Phrases in Chinese with translation for tattoos. Tattoos with translation: the best sketches (photo)

  • Endless love - Endless love
  • Every time we love, every time we give, it’s Christmas - Every time we love, and whenever we give, it’s Christmas
  • Everything takes longer than you think - any thing takes longer than you think
  • He, who does not love loneliness, does not love freedom - He who does not love loneliness does not love freedom
  • I like people who smile when it`s raining. - I love people who smile when it rains.
  • I love to see, when you smile. It"s makes me happy, don"t ask me why... -I love it when you smile. It makes me happy, but don't ask why...
  • If someone thinks that love and peace is a cliché that must have been left behind in the Sixties, that "s his problem. Love and peace are eternal. - If someone thinks that love and peace is a cliché that should be left in the sixties, then it is their problems that love and peace are eternal.
  • In revenge and in love, woman is more barbarous than man. - In love or anger, a woman is much tougher than a man
  • Life without love - not life, but existence. - Life without love is not life, but existence.
  • the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver. - love and kindness are never wasted. They always change lives for the better. They bless the one who receives them and they bless you, the giver.
  • Love involves a peculiar unfathomable combination of understanding and misunderstanding - love consists of a strange, incomprehensible combination of understanding and misunderstandings
  • Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired. - love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.
  • Love is not blind; it simply enables one to see things others fail to see. - love is not blind, it just allows you to see things that other people do not see.
  • No man or woman really knows what perfect love is until they have been arried a quarter of a century - No man or woman will know what perfect love is until they have been married for a quarter of a century
  • Once he stops to write to you, you will understand how you need him... - After he stops writing to you, you will understand how much you need him.
  • One day when the sky is falling, I"ll be standing right next to you
  • One lifelong love - One love for life
  • One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: that word is love - One word frees us from all the heaviness and pain of life: this word is love
  • Only time can tell….if you be mine again. - Only time can tell...whether you will be mine again.
  • The best love affairs are those we never had - The best love affairs are those we never had
  • The best thing in our life is love. - The best thing in our life is love.
  • The love of my life. - love of my life.
  • The rose speaks of love silently, in a language known only to the heart. - Rose speaks of love without a sound, in a language known only to the heart.
  • The way to love anything, is to realize it can be lost - The only sure way to love is to realize that you can lose it
  • Those who love deeply never grow old; they may die of old age, but they die young - Those who truly love never grow old; they may die at an old age, but they die young
  • Wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving - Wake up at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of love
  • We hate the ones we love because they can cause the deepest suffering - We hate those we love because they are capable of causing us the most suffering
  • When you start thinking a lot about your past, it becomes your present and you can't see your future without it. - When you start thinking a lot about the past, it becomes the present, and you no longer see the future without it.
  • While I’m breathing – I love and believe - While I’m breathing – I love and believe

Lettering about love on .

  • Aimer c’est avant tout prendre un risque - to love is, first of all, to take risks
  • Aimes-moi comme je t’aime et je t’aimerais comme tu m’aimes - love me as I love you and will love you as you love me
  • C`est l`amour que vous faut - love is all you need
  • Ce qui ressemble a l'amour n`est que l'amour - What looks like love is love
  • Chaque jour je t'aime plus qu`hier mais moins que demain - Every day I love you more than yesterday, but less than tomorrow
  • De l"amour à la haine, il n"y a qu"un pas. From love to hate there is only one step
  • Heureux ensemble.Happy together.
  • Il n"y a qu"un remède l"amour: aimer plus. - There is only one means for love: to love more.
  • J`ai perdu tout, alors, je suis noyé, innondé de l’amour; je ne sais pas si je vis, si je mange, si je respire, si je parle mais je sais que je t’aime - I lost everything, you see, I drowned, flooded with love; I don't know if I live, if I eat, if I breathe, if I speak, but I know that I love you
  • J'ai perdu tout le temps que j'ai passé sans aimer - I lost all the time I spent without love
  • J'aime ma maman - I love my mother
  • J"ai perdu tout le temps que j"ai passé sans aimer. - I lost all the time I spent without love.
  • Je suis perdu, vois-tu, je suis noyé, innondé d"amour; je ne sais plus si je vis, si je mange, si je respire, si je parle; mais je sais que je t"aime. - I lost everything, you see, I drowned, flooded with love; I don't know if I live, if I eat, if I breathe, if I speak, but I know that I love you.
  • L'amitié est une preuve de l'amour - Friendship is proof of love
  • L'amour est la sagesse du fou et la deraison du sage - love is the wisdom of a fool and the stupidity of a sage
  • L'amour est une sottise faite à deux. - love is a stupidity created by two people.
    L'amour fou - Crazy love
    L’amour qui ne ravage pas n’est pas l’amour - love that does not devastate is not love
  • L’amour vers soi-même est le début du roman qui dure toute la vie - self-love is the beginning of a romance that lasts a lifetime
  • La famille est dans mon coeur pour toujours - Family is always in my heart
  • La plus belle facon de regarder le soleil se coucher est de le regarder dans les yeux de celui qu’on aime. - The best way to see the sun set is to look into the eyes of the one you love.
  • L'amitié est une preuve d'amour. - Friendship, proof of love
  • L"amour aussi bien que le feu, ne peut subsister sans mouvement continuel, et il cesse de vivre dès qu"il cesse d"espérer ou de craindre. - La Rochefoucauld. - love, as well as fire, cannot live without constant movement , and she stops living when they stop hoping or fearing
  • L "amour est la sagesse du fou et la déraison du sage. - love is the wisdom of a fool and the stupidity of a sage.
  • L "amour est un jardin, ça commencement par une pelle et ça finit par une graine. - love is a garden that begins with a shovel and ends with seeds
  • L"amour est un phénomène d"autosuggestion réciproque unissant deux êtres pour un temps dont la durée ne peut se mesurer qu"à l"aide du calcul des probabilités. - love is a phenomenon of mutual automatic union of two people over a period of time, which can only be measured by calculating probabilities.
  • L "amour est une équation de coeur qui se résoud avec deux inconnu(e)s - love is a heart equation that is solved with two unknowns
  • L "amour fou. - Mad love.
  • L"amour qui ne ravage pas n"est pas l"amour - love that does not devastate is not love
    L'amour vers soi-même est le début du roman qui dure toute la vie - self-love is the beginning of a romance that lasts a lifetime.
  • Lorsque deux nobles coeurs se sont vraiment aimés, leur amour est plus fort que la mort elle-même - When two noble hearts truly love, their love is stronger than death itself
  • Otez l’amour de la vie, vous en otez les plaisirs - Take love away from our lives and you take away all the pleasures
  • Otez l’amour de votre vie, vous en ôtez les plaisirs - Take love from your life and you will take it
  • Personne n’est parfait, jusqu’à ce qu’on tombe amoureux de cette personne - A person is not perfect until someone falls in love with that person
  • Plaisir d'amour ne dure qu'un moment, chagrin d'amour dure toute la vie. - The joy of love lasts a moment, the pain of losing love lasts a lifetime.
  • Qui ne savait jamais ce que c"est l"amour, celui ne pouvait jamais savoir ce que c"est la peine - Those who never knew what love was could never know that it was worth it.
  • Si tu ne me parles pas, je remplirai mon coeur de ton silence pour te dire a quel point tu me manques et combien il est dur de t"aimer. - If you do not speak to me, I will fill my heart with your silence, so that I can then tell you how much I miss you and how hard it is to love.
  • Tu persistes à m"ignorer encore, je persiste à t"aimer plus fort. “You stubbornly ignore me again, but I still love you more.”
  • Un amour vrai est une drogue dure, il faut trouver les rélations qui ne provoqueront jammais l"overdose, mais au contraire, l"extase éternelle. - True love is a drug, and you need a relationship that will not lead to an overdose, but will make you get ecstasy.
  • Un amour, une vie - One love, one life
  • Un vieillard amoureux est comme une fleur en hiver - An old man in love is like a flower in winter
  • Une vie sans amour est comme un slip sans élastique. - Life without love is like underwear without elasticity.
  • Vivre et aimer - Live and love

