Fashionable shades of dark brown hair color. Who would like light brown hair color?

Women always strive to look perfect, attractive, and charm men, first of all, with their shiny hair. A beautiful hairstyle, skillfully dyed hair - it lifts your spirits and gets rid of any complexes you have about your appearance. Stylists say: light brown color Now in fashion, the palette of its shades is rich. How to create new image so that your hair color suits you perfectly?

Who suits dark brown color?

The choice of shade of light brown depends on the color type of your appearance. For fair-skinned people (Summer or Winter color type), cool shades of hair are suitable. What are the features of the color type? summer type? If yours is light, olive skin, through which the veins are visible, a pink blush on the cheeks, a warm range of curls will not decorate you. The winter color type of girls has light, beige skin. The face is framed by beautiful, dark eyelashes and eyebrows. After tanning, the skin quickly acquires a glamorous olive tint. Cool shades of hair will beautifully set off gray, blue or green eyes.

Choosing shades of light brown

Previously, a fair-haired girl was considered a “simpleton.” In the present tense, the natural light brown tone is stylish. It suits almost every woman, and the varied range of shades and special character allow you to emphasize your individuality. A palette of colors from Garnier, Vella, Londa will allow you to experiment with your hair. Judging by the reviews of women, coloring products from well-known manufacturers (for example, the use English stamp Palette) carefully give the hair the required shade: light, pearl, wheat, platinum, pearlescent.

Dark blond

If you have naturally dark hair, then you are lucky. Modern ladies are hunting for this shade among branded hair dye lines. It's fashionable, natural and beautiful. To give the tone a silvery tint, apply a special tinting balm to your hair. The dark brown tone itself is cold and rich, but with the appropriate color type and correctly applied eye makeup, it makes its owner look bright and extravagant.

Light brown

For those with Spring and Summer color types, a light shade suits them better. Light skin, gray or Blue eyes and light brown hair - and you are a sophisticated, confident lady, like something out of a picture. If you have a dark brown color, then chamomile, saffron or lemon juice will help. Cameron Diaz, Jennifer Aniston, and Taylor Swift are considered striking examples of light brown hair.

Ash blonde

Ash, although fashionable, is used in combination with other tones. Ash blonde and ash blonde represent beauty along with fair, olive skin. If you have an uneven complexion or pigment spots, then in the glow of ashy curls these facial imperfections will be visible. Yet the shade is considered glamorous, but it is not easy to achieve at home and maintain. Denise Richards, Hilary Duff are bright feminine examples.

How to dye your hair and achieve a light brown color?

Dyeing it light brown does not always give the desired result: the shade may disappoint. Therefore, trust the beauty salon professionals or listen to our subsequent advice.

  • Eye and skin color are considered the main guidelines when choosing a tone. Fair-skinned girls will suit a light brown shade; dark-skinned girls will not suit golden and honey tones.
  • The ash shade is the trump card of blondes and brunettes. The latter must be done before staining.
  • Redheads need to choose a tone that is as close as possible to their own without discoloration.
  • “Dyed” red-haired beauties and girls with highlights and coloring first need to get rid of the paint using an acidic special remover, which is used several times. After this procedure, the hair is dyed in the desired shade.

How to dye your hair light brown at home?

  1. It is advisable to apply coloring not to cleanly washed hair, but to slightly oily hair, in order to avoid damage to the epithelium of the head by the harmful effects of the coloring agent.
  2. Mix the paint components according to the instructions.
  3. Test your body's reaction to the components of the product by applying a small amount to your elbow.
  4. To ensure that the skin near the temples and on the frontal part of the head remains clean after applying paint to the strands, lubricate these places with regular cream or Vaseline.
  5. In order not to harm thin strands, opt for pharmaceutical chamomile. A decoction of the plant's flowers along with a few drops of lemon juice will perfectly moisturize the hair along its entire length and give light hair a playful golden hue.

