Homemade apple puree. Applesauce for the winter

Apple is the most popular fruit in our country. An apple tree grows in almost every plot, in every garden. It is unpretentious, easily tolerates Russian winters with strong frost and almost every year pleases us with delicious ripe fruits. Plus, apples are incredibly healthy! They contain a lot of important microelements and vitamins. This is why apple puree for babies is so loved by both parents and children.

The benefits of apples for an infant

  • They contain antioxidants to strengthen the baby's immune system.
  • These fruits contain all B vitamins, vitamin C, A, PP.
  • Apples contain a lot of iron, potassium, magnesium, iodine and other trace elements, as well as pectin, mineral salts, and fructose.
  • These juicy fruits stop the processes of decay in the intestines due to the beneficial acids they contain.
  • Tannins have a positive effect on the kidneys and liver.
  • The high fiber content cleanses the body of toxins and removes waste.
  • Apples help cleanse the blood and lymph.
  • This juicy fruit normalizes blood sugar levels.
  • Apples increase appetite.

Which variety should I choose?

For baby feeding, it is better to use domestic varieties - “Simerenko”, “Antonovka”, “Belyi Naliv”. It is better if it is fruit from your own garden or purchased in season. But it is better not to buy glossy, ideally shaped fruits of foreign varieties (“Golden”, “Jonathan” and others). Not only have these fruits been treated with chemicals, they may be genetically modified products.

If you use sour varieties of apples (for example, Antonovka) to make puree, add sweeter fruits - pears, banana.

Give preference to fruits irregular shape, with heterogeneous coloring, with wormholes and barrels. But it is better to refuse glossy fruits with a smooth, uniform surface.

At what month should applesauce be introduced?

You can introduce apples from 6 months for infants and from 4 months for artificial babies, but it is better to postpone apple complementary feeding for several months and first treat the baby with vegetables and cereals.

This is due to the fact that after sweet applesauce (if given as the very first complementary food), the baby is unlikely to want to eat tasteless vegetables or cereals.

Apple puree recipes

There are many recipes for baby apple puree. Some people prefer to prepare a single puree to let the child experience the true taste of the product, while others mix it with other fruits (bananas, pears) or vegetables (carrots, pumpkin).

Fresh apple puree

This is the easiest applesauce recipe for babies.

Wash the fruit, peel it, remove seeds and membranes. Next, grate the fruit and then grind thoroughly in a blender. You can grind the fruit in a meat grinder, but make sure that it is perfectly clean - a piece of spoiled meat that accidentally gets into baby puree can lead to very disastrous consequences.

Classic applesauce

This recipe is suitable for those who are going to make puree “at one time”, and not close it for the winter. To prepare this dish, you will need one fresh apple and 5 minutes of free time.

Place the apple in boiling water and cook for a couple of minutes. During this time, the pulp will have time to soften. Peel the cooled fruit, remove the seeds and core, put the pulp in a blender and grind thoroughly. Applesauce for babies is ready!

Some people advise adding ½ spoon of sugar to complementary foods, but if you are using sweet varieties of apples (“Cinnamon”, “Melba”), then this measure is unnecessary.

This puree can be mixed with bananas, pears, zucchini, pumpkin, carrots and other vegetables and fruits.

Applesauce in a slow cooker

How to prepare such complementary food? You will need one apple. Peel the fruit, remove seeds and membranes, cut into medium pieces and place on a mesh in a multicooker. Turn on the “steam” mode and cook the fruit for 15-20 minutes.

Mash the softened fruits with a spoon or beat with a blender. The finished puree should be cooled slightly and served warm to the baby.

Applesauce in the oven

This is another useful and quick way Make your own fresh apple puree. For one serving, take two medium apples. Using a knife, cut out the core without cutting the fruit in half. Place the prepared fruits in muffin tins to prevent the juice from leaking out, and place in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

When the apples have softened, cool them slightly, scoop out the pulp with a spoon and grind it in a blender. Applesauce is ready!

