Formation of motivation for a healthy lifestyle presentation. Presentation "formation of cognitive motivation for a healthy lifestyle in preschool children"

“Children, just like adults, want to be healthy and strong, but children do not know what to do for this. Explain to them and they will be careful.” Janusz Korczak.

  • Pedagogical project
  • “Formation of cognitive motivation healthy image life of preschoolers"
  • teacher of TOGAOU TsPMSS
  • "Vozrozhdenie", Tambov
Relevance of the project
  • Today it is very important to develop in children preschool age motives, concepts, beliefs in the need to preserve one’s health and strengthen it through adoption of a healthy lifestyle.
Project participants
  • group teachers
  • physical education instructor
  • educational psychologist
  • musical director
  • Deputy Director for HR
  • medical staff
  • parents of pupils
  • The implementation of the project involves a comprehensive interdisciplinary approach to this topic
  • Lack of a system in the approach
  • to health-saving support for preschool children
  • Between the negative dynamics of children’s health, on the one hand, and the priority of health-saving pedagogy and the lack of development of mechanisms for including health-saving content of education in pedagogical process DOW on the other hand.
  • Therefore, there is a need to expand research in this area.
Project hypothesis Object of study Technologies for health-saving support of preschool children Subject of research: Mechanisms for including health-saving education in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions. Goal of the project.
  • Formation of sustainable positive motivation in children to maintain and strengthen their own health
Project objectives
  • Methodical
  • Study pedagogical literature and the best practices of teachers on this issue
  • Conduct monitoring of children's health, surveying parents of pupils
  • Develop thematic planning including health-saving technologies
  • Develop didactic material for organizing and conducting classes
  • Analyze the results
  • Educational
  • Form ideas about activities aimed at maintaining health
  • To form in children primary ideas about some internal organs
  • Learn to perform different types gymnastics, relaxation exercises
  • Educational
  • Develop the ability to take care of your body and assess your condition
  • Foster the need for a healthy lifestyle
  • Social
  • Determine approaches to interaction with families
  • Develop a lecture course for parents
  • Improve the image of the preschool educational institution
Expected Results
  • Formation of cognitive motivation for a healthy lifestyle in preschool children
  • Reduced incidence rate
  • Increasing parental responsibility for introducing children to a healthy lifestyle
Project type
  • By dominant method: practice-oriented
  • Content: psychological and pedagogical
  • By nature of contacts: open
  • By number of participants: group
  • Duration: long-term (2007 – 2010 academic year)
Project activity strategy Contents of project activities
  • Calendar-thematic planning of work with children and parents for three academic years
  • Diagnostic cards, diagnostic tools
  • Abstracts of educational activities
  • Leisure activities notes
  • Card index of health-saving games
  • Event notes for parents
  • Lecture for parents
Stages and mechanisms of project implementation
  • Analytical and forecasting stage (June – September 2007)
  • Discussion of the problem, its rationale
  • Studying literature on the research topic
  • Selection and development diagnostic cards and tools
  • Carrying out a diagnostic study
  • Determining the strategy and content of the work
  • Development of calendar-thematic plans for working with children and parents
II. Main (formative) stage (October 2007 – April 2010)
  • Carrying out activities with children and parents
  • in accordance with calendar and thematic work plans
The project is based on the following technologies
  • Technologies for preserving and promoting health
  • Technologies for teaching healthy lifestyles
  • Corrective technologies
As a result of the first year of study, children should:
  • Know
  • 1. Algorithms for hygienic processes
  • 2. Attributes of hygiene processes
  • 3. About following the correct regime
  • 4. Sense organs and their purpose
  • 5. Ways of self-healing
  • 6. Means and methods of hardening
  • 7. About the need for medical supervision
  • Be able to
  • 1.Perform gymnastics for the purpose of self-healing