    Highlighting at home will occur due to the influence of one component - lemon juice, if used for rinsing. Dark, chestnut hair color can be corrected by sage infusion. As a result, your curls will acquire a brown tint and an irresistible shine will appear. You shouldn’t completely paint over your natural color with a different tone. The variety of shades of the color scheme of the products allows you to choose the one that suits you. The main thing here is complete harmony of the hair shade and the image as a whole.

    Watch the video where Roma Medny from the TV show will talk about all the intricacies of choosing the right shade.


Light hair with a shade to dark brown can be lightened to the desired degree using folk remedies. For example, add a tablespoon of chamomile or lemon juice to your shampoo or conditioner and wash your hair regularly until you achieve the desired result. You can lighten your hair quickly and effectively using sunlight and lemon juice. Mix the juice of three lemons and a small amount of water in a ratio of 3 to 1. Apply the resulting mixture to your hair and keep it in the open sun for some time. This way you can lighten your curls by a couple of tones in a few procedures.

Do hair You can get darker with the help of a decoction of natural coffee, which must be used as a mask for 2-3 weeks to achieve a visible effect. To give hair If you have a light red color, add a couple of teaspoons of henna to the coffee powder. Keep the mask on your head for several hours, then rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Helpful advice

If using folk remedies seems too tedious and time-consuming to you, then to change your hair color by a tone or two, use a tinted shampoo, tonic or balm. To maintain the tone, use them regularly, refreshing your hair color.

It all depends on what colors yours hair on this moment. It is clear that it is easier for those with light-colored hair, but brunettes will have to work hard to achieve a good result.


Start by choosing paint. This does not mean any specific company, but the color scheme of the product. There is a color scheme on the packaging of any paint or in the special attached catalog. On the one hand, it indicates your original color, and on the other, the result that should be obtained after applying this product to the current shade. At the same time, you should not naively believe that jet-black hair, after applying the “miracle dye,” will immediately turn into a stunning ash-blond color.

Remember that it is not advisable to wash your hair for two or three days before dyeing, then the dye will be better absorbed into the hair structure, regardless of what shade you need. Also, before painting, it is better to trim the split ends and shape the hairstyle so that paint consumption is minimal. If you just recently gave yourself “chemistry”, then wait 2-3 weeks so as not to burn out the already weakened by chemicals hair. And most importantly, do not under any circumstances overexpose the product for longer than the period indicated on the package.

If your hair dark shade, then to achieve light brown colors, you will have to lighten them first. There is a special white henna or paint for this. remember, that hair The roots always discolor faster than the ends, so start applying the product from there. Now that your hair has acquired a lighter shade (or, if you were originally a blonde), you can begin to get your hair straight colors. But it is advisable to do this not on the same day, but after two or three. Apply paint according to the scheme described above: first on the ends, then on the roots. Remember that you may not get the desired shade the first time. Don't be upset, this is normal. Just repeat the procedure after a few days.

Changing something in your own appearance is a favorite pastime of many women. This especially applies to changing hair color. But if changing the shade of your curls by just a tone or two is not so difficult, then in order for a brunette to become, for example, light brown, you will have to spend several coloring sessions in the salon.

You will need

  • - lemon juice;
  • - chamomile.


If your hair is not dyed, and its shade is from dark brown to light brown, then you can lighten the strands slightly using folk remedies. For example, add lemon juice or chamomile to your conditioner or shampoo. A quick and wonderful lightening effect can be obtained by combining the use of lemon juice and sunlight. Squeeze the juice from three lemons and add a little water (ratio 3 to 1). Apply the resulting mixture to your hair and stay in the sun for some time. This method can lighten the curls by a couple of tones, but it is impossible to say exactly what result will be obtained, because it is necessary to take into account both the natural color of the strands and the characteristics of the hair.

If your hair color is natural, but not too dark, then it is enough to bleach the curls once and then dye them with ash-colored tint dye. Ash blond, light blond or regular ash will look best.

Owners of weak and brittle hair are better off not starting their journey to light brown locks through lightening. To begin with, carry out the usual highlighting of dark strands, and then paint with the chosen paint. This method is more gentle, and you will definitely like the result, because due to the fact that the hair will be lightened differently on dark and highlighted curls, the hair color will turn out to be more interesting and rich, with spectacular tints.

