Yulia Sanina's group. The Hardkiss soloist Yulia Sanina: My husband is the best nanny in the world."

December 18, 2013, 20:51

Futuristic Yulia Sanina. That's exactly how I see her. Each of her images is unique, with its own edges and lines. Undoubtedly, she is different everywhere, and it is not the image that adorns her, but she - him.

I suggest you look at a photo selection of Yulia’s bright, amazing outfits.

Here's what Julia says in an interview about her outfits, fashion and style:

You have achieved the impossible: you are the only artists in Ukraine who manage to look bright, but not vulgar. Do you come up with the images yourself or leave it to the hands of stylists?

We work with the unique guys Slava Chaika and Vitalik Datsyuk, who come up with all our images. Art has very fine edges, here everyone should do what they are truly talented at. Therefore, the roles in The HARDKISS team are clearly distributed.

How do you dress in real life?

In life I prefer comfortable clothes, simple but tasteful. I try on a huge number of images on stage and filming, so behind the scenes I need to relax and focus on music, poetry, rehearsals, etc. Among designers, I have always admired the work of Alexander MC Queen, Vivienne Westwood, Gareth Pugh. And the brands that I wear with pleasure Everyday life- Diesel, H&M, Topshop.

As you know, fashion is changeable, but style is a constant. Either he is, or he is not. What's your recipe for perfect style?

Do not try to stand out in any way; most often this leads to bad taste. Clothes should suit your face.

From an interview with Slava Chaika (stylist Julia)

How did your work as a stylist begin? How long have you been doing this?

It’s hard to say why exactly, because I started drawing from the cradle - I painted my room, the walls of the courtyards, the school! Then, I wanted to draw on a living body, and without realizing it (in those years no one knew the correct name for such an activity, there was nothing like this in our country), I started doing body art! Thanks to him, I created a project with models who, with the help of choreography, showed in their performances what was inside me! Body art is about scale, therefore, for complete accuracy of the conveyed image, all my thoughts and efforts also went into selecting accessories, and even sewing some items of clothing!

Then, somehow very quickly the desire to do make-up came. I wanted to do this so much that at the same time I suffered a lot - due to the lack of finances of my parents, who at that time sent me to a medical college to become a dentist, in the hope that something good would come of it... But my desire did not subside, and since I always, through my own efforts, picked up what fascinated me, I also practiced in make-up for 5 years without stops and restrictions. Later, when I came to my senses, I realized that all this still lacked a certain aesthetics and grammar. Then I decided that I needed a teacher, and for a long time I could not choose a teacher for myself - at that time, as a more successful teenager, the successful personalities of the city of Kharkov did not like me, and I decided that it was not worth studying here and left for Dnepropetrovsk. There I found Elena Yudina, a talented teacher, who once said in front of all her students: “Chaika, I also have something to learn from you.” She was very worried about me, even talked with my mother, helping us find understanding among ourselves. And the style overtook me on its own. It is thanks to stylistics that I now clearly understand what is possible and what is not, it’s like a separate mind in which a different pattern operates.

Who was (or is) a role model, teacher or idol in your work and why?

In fact, for me it is very personal to name the name of an idol :) Because for a huge part of my life I looked up to this person in habits, views and even self-esteem! Until my very opinion and habit of being myself grew and didn’t let you know! This is a singer who was more popular in the 90s. Her music then gave me a reason to consider myself special, to realize that I am individual, and in adolescence this is a great balm for the heart :) Then I loved to be somewhere in nature, in the forest, and painted landscapes in watercolors when her songs sounded in the player . I was impressed by a certain mystery of my heroine, the presentation of her thoughts, just watching her was already a pleasure.

But this is Julia in everyday life.

“she’s beautiful... no, that’s not it, I’ve seen a lot of nice women. Nobody! Do you hear? Nobody... can compete with her...”

Perhaps a little pretentious, but these are the lines that come to mind when talking about Yulia Sanina.

(I remind you that everything except excerpts from the interview is a purely personal opinion).

Have a nice evening everyone, dear gossips)))

    Yulia Sanina- Ukrainian singer of the Ukrainian English-language group The Hardkiss, songwriter.

    Real name is Yulia Golovan.

    Julia started singing on stage at the age of 3 accompanied by an ensemble led by his father.

    In 2005, Yulia graduated from the Children's Music School of Jazz and Pop Art.

    To date, Yulia Sanina has 10 victories and laureate diplomas.

    Personal life

    In September 2011, 18-year-old Yulia met a music producer Valeria Bebko and creates a duet with him Val amp; Sania.

