Gemini horoscope for January Horoscope for a Gemini man

Full Moon in CancerJanuary 2, 2018, a reason to devote time to family, call loved ones, stay at home in warmth and comfort. Time from 4 to 16 January Suitable for enjoying intimacy in a committed and committed relationship. The planets that find themselves in Scorpio and Capricorn will help: the first is responsible for strong desires that do not need to be ashamed, and the second is for the perseverance necessary to realize them. It will allow you to start something new and important. New Moon in Capricorn January 17th. It is under the strong influence of Venus, so the task you set should arouse not only practical interest, but also enthusiasm. It will take you 2-3 years to solve it. You can only get involved in a long-term project out of love. And on January 23-28, think about possible obstacles that await you along the way. Forewarned is forearmed.

January 2018 is a very powerful month in terms of energy and abundance of opportunities. Until January 20, half of the planets in the solar system will be grouped in Capricorn, which will provide a solid foundation for implemented projects. This is an ideal period for career advancement. From the 21st, the Sun and Venus in Aquarius will attract new friends and loved ones into your life.

From the first days of January, work may be piled up, although only for those who did not finish it last year. The rest begin active internal work to plan the future. Don't be surprised if some of the things you were striving for before suddenly become irrelevant. The time will come for practical, thoughtful solutions. But plans to get rich quickly and dreams of instantly redoing everything and re-educating everyone do not fit into the January agenda. Those who know how and love to work will achieve a lot. Some problems can be solved in an original way, confusing production processes can be optimized. It’s good to start a renovation in January; it won’t go very quickly, but the quality will please you: the tiles won’t fall off and you won’t dislike the furniture. You can plan for your children's future. preferably together with them - they will also suddenly become more serious. The people you become close to (or meet) in January will be part of your life for a long time. Now you are able to appreciate the reliability and professionalism. The best time to go to the hairdresser is January 20 or 21. Trust yourself to the master, let him experiment!

Horoscope for January 2018 Aries. Love horoscope for January Aries

Aries, you definitely need a clear goal and at least a rough plan of action. Then you can move mountains! Just take care of your loved ones; periods of your energy surges often turn into unnecessary conflicts at home. And don’t rush, big things don’t get done quickly. A sharp breakthrough in my career from 7 to 11, but on 12–15 it would be better to slow down, otherwise it will take me to the wrong place. After the 21st, take a closer look at the new friends in your circle, perhaps one of them is perfect for you. For the first time in a very long time, you were finally back to normal. The planets that were holding you back or limiting your capabilities have managed to move to other parts of the sky: having freed yourself from their influence, you feel strength, confidence, and readiness to take on any challenge that the world throws at you. And if it is something completely new and unexpected, so much the better. You can't wait to get into the game!

Your determination and activity will play the necessary role. Appeals to high officials will be especially effective now - there is a high chance that you will not only be listened to, but also heard. But, rushing forward towards your goal, do not forget to look at your feet. Avoid lack of sleep, do not abuse alcohol, and do not mix sexual and business relationships.

Love horoscope for January Aries

In the second week of January, you can expect an official appearance, a career triumph, which was not at all easy, or even a passionate romance at work. Just don’t pretend to be a good girl under any circumstances: actively defend your own interests and fight for what is valuable to you. Keep your feelings to yourself. And after January 17, it will be possible to act more or less openly at work. By this time, you will already be able to describe in the best possible way everything that you experience and think about. Until January 20 - office romance or favor from superiors.

Horoscope for January 2018 Taurus. Love horoscope for January Taurus

Taurus, the stars promise a favorable period from all sides. You will be able to strengthen your financial position and make a career breakthrough. Feel free to make big purchases (even real estate), take on serious projects at your current job, or leave for a new, better one. And everything will be great in love too! The whole month is about social and public successes for your spouse or loved one, but if you are single, this is your chance to meet a promising partner. From the 21st, it is ideal to achieve your goals and change jobs if this was in your plans. You probably won’t be able to get everything at once, but by carefully negotiating, you can count on the fulfillment of most of your desires. Think about what from the list you are willing to sacrifice and for how long you would prefer to conclude the corresponding agreement. Keep in mind that flexible terms that provide benefits in the long term may be preferable to quick results that are extremely difficult to use in the future.

