The dragon and the monkey fall in love at first sight. Compatibility of Dragon and Monkey - a union full of love

The union of the Dragon and the Monkey is considered one of the most successful and harmonious. If partners manage to understand each other, then for many years it will be filled with passion, love, tenderness and complete mutual understanding.

The monkey will support in all respects, and in return he will fulfill all her desires and satisfy her needs. This is a very balanced and active couple, even after going through many difficulties, the partners will be happy together.

Advantages and disadvantages of signs

Dragon man

The male dragon has unconventional thinking, numerous talents, ambitions and good organizational skills. He is quite hot-tempered, stubborn, conservative and critical, but at the same time he is endowed with sincerity, charm and attractiveness, which allows him to be a reliable friend and romantic lover.

Dragon woman

The female dragon is smart, but at the same time quite persistent and contradictory. He is a sociable, powerful and self-confident person. She is talented, extravagant and charismatic. This gives her the opportunity to always be in the center of attention of others. Her natural charm and impeccable taste attract men to her like a magnet.

Monkey man

The Monkey man is usually an intelligent, cunning, cheerful and energetic person. He is confident, charming, eloquent and witty, which makes him very attractive to women. But they should remember his inconstancy and love of freedom. - a man is quite perceptive and at the same time suspicious, so it is difficult to deceive him in anything.

Monkey woman

The female monkey is highly active, self-confident, charming and has a good sense of humor. This very often makes her the life of the party and allows her to make many new acquaintances.

She is characterized by great hard work and curiosity, which allow her to achieve significant success in life.

Compatibility in love

The Monkey should remember that the Dragon is a conqueror who can quickly lose interest in his victim. Therefore, she will need to make an effort to keep him. If she manages to do this, then both partners will disappear from frivolity and the desire to look for new relationships. They will value their union and remain committed to each other for a long time.

A love relationship between a female Dragon and a male Monkey arises and develops with great speed and brightness.

Initially, they may be like a casual romance due to the frivolity of the Monkey man. But, if the Dragon Woman understands that she needs this particular man, she will be able to create a long-term, trusting relationship with him.

He will become her faithful and caring companion, and she will become his faithful friend.

Dragon and Monkey married

Dragon Man and Monkey Woman

If a male Dragon decides to marry a female Monkey, it means that he simply idolizes her. In this case, this union is simply doomed to fail.

They will harmoniously complement and appreciate each other. The flexible and resourceful Monkey will always provide support and care to the Dragon in all endeavors. In exchange for this, he will provide her with a comfortable existence. This couple has very high compatibility in basic issues of family relationships; the main thing is to provide the spouse with some freedom of action.

Female Dragon and Male Monkey

Family relationships between a female Dragon and a male Monkey are always vibrant and unpredictable. Their activity and enthusiasm, under good circumstances, can turn every day into an extraordinary holiday.

It will seem that the difficulties that arise will resolve themselves. The ideal option would be when the nervous and frivolous Monkey man gives leadership positions to the confident and firm Dragon woman.

This will create a favorable and comfortable environment in. The degree of mutual understanding in such a union will only increase over the years.

, which will further strengthen and stabilize relations.

Dragon Man and Monkey Woman

He and she in bed

A male dragon will most likely prefer to dominate, but at the same time he will be inventive, gentle and delicate. The female Monkey who is fascinated by him, thanks to the flexibility of her character, will easily obey him. Such mutual understanding will allow partners to maintain the passion and brightness of the relationship for a long time in intimate relationships.

Female Dragon and Male Monkey

Thanks to his natural abilities, the Monkey man is a passionate, skillful and unpredictable lover. It’s as if he guesses what his partner wants and expects from him. But, at the same time, he will demand from her an appropriate level of relationship.

If they do not satisfy him, he will quickly lose interest in his partner and begin to look for a more worthy replacement for her. But, if the Dragon Woman throws aside all conventions and restrictions, and also allows him to see the warmth of her feelings, then he will be faithful and devoted to her, constantly taking the relationship to an ever higher level.

