English brands of cosmetics and perfumes. French cosmetics for facial skin

French girls have always been considered the standard of sophistication, grooming and sense of style. Vanessa Paradis, Michel Mercier, Catherine Deneuve, Brigitte Bardot - these women have always been in the spotlight. They amazed those around them with their talent, won fans all over the world, worked and traveled a lot. And they always looked great.

It is worth saying that the role of caring and decorative cosmetic products in the condition of the skin of these and all other representatives of the fair sex is very high. But it is French facial cosmetics that have occupied a leading position in the market for many years.

Benefits of French cosmetics

Why is French cosmetics so famous? It has a lot of qualities that distinguish it from analogues produced in other countries.

French scientists are constantly researching the qualities of skin and the influence of various components on it, adding new discoveries to the knowledge base. Almost all cosmetological breakthroughs belong to these professors. They develop formulas, improving previous ones, and adding new ingredients.

Thanks to the involvement of cosmetologists and dermatologists in the production process of products, French cosmetics (both caring and decorative) are created taking into account all the needs of the epidermis, combining at the same time medicinal property and the possibility of visual improvement of the facial condition.

It is believed that cosmetical tools, manufactured in France, are of high quality, including:

  • pleasant, delicate textures;
  • efficiency;
  • durability;
  • absence of components harmful to the skin.

Another advantage is the wide range. This applies to both the brands themselves and the products presented within them. Among them, there are products of various price categories (both mass market and luxury) that meet the needs of each skin type. The variety of shapes, colors, textures - all this allows girls to choose for themselves the cosmetic product that meets all their requirements.

I would also like to say a few words about fragrances. All products have pleasant, subtle aromas that make using cosmetics a real pleasure. In addition, many brands offer fragrance-free product lines for those who prefer the absence of fragrances or are allergic to them.

Almost all leading brands producing both budget and luxury care and decorative cosmetics are French

Caring cosmetics

Dermal care products produced by French manufacturers are in demand all over the world. Within each brand there are lines collected according to the type of skin needs, consisting of a variety of products.

All cosmetic brands specializing in can be divided into three categories: mass, professional and medicinal. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Mass cosmetics

This type includes brands that usually combine the creation of both decorative and caring cosmetics in their production.

They can be purchased at any store. At the same time, the quality of all products meets the general standards of French products.

Skin care products of this type can be used by all girls, having selected suitable specimens for themselves.

Moreover, there are both expensive and budget brands.

The packaging of their products is usually simpler than that of the luxury category, and there are no such subtle fragrances, but the composition and effectiveness are not inferior to products in a higher price category.

Budget brands

  • L'Oreal Paris;
  • Garnier;
  • Yves Rocher.

Each of them contains lines for the care of any type of dermis, including a full range of necessary products: creams, tonics, lotions, scrubs, masks, peelings. For lovers organic cosmetics It is worth paying attention to products from Yves Rocher, as they are used in their production a large number of natural ingredients (plant extracts, fruits, vegetables).

Luxury brands

  • Clarins;
  • Chanel;
  • Dior;
  • Givenchy;
  • Guerlain;
  • Lancôme;
  • Yves Saint Laurent.

Cosmetics from these brands are quite expensive, but they bring not only benefits to the skin, but also aesthetic pleasure during their use.

Professional care

French cosmetics classified as professional are not initially intended for home use. They are supplied to beauty salons, where they are used by cosmetologists. But girls who want to achieve more visible results from skin care at home have long been using professional products on their own.

More often professional brands focus on creating lines for sensitive, dry and aging skin.

  • Basic line (daily care for normal and combination skin that does not require any specialized care).
  • For sensitive skin (hypoallergenic, soothing products).
  • For oily skin (products aimed at deep cleansing, mattifying and reducing sebum production).
  • Anti-aging line (various anti-aging products whose purpose is to maintain skin elasticity and smoothness).
  • Lightening line (includes products to combat unwanted pigmentation).
  • Lifting and radiance (a line with seaweed stem cells designed to make the skin elastic).