Despite situations that will force you to lose your temper, be patient. And this step will not only bring another point to your self-esteem, but will also help you make important personal connections. As for business, January is a favorable time for contacts with foreign partners. But you shouldn't change your hairstyle. Changing your image will not work in your favor.

Love horoscope for January Taurus

If you have never thought about an affair with a foreigner, scientist or editor, it’s time to look around: is there an attractive citizen from this category wandering around? If romance is out of the question, at least find a study partner, a travel companion, or a collaborator to write and publish something beautiful. Together with him on January 17-18, take the first step towards realizing your plans, and you will see how actively events will develop.

Horoscope for January 2018 Gemini. Love horoscope for January Gemini

Gemini, communication, travel, visiting guests - all this is very fun and useful. But after the holidays you will have to pull yourself together and get into a work schedule. Be collected and try not to stand out too much from the general background with a frivolous expression on your face. Finding or changing a job is favorable, or conditions at the current place will improve. You can count on good prospects and generosity from your superiors. This is a month of dramatic changes in your life and a sudden increase in income for your spouse or loved one. Don't try to chase two birds with one stone. In January, it is important to focus on one thing: either your career or your personal life. The month is good for major projects and big plans. Against this background, try not to get upset over little things, such as lost keys, spilled coffee or an unsaved file. Treat them with humor, and then the first month will leave only pleasant impressions.

Love horoscope for January Gemini

In the past, a relationship between you was impossible. Your lives were moving in different directions, and both of you had other commitments. Now the situation has changed. If you want to communicate, nothing prevents this, and if you want to develop friendship into something more serious, then there will be no problems with that either. Don't feel obligated to do something just because an opportunity arises. Look at the circumstances.

In the first days of the year, analyze your budget and, if necessary, take emergency saving measures, take on additional work, or sell something you haven’t used for a long time. The desire to put things in order in your life will not go away until the twentieth of January. Well, when else should we improve our daily life? how not in a month, the first half of which people rest, and the second half of which they recover after rest? After the 20th, your information field will liven up, but it will become completely interesting by the end of the month, and then there will be no time for discipline!

Horoscope for January 2018 Cancer. Love horoscope for January Cancer

Cancers, but no one will let you relax! Everyone will suddenly decide that you owe them something. In addition, your sense of duty will become inflamed, and your conscience will begin to whisper, “Well, what didn’t you do? After all, she could!” Try not to quarrel with anyone, not to be rude to anyone and not to push yourself. January 2018 is a favorable month for creative achievements and self-realization. Pregnancy or many reasons for pride in success and children are likely. Life will give you a chance as soon as you are ready for it, and now is just such a moment. Even if you've never considered the role on offer, it's perfect for your current career situation. You may get the feeling that this is your only chance and there won’t be another like it... Even if this is not true, one thing is obvious: the sooner the better. So go ahead!

In general, the harsh mood of Cancers will be subject to gentle adjustments in January: you have every chance of regularly experiencing bouts of sentimentality and romance. As, but for various wonderful reasons, and out of nowhere. And this will benefit not only your family relationships, but also business connections.

Love horoscope for January Cancer

A very successful month for love acquaintances and useful connections. Your January horoscope sings of love, or at least of such a powerful creative impulse that it can be compared to an exciting novel. Discuss your life with someone you like and respect - this will help you better understand yourself and set priorities. Throughout January, keep two truths in mind: you have the right to joy, and joy will be stronger if you share it with your partner. Don’t hide your desires from him or look for like-minded people where you feel free.

Horoscope Leo January. Love horoscope for January Leo

Leos, the holidays will only end after January 20th. Then you will be happy to immerse yourself in real life. Goals, plans, rivals and rivals will appear, ambitions will turn on at full volume and you will walk forward with a royal gait, scattering everyone who stands in the way.

