A ready-made, cool anniversary scenario (a woman’s 60th birthday) at home, in a cafe, at work. Scenario for a woman’s anniversary with her family without a toastmaster at home A small scenario for a woman’s 60th birthday

Just a couple of years ago there was just a crazy fashion for presenters and toastmasters. Even for the smallest holiday, we ordered a toastmaster and thought that now our holiday would be perfect! But time passed and many realized that the whole goal of the toastmaster was to quickly get the guests drunk so that they would become cheerful and play in her competitions. And if so, then we ourselves can be the leader. After all, getting people drunk is not a tricky business. And you can come up with competitions and games yourself or use those that you spied on other holidays. Do you want to celebrate yourself? Then watch the new one interesting scenario 60th anniversary for a woman with her family and without a toastmaster. Our scenario contains ideas for celebrating an anniversary, games and competitions, as well as other useful information.

Meeting the hero of the day.
We offer you this idea for meeting the hero of the day. Let’s say right away that this meeting is experimental and is still in development. We haven't used it ourselves at the time of writing this script. The gist is this:
You need to find photographs of the hero of the day by year. 1 photo up to 5 years, 1 photo up to 10 years, 1 photo up to 15 years and so on, one photo every 5 years of the hero of the day’s life. These photographs must be carefully inserted into balloons and the balloons inflated. As a result, you will have exactly 12 balls. And you also need to inflate the same number of balloons, but without photographs.
When the hero of the day appears, it is a person who knows her well. He begins his story about her. To do this, you need to burst the first balloon, where the photo is up to 5 years old. Take the photo in your hands and tell about this period in the life of the hero of the day. Next, pop the balloon with a photo of up to 10 years. And again we talk about this period of life. And so on, until the last ball. And then we present the hero of the day with the remaining 12 balloons, and say something like the following text:
- and these balls are still empty, and each of them is designed for 5 years of your life. Save them so that exactly 60 years later we will all gather again and again remember the main events of your life, starting from the age of sixty.

We repeat once again - this is an experimental option. The text has not yet been finalized, so you can participate and write your options in the comments at the very bottom. We will be grateful to you.

Main holiday.

Let's start the holiday with a beautiful chant performed by all the guests. You just need to give roles to the guests. So:
- the first 2 lines are read by the presenter.
- all the men shout the third line.
- and the fourth line is shouted by women.
Here's the chant itself:

Afterwards we fill the glasses and drink.

Musical competition.
Guests, especially sober and older ones, are reluctant to come out to dance. So let's invite them. And for this you need to know in advance the names of all invited guests. And then make a cut of songs with their names on them. You can find songs with any name on music sites.
For example, for the name Alexey the song is - oh, Lech, Lech, I feel so bad without you...
For the name Nikolai - Kolyan dances the best...
For the name Natasha - Natasha, Natasha, you are my heart and soul...
And so on.
At the festival, you announce that there will now be a competition for the most spectacular entrance to music. But so that everyone comes out at the right time, you turn on the cuts one by one. And if the guest hears his name in the song cut, then he goes out onto the dance floor and dances a lot. Afterwards he stays on the dance floor.
And so all the guests must leave. When everyone has left, you choose the most spectacular exit and give him a prize.

And while all the guests have left the table, we will hold a competition. To do this, divide the guests into 2 teams. We need to divide it up so that we get a team of the older generation. And the younger generation team.
The essence of the competition is simple: older generation dances to modern music. And the younger generation dances to songs from the 80s or even earlier.
Afterwards, in order not to announce the winners, play a remix of some old song with a modern twist. And then everyone dances, and friendship is declared!

Questions about the hero of the day.
The guests danced and returned to the table. Give them signs with the words YES and NO written on them. Each guest has two signs.
For the competition, you need to discuss questions and answers to them in advance with the hero of the day. And at the holiday you ask a question about the hero of the day, and the guests raise their signs up, answering it. Whoever answered correctly plays further. The simplest questions about life.
For example,
- Did the hero of the day run in the mornings when she went to school?
- Sergey, is this the name of the hero of the day’s first love?
- Was the hero of the day’s first dog called Strelka?
And so on, questions that you will discuss with the hero of the day.
And whoever was able to go to the end and answer all the questions receives a memorable prize - a framed photo of the hero of the day.

What to wish the hero of the day?
By this time, everyone had already said something to the hero of the day and wished her. Now let's wish again, only in an unusual and funny form. To do this, you need to prepare beautiful cards on which wishes will be written. We put the cards in a bag. And the guests take turns taking out one card at a time and reading out the wishes that are written there.
Examples for wishes and cards.

On mother's anniversary, children want to surprise her with something, give her a real holiday and act as hosts themselves. Even if you have no experience in holding such events, you should not be upset. We offer a scenario for celebrating a mother’s 60th birthday, where the daughter acts as the host. Exciting games, quiz, tasks, surprises will appeal to all participants of the holiday.

Preparing for the anniversary

For the holiday to work, you need to


  1. Call relatives and ask them to tell about funny incidents that happened to the heroine of the holiday.
  2. Make a slideshow“From birth to 60th birthday” (the life path of the hero of the day).
  3. Give all relatives the task: pick up beautiful ones sincere congratulations and a musical background to them.
  4. Arrange a surprise from grandchildren in the form of the film “Grandma’s Anniversary.” To create it, you should go around with a camera to friends and relatives with the question “We are preparing a holiday for grandma. What can you tell her, wish her?” The resulting video material is edited together with pieces of cartoons, so that the result is a funny and at the same time touching film.
  5. Ask the youngest members of the clan draw pictures for grandma.
  6. Make 6 large stars out of cardboard for the “star track”(you can cover them with shiny paper), a lot of small stars, a model of a rocket (2 pieces), a crown, and decorate a chair-throne.
  7. Draw on a large sheet of white paper there is a tree without leaves.

Hall decoration:

The hall is decorated with flowers, balloons, posters with congratulations or wall newspapers dedicated to the hero of the day, drawings drawn for the grandmother by grandchildren and great-grandchildren. In the center of the hall there is a chair for the birthday girl, decorated in the form of a throne.

