Exam questions in physics 2nd year tickets. Physics exam papers


At RTU MIREA, the entrance exam in physics is conducted in written form (for applicants who have not passed the Unified State Exam). The exam paper includes two theoretical questions and five problems. Theoretical questions on the exam papers are formed on the basis of the all-Russian program of entrance exams in physics to technical universities. A complete list of such questions is given below.

It should be noted that the examination focuses on the depth of understanding of the material, and not on its mechanical reproduction. Therefore, it is advisable to illustrate answers to theoretical questions as much as possible with explanatory drawings, graphs, etc. The given analytical expressions must necessarily indicate the physical meaning of each of the parameters. You should not describe in detail the experiments and tests that confirm this or that physical law, but you can limit yourself to only stating the conclusions from them. If the law has an analytical notation, then it should be cited without giving a verbal formulation. When solving problems and answering theoretical questions, vector quantities must be provided with appropriate icons, and from the applicant’s work, the examiner must have a clear opinion that the applicant knows the difference between a scalar and a vector.

The depth of the material presented is determined by the content of standard textbooks for high school and manuals for applicants to universities.
When solving problems, it is recommended:

  • provide a schematic drawing reflecting the conditions of the problem (for most physical problems this is simply mandatory);
  • introduce notations for those parameters that are necessary to solve this problem (not forgetting to indicate their physical meaning);
  • write down formulas expressing the physical laws used to solve this problem;
  • carry out the necessary mathematical transformations and present the answer in analytical form;
  • if necessary, perform numerical calculations and obtain an answer in the SI system or in those units specified in the problem statement.

When obtaining an answer to a problem in analytical form, it is necessary to check the dimension of the resulting expression, and, of course, the study of its behavior in obvious or limiting cases is encouraged.

From the examples of introductory tasks given, it is clear that the tasks proposed in each option vary quite greatly in complexity. Therefore, the maximum number of points that can be obtained for a correctly solved problem and a theoretical question is not the same and is equal to: theoretical question - 10 points, problem No. 3 - 10 points, problems No. 4, 5, 6 - 15 points and problem No. 7 - 25 points .

Thus, an applicant who has fully completed the task can score a maximum of 100 points. When recalculated into a 10-point score, which is included in the applicant’s examination sheet, the following scale is currently in effect: 19 or less points - “three”, 20÷25 points - “four”, 26÷40 points - “five”, 41 ÷55 points - “six”, 56÷65 points - “seven”, 66÷75 points - “eight”, 76÷85 points - “nine”, 86÷100 points - “ten”. The minimum positive rating corresponded to a rating of “four”. Please note that the conversion scale may change in one direction or another.

When checking the work of an applicant, the teacher is not obliged to look at the draft, and he does this in exceptional cases in order to clarify certain issues that are not clear enough from the draft.

The use of a non-programmable calculator is allowed during the physics exam. The use of any means of communication and handheld computers is strictly prohibited.

The duration of the written exam in physics is four astronomical hours (240 minutes).


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The questions are based on the all-Russian program of entrance exams in physics to universities.

  1. Reference system. Material point. Trajectory. Path and movement. Speed ​​and acceleration.
  2. The law of addition of velocities of a material point in different reference systems. Dependence of the speed and coordinates of a material point on time for the case of uniformly accelerated motion.
  3. Uniform movement in a circle. Linear and angular velocities and the relationship between them. Acceleration during uniform motion of a body in a circle (centripetal acceleration).
  4. Newton's first law. Inertial reference systems. Galileo's principle of relativity. Weight. Force. Resultant of forces. Newton's second law. Newton's third law.
  5. Shoulder of power. Moment of power. Condition for equilibrium of bodies.
  6. Elastic forces. Hooke's law. Friction force. Static friction Sliding friction. Sliding friction coefficient.
  7. The law of universal gravitation. Gravity. Body weight. Weightlessness. First escape velocity (conclusion).
  8. Body impulse. Impulse of force. Relationship between change in body momentum and force impulse.
  9. Closed system tel. Law of conservation of momentum. The concept of jet propulsion.
  10. Mechanical work. Power, power of force. Kinetic energy. Relationship between work and changes in the kinetic energy of the body.
  11. Potential forces. Potential energy. Relationship between the work of potential forces and potential energy. Potential energy of gravity and elastic forces. Law of conservation of mechanical energy.
  12. Pressure. Pascal's law for liquids and gases. Communicating vessels. The principle of a hydraulic press. Archimedes' law for liquids and gases. The condition for bodies to float on the surface of a liquid.
  13. Basic principles of molecular kinetic theory and their experimental substantiation. Molar mass. Avogadro's number. Amount of substance. Ideal gas.
  14. Basic equation of the molecular kinetic theory of an ideal gas. Temperature and its physical meaning. Absolute temperature scale.
  15. Equation of state of an ideal gas (Clapeyron-Mendeleev equation). Isothermal, isochoric and isobaric processes.
  16. Internal energy. Quantity of heat. Work in thermodynamics. The law of conservation of energy in thermal processes (the first law of thermodynamics).
  17. Heat capacity of a substance. Phase transformations of matter. Specific heat of vaporization and specific heat of fusion. Heat balance equation.
  18. Operating principle of heat engines. Heat engine efficiency and its maximum value. Carnot cycle.
  19. Evaporation and condensation. Boiling liquid. Saturated and unsaturated pairs. Air humidity.
  20. Coulomb's law. Electric field strength. Electrostatic field of a point charge. The principle of superposition of fields.
  21. The work of the electrostatic field when moving a charge. Potential and potential difference. Field potential of a point charge. Relationship between the intensity of a uniform electrostatic field and potential difference.
  22. Electrical capacity. Capacitors. Capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor. The energy stored in the capacitor is the energy of the electric field.
  23. Battery capacity of series and parallel connected capacitors (terminal).
  24. Electricity. Current strength. Ohm's law for a section of a circuit. Resistance of metal conductors. Serial and parallel connection of conductors (output).
  25. Electromotive force (EMF). Ohm's law for a complete circuit. Work and current power - Joule-Lenz law (conclusion).
  26. Magnetic field induction. The force acting on a current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field. Ampere's law.
  27. The effect of a magnetic field on a moving charge. Lorentz force. The nature of the motion of a charged particle in a uniform magnetic field (the speed of the particle is oriented perpendicular to the induction vector).
  28. The effect of a magnetic field on a moving charge. Lorentz force. The nature of the motion of a charged particle in a uniform magnetic field (the speed of the particle makes an acute angle with the magnetic field induction vector).
  29. The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. Magnetic flux. Law of electromagnetic induction. Lenz's rule.
  30. The phenomenon of self-induction. Self-induced emf. Inductance. Energy stored in a current-carrying circuit.
  31. Free electromagnetic oscillations in an LC circuit. Conversion of energy in an oscillatory circuit. Natural frequency of oscillations in the circuit.
  32. Alternating electric current. Receiving alternating current. Effective value of voltage and current. Transformer, principle of its operation.
  33. Laws of reflection and refraction of light. Refractive index. Total internal reflection, limiting angle of total reflection. Constructing an image in a plane mirror.
  34. Converging and diverging lenses. Path of rays in lenses. Thin lens formula. Constructing an image in a converging and diverging lens (one characteristic case for each lens of your choice).
  35. Quanta of light. The phenomenon of photoelectric effect. Einstein's equation for the photoelectric effect.
  36. Rutherford's experiments on alpha particle scattering. Nuclear model of the atom. Bohr's postulates.
  37. Nuclear model of the atom. Composition of the nucleus of an atom. Isotopes. Radioactivity. Alpha, beta and gamma radiation.


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Ticket No. 1

  1. Qualitative problems on the topic “Conservation laws in mechanics.”
  2. Text on the section "Electrodynamics", containing information on the use of various electrical devices. Tasks to determine the conditions for the safe use of electrical devices.

Ticket number 2

  1. L.r. "Study of the laws of connection of conductors."
  2. Text on the section “Quantum physics and elements of astrophysics” containing a description of the experiment. Tasks to determine (or formulate) the hypothesis of the experiment, the conditions for its conduct and conclusions

Ticket number 3

  1. L.r. "Measuring the refractive index of glass."
  2. Text on the section “Molecular Physics”, containing a description of the use of the laws of MKT and thermodynamics in technology. Tasks to understand the basic principles underlying the operation of the described device.

Ticket number 4

  1. L.r. "Image acquisition using a converging lens."

Ticket number 5

  1. Qualitative problems on the topic “Electrostatics”.
  2. A text on the topic “Nuclear Physics” containing information about the effects of radiation on living organisms or the impact of nuclear energy on the environment. Tasks to understand the basic principles of radiation safety.

Ticket number 6

  1. L.r. "Study of the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction."

Ticket number 7

  1. Qualitative problems for the section “Molecular Physics”.

Ticket number 8

  1. L.r. "Observing crystal growth under a microscope."
  2. A text in the “Electrodynamics” section containing a description of physical phenomena or processes observed in nature or in everyday life. Tasks for understanding physical terms, defining a phenomenon, its characteristics, or explaining a phenomenon using existing knowledge.

Ticket number 9

  1. Qualitative problems on the topic “Magnetic field”.

Ticket number 10

  1. L.r. “Measuring the acceleration of free fall using a mathematical pendulum”
  2. Text on the section “Electrodynamics”, containing a description of the use of the laws of electrodynamics in technology. Tasks to understand the basic principles underlying the operation of the described device.

Ticket number 11

  1. L.r. "Study of the dependence of the Ampere force on the current strength in a conductor."
  2. Text on the section “Quantum physics and elements of astrophysics”, containing a description of the use of the laws of quantum, atomic or nuclear physics in technology. Tasks to understand the basic principles underlying the operation of the described device

Ticket number 12

  1. Qualitative problems on the topic “Structure of the atomic nucleus.”
  2. Text for the section “Electrodynamics” containing a description of the experiment. Tasks to determine (or formulate) the hypothesis of the experiment, the conditions for its conduct and conclusions.

Ticket number 13

  1. L.r. "Relative Humidity Measurement"
  2. Text on the section "Mechanics", containing information, for example, about safety measures when using vehicles or noise pollution. Tasks to understand the basic principles that ensure the safe use of mechanical devices, or to identify measures to reduce noise exposure to humans. the use of mechanical devices, or identifying measures to reduce noise exposure to humans.

