Gorky is the initials of the writer. Literary and historical notes of a young technician

Maxim Gorky, Alexey Maximovich Gorky. Real name Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov. Born on March 16 (28), 1868 in Nizhny Novgorod, died on June 18, 1936 in Gorki, Moscow region. Russian Soviet writer, literary critic and publicist, founder of Soviet literature, active participant in the revolutionary movement, public figure. One of the most popular authors of the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Nickname Alexey Maksimovich came up with it himself. Subsequently, he said: “I shouldn’t write in literature - Peshkov...”.

This pseudonym– phrenonym*. The pseudonym of Alexei Maksimovich characterizes not only his fate, but also the direction of his work. Thus, the life of young Alyosha Peshkov “in people” was bitter, and he wrote about the bitter fate of the disadvantaged.

Alexey made his literary name after his father, whom he loved very much and lost early. He gave the same name to his son, whom he also lost very early. There is a version that the name Maxim was borrowed from the criminal who killed Gorky’s great-grandfather, Maxim Bashlyk, about whom Alyosha loved to talk about as a child. It is also worth noting that A. Peshkov’s stepfather bore the surname Maksimov. Therefore, be that as it may, Gorky had a lot to do with the name Maxim in his life, and the choice of such a pseudonym was not accidental.

This deeply symbolic signature first appeared under the story “Makar Chudra” in the Tiflis newspaper “Caucasus” on September 12, 1892. The 24-year-old author then served as a clerk in the railway workshops. This was the literary debut of Alexei Peshkov. Subsequently, he used a number of pseudonyms, but the very first of them brought world fame.

M. Gorky under the notes in the “Samara Newspaper” and “Nizhny Novgorod List” (1896) he put Pacatus (peaceful), and in the collection of “Red Panorama” (1928) he signed Unicus (the only one). In the Samara Gazeta, the feuilletons “Samara in all respects” with the subtitle “Letters of a Knight Errant” were signed by Don Quixote (1896). Bitter in the captions to feuilletons he often used the incognitonym N. Kh., which should have read: “Someone X.”

A number of notes by Alexei Maksimovich in the Samara Newspaper (1895-1896), as well as the story “The Nightingale” were signed by Dvage, i.e. two “G” - Gorky and Gusev (a journalist who provided materials for notes).

It happened that Bitter performed under the name of a character in his own work. Once he used as a pseudonym the name he created himself literary hero. One of his feuilletons in “Eccentric” (1928) was signed by Samokritik Slovotekov. This surname was borne by a character in Gorky’s satirical play “The Hard Worker of Slovotekov,” written by him in 1920 for the Folk Comedy Theater. About this nickname Bitter informed the editors of Chudak the following: “I’m unlikely to find the time to personally collaborate in your magazine, but allow me to recommend to you my friend, Samokritik Kirillovich Slovotekov. Self-critic is his real name, given by his parents at birth. He is quite an old man, but a “beginner”. Non-partisan. Attitude towards alcohol is moderate.”

To make readers laugh Bitter came up with comic pseudonyms, choosing old, long-out-of-use names in combination with an intricate surname. In his youth, in the Samara and Saratov newspapers of the late 90s, Yehudiel Khlamida signed his name. Under one of the letters to his 15-year-old son there is: Your father Polikarp Unesibozhenozhkin. On the pages of his home handwritten journal “Sorrento Truth” (1924), he signed himself Metranpage Goryachkin, Invalid Mus, Osip Tikhovoyev, Aristide Balyk.

IN literary biography Gorky There have also been cases of plagiarism, or rather plagiarism “for the good”, i.e. the desire of an already popular writer to help his novice colleague, without any selfish motives. In 1918, a signed name was published in Novaya Zhizn. M. Gorky story "Lonpochka". But it would be in vain to look for this story in Gorky’s collected works. In 1933, he told the editors of Siberian Lights: “The story “Lanpochka,” which you are asking about, was written not by me, but by my son Maxim, who was in Siberia in 1918 and saw this light bulb in action.”

However, A. Peshkov was not the first Russian writer to come up with pseudonym Gorky: according to the testimony of the Russian writer and poet N.D. Teleshov, the same was one of the early pseudonyms of the poet I.A. Belousova.

Later, derivatives of the pseudonym began to appear. Maxim Leonov, father of the Soviet writer Leonid Leonov, poet and journalist, a man of difficult fate, signed himself Maxim Goremyka. In honor of Gorky The outstanding Belarusian poet Maxim Tank (autonym – Evgeniy Skurko) also named himself.