    This duet is not only on stage, but also in life - this couple is husband and wife.

    On November 21, 2015, the couple had a son, who was named Denmark., which Julia shared on her Instagram.

    Julia with her husband

    Yulia Sanina real name Yulia Golovan - born October 11, 1990 in Kyiv. She is a Ukrainian singer, lead singer of the Ukrainian English-language group The Hardkiss, author of many lyrics and music.

    Biography. Julia was born into a family of musicians. At the age of three, the girl sang on stage for the first time, accompanied by an ensemble, which was led by her father. Later, Yulia had to sing various music in children's show groups, in solo performances, and as part of a jazz big band.

    At the beginning of June 2013, Sanina completed her master's degree in the Faculty of Philology at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev.

    Personal life. The girl is married to Valery Bebko, who is the creative producer of the group The Hardkiss.

    Julia on this moment 26 years old, she is young and popular.

    For several years now, Julia has been working in the group The Hardkiss, but more recently the guys gained popularity, their performance at the Eurovision selection helped them with this, the group did not take first place, but they were noticed and appreciated.

    Julia herself began singing from childhood, and no wonder, because she was born into a family of musicians and took all the best from her parents.

    Now Yulia can be seen on the jury of the popular show X Factor; her participant did not win, but they reached the super final.

    In the singer’s personal life, everything is fine, she is married to her bandmate Valery (Val), they are raising a son named Daniil.

    Yulia Sanina was born in Kyiv in 1990. The real name of the singer is Yulia Golovan.

    She was born into a family of artists, so from childhood she was drawn to music.

    The girl is known for being a Ukrainian singer, the lead singer of the group The Hardkiss and a member of the jury of the Ukrainian television show X-factor season 7.

    At one time the girl wanted to become a journalist, but a meeting with a music producer completely changed her life plans. Now Yulia Sanina has become a famous Ukrainian singer and a member of the jury in the popular music show on the STB channel X-Factor.

    Yulia is married and has a son named Danil.

I won’t surprise anyone if I confess: when I went for the interview, I was preparing to meet the artists, at least in the uniform of space tourists, and write stories into a voice recorder in the spirit of Zhanna Aguzarova. The musicians came to the meeting minute by minute - a fragile brunette in a leather vest and a tall, fathom-shouldered, bearded man named Val. The guys drank coffee and lamented the fact that one of the fans managed to photograph them together during the winter holidays in Lviv. The couple keeps their relationship strictly secret, and a serious scandal erupted around the wedding photos that someone posted on the Internet, and the pictures were removed from the World Wide Web. Viva! became the first to receive meaningful answers to questions about the personal lives of members of an English-speaking Ukrainian group, instead of the stingy “we don’t comment.” We managed to find out how the most extraordinary couple in Russian show business lives outside of flashy scenery and gothic stage costumes.

- This is news - you really are a couple! How long have you been hiding this?

Val: Five years.

Julia: We have been together for five years and have been working in the group The Hardkiss for three years. I didn’t sign a contract with Sister Siren, I left the group of my own free will because I didn’t see any creative prospects. At the time I met Val, I was studying at the Institute of Philology and was interested in journalism. I came to him for an interview; he worked as a broadcast producer at MTV. That tape recording of our first conversation is a family heirloom! Now, when I listen to it again, I laugh - I went out of my way, flirted, he was shy.

V.: You were flirting, but I wasn’t shy.

Yu: I was shy!

V.: Okay, then I’ll voice my version of the acquaintance. I was going on a date with another girl, I scheduled the interview an hour before the meeting. I hoped that I would have time to do everything, and then the conversation dragged on for four hours. But at first glance I realized that Julia was my man!

- Julia, did you also immediately feel that Val was your man?

Yu.: I immediately realized that Val is one in a million, and I’m unlikely to meet another person like him. When I returned home without taking off my shoes, I collapsed on the sofa in my down jacket and burst into tears. Mom was scared, and I sobbed and wailed: “I met such a guy, such a guy!” He was unlike anyone I knew, and I was looking forward to meeting again - after the interview, Val invited me to his home to listen to music.

- Do you often go to visit guys you don’t know well to listen to music?

Yu: No! When we met, I was a child. At 18, I didn’t date guys, I had no relationship experience, I’d never even kissed! Of course, I suffered from this. (Blush) But Vala accepted the invitation. He said that I should not be afraid of him, that we would not be alone at home - there would be a mother and a small dog. It sounded so sincere and not at all vulgar. He also promised to introduce me to the music he listens to and composes.

V.: And with the dog!

Yu: We really listened to music and watched movies. A week later he invited me to Christmas dinner and introduced me to his family.

- Do you invite all the girls to a family dinner?

V.: No, of course. But Julia was the first girl who combined intelligence, beauty and talent at the same time.

Yu.: Did I hear right?! To be honest, today I’m surprised how he even paid attention to that 18-year-old girl Yulia with the stupid bangs.

V.: A brunette with bangs in a hat with earflaps and shiny shadows - ah-ah! Visually, I didn’t like Julia.

Yu.: I’m starting to recognize Val: the habit of telling a person about his shortcomings to his face has not gone away. A brutal type, not spoiled by sincerity and warmth. It was terribly unpleasant for me to listen to what types of girls he liked and what types he didn’t. He found fault with my appearance and clothes. (By the way, I grew bangs during the first six months of our relationship; I’m really better off without them.) And he constantly insisted to me that a woman’s mission is to please a man, look after him, and never argue with him.

- Val, Bluebeard is not your middle name by any chance?

V.: (Laughs) Despite her appearance, in Yulia I found those qualities that I could not find in others - sincerity, purity, naivety.

Yu.: I have always been a good and exemplary girl. My parents didn’t control me, but they knew where I was and what I was doing. I have never found myself in bad company or bad stories. At school, I looked at the cool guys who skipped school and clown around in class, but they never paid attention to me. I silently suffered from being too correct. Positive guys looked after me, looked at me with puppy dog ​​eyes, this stressed and irritated me. In short, until the age of 18, my personal life sagged. And then a meeting with Val. He asks for a date, a week later introduces him to his parents, and after a gala dinner he suddenly announces: “We can’t meet anymore, my vacation is ending, I have to work tomorrow...” The world turned upside down for a moment, and he smiled and asked: “So , we are dating?"

- What is your age difference?

V.: Six years. When I proposed to Yulia, I was 25 and she was 19.

- How long have you dated before this?

Yu.: Val proposed to me six months after they met, but I spent another year and a half as a bride. After six months of relationship, he realized that no one but me would tolerate his character. And I, due to my inexperience and devotion, will be able to do this throughout my life.

V.: We quarreled almost every day. Yulia suffered, suffered and cried, and I became convinced that she was my person. Even when I bought the engagement ring, we didn't talk. I invited her on a date, it was in Podol, and proposed marriage. In my heart I had no doubt that the answer would be positive.

Yu.: I answered “yes” and never regretted it. Although at every quarrel I wanted to flare up: “! It’s all over!”, and already with the ring on her finger, she threw out phrases: “I changed my mind!” But he didn’t even raise an eyebrow.

V.: Because I’m older, more experienced and wiser.

- Julia, what does “heavy artillery” look like in your performance during a quarrel?

Yu.: I go out for a long walk.

- Is it weak to go to your mother?

Yu.: Not weakly, she left, slamming the door. He then came to ask for forgiveness, although a day later. Then he was afraid that he might lose me. He even dragged a teddy bear under his arm.

V.: There were only bears in the pedestrian crossing.

Yu.: I’ll ignore this. You also hid a toy elf in the mailbox.

- Val, how do you show character?

V.: I’m calmly nervous. If I raise my voice, it’s involuntarily.

Yu.: He realized that the biggest set-up for me was to ignore my desire to quarrel. But I don’t give up, I hope that one day he will remember all the important dates for me and give gifts.

V.: I hate holidays, because you have to artificially rejoice, but I don’t want to. Choosing gifts is a punishment for me. Julia loves the holidays, she adores all this chaos with gifts. So a holiday in our family is always another wonderful reason for a quarrel. What saves us is that on such days we have a concert, and sometimes two.

Y.: For five years he spoiled every New Year, started whining three days “before.” Last year I made an exception - I practically didn’t whine, I even delivered the gift on time.

- Val, a wedding is a holiday, which means it’s a great reason for a scandal?

V.: A wedding is not a holiday, it’s just a stamp in a passport.

- Why did you put it there then?

Yu.: Because they don’t get married without a stamp in the passport.

V.: The wedding was important to us.

-Are you believers?

Yu.: Without fanaticism. But we have a confessor who said that we cannot get married without painting... Ok!

V.: It was a farce!

Yu.: I bought a short white dress and a veil, took some kind of shot bouquet. Val dressed up in a suit. Hanging with cameras (we decided to remove the painting ourselves) we went to the registry office. The auntie at the registration desk was warped when she saw two eccentrics, strangely dressed, hung with cameras from head to toe. We laughed all the time, while the other couples remained pompously silent, and their guests mourned and wiped away tears of emotion. After painting, we went to take photos, but fell asleep on the way, and when we arrived, it was already dark. Then we went to the cinema, the only showing we had time for was the horror film “Final Destination”. You can imagine the picture: everything is collapsing on the screen, and the newlyweds are in the kissing areas.

- How did your parents react to your idea? Didn’t they really cry out: guys, when will you finally grow up?

Yu.: A wedding is important for whom? For parents, grandparents. We played it for them after the painting. It was important for us to get married, which we did later in a small circle. I am a folklorist by profession, and my close friend, who was our witness at our wedding, decorated everything in an authentic style.

V.: As for our parents, they haven’t given us advice for a long time.

- And they don’t push children?

V.: No. But I won't answer this question. I don’t like to make plans and talk about things that don’t exist yet.

Yu.: We are only thinking about children for now, but not planning.

- Not everyone knows that you are together. Julia, do your fans often ask you to get married?

Yu.: Fans bombard me with compliments on Facebook, but I have this rule: if I understand from a message that a person is counting on something more, I won’t even open the letter, let him think that I just didn’t see his message. I was invited many times to various brides festivals, but I always tactfully refused. In general, I was lucky: no one has ever made any obscene, vulgar proposals to me, perhaps because my image is not vulgar. I didn’t expose myself for men’s magazines, although there were offers.

V.: And if a girl hits on me on Facebook, I immediately delete her. Yesterday, five people wrote to me - both girls and boys. (to Yulia) Just don’t make those eyes! What century are we living in? We used to have a trick: when they asked about my personal life, I said that I was sleeping with Kreechy (drummer of The HARDKISS. - Note Viva!)

-Are there famous people among your fans?

Y.: Yes, Massive Attack, . Lambert said that he would like to work with our stylist, and on his Twitter he quoted lines from our composition Make Up. The PR person at a closed party came up to introduce himself.

- Your head isn't spinning?

Yu.: (Smiles) Val helped me cope with dizziness, he is still a pessimist.

V.: My motto is: everything is bad. So there is no need to rejoice in good moments, they tend to end.

Yu.: And I like to rejoice in good moments, but I rejoice carefully and not prematurely, so as not to be disappointed. In the case of Rihanna's PR person. Of course, it’s wonderful that he met us, but... He is an ordinary person and tomorrow he may not remember us, because he has his own life.

- What do you spend your fees from concerts on?

Yu.: We invest them in The HARDKISS, because we have everything to be happy. We are Kiev residents - the apartment issue has been resolved. Expensive cars are not interesting. Diamonds do not evoke any emotions; my only jewelry is a wedding ring and a silver cross from Jerusalem. Vases, carpets, and other branded rubbish are not exciting at all. What people spend money on is not clear to us and does not make us happy. For the New Year we bought ourselves a PlayStation console, played it - it was a blast!

Listen, when I asked Elka why she was a “Christmas tree,” she sent me to Google. Can you find out from the source why you are The HARDKISS?

V.: The HARDKISS group was born from the Val & Sanina project. I knew that Julia sang, but I had never heard it. We vacationed together in Egypt, at that time we had already been in a relationship for a year. We were sunbathing on the beach, Yulia was listening to something on the player, I asked for headphones - it turned out that my girlfriend has an amazing voice!

Yu.: I also didn’t know that you play guitar and synthesizer.

V.: I suggested doing a joint musical project - Val & Sanina. It got off to a good start, but we understood that we were doing the wrong thing at all - pop, and in Russian too. We decided to add “heaviness” and make English-language texts, change the image and name. I proposed to Yulia: I’m leaving television and working exclusively with our group, let’s switch to austerity. If for three years this does not give any result, we will consider that we spent three years enjoying ourselves. And we return to ordinary, uncreative professions.

- Did you have to save a lot?

Yu.: We saved, of course. I was a student and received an increased scholarship.

V.: Yes, yes, we shot our first video with Yulina’s scholarship. To raise money for the second video, we decided to get married. (Laughs) In fact, we wrote the lyrics and music ourselves; there were many enthusiasts who voluntarily agreed to help with filming videos, costumes, and promoting our group. By nature, we are homebodies and are always in search of the perfect sound and picture.

- But besides music, are there other activities that you like to do together?

Yu.: Walk around Kyiv, drink morning coffee in some cozy cafe. You see, we’re just very lucky - we have a job we love. We are not a production project, we are our own bosses and are always busy with our work.

V.: Yesterday I watched “live” concerts until the morning.

- Okay, what would you like to learn?

Yu.: I study folklore and dream of making a documentary about our group.

V.: And I independently made a mask for Kreechy by modeling.

Yu.: I’m also interested in drawing, although I’m only sketching for now, but I can do it.

V.: Yes, yes, I actually managed to do this in the third grade. (Laughs)

Yu.: I want to learn how to cook haute cuisine.

- Who's cooking now?

Yu.: Multicooker.

V.: Microwave and grill. (Laugh)

- Do you have common friends? And in general, do they exist?

V.: I don’t feel an urgent need to communicate with people. I realized this back in kindergarten, when I went out into the yard for a walk, saw children playing Easter eggs, and I was not interested in them. Not much has changed since then.

Yu.: I was also a home child. I have always had few friends. Scrolling through Instagram, I sometimes think: “Should I “friend” this girl, is she from my circle?” This is where it all ends - I break it off: I will not seek friendship with anyone, I will be friends with Val. He has a couple of friends for whom he can never find time, and over time they became mine.

In the film “The Diary of His Wife,” Andrei Smirnov’s hero, writer Ivan Bunin, says a wonderful phrase: “If you already love a woman, then you love her completely - with all her hysterics and fat thighs.” Today do you share his opinion or are you still trying to change Yulia?

V.: You know, I initially had big plans for Yulia, plans for the rest of my life. I only make offensive remarks to people I truly love. Our endless quarrels and disagreements are evidence that we are not indifferent to each other. Otherwise, they would have fled long ago - why bother? And so we quarreled and continued to hold each other tightly.

Yu.: We always have something to talk about and remain silent about.

V.: And quarrel... I like to watch foreign music channels, I love the music of the 90s, Yulia does not recognize it.

Yu.: Val has read the only book in his life - “The Wizard of the Emerald City”, and does not bother about it. And for me the book is best gift. When Val plays 90s music, which I hate, I start slurping loudly, banging my fingers on the table, scratching myself...

V.: ...talk on a mobile phone and drink tea. And I get hysterical.

- Julia is teasing you, but what if we are talking about strangers?

V.: I get up and leave. I feel embarrassed to make a remark to a person, to send him away. And then, why? He won't even understand that anything is wrong.

Yu.: When we accept new people into the group, Val always conducts conversations and tells us what habits it is better not to demonstrate.

V.: In general, we are very exemplary. We never send anyone away, we don’t drink before or after concerts.

Yu.: We have friends who told us how they relaxed after the concert - they trashed their hotel room. I don’t understand why this is - concerts take all my energy.

Ilya Lagutenko also said that after a concert, real artists not only do not destroy hotel rooms, but also do not have sex.

V.: But this is not true, Ilya was just unlucky to find a partner in his group!

Irina Tatarenko

Yulia Sanina, whose real name is Yulia Golovan, is a Ukrainian singer, known as the lead singer of the English-language group “The Hardkiss”.

She was born in Kyiv into a family of professional musicians. At the age of three, the girl already appeared on stage and sang as a soloist of the ensemble led by her father. Later, Yulia began studying at music school in the class of jazz and pop art, and at the same time performed with various children's and adult groups, including the youth jazz band "Sister Siren", and sometimes solo.

During her studies, Yulia repeatedly became a laureate music competitions, among which were the television competition “Krok do zirok 2001” (“Step to the stars”), the festival “Christ in my heart”, international festivals“Youth World 2001”, held in Hungary, and “Slavic Bazaar 2002”. At the age of 16, Yulia reached the finals of the television competition “I Want to Be a Star.”

After receiving her matriculation certificate, the girl went for higher education, but for this I chose a completely non-musical profile. Yulia entered Faculty of Philology Kievsky national university named after, which she graduated in 2013 with a master's degree in folklore.

During her studies, Sanina became interested in journalism and wanted to develop in this direction, but a new acquaintance with a music producer changed her life. Even before graduating from university, Julia was already a famous performer.

In 2016, Sanina’s popularity in Ukraine rose to even greater heights, as the singer became a member of the jury of the seventh season of the mega-rated talent show “X-Factor” on the STB channel.

Together with Yulia, the judges of the competition were, and. The Ukrainian band Detach, the Ukrainian band Detach, frontwoman of “The Hardkiss”, reached the super final of the TV show. The winner of the competition was a singer from Yerevan, whose mentor he was. The Mountain Breeze Band, supported by Andrey Danilko, received third place.


Yulia Sanina was 18 years old when she met music producer of the MTV channel Valery Bebko. The young people organized the Russian-language pop duet “Val & Sania” and recorded several compositions, including a cover version of the famous Soviet hit “Love Has Come.” So it began creative biography singers.

After some time, the musicians renamed themselves to the duo “The Hardkiss” and began to sing in English language, and mostly their own hits. The name of the updated ensemble was chosen by voting among subscribers " Facebook"Valeria and Yulia. Titles included "The Hardkiss", "Planet of the Pony". In the comments to the demo version of the first hit, friends of the band members noted that only the first title conveys the essence of the music.

In a short time, a video was shot for the song “Babylon”, which was included in the rotation of the music channel “M1”, and the first concert took place in the entertainment club “Serebro”.

In the fall of 2011, The Hardkiss acted as the opening act for the British group Hurts and DJ Solange Knowles, and were also nominated as the best Ukrainian musical project at the MTV Awards. At the end of the first year of work, the video for the hit “Dance with me” was aired on the Russian channels MUZ-TV and MTV. Soon the artists set off to conquer Europe, performing a concert in France at the Midem music festival.

In 2012, the group begins to collect its first awards. Yulia and Valery became MTV EMA nominees, then received the “Discovery of the Year” award from the All-Ukrainian annual competition “Brand of the Year”, and performed at the Teletriumph award ceremony.

But the main victory awaited the musicians at the YUNA national award ceremony, where the group “The Hardkiss” received two statuettes in the categories “Discovery of the Year” and “Best Video Clip”. The second award went to the musicians for the video “Make-Up”, which, according to established tradition, was directed by Valery Bebko. The first contract appears with an international brand - the Sony BMG label.

Gradually the group's popularity gained momentum. The compositions “Part of Me”, “Brazilian Fire” and the song “So little here for you”, jointly with the legendary Ukrainian rock band “Druga Rika”, contributed to the fact that almost all lovers of modern music started talking about Yulia Sanina.

In 2014, The Hardkiss released their debut studio album, Stones and Honey, followed by the Cold Altair EP and a number of new singles, such as Helpless and Perfection.

Artists use the Internet to promote the group. In 2014, Julia started a video hosting service YouTube channel, where she began releasing videos dedicated to the behind-the-scenes work of the group. In 2015, the artists gave their first online concert in “ In contact with", which was broadcast from the Kyiv headquarters social network.

In 2016, the group “The Hardkiss” became a participant in the national selection of the Eurovision Song Contest. During the voting, the judges gave preference to Yulia and Valery, and the audience noted the performance, which became the winner of the competition.

Personal life

As it turned out later, the singer met not only the creative producer and guitarist of the group “The Hardkiss,” but also her future husband. The young people hid their relationship for five years, although Yulia Sanina and Valery Bebko got married two years after they met. The wedding celebration was decorated in Ukrainian authentic style.

By the way, Julia takes her image very seriously. Since the members of the “The Hardkiss” team always look more than impressive and shocking, they have to collaborate with the best fashion designers from their compatriots, for example, Slava Chaika and Vitaly Datsyuk.

Yulia Sanina considers herself a workaholic and cannot for a long time be on vacation. The maximum vacation that the artist allows herself is five days on a European excursion tour. But not longer, otherwise the girl begins to feel blue and think that she is wasting her time.

On November 21, 2015, Julia and Valery had a son, who was named Danil. But even the birth of the baby could not tear the young mother away from her favorite work, and now the artist manages to combine childcare and recording new hits. Danil becomes a frequent subject of Yulia’s photos, which the singer posts on her account in “ Instagram" Fans note how quickly the baby is growing.

Yulia Sanina now

The success of Yulia Sanina and the group “The Hardkiss” continues to be confirmed by new awards and the love of listeners. In 2017, the musical group received the national YUNA award in the category “Best Rock Band of Ukraine,” and the M1 Music Awards TV channel recognized the musicians’ work with an award in the category “Best Alternative Project of 2016 and 2017.” The singer also tried herself as a voice actress. Smurfette spoke in her voice in the Ukrainian version of the dubbing of the animated film “The Smurfs: The Lost Village.”

In 2018, the group “The Hardkiss” will be nominated for the YUNA Award in several categories: “ Best Song in Ukrainian", "Best Song of the Year" and " Best Album" As competitive musical compositions, the participants of “The Hardkiss” nominated new hits “Antarctica” and “Cranes” from the latest album “Perfection Is A Lie”.


  • 2014 - “Stones and Honey”
  • 2015 - “Cold Altair”
  • 2017 - “Perfection is a Lie”

Smiles: “Val is an amazing father, the only person to whom I entrusted the child in the first two months after his birth.” Our conversation is about motherhood, competition in the musical environment, the consequences of the Eurovision competition and the complex of an excellent student.

Julia, how do you feel in the judge's chair? It’s so responsible: to make a decision on which someone’s fate depends.

This is a very heavy burden! It's actually not easy to find the right words to explain your decision to people. We don’t just make a verdict: yes or no, but we try to give advice. Sometimes he can sound quite categorical: “You shouldn’t make music in principle.” You have to hurt people to understand that they have no future in music. But it's better to be honest about it.

Experienced people gathered at the judge's table, such as Konstantin Meladze and, and people whose work is now modern and relevant - artists from the groups The Hardkiss and Agon. It’s difficult to judge, but this is very necessary work, especially now, when Ukraine needs new artists.

- Don’t you look at them as potential competitors?

No. We have a big country, many concert venues and a big shortage of artists. We are a festival group and tour a lot. And when we see the same faces at festivals, it starts to become boring. Even for ourselves, due to the lack of competition, the incentive to look for something new and move forward disappears. It's very relaxing. Therefore, the more quality artists there are, the more confident Ukraine will be ahead of the planet in music.

Most recently, The Hardkiss were themselves contestants. I mean the Eurovision selection. Are you used to this role?

I participated a lot in children's competitions and festivals. Then I developed as a musician, searched for myself, and studied. It was very good school, tempering the spirit. From a daisy girl, a tender bud, I turned into a fighter. Without these qualities, it is impossible in show business, as in any business. Then I stopped competing, and the Eurovision selection became my first adult competition. It was then that it became clear that I had lost my competitive acumen. I had a million moments when I wanted to give up and give up everything, because it was a lot of anxiety and nerves. And they are baseless. After all, whether you win or just make it to the big Eurovision, this does not guarantee a long artistic life. Still, the most important thing is your current work, songs, videos, your musicians. The competition doesn't solve anything. The light didn't hit him like a wedge.

- Did you worry alone or together with the musicians? Was Valera nervous?

Val is generally alien to experiences of this nature - he clearly understands that this is just a stage that can either be overcome or not. He was calm and reassured me. Now I shrug my shoulders: “So what?”

- It seems to me that over time, many events in life cause a similar reaction.

Now I understand that you definitely shouldn’t worry about competitions. If this is your day, your competition, then it will give you something in life, it will be yours. If the day is not yours, you need to accept it. In general, despite the fact that we did not go to Stockholm, we still gained a lot: we had a new audience.

Julia, you have a very expressive stage image. I’ll assume that in ordinary life you hardly look like this. It seems to me that it is difficult to recognize you on the street.

It's true, on stage and in life they are absolutely two different people. As an actress, in everyday life I take a break from images, fill myself up like a sponge, absorb, rather than give myself away.

What are you inspired by, what do you absorb? Do you walk the streets, look at people, observe the mise-en-scène, travel? What does the nutrient medium for the sponge named Julia consist of?

At the moment my inspiration is my family. I spend all my free time with my son Danya, he is my main source of joy and creativity. I have written many songs, the meaning of which boils down to “when you grow up, I will show you...” I’m already thinking about what he will be like when he grows up, what he will become, what I would like to tell him about...

I see you are a man of perspective. Are you already thinking about what your son, who is not even one year old, will become?

(Smiles) I don't think twice about it. I'm curious, I'm just wondering. These are thoughts out loud.

- And daily joy is the first smile, the first “aha.” Do you document this somehow?

Of course, everything happens the same as with all normal parents. Valera, for example, does not part with her camera. I joke: “Your son gives you an incentive to take up photography more often.” Val takes photographs every minute. And I write down more of our achievements in my diary: Danya is already sitting, crawling, saying “be-be-be”... For me, this is such happiness, as if he had flown into space. Such pride! At the same time, I understand that with the birth of my child I became more vulnerable, vulnerable, and sentimental.

- Dana is lucky - he has very young parents.

Yes, I really wanted to become a mother no later than 25 years old. Because there is a slight difference between my parents and me, they are very young, and I am very friendly with them. I like it when you are a child's friend. There is no big generation gap: you use the same gadgets, speak the same language, you understand each other. It is important when there is a feeling of a friendly parental shoulder. This is very cool.

- Yes, and the child’s grandparents are not old.

Exactly! This is another bonus.

It is believed that for the harmonious and happy development of a child, it is necessary that he be surrounded by at least two generations - parents and grandparents.

Then, I hope Danya is very “organic” and happy, since absolutely everyone babysits him! We even have a fight for his attention. The long-awaited grandson (smiles).

- How was your pregnancy? Did you work or switched to a gentle regime?

I worked until the seventh month because I felt good, I had no contraindications, the doctors allowed me to sing, and I received a positive charge of emotions from this. I performed at festivals, and we traveled all over Ukraine with concerts. Then I was preparing to become a mother, and a quiet period of vacation began. But even here I couldn’t bear it and for my 25th birthday I made a mini-apartment. I sang and felt that my son liked it - he danced with me... in his tummy. It seems to me that if something was wrong, I would have felt it. Danechka loves music very much now and recognizes our songs. He really likes it when I sing.

- In what language? After all, your repertoire mainly consists of English-language songs?

I sing on different languages, but my signature one is “The Bear’s Lullaby” from the cartoon “Umka”. I like her very much.

- What functions does a father have, besides photographing his son every hour?

Val is the best assistant, the best nanny in the world! For the first two months, I didn’t let anyone hold my son. It seemed to me that he was so small and fragile. The only exception was Valera. In everything that concerns the child, I trust him more than myself. He is very neat, calm and balanced. And he can do absolutely everything: feed, change diapers, entertain, bathe, put to bed.

Are you progressive parents? Dynamic gymnastics, scuba diving, early development... Do you practice similar things?

We're not into this. It is still too early to delve into all sorts of aspects - the psychology of development, some special toys. For now, the main task for us is to give the child everything necessary for his health and safety. Surround with love and care. Usually young parents are reckless, but we are very responsible. I read blogs and specialized literature.

- Do you consult with your friends?

No, I only turn to doctors for advice. I trust the opinion of professionals. Even grandparents do not take the liberty - they ask me what is the right thing to do. Because I - this applies not only to the baby - am generally an excellent student in life. In some moments this is good, but sometimes it prevents me from relaxing, just letting go of the situation.

- Now the son will grow up and feel the pressure of his mother, an excellent student.

(Laughs) I hope that I will give him that inner freedom that I myself do not have. After all, being able to brawl is also very important. True, in moderation.

- Looking at your stage image of a vamp, it’s hard to imagine that there’s a good girl hiding behind it.

Like any woman, I want transformations. I’m lucky with my profession - if I want, I can do whatever I want on stage: be sexy, aggressive. What is not always decent in ordinary life, I allow myself on stage.

- Julia, you are the frontwoman in the group - you write music and lyrics, and perform solo. Do you have leader status?

After all, we are equal leaders with Val. He’s just a person who doesn’t like to stick out, prefers to be in the shadows and often says that if he had his way, he would generally be behind the scenes and not appear on stage. Publicity is difficult for him, he makes an effort on himself. He likes to create, but performing is sometimes difficult for him. And we persuade him, because Val is such a bright person, he does so much in the group that it’s a sin for him to be behind the scenes.

- How do you feel in a men's team?

Amazing! Very comfortable. They treat me with respect. And if on stage I can “turn on the coquette”, then in the team I try to be more of “their guy”, a friend for the guys. I strive to be treated as an equal and not make allowances for the fact that I am a girl.

- Do you prefer male or female company?

Definitely masculine! Perhaps it all comes from childhood, I was an excellent student, and boys usually don’t like people like that. They need girls who are approachable and frivolous. I wasn’t like that, now I’m catching up or something (smiles). I don’t like women’s squabbles, gossip, or discussions of outfits. In general, I am very calm about the topic: “What brand of shoes or lipstick do you wear?” This is not interesting to me - it’s more interesting to talk about strings.

I run Instagram and vlog. There's our backstage creative life: how we shot the video, how we went on tour, what rooms we live in, what we eat, what kind of bus we have, how we dress... And it’s all with humor. It seems to me that our listeners are interested in seeing behind-the-scenes life, which reveals us as ordinary people in love with creativity, music, creativity. Many people discover me and Val in a new way thanks to the vlog. We are so real there, we say in simple language. This makes us closer to our listeners.

- Is it like a movie about a movie?

Absolutely right. I personally find it interesting to watch my favorite artists. I am very inspired by films about musicians, the atmosphere they find themselves in when they tour or write albums in the studio. In general, it’s a dream when you have six months, you sit in the studio, don’t perform, and focus on the album, on creativity.

It’s good to create when you know that you have a financial “cushion” and you don’t need to organize “chess” in cities and villages to earn money. Can you afford to sit in the studio for six months?

Yes, we talked with Andrei Danilko. (We, the X Factor judges, generally talk a lot during breaks between the contestants’ performances). And he advised dividing your year into semesters, like in school. After each semester, give yourself the opportunity to replenish and be inspired, because working non-stop is very exhausting. Andrey is now just in the period of filling.