Ticket number 14

  1. Qualitative problems on the topic “Structure of the atom. Photoeffect."
  2. A text on the topic “Heat Engines” containing information on the environmental impact of heat engines. Tasks to understand the main factors causing pollution and identify measures to reduce the impact of heat engines on nature.

Ticket number 15

  1. L.r. "Observation of the phenomena of interference and dispersion of light."
  2. Text for the section “Mechanics”, containing a description of the use of the laws of mechanics in technology. Tasks to understand the basic principles underlying the operation of the described device.

Ticket number 16

  1. L.r. "Determination of the wavelength of light using a diffraction grating."

Ticket number 17

  1. L.r. "Observation of the surface tension of a liquid."
  2. A text in the “Mechanics” section containing a description of physical phenomena or processes observed in nature or in everyday life. Tasks for understanding physical terms, defining a phenomenon, its characteristics, or explaining a phenomenon using existing knowledge.

Ticket number 18

  1. Qualitative problems on the topic “Kinematics”.
  2. Text for the section “Molecular Physics” containing a description of the experiment. Tasks to determine (or formulate) the hypothesis of the experiment, the conditions for its conduct and conclusions.

Ticket number 19

  1. Qualitative problems on the topic “Laws of Thermodynamics”.
  2. Text on the section “Quantum physics and elements of astrophysics”, containing a description of the use of the laws of quantum, atomic or nuclear physics in technology. Tasks to understand the basic principles underlying the operation of the described device.

Ticket number 20

  1. L.r. "Study of the dependence of the period of revolution on the magnitude of the force."
  2. A text in the section “Molecular Physics” containing a description of physical phenomena or processes observed in nature or in everyday life. Tasks for understanding physical terms, defining a phenomenon, its characteristics, or explaining a phenomenon using existing knowledge.

Ticket number 21

  1. Qualitative problems on the topic “Structure of gases, liquids and solids.”
  2. A text on the topic “Quantum physics and elements of astrophysics” containing a description of physical phenomena or processes observed in nature or in everyday life. Tasks for understanding physical terms, defining a phenomenon, its characteristics, or explaining a phenomenon using existing knowledge.

Ticket number 22

  • A text in the section “Molecular Physics” containing a description of physical phenomena or processes observed in nature or in everyday life. Tasks for understanding physical terms, defining a phenomenon or its signs, explaining the phenomenon using existing knowledge.
  • Ticket number 24

    1. L.r. "Study of the motion of a body under the action of a constant force."
    2. A text in the “Electrodynamics” section containing a description of physical phenomena or processes observed in nature or in everyday life. Tasks for understanding physical terms, defining a phenomenon, its characteristics, or explaining a phenomenon using existing knowledge.

    Ticket number 25

    1. L.r. "Measurement of EMF and internal resistance of the source."
    2. Text for the “Mechanics” section containing a description of the experiment. Tasks to determine (or formulate) the hypothesis of the experiment, the conditions for its conduct and conclusions.

    Ticket number 26

    1. Qualitative problems on the topic “Laws of Dynamics”.
    2. Text on the topic “Electromagnetic fields”, containing information about electromagnetic pollution of the environment. Tasks to determine the degree of exposure to electromagnetic fields on humans and ensure environmental safety.


    Ticket No. 1

    1. Mechanical movement. Relativity of motion. Reference system. Material point. Trajectory. Path and movement. Instant speed.

    2. Laboratory work on the topic “Measurement of body acceleration during uniformly accelerated motion.”

    Ticket No. 2

    1. Free fall of bodies. Uniform movement in a circle. Centripetal acceleration. Kinematics of rotational motion. Relationship between angular and linear speed.

    2. Problem on the topic “Conservation laws in mechanics.”

    Ticket No. 3

    1. Interaction of bodies. Force. Newton's second law.

    2. Task on the topic “Body impulse”.

    Ticket No. 4

    1. Body impulse. Law of conservation of momentum. Manifestation of the law of conservation of momentum in nature and its use in technology.

    2. Problem on the topic “Kinematics of rotational motion.”

    Ticket No. 5

    1. The law of universal gravitation. Gravity. Body weight. Weightlessness.

    2. The task of finding the efficiency of a heat engine.

    Ticket No. 6

    1. Energy. Potential and kinetic energy..

    2. Problem on the topic “The first law of thermodynamics. Efficiency of heat engines".

    Ticket No. 7

    1. Energy conversion during mechanical vibrations. Free and forced vibrations.

    2. Problem on parallel connection of conductors

    Ticket No. 8

    1. Experimental basis for the main provisions of the MCT structure of matter. Mass and size of molecules. Avogadro's constant.

    2. Problem on the movement or equilibrium of an infected particle in an electric field.

    Ticket No. 9

    1. Ideal gas. Basic MCT equation for an ideal gas. Temperature and its measurement. Absolute temperature.

    2. The task of determining the magnetic field induction (according to the ampere law or the formula for calculating the Lorentz force).

    Ticket No. 10

    1. Work of force. Power.

    2. Problem on the topic “Law of Conservation of Energy”

    Ticket No. 11

    1. Equation of state of an ideal gas. Isoprocesses.

    2. Problem on the topic “Coulomb’s Law”.

    Ticket No. 12

    1. Evaporation and condensation. Saturation and unsaturated vapors. Air humidity. Air humidity measurement.

    2. Laboratory work “Measuring the resistance of two series-connected resistors.”

    Ticket No. 13

    1. Crystalline and amphora bodies. Elastic and plastic deformations of solids.

    2. The task of applying the law of electromagnetic induction.

    Ticket No. 14

    1. Forces and energy of intermolecular interaction. The structure of gaseous, liquid and solid bodies. Stern's experience.

    2. Task on the topic “Internal energy. Calculation of the amount of heat."

    Ticket No. 15

    1. Ideal gas. Ideal gas state parameters

    2. Laboratory work on the topic “Determination of the elastic modulus of a material”

    Ticket No. 16

    1. Internal energy. Heat capacity. Specific heat. The first law of thermodynamics. Adiabatic process.

    2. The task of applying the law of conservation of energy.

    Ticket number 17

    1. Electromagnetic induction. Magnetic flux. Law of electromagnetic induction. Lenz's rule

    2. Problem on the topic “Law of conservation of momentum.”

    Ticket No. 18

    1. Capacitors. Capacitance of the capacitor. Application of capacitors.

    2. Problem on applying the equation of state of an ideal gas.

    Ticket No. 19

    1. Work and power in a DC circuit. Electromotive force. Ohm's law for a complete circuit.

    2. Laboratory work “Measuring body weight.”

    Ticket No. 20

    1. Magnetic field, conditions of its existence. The effect of a magnetic field on an electric charge and experiments confirming this effect. Magnetic induction.

    2. Laboratory work “Measuring air humidity.”

    Ticket No. 21

    1. Semiconductors. Intrinsic and impurity conductivity of semiconductors. Semiconductor devices.

    2. Problem on isoprocesses.

    Ticket No. 22

    1. The principle of operation of a heat engine. Heat engine efficiency.

    2. The task of determining the work of a gas using a graph of the dependence of gas pressure on its volume.

    Ticket No. 23

    1. Second law of thermodynamics. Refrigeration machine. Thermal engine.

    2. The task of applying the law of conservation of momentum.

    Ticket No. 24

    1. Properties of liquids. Surface layer of liquid. Capillary phenomena.

    2. Laboratory work on the topic “Determination of air humidity in a physics classroom.”

    Ticket No. 25

    1. Properties of solids. Hooke's law. Mechanical properties of solids. Melting and crystallization.

    2. The task of determining the Young's modulus of the material from which the wire is made.

    Ticket No. 26

    1. The principle of superposition of fields. Work of electrostatic field forces. Potential. Potential difference.

    2. Problem on applying the Joule-Lenz law.

    Appendix to exam papers (tasks).

    Ticket No. 2

    Ticket No. 3

    Ticket No. 4

    Ticket No. 5

    Ticket No. 6

    Ticket No. 7

    Ticket No. 8

    Ticket No. 9

    The task is to determine the magnetic field induction (according to the ampere law or the formula for calculating the Lorentz force).

    Determine the induction of a uniform magnetic field if a force of 50 mN acts on a conductor 0.2 m long from the field side. The conductor forms an angle of 30 0 with the direction of the field lines and a current of 10 A flows through it.

    Ticket No. 10

    Ticket No. 11

    Ticket No. 13

    Ticket No. 14

    Ticket No. 16

    Ticket No. 17

    Ticket No. 18

    Ticket No. 21

    Problem on isoprocesses.

    The figure shows two isochores for the same mass of an ideal gas. How is the ratio of the volumes occupied by gases determined if the angles of inclination of the isochores to the abscissa axis are equal to and ?

    Ticket No. 22

    Ticket No. 23

    Ticket No. 25

    Ticket number 26

    Standards of correct answers


    1. Mechanical movement. Relativity of motion. Reference system. Material point. Trajectory. Path and movement. Instant speed.

    Mechanical movement is a change in the position of a body (or its parts) relative to other bodies.

    From these examples it is clear that it is always necessary to indicate the body relative to which the movement is being considered; it is called body of reference. The coordinate system, the reference body with which it is associated, and the chosen method of measuring time form reference system. Thus, sometimes the size of a body compared to the distance to it can be neglected; in these cases, the body is considered a material point. The line along which the material point moves is called a trajectory. The length of the part of the trajectory between the initial and final position of the point is called the path (L). The unit of measurement for the path is 1m.

    Mechanical motion is characterized by three physical quantities: displacement, speed and acceleration.

    A directed line segment drawn from the initial position of a moving point to its final position is called moving(s).

    Speed- a vector physical quantity characterizing the speed of movement of a body, numerically equal to the ratio of movement over a short period of time to the value of this interval.

    Acceleration- vector physical quantity characterizing the rate of change in speed, numerically equal to the ratio of the change in speed to the period of time during which this change occurred

    Movement in which the speed of a body does not change, i.e., the body moves by the same amount over any equal periods of time, is called uniform linear movement.

    With such movement, speed and acceleration have the same directions, and the speed changes equally over any equal intervals of time. This type of movement is called uniformly accelerated.

    When braking a car, the speed decreases equally over any equal periods of time, the acceleration is less than zero; since the speed decreases, the equations take the form:

    v = v 0 + at, s = v 0 t - at 2 / 2. This type of motion is called uniformly slow.