I wonder what when pseudonym Maxim Gorky should have been used with a patronymic, then they used the real name and patronymic - Alexey Maksimovich.

Short biography:

Orphaned early, Bitter spent his childhood years in the house of his grandfather Kashirin. From the age of 11 he was forced to go “to the people”: he worked as a “boy” in a store, as a pantry cook on a ship, as a baker, studied in an icon-painting workshop, etc.

At the age of 16, he tried to enter Kazan University. Got acquainted with Marxist literature and propaganda work. For his connection with N. E. Fedoseev’s circle he was arrested in 1888. M. Gorky was under constant police surveillance. Worked on the railroad. In the spring of 1891, he set out to wander around the country and reached the Caucasus. Over five and a half years of travel, he described social problems in society. At this time, the stories “Chelkash”, “Old Woman Izergil”, “ Former people", "The Orlov Spouses" and others.

In 1898, the book “Essays and Stories” was published in St. Petersburg, which had a sensational success. In 1899, the prose poem “Twenty Six and One” and the first long story “Foma Gordeev” appeared. Glory A.M. Gorky grew with incredible speed and soon equaled the popularity of A.P. Chekhov and L.N. Tolstoy.

Public position Gorky was radical. He worked closely with revolutionary organizations. In 1905 he joined the ranks of the RSDLP and met V.I. Lenin. Gorky provided serious financial support to the revolution of 1905-1907. After the revolution due to tuberculosis Bitter settles in Italy on the island of Capri, where he lived for 7 years. There Bitter writes “Confession” (1908), where his philosophical differences with Lenin were clearly outlined.

After returning to Russia in 1913 Bitter writes autobiographical stories "Childhood", "In People", a cycle of stories "Across Rus'" (1912-17). He edits the Bolshevik newspapers Zvezda and Pravda, the art department of the Bolshevik magazine Prosveshchenie, and publishes the first collection of proletarian writers.

Bitter was enthusiastic about the February Revolution of 1917, but he had an ambiguous attitude towards the October Revolution. In 1917-1919 M. Gorky conducts extensive social and political work, criticizes the “methods” of the Bolsheviks, condemns their attitude towards the old intelligentsia, saves many of its representatives from Bolshevik repression and famine.

Autumn 1921 Bitter went abroad again, in 1922 he wrote the story “My Universities”, which became the last part of his autobiographical trilogy. In 1925, he published the novel “The Artamonov Case,” which essentially became the history of the development of capitalism in Russia.

In 1928, by invitation Soviet government and personally I. Stalin makes a trip around the country, during which Gorky show the achievements of the USSR, which are reflected in the series of essays “About the Soviet Union”.

In 1932 Bitter returns to the USSR, where he immediately becomes the “head” of Soviet literature. M. Gorky creates new magazines, series of books - “Life of Remarkable People”, “History of the Civil War”, “History of Factories and Works”, “Poet’s Library”. is the initiator of the creation and first chairman of the board of the Union of Writers of the USSR. Member of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR.

M. Gorky died June 18, 1936. There is an unconfirmed version that he was poisoned on Trotsky's orders when Stalin was preparing the Moscow show trials, in which many of Gorky's old friends were to be accused. After his death, he was cremated and his ashes were placed in an urn in the Kremlin wall on Red Square in Moscow. Before cremation brain M. Gorky was extracted and taken to the Moscow Brain Institute for further study.

In the name Maxim Gorky settlements, streets, alleys and embankments, squares and parks, railway and metro stations, many theaters and libraries, a film studio, universities and institutes are named. Planes and ships, plants and factories bore his name. In almost every city Gorky a monument was erected (there are four of them in Nizhny Novgorod alone). City Bitter- the name of Nizhny Novgorod from 1932 to 1990. Name Gorky given to a reservoir on the Volga River.

Alexey Peshkov did not receive a real education; he only graduated from a vocational school.

In 1884, the young man came to Kazan with the intention of studying at the university, but did not enter.

In Kazan, Peshkov became acquainted with Marxist literature and propaganda work.

In 1902, the Imperial Academy of Sciences in the category of fine literature. However, the election was annulled by the government because the newly elected academician “was under police surveillance.”

In 1901, Maxim Gorky became the head of the publishing house of the Znanie partnership and soon began publishing collections in which Ivan Bunin, Leonid Andreev, Alexander Kuprin, Vikenty Veresaev, Alexander Serafimovich and others were published.