In friendship and business

Dragon Man and Monkey Woman

A male Dragon and a female Monkey may well be ideal friends. Her resourcefulness, sharpness of mind and sociability, together with his ambition and perseverance, will help them move mountains together.

Despite the fact that both partners are very bright and self-sufficient individuals, they can organize an excellent business alliance. In it, the male Dragon will be involved in organizing, promoting and implementing plans, and the female Monkey will become the intellectual and creative side.

But, success in business will be ensured only if they listen to each other and resolve all issues together, and not flaunt your ambitions.

Female Dragon and Male Monkey

The female Dragon and the male Monkey look at the world in the same way. Therefore, their friendly relations, as a rule, are highly harmonious. Their activity, hard work and perseverance help them jointly achieve great success in many areas. They are also helped in this by the ability to compromise and instantly navigate difficult situations.

If the situation is favorable, the Dragon-woman and the Monkey-man can show their best qualities in the business sphere. Her authority and perseverance, together with his practicality and cunning, make it possible to create a successful and lasting union.

Their shared ambition and focus on results allows them to build excellent careers and quickly achieve financial success. They easily cooperate with each other, as they know how to listen to their partner and treat him with respect. They always listen to each other’s opinions and develop a joint solution to the issue in any, even the most difficult situation.

According to the compatibility horoscope, the pair of Monkey man and Dragon woman can rightfully be considered one of the best in the entire Eastern horoscope. Active, active, proactive, restless and bright, they will always be able to find a common language, even if they have different opinions.

In this partnership, both spouses use their best qualities for spiritual growth and creating family happiness. The Monkey man is practical and cunning, and, forming a couple, they jointly develop a common worldview.

Both have ambition and ambitiousness and know how to harmoniously direct their talents, both to create a strong family and to achieve the heights of their careers and financial well-being. Their compatibility is based on the ability to tune into each other and adequately realize themselves in love and marriage, while remaining themselves.

Particularly important qualities for both partners are the ability to listen to each other, respect his opinion and help in particularly difficult situations, forgetting about himself.

Monkey man and Dragon woman – compatibility

The Monkey man and the Dragon woman are one of the most harmonious combinations. They get along well and understand each other and will be happy, even with a difference in views. They know how to listen to each other's advice, be objective, and when necessary, tender and passionate.

They contribute to each other's spiritual growth and learn many important things. The leader in this pair will be the Dragon woman, and the Monkey man will be the ideological inspirer and intellectual support. Both receive great satisfaction from this union, because this is the very life that each of them dreamed of.

The secret of their compatibility is their unique energy, which brings the relationship into balance. Of course, every couple has difficult times, but they feel good together and they cope with all adversity with confidence.

A man born in for his incredible charisma. He brings positivity and fun to any society, charges everyone around him with vigorous energy, adapts perfectly to any situation and knows how to maintain a conversation on any topic. He is so active that he never seems to get tired.

The Monkey man loves jokes, pranks, and fun. He loves life and knows how to enjoy it. He knows how to be gallant and charming with women, and in the art of giving compliments, few can compare with him.

It is not surprising that the Monkey man is always surrounded by fans, and his novels are numerous, but short-lived. He is an incredible master of manipulation who easily wins women's hearts. The Monkey man easily falls in love and can just as easily fall out of love with his partner. To maintain the fire in his heart, a woman needs to be herself.

The Monkey man is constantly building some cunning plans and schemes, most of which are aimed at making a profit. He is very smart and quick-witted, however, so that the work does not get boring, it is necessary that there is always an element of novelty in it.

The Dragon woman is able to captivate the Monkey man from the first meeting. So bright, stylish and charming, she will immediately attract his attention. The power of her charm is extraordinary, and she never lacks admirers.

She has an unconventional outlook on life and is a bright and strong person who occupies a central place in the thick of things. She is always on top and seems to soar above those around her.

