E healthcare. Journal "Healthcare of the Russian Federation"

"Healthcare": the magazine that all chief doctors read!

Focus on the essentials:

  • The Investigative Committee created special units for doctors. How to prepare healthcare workers to communicate with police officers.
    The Investigative Committee created special units for doctors. We attended a forum to protect the rights of health workers. We made an algorithm on how to prepare a clinic employee for pre-investigation checks, interrogation and trial.
  • How to build an internal control system. An algorithm from the clinic, which was the first in Russia to receive a certificate from Roszdravnadzor.
    The Tyumen clinic was the first in Russia to receive a certificate from Roszdravnadzor for internal control. The managers showed how to organize work and conduct an audit according to the department’s requirements.

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Samples of local documents –
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Books with ready-made solutions
tasks of the head physician
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Achieve new success in your profession

The magazine has already helped your colleagues

“I am calm before inspections because I find answers to many questions that arise in everyday work - on assessing the quality of medical care, planning staffing, labor standards, and many legal issues of a manager’s work.”

Sergey Arkhangelsky,
Chief Physician of the State Healthcare Institution Perinatal Center, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Honored Doctor of Russia

“I decided to carry out preventative measures before the Roszdravnadzor inspection. The magazine, like no other source, helped me do this quickly and efficiently. I found reminders, recommendations, checklists, which I studied myself and showed to my employees.”

Nikolay Churilov,
head Department of the RC "Dobrodeya", pediatric neurologist

“Books for the head physician are a godsend! I don't waste time searching for information, I just read a book. It contains all the materials on the most important topics- it is very comfortable"

Gavril Ivanov,

“Thank you for the webinars! Thanks to them, I have significantly increased my knowledge of the legislation of the Ministry of Health.”

Tamara Odarushchenko,
lawyer of the medical insurance department of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "3 Central Military Clinical Hospital named after A. A. Vishnevsky of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation"

Want to know more?

Professional publication "Healthcare" with practical recommendations published since 1995. The magazine contains working materials of an expert nature that will help in organizing the activities of a medical organization.

The fundamental difference from similar journals is that the publication promptly and promptly publishes articles related to reforming the healthcare system. Today, the Health Care magazine is a practical guide for the chief physician of a medical organization.

Read the answers to the following professional questions on the pages of the Health Care magazine:

  • organizing the provision of paid medical services to the population;
  • organizing the functionality of a medical institution in the compulsory medical insurance system;
  • improving the quality of medical services provided;
  • control over increasing the qualification level of medical personnel.

In addition, in “Healthcare” you will find publications on the financial and economic activities of a medical institution, “hot” issues accounting and reporting, government procurement of medical equipment, labor relations and claims handling.

By subscribing to the Health Care magazine, the chief physician will be able to reduce the time spent on making informed professional decisions, developing and implementing new technologies, and most importantly, organizing the effective functioning of a medical organization.

Especially for subscribers, there is a constantly updated bonus program that allows you to use additional services completely free of charge.

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Moscow took measures against coronavirus

Moscow is monitoring the situation with coronavirus and taking all necessary measures. The Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Issues spoke about this social development Anastasia Rakova.

Open the instructions

The capital has strengthened the disinfection regime in crowded places, is conducting epidemiological control, and is working closely with the Moscow department of Rospotrebnadzor, the deputy mayor said.

According to her, additional measures have been taken in relation to hotels where groups from China live - guests are checked for their health and temperature taken.

The fight against coronavirus: methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Health save the document >>

When calling an ambulance, special attention is paid to patients who arrived from China or who had contact with those who lived there, the deputy mayor noted.

According to Rakova’s data, which she reported the day before, 11 people were tested for coronavirus in Moscow. In none of the cases was the disease confirmed.

January 30

Roszdravnadzor warned about fake seminars

Roszdravnadzor warned doctors against attending seminars allegedly held under the auspices of the department. The message was posted on the official website of the institution.