    Ticket No. 2

    Free fall of bodies. Uniform movement in a circle. Centripetal acceleration. Kinematics of rotational motion. Relationship between angular and linear speed.

    1. One of the most common types of motion with constant acceleration is the free fall of bodies.

    Free fall - This is the movement of bodies only under the influence of the Earth’s attraction (under the influence of gravity).

    In free fall, all bodies near the Earth's surface, regardless of their mass, acquire same acceleration, called the acceleration of gravity.

    Symbol for free fall acceleration - g.

    On the Earth's surface, the gravitational acceleration (g) varies from 9.78 m/s 2 at the equator to 9.83 m/s 2 at the pole.

    2. Circular motion is a special case of curvilinear motion.

    If for any equal periods of time the radius vector of the body rotates through equal angles, and the linear speed of the body does not change in absolute value (i.e. if |v 0 |=|v|), the body’s motion in a circle is called uniform (one should not forget that uniform motion in a circle occurs with acceleration, since the speed of the body continuously changes in direction).

    Angular velocity they call a value equal to the ratio of the angle of rotation of the radius vector of a point moving in a circle to the time interval t during which this rotation occurred.

    The speed of a body directed tangentially to a circle is called linear.

    The instantaneous speed of the body at each point of the curvilinear trajectory is directed tangent to the trajectory. Hence, in curvilinear motion, the direction of the body's speed continuously changes. those. movement in a circle with a speed constant in absolute value is accelerated. Centripetal acceleration is always directed towards the center of the circle:

    Linear and angular velocities are related: , i.e. .

    Period- a physical quantity that shows the time it takes a point to complete one full revolution. If we designate N– number of revolutions, and T– period, then: .

    The SI unit of measurement is s. Because during a period the point rotates through an angle , That .

    Frequency– the number of revolutions that the point made per unit of time: .

    SI unit of measurement – Hz (hertz). The frequency is equal to one hertz if in 1 second the point makes one full revolution ( 1Hz=1s -1). Frequency and period are mutually inverse quantities: . Hence: .


    Force. Weight. Newton's second law.

    The actions of bodies on each other, creating acceleration, are called forces. All forces can be divided into two main types: forces that act upon direct contact, and forces that act regardless of whether the bodies are in contact or not, i.e., at a distance.

    Force is a vector quantity. Strength is measured with a dynamometer. The forces acting upon direct contact act over the entire contacting surface of the bodies. A hammer hitting the head of a nail affects the entire head. But if the area is small, then the body is considered to act on one point. This point is called the application point. If several forces act on a body, then their action on the body can be replaced by one, the replacement force is called the sum or resultant.

    The property of bodies to acquire a certain acceleration under a given influence is called inertia. Inertia consists in the fact that in order to change the speed of a body by a given amount, it is necessary for another body to act on it and this action lasts for some time. Inertia is a property inherent in all bodies. Weight body - a quantitative measure of its inertia.

    A body that changes its speed less as a result of interaction is said to be more inert and its mass is greater:

    The SI unit of body mass is the kilogram (kg).

    Since mass is included in the law of universal gravitation, it also determines the gravitational interaction of bodies.

    Newton's II law

    The force acting on the body is equal to the product of the body mass and the acceleration created by this force, and the directions of the force and acceleration coincide: a = F/m

    The law can be expressed in another form. The acceleration imparted to a body is directly proportional to the force acting on the body, inversely proportional to the mass of the body and is directed in the same way as the force.

    Features of Newton's II law:

    1. True for any strength.

    2. Force is the cause, determines acceleration.

    3. Vector A aligned with the vector F.

    4. If several forces act on a body, then the resultant is taken.

    5. If the resultant is zero, then the acceleration is zero. (Newton's first law)

    6. Can only be applied to bodies whose speed is low compared to the speed of light.

    Ticket No. 4

    Response plan

    1. Body impulse. 2. Law of conservation of momentum. 3. Application of the law of conservation of momentum. 4. Jet propulsion.

    There are quantities that can be conserved when bodies interact. These quantities are energy And pulse.

    Body impulse is called a vector physical quantity, which is a quantitative characteristic of the translational motion of bodies. The impulse is designated R. Pulse unit

    R - kg m/s. The momentum of a body is equal to the product of the mass of the body and its speed: p = mv. Pulse vector direction R coincides with the direction of the body velocity vector v(Fig. 4).

    The conservation law holds for the momentum of bodies. It has the form m 1 v 1 + t 2 v 2 = m 1 v 1 " + t 2 v 2 " Where t 1 And

    t 2 - masses of bodies, and v 1 and v 2, are the velocities before interaction, v 1 "and v 2" - speed after interaction. This

    the formula is a mathematical expression of the law of conservation of momentum: the momentum of a closed physical system is conserved during any interactions occurring within this system.

    In mechanics, the law of conservation of momentum and Newton's laws are interconnected. If the body weighs T for a time t force acts and the speed of its movement varies from v 0 to v , then the acceleration of movement a body is equal a= (v - v 0)/t. Based on Newton's second law for force F can be written down F = tha = m(v - v 0)/t, this implies

    Ft = mv - mv 0 .

    Ft- vector physical quantity characterizing the action of a force on a body over a certain period of time and equal to the product of force and time t her actions are called impulse of power.

    Pulse unit in SI - N s.

    The law of conservation of momentum underlies jet propulsion. Jet propulsion- this is the movement of the body that occurs after separation of its part from the body.

    Much credit for the development of the theory of jet propulsion belongs to K. E. Tsiolkovsky.

    He developed the theory of flight of a body of variable mass (a rocket) in a uniform gravitational field and calculated the fuel reserves necessary to overcome the force of gravity; fundamentals of the theory of a liquid jet engine, as well as elements of its design; the theory of multi-stage rockets, and proposed two options: parallel (several jet engines work simultaneously) and sequential (jet engines work one after another). The movement of many marine mollusks (octopuses, jellyfish, squid, cuttlefish) is also based on the reactive principle.

    Ticket No. 5

    The law of universal gravitation. Gravitational field. Gravity. Body weight.

    Isaac Newton suggested that there are forces of mutual attraction between any bodies in nature. These forces are called gravitational forces, or forces of universal gravity. The force of universal gravity manifests itself in Space, the Solar System and on Earth. Newton generalized the laws of motion of celestial bodies and found out that the force F is equal to:

    m 1 and m 2-mass of interacting bodies, R is the distance between them, G is the coefficient of proportionality, which is called the gravitational constant. The numerical value of the gravitational constant was experimentally determined by Cavendish by measuring the force of interaction between lead balls. As a result, the law of universal gravitation sounds like this: between any material points there is a force of mutual attraction, directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them, acting along the line connecting these points.

    The forces of universal gravity act between any bodies in nature, but they become noticeable at large masses (or if at least the mass of one of the bodies is large). The law of universal gravitation is satisfied only for material points and balls (in this case, the distance between the centers of the balls is taken as the distance).

    A special type of universal gravitational force is the force of attraction of bodies towards the Earth (or to another planet). This force is called gravity. Under the influence of this force, all bodies acquire gravitational acceleration. According to Newton's second law g = F heavy *m therefore F heavy = mg. The force of gravity is always directed towards the center of the Earth. Depending on height h above the Earth's surface and the geographic latitude of the body's position, the acceleration of gravity takes on different values. On the Earth's surface and in mid-latitudes, the acceleration of gravity is 9.831 m/s2.
    The concept is widely used in technology and everyday life body weight. The weight of a body is the force with which the body presses on a support or suspension as a result of gravitational attraction to the planet (Fig. 1). The weight of the body is denoted by R. The unit of weight is N. Since the weight is equal to the force with which the body acts on the support, then, in accordance with Newton’s third law, the largest weight of the body is equal to the reaction force of the support. Therefore, in order to find the weight of the body, it is necessary to determine what the support reaction force is equal to.

    If the body is freely falling, then in this case P = (g- g)m = 0. The state of a body in which its weight is zero is called weightlessness. The state of weightlessness is observed in an airplane or spacecraft when moving with free fall acceleration, regardless of the direction and value of the speed of their movement. Outside the Earth's atmosphere, when the jet engines are turned off, only the force of universal gravity acts on the spacecraft. Under the influence of this force, the spaceship and all the bodies in it move with the same acceleration, therefore a state of weightlessness is observed in the ship.

    Ticket No. 6

    Energy. Potential and kinetic energy.

    Moving bodies have the ability to do work when their speed changes. The energy possessed by a body due to its motion is called kinetic energy.

    The part of mechanical energy caused by the movement of a body is called kinetic energy - Ek.

    Dependence of kinetic energy on the mass of a moving body and its speed

    The kinetic energy of a body moving at a certain speed is equal to the work that must be done to impart this speed to a stationary body. Let a constant force F be applied to a stationary body of mass m. Then Ek = A = Fs, where s is the displacement modulus. Substituting the expressions F = ma and s = into this formula v 2/2a, we get: kinetic energy of a body of mass m moving at speed v, is expressed by the formula Eк = m v 2/2.

    The part of mechanical energy that is determined by the relative position of the bodies that interact is called potential energy - Ep.

    For example, if gravity does work as a weight falls down, the lifted weight and Earth system has potential energy.

    Let us denote the change in potential energy , where index 1 indicates the initial state of the system, and index 2 indicates the final state.

    If, during a change in the relative position of bodies, the system performs positive work, its potential energy decreases, and if the system performs negative work, its potential energy increases.

    The change in potential energy ΔEp and A the work performed by the system are related by the relation:

    ΔEp = -A.

    From this formula it follows that only the change in potential energy has physical meaning: it is measured by the work that the system has performed. The choice of the zero level of potential energy is determined by considerations of convenience for solving each specific problem.

    A) Potential energy of a load raised above the ground. While lifting a load of mass m to a height h, work is performed mgh, therefore the potential energy of the “load and Earth” system increases by mgh. Let us choose as the zero level of potential energy the state of the system when the load is on the surface of the earth. Then Ep = mgh.

    b) Potential energy of a deformed spring. The potential energy of a deformed spring is equal to the work that must be done to deform the spring. A = kx 2 /2, where k is the spring stiffness, x is its elongation. Therefore, the potential energy of the deformed spring Ep = kx 2 /2.