If your baby already eats almost all basic foods, before baking the fruit can be stuffed with rice, millet, and cottage cheese.

Applesauce for the winter

To prepare 1 kilogram of puree you will need:

  • sour apples – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 spoon;
  • water – 0.5 liters.

If you are preparing puree for the smallest baby, it is better to replace white sugar with high-quality cane sugar.

Peel the apples, remove seeds and core, cut and grind in a blender. Place the finished mixture in a saucepan, pour in water, add sugar and cook over high heat until boiling. Next, reduce the heat and cook the puree for another 20 minutes.

At this time, wash and sterilize the jars and lids. It is better to take small jars for one time.

Place the puree into jars, close and put in a dark place. As you can see, preparing it is not at all difficult.

What can you pair an apple with?

Applesauce can be combined with almost all vegetables and fruits. The most popular and delicious combinations are presented below.

  • Apple + pear

In this case, both fruits are boiled or steamed, and then mixed in a blender. For an older child, you can prepare this puree with the addition of cranberries or cinnamon. The main thing is that the baby does not have allergies.

  • Apple + banana

Applesauce with the addition of banana is prepared according to the following scheme: the fruit is washed, cut, and crushed with a blender. No additional heat treatment is required. You can add a little breast milk to the finished puree.

  • Apple + pumpkin

To prepare, you need one apple and 1 slice of medium pumpkin. Place them in a multicooker bowl and steam them. Mash the prepared vegetables, add a piece of butter or a little milk and serve to the child.

  • Apple + carrot

Take carrots and apples in equal proportions (1 piece each). Boil the fruits until tender in boiling water and mash with a blender. You can add a little cream or breast milk to applesauce and carrots.

  • Apple + zucchini

Steam the apple and zucchini (15 minutes). Mash the softened fruits with a spoon or blender.

  • Apple + cream

This dish is suitable for older infants who already eat dairy products. Preparing this complementary food is quite simple: put peeled and chopped apples (2 pieces) into boiling water (1 glass). Cook for 15 minutes, and then pour in the cream (2 tablespoons). Cool the puree and serve to your baby.

You can also get tasty complementary foods if you combine them with cottage cheese, peach, apricot, and cereals.

How to choose ready-made puree?

Choosing high-quality baby food is quite difficult, since you can always come across a jar with a low-quality product. Nevertheless, following a number of rules will allow you to buy only the best for your baby.

  1. Always look at the expiration date of the product. If it has expired, leave the jar in the store, or better yet, inform the seller or manager about the stitching.
  2. Avoid preservatives! Only ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is allowed in baby food.
  3. It is better not to buy a product for your baby that contains sugar or starch. The first is undesirable for the child's body, the second can cause allergies.
  4. Check the label. If the manufacturer has specified a specific age range (for example, from 6 months), then it is better not to give the product to the baby before the prescribed age.
  5. Pay attention to domestic brands - “FrutoNyanya”, “Spelenok”, “Babushkino Basket” - and foreign ones - Humama, Hipp, Gerber, Fleur Alpine. Apart from apples, water and vitamin C, they contain no additional components.
  6. But manufacturers Semper and Agusha add starch to the product to thicken it. Heinz puree contains additional lemon juice, which can cause allergies.

If possible, make your own puree. This dish will bring many times more benefits to the baby than store-bought complementary foods.


Applesauce is one of the best treats for babies. It's healthy, tasty, enjoyable yellow color, delicate homogeneous consistency. If you choose sweeter apples, additional ingredients such as sugar and other fruits (banana, carrots, pear) will not be needed.

(the recipe will be presented below) it turns out tasty and tender from any variety of fruit. For such a sweet canned product, we decided to purchase a product called Antonovka. You can make a special puree from these apples, which is good not only for pies, but also for regular consumption along with strong tea.

Quick applesauce: step-by-step recipe

Dessert ingredients:

  • granulated sugar - 200 g;
  • fresh apples (Antonovka) - 1 kg;
  • ripe lemon juice - 4 large spoons;
  • Regular drinking water - 10 large spoons.

Features of choosing fruits

Applesauce, the recipe for which includes the Antonovka variety, can be prepared from both ripe products and slightly overripe ones. The main thing in creating such a preparation is that all purchased fruits are free of wormholes and mold.

Processing of the main ingredient

Before preparing applesauce, you should thoroughly wash each product. To do this, place the fruits in a large basin, soak them in cool water, and then rinse them one by one using a soft cloth. Next, each apple must be finely peeled and seeded. To make the puree cook much faster, it is recommended to cut the fruit into thin slices and place in a heat-resistant pan.

Heat treatment

Homemade applesauce can be made either on a gas stove or using an oven. We decided to use the first option, since with it the product will be ready for rolling in 50-70 minutes. To do this, pour the juice of ripe lemon and drinking water into the bowl with apples, and also add. Mix the ingredients, bring them to a boil, close tightly and simmer for a quarter of an hour (until the apples become completely soft and begin to fall apart).

Fruit grinding process

After the mass is well boiled, it should be cooled a little, and then put ¼ of the part into a fine sieve and grind thoroughly using an ordinary masher. As a result, you should end up with airy puree and coarse pulp that you need to get rid of.

The final step in making homemade applesauce

The resulting applesauce (the recipe, as you can see, is not so complicated) should be put back into a heat-resistant saucepan, brought to a boil and cooked for 5-10 minutes until the product begins to “puff”. Next, the fruit pulp must be placed hot in sterilized glass jars and sealed with metal lids. After this, the dishes need to be turned over, covered with a blanket or terry towel and kept in this position for about a day. During this time, the canned puree will cool down, after which it can be stored in the refrigerator, underground or cellar.

The prepared dessert can be consumed the very next day after it is baked. It is worth noting that such puree will not only serve as a wonderful addition to a cup of freshly brewed tea, it is also good as a tasty filling for open pies, pies and other home-baked products.

Proper preparation of applesauce while preserving all the beneficial vitamins, pectin and fiber is within the power of any housewife. There are many recipes for creating an appetizing preparation that will last all winter without losing its taste. You can try to create a traditional delicacy, or you can diversify it with aromatic inclusions.

How to make apple puree for the winter

To know how to make applesauce for the winter with the right taste and aroma, you should read useful general tips:

  • It is better to make applesauce without sugar so that the product can be stored longer;
  • For applesauce for the winter, sweet varieties of full maturity, nondescript appearance, without a glossy peel are suitable;
  • Do not put the dish on the fire for longer than 20 minutes to avoid loss of vitamins;
  • It is better to cook a small portion in a small bowl than a large amount in a large basin - this way there is less risk of burning your hands;
  • if, in addition to apples, there are other components, they need to be boiled in different dishes, and if this is not possible, then in one, but observing the order of the bookmark;
  • Thick-walled dishes are best for the dish;
  • it is necessary to roll the finished mass into small jars, which contain 1-2 servings;
  • before rolling, it is necessary to sterilize lids and jars, check them for chips, cracks, and damage;
  • pour the hot puree into hot jars, wrap yourself in a blanket;
  • The workpiece is stored after cooling in a cool place without access to light (cellar, pantry).

Classic recipe for apple puree for the winter

To get a classic baby applesauce for the winter with a delicate taste, delicate aroma and a sour note, you should take:

  • sweet and sour apples – 1.5 kg;
  • water – 0.5 l;
  • sugar – 200 g;
  • lemon juice – squeezed from half a citrus;
  • cinnamon powder – ½ teaspoon.

Preparing applesauce for the winter takes little time if you follow the simple step-by-step instructions:

  1. Wash the apple fruits, remove the peel, core, and defects. Cut the pulp into small slices.
  2. Pour water with sugar, boil for 20 minutes after boiling.
  3. Remove from heat, puree with a blender, add lemon juice and cinnamon to the mixture.
  4. Boil for a couple of minutes.
  5. Distribute into jars, seal, and let cool overnight.
  6. The puree has a slightly sour taste, a piquant note and a thick texture - suitable for use on its own or as a filling for pies.
  7. To create a dietary or children's dish, sugar is removed from the recipe and sterilized after pureeing for 10 minutes.

Delicious applesauce with condensed milk

Applesauce in a blender will turn out very tender, combining the taste of fruit and condensed milk. To prepare it you will need:

  • apples – 2.5 kg;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • condensed milk – ½ can;
  • water – 100 ml;
  • vanilla sugar - a pinch.

A method for preparing a flavorful dish that adults and children will enjoy:

  1. Wash the apple fruits, peel them, remove the seeds, cut into pieces.
  2. Pour water into a saucepan, add apples, put on low heat, simmer for half an hour under a closed lid - the pulp needs to thicken.
  3. Puree with a blender or masher, pass through a sieve.
  4. Add sugar, stir, place over low heat, and bring to a boil.
  5. At the moment of boiling, add condensed milk, stir, cook for 5 minutes, stirring constantly to avoid burning.
  6. Place the hot preparation into jars and seal.
  7. The dish will be moderately sweet, so it is better to choose sour apples for it.
  8. Used solo, as a filling for desserts, as a layer for cakes.

Fruit puree from apples for babies

It is useful for young children to take complementary foods made from apple pulp, because they are rich in vitamins for the growth and development of the child. Pre-prepared applesauce for babies for the winter will not differ from store-bought applesauce, but will retain the usefulness of fruits grown independently. To get a gentle mixture, you will need to take:

  • fresh green apples – 3.5 kg;
  • water – 1 l;
  • brown sugar – 100 grams;
  • prunes – 400 g.

Stages of making healthy fruit for babies for the winter:

  1. Take a deep saucepan, put it on low heat, pour in water and sugar.
  2. Wash the apple fruits, peel and core them, cut the pulp into small slices, place in the syrup, which should boil by then.
  3. Wash the dried plums, dry them, remove the seeds and peels, chop them, and add them to the fruits.
  4. Cook for 30-40 minutes, remove from heat, puree with a blender.
  5. Place in pre-sterilized jars for 1-2 servings.
  6. Store in a cool, moderately damp place.
  7. Once opened, the puree can be stored for no longer than a day.
  8. Instead of prunes, you can put apricot, banana, and replace sugar with fructose.
  9. Prunes or dried apricots should be unsmoked, only sun-dried, thoroughly peeled if purchased.

Antonovka is an almost winter apple, aromatic, sweet and sour.

It’s a pity, it doesn’t last very long, but the jam it makes tastes delicious and is easy to prepare.

If friends and acquaintances offer you a box, or even more than one Antonov apples, agree, don’t hesitate. If you don’t eat it fresh, make some jam that will take your breath away!

Antonovka jam for the winter - general principles of preparation

Apple jam for winter preparations can be cooked on the stove in a thick-walled container, or cooked in the oven or slow cooker.

It is not necessary to use high-quality fruits. Slightly crushed or spoiled apples will also work if the damaged areas are cut out first.

Apples are cut into slices or halves and the seeds are removed. After pre-cooking or baking in the oven, the slightly cooled fruits are ground on a metal sieve, leaving the peel in it, or crushed with a blender until smooth, grinding it thoroughly. Peeled pieces are often minced in a meat grinder without preliminary heat treatment, passing through the finest grate.

Granulated sugar and other ingredients are added to the already chopped apples. The sugar rate is calculated in advance by weighing the apples prepared for chopping or boiling.

Not only the usual apple jam, familiar to everyone from childhood, is prepared from Antonovka for the winter. Very often its taste is enhanced by the addition of nutmeg, cocoa, cinnamon, lemons or oranges.

To preserve Antonovka jam for the winter, the hot delicacy is packaged only in dry, pre-sterilized jars and hermetically sealed with carefully boiled lids. If the containers are not sterilized in advance, then after packaging they must be heated in the oven or kept in boiling water for some time, and then rolled up.

Thick apple jam from Antonovka for the winter


4 kilos of Antonovka;

300 ml of drinking water;

1.8 kg granulated sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the apples rinsed with warm water into slices, remove the core from the pieces, cut off spoiled and damaged areas. The processed fruit should yield at least 3 kg.

2. Transfer the slices to any pan of suitable volume and pour the specified amount of water into them.

3. Boil the fruit over low heat for about half an hour until the pulp is well softened, and remove from the stove.

4. Grind the slightly cooled apples in a colander, carefully selecting the peels so that they do not get into the finished product.

5. Pour the resulting applesauce into a wide stainless steel bowl and add sugar, stir.

6. Place the container over low heat and simmer the fruit mass until the desired thickness is achieved. To get a very thick product, the apple mass should be boiled for at least one and a half hours.

7. Pack the finished jam hot into dry, sterile jars and screw on with sterile lids.

Tender apple jam from Antonovka for the winter with lemon


Apples, fully ripe – 3 kg;

Sugar at the rate of 600 gr. for every kilogram of pulp;

Half a small lemon.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse and wash the apples in warm water, peel and cut into large slices, cutting out the remnants of the seed capsule from each.

2. Weigh the peeled pieces of fruit to correctly calculate the required amount of sugar and grind in a meat grinder.

3. Add sugar to the resulting puree, stir well and leave for a couple of hours. Then bring to a boil over medium heat, simmer for a minute and set aside for 12 hours.

4. Using a meat grinder with the smallest grid, grind half a lemon. Mix the citrus pulp with the settled applesauce, remembering to stir, wait until it boils and set aside again for 12 hours.

5. B last time bring to a boil and simmer for at least 6 minutes. Place hot into clean, dry jars and place in a cold oven.

6. Bring the oven to 150 degrees, keep the containers with jam in it for three minutes and immediately roll up.

Recipe for the simplest apple jam from Antonovka for the winter


2.3 kg of sorted Antonovka;

Sugar, preferably unrefined – 1.6 kg.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the peeled apples into four parts and place them on a baking sheet in one layer. Bake the quarters at 160 degrees until the apple pulp is completely softened, then cool slightly and grind through a thin metal sieve or colander.

2. Mix the prepared applesauce and sugar and cook at moderate temperature. Be sure to stir occasionally to prevent the mixture from burning.

3. No earlier than an hour later, spread the jam into prepared half-liter jars and seal them hermetically.

How to cook Antonovka apple jam for the winter without sugar


One kilogram of Antonovka;

Drinking filtered water – 200 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the apples into large slices and fill them with water.

2. Bring to a boil over low heat, then lower the heat and cook, stirring occasionally, for a quarter of an hour. Cool.

3. Using your hands, rub the cooled apple mixture through a sieve and place on low heat again.

4. Stirring, boil until thick, place hot in prepared dry containers, and cover with boiled lids.

5. Without rolling, sterilize the containers in a saucepan with boiling water: liter containers for 20 minutes, half-liter containers for a quarter of an hour. It will take half an hour to sterilize three-liter bottles.

6. After this, roll the lids with a special key and leave to cool.

Spicy apple jam from Antonovka for the winter in a slow cooker

Ingredients per kilogram of fully peeled apples:

Half a kilo of sugar;

1/2 part of a medium-sized lemon;

Ground nutmeg – 1/4 tsp;

A third of a teaspoon of cinnamon powder.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the apples well under water. Cut the peel from the fruit in a thin layer, cut them into slices and cut out the hard partitions with seeds from each, weigh.

2. Measure out the required amount of sugar and sprinkle it over the apple slices when you transfer them to the cooking bowl.

3. Leave the apples sprinkled with granulated sugar for one hour so that they release their juice.

4. After this, mix well and turn on the multicooker for an hour and 20 minutes in cooking mode. Then puree the apple mixture with a blender and pour into dry containers treated with steam.