January 30

Doctors were allowed to prescribe twice as many drugs

Disabled people, pensioners and chronically ill patients will be able to receive prescription medications for a six-month course of therapy. Previously, the deadline was half as long – 90 days. Such amendments were made to the order of the Ministry of Health No. 4n.

Changes in order No. 4n on the procedure for prescribing medications download the new order of the Ministry of Health No. 1022n >>

Doctors will be able to increase the number of painkillers narcotic substances taking into account treatment protocols. The text included a clarification that PKU drugs can be prescribed “according to clinical recommendations.”

January 30

Vaccinations against HPV and chickenpox are included in the draft of the new national calendar

A new version of the national vaccination calendar has been sent to the government. The document included vaccination against rotavirus, HPV, and chickenpox, which Russians will begin to receive in the coming years. This was stated by Deputy Minister of Health Tatyana Yakovleva.

The current national calendar of preventive vaccinations with the latest changes save the document >>

Yakovleva did not specify the age groups for which the vaccination plan will change.

January 30

The Ministry of Health has adjusted the model of primary care medical organization

Open the instructions on how to create a lean clinic: tools, indicators, principles - recommended by the experts of the Chief Physician System.

The document provides for the following criteria, including:

  • patient flow management;
  • quality of the clinic space;
  • inventory management (medicines, medical products and other materials);
  • quality and availability medical care.
New model of primary care medical organization (2nd edition of the Ministry of Health, expanded and updated) save document >>

A pilot project to improve clinics is being implemented as part of the “Healthcare” national project. It involves the introduction of lean production technologies into the primary level MO and is aimed, among other things, at eliminating losses and reducing costs, and creating a corporate culture.

January 30

Enrollment is open for a new course for economists of medical organizations

Enrollment for a new course for Moscow Region economists is open. The new program “Planning, analysis and internal control of the economic activities of a medical organization - 2020” was compiled by leading experts.

The course for economists of medical organizations covers all changes in laws that will affect your work in 2020. The program includes 15 areas - from new requirements for the FCD plan to changes in electronic procurement. Join the training!

The online course will allow you to:

  • Draw up a plan for the FHD 2020;
  • Justify costs according to new requirements;
  • Distribute the workload among staff taking into account new standards;
  • Prepare for the TFOMS inspection 2020;
  • Conduct electronic procurement according to new rules.

Benefits of training

Economist before training

Economist after the course

It gets lost in the latest innovations regarding salaries.
  • Knows all the standards, including the planned ones.
  • Ready for any changes in the salary structure.
Spends hours on reports.
  • Automated activities.
  • Able to quickly prepare any new calculations.
He gets nervous before every test and doesn’t understand where his weak points are.
  • Easily navigates all requirements.
  • Ready for any test!
It gets lost when it comes to increasing economic efficiency.
  • Knows everything about paid services, as well as 1000 and 1 ways to increase economic efficiency.
He panics when he sees contradictions in planned and normative indicators.
  • Armed with knowledge of how to act competently in conditions of uncertainty.

January 29

Golikova headed the headquarters for the fight against coronavirus

Head of Government Mikhail Mishustin approved the composition of the operational headquarters to prevent the importation and spread of the Chinese coronavirus in Russia. The chairman was Deputy Prime Minister and curator of health issues Tatyana Golikova.

save document >>

The headquarters also included the head of Rospotrebnadzor and the chief sanitary doctor Anna Popova, the representative of the government apparatus Olga Krivonos, the deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Alexander Gorovoy, the Minister of Transport Evgeny Dietrich, the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Evgeny Zinichev, the Minister of Health Mikhail Murashko, the general director of Aeroflot Vitaly Savelyev.

Open the instructions on how to develop an epidemiological safety program - experts from the Chief Physician System recommend.

Mishustin instructed Rospotrebnadzor to continue sanitary work at border checkpoints.

Earlier, Anna Popova issued a decree for all clinics, hospitals and pharmacies. She instructed health workers to prepare for the transition to the anti-epidemic regime and ensure a supply of antiviral drugs.

Currently, more than 4.5 thousand people in 27 countries have fallen ill with coronavirus infection, and 106 patients have died.