The Dragon Woman is a successful careerist and will never agree with the role of an ordinary housewife, although at the same time she loves her home and knows how to make it beautiful, stylish and comfortable. Her energy is enough for everything. In love she is very demanding and selective. She has a wonderful sense of humor by nature, and she always has a lot of jokes, stories and anecdotes in her arsenal.

The Dragon Woman is lucky in life, and therefore very often becomes an object of envy and intrigue. And gullibility and sincerity prevent her from discerning the bad thoughts and actions of other people. But this does not prevent her from achieving what she wants, both in career growth and in her personal life.

True, the Dragon woman has one little secret. She needs constant emotional support. Without the attention of others, she will not be able to fully demonstrate her inherent strength and all her extraordinary abilities. Without the support of family, friends and loyal fans, this woman will quickly lose all her energy and enthusiasm.

The romance between the Monkey man and the Dragon woman begins quickly, brightly and passionately. Both throw themselves into feelings like they are in a whirlpool. At first, their relationship looks like a funny, frivolous romance, since it is simply impossible to take the Monkey man seriously. He appears flighty, frivolous and irresponsible.

However, the astute Dragon woman soon realizes that this man deserves more than just an interesting companion for a fun vacation. Their love is built on trust. They can openly consult and care for each other. Everyone in this couple gets what they are looking for: the Dragon woman gets adoration and reverence, and the Monkey man gets protection and a reliable friend.

The inherent strength of the Dragon woman and her influence help him realize all his cunning plans and schemes. Her energy allows the Monkey man not to stray from the path to his goal.

And he, in turn, helps the Dragon woman to carefully consider her actions before rushing into the implementation of another dubious project, and also to adequately assess her strengths. , will more than once keep an impulsive Dragon woman from making careless steps, which will help them both in the family and in business.

For a Dragon woman, life with a Monkey man will be full of surprises - he is distinguished by liveliness and unpredictability, and he has no equal in the ability to turn gray everyday life into a bright holiday. The Dragon Woman, for whom the gray routine of everyday life is intolerable, will appreciate this quality of her companion.

A couple of Monkey man and Dragon woman are considered lucky in life, since their difficult life circumstances are resolved without effort. And for good reason. Both are enthusiasts and born under the sign of good luck.

The Dragon Woman is very powerful and will strive for unconditional leadership in the family. Most likely, the Monkey man will agree to give her the palm, since in this union no other outcome is possible. He is attracted by the strength of her character, and her unshakable self-confidence and her strong position in life will help him cope with the inner nervousness and fears characteristic of all Monkeys.

Next to the Dragon woman, he will not be able to take the leading role in the relationship and will agree to the role of a follower. So what if it’s so comfortable and easier for both? The compatibility of this couple increases over the years, because both need time to appreciate the completeness of this connection.

Even the most ideal couple has difficult times. The Monkey man and the Dragon woman have enormous independence, each of them is able to act independently, quickly and successfully. But for a strong union, you will have to make concessions in some situations to the man, and in other cases to the woman. Any attempt to take the position of boss dooms the marriage to destruction.

A woman lives the way she wants. Therefore, a man who wants to be close to her will either have to show strength of character, but then the chances of a happy future will decrease, or offer a system of concessions on both sides.

In general, the fiery temperaments of both spouses suggest a dynamic family life and periodic showdowns. Both partners need to pacify their desire to do everything their own way and learn to negotiate. Then both make plans and implement them together. The sooner both start doing this, the fewer problems there will be in the couple.

Monkey man and Dragon woman - compatibility in love

In the sexual sphere, in a pair of a Monkey man and a Dragon woman there is always a lot of fire and passion. Both are hot and temperamental personalities, capable of giving each other unforgettable evenings.

True, here, just as in everyday life, they can begin to fight for leadership. At the same time, it will be difficult for them to come to something in common, because both are bright individualists. Therefore, only a compromise will help resolve the situation.