Phrases about love on.

  • AMARE e cantare, suonare, ballare, ridere, piangere, guardare il cielo, ammirare le stelle, parlare, ascoltare il silenzio, sentire il calore, o avere freddo. – LOVE means: singing, playing, dancing, laughing, crying, watching the sky, admiring the stars, talking, listening to silence, feeling warm or cold.
  • Amore della mia vita, sei la persona piu speciale del mondo, mi fai sentire viva. Ti amo! – the love of my life, you are the most wonderful person in the world, you make me feel alive. I love you!
  • Amore della mia vita, sei la persona più speciale del mondo, mi fai sentire viva. Ti amo! – the love of my life, you are the most wonderful person in the world, you make me feel alive. I love you!
  • Amore mio, tutte le storie hanno un inizo ed una fine, ma la nostra la fine non la vedrà mai! Ti amo vita mia. – My love, all stories have a beginning and an end, but we will never see the end of our story! I love you like my life.
  • Amore senza rimpianti. - love without regrets.
  • Anziché con il vano ozio, conquista i tuoi amici con sincere parole d'amore. - Win friends not with empty laziness, but with sincere words of love.
  • C"è tutta una vita in un"ora d"amore. - In one hour of love there is a whole life.
  • C"è un"unica felicità nella vita: amare ed essere amati. – There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved.
  • Da piccola sognavo sempre un amore unico e travolgente, ora non lo sogno piu perche ce l’ho… sei tu! Ti amo! – As a child, I dreamed of love that was always unique and overwhelming, now I don’t dream anymore, because I have... You! I love you!
  • Dal primo momento hai rubato il mio cuore, ti amo piu della mia stessa vita. Amore mio, ti amo alla follia. “From the first moment we met, you stole my heart, I love you more than my own life.” My love, I love you madly
  • Di che cosa è pieno se non di Dio colui che è pieno d"amore? - “What, if not God himself, is the one who is full of love filled with?”
  • Grazie all'amore che provo per te ho imparato ad apprezzare le cose piu semplici della vita e non mi manca niente quanto mi sei accanto amore mio! – Because of the love I feel for you, I have learned to appreciate the simple things in life, and I don’t miss anything because you are next to me, my love!
  • Ho visto che l "amore cambia il modo di guardare. - I noticed (I realized) that love changes vision.
  • Il cuore di una madre è un abisso in fondo al quale si trova sempre il perdono. – A mother’s heart is an abyss. In the depths of which there will always be forgiveness.
  • Il mio amore per te e come l'universo, infinito come le stelle ed i pensieri. – My love for you is like the Universe - endless, like stars and thoughts.
  • Il tempo guarisce tutte le pene d"amore. - Time heals love's longing.
  • L'amore e l'arte di tutte le arti; dipinge emozioni, crea colori e causa gioia e dolori – love is the art of the arts that draws emotions, mixes colors and causes pain and joy
  • L "amore per i genitori vive in eterno. - love for parents lives forever.
  • L "amore uccide lentamente. Love kills slowly.
  • L"unico amore che non tradirà mai è l"amore di una madre. - mother's love is only love, from whom you cannot expect betrayal.
  • Mamma, ti voglio bene. - Mommy, I love you.
  • Mi addormento con la speranza che al mio risveglio tu sia mio, mi sveglio con il tuo incantevole volto impresso nella mia mente e vivo nella speranza che un giorno possa essere la custode del tuo cuore. Ti amo! – I fall asleep with the hope that when I wake up you are mine, I wake up with the wonderful mood that my mind has inspired, and I live in the hope that one day I can become the guardian of your heart. I love you!
  • Nei secoli dei secoli è sempre con me il mio unico amore. “Forever and ever, my only love will be with me.”
    Non esistono parole e frasi adatte a descrivere quello che provo per te! un ti amo, un ti adoro, sei la mia vita... non basterebbero! Ti amo, amore mio! – There are no suitable words and phrases to describe what I feel for you! I love you, I love you alone, you are my life... and that’s not enough! I love you my love!
  • Quando ti vedo non riesco nemmeno a parlare perche rimango stregato dalla tua immensa bellezza. Ti vorrei dire solo due parole: ti amo! – When I see you, I can’t even speak because I am still captivated by your magnificent beauty. I would like to say just two words: I love you!
  • Quando ti vedo non riesco nemmeno a parlare perchè rimango stregato dalla tua immensa bellezza. Ti vorrei dire solo due parole: ti amo! – When I see you, I can’t even speak because I am still captivated by your magnificent beauty. I would like to say just two words: I love you!