The top of it early creativity The play "At the Bottom" is considered. In 1902, it was staged at the Moscow Art Theater by Konstantin Stanislavsky. Stanislavsky, Vasily Kachalov, Ivan Moskvin, Olga Knipper-Chekhova performed in the performances. In 1903, at the Berlin Kleines Theater, the performance "At the Bottom" with Richard Wallentin in the role of Satin took place. Gorky also created the plays "The Bourgeois" (1901), "Summer Residents" (1904), "Children of the Sun", "Barbarians" (both 1905), "Enemies" (1906).

In 1905, he joined the ranks of the RSDLP (Russian Social Democratic Party, Bolshevik wing) and met Vladimir Lenin. Gorky provided financial support for the revolution of 1905-1907.
The writer took an active part in the revolutionary events of 1905, was imprisoned Peter and Paul Fortress, released under pressure from the world community.

At the beginning of 1906, Maxim Gorky arrived in America, fleeing persecution by the Russian authorities, where he stayed until the fall. The pamphlets “My Interviews” and the essays “In America” were written here.

Upon returning to Russia in 1906, Gorky wrote the novel "Mother". In the same year, Gorky left Italy for the island of Capri, where he stayed until 1913.

Returning to St. Petersburg, he collaborated with the Bolshevik newspapers Zvezda and Pravda. During this period, the autobiographical stories “Childhood” (1913-1914) and “In People” (1916) were published.

After October revolution In 1917, Gorky was actively involved in social activities and participated in the creation of the World Literature publishing house. In 1921 he went abroad again. The writer lived in Helsingfors (Helsinki), Berlin and Prague, and since 1924 - in Sorrento (Italy). In exile, Gorky more than once spoke out against the policies pursued by the Soviet authorities.

The writer was officially married to Ekaterina Peshkova, née Volzhina (1876-1965). The couple had two children - son Maxim (1897-1934) and daughter Katya, who died in childhood.

Later, Gorky tied himself into a civil marriage with actress Maria Andreeva (1868-1953), and then Maria Brudberg (1892-1974).

The writer's granddaughter Daria Peshkova is an actress at the Vakhtangov Theater.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

1868 - Alexey Peshkov was born in Nizhny Novgorod in the family of a carpenter - Maxim Savvatyevich Peshkov.

1884 – tried to enter Kazan University. Gets acquainted with Marxist literature and propaganda work.

1888 – arrested for connections with N.E. Fedoseev’s circle. Is under constant police surveillance. In October he becomes a watchman at the Dobrinka station in Gryaze-Tsaritsynskaya railway. Impressions from his stay in Dobrinka will serve as the basis for the autobiographical story “The Watchman” and the story “Boredom for the Sake.”

1889 , January - at personal request (complaint in verse), transferred to Borisoglebsk station, then as a weighmaster to Krutaya station.

1891 , spring - went to wander around the country and reached the Caucasus.

1892 – first appeared in print with the story “Makar Chudra”. Back in Nizhny Novgorod, publishes reviews and feuilletons in Volzhsky Vestnik, Samara Gazeta, Nizhegorodsky Listok, etc.

1897 – “Former People”, “The Orlov Spouses”, “Malva”, “Konovalov”.

1897, October - mid-January 1898 - lives in the village of Kamenka (now the city of Kuvshinovo, Tver region) in the apartment of his friend N.Z. Vasiliev, who worked at the Kamensk paper factory and led an illegal workers' Marxist circle. Life impressions of this period served as material for the novel “The Life of Klim Samgin.”

1898 – the publishing house of Dorovatsky and A.P. Charushnikov releases the first volume of Gorky’s works “Essays and Stories” in a circulation of 3,000 copies.

1899 - novel "Foma Gordeev".

1900–1901 – novel “Three”, personal acquaintance with Chekhov, Tolstoy.

1900–1913 – participates in the work of the publishing house "Znanie".

1901 , March - “Song of the Petrel” was created in Nizhny Novgorod. Participation in Marxist workers' circles in Nizhny Novgorod, Sormovo, St. Petersburg, wrote a proclamation calling for the fight against autocracy. Arrested and expelled from Nizhny Novgorod.
Turns to dramaturgy. Creates the play "The Bourgeois".