And then vivid fantasies and unusual desires will bring great satisfaction.

Advice from “Moon Today” for the Monkey Man and Dragon Woman couple

Despite the excellent compatibility, this union also has weaknesses - conflicts in it are possible and inevitable. You will also have to work on relationships to make them stable. Perhaps the value of this relationship will be revealed to the Dragon woman a little later than to her wise companion.

First of all, partners need to learn to listen to each other. Seeking the truth in disputes is good, but when it comes to responsibilities, compromises are necessary. It is best to develop some kind of system in which the spouses will take turns making decisions.

And the Monkey man should take care of this system, since he has worldly wisdom. Once partners can calm their emotions and come to this understanding, their lives will become smoother and more enjoyable. Usually, by a more mature age, they balance their character and become truly happy.

Also, the Moon Today recommends, when a conflict is brewing, to go on a trip, since movement helps to find a compromise. In addition, the Dragon woman needs frequent rest in order to reveal the entire fascinating world around her to her husband. And if he allows her to do this, then he is simply doomed to have his wife admire him. And this will undoubtedly push him to further grandiose deeds and actions.

The compatibility of this couple is based on the fact that both spouses complement each other. The Monkey man and the Dragon woman receive exactly the benefits from the union that they have been looking for for many years.

So, don't lose your connection. Both are bright individuals, so if you walk hand in hand through life, it will help you develop your personalities.

According to the Eastern horoscope, a person’s birthday has a very great influence on a person’s future destiny. Thus, the compatibility of Monkey and Dragon is one of the most harmonious and successful. If they can understand and accept each other, then their marriage will be filled with love, respect, passion, tenderness, love and understanding.

Ideal relationships largely depend on people’s desire and ability to listen and make concessions to each other, therefore. Despite all the positive aspects, it is necessary to understand one simple point: what will happen to the couple when a streak of failure begins?

Features of signs

Monkeys are energetic people who easily start relationships and can build great prospects for the future. They do not always try to delve into the problems of their partners. These are people who love attention, so they make every effort to attract it to themselves.

The Dragon is also a bright and strong personality, who, due to his wonderful sense of humor, occupies one of the central positions in a friendly company. People born under this sign are gullible enthusiasts who achieve what they want, causing the envy of others.

Characteristics of the Monkey

In the general Zodiac characteristics, Monkeys are described as active, sociable, but quite gambling and cunning individuals. In a large company, they skillfully stand out from the rest, as they like to have fun in their free time. Demandingness, discipline, hot temper and quick decision-making are the main character traits. And it doesn’t matter at all if the couple is a man-Monkey-woman-Dragon or vice versa, the main thing is to learn to smooth out the sharp moments.

Horoscope influence

No matter how kind and open this person may seem, in relations with others he most often acts in cold blood. There is no need to tell her about secrets or secrets, they judge people solely by their actions. This quality does not manifest itself in everyone, the reason for this is how the horoscope influences:

  1. Aries. An extrovert who finds it difficult to experience the state of loneliness, so he is quick to develop relationships, which is why he often suffers.
  2. Calf. Men and women born during this period are considered not only reliable and decent, but also extremely charming, and accordingly they have practically no problems with mutual understanding.
  3. Twins. These are born leaders. People who are easy and pleasant to talk to are often called the “life of the party.”
  4. Cancer. Because they are touchy, they find it difficult to make contact; in order to establish a relationship with them, you need to learn to give in.
  5. A lion. A leader, interesting and unusual personalities, communication and spending time with them is unforgettable.
  6. Virgo. The minions of fate are carefree and cheerful people. In the most difficult situations they find a ray of positivity.
  7. Scales. Friendly and sociable. Compatibility between a dragon and a monkey, which according to the horoscope is Libra, implies a strong marriage, a lot of love and mutual understanding.
  8. Scorpion. The sign itself is a complex one, so Monkeys born during this period are more demanding and emotional than others.
  9. Sagittarius. He makes contact easily, as he is an excellent conversationalist.
  10. Capricorn. Active people who know how to apply a rational approach in any situation.
  11. Aquarius. The most unpredictable Monkeys. Moreover, both men and women are romantic and amorous natures, from whom you can expect surprises, but not always good ones.
  12. Fish. They are distrustful, therefore, in order to get into their inner circle, it is necessary to earn the trust and favor of a person.

