Gradsky in childhood. Scandalous secrets of personal life

Alexander Gradsky is a singer, composer, guitarist, poet, musical and He is a People's Artist of Russia and a State Prize laureate. Created together with Mikhail Turkov, the group “Slavs” was the third rock group in the Soviet Union. Like real creative person, he constantly needs a wonderful muse. Perhaps that is why he was married several times.

Alexander Gradsky. Biography. Childhood and youth

Born in Kopeisk (Chelyabinsk region) on November 3, 1949. His mother was a dramatic theater actress. From her he inherited a penchant for creativity. My father was a mechanical engineer by profession.

In 1957, the family moved to Moscow. His father got a job at a factory, and his mother became the head of theater clubs. She was also part of the literary staff of a popular magazine. His parents were too busy with work, so Alexander Gradsky lived with his grandmother (on his mother’s side) in the village of Rastorguevo, Butovo district (in the Moscow region).

From 1958 to 1965, Sasha attended music school and studied violin with V.V. Sokolov. The boy took great interest in his music lessons. However, he did not like doing long hours of exercise at home.

In secondary school he is interested in humanities. Literature and history become his elements. He read prose and poetry with great pleasure. At the age of thirteen, Sasha wrote his first poem. He met early western music(E. Presley, L. Armstrong, B. Haley, E. Fitzgerald). From the Soviet stage I preferred to listen to songs performed by L. Ruslanova, K. Shulzhenko,

Alexander Gradsky, a young music lover, had the opportunity to listen to rare records with amazing music. His uncle brought them from abroad.

During his school years, Sasha performs as a singer at school parties, accompanying himself on the piano or guitar. As an actor, he tries his hand at a theater group.

Family of Alexander Gradsky

  • The musician’s mother is Tamara Pavlovna Gradskaya (actress, director, literary contributor to the magazine).
  • Grandmother (on my mother’s side) - Maria Ivanovna Gradskaya (Pavlova), was a housewife.
  • Grandfather, Pavel Ivanovich Gradsky, is a leather goods sewing master.
  • Uncle, Boris Pavlovich Gradsky - dancer, ensemble artist, accordion player, composer.
  • Dad - Boris Abramovich Fradkin (mechanical engineer).
  • Grandmother (on the father's side) - Rosa Ilyinichna Fradkina (Chvertkina), worked as a secretary-typist for fifty years.
  • Grandfather - Abram Semenovich Fradkin, worked as a house manager in Kharkov.
  • Aunt - Irina Abramovna Fradkina (Sidorova).

Until the age of fourteen, Sasha bore his father's surname. After the death of his mother (in 1963), he took her last name in memory of her.

Concerts, performances, musical groups

Gradsky's successful career as a musician began in 1963. Together with the group “Cockroaches” (which included Polish students), he performs at several concerts.

In 1965, Alexander Gradsky, together with Mikhail Turkov, created the group “Slavs”. After some time, their team was joined by Vyacheslav Dontsov (drummer) and Viktor Degtyarev (bass player). After about a couple of months, Vadim Maslov (electric organist) joins them. "Slavs" is the third Soviet rock band to conquer a large number of listeners. Their repertoire included songs by The Beatles.

In 1966, the group “Skomorokhi” was organized. The author of the songs was Alexander Gradsky himself and composed them in Russian.

At the same time, he does not stop working with Dontsov and Degtyarev. Their group "Scythians" repeatedly changed its performing line-up.

While traveling, musicians earn money for high-quality and expensive equipment. Their group “Los Panchos” conquers Moscow.

In 1969 he entered the GMPI named after. Gnessins and improves vocal skills. At the same time, he begins a solo career and performs with a guitar. He continues to compose musical compositions. These are “The Ballad of the Poultry Farm”, “Spain”, “Song of Fools”, and a small rock opera “The Tsokotukha Fly”.

“Skomorokhs” win six first prizes at the All-Union festival of beat groups “Silver Strings” in Gorky. Three of them were received personally by Alexander Gradsky: “For vocals”, “For guitar” and “For composition”.

In 1972, “Skomorokhs” toured different cities (Kuibyshev, Donetsk and many others).

In 1973, the following compositions were published: “Blue Forest”, “Spain”, “Buffoons”, “Coal Miner’s Girlfriend”.

Participation in films. Music for cinema

Gradsky was noticed by director Andrei Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky and offered to take part in the film “Romance of Lovers.” At first, Alexander was invited as a singer. He was then commissioned to write the songs, some of the poetry and all the music. At that time it was a very rare case: a young musician who was not a member of the Composers' Union received an order from one of the most talented and popular directors in the country.

The film was released in 1974. In the same year, it was Alexander Gradsky who received the title “Star of the Year”. A photo of the already famous musician is presented below.

After this, Alexander’s career goes up rapidly. He tours the country. At his concerts, the halls are constantly crowded with audiences who greet him with incredible excitement.

In 1975, Gradsky fruitfully worked on several films at once. In the meantime, he continues to record music and participates in projects of various authors. In the same year, he entered the Moscow Conservatory with the wonderful teacher T. Khrennikov in the composition class.

In 1988, he wrote music for such films as “The Art of Living in Odessa” and “The Prisoner of the Chateau d’If.”

Touring and teaching activities

Since the late 70s, the musician has been actively touring. His repertoire is replenished with songs for which he writes the lyrics himself. Some of them are very brave. He writes articles in defense of rock music. Actively polemicizes with retrogrades. In this way he makes enemies for himself.

At this time he began teaching. For several years he has been working at the Gnessin School, graduating students. Then he teaches at the institute. This stage of activity ended with two years of heading the vocal department. Gradsky believed that further work could only be done if he had his own class.

Creativity of the 70s, 80s, 90s

From 1976 to 1980, Alexander composed and recorded two parts of the suite “Russian Songs”. This is the first rock record in the Soviet Union, which was released in 1980.

Alexander Gradsky releases one studio recording after another. Photos of the musician in the process of work can be seen below.