January 29

Russians will be treated abroad at state expense

Patients with rare diseases, including orphan diseases, will be given the right to receive treatment abroad. This was stated by Nikolai Govorin, a representative of the State Duma Committee on Health Protection. The draft order was prepared by the Ministry of Health and posted on the regulatory legal acts portal.

How to refer a patient for treatment abroad: draft order of the Ministry of Health save the document >>

To undergo treatment abroad at public expense, the patient must obtain a recommendation from a federal medical organization. The patient will be able to go to a foreign clinic a maximum of three months after submitting the application.

January 29

40 doctors were not admitted to the scandalous Tagil hospital

The disgraced Demidov hospital in Nizhny Tagil is looking for about 40 doctors. First of all, the clinic lacks therapists: 5 vacancies are open, specialists are promised 45 thousand rubles a month.

January 29

Murashko promised not to rush into optimizing rural medicine

All existing intensive care units in the country must be preserved, regardless of the bed capacity of the district hospital. State Duma deputies made this request to the Minister of Health Mikhail Murashko.

Model regulations on a district hospital download the draft order of the Ministry of Health >>

A previously developed draft order of the Ministry of Health suggests that ICUs should be left only where the population of the area exceeds 50 thousand people. If the order is adopted, it will mean the elimination of hundreds of intensive care units in rural medical institutions.

Check the documents: List of settings for emergency care - recommended by experts of the Chief Nurse System.

According to Yuri Kobzev, one of the members of the Duma committee on health protection, we are not talking about a complete reduction in intensive care beds. However, the liquidation of the department and the transfer of beds to other units will lead to the loss of qualified medical workers and will deprive employees of bonuses and benefits, the deputy emphasized.

How to resolve the issue of non-disclosure of medical confidentiality when relatives visit the intensive care unit; study the clinic’s experience >>

Mikhail Murashko responded by saying that the issue would be considered in detail at a committee meeting and the opinions of experts would be taken into account when making a final decision.

January 29

The Ministry of Health is preparing new requirements for private clinics

The Ministry of Health is forming requirements for the location of private clinics. This, as well as the increase in the number of private MOs in general, was announced by the head of the department, Mikhail Murashko, at an extended meeting of the bureau of the Supreme Council of the United Russia party.

Open the instructions on how to implement clinical recommendations in a private medical organization - experts from the Chief Physician System recommend.

According to the minister, over 5 years the number of private medical institutions has increased by 1.5 times, and now the issue of requirements for the placement of such medical institutions is being studied. “There are several ways, now we will formulate this finally, agree with the government and take measures,” Murashko said.

Conditions for receiving money for VMP for private clinics: order of the Ministry of Health to save the document >>

Earlier, Veronika Skvortsova reported on the impending introduction of a procedure for preliminary approval of decisions on the creation of a municipal organization with the subjects. Private traders reacted negatively to the initiative and called pre-licensing control “state banditry.”

The financial performance of the clinic, which managed to turn its patients into fans, is growing by 12-15 percent per year. , see in the magazine "Health".

January 29

Medical problems that Murashko will solve

The Expert Online publication found out from experts what tasks the new head of the Ministry of Health will have to solve.

According to the expert community, the head of the ministry will need to insist on additional injections into the industry.

Open the instructions on how to develop a production control plan - experts from the Chief Doctor System recommend.

“Mikhail Murashko will have to convince the Prime Minister that the industry needs to be additionally financed: to the current almost 4 trillion in government spending on healthcare, at least 710 billion must be added annually within five years,” says Guzel Ulumbekova, head of the Higher School of Healthcare Organization and Management.

According to her, the new minister is faced with the task of eliminating the shortage of medical personnel by increasing their remuneration, ensuring massive improvement of their qualifications, and also organizing affordable drug supply.

The head of the Ministry of Health inherited most of the problems from the previous head, Veronika Skvortsova, experts say.