  • 2. Use hardening means and methods wisely
  • 3. Take care of your teeth
  • 4. Eat right
  • 5. Dress properly
  • 6. Maintain good posture
  • 7. Communicate amicably
As a result of the second year of study, children should:
  • Know
  • 1. On the relationship between the state of nature and human health
  • 2. Poisonous and edible mushrooms and plants
  • 3. Items requiring careful handling
  • 4. Rules for pedestrians
  • 5. Emergency numbers
  • 6. Rules for safe behavior at home, on the street, in transport
  • 7.Home address, telephone
  • Be able to
  • 1. Distinguish between normal and emergency situations
  • 2. Avoid potentially dangerous places
  • 3. It’s easy to protect yourself from contact with a stranger
  • 4. Interact culturally with peers
  • 5. Treat animals correctly
  • 6.Provide basic self-help and assistance
As a result of the third year of study, children should:
  • Know
  • 1.Elementary internal structure body
  • 2.Functions of organs and systems
  • 3.Health components
  • 4.Ways to overcome negative emotions
  • 5.Types of sports
  • Be able to
  • 1. Distinguish between healthy and unhealthy foods
  • 2.Overcome negative emotions
  • 3.Execute different kinds gymnastics for self-healing
  • 4.Perform physical exercise
Interaction with parents III. Final stage (May 2010)
  • Children monitoring
  • Special survey of parents
  • Performance Analysis
  • Show results
  • Processing project materials
  • Diagnostics of children's health-preserving competence
  • Diagnosis of children's attitudes towards health
  • Children's morbidity rate decreased by 9% over three years
  • 2007-2008 – 17%
  • 2008-2009 - 14%
  • 2009-2010 - 8%
  • The degree of parental participation in shaping the health of children
  • Health monitoring and diagnostics of health-preserving competence of preschool children during research have shown that the system of health-preserving support for children allows obtaining positive results in improving the health of children and developing health motivation in them.
  • The implementation of the project allows us to establish a mechanism for interaction between parents and teachers; involving parents in the pedagogical process and developing their responsibility for raising children.
Hypothesis confirmation
  • The introduction of a system of health-preserving support for preschool children into the pedagogical process leads to improved health and the formation of cognitive motivation for a healthy lifestyle in children
Informational resources
  • Education and training program in kindergarten"School 2100"
  • Bakulini E.N. The health of our children. - Samara, publishing house "NTC", 2005
  • Makhanaeva M. D. Education healthy child: - M. publishing house "Arti", 1997
  • Shipitsyna L.M. ABC of communication
  • Karepova T.G., Zhukovin I.Yu. Program for developing a healthy lifestyle culture among preschoolers “Our tradition is to be healthy!”, 2006.
  • Kolbanov V.V. Valeology: Basic concepts, terms and definitions. SPB.: DEAM, 1998.
  • Tikhomirova L. F. “Health lessons for children 5-8 years old”, M., 2003.
  • Kazina O. B. “Fun physical education for children and parents”, M., 2007.
  • Uzorova O. V. “Finger gymnastics”, M., 2005.
  • Alyabyeva E. A. “Psycho-gymnastics in kindergarten”, M., 2003.
  • Kartushina M. Yu. “Scenarios of recreational activities for children 6-7 years old” M., 2004.
  • Davydova O.I. Work with parents in preschool educational institutions.
  • Bocharova N.I. Healthy family leisure with preschool children: a guide for parents and educators.
  • Doskin V. A. How to preserve and strengthen the health of a child.
  • Utrobina K.K. Entertaining physical education in kindergarten.
  • Zenina T.N. Parent meetings in kindergarten.
  • Therapeutic physical education and massage: methods of improving the health of children of preschool and primary school age.
  • Golanov A. S. Games that heal.
  • Morgunova O. N. Physical education and health work in preschool educational institutions: a practical guide.
  • Penzulaeva L.I. Health-improving gymnastics for preschool children (3–7 years old).
  • Davydova M. A. Sports events for preschoolers.
  • Kuznetsova. Health activities in preschool educational institutions.
  •– Russian general education portal.
  •– Website of the Russian State Library.
  •– Mashkov Library website.
  •– Scientific electronic library.
  •– The largest encyclopedic resource.
  • http://93. 186.99.70/
  • ipk ___media wiki

Slide 1

Good afternoon, dear colleagues!