  • Sei al centro del mio mondo, in mezzo ai miei pensieri, tu per me vali piu di mille desideri. Ti amo. “You are in the center of my world, in the middle of my thoughts, you are worth more to me than a thousand desires.” I love you.
  • Smetterò di amarti solo quando un pittore sordo riuscirà a dipingere il rumore di un petalo di rosa cadere su un pavimento di cristallo di un castello mai esistito. “I will stop loving you only when a deaf artist manages to depict the sound of a rose petal falling on the crystal floor of a castle that never existed.”
  • Ti amo vale, sei la mia vita, ora che ti ho conosciuto la mia vita senza di te non avrebbe alcun senso.. my love, life without you is absolutely meaningless. “I love you enough to understand that.”
  • Ti amo vale, sei la mia vita, ora che ti ho conosciuto la mia vita senza di te non avrebbe alcun senso.. - I love you so much, you are my life, now I know that my life without you has no meaning. .
  • Ti voglio bene, Mamma. Sarai sempre nel mio cuore. - I love you, Mom. You are in my heart forever.
  • Tutti gli uomini nascono liberi e disuguali. – All people are born free and unequal.
  • Tutti vorremmo l"amore, quello vero; c"e chi lo aspetta e c"e chi l"ha gia trovato... - We all want love, real love; There are those who are waiting for it and those few who have already found it...
  • Unità nelle cose fondamentali, libertà dove c"è il dubbio, carità in tutto. – In the necessary there is unity, in the doubtful there is freedom, in everything there is love.
  • Vivi. Lotta. Ama. - Live. Fight. love.
  • Vivo solo di te, amo solo te. - I live only by you, I love you alone.
  • Vuoi sapere quanto ti amo? Immagina che ogni battito del tuo cuore sia un mio... ti amo, ti amo, ti amo... Do you want to know how much I love you? – Imagine that every beat of your heart is mine... I love you, love you, love you...
  • Vuoi sapere quanto ti amo? Immagina che ogni battito del tuo cuore sia un mio... ti amo, ti amo, ti amo... - Do you want to know how much I love you? Imagine that every beat of your heart is mine... I love you, love you, love you...

Inscriptions with translation about love on.

  • A nullo diligitur, qui neminem diligit. - Nobody loves someone who doesn’t love anyone himself.
  • Aequo pulsat pede - Death strikes everyone indifferently
  • Ama nos et vale! - love us and goodbye!
  • Amantes sunt amentes - Lovers are mad.
  • Amantium irae amoris integratio - The quarrels of lovers are the renewal of love
  • Amat Victoria Curam - Victory loves preparation!
  • Amor caecus - love is blind
  • Amor etiam deos tangit - even gods are subject to love.
  • Amor gignit amorem - love begets love.
  • Amor meus amplior quam verba est - My love is more than words.
  • Amor non est medicabilis herbis - love cannot be treated with herbs.
  • Amor omnia vincit - Love conquers everything.
  • Amor patriae - love for the Motherland
  • Amor vincit omnia - love conquers all
  • Amor, ut lacrima, ab oculo oritur, in cor cadit - love, like a tear, is born from the eyes and falls on the heart.
  • Amore est vitae essentia - love is the essence of life.
  • Antiques amor cancer est. - Old love returns like cancer.
  • Ars amandi - The art of love
  • Castigo te non quod odio habeam, sed quod amem - I punish you not because I hate you, but because I love you.
  • Dum spiro, amo atque credo - While I breathe, I love and believe.
  • Finis vitae, sed non amoris - Life ends, but not love
  • In venere semper certat dolor et gaudium - In love, pain and joy always compete.
  • Injuria solvit amorem. - love teaches resentment.
  • Ira odium generat Concordia nutria amorem.- Anger generates hatred, agreement feeds love.
  • Jucundissimus est amari, sed non minus amare - It is very pleasant to be loved, but it is no less pleasant to love yourself
  • Levis est labor omnis amanti - For a lover, any difficulties are easy
  • Magna res est amor - Love is a great thing.
  • Numquam te amare desistam - I will never stop loving you.
  • Nunc et semper te valde amabo - Now and always I love you very much
  • Nunc scio quid sit amor - Now I know what love means.
  • Odi et amo - I hate and love
  • omnia vincit amor - love conquers all obstacles.
  • Omnia vincit amor et nos cedamus amori - Love conquers everything, and we submit to love
  • Quos diligit, castigat.- Whom I love, I punish.
  • Si vis amari, ama - If you want to be loved, love
  • Sine amore, nihil est vita - life is meaningless without love.
  • Sola mater amanda est et pater honestandus est - only a mother is worthy of love, only a father is worthy of respect
  • Te amo est verum - I love you - this is the truth
  • Tuus perdite sodalis amans - forever your loving soulmate
  • Ut ameris, amabilis esto - To be loved, be worthy of love
  • Vale et me ama - Farewell and love me.
  • Vitam diligere. Amabit te - love life, it will love you back.
  • Vivamus atque amemus - Let's live and love