His vocal suites: “Star of the Fields”, “Concert Suite”, “Nostalgia”, “Life Itself”, “Satires”, “Utopia AG”, “Flute and Royale”. The collection of recordings “Reflections of a Jester” confirms the possibility of singing in different rock styles in Russian. The artist also works with more complex genres. He writes the opera “Stadium” (libretto by A. Gradsky and M. Pushkina), the ballet “Man” on a libretto of his own composition.

Vladimir Vysotsky died in 1980. Alexander delves into tragic satire and dramatic lyrics. He writes the compositions “Song about Television”, “Song about a Friend” and others.

In 1988, Gradsky performed the role of the Astrologer from the opera by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov. This is an extremely complex part of the world operatic repertoire. From the auditorium Bolshoi Theater he received a long standing ovation.

Musical projects. Foreign trips

Under the leadership of Alexander, numerous complex projects took place. This is the organization of solo concerts in Moscow with the participation of orchestras of Russian folk instruments, symphony orchestras, choirs and rock groups; release of thirteen CDs with a complete collection of his own compositions and recordings; creation of musical films (“Anti-perestroika blues”, “Live in Russia”).

Foreign trips give good results. Alexander Gradsky works in joint projects with Liza Minnelli, John Denver, Diana Warwick and many others. He visited Greece, Germany, USA, Spain, Sweden. In 1990, he entered into a contract with the leading Japanese company VMI (VICTOR) and released two CDs under its brand.

Last works

These are real event moments in musical life. The “Chrestomathy” CD is stylistically reminiscent of the “Reflections of a Fool” suite. Here again there is an attempt to speak out in Russian in modern genres. His opera “The Master and Margarita” (based on M. Bulgakov) with a unique cast of participants is also being published. The author worked on it for more than thirty years. It is beautifully and originally designed - in the form of an old book. Includes four discs and a complete libretto.

Concerts and tours are currently ongoing. For several seasons now, Gradsky has been a member of the jury of the “Voice” project. And it is his contestants who reach the finals and become winners. In 2012 - this is in 2013 - Sergei Volchkov.

Alexander Gradsky: personal life

His life partners changed several times. The first wife was Natalya Mikhailovna Gradskaya. He calls this marriage a “youth act.” The relationship with his second wife, actress Anastasia Vertinskaya, did not last long.

From 1976 to 1978 they were together. The official divorce took place in 1980. The longest was with his third wife, Olga Semyonovna Gradskaya. Their marriage lasted about 23 years. They have two children. Son Daniel was born on March 30, 1981. He followed in his father's footsteps and became a musician, but this does not stop him from being a businessman. Daughter Maria was born on January 14, 1986. She graduated from Moscow State University. Works as a TV presenter and art manager.

So, Alexander Gradsky was married three times. The musician’s personal life continues to rage to this day. In 2003, he won the heart of the charming Marina Kotashenko. They met on the street. But it was an original acquaintance in its own way. Gradsky managed to attract the attention of the spectacular beauty. A fun and immodest question: “Would you like to touch history?” - will at least bring a smile to every girl’s face. Of course, with such legendary personality very interesting and exciting, in addition, the artist knows how to love and pamper. Therefore, Alexander Gradsky and his young wife have been happy together for more than ten years.

Like her common-law husband, a creative person. She starred in various TV series, comedies, and detective stories.

A great happy event recently happened in their family. On September 1, 2014, the son of Alexander Gradsky was born, who was named Sasha in honor of his father. Marina Kotashenko gave birth in New York. Time will tell whether the son will follow in his father's footsteps and become a famous musician.


Thus, Gradsky Alexander is revealed to us from different sides. First of all, he is a talented musician (composer, guitarist, singer) and poet, musical and public figure. Secondly, he is quite a brave and purposeful person. He was not afraid to write satirical compositions with pronounced sarcasm, and actively stood up for rock music, without fear of making enemies. And thirdly, this is a rather loving person who has been looking for his one and only muse for a long time. He probably found her in Marina Kotashenko.

Alexander Gradsky is a living legend of Russian rock music, one of the first rock musicians of the USSR, whose unique voice was worshiped and applauded by the whole world. In addition, Gradsky is known as the author of several rock operas and music for many Russian films. Today the master is one of the jury members of the popular show “The Voice”.

Alexander Gradsky was born in the small town of Kopeisk, Chelyabinsk region, into the family of a mechanical engineer and an actress who directed a local amateur theater. However, the future singer spent only his early childhood in the provinces: when the boy was eight years old, the Gradskys moved to Moscow. The capital, however, did not greet the guy kindly. For several years, the family lived in an eight-meter communal apartment in the basement of a house on Frunzenskaya Embankment. However, Alexander, whose musical talent was noticed early by his parents, got the opportunity to study with a good teacher in music school and attend a good comprehensive school in the center of Moscow, where teachers just as early began to note his great penchant for literature, especially poetry. And the capital also gave Gradsky something that he definitely would not have received if he remained in Kopeisk. Gradsky’s mother’s brother worked in Moiseev’s ensemble, and sometimes thanks to this he had the opportunity to travel abroad, from where he brought music that was banned in the USSR for himself and his beloved nephew. It so happened that Gradsky received an incredible opportunity at the age of 12 to expand his musical horizons with the music of Elvis Presley and Louis Armstrong. Alexander himself later said in an interview that it was then that he received the first rock and roll impulse, which fell on fertile soil.

At the age of 14, a big disaster happened in the life of the teenager Sasha - her mother died. However, ironically, it was in the same year that he made his first singing debut, which was a huge success. Probably, then it became clear to everyone and to himself for the first time that Gradsky was not just a talented artist, but a unique one, and his voice was a real gift from God. And it was like that. At the end of 1963, Alexander Gradsky appeared at the Moscow State University inter-club to sing “Cockroaches” with a group of Polish students. That concert also included a song that Gradsky was supposed to perform solo - the famous “Best City on Earth.” It was at that moment when the 14-year-old soloist came out to sing that the microphones accidentally turned off. Gradsky just smiled. He sang without a microphone so that the walls in the hall shook, and received wild applause!

And after two years, Gradsky begins serious work - he organizes one of the first rock groups in the USSR and calls it “Slavs” (later the name changes to “Skomorokhi”, and even later to “Scythians”).

