Genetically primary memory. Genetic (ancestral) memory has been proven by scientists

Genetic memory (“ancestral memory”, “ancestral memory”) has been proven by scientists. Previously, it was assessed only at the level of hypotheses. She received the most serious attention from psychologists (hypnotherapists). Through ancestral memory, the inexplicable was explained: for example, a constant state of stress and panic attacks when have a prosperous life(parents survived the concentration camp). Under hypnosis, patients revealed shocking details of horrors they simply could not have known.

Even 100 years ago, Ivan Pavlov, a Russian physiologist, believed that descendants inherit the experience of their ancestors, which is associated with stress and pain. But until recently, this assumption was not confirmed experimentally.

Only in 2013 did a breakthrough occur. The study that proved Pavlov's assumption was conducted by American scientists Kerry Ressler and Brian Diaz from Emory University Medical Center in Atlanta (USA). They found that traumatic experiences alter gene activity through chemical modification of DNA. The experiments were carried out on mice, which passed on the memory of the smell from generation to generation. The article was first published in the scientific publication Nature Neuroscience.

During the study, it was found that newborn rodents inherited from their parents a gene responsible for innate reflexes. In particular, offspring may be afraid of certain odors that their “parents” cannot stand.

Scientists have trained a male rodent to fear the smell of bird cherry, which contains the substance acetophenone. Then, by crossing these males with females, they obtained offspring and discovered that the mice were also afraid of the smell of bird cherry. Moreover, education of offspring by parents and contacts between generations were excluded. In addition, the reaction to the “dangerous” odor was not lost in the next generation and when offspring were bred by artificial insemination.

It turns out that traumatic information changes gene activity through chemical modification of DNA. Experts have proven that this is a biological, and not a social, transmission of information, and it occurs through the transfer of DNA methylation to germ cells.

This pattern is typical only for “paternal” and “grandfather’s” memories, but not for “maternal” ones, since spermatogenesis occurs throughout the life of men, and a woman is born with a full set of eggs, and it is no longer possible to somehow change these genes. However, in the same formed eggs, a woman stores the ancestral memory from her father, that is, the grandfather of her child. By the way, it is curious that among Jews it is customary to determine a true Jew precisely by his mother.

Before the publication of research data, masses of books were written about ancestral memory. Most of them come from psychophysiologists and hypnotherapists. As indirect evidence (in the absence of experienced ones), they cited the amazing and inexplicable skills of infants (for example, the ability to swim). The reasoning went roughly along the following lines:

Today it is known that during pregnancy, the fetus in the womb dreams about 60% of the time. From the point of view of S.P. Rastorguev, author of the book “Information War,” it is genetic memory that manifests itself, and the brain views it and learns. “The original void that the embryo in the mother’s womb is destined to fill is supplied with a genetic program containing the lives already lived by the ancestors.” Thanks to science, today we know that the human embryo in the mother’s womb, in the process of maturation, going through the entire cycle of evolutionary development - from a single-celled organism to a baby, “briefly recalls its entire history, as the history of the development of a living being.” As a result, a newborn child retains a genetic memory recorded by all his historical ancestors. For example, a newborn has the ability to float on its own. This ability to swim is lost after a month. Those. children are born with a full arsenal of knowledge, carefully preserved by centuries of evolution in genetic memory. And until the age of 2, the child retains sound, visual, and tactile genetic memory. Unfortunately (or fortunately), as we grow and learn, access to genetic memory decreases.

Although present in our psyche, genetic memory data is usually not available to us for conscious comprehension. Because our consciousness actively counteracts the manifestation of this memory, trying to protect the psyche from “split personality.” But genetic memory can manifest itself during sleep or a state of altered consciousness (hypnosis, trance, meditation), when control of consciousness is weakened.

We know that memory is present in everyone, starting from the simplest animals. However, most high level it reached only in humans. Animals have two types of memory: genetic and mechanical. If the latter is found in the form of the ability to learn and acquire some life experience, then genetic memory manifests itself through the transfer of vital psychological, biological, including behavioral, properties from generation to generation. It contains many necessary instincts and reflexes. The instincts of procreation are considered the most powerful.

In general, there are two lines in human genetic memory. The first is

The fact that its improvement occurs in all people as they develop. The second line reflects gradual changes in each individual.

This modification occurs in as well as the introduction into the cultural and material achievements of mankind.

Genetic memory is determined by the information that is stored in the genotype; accordingly, it is inherited.

In this case, the main mechanism of memory is some mutations and, as a consequence, changes in gene structures.

Genetic is different in that it cannot be influenced through training and the educational process.

It stores almost all

“archive” of a particular person’s life. Moreover, everything is reflected at the cellular level: what we were like in childhood and what we were like in youth, what appearance we acquired in adulthood and what our appearance became in old age.

According to some theories, if a person is sick, then there is a copy in his DNA that contains information about the time when the body was young and healthy. Scientists believe that genetic information can be “woven” from very distant memories that are stored in the deepest layers of the subconscious.

Consciousness protects a person from the obvious manifestation of genetic memory, however, according to some data, it reveals itself in a dream.