About love on

  • Denn nur die freie Neigung ist Liebe, nur wer sich selber hat, kann sich selber geben - love can only be voluntary, since only the one who disposes of himself can give himself
  • Eine Liebe, ein Schicksal! - One love, one destiny!
  • Es gibt keine ideale Menschen, schätzt diejenige, die eure Mängel lieben können - Ideal people does not happen, appreciate those who were able to love your shortcomings
  • Je stärker du etwas liebst, desto schwieriger ist es zu verlieren - The more you love something, the harder it is to lose it
  • Leben und lieben - Live and love
  • Liebe besiegt alles - love will conquer all
  • Liebe ist für jemandem erreichbar, nicht für mich aber - love is available to everyone, but not to me
  • Liebe ist wie ein Krieg: leicht zu beginnen, schwer zu beenden. - love is like war - easy to start, but difficult to stop.
  • Mutter und Vater, ich liebe euch - Mom and Dad, I love you
  • Nur die Liebe der Mutter ist ewig - Only mother's love lasts forever
  • Nur Meine Mutter ist meiner Liebe wert - Only a mother is worthy of my love
  • Nur wenn wir etwas verloren haben, beginnen wir das zu schätzen - Only by losing do we begin to appreciate
  • So wie ich mein Land liebe, so wenig mag ich meine Landsmänner - Although I love my country, I do not love my compatriots.
  • Was aus Liebe getan wird, geschieht immer jenseits von Gut und Böse - What is done out of love is always on the other side of good and evil
  • Zu leben ist wie zu Lieben, alles spricht dagegen und alle Instinkte sprechen dafür - Living is like loving: common sense is against it, but all healthy instincts are for it.

and about love.

  • A amar e a rezar, ninguém pode obrigar. - no one can force you to love and pray.
  • Amar é viver duas vezes. - to love - to live twice.
  • Amo a vida. - I love life.
  • Casebre onde se ri vale mais que palácio onde se chora. - A hut where they laugh is more valuable than a palace where they cry.
  • Com o amor e a morte, não tente ser forte. - With love and with death, don’t try to be strong.
  • Do ódio ao amor basta um passo. - From hatred to love there is one step.
  • Escolhes sempre o amor; mas: é o teu amo. - Always choose love; but let it be your love.
  • Eu amo aos que me amam. - I love those who love me.
  • Fale comigo sempre que você estiver triste, mesmo que eu não consiga lhe trazer a felicidade, eu lhe darei muito amor. - Talk to me always when you are sad, although I cannot bring you happiness, I will give you a lot of love.
  • O amor é como a lua, quando não cresce, mingua. - love is like the moon, if it doesn’t grow, it wanes.
  • O amor é um passo do ódio. - From hatred to love there is one step.
  • O amor mata lentamente. - love kills slowly.
  • O amor vence tudo. - love conquers everything.
  • Quem ama o feio, bonito lhe parece. - He who loves something scary seems beautiful to him.
  • Se a tua vida, depender do meu amor. Viverás além da vida, pois lhe amo além do amor. - If your life depends on my love, then you will live because I love you more than love itself.
  • Um dia te amei para esquecer alguém, hoje para te esquecer não consigo amar ninguém. “Once I loved you in order to forget someone, but today, in order to forget you, I cannot love anyone.”
  • Um dos meus sete pecados mortais: a sede de amor absoluto que me devora. One of my seven deadly sins is the thirst for absolute love, which consumes me.
  • Um grande amor terminado é como um grande golpe: deixa sempre uma cicatriz. - Great love ends with a big blow - it always leaves a scar.

Inscriptions in the language about love with translation

  • Amar es el más poderoso hechizo para ser amado. - to love is the most powerful means of being loved.
  • Amar hasta el último suspiro, hasta el último latido del corazón. - to love until the last breath, until the last heartbeat.
  • Amor apasionado. - Passionate love.
  • Angel de la muerte. - Angel of Death.
  • Bebemos, cantamos y amamos. - We drink, we sing and we love.
  • Cualquiera se puede equivocar, incluso yo. - Anyone can make mistakes, even me.
  • Cuando dicen que soy demasiado viejo para hacer una cosa, procuro hacerla enseguida. - When they say I'm too old to do something, I try to do it immediately.
  • Cuando el amor no es locura, no es amor. - If love is not madness, it is not love.
  • El amor es la fuerza y ​​la razón por la que el mundo sigue dando vueltas. - love is the force and the reason why the Earth rotates.
  • Esta fuerza tiene el amor si es perfecto, que olvidamos nuestro contento por contentar a quien amamos. - If love is perfect, it has such power that we forget about our joy in order to please the one we love.
  • La felicidad y el amor me llevan de la mano en la vida. - Happiness and love lead me by the hand through life.
  • Lo más importante en la vida es amar y ser amado. - The main thing in life is to love and be loved.
  • Mi amor por ti será eterno. - My love for you will be eternal.
  • Mi amor, te necesito como el aire. - my beloved, I need you like air.
  • Nuestro amor es eterno. - Our love is eternal.
  • Si tu amor se apagó, dímelo a la cara, estoy aquí. - If your love has faded, tell me straight to my face, I'm here.
  • Solo la vida que has vivido con el amor se puede llamar victoria. - Only a life lived with love can be called a victory.
  • Solo Le pido a Dios - “Cuida a las personas que amo!” - I only pray to the Almighty for one thing - “Keep the people I love!”
  • Solo mi amor siempre está conmigo. - Forever and ever, my only love will be with me.
  • Te echo mucho de menos, amor mío... Haces latir mi corazón... - I miss you, my love... You make my heart beat...
  • Te quiero y nunca te olvidare. Eres lo mejor que hubo en mi vida. - I love you and will never forget you. You are the best thing in my life.
  • Todas las experiencias son positivas. Si no hay sombras, no puede haber luz. - any experience is positive. If there were no shadow, there would be no light.
  • Tú dejaste a mi lado una parte de ti, voy a amarla y cuidarla, por si no querrás quedarte. “You left a part of yourself next to me, I will love it and protect it if you don’t want to stay.”
  • Vivir para el amor. - Live for love.