    Ticket No. 7

    Response plan

    1. Definition of oscillatory motion. 2. Free vibrations. 3. Energy transformations. 4. Forced vibrations.

    Mechanical vibrations are movements of the body that are repeated exactly or approximately at equal intervals of time. The main characteristics of mechanical vibrations are: displacement, amplitude, frequency, period. Bias is a deviation from the equilibrium position. Amplitude- module of maximum deviation from the equilibrium position. Frequency- the number of complete oscillations performed per unit of time. Period- the time of one complete oscillation, i.e. the minimum period of time after which the process is repeated. Period and frequency are related by: v= 1/T.

    The simplest type of oscillatory motion is harmonic vibrations, in which the oscillating quantity changes over time according to the law of sine or cosine (Fig.).

    Free- are called oscillations that occur due to the initially imparted energy in the subsequent absence of external influences on the system performing the oscillations. For example, vibrations of a load on a thread (Fig.).

    Let's consider the process of energy conversion using the example of oscillations of a load on a thread (see figure).

    When the pendulum deviates from its equilibrium position, it rises to a height h relative to the zero level, therefore, at the point A a pendulum has potential energy mgh. When moving to the equilibrium position, to point O, the height decreases to zero, and the speed of the load increases, and at point O all the potential energy mgh will be converted into kinetic energy mv g/2. At equilibrium, kinetic energy is at its maximum and potential energy is at its minimum. After passing the equilibrium position, the kinetic energy is converted into potential energy, the speed of the pendulum decreases and, at the maximum deviation from the equilibrium position, becomes equal to zero. With oscillatory motion, periodic transformations of its kinetic and potential energies always occur.

    With free mechanical vibrations, energy loss inevitably occurs to overcome resistance forces. If vibrations occur under the influence of a periodically acting external force, then such vibrations are called forced.

    When the frequency of the external force and the frequency of the body’s own vibrations coincide, the amplitude of the forced vibrations increases sharply. This phenomenon is called mechanical resonance.

    Ht- amplitude

    w- frequency of external force

    w0- frequency of natural oscillations

    The phenomenon of resonance can cause the destruction of cars, buildings, bridges if their natural frequencies coincide with the frequency of a periodically acting force. Therefore, for example, engines in cars are installed on special shock absorbers, and military units are prohibited from keeping pace when moving across the bridge.

    Ticket No. 8

    Response plan

    1. Basic provisions. 2. Experienced evidence. 3. Micro-characteristics of the substance.

    Molecular kinetic theory is a branch of physics that studies the properties of various states of matter, based on the idea of ​​the existence of molecules and atoms as the smallest particles of matter. ICT is based on three main principles:

    1. All substances consist of tiny particles: molecules, atoms or ions.

    2. These particles are in continuous chaotic motion, the speed of which determines the temperature of the substance.

    3. Between particles there are forces of attraction and repulsion, the nature of which depends on the distance between them.

    The main provisions of the ICT are confirmed by many experimental facts. The existence of molecules, atoms and ions has been proven experimentally, the molecules have been sufficiently studied and even photographed using electron microscopes. The ability of gases to expand and occupy indefinitely all the volume provided by it is explained by the continuous chaotic movement of molecules. Elasticity gases, solids and liquids, the ability of liquids to wet some solids, the processes of coloring, gluing, retention of shape by solids and much more indicate the existence of forces of attraction and repulsion between molecules. The phenomenon of diffusion - the ability of molecules of one substance to penetrate into the spaces between the molecules of another - also confirms the main provisions of MCT. The phenomenon of diffusion explains, for example, the spread of odors, the mixing of dissimilar liquids, the process of dissolving solids in liquids, and the welding of metals by melting them or by pressure. Confirmation of the continuous chaotic movement of molecules is also Brownian motion - the continuous chaotic movement of microscopic particles insoluble in liquid.

    The motion of Brownian particles is explained by the chaotic motion of liquid particles that collide with microscopic particles and set them in motion. It has been experimentally proven that the speed of Brownian particles depends on the temperature of the liquid. The theory of Brownian motion was developed by A. Einstein. The laws of particle motion are statistical and probabilistic in nature. There is only one known way to reduce the intensity of Brownian motion - decreasing the temperature. The existence of Brownian motion convincingly confirms the movement of molecules.

    Any substance consists of particles, therefore amount of substance is considered to be proportional to the number of particles, i.e., structural elements contained in the body, v.

    The unit of quantity of a substance is mole.Mole- this is the amount of substance containing the same number of structural elements of any substance as there are atoms in 12 g of carbon C 12. The ratio of the number of molecules of a substance to the amount of substance is called Avogadro's constant:

    n a = N/v. na = 6.02 10 23 mol -1.

    Avogadro's constant shows how many atoms and molecules are contained in one mole of a substance. Molar mass is a quantity equal to the ratio of the mass of a substance to the amount of substance:

    Molar mass is expressed in kg/mol. Knowing the molar mass, you can calculate the mass of one molecule:

    m 0 = m/N = m/vN A = M/N A

    The average mass of molecules is usually determined by chemical methods; Avogadro's constant is determined with high accuracy by several physical methods. The masses of molecules and atoms are determined with a significant degree of accuracy using a mass spectrograph.

    The masses of molecules are very small. For example, the mass of a water molecule: t = 29.9 10 -27 kg.

    Molar mass is related to the relative molecular mass of Mr. Relative molar mass is a value equal to the ratio of the mass of a molecule of a given substance to 1/12 of the mass of the C 12 carbon atom. If the chemical formula of a substance is known, then using the periodic table its relative mass can be determined, which, when expressed in kilograms, shows the molar mass of this substance.

    Ticket No. 9

    Response plan

    1. The concept of an ideal gas, properties. 2. Explanation of gas pressure. 3. The need to measure temperature. 4. Physical meaning of temperature. 5. Temperature scales. 6. Absolute temperature.

    To explain the properties of matter in the gaseous state, the ideal gas model is used. Ideal It is considered gas if:

    a) there are no attractive forces between molecules, i.e. molecules behave like absolutely elastic bodies;

    b) the gas is very discharged, i.e. the distance between the molecules is much greater than the size of the molecules themselves;

    c) thermal equilibrium throughout the entire volume is achieved instantly. The conditions necessary for a real gas to acquire the properties of an ideal gas are met under the appropriate rarefaction of the real gas. Some gases, even at room temperature and atmospheric pressure, differ slightly from ideal ones.

    The main parameters of an ideal gas are pressure, volume and temperature.

    One of the first and important successes of MCT was the qualitative and quantitative explanation of gas pressure on the walls of a vessel. Qualitative the explanation is that gas molecules, when colliding with the walls of a vessel, interact with them according to the laws of mechanics as elastic bodies and transfer their impulses to the walls of the vessel.

    Based on the use of the basic principles of molecular kinetic theory, the basic MKT equation for an ideal gas was obtained, which looks like this: p = 1/3 t 0 pv 2 .

    Here R - ideal gas pressure, m 0 -

    molecular mass, P - concentration of molecules, v 2 - the mean square of molecular speed.

    Denoting the average value of the kinetic energy of the translational motion of ideal gas molecules E k, we obtain the basic equation of MKT of an ideal gas in the form: p = 2/3nE k .

    However, by measuring only gas pressure, it is impossible to know either the average kinetic energy of individual molecules or their concentration. Consequently, to find the microscopic parameters of a gas, it is necessary to measure some other physical quantity related to the average kinetic energy of the molecules. Such a quantity in physics is temperature. Temperature - a scalar physical quantity that describes the state of thermodynamic equilibrium (a state in which there is no change in microscopic parameters). As a thermodynamic quantity, temperature characterizes the thermal state of the system and is measured by the degree of its deviation from what is assumed to be zero; as a molecular-kinetic quantity, it characterizes the intensity of the chaotic movement of molecules and is measured by their average kinetic energy.

    E k = 3/2 kT, Where k = 1.38 10 -23 J/K and is called Boltzmann constant.

    The temperature of all parts of an isolated system in equilibrium is the same. Temperature is measured by thermometers in degrees of various temperature scales. There is an absolute thermodynamic scale (the Kelvin scale) and various empirical scales that differ in their starting points. Before the introduction of the absolute temperature scale, the Celsius scale was widely used in practice (the freezing point of water is taken to be 0 °C, and the boiling point of water at normal atmospheric pressure is taken to be 100 °C).

    The unit of temperature on an absolute scale is called Kelvin and is chosen to be equal to one degree on the Celsius scale 1 K = 1 °C. In the Kelvin scale, absolute zero temperature is taken as zero, that is, the temperature at which the pressure of an ideal gas at constant volume is zero. Calculations give the result that absolute zero temperature is -273 °C. Thus, there is a relationship between the absolute temperature scale and the Celsius scale T = t°C + 273. Absolute zero temperatures are unattainable, since any cooling is based on the evaporation of molecules from the surface, and when approaching absolute zero, the speed of translational movement of molecules slows down so much that evaporation practically stops. Theoretically, at absolute zero, the speed of translational motion of molecules is zero, i.e., the thermal motion of molecules stops.

    Ticket No. 10

    Work of force. Power.

    The work done by a force is equal to the product of the moduli of force and displacement and the cosine of the angle between them. This formula is valid when the force is constant and the body moves along a straight line.

    The sign of the work is determined by the sign of the cosine of the angle between force and displacement.

    If α<90˚, то A>0,

    If α>90˚, then A<0

    If α=0, then A=0

    If several forces act on a body, then the total work (the sum of the work of all forces) is equal to the work of the resulting force.

    A = F1r | ∆r|+F2r |∆r|+…=A1+A2+… .

    In the International System of Units, work is measured in joules (J)

    1 J = 1 N 1 m = 1 N m

    A joule is the work done by a force of 1 N to move 1 m if the directions of the force and the movement coincide.

    Power is the ratio of work A to the time interval ∆t during which this work is performed. N = A/∆t

    If we substitute the work formula into the power formula, it turns out that the power is equal to the product of the modulus of the force vector by the modulus of the velocity vector and the cosine of the angle between the directions.

    Department of Education of the Vladimir Region

    Vocational school No. 51

    Practical part

    For physics exams

    Physics teacher:

    Karavaeva A.V.

    Ticket No. 1

    The task is to apply the law of conservation of mass number and electric charge.

    1. When aluminum nuclei are irradiated – 27 with hard γ-quanta, magnesium nuclei are formed – 26. What particle is released in this reaction? Write the equation for the nuclear reaction.

    2. When the nuclei of a certain chemical element are irradiated with protons, sodium-22 nuclei and α-particles are formed (one for each act of transformation). Which nuclei were irradiated? Write the equation for the nuclear reaction.