“In general, Skvortsova’s efforts did not live up to expectations, since during her leadership, our primary health care, the same clinics and medical and obstetric centers where 80% of the country’s population goes,” says the founder of the compulsory health insurance system, Honored Economist of the Russian Federation Vladimir Grishin. He expressed the opinion that the former head of the Ministry of Health would not have been able to cope with the implementation of the national project “Health”.

Aleksey Kurinny, a member of the State Duma Committee on Health Protection, believes that “Veronica Skvortsova was not particularly persistent in increasing the budget for healthcare.” Kurinny hopes that Mikhail Murashko will be able to be more persistent in defending the interests of the industry.

As for Murashko himself, at a meeting with employees of the Ministry of Health, he stated that he sees his priority tasks as restoring primary health care, increasing wages for doctors and medical staff, as well as organizing an uninterrupted supply of medicines to patients. Murashko also already noted that he plans to carry out the president’s instructions, which Putin voiced in his Address Federal Assembly.

Presidential Address: set of instructions on healthcare (01/15/2020) read transcript >>

Hurry up to rebuild the clinic's work in 2020 before the auditors come with updated checklists. will allow you to meet the test fully armed, in the journal “Healthcare”.

January 29

The timing of the appearance of coronavirus in Russia was predicted by the Ministry of Health

Cases of infection caused by the Chinese coronavirus may appear in Russia in about two to three weeks, by mid-February. Such conclusions were made by an expert from the Ministry of Health, Professor Vladimir Chulanov.

Resolution of the Chief Sanitary Doctor on measures against the spread of coronavirus infection save the document >>

When calculating, Chulanov took into account a number of parameters, including airborne transmission of the virus, a 10-fold increase in the number of cases within a week, and high migration activity between Russia and China.

Despite the high risk of the virus being brought into Russia, the threat of its global spread is low, the expert believes. Rospotrebnadzor has already strengthened sanitary control at the borders and developed reagents for express diagnostics. Work is currently underway to create a vaccine.

Open the instructions on how to develop an epidemiological safety program - experts from the Chief Physician System recommend.

Chief Sanitary Doctor Anna Popova issued a decree for all clinics, hospitals and pharmacies. The list of instructions includes preparing for the transition to an anti-epidemic regime and ensuring a supply of antiviral drugs.

According to the latest data, more than 4,500 people have fallen ill with coronavirus in 27 countries, and 106 cases have resulted in death.

Checklist for preventing violations during the epidemic season

January 29

Enrollment is open for the course “Nursing Management 2020”

The School of Chief Nurse has opened enrollment for advanced training courses. IN new program“Management of nursing activities - 2020” 12 current topics - from the treatment of NS and PA to the personal effectiveness of the leader.

The course allows you to study the latest standards and approaches to the work of nurses, take into account all the risks and practice skills.

You will learn:

  • What changes in healthcare will affect your work in 2020;
  • How to prepare for the Rospotrebnadzor inspection 2020;
  • What should staff know about the turnover of NS and PV: a ready-made workshop with new rules;
  • How to comply with standards for medical waste management;
  • How to meet the requirements for disinfection and sterilization: a manual from the Medical Institute named after. Sechenov.

To use all features, use guest access. Start learning today!

Benefits of training

Untrained nurse

Student at the School of Chief Nursing

He wonders and asks his colleagues what has changed in working with NS and PV, thinks about each entry in the reporting documents.
  • Knows new standards for calculating the needs of NS and PV.
  • Able to identify poor quality deliveries.
Spends hours searching for information about medical waste management.
  • Uses new systems and methods for disinfecting medical waste.
  • Able to calculate the amount of medical waste and the need for consumables.
Nervous before every test, does not understand where the weak points are in production activities.
  • Easily navigates sanitary and technical rules and regulations.
  • Sees problems throughout the entire production chain and knows how to eliminate them. Ready for any test!
Constantly conflicts with colleagues.
  • She knows how to get out of conflict, has learned to manage a conflict situation, and knows how to get both herself and her colleagues out of it.
He panics before accreditation and does not understand how to prepare a report on his activities.
  • Knows about new accreditation rules.
  • I prepared a plump folder with my achievements, which meets all the requirements.