How to decorate a holiday with balloons - 13 ideas for different events Balloons always create the feeling of a real holiday. And even if we are no longer children, bright birthday balloons are still relevant. How to create a holiday atmosphere with balloons - interesting ideas in this review.

Progress of the event

A “Star Path” is laid out from the door in the center of the hall. The guests stand on either side of her. The hero of the day enters the hall to the accompaniment of solemn music and stops in front of the first star.


Make way, dear guests, make way,
And smile joyfully!

After all, he enters the hall, without a doubt,
The one whose birthday is today!

Presenter addresses mom:

Mommy, you always warm us with your affection, and life seems to us a fairy tale. And I want to extend this fairy tale. Therefore, we suggest taking your time to walk along the star path, where in each star there is a riddle that you have to guess.

First riddle:

What does every woman dream of receiving from the hands of a man? Diamonds don't count (answer: flowers). After the correct answer is given, the husband (or son) enters the hall with a bouquet of flowers and hands them to the birthday girl.

Second riddle:

To remember this beautiful moment, we will do now (answer – photograph). A group photo is taken with the birthday girl.

Third riddle:

Whose kiss is sweeter than honey? (Answer: beloved man). The husband comes up and kisses the hero of the day.

Fourth riddle:

For the hero of the occasion, at such moments, guests should give (answer: applause). The guests loudly applaud the birthday girl.

Fifth riddle:

You can’t do without surprises on this day, and in honor of these solemn moments, it’s time to hear a festive... (answer - fireworks). The guests clap firecrackers.

Sixth riddle:

For whom of those present in the hall has the “finest hour” come? (The answer is for the hero of the day). A cardboard crown on a beautiful pillow is brought into the hall.

Presenter: The birthday girl passed the test with dignity, we present her with the crown and offer her to take a place on the throne for festive table (to the song “Queen,” the daughter puts a crown on her mother’s head and leads her to the throne).

The presenter invites everyone to fill their glasses.

Presenter: Let's raise our first toast to the most the best woman in the world - my mother. Let's drink while standing and shout loudly “Congratulations!”

After everyone has had a drink and a little snack, the “Best in the World” order is brought into the hall.

Presenter: Dear guests! Everyone knows that our mother has many virtues. She is beautiful, smart, cooks deliciously, crochets amazing things. (list the talents of the birthday girl). She is also a wonderful mother and caring grandmother.

Mommy! We adore you
And a well-deserved reward
At this festive moment we present!

A story about the life path of the birthday girl

Presenter: Sometimes you want to replay life, like a film, many years ago. Today we have such an opportunity. I invite you to take a tour into the past of my beloved mother.


Quiz “Close People”

Presenter: The closest people who know the birthday girl well gathered in this hall. Therefore, dear guests, it will not be difficult for you to answer the quiz questions. For each correct answer - a chip (cardboard star). Who will collect greatest number stars, he will become the winner and receive a surprise prize.

Quiz questions (selected in accordance with the birthday girl’s biography, hobbies, preferences) can be as follows:

  • What hairstyle did the birthday girl like to wear as a child?
  • Name the birthday girl's signature dish.
  • Is mom afraid of spiders?
  • What did the hero of the day call her little sister when she was little?
  • Where did the birthday girl meet her future husband?
  • Biggest lottery win?
  • What sport did she play in her youth?
  • Weight of the biggest tomato mom grew?
  • What hobby does the hero of the day have?
  • What talisman does mom have?

Game "On the way to the stars"

The presenter talks about the beauty of the starry sky, draws attention to the fact that the hostess of the celebration today shines like a star and amazes everyone with her beauty. Then he invites guests to take a flight to the stars.

The presenter gives the guests, sitting on opposite sides of the table, a model of the rocket, and tells the rules: at the signal, you need to look out the window, say “Happy Anniversary!”, take a star from the saucer and pass the rocket to your neighbor. The neighbor does the same actions. The rockets must fly around all the guests and fall into the hands of the birthday girl. While the rockets are in flight, each of those sitting at the table must have time to write a wish for the birthday girl on the star.

After the flight is completed, everyone gets up from the table and makes a circle in the center of the hall, and the birthday girl stands in its center. The presenter offers to arrange a shower of wishes. At the signal, everyone throws the stars up, and the hero of the day catches them. Wishes on the stars caught by the birthday girl will definitely come true.

Mashenka from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear” (the granddaughter of the hero of the day dressed as Mashenka) appears in the hall. She congratulates the birthday girl on her birthday and says that she came to cheer up the guests because she wants everyone to smile at the holiday, and offers to complete surprise tasks that are in her basket.

Game "Basket with surprises"

To the music, guests pass the basket around. As soon as the music stops, the one who has the basket in his hands takes out a candy wrapper with the task from it and completes it.

Task options:

  • Show how a young deer gallops.
  • Grunt the song “Happy Birthday to you.”
  • Gather a brigade and dance a lambada.
  • Take 2 guests from the circle and dance the dance of the little swans.
  • Crow like a rooster.
  • Climb onto a chair and recite a poem.
  • Name 10 words starting with the letter D.
  • Kiss the birthday girl.
  • Hug the neighbor on the left.
  • Remove something from the neighbor on the right.
  • Shout loudly “Congratulations on your anniversary!”

After the game, Mashenka invites everyone to dance.

Dance break.

Game "Get to know your child"

Rules of the game: The birthday girl is blindfolded and among the guests they are asked to find their child by only one part of the body, for example, by the ears. When the mother finds her child, she should hug him and say: “I love you.” If the choice is made correctly, then the answer will be: “And I love you, mom.”

Game "Magic hat that reads minds"

The presenter shows the hat and says that it is magical and can read minds. As soon as it touches the head, the person’s thoughts will immediately become audible to everyone. The presenter approaches the mother and puts a hat on her head. At this time, the assistant turns on music prepared in advance.

When preparing for the game, you should select a piece of music for each guest that corresponds to his desires, character or condition.