Rock, however, was not held in high esteem in the USSR, and despite the fact that the guys enjoyed constant success at dances in clubs where Western hits were played, their own music was not promoted, and there was a serious lack of money. Then Gradsky embarks on a desperate experiment. He signs an agreement according to which he works for two years as a hired guitarist on tour and “chess”, without ever once during this time “exposing” his vocals! And having collected the required amount of money, he again takes up his task - promoting Russian rock and roll.

This time - in 1969 - everything succeeds. Alexander Gradsky’s group “Skomorokhi” is gaining wild popularity in Moscow. It is a pity that not a single record of those times has survived.

And in 1972, Alexander Gradsky’s talent unfolded in full force in a large-scale musical experiment. Gradsky's studio recordings from this time became the first compositions in the USSR recorded in a multi-channel way. Gradsky, the author of all the music and almost all the poetry, records all the instrumental parts himself, playing different instruments, and several vocal parts, and then overlays them on each other. With this recording, for the first time in the USSR, multiple overdubbing of four voices was performed and for the first time 16-channel equipment was used!

The success of Gradsky and the Skomorokhs of that time is comparable only to the Beatles. An example is the incident in Kuibyshev, when half an hour after the end of the concert, an instructor from the city Komsomol committee ran into the hotel room of the tired musicians and reported with horror that the audience was not leaving and demanded a continuation. The musicians gathered, returned to the cultural center and played until late at night...

In 1973, success came in another field: Gradsky wrote music for Andron Konchalovsky’s film “The Romance of Lovers” and performed it himself. The experiment turns out to be so successful that the famous Western magazine “Billboard” in 1974 awarded Gradsky the title “Star of the Year” for “outstanding contribution to world music”!

From this moment, Gradsky’s triumphal march across the USSR began with constant sold-out concerts. He is recognized as an exclusive musician with a unique voice, as a result of which Gradsky was able to “cut a window” for Russian rock and roll. Since that time, bureaucrats are no longer able to fight the existence of such music in the country.

Since then, Gradsky’s name has been inscribed in golden letters in the history of Soviet and world music. Well, the singer and composer himself made many more powerful moves: he composed and recorded several rock operas and rock ballets, wrote soundtracks for dozens of films, and recorded many long-playing discs.

And nowadays the master does not rest on his laurels. He continues to work, give concerts, and in 2012 he even took part as a jury member in the popular show “The Voice” on Channel One, where with his light hand The legends were defeated by the vocal Dina Garipova. It is she who this year, 2013, will represent Russia at the international music competition"Eurovision".

The personal life of Alexander Gradsky, naturally, was also very stormy. The master was married three times, and the singer’s second wife for several years was the outstanding Russian actress Anastasia Vertinskaya. From his third marriage, Gradsky has two children - son Daniil (born 1981) and daughter Maria (born 1986). Today, his common-law wife is VGIK student Marina Kotashenko, born in 1980.


  • Gradsky is a lyric tenor, but at the same time he has a very developed upper register, which allows him to sing parts written even for an altino tenor.
  • Alexander Gradsky really does not like to be photographed.
  • As part of the group “Skomorokhi” in the 1970s, singer Alexander Buinov performed as a keyboard player along with Gradsky.
  • The words “zhurnalyuga” and “scoop” were coined by Alexander Gradsky.

1997 - Honored Artist of Russia

1999 - Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation

1999 - National artist Russia

Film roles

1985 — “Stained glass master”

1991 — “Genius”

2000 - “Gangster Petersburg. Film 1. Baron"

Vocal parts

1974 — “One among strangers, a stranger among one’s own”

1975 — “Concerto for two violins”

1975 — " New Year's adventures Masha and Vitya"

1976 — “Songs under the clouds”

1976 — “My love in the third year”

1976 - “Blue Puppy” - vocals of the Sailor, Sawfish

1977 — “The Princess and the Ogre”

1978 — “Catch the Wind”

1978 - “Let's talk, brother...”

1979 — “Don’t part with your loved ones”

1980 - “Oh sport, you are the world!”

1986 — “The Life of Klim Samgin”

1988 — “Pass”

1989 — “The Prisoner of the Chateau d'If”

1989 — “Stereotypes”

2000 - “In August 1944...”

Composer's filmography:

1974 — “Romance of Lovers”

1976 — “Sun, sun again”

1977 — “The Legend of the Old Lighthouse”

1977 — “The Princess and the Ogre”

1978 - “Let's talk, brother...”

1978 — “Catch the Wind”

1979 — “Tuning Fork”

1978 — “The Diamond Trail”

1979 — “Hunting”

1985 - “The investigation is being conducted by the Experts. Fire"

1986 — “In one single life”

1988 — “Pass”

1989 — “The Prisoner of the Chateau d'If”

1989 — “Rock and Fortune”

1989 — “The Art of Living in Odessa”

1989 — “Stereotypes”

2000 - “In August 1944...”

2000 — “Heirs of Prometheus”

1972 - How beautiful this world is

1973 - Alexander Gradsky sings

1974 - Romance about lovers

1976 - Sun, sun again

1978 - Alexander Gradsky and the ensemble “Skomorokhi”

1979 - Just trust me

1980 - Russian songs

1983 - We can’t live without each other

1984 - Life Itself (Suite based on poems by Paul Eluard. Recorded in 1981)

1986 - Star of the Fields (Suite based on poems by Nikolai Rubtsov. Recorded in 1982)

1987 - “Satires” (Recorded 1980)

1987 - Let's begin

1987 - Utopia of Alexander Gradsky (Recorded 1979)

1987 - Reflections of a jester (Recordings 1971-1974)

1988 - Flute and piano (Based on poems by V. Mayakovsky and B. Pasternak. Recorded in 1983)

1988 - Nostalgia (Suite based on poems by Vladimir Nabokov. Recorded in 1984)

1989 - Monte Cristo

1989 - Concert Suite (Recordings 1979-1987)

1990 - Expedition

1994 - Untimely songs

1994 - Fruit from the Cemetery

1996 - LIVE in “Russia”

1996 - Golden junk

2000 - LIVE in "Russia" - 2

2003 - Reader

2003 - Songs for Ira

2011 - Neformat

Rock operas

1969 - Fly-Tsokotukha

1985 - Stadium

2009 - The Master and Margarita


1988 — “Man”

1990 - “Rasputin”, “Jewish Ballad”

Alexander Borisovich Gradsky (November 3, 1949) – famous Russian singer, performer and songwriter. He is considered one of the founders of classic Russian rock. Since 1999 he has been People's Artist of Russia, and in 1997 Gradsky received the honorary title of Honored Artist.