Today it is known that a baby, while in the stage of intrauterine development, dreams about 60 percent of the time. From the point of view of S.P. Rastorgueva, this is how genetic memory manifests itself, and the brain reads it, and thus a kind of learning occurs.

The child, being in the mother’s belly, goes through the entire evolutionary cycle: starting

From one cell to birth. As a result of this, the entire memory of the ancestors is recorded and stored. This theory is confirmed by the swimming skill that every newborn has, but which is lost after a month of life.

Simply put, children are born with a full arsenal of necessary knowledge, which is carefully preserved through the path of evolution in genetic memory.

Thus, genetic memory is a person’s ability to remember something that was not in his direct experience.

The energy potential of gene memory has been confirmed in medical and psychotherapeutic practice using hypnosis, auto-training and various meditative practices.

Memory is a property inherent in all animals, including humans. It can be mechanical and genetic. Mechanical memory is characterized by the fact that it is formed in the process of life experience based on current events.

Human genetic memory is present even before birth and represents memories of events occurring in past generations, right up to the existence of the first ancestors of people.

Human gene memory allows you to use the experience of generations and is expressed through a set of certain behavioral reactions (reflexes, instincts, genetic programs) to current events. These reactions are unconscious. The described phenomenon is also called “ancestral memory” or “family memory.”

Genetic memory is a person’s ability to remember something that was not in his personal life experience.

The carriers of this ability are DNA and RNA. They are the material embodiment of genetic memory.

The conscious component of the human psyche blocks the manifestation of genetic memory, but it can manifest itself in a state of sleep, trance, hypnosis, when consciousness turns off. These manifestations are characterized by the emergence of strange (and not always pleasant) images, sensations, and desires.

The memory of ancestors is inherent in young children when they are still unconscious. Moreover, it appears during intrauterine development and persists for up to two years.

Scientists' observations have shown that, while in the mother's belly, an unborn baby is able to see dreams that reflect the entire memory of the human race. This is how the first training happens little man all reactions for the possibility of survival after birth.

The most striking example of genetic memory is the ability of a newborn to swim underwater. If this skill is not supported, then in a month the child will forget it. And if you give the opportunity to develop the skill, then later you won’t have to teach him how to float on the water.

Gene memory has the following properties:

  1. The manifestation of gene memory occurs only when consciousness is suppressed and is manifested by the appearance of incomprehensible images and sensations.
  2. Repeated life situations form certain reactions that are recorded and passed on by inheritance. According to K. Jung, these behavior patterns, called archetypes, are genetically transmitted from generation to generation and do not depend on upbringing.
  3. The experience of each individual person does not disappear; it is also recorded for subsequent transmission by inheritance. Moreover, only experiences that have meaning are encoded. Life-threatening, negative experiences change chemical composition DNA. Subsequently, this information is transmitted from father to children.

An example would be a situation where parents were victims of a concentration camp during wartime, and their adult child suffers from nightmares and unreasonable fears. During a hypnosis session, he reveals chilling details of torture that he could not have known about.

  1. Using the term “collective unconscious,” Jung identified differences in genetic memory for different races. This was confirmed by an experiment conducted by American behaviorist professor Daniel Friedman. Children of different races (Caucasian, Mongoloid, Negroid, Indian) were exposed to the same stimuli. Reactions to them among representatives of different races differed from each other, but within the same race they were the same.
  2. The “collective unconscious” depends on the development of the brain, and therefore the psyche. This proves the connection between the psyche, body and soul.
  3. Genetic memory is built into a person at an unconscious level from birth, but any violation of it can lead to mental disorders, for example, in the form of neuroses.
  4. The memory of the family also carries energy capabilities. This phenomenon is confirmed by the fact that in Ancient Rus' one warrior could put an entire army to flight. He felt the support of his ancestors so much that a certain energy appeared, making the enemy feel defenseless and flee from the battlefield in fear.
  5. Consciousness blocks gene memory to prevent split personality.
  6. Unconscious attitudes are much stronger than conscious ones.

Ancestral memory is characteristic of every person and nation as a whole, determining the characteristics of mentality, culture, and nationality.

Benefits of knowing about genetic memory

Human genetic memory allows us to remember our ancestors, their knowledge and wisdom. To use its capabilities, you don’t need to learn, you just need to remember how to use this knowledge. Generic memory returns only in the absence of thoughts and manifests itself in the form of images. IN natural environment there is a natural awakening of these images. But modern world completely blocks these manifestations. This is facilitated by distortion native language, constant presence in an artificial environment (home, office, store), incorrect rhythm of life and learning.

A completely logical question may arise: “Why is genetic memory needed at all? There are so many ways to solve problems now.” But the answer is clear: “Undoubtedly, it is necessary and important.” The reasons are as follows:

  • a person who uses the wisdom and knowledge of his ancestors has great inner strength and self-confidence;
  • bears responsibility for the life and well-being of loved ones;
  • such a person is kind and conscientious;
  • he has an “inner core” that does not allow him to deviate from important life principles;
  • ancestral memory allows you to reveal the internal capabilities of each person without disturbing his mental balance.

The consequences of not using ancestral memory in the modern world are very clearly visible.