For example:

  • I want to get married, I want to get married...
  • I raise my glass to drink to your health...
  • I got drunk and drunk...
  • Tired toys are sleeping…
  • And do you love me? - Yeah...
  • Grandmother next to grandfather...
  • In every little child, both boy and girl...
  • On Louboutins...
  • If you are with me, I can breathe. If you are with me, my soul lives.

The presenter reports that the grandchildren have prepared a surprise for their grandmother and invites them to watch video film “Grandma’s Anniversary.”

After watching the film, he asks guests to once again congratulate their mother on her anniversary and create a memorable gift for her all together - an anniversary wish tree.

Creating an anniversary wish tree

Guests need to dip their finger into one of the different colored finger paints on the table and leave their fingerprint on a tree branch.

After this, wipe your finger with a napkin and write your short wish to the birthday girl, consisting of literally 1-2 words, next to the imprint-leaf with a pen (or a thin marker).

After all the guests take part in the ritual, an ordinary tree without leaves will turn into a beautiful congratulatory tree. It can be placed in a frame and hung on the wall.

Such a wonderful gift, created by the guests of the holiday, will become a bright reminder of the anniversary.

"Light" dance

The lights in the hall are turned off, lit sparklers are handed out to the guests, with which they are invited to dance the final festive dance. After some time, a birthday cake with candles is brought into the hall, and the birthday girl is invited to blow them out and make a wish.

Everyone shouts together: Happy anniversary!

Guests are invited to take a seat at the “sweet” table.

Author's script for a woman's 60th anniversary“My Clear Star” was written to order, includes many new beautiful touching moments and congratulations, and is designed for the company of relatives, friends and colleagues. Musical arrangement can be downloaded in the script.

Before the feast, guests organize a living corridor and arrange a gala meeting called “Star Path”

Meeting the hero of the day "Star Trek".

(You can watch a similar gala meeting in this one. Guests line up in a row of three or four people, parting at the words of the presenter. The hero of the day enters the hall and stops in front of the “star path” - stars cut out on the floor.)

Presenter: Make way, friends, make way,
At this moment, smile from your heart.
Skip ahead without a doubt
You are the one who has a birthday.
(The hero of the day comes out.)

Dear Galina!
Today you brightly illuminate all your guests,
After all, you direct the reflections of your star to them.
So may your rays continue to grace us with affection,
And life seems to us like a big fairy tale.

So that we can extend this fairy tale,
At least for a little bit
Take your time, manage to walk
Star track.

Every star is just a mystery
You only need one guess.
Feel free to take the star path
And guess something!

First star

Each of us dreams about this,
I think that includes you,
Get it from a man's hands
Beautiful now ... (flowers)
(They give a bouquet of flowers and step on the next star.)

Second star

To remember later your biography,
We'll do this now ... (photo)
(They take a photo and step on the next star.)

Third star

From now on, pamper your husband more often,
After all, he gives you his ... (kiss)
(The husband kisses the birthday girl - she steps on the next star.)

Fourth star

For all the heroes of the occasion
In moments like these,
We are ready to give endlessly... (applause)
(Applause from the guests; steps on the next star.)

Fifth star

We can’t avoid miracles today,
Let it fall from the sky now ... (confetti)

(Showered with confetti - steps on the next star)

Sixth star
To always be with friends,
We all need to fulfill ... (song)

(Guests sing the song “Happy birthday” or “Let them run clumsily” - one verse. The hero of the day steps on the next star)

Seventh star

And it's time to honor these minutes
Hear us here the anniversary... (firework)
(Guests, piercing balloons, imitate fireworks).

Presenter: Galina Ivanovna, you walked the star path in a fun and beautiful way, now we are waiting for everyone to be invited to the table.

(The hero of the day invites guests to the table)

Sounds 1. Hello guests.

(to download - click file)

The first part of the anniversary script “My clear little star.”

Presenter: Good evening, dear guests and dear birthday girl!

My name is (Name), and our DJ (Name) and today

We came with you to congratulate Galina Ivanovna on !

It is not for nothing that they say that a woman is the keeper of the family hearth, a source of inspiration, and for those closest to her, a guiding star that helps them confidently walk along the roads of life. We will spend our evening today under the sign of a star named Galina - a word to the husband of the hero of the day (Name)

Guests fill their glasses.

Toast from my husband

The song “My Clear Little Star” is played, sung by my husband.

(can be replaced with a song played by a DJ - sounds 2. Mikhailov. Everything for you.

small break

Presenter: The name Galina translated from Greek means serene and clear. Next to such a woman you always feel calm and confident, so it is not surprising that she has so many loyal girlfriends and friends, a word of congratulations to long-time family friends...

Toast from friends

The guests are drinking.

Sounds 3. Allegrova. Happy birthday.

small break

Presenter: Dear guests, on our holiday the artists won’t come, and we don’t need them. As far as I know, you are talented and cheerful people yourself. Today we will have many different quizzes, competitions, reasons to sing, dance and, one way or another, express ourselves and our warm feelings for the hero of the day. Galina Ivanovna prepared a small gift for everyone, which will be presented at the end of the evening, and along with it, at the end of the evening, everyone will be awarded a nomination: the most informed, the most cheerful, etc. So today no one will leave without a gift. In the meantime, let's rehearse - everyone will try on the role of a star.

Table game for getting to know guests "Star Compliments""

Presenter: Each of us, at least once, dreamed of becoming a star, well, maybe not on a world level, but at least for our loved ones. Sometimes, in order to feel like a star, we simply don’t have enough self-confidence or a person nearby who would believe in us and know for sure that we will succeed. Let everyone today, looking into the eyes of their nearest neighbor, say some kind of compliment, note a wonderful quality in his character, and emphasize any of his skills or talents. Each of us can find something good or interesting, and everyone is pleased to hear praise addressed to them.