1902 - play "At the Bottom". Elected an honorary member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. But before Gorky could exercise his new rights, his election was annulled by the government, since the writer “was under police surveillance.”

1904–1905 - plays "Summer Residents", "Children of the Sun", "Barbarians". Meeting Lenin. He was arrested for a revolutionary proclamation in connection with the execution on January 9, but then released under public pressure. Participant in the revolution 1905-1907
In the fall of 1905 he joined the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party.

1906 – travels abroad, creates satirical pamphlets about the “bourgeois” culture of France and the USA (“My Interviews”, “In America”).
The play "Enemies", the novel "Mother". Due to tuberculosis, Gorky settled in Italy on the island of Capri, where he lived for 7 years.

1907 - Delegate to the V Congress of the RSDLP.

1908 – play “The Last”, story “The Life of an Useless Person”.

1909 – stories “Town of Okurov”, “Life of Matvey Kozhemyakin”.

1913 - edits the Bolshevik newspapers "Zvezda" and "Pravda", the art department of the Bolshevik magazine "Prosveshchenie", publishes the first collection of proletarian writers. Writes "Tales of Italy".

1912–1916 - creates a series of stories and essays that make up the collection “Across Rus'”, autobiographical stories “Childhood”, “In People”. The last part of the trilogy “My Universities” was written in 1923.

1917–1919 – carries out extensive social and political work.

1921 – M. Gorky’s departure abroad.

1921–1923 – lives in Helsingfors, Berlin, Prague.

1924 – lives in Italy, in Sorrento. Published memoirs about Lenin.

1925 - the novel “The Artamonov Case”, begins to write the novel “The Life of Klim Samgin”, which was never finished.

1928 - at the invitation of the Soviet government, makes a trip around the country, during which Gorky is shown the achievements of the USSR, depicted by the writer in the series of essays “Around the Soviet Union”.

1931 – visits Solovetsky Camp Special Purpose.

1932 – returns to Soviet Union. Under the leadership of Gorky, many newspapers and magazines were created: the book series “History of Factories and Works”, “History civil war", "Poet's Library", "The Story of a Young person XIX century", magazine "Literary Studies".
The play "Egor Bulychev and others."

1933 - play "Dostigaev and others".

1934 – Gorky holds the First All-Union Congress Soviet writers, delivers the keynote address.

Maxim Gorky is a famous Russian writer who was able to overcome many difficulties in his life path, rise from the very bottom - his biography is replete with tragic events.

This man was rightly called a genius, because it was he who created the magnificent, soul-touching and complete current problems The work “At the Bottom” became the founder of a new direction in literature - socialist realism.

Russian writer A. M. Gorky

We all know Maxim Gorky as a great revolutionary writer, many recognize his portrait among others, study his biography, important facts from life: real name and surname, place of birth, the title of his first work, reasons for emigrating from the country.

However, few people thought about the very value of the life of this brilliant writer; few people know that literally every day of Alexei Maksimovich Peshkov passed in a fierce struggle with himself, with power, with life’s adversities.

Brief biography of Maxim Gorky

A. M. Peshkov was born on March 28, 1868. A native of the city of Nizhny Novgorod. Alyosha chose the pseudonym for himself as a reminder of his father, Maxim Savvanteevich.

Father and mother

At the age of three, Alexei became seriously ill with cholera. The boy's father, who dearly loved his son, cared for him for a long time. He was able to cure Alyosha, but became infected from him and soon died.

A happy family broke up. The mother, Varvara Vasilievna Peshkova, subconsciously blaming her son for the death of her husband, could not forgive her child and moved away from him. She died of a dangerous disease - consumption, when Alexei was 11 years old.


The boy was orphaned early, and his grandfather Kashirin was forced to raise him. He, being a cruel, merciless man, often beat his grandson, because of which adult life Alexey Peshkov stopped experiencing physical pain. But this did not stop him from deeply empathizing with other people and suffering from other people's pain.

Alyosha also had good memories from childhood associated with his grandmother Akulina Ivanovna. She told him fairy tales or stories from her life, sang sonorous songs. The grandmother took care of the boy, taught him to overcome life's obstacles and cope with difficulties.


The future great writer did not have a decent education. Peshkov began studying at a parish school, but illness disrupted his plans for studying. Later he entered the school, but became famous there as a difficult teenager, a student with a complex character.