Relationships with others for this sign are very good. When a Monkey woman is paired with a Dragon woman, then one should expect an exceptionally favorable outcome, because one will balance and complement the other.

Dragon Character Traits

People born under this sign have their own worldview and high standards, which they demand from other people. Sometimes when they are so carried away by the process that they forget about those around them, so if a person does not cope with the task, it irritates him very much. You can learn more about the character because of what element it belongs to:

  1. Metal. These are people who can rush into business without looking back, but thanks to their special talent and individuality they achieve success. This sign has a special gift for calming conflicts with brute force.
  2. Fiery. Changeable: anger quickly changes to calm. By nature it has an effective force that helps you achieve everything you want.
  3. Wood. This person is more liberal and open-minded than an Earth or Fire person, so they get along better with other people. But it takes a lot of effort to convince him.
  4. Water. Intellectual and creative personality. The only one of the Dragons who do not want to be in the spotlight.
  5. Earthy. All those born this year are people with special inner strength, creativity and intelligence. The main thing is that they have the advantage that they can calmly think and make a decision.

These are strong and bright personalities who have a special influence on others. They are intellectually gifted and talented, but sometimes this leads to problems communicating with others. He will always stand out from the rest of the signs.

Horoscope influence

Dragons are lucky and strong-willed, most often preferring noisy entertainment. But this doesn't always happen. Another important point is which zodiac sign the Dragon belongs to according to the horoscope:

  1. Aries. An active pioneer who exudes charm. This combination enhances all character qualities.
  2. Calf. A pragmatist who builds boundaries to protect himself from surrounding aggression. It is very difficult to pacify such people.
  3. Twins. These individuals are impatient, irritable, but know how to create a favorable aura around themselves.
  4. Cancer. This sign extinguishes the violent flame of the Dragon and turns it into the warmth of the hearth.
  5. A lion. A leader who loves to impress others. But in a pair of a dragon woman and a monkey man, the partner may be disappointed due to the short-sightedness of the loved one.
  6. Virgo. The most suitable sign for the Dragon. People who make the most of their potential and opportunities, so for them their own goals are more important than feelings.
  7. Scales. They conquer with charm, choose a peaceful path in work and love.
  8. Scorpion. It is very difficult to find mutual understanding with this person, because they are irritated by refusals.
  9. Sagittarius. Risk-taking nature, optimistic, self-confident, but there are problems in communicating with other people.
  10. Capricorn. They do not create an aura of success; they follow the chosen path exclusively, building a wall of inaccessibility around themselves. You need to be patient, and then Capricorn will open up in his true essence.
  11. Aquarius. This is a realist who is not subject to criticism. Sometimes he acts at the expense of other people.
  12. Fish. Creative personality with a rich imagination. They lack certainty.

He is sociable and able to lead people. Therefore, the compatibility of Monkey woman and Dragon man is truly unique, because they are harmonious for each other.

She is characterized by great hard work and curiosity, which allow her to achieve significant success in life.

Astrologers are confident that the Dragon and the Monkey make a very good and harmonious couple.

Both the woman and the man receive exceptional satisfaction from such a union, since they have found ideal partners. It's all about the unique energy that comes from this connection, because it is what brings the couple to a balanced state. There is also a negative aspect - excessive passion for work, which can lead to disagreements. Despite this, the spouses are united by family comfort and common interests, which allow them to reveal their talents and discover common life prospects.