Fruitful work, which brings a recognized profit, alternates with home activities - repairs, improvement, real estate transactions. The ideal option would be to work from home - such offers may arrive in the first half of the month. You are asked to support an important project when you don't even know all the details. The voices of well-wishers and advisers are heard from everywhere, suggesting that this is a sure chance and they are ready to provide all possible support. Help is a good thing, but you can cope with the task without it. Make your own decision and don’t let yourself be rushed! People will be drawn to you so eagerly that it will even begin to tire you. What can you do, the impending stellar disposition will increase your fans and those who will come for protection. When buying new clothes, choose light shades. In the third ten days of January, expect pleasant financial income - for example, repayment of a debt that you have almost forgotten about.

Love horoscope for January Leo

You are passionate about home or family changes, putting things in order in other areas of your life, and completing things that you want to finish before starting something new. In addition, this month there will be not one, but two full moons, which makes it possible to see the results of your endeavors. The full moon on January 2 doesn’t mean anything special to you, but on January 31 it will be in your sign and will show how you have changed since August 21, when the solar eclipse occurred in Leo.

Horoscope for January 2018 Virgo. Love horoscope for January Virgo

Virgos, great things await you! Firstly, there will be a lot of them. And secondly, they can dramatically turn your life around or change your views. This is a very important month! You will need the ability to avoid conflicts, not enter into confrontation (although the desire will arise!) and be very careful with money. After the first failed attempt, the time has come to try again. You've had time to rethink how to achieve your goal, so your plan of action is clear. At first, it seems like there is little progress, but remind yourself: before you take the next step, you need to return to previous positions. The world has not stood still - catch up and be more decisive. Everything will be fine! Your intellectual abilities are at their best, you will be able to shine with wit and gush with ideas.

Love horoscope for January Virgo

This month expects a lot of creativity, ideas, conversations on hot topics and serious work on things that bring joy. If you want something to please you, organize it yourself. Passive entertainment no longer suits you, and you will probably pay attention to courses, music classes, drawing, calligraphy, and even programming. To succeed in a new hobby, you will have to process a huge amount of information, but it’s worth it. In January 2018, holidays, pleasures, entertainment, creativity and love continue! You have an easy, joyful, fruitful month. Enjoy life! The month is also ideal for travel and for romantic relationships with strangers in the most inappropriate places. A sudden inclination towards adventure, so rare for Virgos, will add spice and a sense of controlled risk to your life, which you have been missing for a long time.

Horoscope for January 2018 Libra. Love horoscope for January Libra

Libra, want to change everything you didn't like last year? Get started! If not from January 1, then at least from 10. But do not make sudden movements: do not quarrel with your superiors, extinguish selfish impulses at home. Act with extreme caution and often tell your loved ones how much you love them. In other cases, you will become interested in home improvement, changing the interior, strengthening family ties and exploring your “roots”. The most active area of ​​your horoscope in January is the sector of earnings, spending and property. Looks like you'll be busy deliberately wasting your 13th salary! A lot of money will be spent on home improvements or helping parents. This month is also a good time to start a real estate adventure. But it would be good to think about working at home and earning more than in the office. In your case this is possible. The main thing is to have enough strength to implement your plans. You are having a profitable and profitable month, especially if your work is related to real estate. The list of random expenses, spontaneous expenses and unnecessary expenses in January will be given by the Milky Way. However, these expenses will bring you a lot of real joy. The effect of the giver will stretch over all three decades - an excellent period for charity, investments and loans. Try to spend more time in the fresh air and in movement, this will now bring special benefits not only to your health, but also to the near future.

Love horoscope for January Libra

Typically, you approach anything new with a calm and level-headed approach, moving slowly and keeping the situation well under control. Now you seem to have gone to the other extreme and decided to risk everything, as if making the maximum bet on “zero”. Only it’s not money at stake, but love. And you know very well that you are not acting at the behest of your reason, but at the call of your heart - and how can you resist when everything is so wonderful?

Horoscope for January 2018 Scorpio. Love horoscope for January Scorpio

Scorpios, when Fortune is behind you, everything turns out easy, bright and beautiful. Soon inspiration will come to you, and it always adds to your attractiveness, everyone will admire you, including your bosses (you can expect a promotion) and strangers (if you want romance, there will be it!). Despite the New Year and Christmas holidays, it is difficult to find you at home - you are on endless trips, meetings, guests and parties. You combine business activity with leisure time, and from this your popularity and success only grow.