  • Academie visage line (contains all the necessary care products according to categories: for normal and combination skin, for oily, for dry, for skin with redness and for aging skin).
  • Derm acte (so-called dermocosmetics designed to solve more complex problems, intended for severely dehydrated skin, dermis with obvious signs of aging, for skin with hyperpigmentation, problematic and irritated).
  • Aromatherapie (includes products with various natural and plant aromas, including, for example, almond, blackcurrant, lemon, lavender, eucalyptus).


  • Absolute pure white (products for dermis prone to pigmentation).
  • Hydra 24+ (moisturizing cosmetics, has a special formula containing a large amount of moisture, prevents the appearance of signs of aging).
  • Les Démaquillantes (products for gentle cleansing of all skin types).
  • Les Élixirs (the line consists of serums aimed at meeting various skin needs, for example, cleansing it from inflammation, relieving irritation, moisturizing).
  • My Payot (series for dull skin, contains citrus extracts, designed to give the face radiance).
  • Nutricia (cosmetics for dry skin).
  • Pate grise (includes corrective and therapeutic products for problematic and oily dermis, aimed at cleansing and narrowing pores, as well as mattifying the face).
  • Perform Lift (an anti-aging line that focuses on firmness).
  • Sun Sensi (products with sun protection factor, as well as after-sun care).
  • Suprême Jeunesse (also anti-aging products, but aimed primarily at smoothing out wrinkles).
  • Uni skin (cosmetics that even out skin tone and give it a healthy tone and radiance).

Therapeutic care

Therapeutic cosmetics are sold in pharmacies. Its action is aimed not just at care, but at improving the health of the skin, including solving problems that other products cannot cope with (atopic, problematic dermis, dermatological diseases, rosacea, etc.).

  • Atoderm (for dry skin, including the treatment of dermatological diseases accompanied by loss of moisture, such as atopic dermatitis);
  • Hydrabio (products intended for the care of dehydrated and sensitive dermis);
  • Sensibio (products for sensitive skin, soothe, relieve irritation);
  • Cicabio (a line aimed at healing damaged epidermis);
  • Sebium (a complex of products for oily and problem skin, products with sebum control);
  • Photoderm (sun protection line);
  • White objective (bleaching agents with acids, including for spot application).

  • Active C (products designed to eliminate wrinkles and improve skin color).
  • Cicaplast (balms for healing and restoring damaged skin).
  • Effaclar (a line for combination, oily and problem skin, created to cleanse the face, reduce skin oiliness, and tighten pores).
  • Hydraphase (care for dehydrated skin prone to irritation and redness).
  • Hydreane (moisturizing line designed for sensitive dermis).
  • Nutritic (products aimed at intensive care for very dry skin).
  • Rosaliac (a line of products for dermis with rosacea, as well as those prone to frequent redness).
  • Redermic (anti-aging series aimed at correcting signs of aging and increasing elasticity).
  • Substiane (products for mature skin that support its tone).
  • Toleriane (soothing products created for regular care of hypersensitive dermis).

  • Cu-Zn (relieving irritants);
  • Suppleance (a line of products for the whole body, including face cream, aimed at intensive nutrition);
  • Aqua Precis (moisturizing for dehydrated skin of the face, area around the eyes);
  • Xemose (care for very dry and atopic dermis);
  • Cicactive (products intended for skin healing);
  • Isofill (anti-aging products, correcting wrinkles);
  • Hyseac (line for combination and oily skin, cleanses, mattifies, prevents the appearance of acne and blackheads);
  • Roseliane (care for skin prone to redness and rosacea);
  • Bariesun (products with SPF);
  • Depiderm (correction of age spots of any origin, including age spots);
  • Tolederm (a complex of products to maintain the normal state of hypersensitive dermis);
  • Demaquillante (cleansing waters for all skin types, removing makeup);
  • Isodense (products for increasing skin elasticity and reducing the depth of wrinkles).

Decorative cosmetics

Almost every woman puts on at least a minimum amount of decorative cosmetics every day, be it concealer, blush, mascara, lip gloss or full-fledged makeup with several products at once.