Alexey began stealing food and picking up discarded clothes. Other students noted that he often gave off an unpleasant odor, which became the reason for bullying and ridicule. Because of this, Alyosha Peshkov dropped out of school, went on a trip around the country, learned a lot of new things, saw how hard life is ordinary people. Traveling gave Alexey a lot of experience and knowledge.

Youth years

When Alyosha turns 19, his grandparents die. While in Kazan and unsuccessfully trying to enter the university, he becomes depressed and attempts suicide. The young man shoots himself in the chest, but the bullet misses his heart and lodges in his lung.

Doctors had to save the writer twice because, while in the hospital, he wanted to try to commit suicide again by drinking poison.

Creative path

Mine creative path Maxim Gorky began by working in a provincial newspaper. With the great help of V.G. Korolenko, the writer was able to prove himself in the world of literature.

It was the very first work, “Essays and Stories,” that brought Gorky fame as a writer, something that no famous Russian writer had ever achieved during his lifetime.

In his works, the writer often spoke about the revolutionary democratic movement and criticized the existing government. Due to controversial statements about Lenin and support for revolutionary sentiment, Gorky was detained by the police more than once.

In 1892, the first story “Makar Chudra” was published under the pseudonym Maxim Gorky. The writer's stunning success begins with him.


In the next period of his work, Maxim Gorky worked closely with revolutionary organizations, which is reflected in his revolutionary novel “Mother”. In 1905, under threat of arrest, the writer was forced to leave his native country and go to the USA. At the end of the year he goes to Italy to the island of Capri.

Abroad, the writer was received with great joy; he was invited to various receptions and evenings. Mark Twain personally took care of the worthy reception of Maxim Gorky in America.

After an unsuccessful attempt to return to his homeland, Maxim Gorky went abroad in 1921 to improve his health. He travels around Germany, then returns to Capri. Continuing to be interested in events in revolutionary Russia, the writer is skeptical about the revolution in his native country.

During this period of his life, Gorky wrote the novel “The Artamonov Case.”


Finally great writer, responding to the invitation of the authorities, returns to Russia in 1928. Gorky is received with open arms, and after an exemplary five-week trip around the country, he is given a mansion and two dachas.

Gorky is working on the creation of “The Life of Klim Samgin”, and also becomes the editor of the newspaper “The Life of Wonderful People”.

Last years of life and death

Another tragedy that befell Gorky was the death of his son Maxim, which greatly crippled the writer. While visiting his grave, where Gorky lay for a long time on the damp ground and could not believe in his son’s death, the writer caught a cold and became seriously ill.

He died on June 18, 1936. There are many versions of his death; contemporaries claim that the writer could have been poisoned. The body of the great genius was cremated, and his brain was removed for further study.

Interesting facts from the biography of M. Gorky

Something that might be interesting to know:

  1. Despite the fact that Gorky was a comprehensively developed, intelligent and erudite person, at the age of thirty he continued to write with errors, which were carefully corrected by his beloved wife Ekaterina Volzhina.
  2. The fact that Maxim Gorky was a unique person is also evidenced by his ability to drink a lot and often, but never get drunk.
  3. The writer’s personal life was unsuccessful: he had two wives and many mistresses.
  4. The writer was interested in okimono and collected Japanese bone figurines.
  5. During his lifetime, Maxim Gorky could receive five times Nobel Prize, but was deprived of this award through great efforts of the authorities.

Famous works of Maxim Gorky

The writer wrote many novels, stories and plays:

  1. "Makar Chudra";
  2. “Childhood”, “In People”, “My Universities”;
  3. "Old Isergil";
  4. "At the bottom";
  5. “The Artamonov Case”;
  6. novel "Mother";
  7. stories “The Life of an Useless Person”, “The Town of Okurov”, “The Life of Matvey Kozhemyakin”.


Maxim Gorky, whose real name is Alexey Peshkov, is an iconic figure of Russian culture. Years of the writer’s life: 1868-1936. Not only did he produce many excellent works, but he was the editor of many literary magazines. The name of this brilliant writer will not fade for centuries; his stories, novels, and plays will be reread by our descendants.

(estimates: 6 , average: 3,17 out of 5)

Name: Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov
Nicknames: Maxim Gorky, Yehudiel Chlamida
Birthday: March 16, 1868
Place of Birth: Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Empire
Date of death: June 18, 1936
A place of death: Gorki, Moscow region, RSFSR, USSR

Biography of Maxim Gorky

Maxim Gorky was born in Nizhny Novgorod in 1868. In fact, the writer’s name was Alexey, but his father was Maxim, and the writer’s last name was Peshkov. The father worked as a simple carpenter, so the family could not be called wealthy. At the age of 7 he went to school, but after a couple of months he had to quit his studies due to smallpox. As a result, the boy received a home education, and he also studied all subjects independently.