Today I present to your attention a presentation on the topic: “Formation of a culture of health in preschool children, increasing motivation to preserve it through the use of health-saving technologies.”

Slide 2 + photo

It's no secret that health-one of the most important values human life. A healthy person is cheerful, active, he has enough strength for self-development, he lives a full life. There is no health, and a person is marking time, losing what he had.

Research by doctors, psychologists, and teachers has revealed an unfavorable trend in children's health indicators: over the past 15 years, the number of preschool children with chronic pathology has increased by 2 times (from 11.8 to 21.3-26.9%), and children without disabilities are health, decreased to 5-6% (data from the Scientific Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the National Center for Children and Adolescents of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences).

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But what is health? According to the World Health Organization:

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

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Analyzing the state of physical fitness and based on practical observations, it can be noted that currently 50% of preschool children have functional deviations. Why is this happening? There are many reasons: social conditions, unfavorable environmental conditions, quality of medical care and people’s attitude towards their own health.

Doctors alone are unable to cope with the problems of deteriorating health. And work in this direction falls on the shoulders of teachers.

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Human health will always be relevant topic. But when should we start teaching our children to take care of their own health?

The foundation of health is laid in early childhood, since this is a unique period in a person’s life, during which health is formed and personality development occurs.

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Children, just like adults, want to be healthy and strong, but children do not know what to do for this. Explain to them and they will be careful."

Janusz Korczak

Slide 7

And that's why she stood in front of me pedagogical problem: what means and ways to increase children’s interest in physical education and creativity in physical activity and how to teach children to be healthy?

Based on the importance of this problem, I posed target:

Find ways to form physical activity in preschool children and the means mi non-traditional physical education equipment and nominated the following tasks:

  1. Study and analyze pedagogical and psychological literature on this topic.
  2. To develop a system of work on the formation of motor activity in preschool children using non-standard equipment.
  3. Draw up an action plan on this topic (GCD, projects, leisure, entertainment, Health Days).
  4. Develop recommendations for parents and teachers.
  5. Involve teachers and parents in the production of non-standard physical education equipment.

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It is impossible to solve the health problem using only traditional pedagogical technologies.

Today, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education aimed at solving this problem, all conditions have been created for the activation innovation activity to strengthen and preserve the health of children, to develop a healthy lifestyle for them . And this has become the main focus of our kindergarten’s activities.

Slide 9

I am confidently and consciously moving in a professional direction. This work gives me a lot of scope for self-development and sets me the following tasks:

  • help children accumulate the necessary knowledge and skills,
  • strengthen the child’s physical and mental health, form a motor and hygienic culture;
  • develop ideas about healthy lifestyle, the importance of health and means of strengthening it;
  • cultivate the need to take care of one’s health;
  • create a health-improving microclimate of a developing subject-spatial environment that stimulates the child’s motor activity;
  • to form vital motor skills of the child in accordance with his individual characteristics.

It is based on the following methodological principles: accessibility, consistency and systematicity.

Currently, I plan my work taking into account new approaches to the formation of physical culture based on three directions:

1. Social and psychological.

2. Intellectual.

3. Motor.

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In my work I use different types of innovative educational technologies, but I would like to focus on the following:

  1. Health-saving.
  2. Gaming.
  3. Use of non-standard equipment.

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Forms Organizations of children's activities when introducing them to a healthy lifestyle are:

  • Technologies for preserving and promoting health.
  • Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle.

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The healing effect achieved through non-traditional forms is closely related to the positive emotions of children, which have a beneficial effect on the child’s psyche. This became clear during implementation projects: “Children’s health is in our hands”, “We take care of our health”, when using benefits"I want to be healthy" as well as during conversations.

Culture A healthy lifestyle is developed throughout the child’s entire stay in kindergarten.

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Most often in my work I use the following health activities:

Breathing exercises, which helps children relax and restore their body after physical activity and emotional arousal, strengthens the muscles of the respiratory system, nasopharynx and respiratory tract, increases the overall resistance of the body.

