Where to collect dew. The magical power of dew: how to collect dew and how to use it in magic and healing

Night dew has great power, - said the grandmother, squeezing a towel into a birch bark bucket. - Her moon filled with earthly power and cooled with its light. Therefore, she heals any wounds.

At home, a sick woman was waiting for her grandmother - an elderly woman with a bandaged hand. She was brought by her daughter, who lived with her family in a dacha not far from us.

Rumors spread quickly, so near and far neighbors often turned to their grandmother with their problems. True, there were also several dense old women with angry faces, mumbling something about sins, a sold soul, and about the fact that a frying pan awaits a grandmother in hell.

Look how many years she lives, - they hissed, when the grandmother passed by. - Neither old age, nor ailment takes her, she sold her soul in no other way. Wait, the devils will hook you on the pitchfork, - they shook their knotty fingers after them.

Grandma never paid any attention to them.

Bah, is it true that people are treated as a sin? I ask.

Don't listen to old women, honey. It is old age and envy that speak in them, ”she answered. - What is this sin? The Creator created grass and trees for the benefit of people. Jesus healed with power and word and commanded his disciples. That's killing sin. And the old women spent the whole winter in polyclinics, now they sit on the benches all day, they have nothing to do, so they chatter!

Help, Anna Georgievna, - the neighbor asked. I have heard so many miracles about your deeds. Two years ago, my mother badly hurt her hand, someone advised her to put compresses from urine. So from those compresses the whole arm was blown. The doctor said: erysipelas seemed to be cured, then it started again ...

Grandmother removed the bandages from her red swollen arm. The woman, despite the hot day, was chilly, beads of sweat glistened on her forehead. Having seated the patient on the sofa, the grandmother gave her tea from St. John's wort and lingonberry leaf, put a compress on her hand, moistened with an infusion of celandine with chamomile. After a while, the pain subsided, the temperature subsided.

Now go home, let your mother sleep, - said the grandmother, - and at night, at three or four, you will come to me.


The women arrived long before the appointed time, so my grandmother asked them to wait in the house, and she took me with her to collect the night dew.

You won't fall asleep anyway, you curious fidget, let's go.

Now, squeezing a towel into a bucket, she talked about the properties of dew:

Night dew is cold, it heals wounds well, relieves any inflammation, if we make compresses from night dew, then burns and wounds will heal quickly and will not leave a scar.

Bah, what about dew, can it be different? I ask.

Yes, dear, - continues the grandmother. - Night dew brings cold, morning dew brings warmth, and evening dew brings peace. With the help of night dew, sometimes it is even possible to cope with a cancerous disease. If you make compresses from it at night and drink it a little in the morning, then the tumor will stop growing, then it will subside, and the pain will pass. Dislikes cancer night dew. Wherever there are inflammations or wounds, the night dew will be of great help to us. Well, that's enough, - said the grandmother, in last time squeezing the towel into a bucket. Let's go home, people are waiting.

At home, the grandmother laid the patient on the sofa, soaked a waffle towel in a bucket, folded it several times and wrapped it around her sore hand.

Be patient, the pain will soon pass.

The pain, apparently, really passed, because the woman calmed down, stopped moaning and started talking at home. For three or four hours, the grandmother constantly moistened the towel with dew, without removing it from the patient's hand. When she removed the towel, the hand was completely normal, only the top layer of skin had peeled off and looked like a wrinkled rag. The woman felt her hand, moved her fingers:

It doesn't hurt at all, she said. - Anna Georgievna, what did you do, just some kind of witchcraft ?! When my daughter took me to you, I couldn’t even believe in miracles, because I was treated everywhere!

I could, I couldn’t, - my grandmother waved her hand, - what is already there. Let's wash your hand with an infusion of celandine, and go home, otherwise my little boy has not slept all night, curious, wants to see everything and know. He has an inquisitive mind, that's why I love him. At home, with a warm infusion of celandine, steam your hand every day to kill the infection until the skin flakes off.


The women left, and my grandmother put me to bed. In the evening I pestered her with questions about the dew.