"I want it. So it will be.”

Bernard Arnault

“The soul will not have a rainbow if there are no tears in the eyes.”
author unknown

“You live in your actions, not in your body. You are your actions, and there is no other you.”
A little prince

“Life is a mountain: you go up slowly, you go down quickly.”
Guy de Maupassant

“Meaning must be found, but cannot be created.”
Frankl V.

“He who does not burn smokes. This is the law. Long live the flame of life!”
Nikolai Alexandrovich Ostrovsky

“A person lives a real life if he is happy with the happiness of others.”
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

“The true mirror of our way of thinking is our life.”
Michel de Montaigne
“Life is not about living, but about feeling that you are living.”
Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky

“Life is beautiful if you learn to live.”

“The only happiness in life is constant striving forward.”
Emile Zola

“We should not be afraid of death, but of empty life.”
Bertolt Brecht

“Spend your life on something that will outlive you.”

"What is a sense of life? Serve others and do good.”

“Our life is a struggle.”

“The meaning of life is only in one thing - struggle.”
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

“Whatever the belief is, so are the actions and thoughts, and what are they, so is life.”
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

“Those who illuminate the lives of others will not be left without light.”
James Matthew Barry

“Don’t waste your life on doubts and fears.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Life is a moment. It cannot be lived first in a draft and then rewritten into a white paper.”
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

“We only find in life what we put into it.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Every life creates its own destiny.”
Henri Amiel

“Life is like a play in a theater: what matters is not how long it lasts, but how well it is played.”
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

“You cannot lose the meaning of life for the sake of life.”
Decimus Junius Juvenal

“Strive not to achieve success, but to ensure that your life has meaning.”
Albert Einstein

“It only takes a moment to become a hero, but it takes a lifetime to become a worthy person.”
Paul Brulat

“If you don’t study life, it has no meaning.”

“Life is not about the days that have passed, but about those that are remembered.”
Petr Andreevich Pavlenko

“Life is like an onion: you peel off layer after layer, and in the end you find that there is nothing inside.”
James Huenecker

“Everything is vanity of vanities. All is vanity and catching the wind.”

“Blessed is life as long as you live without thoughts.”

“Blessed is he who has chosen the goal and path And sees the essence of life in this.”
F. Schelling

“All life is just the price of false hopes.”
D. Diderot

It is worth taking care of the secure storage of your ideas for tattoo inscriptions and in case of data damage on your computer, contact data recovery professionals, such as

Everything is very cool! Fast, beautiful and in general there are no words for how much I like everything! :) Success and good mood always, always, always!!!

I would like to express my deep gratitude to master Pavel! This is truly a master of his craft!!! Everything went smoothly and almost painlessly! This was my first tattoo, but I am sure that I will come again and will definitely recommend your salon to my friends and acquaintances! Smile! ;)

Thank you very much to the salon and the master! The tattoo turned out very beautiful, everything was done carefully, quickly and efficiently.

Thank you to the administrator for helping me choose the font for the inscription and the place of application. I’ve already had my second tattoo, I’ll come again!

Friendly attitude of the master. Excellent result. I was very pleased. The atmosphere in the salon is very homely and pleasant. Master Vasily is a true professional. Thanks a lot!

I really like the attitude of the master towards clients. The master is a true professional. I have done 5 jobs with him and am very pleased. Very polite and attractive girls administrators. Thanks to the entire Tattoo Times team. I will definitely return to your salon!

Impressions - super! I would like to say a huge thank you to master Alexey for the excellent quality work! The salon is very cozy and positive, I'll be back in a week!

Master - super! High quality and beautiful tattoo. Almost painless. A lot of positive emotions. The master suggested which place would be best to apply this tattoo.

Thank you very much! I'll definitely come again.

The master is a professional in his field. I’m very glad that I ended up with him!)

I really liked the work of master Alexey. He approaches his work very responsibly and delicately, and the tattoo process was easy and quick. In the future I will contact your salon. Thanks a lot

You are best

I really liked the master Alexey, as it was very comfortable. Very friendly and funny. I hope that when I decide to get another tattoo, I will definitely go to him. The Mexican rules! :)

A huge sincere “thank you” to the wonderful master Dima! Dima understood exactly what I wanted: he drew a wonderful sketch in accordance with all my wishes, helped me decide on the size and location of the tattoo. It was almost painless to put on. The result is even better than my expectations! I wholeheartedly recommend Dima to everyone for his professionalism, calmness and confidence. And most importantly - understanding!

I really liked the master for his professionalism and sociability. I will definitely return to this salon again!

I was very pleased with the work of the master. The work was done quickly, efficiently, accurately and practically painlessly. In the future I am ready to cooperate with this master.

I really liked your salon, you are extremely friendly and positive, everything is beautiful!

Everything is great! Everything is Amazing!

Everything was great. Very satisfied.