Actions taken over the coming weeks will determine plans for the months ahead. The time of amazing opportunities is coming! Fate gives you chances literally every day, and the choice of options is such that your eyes run wild. Don't let yourself be distracted and stay focused. Once you make a choice, the situation will begin to develop so rapidly that it will not be easy to go back. When your feelings stop coloring your surroundings in nervous tones, you turn into a light and bright personality. And you immediately receive an answer from reality: you will become more popular and loved by others than ever before. So January will be a very favorable month, just try to avoid loud conversations and frequent washing and general cleaning.

Love horoscope for January Scorpio

Your returned courage and thirst for adventure may worry your loved ones: will you get into trouble? But don't worry! Your consciousness is clearer than ever, and right now you see what hidden motives are behind the actions of your opponents, you are able to foresee options for the development of events, hedge your bets or report on your experience as much as necessary. This is the best time to start learning something difficult or writing something. which I have long wanted to formulate qualitatively.

Horoscope for January 2018 Sagittarius. Love horoscope for January Sagittarius

Sagittarius, for you January is a month of respite. Don't even try to get on the main stage, it's already occupied, and the audience's applause is given to other people - whom you may not like. Be patient and don’t lose optimism, soon there will be a holiday on your street! Brilliant chances for enrichment come, money literally sticks to you! Before the 21st, try to implement your financial plans; later, issues related to transport and travel will be most important. When starting a complex task, you first assess its scale. Then you take a step back, telling yourself you're crazy. And again you look around the situation, trying to see the problem in context. Finally, you come up with a plan, wish yourself luck, and take action. Now you are at the first stage - exploring, reflecting, doubting; but when the time comes, you will return and will certainly achieve success!

This year, you don’t have to throw out your Christmas tree until February on the most legal grounds - contact with a living tree in your house is very useful for you. And don’t try to forcefully make anyone around you happy: avoid wise but unsolicited advice from friends, don’t push your partner to do anything, don’t sign petitions.

Love horoscope for January Sagittarius

For almost the entire month, you will be preoccupied with financial issues that require immediate solutions. But in the first days of January, try to find an opportunity to exhale and quietly tune in to the coming year. It will require strong faith that everything will definitely work out, you just don’t know yet how exactly. Trust life and at the end of the year you will receive a reward. And to prepare, rest and recover until January 26, and only then start making payments, earning money and shopping.

Horoscope for January 2018 Capricorn. Love horoscope for January Capricorn

Amazing month! 5 planets in your sign reward you with attractiveness, popularity, success, love, abundance. All this is accompanied by important changes in life, but they pass easily and harmoniously. This is the most powerful sign! The Capricorn woman looks soft and pliable, but everything in her life is organized in a way that is convenient for her, and if everything is not yet in order, then she is definitely working on it. Capricorn is a born organizer and knows how to manage people and circumstances. Such a woman can lead her husband to success and turn all energy flows into financial ones. Just don't think it's easy. It’s very difficult - perhaps that’s why sadness lurks somewhere in the depths of every Capricorn’s soul. January will be interesting. Even during the New Year holidays, relaxing with family and friends, Capricorns will begin to make ambitious plans and think through the details. By the way, the only obstacle that may hinder the implementation of these plans in the future is a categorical attitude towards people. Soften up, show understanding, and then everything will go the way you want.

For several years now you have felt an underlying pressure, as if someone was trying to push you in a certain direction. Once you pay attention to this, you begin to instinctively resist. But now you have finally realized: what you fought so hard with is your true destiny; Moreover, now you yourself are striving for it. Life immediately becomes easier - and also more fun! You can safely go to work after the holidays - extremely fruitful weeks await you. Friendly gatherings and team sports will bring a lot of joy. But it is better to postpone visiting exhibitions, concerts or cinema for now. In the last ten days of January, try to avoid lack of sleep.