This stuff is interesting, strong. Whatever people compare dew to - both with the tears of God and with the blood of the earth. No one can really understand its properties. I will say one thing: dew can be used in many places, in healing and in magic, in hermetics and in the occult, everywhere she finds a place. Until the end, people did not understand it, but they learned how to apply it. Well, how dew copes with diseases, you have seen more than once.

Grandmother often used dew, sometimes in pure form, but usually in mixtures with other substances. She collected dew strictly in accordance with the phases of the moon, and from various plants. In the cellar, there were always a dozen birchbark buckets with tight-fitting lids on the shelves. On dewy water, my grandmother made tinctures from herbs, but not decoctions.

The dew of fire does not like it, it carries it in itself, the morning dew is heavenly, the night dew is earthly, and the evening dew is alive. We need to free that fire and force a person to serve,” she said. - In nature, various processes have been going on for millions of years, substances themselves find each other and combine with each other. A person, according to his own understanding, tries to repeat those processes, but he does not have enough life for this. So it is with dew - it remembers the very dawn of the world and gives this memory to us in the form of its strength. Its power is amazing, and it is not given to a person to comprehend it, except perhaps to God. And few people want to hear God.


My grandmother's stories and explanations, observations of her work gradually took shape in my mind into a single coherent system. My grandmother constantly took me with her to collect herbs and dew, taught me to understand minerals and each time told me something new.

Evening dew is better to collect from a chamomile field, she taught. - Chamomile is a soft, gentle plant, it is friends with all herbs, does not quarrel with anyone. The dew taken from her is good for mental illness, it calms violent ones, sleep returns. Evening dew is also good for some eye diseases, for example, for glaucoma. Do you remember the boy with the mental illness?

Of course, I remember this story well. Once a woman appeared with us, she talked for a long time with her grandmother and a few days later she returned with a boy of nine or ten years old. The boy behaved very strangely, either sitting quietly in a corner, staring into the void, or suddenly starting to rush around the room, trying to hide under the table or in some dark corner. And when adults approached him, he began to growl loudly, bare his teeth and cover himself with his hands.

What's wrong with him, grandma? I asked.

They frightened him when he was little, - she answered, - since then he has been suffering in his soul.

Later, the grandmother said that at the age of five, in front of this boy, a train ran over two men. The boy ran away in fright, and when they found him two days later, he did not recognize anyone, tried to hide, shouted. Treatment with conventional methods did not give noticeable results. The boy hardly spoke and began to noticeably lag behind in growth. So he came to us.

Grandmother carefully observed the behavior and condition of the boy for two days. Even at night, she came up, felt the pulse, pulled back her eyelid and looked into her eyes, listened to her breathing. During the day, as if by chance, she showed him various objects, color pictures with images of animals, plants, and followed the reaction. Then she said:

Tonight we will begin to treat, just the new moon.

In the evening, my grandmother called me and told me to take a clean towel and a birch bark bucket.

Shall we go gather the dew? I asked.

You know everything, she smiled. - Evening dew on the new moon is better to collect, - my grandmother said during the collection. - When the moon looks like a narrow sickle, then the dew has great power.

Returning home, the grandmother poured dew into a mug and handed it to the boy:

Come on, have a drink. - He twitched to the side, but the grandmother took his hand, looked into his eyes and strictly ordered: - Drink, to whom I say!

The boy cringed under her gaze, but calmed down almost immediately.

Drink! Grandmother ordered again and put her hand on his head. He swayed slightly, then took the mug and began to drink. All the while the boy was drinking, the grandmother did not remove her hand from his head, then said:

Now sleep, sleep.

The child's eyes closed and he began to fall. Grandmother picked him up and laid him on the sofa. She took out an oilcloth, put it on the pillow, then pulled the dew-soaked towel tightly over the boy's head. The child slept peacefully that night. In the morning, the grandmother made the boy drink dew water and wiped the child's body with it. He did not resist, he drank dew water all day, but his grandmother did not give him food. The day passed smoothly, the boy stopped screaming and hiding. In the evening, the grandmother again wiped and gave him a drink, and before going to bed she allowed him to eat. At night, she again covered the patient's head with a wet towel, and he quickly fell asleep.

This procedure was repeated for five days, the child calmed down, stopped screaming, and slept normally. The next year, she and her mother came to us again. The boy spoke normally, was calm, he grew noticeably and was already learning to write.


