Felix Krivin: "Half-fairy tales." Exclamatory sentence

Krivin Felix Davidovich

Half-fairy tales

Felix Krivin

Half-fairy tales

Why half-fairy tales? Because if a bottle is judged for drunkenness, then this cannot be called true. But if, upon closer examination, the bottle suddenly turns out to be not wine, this already seems to be true. The button gets into the loop - it's true. But because failed love? No, sorry, this is fiction. However, isn’t there such thing as unsuccessful love in life? So, this also seems to be true.

So - half-fairy tales...


Why don't you wear glasses? - they asked the Ant.

How can I tell you... - he answered. - I need to see the sun and the sky, and this road that leads to no one knows where. I need to see the smiles of my friends... Little things don't interest me.


Before the Chicken had time to hatch, he immediately received a reprimand for breaking the egg. My God, where did he get such manners from? Apparently it's something hereditary...


You need to be simpler, more intelligible, Rattle instructs Violin. For example, people always listen to me with pleasure. Even children understand!

The picture gives an assessment of living nature:

All this, of course, is nothing - both background and perspective. But you need to know some limits!


Dumb Gramophone Needle complained:

Once upon a time I sang, and people listened to me with pleasure, but now they close their ears. Still would! Are these records?! Is this a repertoire?!


Among the flowers there is a debate about beauty.

Thorn takes the floor:

I just can't agree with Rosa's creative method. Sharpness - yes! Penetration to the very depths - I understand that! But to imagine everything in a rosy light...


The room must be open, says the Door Handle thoughtfully when the door is opened.

The room should be closed, she concludes philosophically as the door is closed.

The Doorknob's persuasion depends on who is pressing it.

It seems to us that we are on the same path,” said Splinter, biting into his leg. - That’s good: after all, it’s more fun in company. Feeling the pain, the boy jumped on one leg, and Splinter remarked with pleasure:

Well, I told you it’s more fun with company!


The Hummingbird is slightly larger than a bee, but still it is a bird!

Our eagles are good guys, says Hummingbird.

So, by the way, when it comes to words.

New Patch is quite bright, and she can’t understand why they are trying to hide her. She stands out so much on this old suit!

Among the monotonous letters on a sheet of paper, one Blot manages to preserve its individuality. She doesn’t imitate anyone, she has her own face, and it’s not so easy to read her.


It's hard for our brother, the wheel. Be shaking along the road all your life, but just try to take a breath, you’ll get such a pump!

So they won't let you off the hook?

Oh, they don't! And just look at it - you'll end up under a car. That's the main thing.

Under the car? Aren't you working under a car?

You can think of something else! I'm the fifth wheel, the spare...

That wind again! - Parus inflates angrily. - Is it really possible to work in such conditions?

But the wind disappears - and the Sail sags and stops. He no longer wants to work at all.

And when the wind appears again. The sail inflates again:

What a job! Run all day like hell. It would be nice if there was no wind...

Anniversary of Thermos.

Decanter says:

We have gathered, friends, to celebrate the glorious anniversary of our esteemed friend! (Approving clink of glasses and glasses.) Our Thermos has proven itself brilliantly in the field of tea. He managed to carry his warmth without wasting it on trifles. And we, grateful contemporaries, appreciated this: decanters, glasses, shot glasses, as well as tea glasses, which, unfortunately, are not present here.

Understanding the importance and responsibility of his life mission, the clock did not go: it stood guard over time.

Sitting on the forehead of a short man, Pimple looked with envy at the foreheads of tall people and thought:

“I wish I was in such a position!”

The stump stood right next to the road, and passers-by often tripped over it.

Not all at once, not all at once,” Stump creaked displeasedly. - I’ll take as much as I can: I can’t tear myself apart! Well, people - they can’t take a step without me!

The man will probably freeze,” Khlyastyk worried. - Arms, legs, shoulders are frostbitten. I’m calm about my lower back, I’m personally present here. What about other areas?


The smooth and round Billiard Ball responds to Luza's invitation:

Well, it’s my pleasure! You just need to consult with Kiy first. Although this is an empty formality, still...

Then he flies like a bullet into Luza and smugly remarks:

Well, I knew that Kiy wouldn’t object...


“You work from morning to evening,” the Healthy Tooth lamented, “and no thanks to you!” And Rotten Teeth - please: everyone wears gold. For what, you ask? For what merit?

Paint me, asks Patchwork. - I’ve already picked out a stick for the shaft. All that remains is to paint.

What color are you - green, black, orange?

“I don’t understand colors well,” Flap crumples. - I would only like to become a banner.


The old Candlestick, who has worked a lot in the field of lighting, cannot understand new trends.

Of course, today's light bulbs are bright heads,” he agrees. But in our time, candles lived differently. They knew their place, did not rush to the ceiling, and yet they were literally swimming with fat...