Dragon Man and Monkey Woman

Compatibility between Dragon man and Monkey woman is high, they have a favorable prognosis for the development of relationships. The couple is harmonious, both partners not only teach the other, but are also ready to learn. A woman in such a relationship muffles the impulses of the soaring Dragon, reminding him of his responsibilities. She feels very good and protected with him. A man receives support from his partner.

Relationship problems

These are very extravagant personalities, therefore, even the ideal compatibility of a dragon and a monkey woman does not guarantee infatuation with someone else. A woman needs to understand that this man is her half, it is quite acceptable that he has a philosophical attitude towards the issue of love, but he will not forgive betrayal.

Monkey Man and Dragon Woman

Here the man is in the role of a follower, since he simply cannot take on the role of a leader. If a woman is able to explain everything correctly, and the stronger half is able to accept it, then this couple will be simply harmonious. Marriage compatibility is only increasing every year. A girl needs time to feel the fullness of this connection.

Relationship problems

In the daily routine, when there are no strong emotional outbursts, the special connection between a man and a woman can be lost. They have the amazing ability to be simply happy in marriage, without any conditions, the main thing is to learn to appreciate it. Then the partners will benefit from the alliance.

Compatibility in friendship and work

Friendship, like any other relationship of these signs, has good potential.

There are several simple reasons for this. They have well-developed intuition, so it is easy for them to find common ground, so in the future they will be able to establish good relationships. Such people make true friends who maintain the warmth of their relationship for many years. And in working moments they will have mutual understanding, since each of them is full of ideas and desires to bring them to life.

Year of the Monkey for the Dragon Eastern horoscope

💘Compatibility of Zodiac Signs by year of birth💘



Two signs with similar characteristics manifest themselves well in relationships with each other. Many envy the ideality and happiness of this couple, because they manage to maintain their love throughout their lives. If a man and a woman learn to give in and listen to each other, then everything will be really good.

To find a “soul mate”, you need to make a lot of effort, and sometimes a whole life is not enough to do it. Astronomers say that with the help of a horoscope you can choose a companion. Synastry (combination of horoscopes) plays an important role in marriage, friendship and sexual relationships. Zodiac compatibility analysis will help to trace the required type of relationship with a person in business or marriage. This article will describe the compatibility of Dragon and Monkey, as well as their personal characteristics and properties.

I would like to immediately note that both constellations are surprisingly similar. This makes their relationship strong and strong. Harmony and prosperity await them both in business and in love. The Monkey symbol is a great complement to the Dragon.

The love compatibility of Dragon and Monkey is simply excellent. They need each other from the bottom of their hearts. Even the Monkey’s not entirely successful humor will have a beneficial effect on his partner. Dragon women fascinate with their determination and inner strength. They are firm, purposeful and always know what they want from life and a partner. Power and extraordinary practicality attract Monkey men.

Both constellations are ruled by lively ambition and energy. The people of these symbols are real producers of everything new, and when united, they become invincible. In a love union, the Monkey, with his cunning, kindness and dexterity, can become an adviser and assistant in all endeavors for the distrustful and imperative Dragon.

A Monkey man and a Dragon woman will create a strong family union. The compliance and gentleness of the first will allow the second to completely control the situation and become an absolute leader. There will undoubtedly be conflicts in their relationship, since the ladies of this sign are cold and rarely show feelings. Relationships are doomed to be long-term. Peace and harmony will accompany the couple throughout their entire journey.

Couple advantage

What else can be said about the relationships of such people as the Monkey man and the Dragon woman? The couple's compatibility is impeccable, according to astronomers. The prospects for a long and happy life for people born under these signs are very good, but in this case, if the man follows all the advice of his partner and listens to her opinion. The head of the family, of course, is the Dragon, who is responsible for the economic, financial and economic side of the relationship.