Grandmother always collected morning dew during the waning moon and used it to treat a variety of diseases associated with stagnation processes in the body.

If you run barefoot in the morning dew, she said, the calluses and spurs will disappear, and the bones will dissolve. If you wash your hair, your hair will grow thick and healthy. Morning dews give strength to old people and rejuvenate the skin, they can even restore vision.

I have seen many cases when my grandmother, with the help of compresses and washing her eyes with morning dew, managed to cope with cataracts and cataracts. Dew treatment made it possible to successfully deal with urolithiasis and mastopathy, as well as with other ailments.

Work with dew water occupied an honorable place in Russian healer medicine. Not every healer knew how to fully use this unique material. In our time, dew treatment methods are considered almost lost, although no substance can be compared with dew water in terms of effectiveness, scope of possibilities and ease of use. The collection and use of dew water in Russian quackery was often accompanied by complex ritual actions, reading prayers and incantations, strict observance of the time of collection and the herbs from which the dew was collected.

It is also important to know how to store and use the healing dew water. I often watched the work of healers with whom fate brought me together, I myself practiced dew treatment, so I can say with confidence that even using dew water in a simplified way, you can get rid of a huge number of ailments.

Morning dew is best harvested from clover when the moon is in its waning phase. The collection time is quite short, so it is advisable not to miss it. This is only half an hour from the moment the first sunbeam illuminates the dewdrops. The dew drops collected at this time carry ethereal (cosmic) energy and have the greatest power in healing.

Dew water can be stored for quite a long time (up to a week) if it is kept in a wooden or birch bark container, in a dark, cool place. Morning dew remarkably rejuvenates the skin, and if taken orally, it enhances metabolic processes and the protective functions of the body. Therefore, it is an excellent remedy for the elderly.

Night dews are collected when the moon is in its growth phase, from a dandelion. Collection time is from one to three. This dew is used to treat severe inflammatory processes, only in the form of compresses.

Evening dews are interesting for their powerful calming effect. They are collected on the new moon from chamomile and used to treat nervous and mental diseases, as well as for insomnia. Rose water is taken orally, used for compresses. An excellent effect is achieved in the treatment of schizophrenia, epilepsy, reactive psychosis, the consequences of fright in children.

Of course, when collecting dew, it is not necessary to strictly observe the phases of the moon and choose plants from which to remove droplets. It is possible to collect dew simply from herbs, although this greatly reduces the effectiveness of the treatment. But the time of collection and storage rules must be strictly observed. Dew should not be collected and stored in glass and especially metal containers. For this, only wooden utensils are used!

Do not collect dew water on collective farm fields sprayed with chemicals near freeways. Do not be too lazy to move away, then small dewdrops - "God's tears" - will do everything for you that they are capable of. And they are capable of a lot!

The use of "living" water

Urolithiasis and cholelithiasis

From urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, dew compresses on the area of ​​​​the liver and kidneys help to get rid of with simultaneous ingestion of 30-60 g 30-40 minutes before meals.

The course of treatment is 7-10 sessions every other day.

To improve vision

Washing the eyes with dew and dew compresses in the morning and at bedtime, which are applied for 10–15 minutes, improve vision, treat cataracts and cataracts.

The course of treatment is 12–15 days daily.

To improve the condition of the hair

Head massage with dew water makes the hair thick and voluminous, improves its growth and in some cases even allows you to restore hair on a bald head.

Wet your head with dewy water and massage with your fingertips until warm. Moisten again, tie a towel around your head and leave for 30 minutes. Then rinse with infusion of chamomile and let dry.

The course of treatment is 5-7 procedures every other day.

Mastopathy, fibroids, myomas

Mastopathy, fibromas, fibroids and other non-malignant neoplasms are treated with compresses, douching and ingestion of 30–50 g of dew 3–5 times a day.

The course of treatment is 5–7 days daily.

Skin diseases

Skin diseases, bones, spurs, corns and fungal diseases will disappear if wet compresses with dew are applied 2-3 times a day for 15-20 minutes daily. With bones and spurs, compresses are applied at night.

The course of treatment is until the signs of the disease disappear.