Love horoscope for January Capricorn

In December, Saturn began working with you. His goal is to force you to grow up and set quite difficult tasks. If you fulfill them, you will be able to respect yourself. It’s good that in January this strict mentor works with generous Jupiter and active Mars in the sector of useful connections, so you can count on good company in your work or socially significant endeavors. Try to get ahead of everyone in implementing ideas before the 26th, and then take care of yourself and your personal life.

Horoscope for January 2018 Aquarius. Love horoscope for January Aquarius

Aquarius, it’s not time to wait for a promotion or change jobs. But there will be much more romance! After January 20, you may meet the person who will become the most important in your life. If you have been married to him for a long time, arrange a romantic date! What slows down your development and hinders the implementation of your plans becomes a thing of the past. Until the 20th, it seems that life seems to have frozen. But don’t worry: after the 21st, your plans will quickly come true. Are you really one of those people who sits for the entire second part of the concert with your license plate and car keys at the ready, so that as soon as the performance is over, you can jump up and rush to the exit? At the moment, it seems to you that you are here and now only because you promised, when in fact you would prefer to do something completely different. Well, you are right: the future is calling and will not wait...

Listen to your intuition, rethink the disturbing moments, find the right solutions. A sense of pride will help you refuse profitable, but ethically controversial offers - and this refusal will play into your hands in the future.

Love horoscope for January Aquarius

Over the past few years, you have managed to acquire not only real, but also false friends, empty hopes and habits, and your task for the next three years is to remove this garbage from your life. The new moon on January 17 is a good reason to take a vow of fidelity to yourself and hold on only to what is truly yours. But for the first half of the month you will feel uncomfortable. Later, the mood will change, and by the end of the month you will be ready to enjoy a pleasant evening with your loved one or girlfriend.

Horoscope for January Pisces 2018. Love horoscope for January Pisces

Pisces, the pace of life will speed up, and a sea of ​​opportunities will open up before you. Interesting job offers are likely, but don’t expect anyone to tell you which ones to accept. Listen only to yourself, trust your intuition. You have new friends, excellent social prospects and important personal changes. Update bursts into your life with a powerful, unstoppable flow! If you are offered a job abroad, in another region, or related to foreigners, you should agree.

The difference between aspirations and empty dreams is that the former can become reality, while the latter remain fantasies. Of course, wishes can come true - you just have to want it well. If you find yourself wondering what could go wrong, this is not a lack of faith in success - on the contrary, it is proof of how dear this particular dream is to you.

Love horoscope for January Pisces

And, fortunately, the desired audience or support group will be found quickly, although in such an inspired state you can even cooperate with someone who lives in another part of the planet. It is better to process important information on January 17-28, and then you can get on with current affairs.

Geminis have always been characterized by great optimism, but in January 2018, the optimism of the representatives of this sign will go beyond all limits of reason. This is due to a unique planetary alignment, in which three authoritative planets will take part at once.

According to its tradition, their main mentor, Mercury, will volunteer to help Gemini. He will do everything so that even after a long holiday you do not experience material adversity. All. At this point, the influence of Mercury on your life will be exhausted.

All the “defects” of Mercury will be taken care of not by anyone, but by Neptune himself. This, of course, is nonsense, and this nonsense will bring you stunning results. Under the influence of Neptune, you will become more merciful to the people around you, and this new quality will help you gain a reputation as an extremely humane person.

Everything would be fine, only in January you will have a powerful antagonist, which will be Jupiter. It is because of this that your character will develop a tendency toward excessive revelation (even when communicating with unfamiliar individuals). Be vigilant, and in order to avoid many problems, do not reveal your thoughts and heart to just anyone.

The ruling planet of Gemini is Mercury, thanks to whose unique energy these people successfully cope even with difficult life situations. That is why representatives of this sign are often called “Fortune’s favorites.” But what does fate have in store for Gemini in 2018?

In January, representatives of the zodiac constellation Gemini will be in a state of complete emotional comfort. Geminis will greet the approaching 2018 in high spirits, as they have very high hopes for improving their lives.

How stars and planets will influence Gemini in January 2018

Geminis have always been distinguished by natural optimism, but in January 2018 this figure will increase to unprecedented levels. A positive mood will be provoked by a unique planetary alignment, in which three significant planets for representatives of this sign will take part.