I have a very good impression of your salon. Quality of service, attention to the client. The administrator helped me choose a font and decide on the size of the inscription. And of course, the execution of the work itself left only pleasant impressions. Thanks to Tattoo Times!

The entire salon staff is very friendly and helpful. Helped me decide on a pattern. The master works very professionally. Absolutely sterile and safe, which was extremely important for me. This tattoo was my first but definitely not my last. I will be happy to come again and recommend the salon to friends. I would like to say a huge thank you to all the staff and Dima in particular for helping me decide to take this step and enjoy the procedure and the result!

I really liked the master. Friendly atmosphere, fast and painless work!

Good approach to people, very friendly master with good taste and rich imagination. The administrator greets you pleasantly. Good quality salon.

Dug up on VKontakte (wowtattoo group) and filtered (to my taste). 20 quotes and opinions from tattoo owners about tattoos:

  1. There is no need to be afraid of pain. Critics... You're doing it for yourself. You have to live with it.
  2. Many people get tattoos precisely because of fashion, and a tattoo should reflect your character and state of mind. For me this is not decoration - for me it is life.
  3. With the advent of tattoos, the views of others change. Along with this, the perception of the world changes.
  4. With the appearance of tattoos on my body, I realized that I would no longer become an economist or accountant, as my mother wanted. Bree Bree
  5. Becoming happy...for me it means finding love...tattooed, of course. Bree Bree
  6. By the way, when I got my first tattoo, I immediately realized that I never liked it! But I didn’t stop there. Dead whores
  7. And even when I turn 60, I will not regret tattoos, because this is my memory, what I consciously did when I wanted. Maybe in my old age, looking at my tattoos, I will remember things that I would never have remembered without them. Dead whores
  8. My tattoos are a part of me. We are already inseparable. Evgenia Kislaya
  9. By the way, the first time I saw a tattoo was on the Associate Professor from “Gentlemen of Fortune”)) Yulia Grigorieva
  10. People pay attention to the tattoos and their looks make it clear that I am at least a little out of the general framework of gray idleness, regardless of whether they like it or not. Stanislav Pavlovich
  11. My own life gives me inspiration for tattoos. Stanislav Pavlovich
  12. It doesn’t matter whether you have tattoos on your body or not, the main thing is to always be human. Thea Salad
  13. A tattoo will never make you smarter, stronger or happier. Develop spiritually and look for yourself! Thea Salad
  14. I definitely like showing off tattoos only when it’s appropriate. Unfortunately, most people get tattoos to attract attention when there is nothing else to attract, forgetting that the main value is inside us. Carrot Salad
  15. A stupid and frequently asked question: what will you do in old age? Well, obviously I won’t be bothered by the pictures on my already flabby skin... And it seems to me that I will be one of those crazy old ladies that the whole world will laugh at :)
  16. It's great when you can tell a stranger a lot about yourself without saying a word. Lyubov Tyulkina
  17. Tattoos teach you a lot. At a minimum, be responsible for your decisions entirely and completely, and in any case you will have to deal with this decision. It's completely your choice. Dasha Koshkina
  18. Your tattoo may not please absolutely everyone. It is important that you like it, and the opinion of the majority is the opinion of those who were not asked.
  19. People still think that all tattoos have a meaning and that they are worth a pack of cigarettes. Vitaly Levin
  20. There is so little “forever” in our lives.

Tattoos on a woman’s body are always beautiful; they can give a girl mystery and show her individuality. A tattoo in the form of an inscription in a foreign language can most accurately convey the character and spiritual predisposition of a girl, but when choosing, you should take into account not only the beauty of the sound and font, but also the translation of the words.

The choice of place for a tattoo is an important factor: firstly, the place can complement the meaning of the words; secondly, different parts of the body are to varying degrees accessible to view; and thirdly, the quality of the tattoo and the strength of the pain during its application may depend on this choice.

On the back

The most popular place to get a tattoo inscription is the upper back.. Firstly, this is a very sexy part of the female body, and a beautiful inscription can make it even more attractive. In addition, for many girls, the back is an area of ​​increased susceptibility to various imperfections of both the spine and skin. And a tattoo, by diverting attention to itself, will smooth out these shortcomings.

However, there are also disadvantages. The upper back has a number of protrusions: the spine and shoulder blades. Reproduction of the pattern in this area will be quite painful, especially at the edges of the bone. In addition, for an inexperienced or inexperienced tattoo artist, this can become a problem, because on curves and bulges many factors need to be taken into account so that the design is not distorted.

Therefore, you need to choose a specialist not by price, but by professionalism. Also, due to the difficulty of access for initial care of the tattoo inscription, you will have to get a person who can help with this: apply cream, put on a bandage and monitor whether the paint falls out.

On the stomach

Tattoos in the abdomen also look very attractive, and besides, only the owner of the inscription can decide whether to show body art to the world or not. However, there are also a number of disadvantages. The abdomen is a very sensitive area, which can cause discomfort, both during the drawing process and after. Also, after getting a tattoo, a number of questions may arise.

Tattoo inscriptions with translation for girls can be done on different languages.

First of all, this is due to the fact that this is exactly the part of the body with which the hardest part of the trousers comes into contact. Frequent rubbing will not only cause pain, but will also cause paint particles to fall out prematurely, ruining the entire job. This problem can be solved by refusing to wear clothes made from hard materials, such as jeans.

body art on the arm will have to be corrected quite often.

Also During healing, you should give preference to trousers or skirts with a low waist. Among other things, the abdomen is an area prone to various deformations (the fat layer most quickly increases or decreases, pregnancy, diseases of the internal organs located in this area), and therefore the inscription may also change its original proportions.

However, if a change in the abdomen does not occur due to illness, then the process takes place gradually and the tattoo does not deteriorate.