Corrective gymnastics

I use it to massage the feet and develop coordination of movements in children.

creates sustainable motivation in the need to maintain health,

formation of healthy lifestyle habits;

relieves emotional and muscle tension (I recommend it for the prevention of colds).

During hardening activities with children

strengthen the nervous system; develop muscles and bones; the functioning of internal organs improves; metabolism is activated; The body's resistance to harmful environmental influences increases.

Children really like it finger gymnastics.

When using it, they develop fine motor skills, improve speech, and increase the performance of the cerebral cortex;

develops mental abilities: thinking, memory, imagination;

And the minutes relaxation

promote concentration, and help relieve tension and excitement.

Children do this with great pleasure.

Slide 14 + photo Working with teachers

My work and the work of teachers proceed in close cooperation. To have positive results for children’s health

teachers trained on mine seminars:“Health is capital: you can increase it, but you can also squander it,” “Let’s strengthen our health,” and a master class: “A healthy lifestyle for a teacher.”

Certain techniques of health-saving technologies are widely used by teachers in various forms of organizing the pedagogical process: in classes and walks, in routine moments and in the free activities of children.

These technologies are used based on taking into account the child’s personal characteristics, the individual logic of his development, and taking into account the child’s interests and preferences. They make it possible to build a pedagogical process focused on the health of each child.

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To create a holistic system of children’s health, it is very importantorganization of the motor development environment of preschool educational institutions.

Our preschool has created following conditions:

  • there is an early intervention room with simulators and equipment;
  • There is a gym for classes, a sports room with a variety of physical education equipment and inventory.
  • groups are equipped with physical education corners taking into account age characteristics and are equipped with physical education and non-traditional equipment, and designed together with parents,
  • I also conduct classes not only indoors, but also outdoors and on the territory of the kindergarten there is a sports ground; in the summer there is a “Path of Health” on the playground;
  • there is a medical office.

Slide 16+ photosHealth-saving space and non-traditional equipment.

Our children really love activities using non-traditional physical education and play equipment. It is one thing to do exercises to “maintain health”, and quite another to help fairy-tale heroes overcome obstacles, participate in a story game.

When manufacturing and using non-standard equipment, we pay attention to the sanitary and hygienic requirements for it. Non-standard equipment must be: 1. Safe; 2. Maximum efficiency; 3. Aesthetic. These benefits introduce variety and novelty effects. The use of bright colored aids increases children's interest in activities and gives them the necessary emotional coloring. Non-standard equipment evokes in children a desire to move, participate in games, joy and positive emotions.

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With our own hands, we made non-standard equipment for activities and entertainment with children. You will see something now.

Various ribbed boards, health paths and massage mats I recommend using it for classes with children with flat feet, as well as for classes to prevent flat feet in all children. Children really enjoy playing on these mats.

In some groups appeared " Dry rain." These are multi-colored satin ribbons located on a suspended horizontal platform. The ribbons flow down like streams of water, it is pleasant to touch them, run them in your hands, walk through them, touching your face. Multi-colored “jets” stimulate tactile sensations.

To develop strength and accuracy I use dumbbells from small bottles, ring throws, “bilboke”.

For Game “Who’s first to the spider?” manuals were produced .

Snakes and braids I use it in various games and exercises.

In my work on health improvement I use non-traditional aids for the development of the respiratory system: balloons, soap bubbles, plumes, ribbons and other equipment.

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New equipment is always an additional incentive to intensify physical education and health activities.

The harmonious combination of various shapes and colors of different aids evokes positive emotions in children. Rational motor activity of children in a variety of conditions in the physical education and play environment forms the habit of regular physical education.

Slide No. 19+ photo Interaction with families of pupils.

One of the conditions for the development of instilling healthy lifestyle skills in children is not only working with children, but also with their families.

The child’s mood and state of physical comfort depend on how the child’s daily routine is properly organized and how much attention parents pay to the child’s health.