If your hair has been dyed more than once, then it is unlikely that you will be able to turn it light brown on your own. After dyeing, you will get different shades at the roots of your hair and on the dyed strands. Therefore, it is worth contacting the salon and removing the previous coloring agent. Only after it can you dye your hair light brown. In addition, craftsmen usually get a color that is not in the standard paint palette by mixing different shades.

If you have already obtained the desired light brown shade, then in the period between dyeing it is advisable to wash your hair with a tint shampoo. In addition, rinse your hair with chamomile decoction after washing - it will not only strengthen the roots and the hair itself, but will also promote natural lightening.

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  • light brown color

Many owners of dark brown hair strive to lighten their natural tone. This procedure can be carried out both at home and with the help of experienced professionals in the salon.

You will need

  • - hair lightening agent;
  • - comb;
  • - gloves;
  • - oat flour;
  • - kefir;
  • - water.


If you decide to lighten your hair to light (white) tones, please note: this is not an easy procedure. After this, your curls will require special care, as hard chemical composition such products greatly destroys their structure. For this procedure, ordinary cream paint will not help you. Originally dark brown hair must be lightened using a product that contains hydrogen peroxide. To do this, according to the attached instructions, dilute the purchased composition. Be careful: before starting the procedure, wear special plastic gloves. Apply the product to dry, unwashed hair, evenly distributed along the entire length. Paint the root zone last. After 30-40 minutes, rinse off the remaining product with warm water and shampoo. After this, use a hair balm or rinse.

To lighten dark brown hair by several tones, purchase a special product. This can be cream paint or tinted shampoo. As a rule, many packages (instructions) contain a table with data on the original color, paint-lightener and the result obtained. She is the one who will help you making the right choice required shade. You can also obtain information on the selected color from your sales consultant. Apply the purchased product to dry hair, distributing it evenly along the entire length. Depending on the desired shade, leave the dye (tinted shampoo) on for 15 to 30 minutes. After this, rinse off the remaining product with warm water.

After lightening your hair, use a special restorative mask, which you can prepare at home, 1-2 times a week. For this you will need oatmeal (1 tablespoon), kefir (2 tablespoons). Mix these components thoroughly and apply to damp hair for 15-20 minutes. After this, rinse them with warm water to remove any remaining product.


The safest lightening can be done in a hairdresser, where an experienced master, having studied general state your hair, will select the desired shade for you.


  • bleached blonde hair

Methods for achieving a light brown shade of hair are always different, depending on the original color, as well as on what compositions the hair was dyed with. When dyeing your hair any color, it is important to follow safety precautions and use products that will minimally damage the hair structure.

You will need

  • Dye-lightener, dye of the required light brown shade, oak bark decoction, hair conditioner, shampoo for colored hair.


If desired, color it light brown dark hair resort to highlighting your hair with light brown strands. If you do this procedure constantly as the dark roots grow, over time you will get a beautiful shade of light brown hair. A similar method, even from very dark shades of hair, will gradually bring it to any light tone.

If you have dyed your hair a dark color (chestnut, black, dark brown), as well as dye containing red and red shades, but now you want to achieve a light brown hair color, you should resort to lightening it. Then you should dye your hair in the desired light brown tone.

The hair lightening procedure is performed as follows. Wash your hair with shampoo and dry with a hairdryer. Lubricate the skin of the face near the hair area so that the dye does not burn the skin. Dilute the bleach dye according to the instructions and apply it to the hair with a spreading brush. Do not twist dyed hair so that the bleaching agent is evenly absorbed along the entire length of the hair.

Leave the bleach on your head for as long as indicated by the paint manufacturer. Rinse the dye out of your hair. Apply conditioner to protect hair after coloring. Leave it on your hair for 2-3 minutes and rinse. Dry your hair with a hairdryer. Now you can proceed to the usual coloring of them with the beauty of a light brown tone. If you have the opportunity, let the bleached hair “rest” for 1-2 days before the next coloring.