28 January

3.5 million for coffee and flowers: Ministry of Health expenses hit the media

The Ministry of Health was accused of excessive spending. The ministry's expenses for coffee, flowers and the press were published by the Mash telegram channel.

According to these data, the department generously pays for its own comfort. Thus, 1 million 650 thousand rubles were spent on the maintenance of 146 coffee machines that are available in the Ministry of Health.

28 January

Putin instructed to allocate quotas for targeted students in medical universities

In the specialty “General Medicine” in Russian medical universities there will be 70% of budgetary targeted places, in the profile “Pediatrics” - 75%. For residency programs in scarce specializations, the quota will reach 100%. This order will have to be ensured by the government on behalf of President Vladimir Putin.

Experts from the Health magazine spoke about this.

Expanding quotas for targeted training was one of the items on the list of tasks that was compiled following the message to the Federal Assembly of January 15, 2020. Officials will have to report on implementation on October 1, 2020, and annually thereafter.

Experts from the magazine "Healthcare" told.

In second place among the top vacancies in St. Petersburg is the position of an otolaryngologist for 150 thousand rubles per month. The doctor’s duties are to receive patients and provide services within the framework of outpatient care.

The same 150 thousand rubles are offered to a neurologist in Khabarovsk. The position also assumes the addition of incentive payments to the announced income.

Download a complete list of guarantees and compensations for medical workers / open the table >>

In Volgograd, a surgeon is invited to a private clinic and is promised 100 thousand rubles a month. He must have a current certificate in surgery, as well as the necessary skills in using modern minimally invasive methods of surgical treatment.

Check the checklist to see how citizens' rights are respected in your clinic. , posters and memos for patients - in the magazine "Healthcare".

"Healthcare of Russia" - magazine of the publishing house "EuroMedia"

Published since 2012 under the title “Healthcare of the South of Russia”. Since 2016, the journal has been registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications as the federal publication “Healthcare of Russia”. “Healthcare of Russia” is the only publication that describes in detail all the most current trends modern system health care of the country. It publishes interviews, analytical materials, and essays covering all areas of the Russian healthcare system.

“Healthcare of Russia” is positioned as a publication for medical and pharmaceutical workers, as well as for distribution at the venues of medical and pharmaceutical exhibitions, seminars, conferences and other similar events and is distributed specifically in Moscow and regional centers Russia.

Each journal “Healthcare of Russia” is designed for a long period and will allow you to create the most complete picture of the potential and prospects for the development of the healthcare system of the regions of the Russian Federation.

Purpose of the publication:

Informing industry workers and the population about new opportunities in the healthcare system in connection with the implementation state program"Health Development";

Promoting public health protection and popularization healthy image life;

Creating a positive image of medicine of the new generation and doctors of the 21st century.

The magazine includes the following sections:
  • "Relevant". About the main trends in the healthcare system for the year. On legislative and legal changes in the industry and the introduction of innovative developments in medical practice.
  • "Portrait of the Region". A large-scale block that describes in detail the development of healthcare in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with the participation of both regional, regional, republican medical institutions, and district, city and rural healthcare facilities.
  • "Trends". Analytical materials on trends and forecasts in various branches of medicine with expert comments.
  • "Rating". Market research conducted by the analytical service of the EuroMedia Publishing House.
  • "The best in the profession". Essays on outstanding doctors of the region.
  • Special projects.
  • Every year the magazine offers readers a new thematic special project. Thus, in 2013, a special project “Pride of the Industry” was released about the achievements of regional medicine over the year. The special project consisted of a series of photo essays.
Circulation: 10,000 copies

Format: A4

Volume: 200-400 stripes


Mandatory delivery of magazines:

federal authorities, offices of presidential plenipotentiaries, regional administrations, relevant ministries and departments, specialized universities

Distribution by industry segment

  • Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Committees of the State Duma of the Russian Federation on Health and social work
  • Ministries, departments and regional health committees
  • State medical institutions
  • Medical and health institutions
  • Medical centers
  • Large dental centers
  • Medical Insurance companies
  • Manufacturers and distributors of medical equipment
  • Pharmaceutical companies
  • Profile exhibitions (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Central Federal District, Southern Federal District, Volga Federal District, North Caucasus Federal District, Far Eastern Federal District, Siberian Federal District, Northwestern Federal District, Ural Federal District).