Mercury, acting as Gemini's main assistant, will make a major contribution to the current situation. Thanks to the positive influence of this planet, even after the end of a series of holidays, Gemini will not be left with an empty pocket. This will be all the help of Mercury.

The planet Neptune will also get involved in the process, which will help Gemini cope with what Mercury has “unfinished”. It should be noted that this state of affairs is more of an exception to the rule, but still this exception will help you get amazing results. After all, Neptune will make the representatives of the described constellation more merciful towards other people, and due to this new quality, Gemini will receive the title of very humane individuals.

And we could continue to rejoice, if not for one negative aspect - in January 2018, a very strong antagonist will arise - the planet Jupiter. It is he who will influence the fact that Gemini will be drawn to too much frankness, even when communicating with people they barely know. Therefore, you should be vigilant and not trust your thoughts and plans to those whom you do not know well enough.

Features of personal life in January 2018

In most cases, the personal life of Gemini in the first month of winter develops the same as before. In January, family representatives of the sign should try to spend more time with family and relatives, as well as engaging in various active recreational activities.

If you have not yet met your soulmate, January 2018 will bring many surprises in this regard. Rapprochement with representatives of the opposite sex will occur more actively than before.

For those Geminis who do not want to commit themselves to serious obligations and dream of a short-term affair, the stars will definitely provide such an opportunity at the very beginning of winter.

But if, on the contrary, you dream of a serious relationship and true love, you should take a closer look at your old friends, because it is likely that your soulmate is lost among them. Plus, be careful not to harm your reputation in any way.

How Geminis should behave in the first winter month of 2018

As for the career field, January promises very good news for Gemini: their income level will begin to grow exponentially (here, as mentioned earlier, Mercury comes to the rescue).

If you want to maintain the positive trend of increasing money, you need to engage in new promising projects in the second part of the month and not refuse the interesting offers you receive. After all, by investing in such a project, you can ensure stable financial well-being and protect yourself from poverty.

But what it is absolutely unacceptable to do in January is to take big risks. Remember that all projects you start in this time period should be based solely on common sense and calculations, and not on dreams and illusions.

This recommendation will be of particular importance for business people. The latter will be able to achieve significant success, it is quite possible to expand their enterprise, but all this will come true if you very well calculate all the possible risks and find yourself a reliable business partner.

Health horoscope for January 2018

In mid-January, the planet Mars forms negative connections with Pluto and Uranus, which can negatively affect the health of people belonging to this zodiac constellation.

Despite this, January is the ideal time to “start life over again.” During the New Year holidays, it is worth monitoring what you eat and avoiding excessive consumption of harmful foods and alcohol, so as not to disturb the condition of your digestive system. Overly smoked and salty foods will certainly pamper your taste buds, but it is very important to monitor the number of servings you eat.

In addition, pay special attention to your daily routine and the state of your nervous system: try to get enough sleep and minimize stressful situations.

January 2018 is very suitable for giving up negative habits. Now Gemini will be able to quit smoking and other things that destroy their body once and for all. Mercury, acting as the ruler of this sign, can help do this. The most important thing is that you don’t get upset during the holidays, promoted by your friends. Think more about your health, because its condition is extremely important, and the second, as sad as it is to realize, is not given.

If Gemini adheres to all the above recommendations, then good health and excellent emotional state will accompany them throughout the entire first month of 2018.

This month will not be the most stable period for Gemini. Many surprises await them. ups and disappointments, Gemini may want to give up everything and go somewhere on vacation to unwind and find peace of mind. And - alone. And, according to the horoscope, this will indeed turn out to be a good solution.

Main tasks of the month of the Gemini sign

The Sun will be in Gemini at the beginning of the month in the 8th house - the area of ​​extreme situations and inheritance. Then, on January 20, 2018 at home it moves to the 9th house - the area of ​​philosophy and travel. It will give representatives of this sign determination and the ability to take desperate actions. As the horoscope for January 2018 predicts, Gemini must pull themselves together, otherwise they can, as they say, make a lot of mistakes. Some may give up everything and at the end of the month go somewhere to the ends of the earth for new experiences. Meanwhile, Luck will definitely be on your side and if you really want to start life from scratch, then in January you will have many opportunities for this. Just remember to first complete everything old so that it does not interfere with you in your new life. A not very pleasant event in January will be the gossip that ill-wishers will spread behind your back. The best thing you can do in this situation is simply ignore them.