In order to cooperate with parents to promote a healthy lifestyle in children, a system of activities has been developed that I widely use:

  • survey,
  • sliding folders,
  • consultations, conversations,
  • competitions,
  • sports holidays,
    • parent meetings,
    • conferences,
    • health holidays,
    • individual conversations.

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Analyzing our work using non-traditional technologies to improve the health of children, positive dynamics are noticeable. It is very important to me that the children began to get sick less, their attention and mood improved. They became more agile, resilient and strong. Over the past three years, the incidence of illness in children has decreased from 7% to 5% per child per year, and attendance has increased.

Children make contact easily, they are cheerful and active.

This means that the child has formed the habit of a healthy lifestyle.

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So you can do conclusion that organized educational and physical education work has a positive effect on the development of children: it helps to strengthen mental health and normalize their social and adaptive sphere.

The results of the presented experience allow us to draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of the work done to introduce new approaches, forms, methods and principles for constructing educational, educational and physical education work in kindergarten in close cooperation with parents and teachers.

Slide 22

I consider the priority tasks for the future:

  • continue to develop the need to lead a healthy lifestyle, take care of your own health and that of all participants in the educational process
  • increase health index;
  • increase the level of theoretical knowledge of parents on the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle;
  • form educational space with the mandatory use of health-saving technologies by all teachers;
  • increase the level of use of non-traditional forms of organizing physical education classes and other events;
  • improving the quality of work of the integrated psychological, medical and pedagogical support service in kindergarten;

Improving the material and technical base.

Slide 23

And at the end of my speech I want to say:

“The health of the child is above all,

The wealth of the earth will not replace it.

You can't buy health, no one can sell it.

Take care of him like your heart, like your eyes!”

Slide 24 BE HEALTHY!


– the process of forming and justifying the intention to do or not do something. A formed justification for one’s action or action is a motive. This internal state personality, which determines and directs its actions at every moment of time.

Motivation for physical activity

– a special state of the individual aimed at achieving an optimal level of physical fitness and performance.


  • Dissatisfaction with physical activity.
  • Dissatisfaction with the content of classes.
  • Few competitive moments.
  • A large number of children indicate that there are few games in physical education lessons.
  • Desire to perform exercises accompanied by music.

Mindfulness significance and motives physical activities:

  • The teacher creates conditions in which the student analyzes his actions, self-evaluates both the method of action and the achieved result.
  • Then, gradually, goal setting should be given priority.
  • In all lessons, analysis of completed work and self-analysis should be used.
  • At the end of the discussion, it is imperative to focus on successfully completed exercise elements.
  • Each student must be oriented toward a result that is accessible and suitable for him, the achievement of which must be perceived by him and assessed by the teacher, classmates, and parents as success, as a victory of the student over himself.

Formation of internal motivation of children:

Psychological aspect of satisfaction in physical education lessons:

Satisfaction –

this is a primary phenomenon, and satisfaction is a secondary one, arising on the basis of the first, in as a result of the transition of an actually experienced emotion into an emotional background ( Have a good mood) and formation of readiness to perform the activities you like.

A variety of forms, methods and means of work in the classroom:

  • The gaming method, due to all its inherent features, evokes a deep emotional response and makes it possible to fully satisfy the motor needs of those involved.
  • The competitive method has the same ability to create a positive emotional background and a positive attitude towards physical exercise.



The work of the departments is organized as follows:

a) staffing of departments is carried out based on the interests and capabilities of the child;

b) a squad leader is selected, and in each series of lessons he changes and as a result everyone will play the role of a squad leader;

c) the task of the squad leader will be to provide insurance, help, and correct the mistakes of his squad comrades;

d) the level of tasks (combinations) is selected taking into account the individual abilities of children;

e) if a student of a weak group succeeds in the task of this level, then he is asked to complete the exercises of the following - middle group, etc. in relation to other groups.


For example: about the dangers of smoking

Traditional tests are good for control, as they are an exclusively objective method. In a computerized form, a self-learning option is possible, which is 2-4 times faster than with traditional collective analysis of test results. The self-service option makes it possible to understand a volume of material that would not otherwise be possible - this is precisely the advantage of computerized tests.