If we talk about self-confidence, who can boast of this quality 100%? If we consider how many trainings are offered to achieve this state, we can assume that the demand is also great.

Responsibility for loved ones and relatives gradually slides to zero. 84% of children in Russian orphanages ended up there with living parents. Russia is also the world leader in divorces: per 1,000 registered marriages there are 829. It turns out that people have ceased to be responsible even for the most defenseless - their own children.

Of course, I want to believe in goodness, but if you look around, you see more anger and aggression. This is evidenced by cases of frequent bullying and even murder in families and schools. And it’s a pity that most of the victims are children.

In the old days they said that a person who lost touch with his family also lost his conscience. What is conscience? The word is deciphered as a joint message, that is, common wisdom, memory and knowledge with the ancestors and people. Losing them, a person turns out to be defenseless and cowardly, and therefore prone to the manifestation of evil.

And almost constantly modern man retreats from its principles and attitudes, which are aimed at creation and good deeds. Everyone locks themselves in their own apartment, distancing themselves from other people’s troubles and problems.

And I would like to separately touch on the topic of education. Modern education is constantly undergoing changes, but in general it is built on the principle of collective training according to a single program in institutions specially created for this purpose. Such training does not allow each person to reach their potential using the wisdom of their ancestors. Maybe that’s why so often children began to attack not only their peers, but also their teachers.

Restoring ancestral memory is important both for yourself and for future generations. It is worth remembering that a people who have lost touch with the memory of their ancestors dooms themselves to extinction.

Techniques for restoring ancestral memory

The simplest method of unity with clan and family is care and blessing. You can ask for blessings from your parents, grandparents, and bless your children.

We must not forget about our loved ones. It is important to do good for them in all possible situations. Can you find out the history of your great-grandparents? What is known about them? Everyone studies at school world history, does anyone know how my great-great-grandmother lived? Who was she? It would be nice to find out how possible this is.

There are also special techniques. One of them involves restoring connections with family:

  1. Close your eyes and imagine your mother and father alternately. Note who is in what place. If someone is standing behind, mentally you need to put him one step ahead. It is important to feel the same expression of love for both.
  2. Ask your parents for forgiveness for the trouble they caused. This will allow you to let go of the past.
  3. Thank your parents for life.
  4. We need to start doing good deeds towards them.

The memory of ancestors becomes accessible under conditions of hypnosis and meditation. If a hypnosis session involves the participation of a person trained for this, then you can learn to meditate. There are many ready-made audio files and training videos on the Internet. If you wish, you can also learn self-hypnosis.

It’s paradoxical, but true: the modern world takes away our main values, but provides enormous opportunities for their reacquisition. Ancestral memory is no exception. Patience and determination will help on the path to restoring connections with your family.


Every person is a part of a huge world. But every person can make the world a little better. And for this we need to go back to basics. Time has already proven to everyone that the further a person goes from nature, from his roots, the worse he lives, the more he does not know how to live.

Therefore, now that this understanding has come, it is important to stop and start following in the right direction.

Look back - how do your parents and grandparents live? Think about what you can do to make them happier? Look ahead - are your children happy if you have them?

If they are not there, how can you change to give birth to a healthy generation, relying on the wisdom of your ancestors? Think about it and start with yourself!

Have you ever thought that every person has the memory of his ancestors, that is, what was inherent in his family? In scientific words this is called “genetic memory”.

Genetically primary is memory, the carrier of which in the human body is nucleic acids that ensure stability in the storage of information.

It is located deep in the subconscious of every person, in the area of ​​sensations. Sometimes you can feel it. Genetically, primary memory makes itself felt in the form of impressions, unclear images. So, in most cases, a child in the mother’s womb sees dreams, which are a manifestation of the memory of his family. As a result of watching such dreams, the child’s brain, as if watching, learns. After birth, the baby is endowed with all the necessary knowledge. Remember even the fact that babies are good swimmers from birth, but soon lose this skill. Until the age of 2, children retain this genetic memory.

It is difficult for adults to see this type of memory because consciousness prevents this; it seeks to protect us, our psyche from split personality.

Genetic memory was studied by Carl Jung and psychology classified it as part of the “collective unconscious.” It was believed that it does not depend on the individual’s experience. This memory stores many original images, called by Jung as "". He believed that the experience of each person is not erased after his death, but rather accumulates in genetic memory.

Human genetic memory - examples

The “right of the first night” has always been valued; the wife had to be “pure” and... This hides not only morality, but also biological meaning. After all, there is a genetic memory of the uterus. This indicates that the child will have predominant features similar to the partner of his mother, who she had for the first time. Therefore, it is not in vain that chastity has been around for centuries is valued above all else.

A woman’s genetic memory is also manifested in the habits of a modern woman, in her appearance. A woman, as the keeper of the hearth, had to do several things at the same time (which is very similar to women in our time): they looked after children, picked berries and at the same time watched so that enemies would not attack. By the way, it’s not for nothing that many nations consider a long neck beautiful. In ancient times, it was valuable because it was easier for such a woman to escape from danger.

Each person has this unusual memory and it is worth remembering that our life experiences will be passed on from generation to generation.