    According to D.I. Mendeleev’s periodic system of chemical elements: ; ; .

    3. Write the equation of the thermonuclear reaction and determine its energy output, if it is known that the fusion of two deuterium nuclei produces a neutron and an unknown nucleus.

    Answer: E = - 3.3 MeV

    Ticket number 2

    Laboratory work

    Measuring the refractive index of glass.

    Equipment: Glass prism, light bulb, pins, protractor, pencil, ruler, table.

    Completing of the work.

    α-angle of incidence

    β-angle of refraction

    α=60 0 , sin α=0.86

    β=35 0 , sin β=0.58

    n – relative refractive index


    Conclusion: The relative refractive index of glass was determined.

    Ticket number 3

    The task is to determine the period and frequency of free oscillations in an oscillatory circuit.

    1. Calculate the frequency of natural oscillations in the circuit if its inductance is 12 mH and the capacitance is 0.88 μF? And active resistance is zero.

    α=2x3.14x3x10 8 x

    Answer: α = 3.8 x 10 4 m.

    Ticket number 4

    Problem on application of the 1st law of thermodynamics.

    1. When heated, the gas in the cylinder expands. At the same time, it pushes the piston, doing work of 1000 J. Determine the amount of heat imparted to the gas if the internal energy changes by 2500 J.

    A / = 1000 J

    Q = 2500+1000=3500 J

    Answer: 3500 J.

    2. During isothermal expansion, the gas performed 50 J of work. Find the change in its internal energy and the amount of heat transferred to it in this process.

    Answer: Δ U = 0, Q = 50 J.

    3. Oxygen weighing 0.1 kg is compressed adiabatically. In this case, the gas temperature increases from 273 K to 373 K. What is the conversion of internal energy and the work done during gas compression?

    Ticket number 5

    Laboratory work

    Calculation and measurement of the resistance of 2 parallel connected resistors.

    Equipment: ammeter, voltmeter, 2 resistors, current source, key.

    Completing of the work:

    R 1 =40 m; R 2 =20 m

    R= Ohm

    Conclusion: We determined the resistance of the 1st and 2nd resistors, the total resistance.

    Ticket number 6

    The problem is the movement or equilibrium of a charged particle in an electric field.

    1. A droplet weighing 10 -4 g is in equilibrium in an electric field with a strength of 98 N/C. Find the amount of charge on the droplet.

    Ticket number 8

    Problem on the application of Einstein's equation for the photoelectric effect.

    1. Determine the maximum kinetic energy of potassium photoelectrons when illuminated by rays with a wavelength of 4x10 -7 m, if the work function is 2.26 eV.

    2.26 eV = 2.26 x 1.6x10 -19 J = 3.6x10 -19 J

    J≈ 4.97x10 -19 – 3.6x10 -19 ≈ 1.4x10 -19 J.

    Answer: 1.4x10 -19 J.

    2. The work function of electrons from cadmium is 4.08 eV. What is the wavelength of light incident on the surface of cadmium if the maximum speed of photoelectrons is 7.2 x 10 5 m/s 2?

    Ticket number 9

    Laboratory work

    Determination of the wavelength of light using a diffraction grating.

    Equipment: diffraction grating, light source, black screen with a narrow vertical slit in the middle.

    Completing of the work

    λ – wavelength

    d- lattice constant

    d=0.01 mm = 10 -2 mm = 10 -5 m

    b-distance on the screen scale from the slit to the selected spectrum line

    k – spectrum order

    a – distance from the grating to the scale

    Conclusion: We learned how to determine the wavelength of light using a diffraction grating.

    Ticket number 10

    The task is to determine the refractive index of a transparent medium.

    1. Determine the refractive index of turpentine if it is known that at an angle of incidence of 45 0 the angle of refraction is 30 0.

    Answer: 1.4.


    Ticket number 11

    The task is to apply the law of electromagnetic induction.

    1. Over what period of time will the magnetic flux change by 0.04 Wb if an induced emf of 16 V is excited in the circuit?

    Δt - ?

    Answer: 2.5x10 -3.

    Answer: ε= 400 V.

    Ticket number 12

    Laboratory work

    “Determination of the acceleration of free fall using a mathematical pendulum”

    Equipment: tripod, mathematical pendulum, stopwatch or clock, ruler.

    Completing of the work

    g-gravitational acceleration

    l – thread length

    N=50 – number of oscillations

    Conclusion: We experimentally determined the acceleration of free fall using a mathematical pendulum.

    Ticket number 13

    Problem on applying the ideal gas equation.

    Ticket number 14

    Laboratory work

    “Determination of the focal length of a collecting lens”

    Completing of the work

    F-focal length

    d - distance from object to lens

    f-distance from image to lens

    D – optical power of the lens


    Conclusion: We learned to determine the focal length and optical power of a converging lens.

    Ticket number 15

    Laboratory work

    "Measuring air humidity"

    Completing of the work


    1. Dry bulb

    2. Wet bulb

    3. Psychrometric table

    tc = 20 0 С tвп = 16 0 С

    Δt = 20 0 C- 16 0 C=4 0 C

    φ=98% - relative air humidity

    Conclusion: We learned how to determine air humidity.

    Ticket number 16

    Problem on using isoprocess graphs.

    1. The figure shows the processes of changing the state of a certain mass of gas. Name these processes. Draw process graphs in the coordinate system P 1 T and VT

    P 1 >P 2 T 1 >T 2

    ...: electrons of atoms emit light that has a line spectrum. The Danish physicist Niels Bohr was the first to try to resolve the contradictions in the planetary nuclear model of atomic structure. Ticket 21. Bohr's quantum postulates. Emission and absorption of light by atoms, explanation of these processes based on quantum concepts. The principle of spectral...

    They are called semiconductors. They did not attract attention for a long time. One of the first to start researching semiconductors was the outstanding Soviet physicist Abram Fedorovich Ioffe. Semiconductors turned out to be not just “bad conductors,” but a special class with many remarkable physical properties that distinguish them from both metals and dielectrics. To understand the properties of semiconductors,...

    3. Actions with names have been completed. 4. Calculations have been made. 5. The solution was analyzed. 6. A simpler problem has been solved. TICKET N 5 I. Newton's third law. Body impulse. Law of conservation of momentum. Jet propulsion. K.E.Tsiolkovsky - ...

    Electric charge e per atomic number Z of a chemical element in the periodic table. Atoms that have the same structure have the same electron shell and are chemically indistinguishable. Nuclear physics uses its own units of measurement. 1 Fermi – 1 femtometer, . 1 atomic mass unit is 1/12 the mass of a carbon atom. . Atoms with the same nuclear charge but different masses are called isotopes...




    Deputy Director for SD_

    Shilkova N.M.



    Profession: 01/08/18 – Electrician of electrical networks and equipment;

    01/15/05 – Welder;

    01/23/03 - Auto mechanic

    Groups: 212, 214, 218

    Semester: IV

    Teacher: Shatnaya O.G.

    Considered at meeting No. ___ of the methodological commission of the natural and mathematical cycle.

    Protocol No. ___ dated “___”______________2016

    Chairman of the MK _____________ Shatnaya O.G.


    Feodosia 2016

    Explanatory note

    The final certification for the specialized academic discipline “physics” in the second year of secondary vocational education for technical professions can be carried out in various forms: an oral exam on tickets, an interview, a written final certification, defense of abstracts, research and design work.

    When developing the examination material, the following laws of the Russian Federation and orders of the Ministry of Education were used:

    1. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science 0t 5.03 2004 No. 1089 “On approval of the federal component of state educational standards of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education (as amended on June 23, 2015).

    2. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 17.29.05. No. 413 “On approval of the federal state educational standard of secondary (complete) general education.”

    3. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2014. No. 1645 “On amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 17, 2012. No. 413 “On approval of the federal state educational standard of secondary (complete) general education.”

    4. Letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science dated February 17, 2014. No. 02-68 “On passing the state final certification in educational programs of secondary general education by students in educational programs of secondary vocational education.”

    5. Letter of the Department of State Policy in the field of training of workers and additional vocational training of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 17, 2015 No. 06-259 “Recommendations for organizing secondary general education within the framework of mastering educational programs of secondary vocational education on the basis of basic general education, taking into account the requirements of federal state educational standards and the acquired profession or specialty of secondary vocational education.”

    6. Codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of training of graduates of educational organizations for conducting the unified state exam in physics.

    Physics exam for professions 01/08/18 - electrician of electrical networks and equipment, 01/15/05 - welder and 01/23/03 - auto mechanic checks the mandatory minimum of secondary education and the requirements for the level of mastery of the academic discipline "physics" at a basic level, except for the section "Electrodynamics" ", which is profile.

    Ticket structure:

    A set of tickets for professions studying physics as a core subject for 258 hours for two years consists of 26 tickets, each of which includes two theoretical and one practical questions. Theoretical questions include didactic units of the section “Content of the academic discipline” of the approximate program of the general education academic discipline “Physics” for professional educational organizations. The practical part (the third question of the tickets) tests students’ skills in solving calculation problems, as well as measuring physical quantities and conducting research on various physical phenomena and laws. The text of the tickets contains both the topics of the tasks and the possible formulation of experimental tasks. The final decision on the types of experimental tasks is made by the educational institution on the basis of the program and educational and methodological package used for training in secondary vocational education.

    As part of the profile level standard “Requirements for the level of graduate training,” it is stated that students must be able to present measurement results taking into account their errors. This requirement is interpreted as follows. When carrying out indirect measurements (calculations), the absolute and relative errors of direct single measurements underlying the calculations are assessed. Evaluation of the results of indirect measurements is carried out only by adding (subtracting) and multiplying the original values. In all cases that are accompanied by random errors, it is impossible to require an assessment of the errors. In these cases, only 3-5 measurements under constant conditions are directly indicated. Most often, it is advisable to replace the term “indirect measurements” with “calculation based on the results of direct measurements.” When constructing graphs of the dependence of physical quantities, it is necessary to indicate the errors of direct measurements on the basis of which the graph is constructed.

    The appendix to the set of tickets for the profile level provides examples of tasks for some tickets, which give an idea of ​​the recommended level of complexity of practical tasks for the oral exam.

    When physics teachers prepare sets of tickets for an oral exam, it is recommended to maintain the structure of each ticket: the questions and tasks included in it should reflect the different sections of the course. The number of tickets is 26 (at least 20), this number does not depend on the number of students taking the exam.