Usually you have to search for suitable cosmetics for a long time, since not all products live up to expectations. As for products produced in France, they may also not be suitable in shade or consistency, but there is no doubt about their quality.

All brands of French decorative cosmetics are divided into two large groups: mass market and luxury. They differ primarily in design, availability, limited availability, and, as a consequence, price.

Mass market

This category of cosmetics is relatively inexpensive, and the choice within it is huge. Manufacturers keep up with the times, constantly introducing new trendy shapes, textures and shades to the market. So, for example, in last years The fashion for wine matte and glossy shades of lipsticks continues, and they can be found in almost every brand.

  • L'Oreal Paris;
  • Vevienne Sabo;
  • Garnier;
  • Yves Rocher;
  • Bourjois.


Luxury brand products have a much higher price tag. They always have beautiful, laconic packaging that is nice to keep on your dressing table. In addition, each season, exclusive products are released in unusual shades, which are then discontinued, making them unique.

  • Clarins;
  • Giorgio Armani;
  • Chanel;
  • Givenchy;
  • Guerlain;
  • Lancôme;
  • Yves Saint Laurent;
  • Dior.

French scientists are constantly improving the formulas of cosmetic products, constantly making new discoveries. Almost all cosmetological breakthroughs were made by researchers from this country

Having found myself in the most cosmetic of all cosmetic countries in the world at that age when you want to try everything, experience it yourself and experiment with your image, I empirically came up with a list of French products must have, which I have not changed over the past years.

The choice of French decorative cosmetics and skin care products is so diverse that even one lifetime is not enough to try everything - these include luxury brands with recognizable advertising images, and a pharmacy line of cosmetics, and professional cosmetics, and the mass market segment...

Therefore, I do not pretend to be an expert, but only post the contents of my cosmetic bag for everyone to see.

French skin care products

French women spend more than half of their budget on facial skin care products. I also adopted this good habit from them. Therefore, I will pay the most attention to this point.

1. Makeup remover + Cleansing lotion

To complete the picture, I’ll say that I have combination skin. And he gets used to cosmetics quite quickly, so he has to change his habits about every six months.

Here I will highlight 3 of my favorite duets - make-up remover + toner, to which I always return when necessary and possible.

Clinique - foam cleanser Removes even the most stubborn makeup and is suitable for all skin types.

I used this product in conjunction with the well-known three-step care tactics from Clinique and bought the entire line at once: foam cleanser, exfoliating lotion, and moisturizer (cleansing + exfoliating + moisturizing).

But I came to the conclusion that two products (to choose from) from this series are enough for the desired effect. The biggest disadvantage is that the skin gets used to it very quickly and there is no long-term effect.

Another magical option is cleansing with Clarins.

All products of this brand delight with extraordinary quality. The texture is extremely pleasant. I would recommend Clarins cosmetics to anyone who wants to try something new and is afraid of unpleasant surprises. The downside is that the prices are far from the most affordable.

But I repeat once again that this is exactly the French attitude towards cosmetics - you cannot skimp on basic skin care products. And here I agree with the French women.

During periods of exacerbation of skin problems, I always choose

In terms of price, this product is the most affordable of the three and no less effective.

I don’t use a tonic of the same brand as an exfoliating lotion, since for my skin one product based on thermal waters is quite enough.

2. Moisturizing face cream

Here, perhaps, I had the largest springboard for experiments. I tried everything possible. I settled on the following brands.


Any cream of this brand except honey (for some reason I don’t like the too cloying smell). In general, it’s worth taking a closer look at this series of cosmetics, but I highlighted the face cream because they have no equal here (naturally, in my personal rating).

And masks in addition to moisturizer... The most luxurious skin care

Serum l’Occitane – Serum Fabuleux

To be honest, I don’t at all share the “obsession” of the French (or rather, French women) with L’Occitane products. And, in fact, the cream from this manufacturer, like all other products, did not suit me specifically... I tried a lot of things and every time - disappointment, multiplied by unreasonably inflated prices...

But they have one magical product that really evens out the tone and color of the skin, is quickly absorbed and brings tangible comfort. This is a serum with shea butter for the face. Be careful with the dosage - a minimal amount is required and it is used under the cream.