Horoscope for January 2018 Gemini: study, business and contacts

Mercury will be in your 8th house for almost the entire month. It will allow you to draw appropriate conclusions from all crisis situations. In addition, it is possible that in January 2018 you will have to enter into disputes over an inheritance or some family property that will need to be divided. As for your business or career, many surprises can await you here, including pleasant ones - you can get the promotion that you have been expecting for so long. The Gemini horoscope for January 2018 predicts that at this time some representatives of the sign may decide to radically change jobs, especially since they already have a job in stock that they have had their eye on for a long time. And it is possible that this will be associated with moving to another city or another country.

Love and money of the Gemini sign in January 2018

The financial situation for Gemini will be quite successful. At the beginning of the month they can expect to receive some large amount of money. This could be an old debt that will be paid back to you or a bonus from your superiors. Or, you will receive an inheritance. In any case, the horoscope believes that this will be a pleasant surprise and will significantly strengthen your financial situation. And although in the second half of January 2018 you may encounter unexpected expenses, in general, you will remain in the black.

At the beginning of January 2018, Venus for Gemini will be in the 8th house, and in its second half it moves to the 9th house. Representatives of this sign will be unusually amorous and passionate, although the first half of the month is unlikely to be conducive to any serious relationships. But closer to its end, lonely representatives of the sign can really meet their love, and this will happen. most likely during a long trip. Or they will have an affair with a foreigner. Those Geminis who are already in a long-term relationship may decide to take it to the next level and get married.

Horoscope for January 2018 Gemini: activity and health

Almost the entire month, Mars will be in Gemini in the 6th house. This means that their main activity will be related to the area of ​​work and health. According to the Gemini horoscope, January 2018 is a period when you will have to solve many work-related problems. It is also recommended to give up the abuse of bad habits and start leading the healthiest lifestyle possible, perhaps taking up some health practices, for example, yoga.

In January 2018, Geminis need to be good people!

In January 2018, Geminis need to be good people! Because a good person does everything well... he even does bad things WELL! That’s how Gemini in January 2018 even needs to try to do well!

As it shows, in the first month of the new year you will lose your characteristic flexibility and become as stubborn as the Bulls, oh, sorry. But this is not because of your stubbornness, but because of the harmful influence of Mercury on you in January 2018. That's why horoscope for January 2018 for Gemini and warns that next month you risk making big mistakes due to your intransigence. Because Taurus and Aries constantly live with this, and it only hits you under the influence of Mercury or alcohol. And there will be a lot of both in January 2018.

Gemini horoscope for January 2018. It is important that you not only watch your stubbornness, and try to ask yourself whether you should compromise. It is even more important that you not only look for compromises and agree with other people’s opinions, but also do it on time and correctly, like a well-mannered person. And well-mannered people say “I rely on your taste,” instead of “yes, I don’t give a fuck, do what you want!”

well-mannered people say “I rely on your taste” instead of “yes, I don’t give a fuck, do what you want!”

Fortunately, judging by the horoscope, you will not only be able to control your stubbornness, but also turn everything in your favor (in principle, nothing new for Gemini). The fact is that in January 2018 you will simply be “lucky”. And therefore you can often use your favorite phrase: “I told you so!!!” Moreover, even in those cases when you “said” completely the opposite. However, no matter what you do, know that luck never lasts long, so if you feel that you are “stuck”, grab luck by the tail, and know how to stop in time when the “luck” has passed. For the same reason, in January 2018, do not build complex combinations from the series of Koshchei the Immortal: “Needle in an egg, egg in a duck, duck in a hare... and the hare is SHOCKED.” Look for simple solutions, and then no one will accuse you of being stubborn because they simply do not understand your complex combinations.

Horoscope for January 2018 Gemini favorable days - 2, 3, 6, 10, 20, 21, 30.