(The presenter holds two headbands with beautiful stars (like Verka Serduchka’s): she puts one of them on her head, as if becoming a “star”, the second she holds in her hands. And turns to the guest who is next to her: “ I think that you will definitely become (or “are” - it’s better to say in the present tense for older people) a star, because you have smart and very expressive eyes. Then the presenter puts a second headband on this guest’s head, and gives hers to him.” )

Presenter: Like that. A guest who receives a compliment from a “star” also becomes a “star”. He turns to another neighbor and shares his “stardom” with him, paying a compliment. So, along the chain, our “stars” will talk to each other. This is just another reason to say kind words to each other and feel pleasure from the words heard addressed to you.

(table game in progress)

Presenter:(Toast) For the stellar composition of the assembled company! (drink) This is truly: “There are no uninteresting people in the world, their fates are like the history of the planets...” How well do you know the fate of our hero of the day? Let's check it now.

Anniversary quiz for a woman 60 years old.

Presenter: I will ask questions and give 3 possible answers, who knows - answers, okay?

In what city was our birthday girl born?

What technical school (university) did she graduate from? (3 options, one correct)

When she first saw her future husband, what was he doing? (3 options, one correct)

Who did little Galina dream of becoming as a child? (3 options, one correct)

Which city is Galina Ivanovna ready to go to at the first opportunity and why? (3 options, one correct)

(You can come up with other questions - about a specific hero of the day, on average, 10 questions are enough)

Song 4 plays. Basque. Happy birthday.

small break

Presenter: It is immediately obvious that close people have gathered here who not only know Galina Ivanovna well. But they never tire of congratulating her. Word to friends!

(congratulations are heard and gifts are presented)

5. Kikabidze sounds in the background. Wishes.

Presenter: Next - a word to the son (name), who has prepared a surprise for his mother.

Star Trek slideshow and son's toast.

Sounds 6. Freestyle. Happy birthday, mom. - son invites mother to dance.

(They return to the table - everyone applauds)

Presenter: Dear Galina Ivanovna! We would like your star to shine in our sky for as long as possible and never fall. Let other stars fall, they say it’s fortunate.

Original congratulations on the anniversary

dance break

The second part of the woman's anniversary script

Presenter: Dear guests and dear Galina Ivanovna,

I suggest you refill your glasses and drink to

so that for all participants in this starfall, stars would fall more often and always to happiness!

Interactive at the table "What is happiness?"

The presenter goes around the guests and asks some of them what happiness is for them, how much is needed for happiness? Then he asks the hero of the day about her idea of ​​happiness.

A toast to happiness


Song 7 plays. Slutsky. What is happiness?

Presenter: Yes, for happiness a person needs both a lot and a little, sometimes it is enough for just a loved one to be nearby, today it is happiness for all of us that Galina Ivanovna is nearby, let’s tell her about this together, in unison. I read the first 3 lines, and you shout in unison the phrase: “It’s happiness to be with you!”

Table chant at the anniversary

small break

Musical entertainment at the table.

Presenter: I know that among you there are many fans of singing, now let’s first check how well you know old songs and films. And then we'll sing.

1. Guess the melody of their movies.

Z learns an excerpt of songs from famous films - guess the authors, performers or film.

2. Guess the name and finish the song.

Number " Bag in a circle."

(in a bag or box there are cool headbands, hats, wigs or costume elements)

Presenter: Let's assume that this was a rehearsal, and now there's another surprise. This box (bag) contains costume elements. But who will get what is unknown. While the music is playing, you pass the box around - whoever the music stops on takes out the first thing that comes into his hands and puts it on himself. And so on until the box is empty.

Sounds with stops 8. Instrumental. Cucaracha.

Presenter: Now all the happy owners of costumes come to me (distribute microphone, instruments, add costumes if desired).

(getting ready for the act)

Comic congratulations hero of the day

"Russian Song Ensemble".

Presenter: (announces number) Attention! A three-star and honored Russian song ensemble flew in from a foreign tour especially to congratulate our hero of the day! The song "Galina" is performed for Galina!

To create a greater effect, you can dress up in Russian folk costumes, such a performance will definitely impress the guests and the hero of the day

The song plays.9. White Day. Galina.

- (participants pretend to sing, dance and play instruments.)

Original congratulation "I will give you a star".

Presenter: Once again, a word to Galina Ivanovna’s beloved husband and faithful companion - (name). Remember: at the beginning of the evening he sang the song “My Clear Little Star” to her; once upon a time, their love story began with it, which they carried through their entire lives. And today he will give his wife a unique gift - from now on a star in the sky is named in her honor.

(Word to the husband, who presents a certificate from the Star Almanac)

A toast to the new star.

An old legend says: when a person is born,
A star in the sky will light up to shine for him all his life.
So let your star shine and never go out,
And may her love and kindness always warm everyone!

(The presenter invites guests to celebrate this event with a “star” dance. Sparklers are distributed to everyone, the lights are turned off, spouses and guests dance a slow dance to the “Moon Melody” or

10. Kortnev. If I did not have you -

dance break

THIRD Feast.

Presenter: Such an event as the appearance of a new registered star in our sky could not go unnoticed by the Astrologer, and he personally decided to attend our holiday.

Costume act "Stargazer"(one of the guests)

Decoration of the hall for the 60th anniversary

To decorate the room, it is better to use either the favorite colors of the hero of the day, or a noble, worthy golden-black-silver neutral palette. For example:

Anniversary script for mother turning 60

Guests line up in a row of three or four people, parting at the words of the presenter. The hero of the day enters the hall and stops opposite the “star path”. The star track itself consists of 5 stars, which can be pasted on thick paper or simply on wallpaper, or you can create an outline of stars on the floor using confetti.

Congratulations-game for a woman's 60th birthday "Star Trek"

Fanfare sound

Make way, friends, make way,
At this moment, smile from your heart.
Skip ahead without a doubt
You are the one whose birthday it is.
(Music - The hero of the day comes out.)

Dear Mom!
Today you brightly illuminate all your guests,
After all, you direct the reflections of your star to them.
So may your rays continue to grace us with affection,
And life seems to us like a big fairy tale.

So that we can extend this fairy tale,
At least for a little bit
Take your time, manage to walk
Star track.