Apart from this particular miracle cure, I have sworn off buying anything else from L’Occitane.

I would call it universal - both in its qualities and in price. I always choose this cream when I fall into apathy towards the products of the beauty industry and do not want to experiment anymore. Stable results and acceptable price allow me to recommend this cream to you too.

I will highlight separately pore tightening serum Not French manufacturer - .

If the company were French and not American, it would probably put the Idealist from Estee Lauder in the first position of its rating).

Therefore, I will slightly break the stated theme of French cosmetic brands and will be happy to share my enthusiastic opinion about the creams and, especially, the serum of this brand.

If your skin is not particularly problematic, then you can safely apply the Idealist serum as an independent product and go out into the world. The skin will be smooth and silky, truly pleasant to touch.

3. BB-creame

Everyone already knows this miracle of the modern cosmetics industry! As for me, one good BB-cream can quite cope with all the functions of facial skin care.

And at this point everything is simple for me - right away, as they say, on the first try, it suited me perfectly BB-cream from Maybelline (medium) .

For the sake of formality, I also tried BB cream from Yves Rocher and L’Oreal Nude Magique, which are a little more expensive and also very good, but they still lie in my cosmetic bag half full, and Maybelline is always used up to the last drop.)

I didn’t test expensive analogues - somehow I didn’t have the desire. Best the enemy of the good).

But in general, there is an opinion that any BB cream as a product is good, and the choice of one brand or another most often depends on marketing gimmicks;).

4. Foundation and powder

In the era when I lived in France, BB cream had not yet been invented, and therefore the search for the ideal foundation was very long and expensive... I tried, if not everything, then very, very much. And yet, I empirically discovered a foundation that wears off slowly and performs its masking functions well.

And it is slowly being used up because now it only performs an additional, perfectionistic function when you need to look especially charming. And so, BB cream copes with its daily duties perfectly.

So, for more than 3 years now I have been using exclusively foundation Guerlain "Lingerie de Peau". What a beautiful allegory for luxurious, comfortable underwear for your skin...

I will not exchange this cream for anything: neither for the vaunted Dior, nor for Lancome Color Ideal, and even for Clinique. Simply because the Guerlain cream is simply perfect.


To tell the truth, with the above set I simply don’t need it. But I have a soft spot for . Just in case, I always have it in my cosmetic bag - if I need an easy, natural and urgent “reanimation” of my facial skin). In addition, this powder goes perfectly with my pale, snow-white skin. In general, another of my unshakable ideals.

5. Mascara

And here I have my own tactics - I always have one more expensive and another cheaper version of mascara in my kit. Cheap - for every day. And darling - according to the mood). Sometimes I combine them. In general, for some reason it happened this way.

Again, I have already identified certain favorites in this area:

This is the same “expensive” option that I defined for myself as quite affordable and suitable for my eyelashes - volume, lengthening, curl... in general, it meets the whole set of expectations.

It is very affordable and gives a stable, even result - voluminous eyelashes and an expressive look. Excellent anti-crisis mascara).

6. Shadows and other cosmetics for eye beauty

I prefer eyeliners - fast, convenient, expressive and not vulgar.

When purchasing pencils, I act absolutely intuitively and impulsively, and therefore I don’t have “favorites.” Here I raked out a few of my favorite pencils from my makeup bag to add them (albeit symbolically) to this list:

- Yves Rocher - Crayon Regard

— Bourjois Waterproof

— Bourjois Khol&Contour

— Cool professional shadows make up for ever Paris

— Sequins for eyes — urban de cay

... I suppose there is no point in listing everything.

This is the set that is always at hand... Eye pencils are actually the most in my makeup bag (I have a special weakness for them), but many are in the “uncapped” state - unsightly for photos.

7. Lipstick and lip gloss

Again, I am not a fan of lip makeup. And therefore I have only the necessary minimum at home. Namely:

Lipstick Shiseido— cooler of “aged wine”

I'm very pleased with her! Both color saturation and durability + the bonus of good hydration and care for the lips. But I don’t use it so often, and therefore the care turns out to be irregular.