Horoscope for January 2018 Gemini unfavorable days - do not predict unfavorable moments, and they will not predict you.

Gemini, be careful with your best friends, who can lead you to significant unexpected expenses. This may not necessarily be related to debts; rather, it will be some kind of exorbitant “binge”...

Horoscope for January 2018 Gemini work, career and business.

Your professional sphere and career in January 2018 will proceed easily and carefree.

However, under the influence of Uranus, even in the festive January, you will really want to prove yourself and career ambitions will suddenly surge within you. Judging by your horoscope, you will have a chance, provided that you are as realistic as possible and think about what results you want to achieve. And not for the sake of the process itself. Impatience will be your biggest enemy in January 2018. Apparently, despite all your enthusiasm in January 2018, you should not expect sensational events in the professional sphere. The usual dullness and routine. Don't lose heart, things will change in your favor soon enough.

The main thing in January 2018 is not to believe even the firmest promises. Even your own. It’s not for nothing that they say that no one makes promises as easily as someone who is not going to keep them. Therefore, calmly take small steps towards great success.

Horoscope for January 2018 Gemini Finance.

Thanks to Neptune's help, your financial situation should improve in January 2018. It’s not entirely clear how this is possible given the number of New Year holidays, but you can count on it. However, be careful with your best friends, who may lead you to significant unexpected expenses. This may not necessarily be related to debts; rather, it will be some kind of exorbitant “binges” or irresponsible shopping. So be careful with other people's ideas that relate to your expenses.

Love horoscope for January 2018 Gemini. Horoscope for January 2018 Gemini.

Despite the destabilizing influence of Uranus, in the amorous sphere of Gemini in January 2018 you will most likely find compromise solutions to establish a dialogue with your spouse or partner. All you have to do is just listen to each other's complaints, taking them seriously, and not just treating them as someone else's whims. This is especially true for Gemini women. For example, even if you are 100% sure that the tastiest thing is to steal from his plate. Do him a favor and leave his plate alone, at least for January, if it bothers him so much.

In addition, as the horoscope shows, emotionally in January 2018, the couple’s connections will be quite good. So if you want the harmony in the relationship to continue, you must have more control over this restless and not always reasonable and logical character. By the word character, we mean you Gemini, not your partners, even if they are also Geminis.

Some Gemini women who have only recently started building relationships may experience a crisis in January 2018. And this relationship, having never really begun, can reach a dead end. Well, if a guy leaves you of his own free will, then do not forget to remind him that by law he must work for another two weeks until you find a new one. Even if he's a Goat. Especially if he really is a Goat.

Lonely Geminis will need to sort themselves out in January 2018. Even if in the fall and December you flirted a lot and were looking for amorous adventures, then in January 2018 you will need to slow down a little and stop. Venus in January 2018 will make you realize that you are ready for a serious relationship and will be looking for stability. This is precisely the stability that you are always trying to escape from. So single Geminis in January 2018 can safely say: “I used to have no luck with girls (guys). Time has passed. I have become wiser, wiser. Now girls (guys) have no luck with me.” And it will be right. Since in January 2018, single Geminis will have a high chance of finding an ideal romantic partner! Well, maybe not ideal, but at least new. Especially in the second half of January 2018. At this time, you can even be very, very persistent in searching for new victims. Don’t let it scare you that your new hobby is already in a relationship. You can even openly declare that you are ready to beat her (him) off. And this also applies to single Gemini women. So if a man tells you that he is not free, don’t let that stop you: “Sorry, but I already have a girlfriend. It's clear. That is, if they offer you a Lamborghini, will you also say “sorry, but I already have a Lada”?

So Gemini, as we said at the very beginning in January 2018, you need to be good people! True, when they start telling you too often that you have changed for the better, you will inevitably think about who you were in the first place? Gemini - don't overthink it. This is not yours. They have changed for the better, and that’s good. Leave psychoanalysis to Virgos and Pisces, this is their specialty. And your trick is not only to become better yourself, but also to change this world for the better. After all, who will do this better than the restless but joyful Gemini.

Happy 2018!

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