Every star is just a mystery
All that is required of you is the answer.
Feel free to take the star path
And guess something!

daughter (anniversary presenter)

Gong sound

1. Each of us dreams about this,
I think that includes you,
Get it from a man's hands
Now beautiful... (flowers.) (The son gives a bouquet of flowers.) 2. To remember your biography later,
We will take this now... (photo.)
(Son-in-law takes photos)
3. From now on, pamper your husband more often,
After all, he gives you his... (kiss.)
(The husband kisses the birthday girl.)

The sound of a kiss

4. For all the heroes of the occasion
In moments like these,
We are ready to give endlessly... (applause)
(Applause from the guests.)

The sound of applause

5. And it’s time to honor these minutes
We can hear the anniversary here... (fireworks.)

Sound of fireworks

(Guests, piercing balloons with forks, imitate fireworks + voiceover - fireworks track)

You passed the test, birthday girl, amazingly. We want you to invite everyone to the table.

daughter (anniversary presenter)

(The birthday girl invites everyone to the table. The music gradually stops when the guests are fully seated. The guests are seated.)

Track - Hello, hello, guests


Dear friends, today we have gathered in this wonderful cozy place together to celebrate a birthday... Not just a birthday, but an anniversary! our mother, wife, sister, friend, colleague...athlete, Komsomol member and simply beautiful Galina!

I’ll say right away that Vitalik and I are with you today. You can come and chat with us at any time. We are going to set the rhythm of our holiday, work with the equipment. And so we will be here, at a separate table.

Mom is 60 today. I think this is a wonderful age. Mom is still full of energy and strength, has enormous invaluable experience, you feel more confident than before... And most importantly, you don’t need to prove anything to anyone... You can relax and enjoy life. The children have grown up, the number of grandchildren is growing every year. Friends have not diminished. Family is with you. As they say - the cup is full.

daughter (anniversary presenter)

The first toast at the anniversary for a full cup

And I propose the first toast! A toast to the full cup that our beautiful birthday girl has. I ask you, dear friends. Fill your glasses. Men, court the ladies. We are starting our holiday.

Allegrova’s track “Happy Birthday” is playing

Eyeliner for a toast from her husband to the celebrant of her 60th birthday

Love is also a cup, you can carry it quickly, but then it will spill a lot, or slowly and far, but carefully. It’s clear that it still spilled a little, but the very path that this cup traversed proves the sincerity of the feeling that united these people. A word from the husband of the hero of the day.

The sound is bitter!

Mikhailov “Everything for you”

A toast to love on an anniversary

You know, I imagine how dad would present the next toast...

“According to the tradition of the grandfathers, the third drink is to.. (all guests) LOVE!

We won't break traditions, will we? (guests “Of course not!”)

Let's drink it all! Let's drain it to the bottom!

Nikolaev "Let's drink to love" »

Quiz competition with questions for guests on knowledge of the hero of the day

Presenter: I am sure that there are no random people at our holiday today. Everyone knows the birthday girl well. But how good it is, I suggest you check it now.

  1. Favorite dish? (tomato salad)
  2. What did the birthday girl call her brother as a child? (Lelya)
  3. Favorite youth game? (dots, lapta)
  4. What sport did the birthday girl play in her youth? (Athletics)
    Let's complicate...
  5. And the most favorite, so to speak “crown” distance, how many meters was it? (800m)
  6. The biggest win in sports, attention, in terms of size? Suitcase
  7. What the birthday girl bought with her first salary of 110 Soviet rubles. Moreover, the cost of this thing was 60% of this salary.
  8. The first gift from then just an acquaintance, and now husband, Anatoly? (Empty perfume box)
  9. In how many modern countries did the hero of the day live? Name them? (Trikh. Ukraine, Belarus, Hungary)
daughter (anniversary presenter)

Eyeliner for son's toast

Many, I would even say that everyone knows Galina well. But the floor is given to the one whom Galina herself knows best - the hero of the day’s son Sasha and his wife Irisha.

The son makes a toast.

Competition - Portrait of the birthday girl - guests draw (in verse)

It is worth stocking up in advance with a frame with a blank sheet of paper and multi-colored markers or felt-tip pens. We also bought a frame, this will emphasize the value of the masterpiece and allow it to be preserved for the birthday girl in the best possible way.

Example of photo frames for Portrait of the hero of the day

Eyeliner for the competition portrait of the birthday girl

They say that every person is an artist at heart. Today there is a truly magical, pleasant atmosphere in the hall, which only contributes to the creation of a masterpiece. This masterpiece will be a portrait of the hero of the day.

Presenter: Please take turns drawing what I will read about. But imagine the composition well - let's start with the face. And the portrait will be full-length, so that everyone complements the work of their neighbor, remembering that each of the guests must contribute to this masterpiece. Let's start!

Track - Musical break

Portrait of the birthday girl in verse

  1. We draw beautiful eyes for Galina:
    Brown, crafty and funny (passed on to neighbor)
  2. The eyelashes flew up, right up to the eyebrows,
    The look of these little eyes has become more cheerful (they pass it on to the neighbor)
  3. We draw a nose with a crooked comma....
    Funny, looks like a funny question (passed to a neighbor)
  4. And there is a place for a smile in the portrait,
    The most pleasant smile in the world (passed on to a neighbor)
  5. Let's color the cheeks a little rosy (pass it on to the neighbor)
  6. Of course, we will decorate the ears with diamonds (they pass them on to the neighbor)
  7. Let's cover our heads with a fashionable hairstyle,
    So that Galchona becomes like a queen... (passed to neighbor)
  8. Then we draw a beautiful body (pass it on to the neighbor)
  9. And hands that are skilled in any task (they pass it on to a neighbor)
  10. Let’s draw Galina’s legs quickly,
    Not just any, but slimmer ones (passed to neighbor)
  11. We'll put fashionable shoes on our feet (pass them on to our neighbor)
  12. We will draw a kind heart for her (they pass it on to the neighbor)
  13. Also, let’s depict a riddle inside her
    Feminine zest - the sweetest! (passed to neighbor)
  14. We’re drawing a dress, it’s very glamorous,
    Ruffled on top and openwork on the bottom (passed to neighbor)
  15. Still holding a crocodile handbag (passed to a neighbor)
  16. It contains a cosmetic bag and a fashionable mobile phone (they pass it on to a neighbor)
  17. Another card with a bank account,
    In which the zeros, well, simply, are not taken into account (they are passed on to the neighbor)
  18. Let's draw flowers and fireworks in the corner! (passed to neighbor)
  19. Let's hand over the portrait and Galina with a kiss!
daughter (anniversary presenter)

(They present the portrait as a gift, and offer to take a photograph with the portrait together)

A toast to the beauty of the hero of the day

I propose to raise a glass to our unique masterpiece and the muse that inspired its creation. I look at this picture and understand that beauty is horrible power. Three cheers for the beauty of the hero of the day.