Internet version

The magazine is available to readers in five formats. This is a printed version, electronic publication of materials on www.zdorovayarossia.ru, the “Vestnik” application for tablet computers and the first joint application in Russia for Apple Watch and iPhone.

FBUN "Federal science Center hygiene named after F.F. Erisman" of Rospotrebnadzor is the founder of the journal "Healthcare of the Russian Federation" of OJSC "Publishing House "Medicine".

The journal “Healthcare of the Russian Federation” is a scientific and practical peer-reviewed journal, intended for managers and employees of health authorities and institutions, Rospotrebnadzor, practitioners, and researchers.

The purpose of the journal is to create a full-fledged information space for discussion, exchange of experience, development and subsequent implementation of modern strategies for the development of medical science and healthcare management in Russia, providing conditions for the most effective and rapid dissemination of information in the scientific medical community and practical healthcare.

The journal presents data on the health status of certain categories of the population, the sanitary and epidemiological situation in various regions of Russia, and publishes materials on the influence of factors environment and production activities on public health. Particular attention is paid to materials devoted to the scientific substantiation of preventive measures aimed at maintaining health and improving the demographic situation. The magazine publishes information on the activities of the healthcare system, on legislative and regulatory acts related to improving the work of healthcare bodies and institutions. Publishes articles about the experience and new directions of work of territorial bodies and healthcare institutions.

The magazine was founded in 1957. Periodicity – 6 issues per year.

OJSC “Publishing House “Medicine” is a co-founder of the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers (ANRI). Journals of the Medicine Publishing House adhere to the recommendations of ANRI.

LR No. 010215 dated April 29, 1997

The journal is registered by Roskomnadzor. Certificate of registration of PI No. FS77-50668 dated July 13, 2012.

ISSN: 0044-197х (Print)

ISSN 2412-0723 (Online)

The journal “Healthcare of the Russian Federation” is included in the List of leading scientific journals and publications of the Higher Attestation Commission, in which the main results of dissertations for the scientific degree of candidate and doctor of sciences should be published.

The journal “Healthcare of the Russian Federation” is presented in the following international information and reference publications: International Aerospace Abstracts, Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory, OCLC Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies, Russian Science Citation Index (Web of Science).


Chief Editor:

ONISCHENKO Gennady Grigorievich - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Deputy editors-in-chief:

RAKITSKY Valery Nikolaevich - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences

ZAPOROZHCHENKO Vyacheslav Grigorievich - Candidate of Medical Sciences

Executive Secretary:

SUKHOVA Anna Vladimirovna – Doctor of Medical Sciences

Members of the editorial board:

STARODUBOV Vladimir Ivanovich - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences

SHABALIN Vladimir Nikolaevich - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences

IVANOVA Alla Efimovna - Doctor of Economics, Professor

POLUNINA Natalya Valentinovna - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor


ARTYUKHOV I. P., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor (Krasnoyarsk)

GERASIMENKO N. F., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow)

GREENKO A. Ya., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg)

MEDIC V. A., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (V. Novgorod)

SABGAYDA T. P., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor (Moscow)

SAVELIEV S. I., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor (Lipetsk)

SEMENOV V. Yu., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor (Moscow)

SEREGINA I. F., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor (Moscow)

SINITSKAYA T. A., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor (Moscow)

STASEVICH N. Yu., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor (Moscow)

KHABRIEV R. U., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow)

ELLANSKY Y. G., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor (Rostov-on-Don)

Foreign members of the editorial board

GASPARYAN A. Yu., Doctor of Medicine, Associate Professor (Great Britain)