Khetagurova: address, faculties, rector, passing grades. North Ossetian State University (SOGU) named after K

North Ossetian State University named after K. L. Khetagurov
original name

North Ossetian State University named after K. L. Khetagurov

International name

North Ossetian State University

Year of foundation



Sozanov Valery Gavrilovich

The president

Magometov Akhurbek Alikhanovich

Postgraduate studies
The doctors
Legal address

North Ossetian State University named after K. L. Khetagurov- the largest higher education institution in North Ossetia.


North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurova was founded in 1920 under the name "Terek Institute of Public Education". This was a time when the situation with the education of the population was especially difficult on the national outskirts of Tsarist Russia, including North Ossetia. Here, for every hundred people there were 90 completely illiterate. And among the literate, tsarist statistics included those who could barely read or write.

The Great October Socialist Revolution liberated the working mountaineers, like all the peoples of our country, from social oppression and opened the way for them to education, science, culture and art. The Soviet government created a wide network of educational institutions and cultural and educational institutions in the national outskirts. In the first Terek Institute of Public Education in the entire North Caucasus, departments were opened: preschool, first-level schools, second-level schools, labor processes.

The institute offered short-term training courses for preschool and school workers. In the course of its further development, in accordance with the clarification of the structure, curricula and program, the institute was repeatedly renamed. In the 1921/22 academic year, the institute became known as the Gorsky Institute of Public Education, and in the next academic year - the Gorsky Practical Institute of Public Education.

Starting from the 1924/25 academic year, the institute received the name of the Mountain Pedagogical Institute and it was proposed to open linguistic national branches: Ossetian, Chechen-Ingush and Adyghe.

In the 1930/31 school year. year, in addition to Ossetian, departments of Checheno-Ingush and Dagestan language and literature were organized.

In August 1938, a large first-category institute with six faculties was formed - the North Ossetian Pedagogical Institute. The workers of North Ossetia asked the government of the RSFSR to name the institute after the revolutionary democrat, founder of Ossetian literature and the Ossetian literary language Kosta Levanovich Khetagurov. This request was granted.

On November 2, 1967, a Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR was issued on the organization of the North Ossetian State University on the basis of the North Ossetian Pedagogical Institute. On January 6, 1969, the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR decided to name North Ossetian State University after Kosta Levanovich Khetagurov and henceforth call it North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurova.

Currently, the university has 91 departments, employing more than 1,000 researchers and teachers, of which more than 600 people have academic degrees or titles, including 123 doctors of science.

About 12,000 students study at various specialties at the university. Every year the university graduates about 2,000 specialists.

Today, 215 graduate students are studying at the university in 39 postgraduate specialties.

During the existence of the North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurov, over 45 thousand specialists have been trained.

View of SOGU from the north, with Table Mountain in the background


  • Biological-technological
  • Geography and geoecology
  • Pre-university training
  • Journalism
  • Foreign languages
  • Arts
  • Historical
  • Mathematical
  • International relations
  • Ossetian philology
  • Pedagogical
  • Advanced training
  • Psychology
  • Russian philology
  • Social work
  • Management
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Physico-technical
  • Physical culture and sports
  • Chemical-technological
  • Economics
  • Management
  • Legal

Famous graduates

  • Akoev, Vladimir Petrovich - Honored coach of the USSR and SOASSR in weightlifting.
  • Bazaev, Dzhambulad Vasilievich - football player, player of FC Alania.
  • Bzarov, Ruslan Suleymanovich - Russian historian.
  • Vorobyov, Andrey Yurievich - Russian politician.
  • Ikaev, Robert Aleksandrovich - Honored coach of the RSFSR in weightlifting. Honorary Master of Sports of the USSR.
  • Kesaev, Stanislav Magometovich - First Deputy Chairman of the Parliament.
  • Fadzaev, Arsen Suleymanovich - Russian statesman and politician, two-time Olympic champion in wrestling.
  • Khabitsova, Larisa Batrbekovna - Chairman of the Parliament of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania.
  • Yanovsky, Igor Sergeevich - football player, ex-player of the Russian national team.


  • rector - Sozanov Valery Vladimirovich
  • President - Magometov Akhurbek Alikhanovich
  • first vice-rector - Bliev Alexander Petrovich
  • First Vice-Rector for Science and Development - Kambolov Tamerlan Taimurazovich
  • Vice-Rector for Scientific Work - Galazova Svetlana Sergeevna
  • Vice-Rector for Security - Alan Konstantinovich Kaloev
  • Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs - Raitsev Anatoly Vasilievich
  • Vice-Rector for International Relations - Uadati Alan Suleymanovich
  • Vice-Rector for Administrative and Economic Work - Tsopanov Marat Konstantinovich


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    See what "North Ossetian State University named after K. L. Khetagurov" is in other dictionaries:

    North Ossetian State University named after Kosta Levanovich Khetagurov is the largest higher educational institution in North Ossetia. The university was founded in 1920 as the Terek Institute of Public Education. Faculties of Biology ... ... Wikipedia

Named after Kosta Levanovich Khetagurov, the largest higher educational institution in North Ossetia. The university was founded in 1920 as the Terek Institute of Public Education. Currently, the university has 91 departments, in which... ... Wikipedia

In Vladikavkaz, many applicants, after graduating from school, go with documents to North Ossetian State University (SOGU). This is a significant and prestigious educational institution not only in the city, but throughout North Ossetia. Almost a century has passed since its opening.