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

A selection from the Royal Hunt - Well, for the beauty...

Dear friends, we have 5-10 minutes before serving hot food. And I suggest everyone finish their business (girls powder their noses), men run out for a smoke. And for those who already want to dance. Here on our improvised dance floor good dance music will be waiting for you.

2nd table Anniversary script for mother’s 60th birthday. Presenter - daughter

17.30 Dear guests, the hall smelled of something fried in direct and figuratively This word is served hot, so it is with great pleasure that I suggest you start the delicious activity.

Introduction to the interactive competition "Happiness"

I am sure that everyone present here wishes the birthday girl happiness. What is happiness for you? Do you really need much to be happy?

Then he asks the hero of the day about her idea of ​​happiness.

Repeat competition with guests "Happiness" for the 60th anniversary

Presenter: Yes, for happiness a person needs both a lot and a little, sometimes it is enough for just a loved one to be nearby... Today we are all happy that you are nearby, mother, let's tell her about this together, in unison. I read the first 3 lines, and you say the phrase in unison: “It’s a pleasure to be with you!”

You emit a wonderful light!

There is nothing better or dearer,

You will ward off bad weather with your hand

Heart - kind, caring,

The work is in your hands!

Breadth of soul, participation -

Being with you is a blessing! (guests)

Sunny gifts for you

Best wishes!

Let luck say: “Hello!”

Being with you is a blessing! (guests)

daughter (anniversary presenter)

Toast for the hero of the day on her 60th birthday - for happiness

Most people are only as happy as they decide to be. Let's wish the hero of the day today to be one hundred percent happy and to be like this as often as possible!

track Slutsky. What is happiness?

Eyeliner for toast from uncle (brother of the hero of the day)

Anniversary is a special holiday and different nations There are customs and traditions on how to celebrate an anniversary so that the hero of the day lives happily ever after:
In Spain - they click on the forehead;
in Italy they pull your ears;
in England - they are thrown up and dropped as many times as they are old and one more time for good luck.
In Canada, they smear oil on their nose so that troubles slide off their nose;
in Denmark - hung out the window National flag.
And at the anniversary table, it is customary for Russians to remember how little the hero of the day was. The birthday girl’s brother, my uncle Valera, will now tell us about this.

Toast to Auntie of the Jubilee, also Gala

Grandma Galya, what kind of mother do you remember? A toast to you.

Cousin's toast tip

Stacks in left hand have taken,

With the right hand they put a snack on a fork,

Get ready and freeze!

A word from the birthday girl's cousin Lyudmila and her husband Sergei.

Competition with forfeits from Little Red Riding Hood for the 60th anniversary

Sounds music from the film about Little Red Riding Hood "Ah-ah, there are mountains in Africa..." SHE runs out, skipping like a little girl, running around the tables, dancing and spinning. In your hands is a basket, in the basket are Kinder eggs with tasks inside. After the music she says: “I was running past the forest, I heard music playing, come on, I think, let me look at the light.
Little Red Riding Hood (Vital): And you have such a holiday here (anniversary, wedding...)

Addresses the hero of the day:

  • Why are your eyes so big?
    and she herself answers: “Ah-ah, you’re glad to see me!”
  • Why were there so many guests?, Yeah, did they give a lot of gifts?
    But I also didn’t come to you empty-handed, I also have gifts! Who loves to receive them, raise your hands! Well, now get out on the dance floor, I will hand them out to you!

The guests leave, Shapochek leads out the shy ones.

Everyone stands in a circle.

Dear guests, dear hero of the day! Little Red Riding Hood came to visit us, and not empty-handed, but with gifts! In her hands you see a basket in which she has prepared surprises for you! But besides gifts there are also various tasks. Now Little Red Riding Hood will turn her back to us, and we will pass her basket clockwise from hand to hand, as soon as Little Red Riding Hood says “STOP”, we will take out one surprise from it. I don’t know what the Lord God will send you, but I wish you all good luck!

daughter (anniversary presenter)

1. No matter how hard it is for you, No matter how lazy you are, Show me how a young deer gallops! Track - On reindeer

2. Hee-hanky, yes ha-hanky, everyone, But you are quite serious. Grunt the song for us “Oh frost, frost!” Track - Oh, frost

3. Well, you got the card, so don’t be shy, quickly gather a team and dance the swan dance! Track - Dance of Swans

4. Fly higher and higher Three times, loudly, out loud Shout “Ku-ka-re-ku!” How the rooster crows! Voice acting - Rooster

5. You need three assistants And with this friendly team, To have fun until you drop, Dance a passionate LAMBADA! Track - Lambada

6. I say smiling, Show me without hesitation, King Kong growls loudly, pounding his chest with his fists!

7. Guests, let’s all say “Ah!” And you, my friend, hurry up and dance the Polka for us in cute slippers! Track - polka

9. Not an easy task To fulfill my request: Say a toast to the hero of the day, starting your speech right from the letter Y!

The game is played, after which Little Red Riding Hood approaches the hero of the day and asks:

Why do you have such beautiful shoes? Ah-ah-ah, can you dance beautifully? Come on, I really want to dance with you.