Alexander Borisovich was born on November 3 in Kopeisk, into an average family. His father, Boris Abramovich Fradkin, was a mechanical engineer and worked almost his entire life at a local plant, where he was loved and respected not only by his colleagues in the workshop, but also by the administration. Gradsky’s mother, Tamara Pavlovna Shitikova, had incredible creative abilities.

IN early childhood she taught herself to play the piano, and then, while still unmarried, worked part-time as an accompanist at many events in Kopeisk. That is why Alexander’s passion for music most likely arose in him thanks to his talented and creatively gifted mother.

Sasha's childhood passed peacefully. His parents almost never quarreled, the family lived in average income and did not need help. Very often Gradsky went to visit his grandparents, who, seeing his aspirations to study art, took him to theatrical performances, presented books by domestic and foreign authors, showed galleries and exhibitions in their hometown.

With their help, Sasha developed much faster than his peers, therefore, when he went to school at the age of 7, he was quite bored communicating with his peers, which is why Gradsky very often ran away from classes or simply withdrew into himself.


At the age of fourteen, Alexander Gradsky experiences his first serious loss - his mother, who had been seriously ill for several months, passes away. Despite the fact that doctors predicted a similar end long before her death and prepared her relatives for the worst outcome, death makes the strongest impression on Sasha. Over the next year, he practically does not go to school, does not communicate with relatives, and does not even leave the house. After the young man recovers from a terrible depression, he decides to take his mother’s surname – Gradskaya – instead of his father’s.

In order to further emphasize his love for his mother, young Gradsky decides to enter the conservatory. However, alas, there are no such institutions in Kopeikino, so Sasha, after numerous quarrels with his family, moves to Moscow.

He does not enter immediately: for the first time, the examination committee decides that the guy is too uneducated (in the musical sense) to study at the conservatory. Gradsky is denied admission, after which he attends private music courses for a year with a tutor, who tries to teach him as much as possible everything he knows.

By the way, Gradsky’s training is quite easy: the young man quickly grasps new information, studies diligently and diligently, and even tries to write his own songs, which he shows only to his mentor.

What follows is the second attempt to enter the Moscow Conservatory. This time the young man’s abilities amaze the examiners and, without any further questions, he is enrolled in the group. This event becomes decisive in the fate of the future musician.


As it turned out later, Alexander Borisovich’s desire to enter higher education musical institution was dictated not only by love for his mother. A young man who at that time had already written several own songs, I definitely wanted to demonstrate my talent to the general public. And what, if not a music conservatory, can provide more opportunities for self-realization?

So Gradsky began to learn musical skills and at the same time acquire fans, friends, comrades and those who wanted to show his talent young man to the world. And in the early 70s, Sasha, while still a student, received a tempting invitation, which became his debut in the musical field. The fact is that at that time the filming of the film “Romance of Lovers” was planned, where Murad Kazhlaev was supposed to be the composer.

However, for unknown reasons, he refused to participate in the project at the last moment, jeopardizing the very successful creation of the film. But the enterprising Arkady Petrov and director Andrei Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky, after a short search, discovered a young talent at the Moscow Conservatory - Alexander Gradsky, who was invited to take part in the film.

After the release of “The Romance of Lovers” in 1974, for which Gradsky not only composed the music, but also performed several parts himself, the success of the aspiring musician was guaranteed. Not only domestic but also foreign publications began to notice him, and Billboard magazine even named him “Star of the Year,” which further strengthened Gradsky’s position in musical world.


As soon as Gradsky’s name gained worldwide popularity, the musician began to receive hundreds of offers related to theaters, cinema and recording studios. Following his debut film, he wrote the rock opera “Stadium”, which he dedicated to the memory of Victor Jara. At that time, such a musical format was new to the general public, so Alexander took a big risk by composing a domestic rock opera. However, the fears turned out to be false - the non-standard, powerful, gothic sound immediately captivated not only ordinary listeners, but also music critics, and a year later Gradsky released his second rock opera “Man” (it was later performed on the stage of one of the Moscow theaters, who staged a production based on Rudyard Kipling).

It is difficult to say how many compositions Gradsky has written in total up to the present moment. We can only list the most popular of them. They included such compositions as “Cavaradossi’s Aria”, “Ballad of a Fishing Village”, “In the Fields in the Snow and Rain”, “I Go Out Alone on the Road”, “Shine, Shine, My Star”, “Until the End, Until the Quiet cross”, “How young we were”, “I dreamed of heights since childhood” and many others. For all my musical career Alexander Gradsky successfully collaborated with Pakhmutova, Dobronravov, Kolmanovsky, Rubtsov, Burns and other famous people in the musical field.

Personal life

Alexander Borisovich was married three times. The first time this happened in his youth, when he married conservatory student Natalya, whom he fell in love with in his first year. However, the marriage did not last long, and the musician himself in the future more than once called it a “youth act,” referring to the fact that both he and she were in love and stupid for thoughtful and correct decisions, as a result of which a mistake occurred.

In 1976, at one of the musical events, Alexander Gradsky meets actress Anastasia Vertinskaya. A close relationship develops between them, and a couple of months later the couple announces their engagement. But the marriage lasts until the official divorce in 1980, although, in fact, the spouses stop living together two years earlier.

For the third time, Gradsky married lawyer Olga Semyonovna in 1981. The marriage produced two children, but by 2003 the musician announced his divorce from his wife and the transfer of half of his property to her. And since 2003, he has been living in a civil marriage with Marina Kotashenko, who is much younger than him.