Basic historical facts and modern period

The educational institution from which the modern North Ossetian State University grew appeared in 1920. It was called the Terek Institute of Public Education. Since its opening, teaching staff have been trained there. Students were trained in 4 small departments.

The university continues to function in the same status today. The educational institution plans to become In 2017, the necessary measures have already been taken, because a special competition was held by the Ministry of Education and Science. SOGU failed to become a winner and a supporting university. A new competition is planned for 2018. The university does not intend to give up its desired status, so SOSU will participate in the event.

Address and material and technical base

The legal address of SOGU is the city of Vladikavkaz, Vatutina, 44-46. All laboratories and lecture halls in the educational institution are in excellent condition. The most important thing is that all rooms are equipped with multimedia and computer equipment. It allows you to organize the educational process at a very high quality and modern level.

A very important role in the educational institution located on the street. Vatutina, the library is playing. Thanks to its existence, the educational process is fully provided with the necessary educational and educational literature. The library's collection contains more than 8 million different printed items, ranging from simple textbooks to periodicals.

Information about the rector of the educational institution

North Ossetian State University has developed thanks to people who have replaced each other as rector throughout the years of the university’s existence. Today this post at the university is occupied by Ogoev Alan Uruzmagovich. Once he was a simple student at this educational institution, and today the future of SOGU is in his hands.

Ogoev Alan Uruzmagovich became the rector of North Ossetian State University in 2016. In the short period of his work, positive changes have already occurred at the educational institution. First of all, it is worth noting that in 2018, from the start of the admission campaign, enrollment was announced for a new area of ​​training - “foreign regional studies”. As part of this educational program, it is planned to study Georgia and Azerbaijan, i.e., the university will train unique specialists in regional studies, who are not produced by any other Russian higher education institution.

Organizational structure

In the organizational structure of the classical university, which is located on the street. Vatutina, there are 18 faculties:

  • historical;
  • geography and geoecology;
  • physical and technical;
  • chemistry, biology and biotechnology;
  • mathematics and information technology;
  • economic;
  • business and management;
  • international relations;
  • legal;
  • foreign languages;
  • Ossetian philology;
  • Russian philology;
  • journalism;
  • psychological and pedagogical;
  • sociology and social work;
  • arts;
  • dentistry and pharmacy;
  • physical culture and sports.

Each structural unit implements its own list of training areas. For example, at the North Ossetian State University, the Faculty of Chemistry, Biology and Biotechnology trains students in “chemistry”, “commodity science”, “biology”, “food products from plant raw materials”, “food products from animal raw materials”, “pedagogical education” ( profile - chemistry, biology).

New specialties at the university

It is impossible to list all the areas of training and specialties at North Ossetian State University, since there are a lot of them implemented at the university. In general, we can say that SOGU provides training in 22 enlarged groups of specialties and areas of training.

Periodically, the educational institution changes and new educational programs appear. These processes indicate the development of the university, as well as the fact that SOSU is trying to produce in-demand specialists that the region and the whole country need. In 2017, North Ossetian State University named after. Khetagurova received a license in 5 undergraduate areas:

  • "foreign Regional Studies";
  • “Oriental and African studies”;
  • “advertising and public relations”;
  • "theology";
  • "design".

Inclusive education

Modern higher educational institutions today should be not only a socializing, but also a socially adapting link for people with disabilities. At North Ossetian State University, employees and management understand this and the importance of training people with health problems, because at the educational institution people not only receive education for further work. They make friends, develop themselves, enjoy their studies and their small achievements.

People with disabilities can enroll in SOGU. The educational buildings have handrails and ramps. The width of flights of stairs, landings, and doorways is sufficient. The organization has employees who can provide assistance to disabled people. The university also plans many events to develop inclusive education. For example, in 2020-2024. The university is going to replenish its library with specialized publications for the visually impaired.

Distance learning SOGU

The Internet has long been an integral part of the lives of many modern people. It is typically used for entertainment or communication purposes. However, educational services can still be provided using the Internet. Many educational organizations have realized this. Among them is North Ossetian State University.

Electronic educational resources have been created for distance learning at SOGU. It is planned to actively use the well-known Periscope application. It is designed for broadcasting in video format in real time. Using the application, the university intends to organize master classes for students, conduct open classes, broadcast seminars, conferences, and exhibitions. Additionally, social networks VKontakte and Facebook will be actively used. On these platforms you can conduct various surveys, discussions, and demonstrate photo and video reports.