Glossy lipstick from Estee Laude r (Pure Color Crystal Lipstick)

Peach color

This is a summer lipstick. Refreshes and brightens the image. I use it very rarely. Only now, when writing this article, I noticed that this is a branded lipstick. And all the time I thought that I was carrying “just lipstick” in my purse, because I didn’t find anything special in it. Although, in terms of its characteristics, the lipstick is quite up to par - even after a cup of coffee and a croissant, it remains on the lips in the same form as when leaving the house. But I personally was not delighted...

Verdict - I won't buy again. There are no particular complaints about the lipstick itself, maybe it’s just not my shade...

Lip gloss DIORAddict Gloss

I bought it after hearing rave reviews from my friend. And the bright pinkish tints on her lips looked very tempting...

As a result, I hardly ever use glitter. It’s neither bad nor good, but for some reason I personally have a feeling of “untidiness” on my face and I immediately want to take a napkin and wipe everything off.

But I’ll make a reservation that I get this feeling from ALL lip glosses. Therefore, if lip gloss is your product, then Dior’s version is very, very good, especially in the summer!

I’m thinking about purchasing a lipstick in a beautiful red shade, with a real French overtone. Although I'm not sure that red will do to my image...

8. Hair care

Shampoos, conditioners, masks - I buy completely different manufacturers and different price categories. From the mass market I prefer the company's products Gliss Kur and Dessange.(But be careful - don’t take hair shine serum from Dessange - it’s money thrown away, the result is zero)

I tried it from professional cosmetics Kerastase, which is literally “shoved” into every French beauty salon, assuring you of its magical remedies. AND L'Oreal Professionnel.

Neither the first nor the second series brought magical and quick results, alas. But, if I have to choose, I’m more inclined towards L’Oreal Professinnel, and even more towards professional salon procedures, but for my super-thick and quite long hair- this is real luxury.

While I was a blonde, I constantly used it for blondes - a really cool thing! Neutralizes yellowness and protects color, providing healthy shine to hair! I would even say that it is a must have for blondes and highlighted hair.

1 — Density advanced shampoo
2 – Shine Blond Shampoo
3 - Rinse-out conditioner - ideal care after lightening hair
4 -Hair mask for health and shine
5 – Excellent cream for dry hair, which perfectly straightens my unruly hair

By the way, I’m discovering more and more about myself in this segment folk remedies and hair care secrets. The main thing is not to be lazy and do everything yourself.

9. ... Not included in the main points

I don't buy nail polishes. Because I don’t like to do my own manicure and I don’t really know how to do it. Therefore, I prefer to turn to professionals and use their varnishes.

I choose different perfumes and eau de toilette every time. Since a 100 ml bottle lasts me a long time and I get tired of the smell.

I prefer cream blushes ( Make Up For Ever HD Blush), but they have a significant disadvantage - they dry out quickly.

Everything or in Europe. If I lived in Russia, I would use specialized online stores, but in Belarus it’s not the same calico.

French facial cosmetics: professional cosmetics No. 1 in the world

France is a world-renowned leader, a benchmark in the production of first-class cosmetics and perfumes, maintaining its primacy for more than a hundred years.

In France, there are cosmetic brands that continue old production traditions, which prove the impeccability of their reputation. Buyers are accustomed to not doubting the quality of French cosmetics.

What information will you find out:

Features of French facial cosmetics

French cosmetic preparations for the face have a lot of positive properties

Facial skin products form the basis of any woman’s cosmetic stock, since it is the skin of the facial area that requires special care: it is the most susceptible to negative external factors. It is very important to accurately select cosmetic products that meet all the needs of the skin and eliminate its various deficiencies.

It is also important to choose the right cosmetic brand, but this is much more difficult, since all people are individual, and products of the same brand can have completely different effects on different skin types.

This means that you just have to find the most suitable option for yourself through trial and error, but at the same time, when choosing cosmetics from French brands, you can have no doubt about their quality. However, it is worth noting that cosmetologists and makeup artists advise infrequently changing different brands of cosmetics, but using the selected products for as long as possible to be effective, using them to the end.