The future star was born in the small town of Kopeisk, near Chelyabinsk, in November 1949. Since childhood, the boy felt a craving for creativity, and his parents gave him the opportunity to develop in this direction. Dad Boris Fradkin was an ordinary factory engineer, but mother Tamara Gradskaya graduated from GITIS and was a director and actress. To develop the boy’s talents, after moving to Moscow, little Sasha was immediately sent to a music school.

In the capital, they, their parents and grandmother, huddled in an 8-meter basement on Frunzenskaya Embankment with nine other families. But this only strengthened the young talent and gave a goal - to arrange life so that loved ones would not need anything. And in 1964 he managed to move into a normal, comfortable apartment.


He is a graduate of the Musical Pedagogical Institute named after. Gnesins. Then there was the Conservatory. There were also performances as part of the Polish ensemble “Cockroaches”. After which his own rock band “Slavs” was born. In 1966, the ensemble “Skomorokhi” began to ring throughout the country, and it was he who received the Grand Prix of the All-Union Festival.

Gradsky and the group were talked about on Moscow Radio and the Voice of America. Fame thundered throughout the world. Songs began to be included in radio charts, he began to tour cities with concerts Soviet Union.

An amazing feature: being the author of compositions and poems, the musician also recorded his performances by overdubbing several voices. For example, the work “Only You Believe Me” was born from beginning to end by him alone in multiple persons - Alexander Borisovich performed all the parts, both voice and instrumental.

Andrei Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky invited the singer to help in the filming of the film “Romance of Lovers,” and he wrote and performed several songs for him and created the entire arrangement for the film.

Then a solo record was recorded with melodies from the film - this is how Gradsky became “Star of the Year,” wrote the editors of the Billboard publication, making a colossal contribution to global musical history.

The singer and musician's discography includes more than 40 albums with rock music, film music and songs. In 2003, a unique record “Chrestomatiya” was released, which contains melodies of popular instrumentalists.

Gradsky was invited to write music for many dozens of films. Among them are the classic “The Investigation is Conducted by Experts” and the animated films “The Pass”. He personally recorded songs for many films. There was also a live musical film - the famous “Anti-Perestroika Blues” and “Live in Russia”.

Popular recognition

At the beginning of the third millennium, Gradsky received the People's Artist of Russia and was awarded the title of laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation.

He is so versatile and talented that he even staged his own opera, “The Master and Margarita,” personally performing the arias of four characters. His original opera featured Andrei Makarevich, Oleg Tabakov, Valery Zolotukhin, Gennady Khazanov, Alexander Rosenbaum and other very famous musicians and actors. The opera is published in the format of an old book, inside of which four discs with musical recordings are luxuriously decorated.

Alexander Gradsky can boast of performances with Liza Minnelli, Cindy Peters, Charles Aznavour, Kris Kristofferson, Diana Warwick and others.

Now he runs his own theater in Moscow, Gradsky Hall, which is unofficially called the Gradsky Theater. Musical evenings, award ceremonies and various concerts are held here.

Personal life

The musician does not like to talk publicly about his life. But it is known from his biography that he started a family three times. Gradsky's second wife was actress Anastasia Vertinskaya. In his third marriage, in 1981 and 1986, he had a son, Daniel, and a daughter, Maria.

Despite his age, he fell in love again. This time, the young attractive model Marina Kotashenko. The master's beloved is 31 years younger than him. It was she who gave birth to his son Alexander in 2014.

This blue-eyed, slender blonde immediately won the heart of the music guru. At the time we met, she worked in one of the modeling agencies in the capital and fully supported herself. During the 10 years of their marriage, Marina graduated from VGIK, began acting in TV series, and studied to be a lawyer.

Their marriage is not registered, but they tell journalists that they live in perfect harmony. Gradsky became a father for the third time at the age of 64.

Alexander Borisovich Gradsky(born November 3, 1949, Kopeysk, Chelyabinsk region, RSFSR, USSR) - Soviet and Russian singer, multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, poet, composer. One of the founders of Russian rock. Honored Artist of Russia (1997). - Alexander Gradsky laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation (1999). People's Artist of Russia (1999). People's Artist of Transnistria Moldavian Republic (2014).

Alexander Borisovich Gradsky
Name at birth - Alexander Borisovich Fradkin
Date of birth November 3, 1949
Place of birth - Kopeisk, Chelyabinsk region, RSFSR, USSR
Years active 1966 - present
Country USSR → Russia
Professions: singer, poet, composer, film composer, musician
Singing voice Tenor-altino, lyric tenor
Instruments guitar, drums, piano, bass guitar, violin, celesta
Genres Rock and roll, opera, rock opera, blues rock, progressive rock, pop
Cooperation Slavs, Skomorokhs, Merry guys

Born on November 3, 1949 in Kopeysk.
Father of Alexander Gradsky- Boris Abramovich Fradkin (1926-2013), mechanical engineer. In 1957, the family returned to Moscow. His mother, GITIS graduate Tamara Pavlovna Gradskaya (Shitikova) (1929-1963), had a great influence on the development of the future musician. Until the age of 14, he bore his father’s surname Fradkin; the surname Gradsky was taken immediately after his mother’s death in 1963 in memory of her. Some years Alexander Gradsky lived with his grandmother in the village of Rastorguevo, Leninsky district, Moscow region.

The creative career of Alexander Gradsky

Alexander Gradsky- founder of the third Soviet rock group “Slavs” (1965) (after “Brothers” and “Falcon”) and the one that brought him the greatest popularity - “Skomorokhi” (1966). He also took part in the groups: “Los Panchos”, “Scythians”, a group of Polish students of Moscow State University “Cockroaches”, in which he performed songs by Elvis Presley and Arno Babajanyan’s twist “Song of Moscow”.
In the early 70s, director Andrei Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky began his work on the film “Romance of Lovers.” The composer of “Romance of Lovers” was supposed to be Murad Kazhlaev, but he refused. Then Arkady Petrov proposed a candidacy Gradsky. Gradsky not only composed the music in this film, but also performed vocal parts. Released in 1974, the film was a significant success and brought fame to the creator of the film's music. Music magazine Billboard announced Gradsky"Star of the Year" (1974) "for outstanding contribution to world music."
Graduate of the Faculty of Chamber Solo Singing of the State Musical Pedagogical Institute named after. Gnessins (1974).