    The content of theoretical and practical questions can be changed in accordance with the educational and methodological component in which physics was studied in a given educational organization, as well as taking into account the available laboratory equipment. Practical questions must contain at least 40% experimental tasks, and it is not allowed to replace experimental tasks with calculation problems.

    When making changes to the texts of tickets, you should remember that the total volume and structure of the content tested during the exam must reflect all the elements of physical knowledge and skills that are provided for in the section of the standard “Requirements for the level of training of graduates” of the corresponding level.”

    In the process of preparing for exams, students are offered the texts of the tickets and possible options for practical tasks for each of them. To conduct the exam, a separate set of text assignments for the practical part is prepared for each group, which is approved by the administration of the educational institution and agreed with the methodological commission. The texts of the assignments are kept by the director of the educational institution and are not communicated to students in advance.

    When conducting an oral exam in physics, students are given the right to use, if necessary:

    Reference tables of physical quantities;

    Posters and tables for answering theoretical questions;

    Non-programmable calculator for calculations when solving problems;

    Instruments and materials for experimental tasks.

    Students are given at least 40 minutes to prepare an answer to the questions on the ticket.

    You can evaluate the answer based on a maximum of 5 points for each question and then calculate the average score for the exam.

    When assessing students' answers to theoretical questions, it is advisable to conduct an element-by-element analysis of the answer based on the requirements for knowledge and skills of the program in which they studied, as well as the structural elements of certain types of knowledge and skills. Below are generalizing plans for the main elements of physical knowledge, in which the symbol * indicates those elements that should be considered mandatory and without which it is impossible to give a satisfactory grade.

    Problem solving(in profile level tickets)

    - considered completely correct , if the formulas expressing the physical laws, the application of which is necessary to solve the problem in the chosen way, are correctly written, the necessary mathematical transformations and calculations leading to the correct numerical answer are given, and the answer is presented.

    - satisfactory can be considered a solution that contains only the initial formulas necessary to solve the problem, and thus the examinee demonstrates understanding of the physical model presented in the problem. In this case, errors in mathematical transformations or incorrect recording of one of the original formulas are allowed.

    When evaluating experimental tasks

    - maximum score is assigned if the student performs the work in full in compliance with the required sequence of experiments and measurements, independently and rationally installs the necessary equipment, conducts all experiments in conditions and modes that ensure the receipt of correct results and conclusions, complies with the requirements of safety regulations, correctly and carefully carries out all notes, drawings, drawings, graphs, calculations, and also correctly analyzes errors.

    - satisfactory rating is put under the condition that students understand the physical phenomenon being tested in the experimental task and correctly carry out direct measurements.

    Criteria for assessing the oral response in the exam:

    "5" is set to the student if he:

    1) discovered a complete understanding of the physical essence of the phenomena under consideration and the law;

    2) gives an accurate definition and interpretation of basic concepts, laws, theories, as well as the correct definition of physical quantities, their units and methods;

    3) technically competently performs drawings, diagrams, graphs accompanying the answer, correctly writes down formulas and measurements, using the accepted system of symbols;

    4) when answering, does not repeat verbatim the text of a textbook or lecture, but is able to select the main thing, demonstrates independence and well-reasoned judgments, and is able to establish connections between the material being studied, learned in the study of related subjects;

    5) knows how to independently and rationally work with a textbook, additional literature and reference books.

    "4" is placed in the event that the answer satisfies the above requirements, but the student:

    1) makes one gross mistake or no more than two shortcomings and can do them independently or with a little help from the teacher;

    2) does not have sufficient skills in working with reference literature.

    "3" is placed in the event that the student correctly understands the physical essence of the phenomena and patterns under consideration, but when answering:

    1) reveals individual gaps in the mastery of essential issues of the physics course that do not interfere with the further mastery of the program material;

    2) has difficulty in applying the knowledge necessary to solve problems of various types, in explaining specific physical phenomena based on theory and laws, or in confirming specific examples of the practical application of the theory;

    3) does not fully answer the teacher’s questions, or reproduces the contents of the textbook, but does not sufficiently understand certain provisions that are important in this text.

    "2" is set if the student:

    1) does not know or understand a significant or major part of the program material within the limits of the questions posed.

    List of questions for the exam

      Types of mechanical movement. Relativity of mechanical motion. Reference system. Speed ​​and acceleration during uniformly accelerated motion.

      Kinematic characteristics and graphic description of uniform rectilinear motion.

      Kinematic characteristics and graphic description of uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion.

      Force. Forces in nature: elasticity, friction, gravity. Superposition principle.

      Inertial reporting systems. Newton's first law. Galileo's principle of relativity.

      The law of universal gravitation. Weight. Weightlessness.

      Pulse. Law of conservation of momentum. Jet propulsion.

      Potential and kinetic energy. Law of conservation of energy in mechanics.

      Free and forced mechanical vibrations. Harmonic vibrations. Displacement, amplitude, period, frequency, phase. Dependence of the oscillation period on the properties of the system.

      Mechanical waves. Wavelength. Sound. Sound speed.

      Models of the structure of gases, liquids and solids.

      Basic principles of molecular kinetic theory and their experimental substantiation. Brownian motion.

      Thermal movement of molecules. Absolute temperature is a measure of average kinetic energy

      Ideal gas model. Relationship between pressure and average kinetic energy of molecules.

      Ideal gas. Equation of state of an ideal gas (Mendeleev-Clapeyron equation).

      Internal energy and ways to change it. First law of thermodynamics.

      First law of thermodynamics. Irreversibility of thermal processes.

      Heat engines and environmental protection. Efficiency of heat engines.

      Electric charge. Law of conservation of charge. Interaction of charged bodies. Coulomb's law.

      Electric field, its materiality. Electric field strength and potential.

      Conductors and dielectrics in an electric field. The dielectric constant.

      Capacitor. Electrical capacity. Electrical capacity of a flat capacitor. Connection of capacitors.

      Constant electric current. Circuit section resistance. Ohm's law for a section of a circuit.

      Parallel and series connection of conductors.

      Electromotive force. Ohm's law for a complete (closed) circuit.

      Thermal effect of current. Joule-Lenz law. Electric current power.

      Semiconductors. Intrinsic and impurity conductivity. Semiconductor diode. Semiconductor devices.

      Free carriers of electric charges in conductors. Conduction mechanism of solid metals.

      Free electric charge carriers in conductors. The mechanism of conductivity of solutions and melts of electrolytes.

      A magnetic field. Permanent magnets and the magnetic field of current and its materiality.

      Ampere power.

      Operating principle of an electric motor. Electrical measuring instruments.

      The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. Law of electromagnetic induction. Induction emf in a moving conductor.

      The principle of operation of the generator.

      Oscillatory circuit. Free electrical oscillations. Conversion of energy in an oscillatory circuit. Natural frequency of oscillations in the circuit.

      Alternating current. Safety precautions when handling alternating current.

      The design and principle of operation of the transformer. Its application in practice. Transmission and use of electricity.

      Production, transmission and use of electricity.

      Electromagnetic field. Electromagnetic wave. Properties of electromagnetic waves.

      Electromagnetic wave scale. The use of electromagnetic waves in everyday life and technology.

      The principle of radiotelephone communication.

      Light is like an electromagnetic wave.

      Dispersion of light.

      Interference and diffraction of light. Quantum properties of light.

      Laws of reflection and refraction of light. Total reflection. Optical instruments.

      Lenses. Constructing an image in a thin lens. Thin lens formula. Optical power of the lens.

      Photo effect. Experience of A.G. Stoletova. Laws of the photoelectric effect. Technical devices based on the use of the photoelectric effect.

      The structure of the atom. Planetary model and Bohr model. Absorption and emission of light by atoms. Quantization of energy.

      Operating principle and use of laser.

      The structure of the atomic nucleus. Proton and neutron. Relationship between mass and energy. Nuclear binding energy.

      Radioactivity. Types of radioactive radiation and their properties.

      Nuclear reactions. Nuclear fission and fusion.

    List of tasks

      The problem is to apply the equation of state of an ideal gas.

      The task is to determine the dependence of the pressure of an ideal gas on temperature.

      Problem using the heat balance equation.

      The task is to determine the efficiency of a heat engine.

      Problem on applying Coulomb's law.

      The problem is to calculate an electrical circuit with a series and parallel connection of conductors.

      The task is to use Ohm's law for a section of a circuit, taking into account the resistivity of the conductor.

      The task is to apply Ohm's law to a complete (closed) circuit.

      The task is to identify the filament of a lamp.

      The problem is to calculate the electric field strength.

      The problem is to apply the Lorentz force formula.

      The task is to apply the law of refraction of light.

      The task is to determine the focal length of a lens.

      The task is to determine the maximum kinetic energy of an electron during the photoelectric effect.

      The task is to determine the wavelength of light emitted when an atom transitions from one stationary state to another.

      The task is to determine the binding energy of atomic nuclei.

    List of practical tasks

      Determination of relative air humidity.

      Determining the number of air molecules in the classroom.

      Determination of the work function of a photoelectron from a graph of the dependence of the kinetic energy of a photoelectron on the frequency of light.

      Determination of conductor resistance.

      Determining the length of the copper wire in the ignition coil.

      Determination of EMF and internal resistance of a current source.

      Study of the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction.

      Study of the dependence of the period of oscillation of a mathematical pendulum on its length.

      Observation of light diffraction.

      Observation of light interference.

    State budgetary educational institution


    1. Types of mechanical movement. Relativity of mechanical motion. Reference system. Speed ​​and acceleration during uniformly accelerated motion.