French cosmetics are recognized as high quality all over the world. These are various brands that produce special series of preparations for the skin. Each of them struggles with a specific cosmetic problem. The main task of the buyer is to choose the right product, based on the shortcomings of his skin.

Pros and cons of French cosmetics

French cosmetic preparations for the face have a lot of positive properties, thanks to which it is so popular around the world. Its obvious advantages include:

  • Most of the advances in skin care products were made by French scientists;
  • proportional balance of therapeutic and cosmetic effects;
  • joint work of cosmetologists and dermatologists in the manufacture of new products;
  • wide variety of products;
  • high quality.

It is also necessary to mention the disadvantages of French cosmetics. There are several disadvantages:

  • high price of cosmetics;
  • limited production of some products.

Such a small number of disadvantages is completely compensated by a number of advantages.

Whitening line of French cosmetics

  1. Absolute Pure White - brightening gel-mousse from Payot. Designed for deep cleansing of the skin, able to prevent and eliminate pigmentation. Activates production.
  2. Hydrating Emulsion - emulsion with intense hydration and whitening effect from Guerlain.
  3. White Lightening Serum - anti-pigmentation serum from ISIS Pharma.
  4. WO active cream from - a product for whitening sensitive skin.
  5. Skin Naturals White Complete Multi Action Fairness Cream is a skin lightening cream.

French preparations for problem skin

  1. Creme Purifiante is a softening cream from Payot for. Cleanses and tightens pores.
  2. Sensibio Light Creme is a cream for sensitive skin with anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effects.
  3. Normaderm from Vichy is a series of products against, oily shine and.
  4. from Garnier - a moisturizer that protects against ultraviolet radiation, eliminates oily shine and evens out skin tone.
  5. Gel-cream from L’Oreal Paris is a cleansing product for sensitive skin that has a softening and soothing effect.

Anti-aging skin care products

  1. AOX Payot is a rejuvenating and restoring cream.
  2. Abeille Royale Youth Serum - Guerlain anti-aging skin serum.
  3. Hydra Beauty - moisturizing cream-gel from Chanel. Activates the regenerative process in skin cells. Smoothes the skin and gives smoothness.
  4. Nuxellence Jeunesse - anti-aging skin cream. Gives elasticity and protects against external factors.
  5. Revitalift Laser x3 from L’Oreal Paris is a nourishing cream against age-related skin changes.

Treatment lines of French cosmetics

French medicinal cosmetics have an exceptional effect on the outer surface of the face. You can buy it at the pharmacy. Therapeutic cosmetics have an anti-inflammatory effect and protect the skin from sun rays.


The medicinal brand produces products based on the care and elimination of skin problems.

  1. Hyseac - care for problematic and oily skin;
  2. Tolederm - for sensitive skin;
  3. S. Uriage - emulsion against seborrheic facial skin;
  4. Aqua Precis - cream for moisturizing dry skin;
  5. Peptilys - around the eyes;
  6. Bariederm - restoring lip balm;
  7. Isofill, Isolift - anti-aging preparations;
  8. Depiderm - anti-pigmentation emulsion;
  9. Bariesun - .


  1. Hydra Chrono - moisturizing serum for all skin types;
  2. Deridium - anti-wrinkle cream for normal and combination skin;
  3. Diopti - care for the skin around the eyes;
  4. Exclusive - a product for preventing wrinkles;
  5. Initiatic - nutrition for skin cells after;
  6. Lipofilling - moisturizing and restoring mature skin;
  7. Premium - restoration of skin elasticity after 35 years;
  8. Coherence - saturating the skin with collagen after;
  9. Arkeskin - anti-aging skin products after 45 years.


  1. - a line of products for sensitive and allergy-prone skin;
  2. Hydrabio - cosmetics for moisturizing and cleansing;
  3. Atoderm - moisturizers for dry skin;
  4. - treatment line for oily, inflammation-prone skin;
  5. Cicabio - preparations for healing, wounds and abrasions;
  6. Photoderm - sunscreens for skin, help remove .