The uniqueness of the union

The compatibility horoscope (Dragon and Monkey) reports that the union of two loving hearts is completely harmonious. Despite the similarity of goals and characters, the resourceful and sociable Monkey needs the protection and support of the Dragon. These two clearly understand that together they are strong and can overcome all misfortunes and adversities, so they will try to preserve their love.

The monkey is very resourceful by nature. Thanks to these qualities, she can easily manipulate the rough Dragon. She knows how to listen, speak beautifully and flatter. With this she conquers her partner and keeps him close to her. The Dragon Woman is selfless, observant and straightforward, which is what her life partner values ​​so highly. It is not easy to have a relationship with her, because she is firm and loves to rule, but this does not prevent the couple from building a strong and sincere relationship.

Erotic compatibility of Dragon and Monkey

Both constellations are distinguished by their stormy temperament. Sex for both characters is a way of self-expression. The Dragon shows the highest ingenuity and loves experiments. In this way he expresses his sincere and warm feelings to his partner. In the unique language of touches and gestures, he tries to say how good he is with the Monkey.

Intimate life overwhelms both partners, taking them into a world of emotions and positive shocks. If in conversation the Dragon is stingy with words, then in bed he fully expresses his gratitude and love. But even in sex, he tries to dominate and sometimes behaves despotic, but he does it delicately and skillfully, so that the Monkey does not even notice how he falls under the wonderful spell of his partner.

Both constellations are faithful and devoted and are unlikely to go sideways. Intimate life for them is not just satisfying their own needs, it is first the closeness and trust of two loving hearts. There are no conventions or restrictions in their sexual life; they do not tolerate frameworks and rules. Once they get the hang of it, they hone their skills and conquer each other.

It should be noted that the Monkey man is a high-quality, passionate and very gentle lover. He knows exactly what his partner desires and how to satisfy her without thinking about himself. Sex with this sign is exciting and unpredictable. But we must take into account the fact that the Monkey is very picky, and if the Dragon does not match its level, then it will quickly find a replacement.

Close relations

The similar characters and worldviews of the Dragon woman and the Monkey man make the relationship harmonious. Both are able to compromise and adapt. They are active, hardworking and talented. They make every effort to develop meaningful relationships. Family life together will be rich and exciting. We can safely say that the compatibility of the Dragon and the Monkey is simply amazing.

Monkey - what is it like?

This is very extraordinary personalities, although in many ways their manifestations depend on upbringing, environment and one’s own desire to improve oneself. Negative manifestations include lack of scrupulousness, vanity, inconstancy, selfishness, and cunning. These people are distinguished by resourcefulness; they can always find a way out of a difficult situation, often at the expense of others. They love to show off and be in sight. We can say that they will prefer society to loneliness. They are prone to lying, and it can be difficult to determine whether they are telling the truth or not.

Positive qualities include curiosity, high learning ability, and a desire for novelty. They are artistic, charming and often favorites of the public. If a monkey can channel its eternal desire to dress up and embellish itself and its life in the right direction, then it will not only be able to present itself beautifully, but also create works of art.

These people love communication, parties, and entertainment. Always try to be the center of attention, appreciate compliments addressed to them.

You may get the false impression that they get along well with people. Despite their outward openness, these are closed personalities who never reveal all their cards. It can often turn out that behind the external bravado they are nothing of themselves.

Characteristics of the Dragon

Representatives of this sign full of strength and energy. They often achieve everything themselves and fly out of the family nest early. They are characterized by such qualities as ambition, determination, and confidence. These people have a flexible mind and a strong spirit. Success often accompanies them in business, because they always have enough internal resources to emerge victorious from any situation. They are valued in society for their charm, magnetism and charm. These are honest good-natured and straightforward people. They dazzle with their brilliance and there are always many fans around them. Representatives of this sign prefer a rich, eventful life.

Dragons are sometimes overly self-confident and cannot tolerate it when others begin to doubt them. They may lose patience and tact in difficult situations and become quick-tempered. They are not always ready to admit their mistakes; they are irritable and impatient. By nature they idealists, and people born this year strive to bring everything to perfection. In pursuit of the ideal, they can lose a lot. Often, behind wit, external achievements and leadership, there is an unbalanced personality. One of the tasks for people born this year is to find themselves, their true purpose.