Another way to get light brown hair is after bleaching dark hair. This can be done using a decoction of oak bark and this method will be safer for the health of your hair. To do this, pour 2 tablespoons of oak bark into two glasses of water, let it boil and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. The oak decoction should be infused for half an hour, then strained and applied to clean, dry blond hair, moistening it generously with the decoction along the entire length. Put a plastic bag or rubber cap on your head and walk for half an hour. Rinse and dry with a hairdryer. The hair will turn light brown with an ashen tint.

Blonded natural hair can be easily dyed light brown without an additional intermediate lightening procedure. To do this, select the desired tone of light brown hair and color your hair as the manufacturer of the coloring agent advises in the instructions.

Helpful advice

Take care of colored hair. Use balms, conditioners, and special shampoos for colored hair. Rinse your hair after washing with herbal decoctions of chamomile, oak bark, burdock roots, and hop cones.

You can experiment with your appearance without radically dyeing your hair, especially long hair. If your hair is not too dark, it’s better to try tinted shampoos and natural remedies. With their help you can achieve lightening by 2-3 tones.

You will need

  • - chamomile flowers;
  • - marigold flowers;
  • - rhubarb root;
  • - honey;
  • - alcohol;
  • - white henna;
  • - green tea;
  • - Apple vinegar;
  • - freshly squeezed lemon juice.


Of course, it is best to have light brown hair professionally lightened by trusting a qualified hairdresser. The master will be able to achieve a natural shade without yellowness. But if there is no such opportunity or desire, you can try high-quality balms or folk recipes.

To lighten brown hair by 2-3 tones, you need to use expensive products. Cheap balms, like Tonic or Irida, give a ridiculous blue or gray-violet tint.

Schwarzkopf bonacure, Wella, Loreal professional, Cutrin products will help you professionally lighten light brown hair at home. These products prevent the appearance of yellowness, care for hair and have a fairly wide palette.

If you don’t want to use gentle, but still chemical agents, you should turn to nature for help. Herbs, honey, fermented milk products, lemon juice will not only help lighten brown hair by 2-3 tones, but also give it a beautiful natural shine and elasticity.

In addition to rinsing, you can conduct a course of concentrated masks. For example, squeeze the juice from one large lemon, dilute it slightly with water and distribute it over damp hair. Then wrap your head in plastic and leave for 8-10 hours. It is better to do the procedure at night, rinsing your hair with cool water in the morning. This method is especially good for oily scalp. It is worth considering that after such sessions, hair requires the use of moisturizing masks.

You can naturally lighten oily brown hair as follows. Pour 25 g of chopped rhubarb root into 250 ml of natural apple cider vinegar, squeeze the juice of 2 lemons into the mixture and simmer in a water bath for 5-7 minutes. Then throw in 10 g of chamomile flowers and marigolds and boil the same amount. Add 25 g of honey and cognac (rum, vodka) to the strained and cooled broth. Dilute the resulting mixture with water (1 dessert spoon per 1 liter of water) and regularly rinse your hair with it. Or apply the concentrated composition to wet hair and leave for half an hour. At the end of the procedure, apply a moisturizing balm for 5 minutes, and then rinse your hair well.

The easiest way to naturally lighten brown hair that has not previously been dyed is with white henna. For the procedure, you need to prepare a decoction of chamomile (3 des. l.), green tea (1 des. l.) and henna powder (4 des. l.). Pour a glass of boiling water over the mixture of these ingredients and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Dilute the cooled broth with 1.5 glasses of alcohol and leave in the refrigerator for three days. Use as a hair mask before washing. Keep for 40-50 minutes.

Video on the topic

Tip 9: How to change hair color using folk remedies

To change your hair shade using folk remedies, first determine the color you want to get. To give your hair a golden hue, you can use chamomile, and to lighten your hair, use kefir or lemon.

You will need

  • - chamomile flowers;
  • - Black tea;
  • - water;
  • - lemon juice;
  • - honey;
  • - cinnamon;
  • - kefir;
  • - onion peel.