A Alexander Gradsky second of the rock opera “Stadium” (in memory of Victor Jara) (1985), music for the first Russian rock ballet “Man” (based on the novel by Rudyard Kipling). The main roles in this opera were performed by popular singers and actors of the Soviet Union: Alla Pugacheva, Joseph Kobzon, Elena Kamburova, Mikhail Boyarsky and others.
Since 1987 - member of the Union of Composers.
In 1988, I was able to travel abroad for the first time (to the USA).

Author of music for more than 40 feature films, several dozen documentaries and animated films. He has released more than 15 long-playing discs, is the author of several rock operas and rock ballets, and many songs.
In 1988, he performed the role of the Astrologer in Rimsky-Korsakov's opera The Golden Cockerel in a performance at the Bolshoi Theater (conducted by Evgeny Svetlanov).
In December 1997 in Great hall The Moscow Conservatory hosted a concert “Hits of the Outgoing Century,” in which Alexander Gradsky and Larisa Dolina performed popular songs of the 20th century.
Participated in the television program “White Parrot”.
He positions himself as a marginal figure, is demanding of his colleagues in the industry, and does not welcome journalists (according to Evgeniy Dodolev, it was Gradsky who launched the word “journalist” in the media).

He took part in the “Time Machine” tribute album “Typewriting”, where he sang the songs “My friend (plays the blues best)” and “Snow”. In 2009, Alexander Gradsky released the rock musical “The Master and Margarita”. The musical was not staged on stage, it exists in the form of a single audio recording in 2009, made with a star cast: the most famous Russian artists and friends of Gradsky took part in the recording: Joseph Kobzon, Lyubov Kazarnovskaya, Vladimir Zeldin, Alexey Petrenko, Valery Zolotukhin, Alexander Rosenbaum, Lolita Milyavskaya , Arkady Arkanov and many others. One of the parts is composed of fragments of phonograms with the voice of Georgy Millyar.

In 2012-2014, he took part in the television project “The Voice” on Channel One as a mentor. Moreover, in the first three seasons of the program, his team members won - Dina Garipova, Sergei Volchkov and Alexandra Vorobyova, respectively. In 2015, he returned as a mentor to a television project, where his mentee, Mikhail Ozerov, took second place in the final.

Family of Alexander Gradsky

Mother - Tamara Pavlovna Gradskaya (1929-1963) - graduated from GITIS (course of N. Plotnikov), actress, director, then literary employee of the magazine "Theatrical Life".
Father - Fradkin Boris Abramovich (1926-2013) - graduated from MAMI, mechanical engineer, worked until he was 83 years old.
Maternal grandfather - Gradsky Pavel Ivanovich - a master of leather goods tailoring, died tragically in 1948. Maternal grandmother - Gradskaya (nee Pavlova) Maria Ivanovna, housewife. She died in 1980.

Paternal grandmother - Fradkina (nee Chvertkina) Rosalia Ilyinichna, worked as a secretary-typist for about 50 years, died in Moscow at the age of 100, in 1996, “grandmother of Russian rock and roll”, welcomed all Gradsky’s colleagues in the profession, who visited their house, for which she earned this characteristic among them.
The paternal grandfather, Fradkin Abram Semenovich, was divorced from his grandmother at the age of 50, worked as a house manager in Kharkov, and died there at an old age.
Uncle - Boris Pavlovich Gradsky- mother’s brother, soloist of the Igor Moiseev ensemble, dancer, played the button accordion beautifully, composed plays for the button accordion, died in 2002.
Aunt - Irina Abramovna Sidorova (Fradkina), died in 2006 at the age of 84.
Second cousin - Ivan Egorovich Fradkin.
Cousin - Natalya Gradskaya.

Half-sister - Galina Ambrosovskaya.
Alexander Gradsky was married three times.
The first wife is Natalya Mikhailovna Gradskaya. He calls his first marriage a “youth act.”
The second is Anastasia Vertinskaya (actress). They were married from 1976 to 1980, although they separated in 1978.
Third wife - Olga Semyonovna Gradskaya (they were married from 1980 to 2003); two children from this marriage:
son Daniel Gradsky- (b. March 30, 1981) - businessman, musician;
daughter Maria Gradskaya - (b. January 14, 1986) - graduated from Moscow State University, TV presenter and art manager;
Since 2003, the actual wife is Marina Kotashenko (born November 22, 1980, in 2003 - a student at VGIK).
In September 2014, Alexander had a son, who was named Alexander.

Discography of Alexander Gradsky

1972 - How wonderful this world is (recorded 1971)
1973 - Alexander Gradsky sings (poems by R. Burns, N. Aseev, A. Gradsky, V. Sautkin to music by A. Gradsky, recording 1969-1972)
1974 - Romance about lovers (poems by N. Konchalovskaya, B. Okudzhava, A. Gradsky, N. Glazkov to music by A. Gradsky, recorded 1973)
1976 - Alexander Gradsky sings songs from the film “The Sun, the Sun Again” (recording 1976)
1977 - Alexander Gradsky sings songs from the film “My Love in the Third Year” (recording 1976)
1978 - Alexander Gradsky and the ensemble “Skomorokhi” (poems by R. Burns and A. Voznesensky to music by A. Gradsky, recording 1971-1974)
1979 - Alexander Gradsky sings (poems by R. Burns, N. Aseev, A. Gradsky, V. Sautkin to music by A. Gradsky, recording 1969-1972)
1979 - Only you trust me (poems and music by A. Gradsky, recording 1972)
1980 - Russian songs (vocal suite on Russian themes folk songs, music, poetry and arrangement by A. Gradsky, recording 1976-1978)
1980 - We can’t live without each other (recorded 1980)
1981 - Bird of Happiness (1980 recording)
1984 - Life itself (vocal suite to poems by Paul Eluard, music by A. Gradsky, recorded in 1981)
1985 - Stadium (rock opera in two acts and four scenes, libretto and poems by M. Pushkina and A. Gradsky, music by A. Gradsky, recording 1983-1985)
1986 - Star of the Fields (vocal suite based on poems by Nikolai Rubtsov, music by A. Gradsky, recorded in 1982)
1987 - Satires (vocal suite based on poems by Sasha Cherny, music by A. Gradsky, recorded in 1980)
1987 - Let's begin (music by A. Gradsky and D. Denver, lyrics by D. Denver and S. Tisdale, recording 1985-1986)
1987 - Utopia Alexandra Gradsky(vocal suite based on poems by R. Burns, P. Shelley, P. Beranger, music by A. Gradsky, recording 1979)

1987 - Reflections of a Jester (vocal suite based on poems by W. Shakespeare, R. Burns, N. Aseev, A. Voznesensky, A. Gradsky, V. Sautkin, music by A. Gradsky, recording 1971-1974)
1988 - Flute and piano (vocal suite to poems by V. Mayakovsky and B. Pasternak, music by A. Gradsky, recording 1983)
1988 - Nostalgia (vocal suite based on poems by Vladimir Nabokov, music by A. Gradsky, recorded in 1984)
1988 - Man (rock ballet, music by A. Gradsky, recording 1987)
1989 - Monte Cristo (poems and music by A. Gradsky, recording 1987)
1989 - Concert suite (poems and music by A. Gradsky, recorded 1979-1987)
1990 - Expedition (poems and music by A. Gradsky, recording 1990)
1991 - Metamorfhoses (recorded 1991)
1994 - Untimely songs (poems and music by A. Gradsky, recording 1990)
1994 - Fruits from the cemetery (poems and music by A. Gradsky, recording 1991)
1995 - The fruits from the cemetery
1996 - LIVE in “Russia” (recording on March 17, 1995 at the State Concert Hall “Russia”, Moscow)
1996 - Golden junk
1996 - Collection of Alexander Gradsky
1997 - Legends of Russian rock. Alexander Gradsky and the group “Skomorokhi”
2000 - LIVE in “Russia” - 2 (recorded on November 3, 1999 at the State Concert Hall “Russia”, Moscow)
2003 - Reader (verses by A. Gradsky, N. Oleinikov, D. Lennon, P. McCartney, V. Blake to the music of A. Gradsky, T. Weitz, A. Jackson, K. Brooks, D. Cook, R. Dunn, S. Wonder, recording 2003)
2003 - Songs for Ira (Poems by A. Gradsky, V. Blake, N. Oleinikov to music by A. Gradsky, A. Jackson, K. Brooks, D. Cook, R. Dunn, recording 2003)
2004 - LIVE in “Russia”-2. Anniversary video concert (recorded on November 3, 1999 at the Rossiya State Concert Hall, Moscow)
2009 - The Master and Margarita (rock opera in two acts and four scenes, libretto by A. Gradsky based on the novel by M. Bulgakov, poetry and music by A. Gradsky, recording 1979-2009)
2010 - LIVE in “Russia”. Anniversary video concert (recorded on March 17, 1995 at the Rossiya State Concert Hall, Moscow)
2010 - Anti-perestroika blues (recording of the 1990 concert film)
2011 - “Favorites” by Alexander Gradsky
2011 - Unformatted (poems and music by A. Gradsky, recorded 2010-2011)
2014 - Concert 2010 (recording on November 28, 2010 at Crocus City Hall, Moscow)
2014 - Romances (recorded 2010-2011)

Some songs from the repertoire of Alexander Gradsky

“Anti-perestroika blues” (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky)
“Cavaradossi’s Aria” (Recondita armonia...) (D. Puccini) from the opera “Tosca”
“Aria of Calaf” (D. Puccini) from the opera “Turandot”
“Jose’s Aria” (J. Bizet) from the opera “Carmen”
“The Ballad of the Fishing Village of Ayu” (Yu. Saulsky - E. Yevtushenko) from the film “The Sun, the Sun Again”
“God of Rock-N-Roll” (“Epitaph”, music and lyrics by A. Gradsky)
“There will be gentle rain” (lyrics by S. Tisdale, trans. L. Zhdanov)
“Waltz” (From this) (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky)
“Return” (lyrics by B. Okudzhava) from the film “Romance of Lovers”
“In the fields under the snow and rain” (lyrics by R. Burns, trans. S. Marshak)
“In your eyes” (lyrics by N. Rubtsov) from the vocal suite “Star of the Fields”
“I go out alone onto the road” (E. Shashina - M. Lermontov) Romance
“Shine, burn, my star” (P. Bulakhov - V. Chuevsky) Romance
“Let's get started” (music and lyrics by J. Denver) - Spanish. Alexander Gradsky (in English)
“Double” (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky)
“To the end, to the quiet cross” (lyrics by N. Rubtsov) from the vocal suite “Star of the Fields”
“Road” (lyrics by N. Rubtsov) from the vocal suite “Star of the Fields”
“Gioconda” (D. Tukhmanov - T. Sashko)
“Yellow House” (lyrics by S. Cherny) from the vocal suite “Satire”
“Once upon a time I was” (D. Tukhmanov - S. Kirsanov)
“Star of the Fields” (lyrics by N. Rubtsov) from the vocal suite of the same name
“Winter Morning” (lyrics by B. Pasternak)
“Winter Night” (“Melo, melo…”) (lyrics by B. Pasternak)
“How young we were” (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov) from the film “My Love in the Third Year”
“Lullaby” (lyrics by N. Konchalovskaya) from the film “Romance of Lovers”
“To Russia” (“Get rid of me, I beg you!”) (lyrics by V. Nabokov)
“Pressing my face to the glass...” (lyrics by P. Eluard)
“Lamentations” (lyrics by Sasha Cherny) from the vocal suite “Satire”
“Showers at the sea (blues)” (music by T. Waits, lyrics by A. Gradsky)
“Sleep, my beloved” (music by E. Kolmanovsky, lyrics by E. Yevtushenko)
“Love” (lyrics by B. Okudzhava) from the film “Romance of Lovers”
“I have dreamed of heights since childhood” (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov) from the film “Oh sport, you are the world!”
“Prayer” (lyrics by S. Cherny) from the vocal suite “Satire”
“Monologue of a loaf for 28 kopecks made from premium flour” (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky)
“We poured red wine (hit)” (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky)
“We didn’t expect changes” (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky)

“We can’t live without each other” (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov) from the film “Oh sport, you are the world!”
“Our old house” (lyrics by R. Burns, trans. S. Marshak)
“Don’t sing, beauty” (S. Rachmaninov - A. Pushkin) Romance
“Nobody’s” (Yu. Saulsky - E. Yevtushenko) from the film “The Sun, the Sun Again”
“Nothing in Pole” (Russian folk)
“Night song of a drunkard” (lyrics by Sasha Cherny) from the vocal suite “Satire”
“Night” (lyrics by N. Rubtsov) from the vocal suite “Star of the Fields”
“Situation” (“My son is roaring. Beaten for a D+…”) (lyrics by Sasha Cherny) from the vocal suite “Satire”
“About Dogs” (lyrics by N. Rubtsov) from the vocal suite “Star of the Fields”
“In Memory of the Poet” (about V. S. Vysotsky) (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky)
“Song of the Duke” (G. Verdi) from the opera “Rigoletto”
“Song of Dolphins” (Yu. Saulsky - E. Yevtushenko) from the film “The Sun, the Sun Again”
“Song about a friend” (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky)
“Song of Friendship” (lyrics by B. Okudzhava) from the film “Romance of Lovers”
“Song of Gold” (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky) from the film “The Prisoner of the Chateau d’If”
“Song about the ship” or “Grandfather’s boat” (E. Artemyev - N. Konchalovskaya) from the film “One among strangers, a stranger among one’s own”
“Song about the Mother” (lyrics by N. Konchalovskaya) from the film “Romance of Lovers”
“Song about the Pendulum” (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky) from the film “In August 44th...”
“Song of Freedom” (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky) from the film “The Prisoner of the Chateau d’If”
“Song about the “crazy”” (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky) from the film “The Prisoner of the Chateau d'If”
“Song of Monte Cristo” (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky) from the film “The Prisoner of the Chateau d’If”
“Farewell” (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky) from the film “The Prisoner of the Chateau d’If”
“Song of Birds” (lyrics by N. Glazkov) from the film “Romance of Lovers”
“Song of Conscience” (Yu. Saulsky - E. Yevtushenko) from the film “The Sun, the Sun Again”
“A song similar to all songs” (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky)
“The Jester’s Song” (lyrics by R. Burns, trans. S. Marshak)
“The Coal Miner’s Girlfriend” (lyrics by R. Burns, trans. S. Marshak)
“On the quiet” (“I want to take a break from satire”) (lyrics by Sasha Cherny) from the vocal suite “Satire”
“Descendants” (lyrics by Sasha Cherny) from the vocal suite “Satire”
"Santa Lucia" (G. Cottro) Neapolitan song
“Blue Forest” (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky)
“Buffoons” (lyrics by V. Sautkin)
“Sonnet” (E. Krylatov - A. Gradsky)
“Sportivnaya” - a song about the Olympics in Sochi 2014
“Theater” (lyrics by S. Cherny) from the vocal suite “Satire”
“There are meetings only once in life” (B. Fomin - P. German) Romance
"Just trust me"
“Photo with you and me (rock ballad)” (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky)
“Southern Farewell” (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky)
“I am Goya” (lyrics by A. Voznesensky)

“Furious Construction Squad” (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov) from the film “My Love in the Third Year”
“I will die in the Epiphany frosts” (lyrics by N. Rubtsov) from the vocal suite “Star of the Fields”
“Closing the circle” (K. Kelmi - M. Pushkin) - Spanish. in a group of rock musicians (Chris Kelmi, Yuri Gorkov, Konstantin Nikolsky, Alexander Sitkovetsky, Vitaly Dubinin, Sergey Minaev, Hovhannes Melik-Pashaev, Andrey Makarevich, Alexander Monin, Grigory Bezugly, Evgeny Margulis, Marina Kapuro, Pavel Smeyan, Zhanna Aguzarova, Anatoly Aleshin, Andrey Davidyan, Valery Syutkin, Yuri Davydov, Alexander Ivanov, Alexander Kutikov, Dmitry Varshavsky, Arthur Berkut)

Rock operas by Alexander Gradsky

1967-1969 - Tsokotukha Fly
1973-1985 - Stadium
1979-2009 - The Master and Margarita

Ballets by Alexander Gradsky

1985-1988 - “Man”
1987-1990 - “Rasputin”
1988-1990 - “Jewish Ballad”

Filmography of Alexander Gradsky

Roles in the films of Alexander Gradsky

1972 - Courtesy visit

1979 - Tuning fork
1985 - Stained glass master
1991 - Genius
2000 - Gangster Petersburg. Film 1. Baron

Vocal parts of Alexander Gradsky

1974 - One among strangers, a stranger among one's own
1974 - Romance about lovers
1975 - Concerto for two violins
1976 - Sun, sun again
1976 - Songs under the clouds
1976 - My love in the third year
1976 - Blue Puppy (cartoon) - vocals of the Sailor, Sawfish

1978 - Let's talk, brother...
1979 - Don’t part with your loved ones
1980 - Oh sport, you are the world!
1986 - The Life of Klim Samgin
1988 - Pass (cartoon)
1989 - Prisoner of the Chateau d'If

2000 - In August '44...

Composer filmography of Alexander Gradsky

1974 - Romance about lovers
1976 - Sun, sun again
1977 - The Legend of the Old Lighthouse (cartoon)
1977 - The Princess and the Ogre (cartoon)
1978 - Let's talk, brother...
1978 - Catch the Wind (cartoon)
1978 - Diamond Trail
1979 - Tuning fork
1979 - Hunt
1985 - The investigation is conducted by the Experts. Fire
1986 - In one single life
1988 - Pass (cartoon)
1989 - Prisoner of the Chateau d'If
1989 - Rock and Fortune
1989 - The art of living in Odessa
1989 - Stereotypes (cartoon)
2000 - In August '44...
Heirs of Prometheus (TV)