A little about admission

School graduates can enter SOGU Vladikavkaz only with Unified State Examination results in those subjects that are established for each specialty. To apply to a university, you must score at least the minimum allowed number of points. For example, to apply for history in 2018, you need to provide the admissions committee with the following results:

  • in history - at least 34 points;
  • social studies - at least 42 points;
  • Russian language - at least 36 points.

Graduates of colleges and other higher institutions enter SOGU without Unified State Exam results. For them, entrance examinations in subjects established for specialties are conducted at the university according to specially developed programs.

Specialties with high passing scores

In the university's specialties, a fairly diverse competitive situation is observed every year. In some areas, passing scores at SOGU are high, in others they are low. In 2017, the highest figure was recorded:

  • on the “economy” being implemented (the profile of this direction is “world economy”) - 246 points;
  • “Jurisprudence” of the Faculty of Law - 235 points;
  • “Management” of the Faculty of Business and Management - 220 points.

All of these specialties are considered very popular and prestigious in the modern world. For this reason, they achieved a high passing score in 2017. In subsequent years, most likely, the competitive situation will be similar to these educational programs.

Specialties with low passing scores

There are also specialties at North Ossetian State University that are easy to enroll on a budget. In 2017, the lowest passing score was in “philology” in the “Ossetian language and literature” profile (Faculty of Ossetian Philology) - only 111 points.

The lowest score was in “mathematics” - 116 points. The training is carried out by the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Technology. The profile of the training area is “algebra, number theory, mathematical logic.” This educational program does not particularly attract applicants, since after graduation, graduates can engage in either research or teaching activities.

A low score was also observed in “Informatics and Computer Science” (Faculty of Mathematics and Information Technology). The indicator in 2017 was 127 points.

Why is it worth enrolling in SOGU?

Summarize. Why is it worth enrolling in North Ossetian State University? Firstly, this educational institution has existed for a long period of time. Over the years, we have accumulated vast experience in the field of training highly qualified specialists. Today SOGU is spoken of as the leading university of the republic.

Secondly, the university is active internationally. This is an important plus for students, because the work of an educational institution in this direction opens up new opportunities for students. Teachers regularly come from other countries with unique lecture courses. Also, students often undergo internships in large international companies, gain important knowledge in their specialty and improve their command of a foreign language.

Thirdly, the university has a very busy student life. For sports fans there are various sports sections (volleyball, basketball, etc.). Students are allowed to visit the swimming pool at the Dolphin sports and fitness complex for free. Various associations have been organized for creative individuals - a club for cheerful and resourceful people, a folk dance ensemble.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that more than 6 thousand people study at SOGU Vladikavkaz. Once upon a time, they were all applicants and they also had a difficult choice among educational institutions. Many of them focused their attention on North Ossetian State University for several reasons, including the availability of budget places, the availability of dormitories, the payment of scholarships of up to 20 thousand per month, the possibility of obtaining a double diploma while studying in the master's program "Oriental Studies".

About the university

North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurova was founded in 1920 under the name "Terek Institute of Public Education". This was a time when the situation with the education of the population was especially difficult on the national outskirts of Tsarist Russia, including North Ossetia. Here, for every hundred people there were 90 completely illiterate. And among the literate, tsarist statistics included those who could barely read or write.

The Great October Socialist Revolution liberated the working mountaineers, like all the peoples of our country, from social oppression and opened the way for them to education, science, culture and art. The Soviet government created a wide network of educational institutions and cultural and educational institutions in the national outskirts.

In the first Terek Institute of Public Education in the entire North Caucasus, departments were opened: preschool, first-level schools, second-level schools, labor processes.

The institute offered short-term training courses for preschool and school workers.

In the course of its further development, in accordance with the clarification of the structure, curricula and program, the institute was repeatedly renamed.

In the 1921/22 academic year, the institute became known as the Gorsky Institute of Public Education, and in the next academic year - the Gorsky Practical Institute of Public Education.

Starting from the 1924/25 academic year, the institute received the name of the Mountain Pedagogical Institute and it was proposed to open linguistic national branches: Ossetian, Chechen-Ingush and Adyghe.

In the 1930/31 school year. year, in addition to Ossetian, departments of Checheno-Ingush and Dagestan language and literature were organized.

In August 1938, a large first-category institute with six faculties was formed - the North Ossetian Pedagogical Institute.

The workers of North Ossetia asked the government of the RSFSR to name the institute after the revolutionary democrat, founder of Ossetian literature and the Ossetian literary language Kosta Levanovich Khetagurov. This request was granted.

On November 2, 1967, a Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR was issued on the organization of the North Ossetian State University on the basis of the North Ossetian Pedagogical Institute. On January 6, 1969, the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR decided to name North Ossetian State University after Kosta Levanovich Khetagurov and henceforth call it North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurova.

During the existence of the North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurov, over 45 thousand specialists have been trained.