If you are a blonde and want to change the tone of your hair with the help of folk remedies, then use chamomile, it will give your curls an interesting golden hue. Make a decoction. To prepare it, pour 100 grams of dried flowers with 500 ml of water. Place the container on the fire and bring the liquid to a boil. Then reduce the heat and simmer the broth for another 20 minutes, then strain and cool. Rinse your hair with this product after each shampoo.

This is blonde. But if you look closely, you will notice how diverse the palette of this shade is. Girls of any color type can easily choose the desired tone to highlight their beauty and create a unique image.

Since light brown hair looks as natural as possible, girls are happy to dye their strands this color. This applies not only to ordinary women, but also to pop stars who do not miss the opportunity to follow fashion trends.


Brown hair has its own characteristics. Firstly, the natural light brown shade changes throughout life. In children, it is expressed as blond; over time, a light brown tone appears, and then it can completely become dark brown. At the same time, the curls will never be an even light brown color, because they easily fade in the sun and constantly shimmer in different shades. As a rule, the roots are noticeably darker than the tips. Sometimes women get a natural highlighting effect on their hair.

Unfortunately, not all girls can appreciate their curls and tend to dye their hair using special products. To a greater extent, this applies to owners of medium-blond curls, since light-blond is in fact blond, and dark-blond does not have a gray tint and perfectly emphasizes the eyes.

Women with hair of a different color often have a desire to dye their hair in this tone. Likewise, fair-haired people change their shade to a lighter or darker one. Lightening dark blond curls is a complex procedure, and the final result depends on the pigment. Blonde on light brown strands is easier to achieve, and it looks attractive and natural.

Dark brown hair has gold or red pigment, so after bleaching, the color may be more red; blonde is more difficult to achieve and will require more than one coloring. Fair-haired girls can play with different tones, make an ash tone or highlights. If you want to change your look by coloring your dark brown hair, give preference to coloring and other coloring techniques that will only highlight your beauty. The main thing is to choose the right shade that matches your color type.

Which shade to choose

Representatives of the fair sex are attracted to shades of light brown hair, but it is difficult to decide which shade of light brown to choose. It is especially difficult to choose the right tone for light brown hair if you just want to lighten it a little or, conversely, make it darker.

Although shades of light brown hair are not considered vibrant, they can transform you. A variety of hair dyes will help you transform a girl from light blond to dark blond, and photos with examples will help you choose the right color for light brown hair.

Some girls suit it better dark shades light brown, and some are light. Try to make the new shade highlight your eyes. If the shade of brown hair is in harmony with the color of your eyes, then you have chosen it correctly.

Using hair dyes has a big disadvantage: the curls can get damaged. This usually happens with dark strands that want to be lightened. Repeated lightening leads to brittleness and loss of shine. Be sure to use restoration products after dyeing and regularly care for your strands.

Dark brown color

The dark brown shade of hair looks very interesting, but it suits girls with fair skin with a cool undertone most of all. And although it seems that such strands are faded, in fact they are very beautiful, especially if you take care of them correctly, and when creating an image, do makeup, apply blush of a suitable shade, and highlight the eyes. The photo you take to capture your image will show the beauty of light brown hair.

The most curious thing is that even bright makeup will look natural on owners of dark blond curls. You can use peach or coral blush during the day, and in the evening complement your makeup with lipstick of a similar shade and line your eyes.

When dyeing your curls dark brown, take into account the presence of pigment; it is advisable that it be cold and not red. Dyeing your hair a dark tone will not be difficult, but to get the perfect light brown shade, you will need specialist advice and the work of a real master.

Natural dark blond strands can be given a twist by performing California dyeing or highlighting. Bright colors and temporary tinting look good. You can do almost any haircut and styling, create beautiful makeup and look incredible.

It is important to properly care for any light brown strands so that they do not lose their shine and always look healthy. This the main problem, which needs to be resolved, otherwise dark brown hair will delight you.

Light brown hair color

Light brown shades suit fair-skinned and light-eyed girls. Such curls look especially beautiful if your eyes have a bright blue color. Unfortunately, most girls prefer to dye what nature gave them blonde. Dyeing this shade is easy, you can completely transform into a blonde beauty, or you can do highlights, leaving your original hair color as the main one.