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum

With peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, as well as with hemorrhoids, you need to drink on an empty stomach and at bedtime 50-100 g of dewy water, combining it with a vegetable diet. With hemorrhoids, evening dew enemas are added.

The course of treatment is 21 days.

The use of "dead" water

Taking night dew inside is permissible only for oncological diseases - such dew stops the growth of tumors. In this case, dew is taken orally 30–50 g before and after meals, as well as in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bedtime. Wet compresses are applied to the skin opposite the lesion. In some cases, such in a simple way manages to cope with the disease or at least stop its development. But even if the disease does not recede completely, this method alleviates pain and normalizes sleep.

Compresses for nervous disorders

In case of nervous disorders, before going to bed, the patient's head is tightly tied with a towel moistened with dew water. In the morning, wipe the whole body with a damp cloth and give dew water inside 50-100 g 3-5 times during the day.

The course of treatment is 5-21 days.

In this chapter, I have only talked about some of the possibilities of dew water as a remedy and have given the simplest examples of their use, safe and suitable for everyone. More complex methods of using dew in the occult will be discussed in future books.

The Universe created by the Almighty is wise, everything in it is harmonious, unified, infinitely and strictly follows the rhythms and the great eternal laws of the universe. Dew is a natural healthy concentrate of many biologically active substances, a clot of a healing energy-information field. It carries the Divine energy of the sun, air, earth, water, flora. I am sure that not all the healing possibilities of dew are known to people. But even what we know about her surprises and delights.

Dew cleanses, neutralizes both external dirt, impurities, diseases, negative energy-informational influences, and harmonizes the internal environment of the body through the perfect structure of water. Moisture, saturated with pranic energy, symbolizes the energy of life in the finished form of a ball (dew drops). It is brought to us by Nature in the outstretched leaves and flowers of plants.

Dewdrops effectively stimulate human skin receptors, a sharp change in the temperature of the skin and biologically active points leads to a powerful movement of energy along the meridians of the human body, eliminating congestion and stagnation in. This normalizes the work of all organs and systems, and primarily the nervous, endocrine, spinal and brain of a person. Dew accelerates the process of tissue regeneration.

People have not yet been able to fully understand its properties, however, dew has long been used for treatment and drinking. A structure in the Crimea, consisting of several piles of stones on a rocky base, provided up to 350 liters of drinking water in the morning. Similar pyramids have been found in the Sahara, Italy and other places to collect dew water. In the garden, such structures can moisten the soil even on the driest days.

The use of dew for treatment can be both direct exposure to human skin (for example, walking barefoot, rolling naked on the grass, collecting dew in the palm of your hand and wiping your face and body with them), and collecting dew for the purpose of its subsequent use for drinking and procedures.

Dew collection can be done like this:
1. Create pyramids of stones on sloping rocky or watertight bases or on a grid mounted on a catchment tank. I think the last method is less effective.
2. Build a dew collector. It is better to make it from a 1.5-liter plastic bottle (but not from beer!). The recommended sketch of the device is shown in the figure.

Make a cutout in the bottle for almost its entire length (before the narrowing to the neck). Make a series of holes in the cork for water to drain. You can wrap the end of the neck with gauze instead of a cork. Taking the bottle by the neck with your hand, holding it parallel to the ground, run it over the grass with dew so that the bottom edge of the bottle cutout is slightly higher than its bottom (about 1-2 cm), so that during collection the dew remains in the resulting groove. After making several such movements, you need to put the bottle upside down over a container for collecting dew (for example, a jar).
3. Cloth or gauze (that is, something that absorbs moisture well) is placed on the grass or, taking the edges on one side of the fabric, they run it through the dew. In both cases, the fabric is squeezed into a special container.

It must be taken into account that the quality of dew collected after rain or fog will be worse than in dry weather.
It is better to store dew water in clay, ceramic, glass (but not polyethylene) containers in a cool place.
If necessary, dew water can be heated to a temperature not exceeding 40 ° C, because. otherwise, its structure is disturbed and healing properties disappear.