    2. Semiconductors. Intrinsic and impurity conductivity. Semiconductor diode. Semiconductor devices.

    3. Problem on the application of the Lorentz force.


    State budgetary educational institution

    Republic of Crimea "Primorsky Industrial College"


    1. Kinematic characteristics and graphic description of uniform and linear motion.

    2. Free electric charge carriers in conductors. The mechanism of conductivity of solutions and melts in electrolytes.

    3. Problem using Ohm's law for a section of a circuit taking into account resistivity.

    Academic discipline ___PHYSICS___

    Compiled by __Shatnaya O.G.__ ___________

    Chairman of the MK __Shatnaya O.G.__ _________


    State budgetary educational institution

    Republic of Crimea "Primorsky Industrial College"


    1. Kinematic characteristics and graphic description of uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion.

    2. Free electrical charge carriers in conductors. Mechanism of conductivity of solid metals.

    3. Problem on Coulomb's law.

    Academic discipline ___PHYSICS___

    Compiled by __Shatnaya O.G.__ ___________

    Chairman of the MK __Shatnaya O.G.__ _________


    State budgetary educational institution

    Republic of Crimea "Primorsky Industrial College"


    1. Interaction of bodies. Force. Forces in nature: elasticity, friction, gravity. Superposition principle.

    2. Magnetic field. Permanent magnets and magnetic field of current. Its materiality.

    3. Experimental task. Observation of light diffraction.

    Academic discipline ___PHYSICS___

    Compiled by __Shatnaya O.G.__ ___________

    Chairman of the MK __Shatnaya O.G.__ _________


    State budgetary educational institution

    Republic of Crimea "Primorsky Industrial College"


    1. Inertial reference systems. Newton's first law. Galileo's principle of relativity.

    2. Ampere power.

    3. Laboratory work: “Determination of relative air humidity.”

    Academic discipline ___PHYSICS___

    Compiled by __Shatnaya O.G.__ ___________

    Chairman of the MK __Shatnaya O.G.__ _________


    State budgetary educational institution

    Republic of Crimea "Primorsky Industrial College"


    1. The law of universal gravitation. Weight. Weightlessness.

    2. The principle of operation of the electric motor. Electrical measuring instruments.

    3. Problem on applying the law of refraction of matter.

    Academic discipline ___PHYSICS___

    Compiled by __Shatnaya O.G.__ ___________

    Chairman of the MK __Shatnaya O.G.__ _________


    State budgetary educational institution

    Republic of Crimea "Primorsky Industrial College"


    1. Impulse. Law of conservation of momentum. Jet propulsion.

    2. The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. Law of electromagnetic induction. Induction emf in a moving conductor.

    3. Experimental task. Determination of the work function of photoelectrons from a graph of the maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons versus the frequency of light.

    Academic discipline ___PHYSICS___

    Compiled by __Shatnaya O.G.__ ___________

    Chairman of the MK __Shatnaya O.G.__ _________


    State budgetary educational institution

    Republic of Crimea "Primorsky Industrial College"


    1. Potential and kinetic energy. Law of energy conservation.

    2. Operating principle of the generator.

    3. Experimental task. Determine the length of the copper wire.

    Academic discipline ___PHYSICS___

    Compiled by __Shatnaya O.G.__ ___________

    Chairman of the MK __Shatnaya O.G.__ _________


    State budgetary educational institution

    Republic of Crimea "Primorsky Industrial College"


    1. Free and forced mechanical vibrations. Harmonic vibrations. Displacement, amplitude, period, frequency, phase. Dependence of the oscillation period on the properties of the system.

    2. Alternating current. Safety precautions when handling alternating current.

    3. The task of calculating an electrical circuit with a series and parallel connection of conductors.

    Academic discipline ___PHYSICS___

    Compiled by __Shatnaya O.G.__ ___________

    Chairman of the MK __Shatnaya O.G.__ _________


    State budgetary educational institution

    Republic of Crimea "Primorsky Industrial College"


    1. Mechanical waves. Wavelength. Sound. Sound speed.

    2. Oscillatory circuit. Free electrical oscillations. Conversion of energy in an oscillatory circuit. Natural frequency of oscillations in the circuit.

    3. Experimental task. Study of the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction.

    Academic discipline ___PHYSICS___

    Compiled by __Shatnaya O.G.__ ___________

    Chairman of the MK __Shatnaya O.G.__ _________


    State budgetary educational institution

    Republic of Crimea "Primorsky Industrial College"


    1. Models of the structure of gases, liquids and solids.

    2. Design and principle of operation of the transformer. Its application in practice. Transmission and use of electricity.

    3. Experimental task. Determining the number of air molecules in a classroom.

    Academic discipline ___PHYSICS___

    Compiled by __Shatnaya O.G.__ ___________

    Chairman of the MK __Shatnaya O.G.__ _________


    State budgetary educational institution

    Republic of Crimea "Primorsky Industrial College"


    1. Basic provisions of the molecular kinetic theory and their experimental substantiation. Brownian motion.

    2. Production, transmission and use of electricity.

    3. Laboratory work. "Study of the dependence of the period of oscillation of a mathematical pendulum on the length of the thread."

    Academic discipline ___PHYSICS___

    Compiled by __Shatnaya O.G.__ ___________

    Chairman of the MK __Shatnaya O.G.__ _________


    State budgetary educational institution

    Republic of Crimea "Primorsky Industrial College"


    1. Thermal movement of molecules. Absolute temperature is a measure of average kinetic energy.

    2. Electromagnetic field. Electromagnetic wave. Properties of electromagnetic waves.

    3. The task of determining the wavelength of light emitted during the transition of an atom from one stationary state to another.

    Academic discipline ___PHYSICS___

    Compiled by __Shatnaya O.G.__ ___________

    Chairman of the MK __Shatnaya O.G.__ _________


    State budgetary educational institution

    Republic of Crimea "Primorsky Industrial College"


    1. Ideal gas model. Relationship between pressure and average kinetic energy of molecules.

    2. Electromagnetic wave scale. The use of electromagnetic waves in everyday life and technology.

    3. Laboratory work. "Determination of EMF and internal resistance of a current source."

    Academic discipline ___PHYSICS___

    Compiled by __Shatnaya O.G.__ ___________

    Chairman of the MK __Shatnaya O.G.__ _________


    State budgetary educational institution

    Republic of Crimea "Primorsky Industrial College"


    1. Ideal gas. Equation of state of an ideal gas (Mendeleev–Clapeyron equation).

    2. The principle of radiotelephone communication.

    3. The task of determining the dielectric constant of a substance.

    Academic discipline ___PHYSICS___

    Compiled by __Shatnaya O.G.__ ___________

    Chairman of the MK __Shatnaya O.G.__ _________


    State budgetary educational institution

    Republic of Crimea "Primorsky Industrial College"


    1. Internal energy and ways to change it.

    2. Light as an electromagnetic wave.

    3. Problem of calculating the binding energy of atomic nuclei.

    Academic discipline ___PHYSICS___

    Compiled by __Shatnaya O.G.__ ___________

    Chairman of the MK __Shatnaya O.G.__ _________


    State budgetary educational institution

    Republic of Crimea "Primorsky Industrial College"


    1. The first law of thermodynamics. Irreversibility of thermal processes.

    2. Diffraction of light.

    3. The task of determining the maximum kinetic energy of a photoelectron during the photoelectric effect.

    Academic discipline ___PHYSICS___

    Compiled by __Shatnaya O.G.__ ___________

    Chairman of the MK __Shatnaya O.G.__ _________


    State budgetary educational institution

    Republic of Crimea "Primorsky Industrial College"


    1. Heat engines and environmental protection. Heat engine efficiency.

    2. Interference and dispersion of light.

    3. Experimental task. Conductor resistance measurement.

    Academic discipline ___PHYSICS___

    Compiled by __Shatnaya O.G.__ ___________

    Chairman of the MK __Shatnaya O.G.__ _________


    State budgetary educational institution

    Republic of Crimea "Primorsky Industrial College"


    1. Electric charge. Law of conservation of charge. Interaction of charged bodies. Coulomb's law.

    2. The law of reflection and refraction of light. Total reflection. Optical instruments.

    3. The task of applying Ohm's law to a complete circuit.

    Academic discipline ___PHYSICS___

    Compiled by __Shatnaya O.G.__ ___________

    Chairman of the MK __Shatnaya O.G.__ _________


    State budgetary educational institution

    Republic of Crimea "Primorsky Industrial College"


    1. Electric field and its materiality. Electric field strength and potential.

    2. Lenses. Constructing an image in a thin lens. Thin lens formula. Optical power of the lens.

    3. Experimental task. Observation of light interference.

    Academic discipline ___PHYSICS___

    Compiled by __Shatnaya O.G.__ ___________

    Chairman of the MK __Shatnaya O.G.__ _________


    State budgetary educational institution

    Republic of Crimea "Primorsky Industrial College"


    1. Electrical capacity. Capacitor. Electrical capacity of a flat capacitor. Connection of capacitors.

    2. The structure of the atom. Planetary model and Bohr model. Absorption and emission of light by atoms.

    3. The task of determining the temperature of a lamp filament.

    Academic discipline ___PHYSICS___

    Compiled by __Shatnaya O.G.__ ___________

    Chairman of the MK __Shatnaya O.G.__ _________


    State budgetary educational institution

    Republic of Crimea "Primorsky Industrial College"


    1. Electromagnetic field. Electromagnetic waves, their properties.

    2. Ideal gas. Equation of state of an ideal gas.

    3. Problem on the dependence of ideal gas pressure on temperature.

    Academic discipline ___PHYSICS___

    Compiled by __Shatnaya O.G.__ ___________

    Chairman of the MK __Shatnaya O.G.__ _________


    State budgetary educational institution

    Republic of Crimea "Primorsky Industrial College"


    1. Direct electric current. Circuit section resistance. Ohm's law for a section of a circuit.

    2. Operating principle and use of the laser.

    3. Problem using the heat balance equation.

    Academic discipline ___PHYSICS___

    Compiled by __Shatnaya O.G.__ ___________

    Chairman of the MK __Shatnaya O.G.__ _________


    State budgetary educational institution

    Republic of Crimea "Primorsky Industrial College"


    1. Parallel and series connection of conductors.

    2. The structure of the atomic nucleus. Proton and neutron. Relationship between mass and energy. Binding energy of the atomic nucleus.

    3. The task of determining the efficiency of a heat engine.

    Academic discipline ___PHYSICS___

    Compiled by __Shatnaya O.G.__ ___________

    Chairman of the MK __Shatnaya O.G.__ _________


    State budgetary educational institution

    Republic of Crimea "Primorsky Industrial College"


    1. Electromotive force. Ohm's law for a complete (closed) circuit.

    2. Radioactivity. Types of radioactive radiation and their properties.

    3. The task of determining the focal length of a lens.

    Academic discipline ___PHYSICS___

    Compiled by __Shatnaya O.G.__ ___________

    Chairman of the MK __Shatnaya O.G.__ _________


    State budgetary educational institution

    Republic of Crimea "Primorsky Industrial College"


    1. Thermal effect of current. Joule-Lenz law. Electric current power.

    2. Nuclear reactions. Nuclear fission and fusion.

    3. Problem on applying the equation of state of an ideal gas.

    Academic discipline ___PHYSICS___

    Compiled by __Shatnaya O.G.__ ___________

    Chairman of the MK __Shatnaya O.G.__ _________


    Sample version of tasks

    Below are examples of problems for some tickets, which give an idea of ​​the recommended level of complexity of practical tasks for the oral exam of students of secondary vocational education in professions studying physics as a core subject.