The raincoat is dissatisfied with life.

In clear, sunny weather, when he just wants to go for a walk, he is kept under lock and key, and when he is allowed out of the house, it will definitely rain.

What is this? Coincidence or malicious intent?

Raincoat cannot answer this question, although his insight is well known to everyone.

He is soft, warm, pliable, he just begs to be taken into the hands of those who can arrange his fate. At this time, he doesn’t even disdain menial work with putty.

But then he finds his gap, crawls into it, settles down firmly and comfortably.

And immediately new features appear in his character: coldness, dryness and stubborn firmness.


Electric Iron asked to be unplugged because he was switching to creative work.

The Lead Seal is small and inconspicuous, but everyone respects it. Even mighty steel castles often seek her protection.

And this is understandable: although Plombochka has rope connections, they are quite strong.

Felix Krivin

Half-fairy tales


Why don't you wear glasses? - they asked the Ant.

How can I tell you... - he answered. - I need to see the sun and the sky, and this road that leads to no one knows where. I need to see the smiles of my friends... Little things don't interest me.


Before the Chicken had time to hatch, he immediately received a reprimand for breaking the egg. My God, where did he get such manners from? Obviously it's something hereditary...


You need to be simpler, more intelligible, Rattle instructs Violin. For example, people always listen to me with pleasure. Even children understand!

The picture gives an assessment of living nature:

All this, of course, is nothing - both background and perspective. But you need to know some limits!


Dumb Gramophone Needle complained:

Once upon a time I sang, and people listened to me with pleasure, but now they close their ears. Still would! Are these records?! Is this a repertoire?!


Among the flowers there is a debate about beauty.

Thorn takes the floor:

I just can't agree with Rosa's creative method. Sharpness - yes! Penetration to the very depths - I understand that! But to imagine everything in a rosy light...


The room must be open, says the Door Handle thoughtfully when the door is opened.

The room should be closed, she concludes philosophically as the door is closed.

The Doorknob's persuasion depends on who is pressing it.

It seems to us that we are on the same path,” said Splinter, biting into his leg. - That’s good: after all, it’s more fun in company. Feeling the pain, the boy jumped on one leg, and Splinter remarked with pleasure:

Well, I told you it’s more fun with company!


The Hummingbird is slightly larger than a bee, but still it is a bird!

Our eagles are good guys, says Hummingbird.

So, by the way, when it comes to words.

New Patch is quite bright, and she can’t understand why they are trying to hide her. She stands out so much on this old suit!

Among the monotonous letters on a sheet of paper, one Blot manages to preserve its individuality. She doesn’t imitate anyone, she has her own face, and it’s not so easy to read her.


It's hard for our brother, the wheel. Be shaking along the road all your life, but just try to take a breath, you’ll get such a pump!

So they won't let you off the hook?

Oh, they don't! And just look at it - you'll end up under a car. That's the main thing.

Under the car? Aren't you working under a car?

You can think of something else! I am the fifth wheel, spare...

That wind again! - Parus inflates angrily. - Is it really possible to work in such conditions?

But the wind disappears - and the Sail sags and stops. He no longer wants to work at all.

And when the wind appears again. The sail inflates again:

What a job! Run all day like hell. It would be nice if there was no wind...

Anniversary of Thermos.

Decanter says:

We have gathered, friends, to celebrate the glorious anniversary of our esteemed friend! (Approving clink of glasses and glasses.) Our Thermos has proven itself brilliantly in the field of tea. He managed to carry his warmth without wasting it on trifles. And we, grateful contemporaries, appreciated this: decanters, glasses, shot glasses, as well as tea glasses, which, unfortunately, are not present here.

Understanding the importance and responsibility of his life mission, the clock did not go: it stood guard over time.

Sitting on the forehead of a short man, Pimple looked with envy at the foreheads of tall people and thought:

“I wish I was in such a position!”

The stump stood right next to the road, and passers-by often tripped over it.

Not all at once, not all at once,” Stump creaked displeasedly. - I’ll take as much as I can: I can’t tear myself apart! Well, people - they can’t take a step without me!

The man will probably freeze,” Khlyastyk worried. - Arms, legs, shoulders are frostbitten. I’m calm about my lower back, I’m personally present here. What about other areas?


The smooth and round Billiard Ball responds to Luza's invitation:

Well, it’s my pleasure! You just need to consult with Kiy first. Although this is an empty formality, but still...

Then he flies like a bullet into Luza and smugly remarks:

Well, I knew that Kiy wouldn’t object...


“You work from morning to evening,” the Healthy Tooth lamented, “and no thanks to you!” And Rotten Teeth - please: everyone wears gold. For what, you ask? For what merit?

Paint me, asks Patchwork. - I’ve already picked out a stick for the shaft. All that remains is to paint.