The use of computer tests in theoretical physical education lessons makes it possible to:

  • carry out real individualization and differentiation of training;
  • make reasonable changes to the teaching process,
  • reliably assess and manage the quality of training.

Introduction of information and communication technologies in theoretical physical education lessons through the use of electronic presentations and computer tests

A new approach to the system for assessing student physical education.

It is important to strive to ensure that pedagogical assessment performs not only an “orienting function, but also a stimulating one” that evokes a desire for further motor activity and its improvement.

This is facilitated by assessing the child taking into account the “zone of proximal development” as well as comparing today’s successes in the field of motor activity with previous achievements.

1.From a supine position, legs raised 45 degrees. Legs apart - legs crossed. (scissors) D-2 X 20 times. M - 3X30 times.

2. Starting position too. “Bicycle” 2 X 30 seconds.

3.Lying on your back, with your legs bent at the knees, raising and lowering your torso, hands behind your head. D-2 X25 times. M-2X30 times.

4.Bending and extension of the arms from a lying position. D - 2X 15 times, M - 2X20 times.

5. Support from behind on a chair, legs extended forward, flexion and extension of arms. 2X 20 times.

6. Squats. M - hands behind the head 2X 40 times. D - 2X 40, arms forward.

7. Starting position: main stance, hands on the waist. 1-Lunge with the right, 2-starting position, 3-lunge with the left, 4-starting position. D -20 times, M-30 r.



School records

Visibility of information and demonstration of results:

Test name


Running 1000m.

1 place

Efremov A. 7th grade

2nd place

Long jump

Buchneva E. 7th grade

Burdukov A. 6th grade

3rd place


Movchan N. 7th grade

Kolchanov R. 7th grade


1 place

Golyshev A. 7th grade

Alekseev D. 7th grade


2nd place

Tabarina A. 5th grade

Burdukov A.7th grade

Movchan N.7th grade


Boyarshinova K. 6th grade. 182 cm.

Khomylev A. 7th grade 3.35

3rd place

Efremov A

7th grade 222 cm.

year 2009

Boyarshinova K. 7th grade.

1 place

Tabarina A. 6th grade

Tolmacheva A.7th grade 1 75cm.

Tegentsev D. 7th grade


Malinovsky M.7k

Movchan N.7th grade


Korkin T.

7th grade


Golysheva N. 6th grade

2nd place

Burdukov A.7th grade

Khomylev A.7class 218s


Pupyshev N.

7th grade

Boyarshinova K. 7th grade.

3rd place

Cormina A.

7th grade

Sambursky V. 7th grade.



Tabarin A.

97th grade

Movchan N.7th grade


Filippov 7



Tabarina A.

7th grade

Boyarshinova K. 7th grade


Malinovsky M. 7th grade.



7th grade


The work of the school towards the development of the physical aspect of the student’s personality involves the creation of the following conditions:

  • Organization of extracurricular sporting events and holidays.
  • Organization of physical education electives and sports and tourism clubs.
  • Organization of large physical training sessions, Flash Mops.

Tools for measuring the results of teaching activities:

  • survey,
  • testing,
  • conversations with participants in the educational process,
  • monitoring of students' physical health

Analysis of student survey results (grades 5-7)


Staying healthy

Self improvement

Positive emotions

Acquisition of practical skills and development of physical qualities


Motor hunger

Attend sports clubs and sections

Do extra exercise at home

Completely satisfied with physical education lessons

Partially satisfied with physical education lessons

Dissatisfied with physical education lessons

Would you like to engage in more sports and outdoor games?

Would like to do more cyclic activities: skiing, cycling

Would you like to do more weightlifting?

Would you like to do more martial arts?

Monitoring physical development, functional readiness and physical fitness of students:


Ideal body weight


Weight and height index


Body mass index (Quetelet index)



Chest circumference

Chest development (Erisman index)



The power of the right


Left power

Strength index


Strength index

Physical development of students of MAOU Gymnasium No. 9

2013-2014 academic year.