    Problem 1. What pressure of the working mixture is established in the engine cylinders if, at the end of the compression stroke, the temperature rises from 50 to 250 ° C and the volume decreases from 0.75 to 0.12 l? The initial pressure of the working mixture is 80 kPa (Note 1l = 10 -3 m 3).

    Problem 2. The gas pressure in electric incandescent lamps is 0.45 Pa. Calculate the concentration of gas molecules at the indicated pressure and temperature of 27°C.

    Problem 3. What mass of alcohol must be burned to heat 2 kg of water from 14 to 50°C, if all the heat released due to the combustion of alcohol is used to heat the water?

    Problem 4. The efficiency of a heat engine is 30%. The working fluid received 5 kJ of heat from the heater. Calculate the work done by the engine.

    Problem 5. Two identical charges interact in kerosene with a force of 0.1 N, being at a distance of 10 cm. Calculate the magnitude of these charges.

    Task 6. Find the distribution of currents and voltages in the circuit if the ammeter shows 2A. The resistances of resistors R 1, R 2, R 3 and the rheostat are respectively 2, 10, 15, 4 Ohms.

    Problem 7. A section of the circuit consists of a steel wire 2 m long and a cross-sectional area of ​​0.48 mm 2, connected in series with a nickel wire 1 m long and a cross-sectional area of ​​0.21 mm 2. What voltage must be applied to a section of the circuit to obtain a current of 0.6A?

    Problem 8. Four elements with an internal resistance of 0.8 Ohm and an emf of 2V are each connected in series and closed to a resistance of 4.8 Ohm. Calculate the current in the circuit.

    Problem 9. In operating mode, the temperature of the tungsten filament of the lamp is 2,800°C. How many times is its electrical resistance in operating mode greater than at 0°C?

    Task 10. At a distance of 3 cm from a 4 nC charge located in a liquid dielectric, the electric field strength is 20 kV/m. What is the dielectric constant of the dielectric?

    Problem 11. A conductor 40 cm long is in a uniform magnetic field with an induction of 0.8 T. The conductor began to move perpendicular to the lines of force when an electric current of 5A was passed through it. Determine the work of the magnetic field if the conductor moves 20 cm.

    Problem 12. An electron flies into a uniform magnetic field with an induction of 0.09 T perpendicular to the lines of force at a speed of 4·10 4 m/s. Determine the radius of the circle that the electron will describe.

    Problem 13. Determine the refractive index of turpentine and the speed of propagation of light in turpentine, if it is known that at the angle of incidence

    Task 14. While performing laboratory work, the student received an image of a burning candle on the screen. What are the focal length, optical power and magnification of the lens if the distance from the candle to the lens is 30 cm, and the distance from the lens to the screen is 23 cm?

    Problem 15. When an electron in a hydrogen atom moves from the third stationary orbit to the second, photons corresponding to a wavelength of 0.652 μm (red line of the hydrogen spectrum) will be emitted. How much energy does the hydrogen atom lose in this process?

    Problem 16. Calculate the binding energy of the nucleus of an oxygen atom.

    Consultation on preparing the third question

    The task

    An electron flies into a uniform magnetic field with an induction of 0.09 T perpendicular to the lines of force at a speed of 4·10 4 m/s. Determine the radius of the circle that the electron will describe.

    The circuit section consists of a 2 m long steel wire with a cross-sectional area of ​​0.48 mm 2 connected in series with a 1 m long nickel wire with a cross-sectional area of ​​0.21 mm 2 . What voltage must be applied to a section of the circuit to obtain a current of 0.6A?

    Two identical charges interact in kerosene with a force of 0.1 N, being at a distance of 10 cm. Calculate the magnitude of these charges.

    Determine the refractive index of turpentine and the speed of propagation of light in turpentine, if it is known that at the angle of incidence

    Find the distribution of currents and voltages in the circuit if the ammeter shows 2A. The resistance of resistors R 1, R 2, R 4 and the rheostat are respectively 2, 10, 15, 4 Ohms.

    When an electron in a hydrogen atom moves from the third stationary orbit to the second, photons corresponding to a wavelength of 0.652 μm (red line of the hydrogen spectrum) will be emitted. How much energy does the hydrogen atom lose in this process?

    At a distance of 3 cm from a 4 nC charge located in a liquid dielectric, the field strength is 20 kV/m. What is the dielectric constant of the dielectric?

    Calculate the binding energy of the nucleus of an oxygen atom.

    What is the maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons when irradiating iron with light with a wavelength of 200 nm? The red limit of the photoelectric effect for iron is 288 nm.

    Four elements with an internal resistance of 0.8 Ohm and an emf of 2V are each connected in series and closed to a resistance of 4.8 Ohm. Calculate the current in the circuit.

    In operating mode, the temperature of the tungsten filament of the lamp is 2,800°C. How many times is its electrical resistance in operating mode greater than at 0°C?

    The gas pressure in electric incandescent lamps is 0.45 Pa. Calculate the concentration of gas molecules at the indicated pressure and temperature of 27°C.

    What mass of alcohol must be burned to heat 2 kg of water from 14 to 50°C, if all the heat released due to the combustion of alcohol is used to heat the water?

    The efficiency of the heat engine is 30%. The working fluid received 5 kJ of heat from the heater. Calculate the work done by the engine.

    While performing laboratory work, the student received a clear image of a burning candle on the screen. What is your focal length, magnification?

    tion and optical power of the lens?

    What pressure of the working mixture is established in the engine cylinders if, at the end of the compression stroke, the temperature rises from 50 to 250°C and the volume decreases from 0.75 to 0.12 liters? The initial pressure of the working mixture is 80 kPa (Note 1l = 10 -3 m 3).

    Examples of experimental tasks

    1. Observation and explanation of physical phenomena.

    Ticket number 10

    Topic: Study of the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction.

    Equipment: galvanometer, wire coil, magnet.

    Purpose: Study of the conditions for the occurrence of induction current.


    1. Connect the closed circuit to the galvanometer.

    2. Demonstrate methods for producing induced current in a circuit.

    3. Investigate the dependence of the direction of the induction current and its magnitude.

    Connect the galvanometer to the coil, explore possible ways to obtain an induction current, the direction and magnitude of the current.

    Ticket number 4

    Topic: Observation of light diffraction.

    Equipment: screen with a slot, caliper.

    Purpose: To study diffraction patterns on a screen slit and a caliper.


    1. Observe the diffraction pattern at the screen slit.

    2. Observe the diffraction pattern on a caliper.

    3. Examine the resulting diffraction patterns.

    Ticket number 20

    Topic: Observing the interference of light

    Equipment: two glass plane-parallel plates

    Purpose: study of the interference pattern obtained in the air gap.


    1. Place two defatted glass plates and observe the interference pattern.

    2. Investigate the nature of the interference pattern depending on the degree of pressure on the plates.

    2. Measurement of physical quantities

    Ticket number 11

    Topic: Determining the number of air molecules in a classroom

    Equipment: Ruler, substance density table


    1. Measure the parameters of the cabinet and determine its volume.

    2. Having determined the air density in the office, calculate the air mass.

    3. Taking the molar mass of air equal to 0.029 kg/mol, calculate the number of molecules in the cabinet.

    4. Determine the absolute and relative error in determining the number of air molecules in the room.

    Ticket number 5

    Topic: Determining relative humidity in the office using a psi-chromemeter

    Equipment: Thermometer, cloth, water, psychrometric table

    Purpose: To measure the relative humidity of the air, having one thermometer and a psychrometric table


    1. Measure the air temperature.

    2. Moisten the cloth with water, wrap the thermometer and measure the air temperature with a wet thermometer.

    3. Using the difference between dry and wet thermometer readings and a psychrometric table, determine the relative air humidity.

    Ticket number 14

    Topic: Determination of EMF and internal resistance of a current source

    Equipment: Current source, ammeter, voltmeter, connecting wires.

    Purpose: Measure the EMF and determine the internal resistance of the current source


    1. Measure the EMF of the current source.

    3. Perform experiments to measure the internal resistance of the current source.

    Ticket number 18

    Topic: Measuring conductor resistance

    Equipment: current source, ammeter, voltmeter, rheostat

    Purpose: Determine the resistance of the conductor


    1. Assemble an electrical circuit.

    2. Measure the current and voltage at the rheostat.

    3. Using Ohm’s law for a section of the circuit, determine the resistance of the conductor.

    4. Calculate the absolute and relative error of resistance measurement.

    Ticket number 8

    Topic: Determining the length of the copper wire in the ignition coil

    Equipment: Power supply, ammeter, voltmeter, connecting wires, caliper, metal resistivity table

    Purpose: Determine the length of copper wire, absolute and relative measurement error.


    1. Assemble an electrical circuit and measure the current in the circuit and the voltage on the coil.

    3. Using a caliper, measure the diameter of the wire and determine the cross-sectional area.

    4. Knowing the resistivity of copper, determine the length of the conductor.

    5. Determine the absolute and relative error in measuring the length of the wire.

    3. Calculation of a physical quantity using graphical dependencies of the original physical quantities.

    Ticket number 7

    Topic: Determine the work function of photoelectrons from the graph of the maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons versus the frequency of light

    Equipment: graph of dependence E k = E k (

    Goal: determine the work function of the metal


    1. Using the graph, determine the red limit of the photoelectric effect.

    2. By determining the red limit of the photoelectric effect, determine the work function for a given metal.

    4. Establishing connections between physical quantities

    Ticket number 12

    Topic: Checking the dependence of the period of oscillation of a mathematical pendulum on the length of the thread

    Equipment: Tripod, two mathematical pendulums, ruler, stopwatch

    Goal: Find the connection between the period of oscillation of a mathematical pendulum and its length


    1. Measure the periods of oscillation of mathematical pendulums.

    2. Measure the length of the thread of both pendulums.

    3. Find the relationship between the period of oscillation of pendulums and their length.