Little Red Riding Hood

Allegrova "Birthday"

track - Everyone Dance

Big dance break

3rd (cool) table Script for the 60th anniversary of a woman (mother)

Chop - Let's pour it

Toast to nephew Misha and wife Raya

What do you think, Ladies and Gentlemen, if these were Old Slavonic times, who would lead my mother’s tribe? Ahhh, I see, you already guessed it - nephew. Because it is immediately clear from the name that these people are from the same tribe!

Word to Misha and Raya.

Comedy exit - twitching for guests

To give the floor for congratulations, the presenter uses comedy-style remarks.

track - Comedy exit


Conqueror of the volleyball court. The leader of more than 40 thousand chicks. Half Belarusian - half Siberian. Persistent character. Iron nerves. Who do you think it is? Matchmaker Galina!

Background music

track Comedy exit 2

Guests from the West. Possesses a great sense of humor. The creators of two lovely girls. Connoisseurs of rare tener Gesharia and Businka. And just good-natured people. Who is this?

Soft music

Anniversary audio fairy tale competition (theater - impromptu) - Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf

Dear mother, dear guests, at the invitation of the Jubilee’s grandchildren, an aspiring group of Moscow Art Theater graduates came to congratulate the birthday girl on our holiday with the premiere of the remake of “Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf.”

I was already backstage, I saw how worried the actors were. Therefore, I propose to support the emerging stars with thunderous applause.

track - Applause

track-audio tale

The host says a toast:

Dear mom, I want to wish you that your life will be like this fairy tale (tasty and bright). And most importantly, there is always a place for adventurism and positivity.

Star congratulations on the 60th anniversary for the birthday girl

Need props

You will need stars cut out of paper for all guests and pens or markers, or cut them on the spot then colored paper and scissors

Presenter: (at the table) Now each of the guests will sign their star with their wish to Galina (everyone receives a pre-cut paper star and a felt-tip pen and writes their wish on it).

plays Karachintsev “What to give you”

Then everyone, led by the birthday girl, is invited into the hall: the birthday girl in the center - everyone around her.

Words from the presenter for the stellar congratulations to the hero of the day

Everyone takes turns throwing up their stars with wishes, and the birthday girl tries to catch them. The captured stars' wishes are read aloud by the hero of the day.

Mobile competition for the 60th anniversary - Collective gift

The presenter brings out 2 chairs and places them behind the previously fallen stars. The task of the team members is to run up one by one, take 1 star and attach it with colorful paper clips to a beautiful ribbon.

The team that completes the relay the fastest will receive prizes.

The team captains solemnly reward the hero of the day with their star necklaces.

track - fanfare 2

Dear guests and mother, I propose to refill the glasses and drink so that for all participants in this meteor shower, stars will fall more often and always to happiness!

Soft music

The name Galina translated from Greek means serene and clear. Next to such a woman you always feel calm and confident, so it is not surprising that she has so many loyal girlfriends and friends. A word of congratulations to the long-time friends of the Marusyak family, Volodya and Masha.

Soft music

It is immediately clear that close people have gathered here who not only know Galina well. But they never tire of congratulating her. Word to friend and colleague Vladimir and his wife Tamara!

Poem from me for mom

If Galchisha were a soldier,

Then she led the regiments behind her

If Galchonok were an astronaut,

Quickly flew to Mars and back

If mom was a climber,

Then Everest would be conquered quickly

Only our mother is not a soldier at all,

And he doesn’t know how to hold a machine gun,

And the distances of space are unexplored

Somehow rockets flew without Galchisha

I gave up on mountaineering

Why did the giant Everest surrender to her???

Maybe some evil enemy is insidious

He will even say that Galchisha is mediocre...

But it is obvious to everyone that this is not so,

This is what the last fool can think!

Galina is smart, witty, beautiful

Galchena works amazingly for all of us

For this I intend to drink to the bottom,

There are damn many heroes, but Galchisha is only one!

Daughter (anniversary presenter)


Read 57559 once Last modified Wednesday, 31 October 2018 10:38

Usually 60-year-old people experience joy only on special occasions. There is nothing to blame them for, because they have passed long life and have already seen a lot. That's why most of them, on their own birthdays, sit quietly in the corner, as if wooed, and wait for someone to tell them something. No, this is wrong, because the birthday boy should be the brightest figure in this action.

In order to somehow stir up the birthday boy, you need to pay attention to him more often or make him pay attention to you. This can be done in several ways. The most effective method is to mention some old incident that would amuse both of you. Now that the birthday boy has been a little appeased, you need to invite him to participate in competitions. Do more comic competitions so that the hero of the occasion relaxes a little and feels like the main one in this party. Indeed, everything that happens here is only for him.

In between competitions, you can dance or make small digressions in which you will remember some funny incidents in the life of the birthday boy. You can go further and display some old childhood photographs on the projector, where the hero of the day is still naked. Everyone loves photos like this, so there's nothing to be ashamed of.

Read some interesting, funny ditties, sing interesting karaoke with the hero of the day. If the birthday boy is very vulnerable, then it is better not to let him sing karaoke, because cool script 60th anniversary can turn into a living hell. Let us remind you that there is already a publication on our website.


You are sixty today
I want to raise a toast to this
You've done a lot along the way
So much happiness in the middle
Your glorious anniversary!
I wish you everything:
Health, happiness and love
Let your cherished dreams come true
Grow above others
And always live at “five”
May fate give you joy
And all the trouble passes by
And let the laughter of friends and family today
It lasted all evening and didn’t stop by nightfall!

And we present our wonderful hero of the occasion with the “Happy Anniversary” medal. 60 years".

Next, toasts are made by family and friends. The host makes sure that everyone says congratulatory words to the birthday boy.
This cannot be delayed for long. You can take a break after 3–5 toasts and while everyone is still thinking sensibly and understanding, you can tell a little interesting information.


Do you know the classification of age groups? Oh, this is very interesting. One of the latest looks like this:
Young people - up to 40 years old
Middle-aged people – 59
Aging citizens – 74
“Young” centenarians – 89
“Old” centenarians - more than 90 years
And only “old” centenarians have the right to sometimes feel sad with the poet:
The charm of youthful days,
Happiness timid light,
Trembling, girlish breath.
Where is everyone? It was - no.
So let’s drink to the fact that we too will live to the age when we can be sad!
Several guests are given the floor.