Weight and height index



Quetelet index

Body mass index

Mass deficit

Excess mass

Mass norm

Erisman index

Development of the chest




Strength index

Bad development


Life index



Insufficient vital capacity




level of physical development




Level of physical development, functional readiness

and physical fitness of students of MAOU No. 9

for the period 2013-2014 academic years in %.

Test date

Physical development


Autumn 2013

Spring 2014



Functional readiness

Autumn 2014



Physical fitness






Weight and height index

5a class

0,19/ 9

5b class

Body mass index

Development of the chest

5v class

6a grade

Power of external respiration device

Functional physical performance assessment

64,17/ 1

3,38/ 1

6b grade

6th grade

Assessment of the CV and respiratory system

62,41/ 3


Level of functional state of the body

Adaptive potential

0,28/ 3

7a grade

12,71/ 1

7b grade

Calculation for pull-ups

63,63/ 2

18,68/ 3

7th grade

1,89/ 1

63,63/ 2

0,30/ 2

Calculation for the press

18,91/ 2

0,32/ 1

Calculation for pr/dl

19,95/ 1

1,35/ 3

0,23/ 2

Calculate for flexibility


2,43/ 2

1,89/ 1

12,84/ 2

Calculation for 30m run

0,07/ 1

1,89/ 1

165,59/ 1

0,68/ 2

0,05/ 2

0,21/ 1

Calculation for 1000m running

132,17/ 3

13,31/ 3

0,69/ 1

0,21/ 1

0,24/ 1

Final place

156,45/ 2

-0,03/ 3

0,21/ 1

0,41/ 1

1,78/ 3

0,65/ 3

-0,03/ 3

-0,07/ 2

0,19/ 3

0,17/ 3

-0,07/ 2

-0,02/ 1

0,00/ 2

0,08/ 1

-0,02/ 1

0,04/ 3

-0,05/ 3

-0,07/ 2

51/ 1

0,05/ 2

60/ 3

55/ 2

Main directions for increasing student motivation

  • Implementation of a differentiated approach.
  • Identifying the presence or absence of student satisfaction and the reasons for dissatisfaction.
  • Regular use of gaming and competitive methods in classes.
  • Increasing the level of the emotional aspect of the education process.
  • Using computer technology in physical education lessons.
  • Correspondence of children's preferences in choosing forms of activities with the content of these activities.
  • The use of visualization methods, a new approach to assessment, homework, constant involvement of students and parents in the organization and participation in extracurricular sports events and competitions, as well as monitoring the physical health of children.

Slide 2

Health and lifestyle monitoring

2 is a complex system for dynamic monitoring of changes in the health status and lifestyle of children to identify critical deviations that require certain interventions and the implementation of psycho-physiological, medical, preventive and socio-economic measures, in order to create motivation for a healthy lifestyle and prevent diseases.

Slide 3

3 Monitoring technology is a set of techniques, methods, methods of collecting and analyzing information, as well as a sequence of actions that contribute to achieving the final goal

Slide 4

Monitoring principles

4 1. Standardization of terminology, indicators, methods. 2. Structuring of indicators (basic, additional, complex). 3. Staged management. 4. Unification of information support (use of uniform information support). 5. Rationality (organization according to priority areas). 6. Effectiveness and efficiency (focus on realistically achievable results).

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Main monitoring tasks

5 Organization of long-term monitoring of the health status and lifestyle of children and adolescents. Creation of a unified monitoring system with a unified methodological approach and software. Analysis of incoming information based on state statistical reporting, results of preventive medical examinations, scientific research and health center data. Identification of cause-and-effect relationships in the “Health and Lifestyle” system. Adoption management decisions(development of targeted programs) on hygiene training and the formation of motivation for a healthy lifestyle (HLS). Assessing the effectiveness of healthy lifestyle formation based on the feedback principle.

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Monitoring model

6 IAPS – information and analytical subsystem IAPS “Lifestyle” IAPS “Management Decisions”

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Trends in changes in public health in Russia for the period up to 2015.