On the hand

The inner part of the arm above the elbow is ideal for a tattoo of an inscription with a translation. for girls who do not want to unnecessarily show off the drawing, making it for personal pleasure. However, this area is also associated with frequent friction, and therefore body art will have to be corrected quite often.

On the wrist

The wrist is a small surface with many veins and small but mobile bones. This The place is perfect for girls who want to write a short but meaningful phrase.

The mobility of the bones can become the initiator of crooked lines and some errors, so you should choose a specialist with a steady, practiced hand. A large accumulation of veins and their proximity to the surface of the skin is a factor in the increased risk of infection, so when choosing this place you should be prepared for more thorough and frequent care.

On the brush

When applying an inscription to the hand, the same problem of mobility of the bones appears as with the wrist. However, this part of the hand has a larger area, which means the inscription can be longer.

When choosing this place, you should take into account your future professional activities: some serious organizations, especially those that involve frequent communication with people, often refuse job applicants who have tattoos. And it will be almost impossible to hide it in this place.

On the foot

Tattoo inscriptions on the foot look very interesting.. However, this part of the body is subject to frequent contact, which affects the quality and life expectancy of the pattern. An equally attractive location is the side of the foot, which is not only less at risk, but also more likely to be seen. Moreover, it won’t be difficult to hide it.

On the ankle

The ankle is ideal place for tattoo lettering. It can be applied either as a phrase on one side of the ankle, or in a circle, creating the effect of a bracelet. However, the inscription should not be overly overloaded with patterns, otherwise people may think there are skin problems.

On the neck

Making an inscription on the neck, despite all the sophistication of the tattoo translation, is not recommended for overweight girls: every movement of the head will create folds that will quickly spoil the artist’s work. Due to the presence of vertebral cartilage in the neck, getting a tattoo in this area can be quite painful.

An equally attractive place for a tattoo is the side of the foot, which is not only less at risk, but also has a better chance of being seen.

However, due to the small area, the duration of pain will not be so high as to refuse to apply the inscription in this particular place. Having a tattoo on the neck will brighten up even the most casual look of a girl, which will consist of a bun hairstyle and old jeans. Tattoos of inscriptions on the neck look most attractive if they are accompanied by a small image.

On the collarbone

This area is one of the most sensitive to tattoo and will have a very painful effect. This is especially true for excessively thin girls whose collarbones are not covered with at least a small layer of fat.

However, if pain is not an excuse for retreat, then one cannot help but notice that this part of the body seems to be intended for inscriptions on it. And it's not just the shape, but also the fact that this is the area least susceptible to friction.

The collarbone area is one of the most sensitive to get a tattoo and will have a very painful effect.

Also tattoos on the collarbones are practically not deformed(often upon reaching the age of 18, girls are no longer subject to bone growth, and it is almost impossible to gain fat mass in this area), and also do not fade from sunlight (the shadow of the head almost always falls on the collarbones, preventing direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation).

Lettering tattoos for girls

It just so happens that girls are thoughtful, vulnerable and very sentimental creatures. Therefore, the inscriptions that they put on their body, which are close to their emotions and worldview, are often associated with the personal sphere of life.

Women's inscriptions

About love

Each girl has her own idea of ​​love, depending on her personal experience and view, as well as her current marital status. Although, many do not recommend getting a tattoo, focusing on the last criterion: everything is changeable, and removing a tattoo is not so easy and painless.

You can put an inscription once seen in a movie or read in a book, but it should not just be beautiful - it should sink into the soul, playing on its strings. After all, any inscription that will last on the body longer than a slight infatuation must reflect a worldview, thoughts that are not permissible to express out loud, but they often spin in the head.

Inscriptions about love can consist of one word, for example, “always”, “love”, “together”, etc., or of full-fledged phrases and expressions.

Examples of such phrases:

  1. For lovers there is a world invisible to others.
  2. My heart has chosen the path.
  3. It takes two people to love.
  4. He who loves bears scars. Wounds are only medicines for karma.

About life

Such inscriptions, expressed in tattoos, will become a translation of the life credo of any girl. You can formulate the message that you want to imprint on your body yourself, by listening to your own thoughts, feelings and worldviews. The main thing is to be able to capture the whole point briefly, concisely and unambiguously.

Those who find this task overwhelming should also not be discouraged: over the long history of the creation of fiction books and films, the archives contain an immense number of phrases and quotes about life that can suit girls with a wide variety of tastes and views on this very life.

They can inspire, motivate, or they can also express skepticism: it all depends on personal preferences. The main thing when choosing an inscription is to try not to focus on popular statements (even if they coincide with views), but on those that you found or came up with yourself. Otherwise, instead of self-expression, it may result in what is called repetition and the herd effect.

Example phrases:

  1. There will always be difficulties, learn to be happy in spite of them.
  2. Life is too short to waste it on hatred.
  3. I want it. So it will happen.
  4. When dying, smile.

About family

Almost every girl dreams of family, home comfort and the warmth of the family hearth. This is exactly what can be expressed with a tattoo. Of course, in the modern world there are many who strive for financial independence, creating a career and all kinds of self-expression. This point of view can also be expressed through a tattoo.

With the help of inscription tattoos you can express your love for your most beloved family members: mother, father, grandmother, child, etc.

In addition to my own opinion about starting a family, you can mark on the body significant, important moments of an already created family. For example, this could be the phrase with which the acquaintance began or a line from a song that marked a significant day. Also, with the help of tattoo inscriptions, you can express love for your most beloved family members: mother, father, grandmother, child, etc.