A little more interesting information so that your brain doesn’t relax, because many more surprises await you!
So, among those who have long since crossed the 80- and even 90-year mark and at this age remained a world leader in their profession, we can cite the names of such centenarian giants as:
And many others, this list is very large.
But when one day some reporter met the famous Rubenstein in the Bois de Boulogne near Paris, he did not ask what the great pianist owed for such a long time. creative path. “I love life passionately,” replied the 90-year-old virtuoso and hurried to prepare for the evening performance.
A person needs contact with beauty if he wants to live long and happily.
So let's drink to the wonderful!

After the next toasts, pre-prepared guests or relatives (at your discretion) congratulate the birthday person with a song.

“Happiness is suddenly in silence”

We knocked on your door in silence.
Were you waiting for us or not? We want to check.
The table is set and there are so many friends sitting here,
That means everything is fine, that means the anxiety is gone.

On your birthday, open the door,
Look how many friends there are here.
Everyone came to congratulate you
From the heart, as before, loving.
Don't look at your age.
We still have a long way to go.
We still have meetings ahead of us.
Happy Anniversary, (name)!

It took us a long time to decide what to wish you.
So that there is no sadness in your life,
So that happiness comes into your home more often,
So that there are just as many friends at the table.

We wondered for a long time what to give you.
We got you a lottery ticket.
Is there no happiness in him, let fate judge,
Let the gift from us not be in vain.

The guests continue to raise toasts to the birthday boy.


Now let's do a little math workout. After all, you want to know how many years of life you can extend for yourself and, conversely, how many years are you stealing from yourself?
Factors influencing uv. years mind years
life expectancy
accommodation in the city - 5
rural areas 5 -
live alone, without a partner - 5
each child 2 -
every kilogram of excess body weight - 3 months.
Increased blood fat levels:
women - 3
men - 3
All four of your ancestors lived to be 80 years old 4 -
Mother lived to be 90 years old 3 -
Father lived to be 90 years old 4.5 -

We've done the math, and now let's drink to our hero of the day. May he live happily ever after!
Now let's hold a competition for our favorite hero of the day!

We place a certain number of potato tubers (5-7 pieces) on a chair and cover it with material or newspaper. All this is done so that the birthday boy does not see. After this, the hero of the occasion is invited, and we invite him to sit on a newspaper under which there are potatoes on a chair, fidget while sitting and determine how many potato tubers there are. For this we present him with the “Best Mathematician” medal.


Let's compose a little for our hero of the day! But first we will divide into 2 teams.

Having divided the guests into 2 teams, we ask them a rhyme, to which they must come up with a rhyme, but characterize or congratulate the birthday person.

For example rhyme:
he always runs boldly forward
and never trembles like a hare!
Examples of rhyme for the competition:
First tour:
For the first team: sun, window
For the 2nd team: fate, misfortune
Second round:
1k.: ceiling, son
2k.: wreath, boot
Third round:
1k.: with you, with a mustache
2k.: Monomakh, scope

The team that comes up with the most original and fun poems wins.


So as not to relax, let's train our brain gyrus a little more! We will hold a ditty competition. The teams remain the same.
Each team is invited to come up with three ditties for the hero of the day and sing them. The team with the most fun and playful ditties wins! If team “A” won the previous competition, then “B” will win this one, so that there are no hard feelings.
So that the birthday boy does not get bored at this time, you can offer him to write a poem or ditty for dear guests who try so hard for him.
After this competition we have a guest! A very mysterious lady, in an interesting hat, in a tailcoat.


Knowing that we are celebrating a wonderful anniversary today, a stranger came to see us, this wonderful lady. But she is not simple, but she can read minds. And now, our dear guest, will tell us what and who thinks!


You're right, honey! It's all true! Believe it or not, I can guess thoughts from a distance. I'll tell you the whole truth, who thinks and what...

He approaches one of the guests, a representative of the older generation. And says:

This young man, handsome and handsome, is thinking about what delicious salad the mistress of this house prepared it, but his wife will not be able to do this...

Approaches another guest.

This young and ruddy man is thinking about what good man master...

Coming to the third.

This lady is thinking about how lucky her wife is to have such a husband as the master of the house.

Coming to the fourth.

And this beauty is wondering where the mistress of the house bought such a wonderful dress.

And so with all the guests. The more fun the better.


She told me everything, revealed all the secrets. I’ll drink a glass and go on wandering.

The wanderer leaves, the guests see her off. The presenter continues the celebration.


And now it's time for the birthday boy's wife. First of all, let us thank her for such an excellent holiday, for delicious food that no other restaurant can compare with. She did all this for her beloved and only husband.
And now it’s time to find out how she really sees her husband. We will blindfold her, give her a felt-tip pen, and (says the name of the birthday boy’s wife) she will have to draw a portrait of her beloved husband on a piece of paper.

The birthday boy’s wife draws a “portrait” of her husband. Upon completion, she is awarded a medal “For loyalty and devotion to the ideal.”
The competition takes place with music and the support of guests. After the medal is presented, the guests applaud.


Yes, our dear hero of the day got a good wife, attentive and faithful. And what about the birthday boy himself? Is he that attentive to his wife? We'll check this now.

The presenter invites the hero of the day to go to the center of the room.

Let's blindfold today's birthday boy and let him, with his eyes closed, find among five beautiful women the one with whom he once decided to throw in his lot.

Five representatives of the fair sex line up in the center of the room. The hero of the day must approach each one in turn and guess, without removing the blindfold, which woman is his wife. For the correct answer, the birthday person is awarded a prize - a medal “ Best husband millennium."

The wife leaves and the presenter turns off the light. At this moment, the wife comes into the room with a cake with burning candles. The cake is placed near the birthday person, who makes a wish and blows out the candles. We turn on the lights and clap the firecrackers.