In some cases, just before use, it is possible to irradiate dew water with direct sunlight for 1-3 minutes, but this should not be done in the treatment of inflammatory processes.
Infusions of herbs and flowers in dew water at cool or room temperature have remarkable properties. I repeat that it is impossible to heat above 40 ° C, and even more so to boil this water.
Dew is also used for drinking (it can be added to pure spring water). They rub it, wash it, and even better rub it into the skin of the body, diseased areas or zones of Zakharyin-Ged, make lotions, compresses, bury it in the nose, eyes, ears.

Here are some recipes for the possible use of dew for the treatment of certain diseases:

  • Gastrointestinal (stomach, duodenum, intestines) - drink on an empty stomach and at bedtime 50-100 g of dewy water, make compresses, add to water for enemas. The course is 21 days.
  • Skin diseases - lotions and compresses with dewy water 2-3 times a day and always at night. The course of treatment is until the symptoms of the disease disappear.
  • Diseases (cataracts, thorns), to improve vision - rinse eyes with dew and make compresses in the morning and evening for 10-15
  • minutes. The course is 2 weeks.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system, cholelithiasis - dew compresses on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe diseased organ and the intake of dew water 30-50 g 30 minutes before meals every other day. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.
  • A number of female diseases (fibromas, fibroids, mastopathy) - compresses on the projection of organs and douching, ingestion of 30-50 g of dew 3-5 times a day daily. The course is 1 week.
  • Nervous disorders - drink 30-50 g of dewy water 3-5 times a day, wipe the skin of the head and neck in the morning, at night - a bandage on the head with dewy water. The course is 1-3 weeks.

Rosa is not a panacea and does not give grounds to exclude other methods of treatment (it is well compatible with them), especially in cases of chronic advanced diseases. Rosa cannot do miracles. It can heal and help a person to make a miracle himself. The main medicine is in ourselves - in our consciousness, soul, thoughts.
When collecting dew, it is important to have a good, optimistic mood. If it is bad or you are depressed, there will be little benefit. It will be just wonderful if, when collecting and applying dew, turn to God, to the Saints (whom faith, beliefs allow), to Nature, Mother Earth, the kingdom of the plant world with a request to give their strength, energy, blessing for your healing. Thank all of them for their help in healing (spirit, soul and body). Do it sincerely, from a pure heart. And remember: God helps those who help themselves.

Stop, think, understand yourself. Purify your soul, body, thoughts, improve your way of thinking and life - this will bring you into harmony with yourself, Nature, the Universe. Find inner peace, contentment of the mind, balance of mind, soul and body, and this is health, happiness, spiritual perfection, the meaning and purpose of our earthly incarnation.
The Lord God created people to live worthy of the title of Man.

Water is the main substance that a person needs.

As you know, a person is 65-80 percent water. In extreme conditions, providing water is one of the priority tasks that a person must solve first of all in order to stay alive. A little theory:


A person practically does not notice the initial stages of dehydration, and only when dehydration reaches 5% of body weight does a person begin to feel it.

Efficiency decreases, a person feels tired and dry mouth, when the percentage of dehydration reaches more than 10, then irreversible changes can occur in the body.

Symptoms of dehydration

Fatigue, weight loss, blood becomes viscous, the load on the heart increases because of this. goes to the toilet (small =)) less than three times a day and his urine is very dark, then he has become dehydrated. When the water deficit reaches 20-25%, death may occur.

How to drink water while on the go

  • Drink plenty of water only at "big halts" (so-called shock gas station)
  • Take a few sips while moving
  • Look at the weather: if it's hot, then drink more at large halts, not hot, less
  • It must be borne in mind that with significant fatigue, a feeling of the so-called “false thirst” may occur, this occurs due to the thickening of saliva and the difficulty of swallowing it, to eliminate this effect, it is necessary to excite the salivary glands with products containing organic acids (sour candy, dried apricots, prunes etc)
  • the water melted from the snow is practically devoid of the necessary salts, so it is advisable to add a little salt to it

Methods of extraction and neutralization of water

water extraction

Method 1. Collection of water condensate

  • dew collection
  • collection of condensate from tree branches
  • condensate collection using foil

dew collection

Collecting dew is probably the easiest way to get water, where there is grass. We take a cloth, go to the meadow in the morning and run the cloth over the grass, the cloth will be saturated with dew, which can then be squeezed into a container. Be careful: do not collect dew from poisonous plants, dew harvested before sunrise, until it dries up, dew does not fall during thick clouds