Gorky had a rather difficult childhood. His parents died too early, and the boy lived with his grandfather , who had a very difficult character. Already at the age of 11, the future writer set out to earn his living, working part-time in a bread store or in a canteen on a ship.

In 1884, Gorky found himself in Kazan and tried to get an education, but this attempt failed, and he had to work hard again to earn money to feed himself. At the age of 19, Gorky even tries to commit suicide due to poverty and fatigue.

Here he becomes interested in Marxism and tries to agitate. In 1888 he was arrested for the first time. He gets a job at an iron job where the authorities keep a close eye on him.

In 1889, Gorky returned to Nizhny Novgorod and got a job as a clerk for lawyer Lanin. It was during this period that he wrote “The Song of the Old Oak” and turned to Korolenko to evaluate the work.

In 1891, Gorky went to travel around the country. His story “Makar Chudra” was published for the first time in Tiflis.

In 1892, Gorky again traveled to Nizhny Novgorod and returned to the service of lawyer Lanin. Here he is already published in many publications in Samara and Kazan. In 1895 he moved to Samara. At this time he actively wrote and his works were constantly published. The two-volume “Essays and Stories,” published in 1898, is in great demand and is very actively discussed and criticized. In the period from 1900 to 1901 he met Tolstoy and Chekhov.

In 1901, Gorky created his first plays “The Bourgeois” and “At the Lower Depths”. They were very popular, and “The Bourgeois” was even staged in Vienna and Berlin. The writer has already become famous internationally. From that moment on, his works were translated into different languages world, and he and his works became the object of close attention of foreign critics.

Gorky became a participant in the revolution in 1905, and since 1906 he left his country in connection with political events. He for a long time lives on the Italian island of Capri. Here he writes the novel “Mother”. This work influenced the emergence of a new direction in literature, like socialist realism.

In 1913, Maxim Gorky was finally able to return to his homeland. During this period, he actively worked on his autobiography. He also works as an editor for two newspapers. At the same time, he gathered proletarian writers around him and published a collection of their works.

The period of the revolution in 1917 was controversial for Gorky. As a result, he joins the ranks of the Bolsheviks, even despite doubts and torment. However, he does not support some of their views and actions. In particular, regarding the intelligentsia. Thanks to Gorky, most of the intelligentsia in those days avoided starvation and painful death.

In 1921, Gorky left his country. There is a version that he does this because Lenin was too worried about the health of the great writer, whose tuberculosis had worsened. However, the reason could also be Gorky’s contradictions with the authorities. He lived in Prague, Berlin and Sorrento.

When Gorky turned 60, Stalin himself invited him to the USSR. The writer was given a warm welcome. He traveled around the country, where he spoke at meetings and rallies. They honor him in every possible way and take him to the Communist Academy.

In 1932, Gorky returned to the USSR for good. He is very active literary activity, organizes the All-Union Congress of Soviet Writers, publishes a large number of newspapers.

In 1936, terrible news spread throughout the country: Maxim Gorky left this world. The writer caught a cold when he visited his son’s grave. However, there is an opinion that both the son and the father were poisoned because of their political views, but this has never been proven.


We bring to your attention a documentary film, a biography of Maxim Gorky.

Bibliography of Maxim Gorky


Foma Gordeev
Mother (second edition - 1907)
Artamonov case
Life of Klim Samgin


The life of an unnecessary person
Okurov town
Life of Matvey Kozhemyakin
In people
My universities

Stories, essays

The Girl and Death
Makar Chudra
Old Isergil
Former people
The Orlov couple
Essays and stories (collection)
Song of the Falcon (prose poem)
Twenty six and one
Song of the Petrel (prose poem)
Man (prose poem)
Tales of Italy
In Rus' (cycle of stories)
Stories from 1922-1924
Notes from a diary (series of stories)


At the bottom
Summer residents
Children of the Sun
Vassa Zheleznova (reworked in December 1935)
Old man
Somov and others
Egor Bulychov and others
Dostigaev and others


My interviews
In America" ​​(pamphlets)
series of articles “Untimely Thoughts” in the newspaper “New Life”
About the Russian peasantry