What color are you - green, black, orange?

“I don’t understand colors well,” Flap crumples. - I would only like to become a banner.


The old Candlestick, who has worked a lot in the field of lighting, cannot understand new trends.

Of course, today's light bulbs are bright heads,” he agrees. But in our time, candles lived differently. They knew their place, did not rush to the ceiling, and yet they were literally swimming with fat...


The raincoat is dissatisfied with life.

In clear, sunny weather, when he just wants to go for a walk, he is kept under lock and key, and when he is allowed out of the house, it will definitely rain.

What is this? Coincidence or malicious intent?

Raincoat cannot answer this question, although his insight is well known to everyone.

He is soft, warm, pliable, he just begs to be taken into the hands of those who can arrange his fate. At this time, he doesn’t even disdain menial work with putty.

But then he finds his gap, crawls into it, settles down firmly and comfortably.

And immediately new features appear in his character: coldness, dryness and stubborn firmness.


Half-fairy tales

Difficult Chick

Before the Chicken had time to hatch, he immediately received a reprimand for breaking the egg. My God, where did he get such manners from? Apparently it's something hereditary...


“You need to be simpler, more intelligible,” Rattle instructs Violin. – For example, people always listen to me with pleasure. Even children understand!

Gramophone needle

Dumb Gramophone Needle complained:
“Once upon a time I sang, and people listened to me with pleasure, but now they close their ears. Still would! Are these records?! Is this a repertoire?!


The picture gives an assessment of living nature:
- All this, of course, is nothing - both background and perspective. But you need to know some limits!

Creative method

Among the flowers there is a debate about beauty. Thorn takes the floor:
– I just can’t agree with Rosa’s creative method. Spicy - yes! Penetration to the very depths - I understand that! But to imagine everything in a rosy light...


New Patch is quite bright, and she can’t understand why they are trying to hide her. She stands out so much on this old suit!


- That wind again! - Parus inflates angrily. – Is it really possible to work in such conditions?
But the wind disappears - and the Sail sags and stops. He no longer wants to work at all.
And when the wind appears again. The sail inflates again:

- What a job! Run all day like hell. It would be nice if there was no wind...


“You work from morning to evening,” the Healthy Tooth lamented, “and no thanks to you!” And Rotten Teeth - please: everyone wears gold. For what, you ask? For what merit?

He is soft, warm, pliable, he just begs to be taken into the hands of those who can arrange his fate. At this time, he does not even disdain menial work - putty.

But then he finds his gap, crawls into it, settles down firmly and comfortably. And immediately new features appear in his character: coldness, dryness and stubborn firmness.

Clay is very impressionable, and anyone who touches it leaves a deep imprint on it.
- Oh, boot! - Clay sours. -Where did he go? I can't live without him!
But he lives. And just a minute later:

- Oh, hoof! Sweet, kind horse's hoof! I will forever keep his image in me...

Flies are terrible fashionistas. They stop near each piece of patterned web that catches their eye, examine it, feel it, and ask the good-natured fat man Spider:
- How much is a millimeter?

And they usually pay very dearly.

The ring was not a wedding ring, but nevertheless Nail felt that it would not be easy for him. He bent a little under the weight and tried to go deeper into the wall.
And from the outside it all looked quite beautiful.

Sofa Divanovna

By origin, she is a Couch, but she herself will never admit it. Now she is not a Couch, but a Sofa, for those unfamiliar - Sofa Divanovna. Her father, a simple Sofa, bent his back all his life, but now it is not fashionable, and Sofa abandoned the backrest, and at the same time other outdated concepts. No backrest, no bolsters, no durable upholstery... That’s what they are, sofas that don’t remember their kinship...


The blade of grass fell in love with the Sun...
Of course, it was difficult for her to count on reciprocity: the Sun has so much on earth that where could he notice the small, unsightly Blakina! And a good couple: Linka and the Sun!
But Bylinka thought that the couple would be good, and reached out to the Sun with all her might. She reached out to him so stubbornly that she stretched out into a tall, slender Acacia.
Beautiful Acacia, wonderful Acacia - who now recognizes her as the old Bylinka! This is what love, even unrequited love, does to us...

Felix Krivin

Krivin Felix Davidovich

This is a selection of short philosophical stories from Krivin Felix Davidovich, who unusually describes ordinary and painfully familiar things to everyone, in his half-fairy tales things come to life, live their own lives, argue, get sick, gossip, fall in love, in general, almost like people...

The glasses saw it with their own eyes...
The still brand new, shiny Button connected her life with the old one,
shabby jacket. What a Jacket it was! They say he still has those
there are at least a dozen buttons, but no one will say how many there used to be. A
Button had never seen a single jacket in her life.
Of course, the shabby Jacket could not do it himself, with his cloth tongue
persuade Button. It was all Igla's fault, the old bawd, who had
I have a lot of experience in these matters. She just scurried there, scurried here - from Button to
Jacket, from Jacket to Button - and everything is ready, everything is sewn and covered.
The story of poor Button quickly became public. The glasses told her
Tablecloths, Tablecloth, which is usually used to covering everyone, this time it doesn’t
resisted and shared the news with Tea Spoon, Spoon blurted out everything
The glass, and the glass rang throughout the room.
And then, when Button ended up in the noose, general indignation reached
limit. It immediately became clear to everyone that old Jacket played a role in Button's misfortune.
not the least important role. Still would! Who would end up in a noose from a good life?

(read by B.Popov)

Felix Davidovich Krivin (born June 11, 1928, Mariupol (Donetsk region) - Russian and Israeli writer, poet, prose writer. Felix Krivin is the author of dozens of books published since the early 1960s in various publishing houses Soviet Union. He collaborated with Arkady Raikin, for whom he wrote interludes.
The basis of Felix Krivin's satirical work is made up of allegorical parables - miniatures (semi-fairy tales or a kind of fable in prose).

Trying to retell in your own words the laconic and extremely complete works of this writer is pointless. And it’s simply impossible! How impossible it is to convey the richness of colors and shades of the rainbow using black and white photography. For in the literary theater of Felix Krivin there are no extras; every word plays here main role. Therefore, Krivin’s parables and half-fairy tales, imitations and aphorisms must be carefully read for yourself. Or listen to a very good reader perform it. But best of all - performed by the author himself!

Felix Krivin skillfully and easily travels through very distant eras and centuries. Looking into the Mesozoic era, he unobtrusively interviews the melancholic Dinosaur, in Ancient Greece he easily (but by no means familiarly) talks with Plato, Socrates, Archimedes and other great Hellenes, feels free and natural among the fearless musketeers. And together with the author, his grateful readers walk along the steps of centuries.

I have long loved and quoted this author. He writes for both children and adults, and everywhere with such subtle subtext that you can laugh and think somewhere. He is an amazingly subtle philosopher and inquisitive observer. I remember how his book “Scientific Tales” became one of my favorites and “desktop books” at the age of 17. And now I’m re-reading some things - and I’m amazed at how much the author’s observations are in tune with our work today.
Judge for yourself:)


Before the Chicken had time to hatch, he immediately received a reprimand for breaking the egg. My God, where did he get such manners from? Apparently it's something hereditary...


You need to be simpler, more intelligible, Rattle instructs Violin. - For example, people always listen to me with pleasure. Even children understand!


The picture gives an assessment of living nature:
- All this, of course, is nothing - both background and perspective. But you need to know some limits!


Paint me, asks Patchwork. - I’ve already picked out a stick for the shaft. All that remains is to paint.
- What color are you - green, black, orange?
“I’m not good at understanding flowers,” Flap crumples. - I would only like to become a banner.

Clay is very impressionable, and anyone who touches it leaves a deep imprint on it.
- Oh, boot! - Clay sours. -Where did he go? I can't live without him!
But he lives. And just a minute later:
- Oh, hoof! Sweet, kind horse's hoof! I will forever keep his image in me...


Flies are terrible fashionistas. They stop near each piece of patterned web that catches their eye, examine it, feel it, and ask the good-natured fat man Spider:
- How much is a millimeter?
And they usually pay very dearly.


Look how nice it is in our room,” says the Curtain to the trees from the street.
“Look how nice it is outside,” she says to the room furniture.
“We don’t see anything,” the trees answer.
“We can’t see anything,” the furniture answers.
- We only see you...
- Only you...
“Well, come on,” Curtain is embarrassed, “I’m not that beautiful...


Well, now you and I will never part,” the massive Curtain whispered to Nail, putting the ring on him.
The ring was not a wedding ring, but nevertheless Nail felt that it would not be easy for him. He bent a little under the weight and tried to go deeper into the wall.
And from the outside it all looked quite beautiful.


The kitten woke up and discovered his tail. This was a great discovery for him, and he looked at the tail in disbelief, almost in fear, and then rushed to catch it.
And, looking at the cheerful, selfless fuss of the Kitten, I somehow couldn’t believe that this dirty, stubby, helpless tail could bring so much joy.


The blade of grass fell in love with the Sun.
Of course, it was difficult for her to count on reciprocity: the Sun has so much on earth that where could he notice the small, unsightly Blakina! And a good pair: Linka - and the Sun!
But Bylinka thought that the couple would be good, and reached out to the Sun with all her might. She reached out to him so stubbornly that she stretched out into a tall, slender Acacia.
Beautiful Acacia, wonderful Acacia - who now recognizes her as the old Bylinka! This is what love, even unrequited love, does to us.