Collection of condensate from tree branches

To collect condensate from tree branches, we need a plastic bag that is put on a tree branch (with leaves) and tied at the base with a rope. (This method is also called the Brian Kovatzh method)

After a while in the package you will find "life-giving moisture"

Film Capacitor

Another way to collect condensate will be extremely useful for those who are in the steppe where there are no trees or dense grass. For this method of collecting condensate, we need:

  1. A piece of plastic film (you can package)
  2. A hole dug in the ground
  3. water collection container

Dig a hole 60-70 cm deep and up to 100 cm wide (radius), put a container (mug, bowler) on the bottom, stretch the film on top of the hole, reinforce the film along the edges with stones, or sprinkle with soil (which is even better), place in the center of the film a weighting stone, it will act as a guide for water drops. The stone should be in the center of the film, in the place where you have a water collection container under the film. In this way, you can collect water even in deserts (temperature difference)

Method 2. Use of natural water sources

  1. springs
  2. bodies of water (rivers, lakes, swamps)
  3. Drinking birch or maple sap
  4. rain water consumption
  5. thawing snow or ice

It is fashionable to drink water from springs without boiling it. In other conditions, it is recommended to boil water. If you take water from a stagnant reservoir, a swamp, be sure to boil it before drinking or use other means of disinfecting the liquid (see below).

You can read about how to collect birch sap

This method has one small drawback, sap flow occurs only in the spring.

I collect rainwater in a container and boil it. But in modern realities, I would not recommend drinking such water, except in very very extreme conditions.

Snow water can be heated and drunk, the same is ice (boil !!!). There are practically no salts in snow water, so it is undesirable to drink such water for a long time.

Filtration and purification of water

There are three ways to purify water

  1. filtration
  2. chemical cleaning
  3. boiling

We will analyze in stages each method of water purification

Filtration is necessary in order to remove foreign inclusions (sand, dirt, etc.) from the water. It is impossible to completely purify water by filtration (from bacteria, radiation, chemical waste)

As a filter, you can use either a filter bought in a store or made from improvised materials right in the forest. Below is the design of a simple filter that will purify water from impurities.

1.Filter tripod

tripod filter

we will need:

  1. waterproof fabric
  2. three sticks of equal length
  3. coal from a fire (preferably birch)
  4. Sand
  5. Grass

Make an impromptu tripod as shown in the figure, tie the fabric in three layers. Fill the first layer with grass (make sure that there is no poisonous grass), fill the second with river sand (ignite the sand on fire), fill the third layer with charcoal. Place a container under the last rag layer .We begin to pour dirty water on the first rag layer, gradually the water penetrates the second and third layers, being cleansed.

For your information! Instead of grass, you can use sphagnum moss, it perfectly filters water and purifies it of bacteria (partially). Moss contains a plant antibiotic sphagnol which is great for killing bacteria.

How to purify water while hiking

  1. Pass through an improvised tripod filter (see above)
  2. Filter the water from large litter (grass, dirt) and put a silver thing (spoon, decoration) into it. Silver perfectly kills pathogenic bacteria
  3. Salt the water at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 2 liters of water, let the water stand for 15-20 minutes, some pathogenic bacteria will die and heavy metal salts will settle to the bottom. The disadvantage of this method is salt water and low protection against bacteria
  4. Add no more than three drops of iodine or its derivatives per liter of water, leave to infuse for 10 minutes
  5. Purification of raw water with potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). There are a few crystals of potassium permanganate per liter of water (the crystals are slightly smaller than a match head). Let the water stand for 15-30 minutes. Make sure that there are no undissolved permanganate crystals in the water. If you swallow them, you risk burning the esophagus and stomach. Be Be careful. The water should be slightly pinkish.
  6. Solar disinfection (ultraviolet). We take a plastic transparent bottle of 1.5-3 liters, fill it with water (three-quarters or half), shake it up and put it in the sun for 5-8 hours. Ultraviolet rays disinfect water well
  7. Purification of water with the help of herbs and tree bark. Plants such as chamomile, St. John's wort, thyme, celandine kill bacteria ( carefully). Willow bark and birch bark have the ability to kill pathogenic microorganisms. Draw water into a container and add rowan branches and hold for 3-4 hours (an ancient method, they say they even purified swamp water)
  8. Purification of water with silicon
  9. Pills aquatabs or pantocide contain active chlorine, designed for water purification in field conditions
  10. Purification of water with copper. Put copper objects in a container of water for 4 hours. Water cannot be stored in copper dishes.
  11. Boiling water. The best way to disinfect water is boiling. Boiling kills 99.9 percent of bacteria and viruses. In cases where the water is not very contaminated, boil water for 10 minutes. In more serious cases, boil water for 40 minutes.