Example phrases:

  1. I wanted to be where my mother sang to us.
  2. Parents are immortalized in our love.
  3. Family is our everything.


Such tattoos are also very popular among girls, because they carry a huge meaning behind them. With the help of philosophical inscriptions on the body, you can designate not only your life path, but also indicate what is most important in life, what you want to strive for. Such a tattoo will become like a guiding ray to the intended goal.

The inscriptions that tell about good and evil, about faith (and not necessarily in God), the meaning of life and even death look very impressive.

Example phrases:

  1. To those whose soul has not grown cold in the cold, the universe gives a miracle.
  2. If you don't try, you won't pass.
  3. As long as I live, I will rush to the edge.
  4. Everything did not happen in vain.

Examples of interesting phrases in different languages

Various tattoo inscriptions look most exotic and beautiful in foreign languages. However, before applying the phrase to her body, the girl needs to find out a clear translation so as not to get into trouble.

In Latin

Phrases options:

  1. Quod me netrit me destruit (What nourishes me also destroys).
  2. Quello che voi siete, noi eravamo. Quello che noi, siamo voi sarete (You are who we once were. We are who you will become). This phrase towers over the entrance to the Imperial Crypt in Rome.
  3. Carpe Diem, Quam Minimum Credular Postero (Living in today, I will not worry about tomorrow).
  4. Tempus neminem manet (Time will wait for no one).
  5. A posse ad esse (From the possible to the real).

In Hebrew

Example phrases:

  • החיים קצרים (Life is short);
  • אהבה זוכה בכל דבר (Love will conquer anything);
  • או אנחנו, או אותנו (Either we, or us).

In the Arabic language

Example phrases:

In English

Example phrases:

  1. Childhood forever.
  2. Death comes after all (Death will come for everyone).
  3. I want you to stay (I want you to stay).
  4. Stressed Out.
  5. Desires generate actions.

In Italian


  1. Senza fallimenti non c’è successo (Without failures you cannot achieve success).
  2. Prima ancor di vivere (Not having seen life).
  3. Spero di morire in primavera (I hope that I die in the spring).
  4. L'eterna canzone d'amore (The Eternal Song of Love).

In Spanish


  1. Mi amor es eterno (My love is eternal).
  2. En una hora de amor, una vida (In one hour of love there is a whole life).
  3. En tiempos oscuros, es mejor ver personas brillantes (In dark times, bright people are better seen).
  4. La amistad es una cruz (Friendship is a cross).

In French


  1. Je l'aime à mourir (I love you to death).
  2. Pardonne-moi, reviens moi comme avant (Forgive me, come back to me as before).
  3. L'amour est plein de risques. Et ça vaut le coup (Love is full of risk. And it is worth it).
  4. Laissez le froid être juste le temps. Il ne sera pas au Coeur (Let the cold be only the weather. It should not be in the soul).

In Chinese

For example:

  • 不要說如果它不改變沉默 (Don't talk unless it changes the silence for the better).
  • 他們笑的小屋比宮殿更富有,他們覺得無聊 (The hut where they laugh is richer than the palace where they are sad).
  • 生命力 (Life force).
  • 愛 (Love).

In Japanese


  • 望む (Desired).
  • 幸福 (Happiness).
  • 愛 (Love).
  • 精神の強さ (Fortitude).

Beautiful fonts for women's tattoos

To date, more than a million fonts have been invented and invented, each of which can become the one.

It is no secret that a font is capable of influencing a person’s subconscious, conveying to him feelings, emotions and impressions. Therefore, girls who are going to get an inscription tattoo, in addition to the translation, need to carefully think about the image of the letters.

If the meaning of the phrase is more romantic, then the font should be soft, gentle, with rounded lines.

So, for example, not a single girl would get a tattoo with the Times New Roman font: firstly, the font is overly famous, and therefore banal, and secondly, this style of writing is imprinted in the minds of many as something official (it is often used to create job application resumes, as well as when writing papers for higher educational institutions).

Letters with angular, clear and straight styles are suitable for inscriptions, the seriousness of which must be emphasized. If the meaning of the phrase is more romantic, then the font should be soft, gentle, with rounded lines. You should also take into account the size of the words, the development of words into a pattern or design, and remember that in some cases capital letters look ugly.

However, having decided on the mood of the inscription and the meaning that you want to convey, choosing a font will not be so difficult. The main thing is the desire to search. Since today, tattooing inscriptions on the body has become popular among boys and girls, then designers have created special platforms where you can choose the most suitable font online.

Before actually applying a tattoo, many experts recommend first doing a “translation” in ink to understand how the phrase will look on the body. After all, there is a significant difference between a drawing on paper and on skin.

Inscriptions that should not be made

Do not put controversial, rude or vulgar messages on your body, which at first glance may seem funny and witty, but over time will turn into a stigma. Also, you should not do body art with words of love near intimate areas, as they can become ambiguous.

Many girls made the mistake of applying names, initials or any other distinctive symbols associated with their lovers in a fit of passion and love. Falling in love is a strong feeling, but, unlike a tattoo, it has the ability to disappear. And not every guy will be able to adequately perceive the reminder of his “ex” that is always flashing from his girlfriend.

This can apply to many other things: for example, the names of your favorites musical groups(today they are in the TOP, but who knows what will happen tomorrow). The inscriptions must refer to eternal things that will remain unchanged.

You should not do body art with words of love near intimate areas, as they can become ambiguous.

Deciding on a tattoo inscription is not always easy, but to make the decision easier the girl needs to carefully think through every detail: drawing, style, font, translation and meaning of the phrase.

Having resolved all controversial issues regarding the desired body art, having carefully studied every detail, you can be sure that the tattoo will only cause joy at every glance. And not only the owner, but also ordinary people who see the drawing.

Video about tattoo inscriptions for girls

Photo of tattoo inscriptions with translation for girls:

Photo of tattoo inscriptions on the neck with translation: