Where is Sergei Penkin? Sergei Penkin explained why he did not become a family man

HOBBIES. As a child, Sergei skateboarded and breakdanced. Now the artist’s favorite pastime is smoking a hookah in a calm environment.
He hates social parties and glamor, so you won't see him at parties. Penkin spends his free time with friends and family, goes to discos, and throws parties at home. She loves to travel, loves Italy, Germany, New York and Miami, her favorite resort in Russia is Sochi.
Loves going to the Bolshoi Theater.

FAMILY. Sergei Mikhailovich Penkin was born on February 10, 1961 in Penza into a large family. Dad worked as a machinist, after retirement - as a watchman, mother - a housewife, worked part-time in a church.

Little is known about the singer’s personal life. There are rumors about the artist's unconventional orientation. However, Sergei has a wife, Elena, whom he knew for more than ten years, but only married a year ago. Elena is 12 years younger than her husband. She is an Englishwoman of Russian origin, a journalist by training, working in London. Therefore, the spouses rarely see each other.
Sergei also has a son, Valery, who is 26 years old.
Penkin lives in the Moscow region in a huge cottage with an area of ​​1.5 thousand meters and a ceiling height of 15 m (the height of a five-story building!). The house has a swimming pool, a concert hall, and a living room with a fireplace.

FAITH. Sergei is a deeply religious Orthodox man. As a child, he even sang in the church choir, and his father predicted the fate of a seminarian for him. However, Penkin was always drawn to the stage.

By the way, in memory of his parents, Sergei erected a temple in his native Penza, which he visits at least twice a year. It is in this temple that Sergei plans to marry his wife in the future.

CREATION. He graduated from the Penza Cultural and Educational School, the Gnessin Institute in vocal class. Sergei started singing at the age of 3 and has been on stage for 16 years. Plays the flute and piano.
Since 2001, the artist has released 14 albums, the last of which is “New Songs” (2007). He is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of a voice with a unique range in its breadth (four octaves).
He doesn’t like modern pop music and believes that “you can get ear cancer” from it. Penkin prefers the "firms": jazz, old classics - "Boney M", Sting, Pavarotti, Elton John, Louis Armstrong, Michael Jackson. “I study their style of singing and try to adapt it to the Russian language,” says the artist.
Penkin is played on radio and TV. Recently he was invited to the project “You are super-star” instead of Krylov, but the artist refused. But in vain!

FAVORITE KITCHEN. Penkin is a real gourmet and is very picky about food. Most of all he prefers Russian cuisine. Once, during a tour of Europe, he was so hungry for herring and boiled potatoes that he almost canceled the tour. For fabulous money they got him his favorite food, and he continued the tour.
Sometimes he goes on a diet. For example, he eats potatoes only once a week. After every concert he drinks tea with lemon. As for alcohol, he prefers vodka and whiskey. When he loses weight, he drinks only wine.
To protect his voice, he does not eat cold foods, seeds or nuts. And you heat up your favorite ice cream in the microwave. She loves Tula gingerbread!

IMAGE. Sergei designs the costumes himself and orders them from the couturier. All of them are distinguished by their brightness and a huge number of rhinestones, sparkles and stones. Penkin's collection includes more than 2 thousand different outfits and 250 pairs of shoes! Many of the costumes he had never even worn.
In ordinary life, he dresses depending on the situation. He wears a tailcoat or tuxedo to the theater, and goes out into the countryside in a tracksuit. He admits that he prefers the classic style.
He loves jewelry very much. He constantly wears two gold rings - one modern with diamonds, the other pre-revolutionary, with a 2.5-carat diamond, which he bought at a pawnshop. But the elite ones encrusted with diamonds Swiss Watches"Elini", which adorned the singer's wrist during the last concert in Tula, he lost.

He admits that he is one of the metrosexuals - men who take care of themselves (do manicures, light makeup). Favorite perfume - "Davidoff".

WELL WELL! Penkin proudly shares a story that happened to him at one of the concerts. After the speech, a married couple approached him and admitted that they had not been able to have a child for more than five years. And after going to the artist’s concert, literally a week later the woman found out that she was pregnant. What do you think? “Everyone gets pregnant at my concerts!” the artist jokes after this incident.

photo by Sergei KIREEV.

Sergei Mikhailovich Penkin was born in February 1961 in Penza, in a large family, where, in addition to the boy, four more children were growing up - three daughters and the eldest son. The family lived modestly. My father worked as a train driver, and my mother, a housewife, cleaned the church. She was one of the “noble”: the roots of the family went back to the old dynasty of the Dolinins, Penza nobles. The woman was deeply religious and taught this to her children.

Sergei Penkin sang in a church choir and at one time even decided that he would become a priest. But at the last moment he changed his mind about entering the theological academy and chose secular life.

IN school years Penkin received musical education. The young man learned to play the flute and enjoyed attending the music club of the local Pioneer House. After graduating from school, Sergei entered the Penza Cultural and Educational School. To make ends meet and help his family, he sang in restaurants and discos in the evenings.

After receiving his diploma, Penkin went into the army. Sergei expressed a desire to serve in Afghanistan, but the command sent the young man to the Scarlet Chevron military ensemble, where he became a vocalist.

Sergei Penkin met the beginning of the 1980s in the capital. The young man dreamed of singing and conquering Moscow. But the path to the goal turned out to be long and thorny. The Penza guy got a job as a janitor and for 10 years made unsuccessful attempts to enter Gnesinka. Sergei managed to take this fortress only on the 11th approach.


The creative biography of Sergei Penkin in the capital began with performances in restaurants. During the day, the singer swept yards, and in the evening, dressed in an outfit with a million sequins, he performed in the restaurant of the Cosmos Hotel. Apparently, these performances were bright and unusual, because soon tables in “Lunny” - that was the name of the restaurant - began to be booked 3 months in advance: the public wanted to see the eccentric singer.

Having entered Gnesinka, Penkin did not leave the restaurant. Moreover, he began touring abroad as part of the Lunar Variety Show.

Best of the day

In 1986, Sergei met the cult rocker Viktor Tsoi. The musicians became friends. Tsoi invited Penkin to perform at a joint concert. Despite the fact that the performers' audience was diametrically opposed, the performance was successful. The collaboration continued until Viktor Tsoi died in an accident.

In 1992, when Sergei Penkin received a diploma from the Gnesin Musical and Pedagogical University in vocal class, he was already in the singing active debut album"Holiday". Moreover, the performer with unique vocals was already known far beyond the borders of the USSR. Penkin regularly received invitations to perform at concerts in London, New York and Paris.

Every performance of Sergei turned into a real show. Soulful Russian performance folk songs in an original modern arrangement and concert costumes of all colors of the rainbow (and there were 2.5 thousand such costumes, according to Penkin) aroused burning interest in the singer, unlike anyone else. But before the collapse of the Soviet Union, only visitors to restaurants and variety shows knew about the artist in his homeland. Penkin was not invited to concerts of popular performers. And the singer was barred from entering television.

But after the collapse of the Union the situation changed. In 1992, television viewers saw and heard Sergei Penkin, first on a commercial channel, and then on others. The singer’s video for the song “Feelings” was played often. Penkin began to be invited to concerts and television.

In the mid-1990s, Sergei Penkin made the first tour around the country, calling the tour “Conquest of Russia”. Germany, Australia, Israel - the geography of the tour quickly expanded.

The singer was the first of his compatriots to perform at the legendary New York Billboard hall. In London, the artist sang at the same concert with Peter Gabriel and even made it to the Eurovision final. At that time, Penkin already had 5 albums and work in 3 films.

In the 2000s, Sergei Mikhailovich gave concerts in Moscow, accompanied by the Silantyev Orchestra, and celebrated his 45th birthday in the Rossiya Concert Hall. The singer fulfilled his youthful dream of conquering the capital. The artist regularly delighted fans with new albums and author’s collections: “Feelings”, “Love Story”, “Jazz Bird”, “Don’t Forget!”, “I Can’t Forget You”. In 2011, he released a disc called “Duets”, which included songs performed together with Lolita Milyavskaya, Irina Allegrova, Anna Veski, Boris Moiseev, Ani Lorak.

The singer’s discography includes 25 albums, the last of which, “Music,” Sergei released in 2016. Fans got the opportunity to hear new songs and their favorites musical compositions in an updated arrangement.

Two documentaries have been released about the life and work of Sergei Penkin. The artist has repeatedly participated in the dubbing of cartoons (“New Bremen”, “Frozen”), and starred in television films (“My Fair Nanny”, “The Wayfarers”, “Doomed to Be a Star”). The vocalist's voice is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

Personal life

The performer's colorful outfits and bright makeup often became the reason for conversations in the media about the singer's gay orientation. Sergei was offended by such assumptions and angry at attempts to invade his privacy.

During his first tour to London, Penkin met an English journalist who had Russian roots. In 2000, the young couple got married, but their life together did not work out. The marriage lasted two years. Sergei lived in Russia, in a country mansion built according to his own designs, and his wife Lena did not want to leave Britain.

According to Sergei Penkin, he remains a believer. The singer was going to marry his chosen one, but it never came to that. Lena couldn’t stand living in two countries and Sergei’s busy touring schedule. The couple broke up.

Penkin did a lot for his hometown. In Penza he erected a church and a chapel in the cemetery where his parents and older brother were buried. Sergei Mikhailovich loves to visit the city of his childhood, where the musician’s sisters are always waiting for him.

In 2015, Sergei Penkin’s personal life was again on the front pages of the tabloids. They started talking about the musician’s affair with 40-year-old Odessa resident Vladlena, the host of a local TV channel. The singer established relationships with the two daughters of his beloved woman from his first marriage. The couple visited Paris, where, according to rumors, Sergei even proposed to his chosen one.

But the wedding did not take place. Due to emotional distress, Sergei Penkin lost 28 kilograms, which he talked about in an interview. Nevertheless, the singer believes in fate and expects to meet his soulmate.

Sergey Penkin now

Sergei Penkin practically does not appear at social events, devoting all his time to creativity. In 2016, the artist celebrated his 55th anniversary with a concert on the stage of Crocus City Hall.

The singer regularly goes on tours in Russian cities and visits London and Israel. Penkin invariably attracts full houses at his performances. The artist’s latest concert program was called “Music Therapy.” On stage, the artist created an enchanting 3D mapping show, where each song is accompanied by its own video art, lighting effects and dynamic scenographic designs.

The concert consists of three parts, the first of which takes the audience and singer to the Garden of Eden, the second to foggy London, and the third part takes place on the stage of an ancient Greek amphitheater. Sergei Penkin performs one of the songs inside a giant aquarium.

Sergei Penkin considers his own pride to be the vocal school he created in 2015. A singer with unique voice abilities and rich stage experience, Sergei Penkin has a lot to teach the younger generation. Every year the school organizes a reporting concert. In November 2017, the event was hosted by a participant in the TV show “The Voice” Artem Katorgin.

In the fall, Sergei Penkin participated in the recording of musical accompaniment for animated film Disney's "Olaf and Frozen Adventure" together with Natalia Bystrova, Anna Buturlina and Andrei Birin. The artist also performed at the Jewelry Fashion Week in Moscow, Estet Fashion Week 2017, which took place in mid-November. At the gala event, Sergei Penkin performed the compositions “Autumn Rain” and “Heart into Pieces.”

In addition to announcing upcoming events on his personal official website, the singer posts news and latest photos V social network VKontakte and Instagram. Sergei differs from many of his colleagues in that he always sings only live and openly expresses a negative opinion about modern Russian show business.

Penkin is the best
Elena 10.12.2010 02:21:00

Maybe now they will clog up television less with Kirkorov and show more real talent - Sergei Penkin

Sergey Penkin is one of the famous Russian performers. He has a voice capacity of four octaves. The artist tours throughout Russia and neighboring countries. He received a large number of prizes and awards.

In 2015, our hero took part in several show programs. He reincarnated as several world pop stars. The images of Alexander Gradsky, Alexander Serov and others were interestingly shown.

For a long time the artist was alone. This led to the spread of rumors about his gay orientation. The performer is now in a relationship with a journalist from Odessa.

For a long time, only a small number of fans listened to songs performed by the artist. In 2015, he took part in the show “One to One”. Since that time, interest in the artist’s work has increased significantly. Fans know quite accurately what the singer’s height, weight, and age are. It is easy to calculate how old Sergei Penkin is, knowing his year of birth. He recently celebrated his 55th birthday.

Sergei Penkin, whose photo in his youth and now can be found on the Internet, amazes with his extravagance. He makes his own suits. Currently their number exceeds two hundred.

The man is actively involved in sports. He skates, skis, and loves to swim in the pool. These hobbies have a good effect on his physical fitness. With a weight of 68 kg, the artist’s height is 172 cm.

The biography and personal life of Sergei Penkin are filled with various rumors. Some Russians still think that the artist belongs to gay people, although he has repeatedly stated the opposite.

The fifth child in the Penkin family was born in the 60s. Father, Mikhail Penkin, worked at the railway depot. Mother - Penkina Antonina worked in one of the Penza churches. The artist had two brothers and two sisters.

Since childhood, Sergei has been associated with music and faith in God. From the age of 5 he sang in the church choir.

The boy studied meticulously at school, mastering all the sciences. He believed that this would be useful to him in life. At the same time, Seryozha studied at music school play the piano and flute and sing.

After the eighth grade of school, he continued his musical studies at a school in Penza. During his army service he sang in an army ensemble. It was at this time that the young man decided to become a famous artist throughout the Soviet Union.

After demobilization, the guy goes to the capital. I managed to enter the famous Gnessing School a few years later. Life in Moscow was difficult. Despite this, Penkin remains to live here. He gets a job in one of the utility offices. During the day, the future star sweeps the streets. In the evenings, Sergei sings in one of the capital's restaurants. Already in those early years, the public was amazed by the talent of the aspiring star. At the end of the 80s, the first foreign tours took place.

The artist's finest hour was his meeting with Viktor Tsoi. Our hero sang in this star’s concert, causing thunderous applause.

In the early 90s, the singer performed solo for the first time. This happened in St. Petersburg. After this, Sergei began to regularly perform on the best stages not only Russian Federation, but also other countries.

The man took part in several show programs on Russian television. He reincarnated as Grigory Leps, Alexander Gradsky, Elton John and other artists. Many images were appreciated by professionals. Alexander Gradsky, who came to the studio, said that even his own mother would not have distinguished Sergei from his image. This assessment became the best reward for our hero.

In addition to performing various songs, the celebrity played in several films. He appeared in Hotel Eden, Knockout Games, Diamond Arm 2 and other films.

Sergei Penkin is writing a book about his life, the release of which is planned for mid-2019. From it you can learn about childhood, youth, and years of life in the capital.

Throughout his artistic career, our hero received several awards. It has become an indicator of style.

Currently, the artist is in a civil marriage. His beloved permanently resides in Ukraine, where a man’s entry is restricted for an indefinite period. The singer was not in a relationship for a long time. This is what caused the rumors about Sergei’s unconventional orientation.

The family and children of Sergei Penkin have been of interest to admirers of the artist’s talent for a long time. The man was free for a long time. At the beginning of the 2000s, he registered an alliance with Elena Protsenko. But two years later the lovers broke up. In 2012, the artist met his new love. Nowadays they are common. Perhaps in the future the marriage will be registered and, finally, Penkin’s children will be born.

Our hero's father worked in the locomotive depot of the city of Penza. He often traveled by train to the most remote points of the Soviet Union. The man was buried in one of the cemeteries in Penza. A chapel was erected at his grave.

Mom worked in one of the Penza churches. She gave birth to the divine principle in the hearts of children. In the early 90s, the woman died. She is laid to rest next to her husband.

Seryozha was the youngest of five children. His oldest brother abused alcohol. As a result of this, he died. Two sisters and a brother are currently living. They have spouses and raise children.

A man is participating in raising money for orphanages. His money is used to award a scholarship to graduates of the Penza Orphanage.

Wives of Sergei Penkin - Elena Protsenko, Vladlena

The wives of Sergei Penkin - Elena Protsenko and Vladlena - speak positively about our hero. They appeared in his life at different points in his life.

In the late 90s, at one of the foreign concerts, the first meeting with Elena took place. She worked in one of the English publishing houses, where she covered the cultural life of London. Somehow, imperceptibly, the young people began to communicate more closely than friends. At the end of 1999, our hero proposed marriage to the girl. A few weeks later she agreed. At the beginning of the 2000s, an alliance was concluded. But the marriage did not last long. The lovers could not agree on where to live. Sergei persuaded his beloved to move to Moscow, and she offered to live in London, England. This led to the divorce of the spouses.

In 2012, Penkin met a journalist from Odessa. Her name is Vladlena. The woman was divorced and had two daughters. The lovers met often. Now, due to the ban on men entering the territory of Ukraine, meetings between common-law spouses are limited. Only sometimes Vladlena can come to Moscow. According to official information, the next visit of the beloved artist will take place at new year holidays. For this reason, the man canceled all concerts planned for this time.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Sergei Penkin are updated by the artist himself quite often. Here you can find out the most detailed information about the singer’s entire life.

Wikipedia contains information about childhood, youth. Here you can read how the artist became famous, how many times he tried to enter Gnesinka, what he did in his free time from creativity. The page only talks about his marriage to Lyudmila Protsenko.

Instagram is actively updated by the man himself. Here you can view photos and videos, as well as listen to songs performed by him. He actively maintains the Penkin page on Facebook. In it, he gives advice to fans who want to become successful.

Sergei Penkin is a personality whose development was not rapid, but gradual. First he distinguished himself in singing, then as a composer and actor. Sergei’s voice range includes four octaves, which allowed him to become famous not only in his homeland, Russia, but also to receive a lot of tempting offers to tour in Europe.

Height, weight, age. How old is Sergei Penkin

Height, weight, age. How old is Sergei Penkin, a singer with an amazing vocal range, fifty-six years old. His height is 175 centimeters; while the weight is seventy-eight kilograms. According to his zodiac sign, a man is Aquarius, and, as you know, many representatives of this horoscope are drawn to creative professions.

The boy was born and raised in a believing family, and to this day is a person who honors God's laws and those who act according to their conscience. Sergei’s father at that time worked as a machinist, but his mother raised the children, ran the entire household, and on occasion worked as an ordinary cleaner within the walls of the church. Penkin was brought up in big family, in which, in addition to him, three more children grew up: Sergei’s older brother and two little sisters.

All children, without exception, were raised by their mother with an emphasis on spirituality, for the mother’s family tree originated from the ancient Dolinin dynasty, who were nobles and believers. Therefore, it is not surprising that the boy began attending church from the age of three, not only silently attending liturgies, but also singing in the church choir. Then he even thought about going to a theological seminary and becoming a clergyman. However, after a while, he abandoned this idea without realizing it.

Biography and personal life of Sergei Penkin

The biography and personal life of Sergei Penkin is marked by the date February 10, 1961. A boy was born in the city of Penza. And in the future, being already famous, he will do a lot for his hometown: he will build a church and a chapel at his own expense. While studying at school, the boy also received a musical education and played the flute superbly. After school, he studied at the Penza Cultural and Educational School, and after graduation he joined the army. The young man expressed a desire to serve in Afghanistan itself, but was sent to the Scarlet Chevron military ensemble, where he became its vocalist.

Only in the early 1980s, Sergei, who arrived in Moscow, began to dream of singing. In order to somehow support himself, he got a job as a janitor, and for a whole decade tried unsuccessfully to enter Gnesinka. As a result, Penkin still entered there, but only using his eleventh attempt. And here everything started to spin: during the day he swept the streets, but in the evenings, wearing a colorful suit, he gave his first performances in the restaurant of the Cosmos Hotel. With these numbers so unusual, so unconventional and lively, he attracted attention to himself so much that people who wanted to see him again began to reserve tables in the restaurant three months in advance.

In 1986, the artist met Viktor Tsoi, they began to become friends, and Tsoi invited Penkin to perform at one of his concerts. Their creative tandem turned out to be successful, and the cooperation lasted until the day of Tsoi’s death. After the collapse Soviet Union, in the mid-1990s, the singer, as part of his tour, visited not only the cities of Russia, but also Germany and Israel. He was the first to have the honor of performing on stage at the Billboard Hall in New York City. Sergei has released twenty-two albums! Even now his name remains in the tabloids.

Family and children of Sergei Penkin

The family and children of Sergei Penkin are a favorite topic for reporters. Because, for his bright stage image, he is often credited with being gay. The famous singer was always offended and angry at such provocative statements from yellow newspapers. Therefore, I stopped letting the press into my personal life. It is known that he was married, but there were no children in the marriage. In one of his interviews, the pop singer admitted that this is perhaps the only thing he regrets in his life, that he did not have children. But very often it happens that singers who are successful in their creative calling simply do not have time to pay the proper amount of attention to building their personal center of happiness.

Wives of Sergei Penkin - Elena Protsenko, Vladlena

Sergei Penkin's wives Elena Protsenko and Vladlena are the most discussed topic for the paparazzi. Sergei's first attempt to build a family was with a girl named Elena, who is a Russian journalist but lives in England. It was Penkin’s life schedule in two countries, constant travel and busy touring schedule, as well as the fact that the girl did not want to leave her foggy Albion that caused the breakdown of the marriage.

Their relationship, which began in 2000, ended in 2002. After the split previous relationships man, for a long time he did not decide on new ones. Only in 20015 did he meet Vladlena, a woman living in Odessa. Vladlena is a mother of two children, but the singer managed to establish positive relationships with her daughters. Now their relationship is civil in nature, but the woman will probably soon move to Moscow.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Sergei Penkin

Instagram and Wikipedia of Sergei Penkin are a great opportunity to learn more about him. Wikipedia, (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penkin,_Sergey_Mikhailovich) is, as always, generous with details of fate and creative path singer Some may be surprised, but Penkin also has a personal page on the Instagram social network (https://www.instagram.com/penkinofficial/)! Although, of course, you shouldn’t expect too frequent updates there, you can still find something interesting and curious.

Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/penkinsergey/) serves the artist more as an advertising platform, where you can find posters, concert programs, and tour schedules. Not long ago, Sergei opened a school of vocal skill to pass on his accumulated knowledge to a new generation. The singer has no bad habits: he does not smoke and almost never drinks alcohol.

Soviet and Russian singer, composer and actor, whose voice is included in the Guinness Book of Records for its wide range.

"I was born an artist"


Sergei Penkin was born and raised in Penza in a large family of a driver and a housewife. According to his mother, he is of noble origin - ancient Penza noble family Dolinin. The Penkin family was believers, and, despite Soviet anti-religious policies, the boy attended church from childhood. There he began to sing, which he later recalled: “From the age of three I sang in the church choir. Even then I realized that my voice is a gift from God, and I must take care of this gift. I never had any doubts about who to become. I was born an artist. The style found me on its own. I simply sang what my heart, my soul wanted to sing."

During his school years, Serezha studied in a music club in the Penza House of Pioneers and at the same time graduated from school in flute and piano. In high school, he began to earn his first money: he sang in restaurants, variety shows, and at dances.

After receiving secondary education, Sergei Penkin entered the Penza Music College. In 1979 he graduated and joined the army. He asked the command to send him to Afghanistan, but, fortunately, another use was found for the young talent. Sergei became the vocalist of the military ensemble "Scarlet Chevron".

At the end of his service, the owner of an extraordinary voice came to Moscow, got a job as a janitor and for a long time sweeping the pavements of Ostozhenka. Years later, an already established artist often came here to feel nostalgic: “I often come to Ostozhenka. This was my first Moscow address. Here in the mornings I swept the yards. And in the evenings noisy companies gathered in my room, bohemian life was in full swing. These were the times of total shortage, there was nothing to eat, spiritual food replaced delicacies for us - we could sing with a guitar all night long, recite poetry, tell interesting stories or tell jokes. I return here as if I were in my youth."

Sergei's main goal at that time was to get a good musical education. And he tried to enter the Musical Pedagogical Institute. Gnessins, but failed. The second, third, fourth attempts were also in vain. Gnesinka turned out to be a tough nut to crack even for such a gifted singer.

However, Sergei was not going to retreat and in 1986 he took this “height” for the eleventh time. In one of the interviews, the artist said: “I always knew that sooner or later Gnesinka would give in to me. I had absolute confidence in my own strengths and vocal abilities. I knew that my level was an order of magnitude higher than that of many applicants. But in the yard There were Soviet times, I just didn’t fit in with every failure. I knew that my time would definitely come. Yes, it was a long and difficult path. my way".

Carier start

Even before entering the institute, singer Sergei Penkin began to enjoy popularity in narrow circles. He then worked in the “Lunar” restaurant of the “Cosmos” hotel. To see and hear the shocking performer, tables at the restaurant had to be reserved three months in advance.

As part of the variety show "Lunny", the artist toured all over the world. On one of these trips to Yevpatoria in 1988, I met Viktor Tsoi. The leader of the Kino group invited Sergei to sing with him in the same concert. Penkin was very worried, it was scary to go on stage with famous musicians, and also to the rocker audience. But the performance was more than successful, marking the beginning of a friendship between the soloists.

The avant-garde singer, whose unusual voice fascinated and whose bright costumes shocked, was appreciated by the domestic public and received very warmly. However, Sergei Penkin's first serious tours took place abroad. There they immediately noted the originality of the performer and the originality of his arrangements of Russian folk songs.

In 1991, Sergei Penkin's first solo album, "Holiday", was released, but the talented performer was still not familiar to the general public in his native country. The situation changed with the collapse of the Union - concert clip Penkin's famous song "Feelings", which later became his "calling card", was put into rotation by the TV channel "2x2". The singer presented a large solo program at the Variety Theater and went on his debut domestic tour, the concerts of which were broadcast on Channel One. The artist gained universal popularity, his voice began to be unmistakably recognized by everyone in the country - from young to old.

At the peak of glory

Sergei Penkin's performance is amazing. Every year he records 1-2 albums. In 2002, together with the Silantiev Symphony Orchestra, he gave a concert in Moscow cultural center"Meridian", in 2003 in London, appeared on the same stage with Morris Albert, the author of the song "Feelings". And in 2006 he celebrated his anniversary with a grand show in the Rossiya concert hall.

2008 singing career The artist was enriched by his collaboration with Sarah Brightman. The duet was recorded in Russian and English languages single "I'll be with you". The work was included in the special Russian edition of the singer's new album "Symphony".

A year later, Sergei resumed his collaboration with Yuri Silantiev and gave two exclusive concerts of the “Classic” solo program with the orchestra at the Moscow International House of Music. And Sergei Penkin celebrated his half-century anniversary, as befits a real star, with a performance on the stage of the State Kremlin Palace.

In 2012, as part of International festival arts "Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk" the singer performed the concert "Take My Love with You", and in 2015 he performed at one of the most prestigious venues in Moscow, Crocus City Hall, with a new solo program "Nostalgia".

Always remaining himself, the artist works in various genres: Russian folk songs, romances, Western hits, jazz. In total, his repertoire includes more than two hundred compositions. The most famous of them: “The Phantom of the Opera”, “In Memory of Caruso”, “The Triumph of Don Juan”, “No Evening”, “My Joy Lives On”, “Dark Eyes”, “I Loved You” and, of course, “ Evening call, evening Bell". Sergey Penkin is the author of the songs: “Prayer”, “Cricket”, “Nocturne” and others.


Sergei Penkin does not have many film works to his credit. The artist starred mainly in episodic roles, but he created very vivid, memorable images. Sergei's debut took place in 1988 in Viktor Volkov's drama "Publication". Three years later, Vladimir Lyubomudrov offered the singer a small role in the comedy “Hotel Eden.” The film also starred Ekaterina Urmancheeva, Margarita Shubina,.

The artist was offered more prominent roles in TV series. In 2004, he played Volsky in Vadim Shmelev’s action film “Knockout Game.” A year later he took part in the melodrama directed by Vladimir Kharchenko-Kulikovsky with and starring. In 2008, Penkin worked in the famous comedy "My Fair Nanny."

In 2007, Gennady Baysak’s television series was released, where Sergei was lucky enough to star with a whole galaxy of wonderful actors: Alexander Yakovlev, and others.

One of the artist’s last notable film roles was Lelik in Sergei Ivanov’s comedy “The Diamond Arm 2” about the special Russian path to cinema. In the frame with Sergei Penkin, young actors joked - Artem Mikhalkov, .

In addition to filming in feature films and TV series, the singer took part in the dubbing of cartoons - “New Bremen” and “Frozen”.

A television

In 1994, Sergei Penkin participated in the final of the National Eurovision Song Contest.

In 2008, the NTV channel hosted a music show “Superstar 2008. Dream Team”, in which two teams competed - the Russian National Team and the USSR National Team. The first team featured Sergei Penkin. He talked about participating in the project: “Superstar” was an interesting project, that’s why I agreed to it. However, when signing a contract with NTV, I insisted that I would choose the songs, arrangements and roles myself, and the progress of the project showed that I did the right thing." As a result audience voting the singer took second place.

Two years later, the same channel invited the artist to the “Musical Ring” program. Sergei competed in vocal skills with Lolita Milyavskaya and won the battle.

The artist also took part in the popular transformation show “One to One”. In the 2013 season, he created colorful images: Grigory Leps, Vladimir Presnyakov Jr., Louis Armstrong, Lev Leshchenko, Demis Roussos, Klavdia Shulzhenko, Nikolai Baskov, Alexander Gradsky, Elton John, Anne Veski, Thomas Anders. “As for the “One to One” project, I consider my main victory to be that I was not afraid to take part in it. I know for sure that many of those who were offered refused immediately. It’s not so easy to feel and live the image of another person, especially if you are already 52 years old,” the artist admitted. However, he will take part in the new season of the show, where the strongest participants from previous years will meet.


Sergei Penkin received another musical education in 2003. After graduating from Gnesinka, he continued his studies, now at the Institute contemporary art. Became a certified pop-jazz vocal teacher. Later, the singer developed and patented his own unique system of vocal classes and created the Sergei Penkin Vocal School in Moscow.


The artist often gives charity concerts, the proceeds of which are sent to orphanages, orphanages, and for the restoration of ancient monuments. In his hometown - Penza - he sponsored the construction of a church and chapel.

“Sergei Penkin’s Vocal School” works closely with the “Gift of Life” charity foundation and sends a portion of its earnings there every month.

Personal life

There are many conflicting rumors about the singer’s personal life. He himself does not like to delve into this topic. It is reliably known that Sergei was married to the English journalist Elena Protsenko. Sergei and Elena met for more than ten years, but only occasionally. The professions of both did not allow them to be together for a long time. However, in the early 2000s, the couple decided to register their relationship. The marital union broke up after just two years. Since then, the artist has not been married.

So far, the personal life of Sergei Penkin is a stage, the path to which could not be called easy. And also his hometown, where he is constantly drawn, and about which he never ceases to care. “I try to come to my small homeland. I have family and loved ones in Penza. I miss you very much. I have many vivid impressions and memories of Penza. They are mainly related to my work,” says the singer.


About "stardom"

“The word “star” irritates me: we have many stars and few personalities. Previously, in the time of Magomayev, singers wanted to be stars, and now stars want to be singers. But at the same time, everyone really likes to increase their self-esteem! You should remember Stanislavsky, who said: “I am the last letter in the alphabet!”

About the biggest reward

“As for titles and awards, I’ll be honest that with the exception of the Ovation Prize, which was awarded to me back in the early nineties, and not for vocal success, but for creating an unusual creative image, no one has ever awarded or awarded me anything else. Yes and I didn’t chase titles and awards. The recognition and love of the audience is the greatest reward in my life.”

About the stage image

“When in the late eighties I appeared on stage in my rather daring costumes for those times, it may have irritated and shocked many, but it was my way of self-expression, I had the right to it. I always went against the grain, so I It’s hard to imagine any externally imposed taboos in the creative sphere.”

About the "internal taboo"

For artist Sergei Penkin there are no boundaries in art. At the same time, he is very demanding of himself, as a creative person: “... I have my own internal taboos: I respect my audience too much, so I will never go on stage in a tracksuit or underwear, I will not use obscene language in my speeches.” songs. But this is a personal matter for each artist. And the viewer will figure out who is worth what.”

About the tour

“So many memories of touring have accumulated over several decades that it’s difficult to single out anything. In fact, each tour is a small life, its own plot, its own people.”

About the title "Silver Prince"

“It was in Canada in 1990, when I performed there. We went outside to take pictures. When they came up to us and asked: “Where are you from?”, we said that we were Russians. They didn’t believe us and only believed us when we got our passport. The next day we were invited to perform in a nightclub in a show with the Rolling Stones. And when I performed, I was shown on Canadian television. And I must say that when they show on Canadian TV, they show me in the USA at the same time. And I was very pleased when the next morning I woke up, walked down the street, everyone recognized me, the press began to stir and gave me this title - Prince of Silver."

The secret of youth from Sergei Penkin

“Anger and envy age the soul. I erased these emotions from my life a long time ago. The state of our soul, our thoughts, a positive attitude towards life - all this affects appearance. And if there are any minor deficiencies, sports and diet help to easily cope with them.”

Based on materials from: Wikipedia, sites penkin.ru, mega-stars.ru, vokrug.tv, lichnaya-zhizn.ru, bigmir.net, uznayvse.ru, borovik.com


Winner of the Ovation Award (1994)
Memorial sign "For services to the development of the city of Penza" (2013)

Discography: Singer

Happiness is close (2013)
Duets (2011), duets
Greatest Hits live (2010)
Classic (2009)
St. Petersburg Live (2009)
I Can't Forget You (2008)
45 (2006)
Feelings (2005)
Do not forget! (2004)
Jazz Bird (2002)
Love Story (2001)
Day and Night (2000)
Mister X (1999)
The Triumph of Don Juan (1997)
Dancing Wind (1997)
Don't Leave Me (1996)
How many good girls (1995)
Take My Love (1994)
Remember (1993)
Wanderer in the Night (1992)
Holiday (1991)
Feelings (1991)

Filmography: Actor

Diamond Arm 2 (2010)
My Fair Nanny (2008), TV series
Wayfarers (2007), TV series
Destined to Be a Star (2005), TV series
Elimination Game (2004), TV series
Ka-ka-doo (1992)
Hotel Eden (1991)
Publication (1988)

Voice acting

Frozen (2013), cartoon
New Bremen (2000), cartoon