

National Research

Tomsk State


average score - 8.4






education 2018

Kazansky (Privolzhsky)

federal university

average score - 8.4






education 2018

Financial University

under the Government of the Russian Federation

average score - 8.4






education 2018

Russian economic


named after G.V. Plekhanov

average score - 8.2






education 2018




University "MISiS"

average score - 8.1






education 2018


federal university

average score - 8.1






education 2018

Russian state

University of Oil and Gas

them. THEM. Gubkina

average score - 8.0






education 2018



MPEI University

average score - 8.0






education 2018

St. Petersburg National

research university

information technologies,

mechanics and optics

average score - 7.9





Name of institution/

number of points

(on a 10-point scale)

places from 21st to 50th







How much

in demand


upon completion




in educational



education 2018

First Moscow

state medical

University named after I.M.Sechenova

average score - 7.8






education 2018

Russian University

Friendship between nations

average score - 7.8






education 2018

Novosibirsk State

Technical University

average score - 7.6






education 2018

Russian national

research medical

University named after N.I. Pirogov

average score - 7.4






education 2018

Moscow State

Linguistic University

average score - 7.2






education 2018

Southern Federal


average score - 7.0






education 2018

Nizhny Novgorod State

University named after N.I. Lobachevsky

average score - 7.0






education 2018

Moscow Aviation

research institute

average score - 6.9






education 2018

St. Petersburg


the University of Economics

average score - 6.9






education 2018

All-Russian Academy

Foreign Trade Ministry

economic development of Russia

average score - 6.9






education 2018

Samara State

aerospace university

them. Academician S.P. Queen

(National University)

average score - 6.9






education 2018

Kazan State

medical University

average score - 6.7






education 2018

Far Eastern

federal university

average score - 6.7






education 2018

Moscow State

law university

named after O.E. Kutafina

average score - 6.7






education 2018

St. Petersburg

Mining University

average score - 6.6






education 2018

St. Petersburg

State University


them. prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich

average score - 6.5






education 2018

Kazan State

architectural and construction


average score - 6.5






education 2018

Volga State

university of telecommunications

and computer science

average score - 6.5






education 2018


State University

average score - 6.5






education 2018

Kemerovo State

cultural institute

average score - 6.5






education 2018

St. Petersburg Academic

university (University

management and economics)

average score - 6.5






education 2018

Yaroslavl State

agricultural Academy

average score - 6.5






education 2018

Moscow Pedagogical

State University

average score - 6.5






education 2018


State University

average score - 6.5






education 2018

Irkutsk State

agricultural university

them. A.A. Yezhevsky

average score - 6.5






education 2018

St. Petersburg University

state fire department

services of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

average score - 6.5






education 2018

St. Petersburg


architectural construction


average score - 6.5






education 2018

Polar Branch of Leningradsky

state university

named after A. S. Pushkin

average score - 6.5






education 2018

St. Petersburg military

Institute of Internal

troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

average score - 6.5






education 2018

Northern State

medical University

average score - 6.5





EGE Russian 2018 examinations Tsybulko 36 variants

EGE russkii yazik 2018 ekzameni Cibulko 36 variants

The final exam in the Russian language is one of the most difficult, so every student needs to gain additional skills in solving exam tasks. How to prepare for the Russian language exam in order to get a good score with 100% confidence?

Irina Tsybulko: Unified State Exam in Russian language

Pay attention to the manual “USE-2018. Russian language" prepared taking into account all standards and in accordance with the demo version of the KIM Unified State Exam 2018. This textbook is unique, preparation for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam has not yet been compiled in such detail, the examples reflect exam tasks.

In the book:

  • 36 special tasks;
  • Instructions for completing examination papers;
  • Detailed answers to all tasks;
  • What criteria are used to assess the level of knowledge.

Experienced teachers took part in the preparation of the textbook: Roman Doschinsky and Sergei Ivanov. The publication was published under the editorship of the developer of control measurement materials in the Russian language, Irina Tsybulko. If you doubt your knowledge, are not sure that you can pass the exam with the score required for admission to a university, start preparing in advance.

The book will be an assistant not only for students, but also for teachers. On its basis, you can develop an individual program for intensive preparation of students for the Unified State Exam.