Never drink water that "blooms". The flowering of water is caused by the reproduction of blue-green algae, such water is very toxic. Boiling does not neutralize toxins. The use of such water is very dangerous, can lead to Haff disease, adversely affects the liver (up to cirrhosis) and kidneys.

Attention! Boiling does not kill all microorganisms, some are able to survive at 100 degrees, but boiling will still destroy 99.9 percent of bacteria, which means that this method of water disinfection can be considered ideal.

If you take water from a stagnant reservoir, then dig a hole near it and wait until the hole is filled with water, carefully scoop water out of the hole 2-3 times (they scooped it out for the first time, waited for it to fill up again, scooped it out again and so on 3 times). For the third time, water can be boiled and drunk.

How to clean water from radiation?

There are several ways to clean water from radiation:

  1. upholding(removes only insoluble radionuclides and aerosols)
  2. coagulation(coagulants: alum, clay, soda ash, ferrous sulfate, phosphates). In this way, up to 40% of strontium-90, cesium-134 and cesium-137 can be removed
  3. filtration (through sand, peat, gravel, soil, up to 85% of radionuclides can be removed)
  4. distillation (not considered due to the difficulty of performing in survival conditions)

The topic is not fully disclosed, there will be a continuation).

Methods for the extraction and purification of water

If you travel to a utopian future, you have probably noticed that all over the city there are strange large flowers growing two meters tall. You can collect dew from them different types, then use it to color characters in different colors for cool effects and even new interactions! Today we will find out what types of dew are, where and how to collect it and explore interesting effects when using it.

Huge flowers can only be found in Landing Oasis Utopia. They grow mainly in the central part of the city.

The flower produces dew on average once every 1-2 hours, and in each of them you can collect a diverse array of dew shades (not just those that match the color of the flower, although these types of dew will prevail).
Also, the flower can be shaken, after which it is able to:
  • not react at all;
  • lightly sprinkle dew on a Sim (no consequences);
  • douse the character with water (after that, a 2-hour negative "Wet" appears).

The collected dew automatically appears in the character's inventory, after which it can be used in various ways:

Use dew on yourself
A Sim throws dew at their feet, after which its effect is triggered, for example, the Sim is painted in a bright color.

Throw dew at a character
Similar action, only the effect will be directed to the Sim you selected. In this way, you can repaint others in different colors and have fun!

Start the battle with dew
If there is another character nearby, you can click on it and select the action "Friendly" - "Start the battle with dew". The game is similar to tossing water balloons, except that the participants will constantly change their color, which doubles the fun!

Blow a bubble out of the dew
Sim drinks dew and blows a huge bubble out of it, after which he bursts it. This action does not give any special effects. But you can watch a funny animation: a Sim lifts up with a bubble, or he is placed inside the bubble and looks for a way out with his palms, and sometimes he groans and gets upset if the bubble bursts ahead of time.