5. Place filled jars in the middle rack of a cold oven, placing them on a rack, and preheat for 10 minutes, bringing the temperature to 120 degrees.

6. After this, carefully remove the containers from the oven and immediately seal them tightly.

Unusual chocolate jam from Antonovka for the winter


Three kilograms of ripe apples;

Two kilos of sugar;

Natural butter;

Dark cocoa powder – 100 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Boil halves of apples without peel and seed pods in a small amount of water until completely softened.

2. Strain the apple broth, and blend the fruit pulp into a mushy mass with a blender or grind it on a fine sieve.

3. Transfer the prepared applesauce into a thick-walled kettle or saucepan, mix it with sugar and bring to a simmer over low heat.

4. Mix cocoa powder well with melted butter and add to the total mass 20 minutes after you set it to cook. Stir well and continue simmering until you reach the desired consistency.

5. The finished chocolate-apple jam is preserved in the usual way without sterilization.

Fragrant Antonovka jam for the winter with oranges

Ingredients for 1 kg of processed apples:

700 gr. Sahara;

One large orange.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the apples, cut out the cores, cutting the fruits in half. Weigh and grind the fruit together with the peel in a food processor.

2. Scald the orange with boiling water and chop it together with the zest in the same way as apples.

3. Mix the apple and citrus masses, add granulated sugar, calculating the amount correctly, and mix.

4. In a thick-walled saucepan or cauldron, cook over medium heat for 40 minutes, be sure to stir frequently. If you are afraid of burning or don’t have time to stir frequently, you can simmer over low heat. In this case, it will take longer, about an hour and a half.

5. Place the hot jam into oven-heated glass jars and immediately seal with sterile lids.

Antonovka jam for the winter - cooking tricks and useful tips

The peel of Antonovka apples softens well during cooking, and if you do not peel it, even after grinding in a meat grinder, its pieces will not be felt in the finished jam.

To prevent the apple mass from burning during prolonged boiling, it needs to be stirred more often, and only thick-walled dishes should be used for cooking.

The wider the container, the faster the moisture will evaporate from the fruit, and the jam will cook faster.

After adding sugar to the applesauce, mix it well and let it sit for a while so that the sugar crystals dissolve well.

If you doubt the readiness of the jam, run a wooden spatula along the bottom of the container. If the mass does not flow onto the formed path within ten seconds, it means it’s ready. You can drop a little thick mixture onto a cold plate. If the drop hardens quickly and does not drain when the plate is tilted, you can remove it from the heat.

Ready-made Antonovka jam can be quickly turned into marmalade. To do this, place it on a baking sheet lined with parchment in a layer of no more than 3 cm and lightly dry it in the oven. Then cool the layer of marmalade, without removing it from the baking sheet, cut it into pieces of any desired size and shape and roll in powdered sugar. You can wrap the cooled layer tightly with parchment and store it in the refrigerator.

Applesauce for a baby will not be the first dish that he will try as complementary foods are introduced. WHO recommends starting complementary feeding no earlier than 6 months with vegetables or cereals. At a certain stage, the baby will begin to eat fruit. It is better to offer your child an apple as the first fruit.

In addition to useful substances, white and green apples have hypoallergenic properties, so they are recommended to be given even to children who are familiar with such problems as allergies.

At what age to start

If the first complementary food (vegetables) is introduced to the child from 6 months, the second (porridge) - from 7 months, then fruits can be introduced as the third. Thus, the child will become acquainted with fruits when he is 8 months old. The age for introducing fruits into the diet may vary depending on how many months the baby began to be fed.
Apples are highly acidic and contain coarse dietary fiber. When eating fruits earlier, the baby often develops eating disorders and allergies.

Fruit selection

Ready-made purees often contain food additives - starch, sugar and citric acid. A child who is familiar with a problem such as food allergies should not be given these products.
To be sure of the quality of the puree, it is better to prepare it yourself. It’s not difficult to do this at home, the main thing is to find quality fruits.

Apples should not contain large quantity nitrates, subject to long-term storage and chemical treatment. White and green fruits from your own garden are ideal. But if he is not there, you can turn to your friends. Finding safe fruits in a store or market will be more difficult - often even farmers who position their products as environmentally friendly use fertilizers and chemicals.

Cooking methods

It is much easier to find a recipe for making a healthy treat than to choose good fruits for it.
Typically, applesauce for babies is prepared in two ways - with and without heat treatment.

To avoid food poisoning, it is better to give a baby no older than 6 months puree from heat-treated fruits. If you cook the apples first, they will be better digestible. After cooking, the acidity of the product decreases, pectin fibers soften, which promotes digestion. Reduces the likelihood of eating disorders and bloating.

You can cook apples different ways– boil, steam, bake. Don't be afraid of losing vitamins after cooking apples.

Up to 60-80% of all nutrients remain in finished apples. Vitamin C is destroyed the most, but this helps reduce the acidity of the finished puree. It is better to use a recipe with a cooking method that produces the smallest amount of broth, since some of the nutrients pass into the broth, i.e. steam or bake the fruit.

Preparation of puree with heat treatment

The applesauce recipe includes three steps:

  1. fruit preparation;
  2. cooking using the chosen method;
  3. chopping finished apples.

What to do with apples before you start cooking:

  • wash with soap or baking soda;
  • rinse with boiled water;
  • peel and core;
  • cut into slices.

If the apples are baked in the oven, there is no need to peel or cut them. Before baking in the microwave, they are peeled and cut into pieces. When the fruits are prepared, they are processed in any of the following ways.

How long should you cook apples?

  • cook for 2-3 minutes;
  • steam in a multicooker/steamer for 15-20 minutes;
  • bake in the oven in a mold or foil for 15-20 minutes;
  • bake in the microwave in a bowl, adding a couple of tablespoons of water, 10 minutes at maximum power

All that remains to be done is to chop the fruit.

For the smallest apples, it is preferable to grind them in a blender or rub them through a sieve to obtain a uniform consistency. For older children who can chew food, apples can be grated or crushed with a fork.

As you can see, the applesauce recipe is very simple, and it won’t be difficult to repeat it.

IN Lately Convenient household appliances for preparing baby food appeared - steamers and blenders. All you need to do is put the prepared fruits or vegetables into the steamer. After cooking, you need to turn the device over, which will grind everything until smooth. Such a device will come to the aid of mothers who have absolutely no time to prepare homemade food for their child, but also have no desire to feed them with store-bought products.

Prepared baby puree can be rolled into jars. But before this, the container must be sterilized, and the puree itself must be brought to a boil in a separate container before adding.

Making puree without heat treatment

This recipe allows you to save as much as possible. useful material. However, in babies no older than 6 months, such a product can cause digestive upset due to the high acidity of apples and the content of indigestible fiber in them. Against the background of digestive disorders, allergies may worsen if the baby has a tendency to it. Therefore, it is better to offer fresh fruit puree to an older child, when he has already mastered a new way of eating and is actively eating complementary foods.

Fruits are prepared in the same way as before heat treatment, then crushed with a blender or rubbed through a sieve. When your baby develops chewing skills, you can simply grate the apples.

Fresh puree should be consumed immediately, since upon contact with air and exposure to light, the beneficial substances are quickly destroyed.

How many spoons should you start giving a new product? As with any other type of complementary feeding, start with 1/2-1 teaspoon in the first half of the day, and then carefully monitor the child’s reaction. Although apples are considered hypoallergenic, some babies have food allergies to them, so any new product should be introduced with caution.

Making your own applesauce is quite simple. The recipe is described in detail in the article. The main thing is to choose good and safe fruits. And it is necessary to start giving a new product gradually - then digestive disorders and allergies will bypass the child.