7 1. Stabilization of morbidity among children in high level. Further changes in the structure of morbidity due to an increase in the proportion of mental disorders, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and digestive organs. 2. Negative changes in physical development. An increase in the proportion of children with underweight and short stature, especially among girls 14-15 years old. 3. Further increase in mortality in adolescence(especially among young men) due to injuries, poisonings, suicides. 4. An increase in the general disability of the child population due to congenital anomalies, diseases of the nervous system and mental disorders.

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8 This trend is due to the hazardous lifestyle of children and adolescents.

The creation of a system for monitoring health and developing a healthy lifestyle is the most important medical and social task, the solution of which will make it possible to develop a regional targeted prevention program on a scientific basis and monitor the effectiveness of its implementation using the feedback principle.

9 Health status of children and adolescents Medical criteria for assessing the health of an individual Medical criteria for assessing the health of a children’s team Physical development Disability Presence or absence of chronic diseases Level of development of basic functional systems Degree of body resistance Achieved level of physical development and degree of harmony Comprehensive assessment (health groups) Morbidity Health groups

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Management decisions

10 Consists in the development and implementation of targeted programs for hygienic education and the formation of a healthy lifestyle in order to preserve and strengthen the health of the child population.

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11 A target program is a systematic statement of goals, objectives, and a list of proposed activities for the formation of a healthy lifestyle in order to preserve and strengthen the health of students in an educational institution.

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Model for monitoring health status and developing a healthy lifestyle

12 Morbidity Physical development Healthy nutrition Optimal physical activity Rational daily routine Personal and public hygiene Gender behavior Health status Components of a healthy lifestyle Demographic indicators Cause-and-effect relationships Hygienic education Disability Level of adaptation Absence of bad habits

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13 The effectiveness of healthy lifestyle formation is assessed by: Age-related dynamics of changes in health indicators and healthy lifestyle indicators (5, 7, 12, 16 and 18 years). 2. The degree of achievement of the final goal (feedback principle).

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Algorithm of actions of a specialist when conducting monitoring

14 collection of information about the health and lifestyle of children and adolescents;

statistical processing;

primary analysis;

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16 Hygiene education is a system of specially organized transmission from generation to generation of social experience and a method of forming attitudes, beliefs and skills that motivate the sphere of behavior of a child (adolescent) in the field of preserving and strengthening both their own health and the health of others.

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Model of hygienic education of children

17 Awakening interest Support for family and society Psychomotor skills KNOWLEDGE BELIEFS Conscious behavior Systematicity of learning Analysis of consequences Health motivation

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Principles of hygienic education of children

18 An integrated approach to promoting a healthy lifestyle. Sequence of educational actions (algorithm). Availability of information. Positive orientation in education. Taking into account age and gender characteristics. Use of innovative technologies.

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Consistent process of knowledge formation

19 1 2 3 4 5 6 - estimate, i.e. comparison of knowledge with given criteria - synthesis, i.e. consciousness of new information - analysis, i.e. decomposition of the whole into parts - application, i.e. ability to use - understanding, i.e. interpretation and transmission to others - memorization, i.e. memory storage

22 acquiring knowledge about a healthy lifestyle; formation of motivation - “I want to be healthy”; conscious behavior - “I do everything to be healthy.”

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Features of innovative technology of hygienic education

23 Complex solution of problems in structuring forms, methods and means of education in the system “family - educational institution - society”. Interdisciplinary school program“Health” instead of an independent subject (health lessons). Active involvement of students in the process of developing a healthy lifestyle instead of edifying teaching (“no smoking”). Taking into account dominant needs during critical age periods. Monitoring behavioral factors and correcting them based on feedback, creating a self-developing process of motivation formation.

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24 The lifestyle of children depends not so much on the educational institution, but on socio-economic conditions and on the system of hygienic education in the family and in society.

But it is necessary to begin the process of developing motivation for a healthy lifestyle from an educational institution, where the efforts of teachers, educators, doctors, parents and the public should be combined on the issues of preserving and strengthening both their own health and the health of others.

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25 Thank you for your attention!