Types of dew and their effects

Icon Dew Description effects
Rainbow dew affects the senses in the most favorable way! It's just a cornucopia of colors. Can give one of two effects:
- "Wonderland" (+40/3h, permanent in Utopia) and new interactions that will be described after the table;
- "Rainbow nausea" (-15/4h);
This dew is so black that its true color remains a mystery. No one knows her true shade until she uses it! Gives random effects from other types of dew (except rainbow).
This dew is so transparent that it neutralizes the dew of other flowers! Removes all effects, staining and from other types of dew (except rainbow sickness).
Purple dew looks like grape marmalade, but it's best not to eat it. Gives All Purple (+10/3h) and turns your Sim purple.
Pink dew gives any character such a sophisticated look that there will be no end to fans. Gives "Pinkness" (+10/3h) and turns your Sim pink.
Cherry red dew is the choice of those who want to be called "fire" about them. Gives "Redness" (+10/3h) and turns the Sim red.
Because orange is the most attention-grabbing color, orange dew is reserved for characters who tend to be showy. Gives "Orange" (+10/3h) and turns the Sim orange.
Yellow dew is a treat that defies the laws of physics and makes characters turn yellow. Gives "Yellowing" (+10/3h) and turns the Sim yellow.
Green dew perfectly absorbs sunlight and blends beautifully with dark earthy tones. Gives "Green" (+10/3h) and turns the Sim green.
The blue dew is slightly different from the darker variation, with a hint of clear skies! Gives "Slightly Blue" (+10/3h) and turns the Sim blue.
Blue is royal. It is beautiful from a distance and perfect for enigmatic vibes. Gives "Blue" (+10/3h) and colors the Sim in Blue colour.

Please note that the effects of different types of dew, except for rainbow, replace each other when applied. If you dye yourself blue with blue dew and then use red dew, your color will completely change to red. Colors will not mix.

Sims who use rainbow dew get Wonderland. While you are in Utopia, it is permanent, and allows you to use interesting new interactions with other characters and with yourself. If you are in any other place other than the utopian future, this

Probably only in May you can observe such abundant dews.

At dawn, the entire garden is covered with diamond droplets, shimmering in the first rays of the sun.

Not everyone knows that the first May dew at dawn has a miraculous property to turn any girl into a beauty, especially if she is not afraid to “swim” naked in the grass.

"I will wash my face with water,

That did not rain and did not flow,

I'll dry my face with a towel

What was not woven and spun"

Also, silvery drops on meadow grasses relieve ailments, fatigue and protect against adversity.

A man who has washed his hands with such dew will gain the ability to untie knots and unlock locks, mend nets and unravel ropes, a woman will easily unravel thin threads.

Collected in a special way, this dew retains its magical properties throughout the year.

How to collect dew?

Despite the apparent ease in the use of dew treatment products, you need to know how to properly collect it and how to store it.

Morning dew is best collected during the waning moon from clover. It carries cosmic energy and has the greatest healing power.

You can store dew water for up to 7 days, provided it is kept in a birch bark or wooden container and in a dark, cool place.

From dandelions, with the growing moon, night dew is collected. Collection time is from 1 am to 3 am.

On the new moon, evening dew is collected from chamomile, which is effective for mental and nervous diseases, insomnia, and the treatment of fear in children.

Collecting dew from certain herbs and during certain phases of the moon is preferable, but you can deviate from these recommendations.

The main thing is not to store dew in glass or metal containers and not to collect from fields fertilized with chemicals.

Practical Tips:

The first and very simple way- Collect the dew with a cloth. To do this, we need a clean cloth and an equally clean field.

Cover the grass with dew cloth and wait a bit. Now lift the cloth and press it into any vessel. Repeat the procedure several times. At the same time, it is very important that the fabric is perfectly clean, because if this condition is not met, the dew will turn out to be dirty and will have to be poured out.

The second way is also easy., you can collect dew with a jar or any other container or vessel.

In the morning, take the collected water, strain it (usually there are small specks, midges and even earth in it), even if nothing is visible in it, and use it for its intended purpose.

From the comments:

A white new sheet is taken and one day weathered in the sun. Before dawn, it is laid on a meadow, after which the absorbed moisture is squeezed into a basin (in extreme cases, several white linen towels, pieces of gauze, etc. will do).

A more painstaking, but high-quality method of collecting morning dew - it can be collected with a pipette. If you are lucky, you can find plants with depressions in the meadow, in which the dew content is maximum, but even in this case, the collection process remains troublesome.

The healing power of dew stored for future use lasts 42 days.

So is bathing in dew. You need to start it slowly, “I started with bare feet, after four minutes I plunged to the waist, after another nine minutes I began to ride in the dew (seven minutes), and the last stage - washing the face and hair - for four minutes. As a result, the whole procedure should be 24 minutes. I think that no one doubts that dewdrops protect a person, remove damage, slander and other evil spirits, cleanse from ailments and give strength.