In a couple where dragon man and monkey woman partners can not only complement each other, but also enjoy the company of their beloved. The man here acts as a leader, the head of the family, and the woman doesn’t even mind being under his protection. Women born in the year of the monkey love comfort, a high standard of living, expensive clothes and jewelry. The dragon can easily provide them with everything they need. Despite the fact that men are often successful in business and have good material wealth, they are not attached to material wealth. The Monkey, with its desires, helps him establish a connection with earthly values, stimulating him to even greater achievements.

Women can present themselves well in society, have a cheerful disposition, are relaxed and extraordinary. It is for these qualities that men are ready to forgive their shortcomings and allow a lot.

This a couple can be completely overwhelmed by feelings, because both are passionate and emotional natures.

Both of them love movement, new experiences. In this tandem, the woman receives the care and protection she needs, and the man receives the cheerful disposition of his beloved, constant variety, and inspiration. He is ready to forgive her a lot than he is able to keep her close. Her life will never be boring with such a partner, and she appreciates it.

To the dragon woman and the monkey man It's a little more difficult to find mutual understanding. A man is often perceived superficially by his partner, and she does not consider him for a serious relationship. He is the ringleader, always in sight, loves fun, jokes, pranks. It seems that it is impossible to build a deep, serious relationship with him. Often the couple first flares up sexual passion. And after some time, the woman realizes that her partner can give her much more than just sex. Most likely, the leader in the relationship will be a woman - a careerist by nature, who prefers respectability and success.

Married lovers

This couple can create strong family union. The Dragon sees the sphere of its implementation outside the home and will always strive for interesting projects. The monkey can be a support and inspiration for him. Wise and cunning, sensitive to the situation, she will be the ideal life partner for the straightforward and domineering dragon. People under these signs perfectly complement each other, and at the same time have similar interests. Both love to be in constant motion, their life will always be exciting and full of adventure.

In this pair, adjust and giving in is more typical of a monkey. If she learns to tame her ardor and compromise with an equally emotional dragon, then harmony in the relationship is guaranteed.

The dragon really appreciates the monkey’s ability to be different and therefore will allow it a lot. The main thing for her is not to use her freedom for selfish purposes.

Important for both partners learn to respect each other's opinions and don't do everything your own way.

The Monkey likes to force things, which is not to the liking of her partner.

Most dragon needs love, and if his beloved does not have sincere feelings for him, then the relationship is doomed to failure.

Both partners can react very violently to conflicts. Therefore, their quarrels last for a very long time.

Passion in bed

Having met each other, both partners can rush into the relationship like a whirlwind. In sex life passion and diversity await them. Both are passionate people and love experiments in sex.

The dragon, straightforward in life, is very careful in the intimate sphere, takes delicate care and is capable of delivering true pleasure. And that’s exactly what the monkey needs.

Combination in friendship

it's the same excellent and friendly union. Next to a strong and self-confident dragon, the monkey’s nervousness disappears, and its fears fade into the background. Also, the monkey often foresees trouble and can guide the dragon in the right direction. She loves strong partners next to her and is ready to adapt to their character in return. It is in friendship that they can show their independence while remaining on good terms.

Thanks to its cunning, a monkey can become an excellent advisor for a brave and determined dragon. She knows how to make connections, loves to plan and generate ideas. True, she is not always able to bring her plans to life. But this works out great for the dragon, who, in turn, sometimes lacks creativity. One of the difficulties can be working in a team, because Everyone is independent by nature and does not like to obey. Dragons can plunge headlong into large projects without thinking about the consequences. They are not afraid of even very large-scale goals, which sometimes leads to failure. Despite this, they can always come out of the situation as a winner. Monkeys will help them plan every step.