It is difficult to get a light brown shade if the shade of your curls initially has nothing in common with the light brown range. Over time, a greenish or gray tone may appear, so when comparing shades of light brown hair, be aware of the possible consequences.

Ash brown hair color

Ash brown color hair will do girls with a winter color type, on whom cool shades look perfect. Usually such curls have virtually no shine, but this is what gives them an unusual and beautiful look. This hair color is often shown in photos with stars who love to be the center of attention. Indeed, such curls cannot go unnoticed. To dark-skinned girls ash brown color is not suitable, and it is better to abandon it in favor of more golden shades.

Copper brown hair color

Among brown hair there is a very interesting shade - copper-brown. If you have green eyes and fair skin, this color is perfect for you. It is difficult to meet the owner of natural curls of this shade, this is a real rarity, but nothing prevents you from experimenting a little and achieving this color with the help of coloring agents.

This shade combines cool and golden tones, so it is very difficult to get it yourself.

Medium brown hair color

Medium brown hair color falls between blonde and brunette. It's difficult to describe this shade, but it is the most common. It’s easy to dye medium-brown strands; in addition, medium-brown hair color allows the use of the most fashionable dyeing techniques. They all look great, so medium-blond hair color can be safely called the most comfortable and preferred for girls. Of all the hair shades, the photo reflects this particular shade most naturally.

How to dye your hair light brown

To get a beautiful color, you can dye your strands at home by first selecting the right dye. There are many different shades of light brown hair, so choosing the right one can be difficult. There are both light and dark tones. If you want a light brown hair similar to a blond, you will have to lighten your curls. For dark blond hair, you need to choose coloring products and carry out the procedure more carefully.

You need to choose a color according to your color type:

  • Girls of winter and summer color types have light skin and eyes. Blonde and ash-blond hair color is more suitable for them.
  • Owners of spring and autumn color types need to paint themselves in darker tones, golden or copper.

There is one rule for dyeing light brown hair: the new shade should not be radically different from the original version. On the other hand, it is difficult to dye your hair light brown because this color does not apply well. It is very difficult to get the desired result at home, so it is better to turn to a professional technician.

Remember that it is more difficult to dye dark brown strands blonde, and is almost impossible at home. Girls instantly turn red, and still have to visit the salon. Although the procedure is easy, it requires a lot of experience and care, mixing and applying coloring products correctly.

Brown hair is often associated with grayness. Today I will try to refute this stupid misconception. Fashion girls, is a girl’s brightness determined only by her hair color? Not at all! This is exemplified by many stars, for whom this so-called “mouse” hair color does not at all prevent them from being incredibly attractive!

But still, first things first.

By nature, women of Slavic appearance have light eyes and skin, as well as light brown hair. But with the advent of affordable hair dyes and some stereotypes, fair-haired girls began to try on the images of blue-black brunettes or, at the other extreme, naive blondes. Fortunately, in the last couple of years, naturalness has begun to return to fashion (of course, all fashionistas are already aware of this and have abandoned trousers and acrylic nails), and with it light brown hair, of which, as it turns out, there are many shades to suit every taste.

The palette of light brown shades is very diverse in both tones and shades.

Light brown

The lightest light brown shade. It suits girls of “summer” and “spring” color types well. Looks great with fair skin and blue or gray eyes. This shade is the most glamorous. Those with a dark shade of light brown can switch to light brown without chemical dyes. For this you will need folk remedies: chamomile, lemon juice, saffron, and of course the sun)))

Owners of light brown hair are Jennifer Aniston, Cameron Diaz, Taylor Swift.

Jennifer Aniston

Cameron Diaz

Taylor Swift

Golden blonde

This light brown is shaded with golden highlights the color of caramel and honey. This color has been extremely popular for several seasons now. Suitable for all skin tones and eye colors. The golden hue will give greater saturation light brown hair and will revive the dark ones. Platinum and ash blondes can easily go golden with a tinted shampoo or conditioner. This color will soften the look.

An example of golden blonde is Emmy Adams, Natalia Vodianova, Rosie Huntington Whiteley.